Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Jul 1963, p. 10

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10 ' Tue GeHAWA TIMES, Tueedey, duly 23, 1063 td | Sonny Liston Does It Again In First Round Ry BOR MYRRS Sonny didn't blink an eye, LAS VEGAS. Nev. (AP spesentiy Flavd: was down Sonny (The Big Bear) Listay 888!" annihilated Floyd Patterson for was wp al four, again the second time in ane explosive SOtuns the benefit of the eight round and cleared the way for Count a big money title fight Witt PND POR FLOYD gabby Cassius Clay in Septem: "pron came the finish as Sonny ber elased in with punches again to "Phis giant of a man, at 25%, the body, and a right and a left 21 pounds heavier than the eX. hook to the chia champion, bombed Patierson © Ployd finned over flat on his the deck three times Monday back, He rolled over and strum night en route to the Kneckoul cied to ane knee at eight, Ref: in two minutes 10 seconds eree Harry Kraus continued Thirty-yearold Sonny missed... abt assiah a . . the final two counts and {ke QM AWA DRIVERSSs fath: with "Mr, Parbes Key" (Na, Celia' (No, @) with Wm. Rowe close third the course record over Floyd OY ining was over . four secands--two minutes siX "Por an instant it appeared emandsan combine, finished 4) on the inside, winning the handling the reins, was a ~Fhoio by Michael Ruras, Mh race, a lmile trot event, seconds at Chicage last Septem neither fighter Was sure it had one-two in the last race of last x hie " ; ber been terminated, and Sonny, night's wd ak Wavente's in 2.004, Gord Kingston of Rut, to the surprise of MARY, moved toward Patterson again. sare 8 rere Oshawa was the driver, Just | Patterson announced afler the prance jum ped between to Greenweed Raceway Tre Beaten by a head was "Count GREENWOOD RACE RESULTS fight that the will not retire, make sure it was ove above picture shews the nip: Yates" (Ne. 3), driven by SOR that he wants to fight Rimsell Cigy was silting at . ae andiuck threeherse finish, Rev pprinectng white *Van's , back into the title picture -- and pur aid nat Pear, SUNPriVng nae New anna Pg ~-- een be 6 ua boo ewe meet Liston a third time enough, in the dressing ream " WILL TRY AGAIN since tuhy \. Clabning all Sh. Parse Pool 24.022 A crowd of 7.816 paid $284,180 interviews following the affair Be @ 1a the ? SLemac Feagan 3.08 3.8 2 . to see the fast Anish iM the He got a laugh--and a cold & Chum Hanever, Filion 4n3 suraen ane Bays ne w ww Convention Centre, plus a WIGE stare fram Liston--when he Was SGiena Lee, Qewser $ se TR. @ audience View t through & ushered ir 1 fare tb Cindy Fas' A-Dean herbert, Hereerk 3 dience vie ushered inte the ring before t hawa Horse Fails In Abe: Buermine, vigioria Ven MN Aen Bary won aaa 2823 CPANOEG CAPO match started jmcotiie, Sar NR and Gayoak ae See Liston got the boos when Re He shook hands with Patter Pool TRA Dally Dowdle Peat 24 * quiwecca Tier an" Rot : : entered the ring, Patterson the son started acrass the ring 1 SECOND RACE -- 1 An pace, crear, ERY POF OG ee , : cheers as sympathenc Uh ward 1 lasten carner, By j or or 's ecor oe Ona Ve, Werceinars OF SLR Ph al aces tet" pn TP ip iene 4 DOWN AND OUT! Heavy. canvas for the third and last Werld's Champion Sonay Lis: 'derdag, Which prompied SoMay after ane step stamped, threw we Puree Ste, a : WAS, aad AN Key Witt . ton retained his crown 2 2 Ms POSt Tigat remarks Wyup both hands as \ rORQANTO ershing The first mile, after the laird sAenaoe NOM. mee eniey 23% venert en é -- > » hase <a } . e ' Pxare Rs ' ' terson is headed for a full: seconds of the first round, ia ba ol peg Wot "uted ey The suhiie ds oak ls Us a na swaned bei wl gud phe op, ieivst a wostenping § race, wert without incident as *?