pte had oo 2¢--Automobites For Sate Situated 10 miles north ' Meat Packing Business REAL ESTATE LTD, Asking $5,900. Terms -or- USED CARS LTD, 2P--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate Por Sate |27---Real Estate Por Sele Jones AVENUE wopadreom brick PORT PERRY, lerge Woh |SPLIT LEVEL, ol) three Dedreama have) LOOKING corormerciel sitet 18? CHEVROLET convertinie VB retin ye Somivm ae tt * on vey ot Lake. Qatari, inte)! Nave at os pase JOHN AJ Tos perfect ae Goma, et, Gord ication, Less for cask, soap Gasteieh, seven Large rg epints gy: BRg ae Lpernsnne Sl rest nal Mwat be geen, A oey 1 Fieve Street Tetepnane PPS ful Daserrent with ott Airnace, bypbgie ® pate, a and screens, the en) w £ orvein sore 2 War AUSTIN. Ready pee Soars dowastiars, myst sel, SO oF vty Jon, Gaty 912.900, wh goed) ARETOA AHR rons) x ~ Sortie, Site, MOET. let at Tt Poplar Sireet, close toietter, Anny T Union Avenue, __ eet ree a Sek a i Sty) pawn SiS or Rese Wien Schom), Podiic ant Camo, NWA SRAVATE SALE -- Sicroam Bongelee NEW Steam Byresione s avaTlebIe VAN Brice gy Pha gh Mllag srons REALTORS LTD Sen 'tabater cree a hee approved. Fail price S050. Dat PERSE Cy reereation, ream saphal| NMA Francine, Lew Goon i R alert eres ef MAAR after 7 am Srvewny. cae te srenwng Bale. ABPy/ ONG Gone? Ren woe es SA. ete ™ Ro pata ge i a GEWTRAL Fark Sah "neat Ring, she] 2 Gienvale Avenee, biodsonl | INSURANCE moamer vonastery, Very. goed conetien a Ra ne RE AT Sear eee Sere) _TS7SIMCOEST.S. [tr GRANT RRR Ta wa rear, reewanatiy orkeed Teienren® co Temgnane TEhI0e j SCENIC LOT joes furnace, named recreation Teom : , [ant waahers, Dial 7270, ey "Fe . We t 7 F IT TREES haved i pase anes Nery | ORFICE HRS. (9 A.M, to 9 PMD Hist VOLKSWAGEN, Tedin" geod eanah. deren oc Sake eter, Die atest i pen fyrevehavt, Ne reasnate bg Te a SERS SSS OO Oe WOR Nae ES orem) MORTGAGES St ae oe =e NMA Dial Ae an Lee ny -- = ere ee ee ew ee) OFF MARY ST. [rat re ARRANGED, BOUGHT '& [ka ghevactet nme marty, Cal Al Sorvey Reel = . Diack, red bm. Rewer steering, Orekes, COMMUTER'S Te kan Satene Brexers' 2aaeeR, ever! With @ ranch bungalow with SOLD peg ge eg Bt ne et : Seer inc teaoees Wid CHEVROLET Wee fon stoke frock, pny = Bede Rooted yo RETIRING? fo eli By DEPENDABLE 'srs Shoe te | Brice includes extra tet fer This smell bungalow in the 8 PONTIAC Le et peane cont! prome TUNER. : SPECIAL ' Al TENTION | Niwe balers, Gare northwest Gree maene ¢ ISS A PE Arr e "genn or Rent efter, Diet FIRING, We woe Talaire, hergian Beak wah | $13,800, $3600 down, Hurry mounicnum of expenditure | Sadia, WH FORD conve USED Tein Wi Deck apeeker, tow | Dat Oa Me aS. wokeen pha comfort gad wet | Sag Se Se aes ee Sn Se RS Sea ee aS Tai FORE Toe iinet | CO | ee eoorarence, marn SINT LE oe ee oom UNL pase oa WFAN roar eres ~-- Brick house i ving. one bedroom, IE wensncenttiab tinted eid iomsctlbehactairi iui cemen ene Seal Wee NGC i ei turnece, aluminum siding, CARS a | W. T_LAMSON See ee ee TILDEN © | KELLY DISNEY ig row are radi, 820, Totnes of Brooklin on the Reach Rood just 2 miles west of Highway 12, an ex tremely. attractive 80 acre form cl! workable, excellent modernized brick house with ail com veniences except furnece in nicely treed setting Good bern and implement shed. $5,000 down w nondie Fy Price $19 200 JOHN M. BAIRD | 728.9810 43 Reo! Estate Broker TELERRONE Maorkhom 294.1431 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD 177 RCH Cc Pal BOWMANS Weary scenic onttien, © ony 34 $4000 00 ---- terms. 30 Acres whh Sou and Yerge berm reed. reer Br. makition, Orig $9 BVO.00 $2.30 dow Fully Equipped + Only 1 hours drive from Oshawa. Excellent potential for right party | Asking $5.000 down with reasonable terms To inspect phone BILL MILLAR 725-1186 @ S, SNELGROVE & " REALTORS 725-876! Park Ra $1,400 DOWN wet few yeom old OP, s Dedronms, SK Ser pea oth wel cored * wy Cleon, lame chen, tied bath « fenced word. $12.40 Ue ed m Whitty N.HLA. RE & swore brick bk ol the extras ietcher th exhoust Bw AO, bedroera ond 4 2 bath WA Sat peur worme oad screens rower, lorkcaped ond fered word, Aol AskKiM@ DK $72,700, wah $2.4 QO dow 1A eA ER --. $10,000 FULL PRICE & mor 2 wow eens ath ottoohec Wry es inh z mice Gea ket, pen to Ser OF mae er SUMMER HOME Galy $2,500 doe for the Nemaed 3 peur PEO i noher, 10 ACRES = GOete Deemes Hooke a peved mood Aat seth of Bowmore te, aacinge $4. 800 with $3,000. gow Smeig Co Reottors 723-9810 or 725-876! TKe itd. LOTS Kong Servet Weet ond Stevenson's Re Su tadie % ame 3 4 SOPH GT Sup eves Priced from $2500 to $3500 CASH OR TERNG + CALL MR. CRUIKSHANKS 728 728-5205 or 728-5123 YD REALTY BE®) Rake fOSHAWA) LTD : SCHOFIELD - AKER LQITA TION + a AAO. «=aehes Nar Sng Comermeer fe chalks bes aeewe oat shomoing. Trorliert bux cr ew « wth Fol pre $10. 902 BRAND NEW > mer? 22 ow aa STAR Soren oF ott wee Pode TMS BEAUTY won ee Sra & SNF PeeTe Bea wee. Fee Saerne AowTore temeoteet Enea se raat FIR rome: RIS Wyeraaos Fe Se Te SA ~ Trace s ar au cae aa = =e Peres WH os WAR DR, TARRY Seetess, Ne aoe Poo "arg, Freres arc ¢ TRIN OEE YA COR De Reechorre exterer Ta ryes s hs oan Restor hea c foe Raney caw op (OMOES wee gris COMeTTan ST coer ac: These ore 3 and 4 decree Beye egy lt te proud % Pee &. Col wm > Tee tear. whe elt Tha Pore 2 WER Takay > PRPS creck: ---- Perare emt Free witht Qoee & He alt Te @ xO pe Sra" Sao YORE? @ tam 2 Re @e caweged tS smear at TS THINS GRA em |creer. SOD BAW! Wow Der? apt wouree? geet Col TDSDaR' epeh id pon F te ® Set. Feed REG ARTR et 22k MARGARTT HALL TDRSS STENT MACKD 7DRSESR SEB Sas awe Paige eae DD --e am, te wie a mE Sra, Win 2 on ee ae eo a eee, ad - Beien Ward. Sows Were Raian WS WATAe ---- Ie ee Sa si amet te ---- won. TRASH ever. TRDREDEDDW ager We ner lh apPA RUT em, eee rege me, & Oeire Sra Soh Gel ge Pam LE MAP ewe 'St? SKE" & oe & eet Se eee Sit We Se Ae ed von Tk ome TRIS WARTVE Som Set oom, ret Bl ote coe Ete eee ea Toe ST : 6? KING ST. EAST ; > galt |HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 728-1679 BEST VALUE YET Located neor Boys Cid ond chee x alt schools, 3 lorge bedheo ioretes 8 x 4 wing room 16 & rec oom 24 & q Boxivent! dreQnate ha ty QREROSP ONG Qomietely Br ket, with high hedee Om fenced O@9 © Qatenmause $2,000.00 gown one $83.00 per month ha 8 o well bul? home ong & we worth your Time % KOK R wer, Le we Goodfellow, 723.7335 an ¢ om x awe t extres ond 900. Quner Porste Lad Cut ore gage ggg CORNER 11S R wah nove and Poe wey OM Nowa. Priced to ae! Sienave > COMMERCIAL. -- King S& West neor