* yo Row sia cae Pat vee Quirea Pood VAR pants landing, going to ¢ ast night's title bout, as! ' AP cat A Ae oly el) have 10 Clay pa gat NOES, ANG ENC VOANMA KGINE and a standin nder pr horse cmobined beaw Ame: Lyere dovaaion, DaMnen Ko SEVENTH RACE -- 1) Mie Teoh & : . ( ephote) | u ay group of managers from partner made their bid fer a tifully, At the end of the qis. Sem) Bande Leap, We KG Ont Leth ear oig ang ua Nomoeinnere since dehy ¢ swing along watl somebody Lovicville, have been negotiat A ree : enwoad tance the time was 2:14 just wey" ae ames ta beat me." sz far a fight date af Sept. Raceway ks ' , s potienefifth aff the recard estab I feel that araced MW at Philadelphia has been set ' don shed by Rhodes Conkiin, iast Tee Race aysel, Rui | q can do F tte " y 3 he hald " al nA a wR New ~ ce 2 w e a ibaa aa ' N hh ae eaet ig rae 8 Mac ' ' sce Clarins 8 x "s Chere os and 4 t@ HSAt MY tremendeus money acti ead by the Re table. ¢ in Haves was confident his black sy " % Senne Meas Gem treme tele way hack arn a ~ e { ove ¢ Y ca NAAAETS . < hing rab r was geing te have lithe enapew Gatton, Gene WM 4B DW Borer ret George Parnassus Aileen hich bit - Pte c With the trot, dat he SBimes Chet Can. Jarearn 632 Poo Man by ' She ©... W Core ™ e ' Lastar ' & step back' Raton of Las Angeles announced ead. horse : ander aX An at hr DACIRE ' ' . BiQnTR RACE Nile Pace. Syear . ten ward--he even Ww meet with Jack Nien. s . A " mys by When be fealty ae * ee us leak Gee ck Wena a es OR acea through the Star stor epineins i a . nage ah % wai he sheds sain Becky Caasd. Highs g x Dut Bah PAare Pan BARNA Be PRR Berne a . sil an i eug tea's principal advise ar alin missed eq e13 ' m he couldn't sustain ora ® rola A 3 a Wd » 2% 29 2 weight challenger Fleyd Pat. time, at twe minutes and 18 passidle Liston-Clay fight in the) warid's recand ve ' Peo A P Ridge Danny, Macrae are ¢ ¢ Les Angeles Memorial Caliseam ta The way he was pacing Sieh Mem, MeNeR saw taals r "t ? nd. ¢ Pct ficia lerr vazett af, S eed aa c mt Papat es wit te POVRTR BRACE Nile pace, & BReseleewn Box. Lookvard Ae ae at nis nehaair t raals Pete nad Rove Reet : next February, Paraasus pre came hac after t th race, SROW We could Rave Broker ihe Bana and WA Neeeinnern of SAO Tiree Ri. OF af BM EDT her ¢ chad ) The "oy < 4 dicted a gate of SS we MAlive . " ci recarad Sor a pacer "GOT a. YOGA Claweiea af SEER Perse RR Ame «Rename Sex. olin C ae seme * n RS MaTKCe ™ N nae raw a asad . iy . addie." Hay a "bot ; are ) Len Mats Bom, and Saperer Si aight jab ' - se . : at Ss ayes said, "hy : wa Chil-ithe last feu ~ - PERIOL : gp botany . Nila ¥ IAS » : ails . oe . Lynden, Ame, Wielste: i a ee ' AMM" : : a mat \ he 3 th ai » 2 MP al, WE WAAL {9 PU BA Lgaw Pee. Rercean 7 n Ras Rew Wor BK siraight . recatad beak #f ee ae lien : area 3 shvinabe heres malar CRAMP as NINTR RACE Ae Tre. eye and scared 35 Kaackout TRIE ATO . Fae si P Ama: DA--Prince Adam, OH-Am & ca WA Weenees of mere an SRR his M bouts. His aniy less wae 2 hy ; =" . pebabatl & Diveck, Sage Valley, and F's Hat ber Sat crave Pree MAM hw PRE Pores bac a 19354 in an eizht : : - » OTe embarrassed than O--Dead Heed Sr er Vw . we . - ba mie aang % at Pon BBWS +r. Foes Kew, @ Kian £43. 200 fand and Dave He er when he lest a decision a was t@ ha "er Caw Yates, & Kingsten 4242 ig : = oe ; 4 n got a broken jaw, from an . . ag? aA Make : ba ' " a y SNans Coe, Rew iY we-neaal ne eners : . : ee stale i ato D bisie ties xs ser seu dicks aaron _~ Teme 2M 45 OF a WD? EDF s were sh b . ' hy titative . sdsoure Man named Marty Ma . ' an , niPerse $98 Aue. Inbaale RB. Redebents, Wee : Dwist Dp ; ' m4 , a 3 lade Seokheay, ard Ohewa Den Stinsen and Dave Louch. ® O& Treen anes : ara, the ¢ , s ' ' ara' n vag : es : . at . sat iia meee ane game advantage. Louch also added five assists 2 Mi Sa . G PSTSMAS bi thea wear Ochawal WMCA Fives Aim St tent had bombed Mimica Mountic Se, cr Sarees ny ee Scat Dew Ta Sn ewes in he bata heh "Nn Mead Ne ene Seas a ee Atlanta Veteran > > 2 - Stent naa Pave mem. & ' 3 avd s . ate ave roals ey Mout and Dav la on ' 'att . : ee maroe Friday mearm The Gaels have a chance to were thelr other shooters Gu ha , ered a a ei ae Rasa Wn secontgtece Guat] ester F. .6 Rants ot OS Se ' mae "ah hee SANIOHES And Fg Hke te Rave Nat 'ox : | N itter Jock tonight awa selected Ken Thompson, |< 8 aN SPS ; we oO- ight ne ihe ng Aoct DMPSIAA, oe P . 