ine Cente, > ree, 3 Prete. w+ Bi me it size of GO x 190. igeci Reetiom for ory Kind of dus: mens. Most de avid $ S coom Seach turgoioe wh Teingew WMQ TAI wagers Kacher, 3 dedrowws. Fal > pienn BR on oreo. Lomttaped int <> Tees a THOM? yard. MA OME aehaais Tae *D SNWOOE ST. NORTH ---- Lm wD Gore je Gus hy TOK RerQsoe. HPepese Bowe From, wesae oteched SOA PP Slacme qutoere- tit Goo, Spetizes well em POM Lwimg wore wh some, SP WT SePorete «Fim -- ktchen ett pirrene widow ond steric waw, 4 oe. Died vemity both. stom. Foot gerertua sized decors. The houne comes TOP with Drage, wr Sew oe sleeera. PMENTANES wit 150 * oemage x R ak 27% ACRES of xecer lead om Meer saath " ail! prize $9,838. Ss ler = MOMAE AND NCONME om RA wn RE, IN 3 20m, die SSOWw with J Sewovema, iwing raorM, ond kAcher fer owne: HWS errsrce % 3 ror eaerert operat with wane Seth whieh verm fer 373 pe moth, Anaced QWrage ort wide peved drive 7 ROOM INCOME KONE 2 &tohera 2 hotiecerra tre PMN =~ 42" CR serne cio %2 aches! ong meraperetien, Vere w TRE DOCK See Sher worgage with geod terms, Fell pree $22.38 & BEDROOM HOME -- Hp mow REN with 2 aeee Trepiees, ge et. wor qe @ goed seed ke. Ower & ore > sell leepect We Pee hore Tek ROW DOWN fee Ha 3 yeor vit 3 sear aurgoiow om @ goad sheet end fore &> ex. eplgent come, SUBDIVGION LAND -- Ee. she ot Merteorth >. 46 oom Shek Lote pum @ hee siden | Tha itwely coem Geer F cm. @ F arn Per Soll peticden <a P2BIA® Rey Fires Sear. Peacock ene Brow ad) Corser reve Doe «| _ Sreve Eogiet Tk Young wees Proceck Tame Sitek Leen Nem GUIDE REALTY UMITED wa, 78 soe Th. § | ; NN i te EN NN Ren KEITH PETERS: REALTOR TARTS 103 KING ST. EAST $12,800 -- Excelient schoo! ere new seperete school toxes only $296.00. Ths clev brick Home ie only 8 yeors gid ond eary to heat, wo economy. iapect ond make an offer by collirg Earle Al ten 725-7782 HMormony Vilage offers wen ell these feotures, Pha Ore ee Sewn ha pons streets «6 oh set gag s. Frome © mae k Swans gocded, plas dee mS Rut dest of off bere G ¢ chonce to get . mt od veut oresent home on oc good sound trode. Here 5 wie? we hove to offer, Ronch durgokes (WIT... atteche qoreae, 2 storey 4 bedroor heres. sot keel Qh horres OF tGvine RMS. KagQ lor 4 beGroom wh ranch bumgeoiows wert aaerhevnts ATHPERQ > -- mart. Good brick Mandy te schools, 7 PROMO onto a c ez Roe Waerek ¢€ ibe SeSS NEW 4 BEDROOM drick ond wore beets, < Died darth vores, colwed Sie ofe -- Lachen, Manon ot one + sd 300 No coh P2S-S20? NOOME GPPORTL compleve eapercte sport roants. with bewvoorn ond ore, Sore eerorce TINSAT HH D OQPRTNROT IS! ge SIBPOADW -- vers. 72S ab NITY ™ "MET CALF Rear Exar Lin 40 KING ST = DIAL 728-467) > PARADE OF HOMES GREENWOOD HEIGHTS Whe doerer perting? J DON TAH DrO& GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS Newest ately sion he Cry SOROS GAA SENIORS axtacert --- Now nnced fer 3,793.09] vor select hewren MSHA gees. Poi rar pew Dore grt Choose Ua ws TM ye Deore AMS Horm ager BELLA VISTA GARDENS 2 ~ ers PDT RPIAyY -- Te SD Ee wakes TorETraCTOR ee Started oa a Oder youn bolt sow am Te ke wear Cece Pozen tore $24,795.00 m Wa TIM am DOWNS VIEW PARK tet ster he eal twit yor hey Fore Toe > THR Yee TpPowwe® cheiwbe ows Pyvnergete and fest im gat Same NaPewss wih of ne* aoe ES Park BUILDING LOTS Range ke > Eee end Reo Tom -- SY" Grewwage de 124 ay) geeoioes pad. Vero loege at --. Sincere Sh. Noth ----- ABO" x SV' deep -- $3330. > Gaariry 12 acre tors Gee, Aves 3es00 3b wh COMMERCIAL - PNDUSTRIAL Large ke -- few! Yor JP PREP HATUMAD, e Wrore DassPg@® set ap -- tole wor ed Yor off top @ tus ws. 318 trormege of, Rare an ave. with Gime 'weston Age en, Simowe Sh. Nowth Gali sedne fer tel) terme aw SAUST BE SOLD 3 deireewr, Fetch caret hore aie --~ wewly ceoret with jl ianthocpre fore oH age Aman PHT] Di town Yer 34 us pres will Dor fh EN FE | ranged. Call Mr, Ronkine ot 725-6344 ROSSLAND RD. WEST Five room frome bungotow, with tree dSedroom', mo- dem Lichen, extra lenge hot over 600° deen, good gorden with fruit trees. Don't miss this, asking only $8,900 wth in PAyTNent Bowen Phone Nir, Rerclitie et 723- 6544 INCOME HOME + Tis capex & ey NORTH WEST ADave KOON NON New t ve Stone fire. -- +o. % OF ving apace pha 2 ome. Ask & mer fort wp Oto Ne QDAHE xe. 4 HM. Corornc over CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723-1133 SACRIFICE SALE " SWOT ae et Asking 48 Orly 2s wah $3. 300.0 * ¥ Uv Loooted Den'? Wes en JASMINE CR Cater det Five ba anal pir ype procoie! wim ona ze amd ped gre Hs mr ee aa one atetuilty decorated with IRA @xtoan Pil hwond MAOMET SM aad ace, SP Le * Tee . S24 » 3? OBO AM yas Newier 2 8 2 om ~~ BVBS OPEN EVENINGS 29d 5ST WEST Tentage Dolng ee im al we FHwRE VD |e 2th Sr Sh en Jae Fe Oh SN Preerres sai Tree: DAA MGS ~ Quer 2 au! BS--automadies For Sale Ral en WN wait i ey rae Bigs Sah Bem TR Re = owe PMU WIT ate sahone TW Aah bined TRA, hie wa hos. Dest oie qwer Be. Gey 2! iat rte, 7, wh hte WH Bees a = ee aoa <x 7 196) FORD AGLIA a ety SN sigma s Mans PRR] GP Per Telemhone 728.2 2315 PAIRS ALL My WAKES OF CARS SRE HOLIDAY SPECIALS ive V OLVO Now Dy al on Sole at IAKE & BILL GARAGE ivi CAR AND TRUCK | RENTALS tAll Makes ond Models) CALL 625-6383 ; 14 Albert S: ; Tore Ata, HO 16364 j Nels Hyland 1750 Donferth Avenue BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 60? RING ST OSHAWA st East of Witsan Road) 723-4494 Res, 75.5574 Seaway 1200 Dundes Street WHITBY --~ 668-589) Cars bought ond sold Liens pold off Trade up or down 1961 Chrysler NEW YORKER 4 door sedon, Gne oaner _Abways Top Quality Good Clean Late Model Cars HARLEY MOTOR SALES BOWMANVRLLE SYD McAFEE 728-7436 or 623290) SPOT CASH PAID FOR Geed clean cors, Trede up or down, Liens pold off. DODD MOTOR SALES 324 PARK RO. SOUTH 723-942) Motors LIMITED 200 DUNDAS STREET WEST WHITBY TELEPHONE 668-5893 Your Authorized Dealer For FORD'S FAMILY OF FINE pRODUCTS | ' VACA ek 1962 Pontiac Parisienne 2 gamer horctor snapew V-8 eapmre wh OK ae wo tone finish, apctiess monch ~~ Reduced to $2795 PON 1962 Corvair Sports Coupe ~~ wir ba al Phere noe "oe PROPS iS wh SGN ond sade A weer Detaity -- @uce m wad te $2295 1960 Thunderbird Hardtop Finkhet: @ oe tare bee Rally eoeinped Reduced to $2795 1958 Chevrolet IMPALA CONVERTIBLE Femches am Note C7meM wire whe > eqeinped with rae $1195 1956 Cadillec TWO POOR HARDTOF * NPRM PRD HEE qQuinnet actomeble ™ A.) raha $995 i957 Meteor Niagera PQ. Pes 905 $995 Mam Meme oconoroal Qual A Fall Line of § TAS Demons Saaty Qucrarheed], ot gras TION IALS 1959 Meteor 2 DOOR SEDAN