4 2 the Efi" iret sees (SS SSS SPORTS MENU pa ple Tn other J , t the game's p three Stars". 8G. Tow 5 eR m2 octet ten SS from Der expenence pe 2 was eveaing, Guelph damped Ls CATHARINES ATRLET = eee . : A " Perch . © make anather at ains oron ° Branch Casteies 13 aan Wee oe dey - By Geo. H. Campbell a" ot Malena, A Cake Oke on Only goaltender Mervin Mar Hallett, Graham, Faved), 3° Y ' $ iy? 7 pind Ait yea p d "ae horse is ante a horse = oo with defenceman Cheevers: forwards: Oonradi. i Gaeee: we. on ~*~ SPORTS EDITOR . . By aie x oe me beak States that By THE ASHOCRATED PRES ied _-- agen a cee am "Butch" Brady and Bord, Thorne, Allan Stoat, Ha. 2' as " attaans, by Haye Pershing's First 3 :k RAAT, WHO War the MUA gawe Grav, tailed to rar Phelan and lan 4 o a ' . + sAYeS : r 3 a ba NP aR ON gy, ee ha oat ee * * ms > : ir hast 33 starts im break ae ten. tensieed vacte TAMAS Gane Calis ee he ee > Everything From Soup To Nuts' x . Me en ao eee oR ee Our ee TROMPSON ANP DAVIS goal, Marshall: defen : attomn ; ' . 1 AS Kenny Thomapsan sparked the vies. Rrage Sr Hinkson aad - ad hénedtein "Gaels" offensive thrast, scor. ferwards , an --s au - "we ce ; SONNY LISTON jis now described as "a terrify ath Palbes Beast Be teas ' CRATY ARMAN PATCS IORea ia: de eae te On Tene . bi y tiny ag Ml 2 : ma -_ and nobody disagrees (with the passible exc ion of Cassias Bi , ti Rey BAN © Lew ne 2 i. ¥ o lasts A) Pehaaick dramaed tp amiper, Johany Davisllreland and Tran aoe 2S. 5 : : Clay) and certainly act Flerd Pattersen, Last igh 3 world's sundaes li mh sai say mint NS feeTth agAlAst SR Wins : vrweght tlle affair (@ weeld be blasphemy te oa 2 nee seed ait, a qodester Meved 2 WRIA will go down I the Bonks as anether daning fare F Dare & Raked Buta OR SERS m avi seven-Up Shopsy's 2)25=:222535 CALENDAR ee ss See Ackley picked wa Wa man a F ' RpMatx TOAAY song eat when Rarey SAPTRA LAS VEGAS (AP --Pacts J pie ' , C2 a & im the second Ngo im @ > 2a LMARRAMATS res af Mrontay's Seaar F cS ees errs Win Loose ussl »% . Q ar i POMS » QASA Attendance 2.816 er ws beininiea c mm etiect eee hew neh it e rm ek me bette 2 ax Ckeane Gren Kare---Fash_ 1.80 Awe Se x wa Ratae paluad : a Net Gate (eativnated)--S00? NOR at : . md WAR Bas Spd Oshawa Torx : moved : =_-- am r Dy»: ~~ x - _ ~2 ¢ a ' nid ~ ™ & Smapey Payer >i . ba aba dande . Livvea's Share (catinaic'd)-- the care stares 22 . x = eee noe AEs Tact ~ . . WSR Rrache< ast a SPORT BARTS shawa ees : Pateoreas Nakare (e\emated) amr me " . peatinaer ta att : , raat ss : , RANERA oh mt Aew TONIGRT ; 8 eee Welter Champion Te Defent Tithe In Naty 3 . Bs | > 2 end oe AN am <aP 4 REMEMBER WHEN |. .? ® seme See Pe ST", the Osta WEPNESPAN <-- a bis tae aad Par peed Sx RN Se 725-4704 Ry TMK CANAMAAN PResg SSE THE OS® " oh elf teushat SOETRARA ssendire, Mia m4 sniaaans 43% RITSON N -- Se ee ene ae <<) SHORGAS : oxy RAVE TAMMY TRESM retamed te the Vaekee lintwe view Pack. west @iamnend. 4 HEATING & TRE CANADIAN PRESS 0 ee " eee APPLIANCES 3 $4 * wmmiarse, deme Ones Bee Een) Ne ladastre! aad a . bathe Pack at Xatless Commercoa! BASEBALL SCORES, STANDINGS ture Pork at Late Wea fl on a coamen OSHAWA YACHT CLUB he el ee ee EN. Lawrence And H. Kirby. a, ee ee ie eT ar Geet dy en nS ree aatee a es set | SAVINGS DEPQSIT RECEIPTS Ry TRE ASSOCRATED PRESS » "a -- See : a Lacnesst WAIT FOR Ras Veras, Nevw--s eae ' ™ . * LP oR © . SS Scena, eer aie :. ~ , PEOPLE'S | MINIMUM DEP ee a he GBR R > a CLOTHING 2 | Renwis Meee 2 : WRL TIPLE 8 } n SALE »29 Cont Redeamade ANY nme interest on TOMORROW

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