od e Camnpietely refinehed eeinpedt with eqoremice: SVU Naer Pretor Reduced to $1195 1958 Oldsmobile 2 DOOR HARDTOP Metolic grey. Gornpietely ee codterrs ty as Pully eo. 2 Reduced to $895 1959 Dodge Mayfair oor hontap V-8 enome DUMOHMNA MOMENTO ToD TNS COvtimente «ht Reduced to $1095 1960 Zephyr 4 DOOR § 1h DRONAD Wo Fore ved arc white, Equinped with radio. Reduced to $995 1959 Pontiac PARISIENNE & geer ---- \8 engi DUTINANe amen, veic Ths opel wade & wm A.) $1,595 1961 Ford Fairlane 500 * cher eeGee, Soaked & Carmthign white, equipped with VS angie, automatic RSTO, Tahoe, Qe mie <>, Gre Gweer cor > Fest CGS CReNeD ty Cons to Choose From cM mireoge STTSITOTS Sth TAducad prices } neaamaaA eA '| BOWMANVILLE | ; | Ge % block finish, im- condition. Fully 1959 Plymouth SAVOY, 6 CYLINDER 4 door seden, redo, new Point, New moter. 1958 Plymouth BELVEDERE 4 door sedon, rod, auto matic. New two tone brown ond white point, One owner 1958 Buick 4 DOOR SEDAN Automatic, radio, Twe tone brewer ond white 1956 Plymout SAVOY V-8 Sek BVP, Two dow 1956 Ford 8 CYLINDER Shek BR, Teo Goer, Good cleon cer, Inquire obout cur HORT, GES IF, oar, aa Qos coMsion, Telephone ats . Sepeerence, Whew te ws, el) SU, Torpnane 720208. WE BUCK Karson, by Sm sana Ce ater dey, Divi | Wal AUSTIN AS, Rordeor caer, Bice, oe Pym Doge And Veliont Demonstrators PALMER MOTOR SALES 20 KING ST. E. 623-5487 | ; ; | : / ; ; | | ' YOUR VACATION CAR iS AT Roy W. Nichols K.O. USED CAR LOTS COURTICE BOWMANVILLE 1962 Chevrolet 1959 Channels Bacayne, Sader, £ cinder Sewers. A Der cr Throat colar toRD! with deme TH 1957 Chevrolet Q & chee Sor Born omrav syle: 1957 Volkswagen Bee eet = 1956 Chevrolet » in exosliont aan wager tex 'Het Compete meter oh 1955 Chevrolet SEDAN AS IS $295. Seaway Motors poe ache XS $95 UNITED WHITBY - ~ ATS 668- 5893 Roy W. Nichols GUARANTEED USED CARS COURTICE 'camattion aad h Apply 7 Sona SALES ond SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR ond ROBSON MOTORS LTD. 166 KING EAST Bowmanville, 623-3396 HOLIDAY CLEARANCE SALE 1962 CHEVROLET SEL AIR SEDAN Sia cylindies, storderd trane mmission origina! 5248 mien Previna owners nome on request 1962 CORVAIR FOO SERIES 2 aoe GCeeme Bip 102 Ae emome her speed 'orem sem (ousten «vod, white wo! tes, A loool one-cwwner ved trim, V-8 engine, cute mratt, power steering ond beokes, custorn radio and @ test of other smolier extras, very kw mileage 1961 PONTIAC STRATO ONIEF Four doer seen, cutomeats SALI NSSIOR, Gusto, voce, excellent Tres, 196] PONTIAC YAAPALA Twe deor herder sk olin Ger, qutorsc white wih custom ed tim, SpONess condition. 1960 PONTIAC 1960 PONTIAC STRATO.OCHIEF Sar Geer sedan, oally owe: we sme ne, Tle od white woll tres, excelent Toeitee: 1959 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTISLE Agromenc, Ted, white wal, Romar ved ® col, excelent CVNdiHon 1959 CHEVROLET PMIPALA er Goer bees, V3, autor, Dower Steering a 4Drokes, Custer, redo. podied Gash, ecole owned Sthoe Rew. fasthet! a Cannes frown and heige SO Other Chaice Uses Gore AG Mokes ond Maxie' Pern whi ~lcPooe NO DOWN PAYNE To Reenersibie Purchoses Law Bown Poorernts on S.N.AC, Tere Paovmert Pian 3 Courteous $ Fo Seve Yoo Rar Lathongue Stu Man Phity Der Armstrong. Som Monager Chintnurd on Page 2 -