Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Jul 1963, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Rae Hopkins Unmarked Cor . Tel, 668-3703 CHILDREN INJURED IN UNMA Jackie Bryant received no de- finite injuries. Mary Joan Heard, A car-truck collision at the in- tersection of John and Palace streets in Whitby, yesterday af- ternoon, sent six Whitby resi- dents to hospital. } Five-year-old Mary Lou Som: sions. She ~~ released from ers of Whitby, was admitted Pr ga after she was examin- Oshawa General Hospital wit M : lacerations, abrasions and con- ~_ ai Eu- tusions to the upper lip. Rik' che cee ancine 'Courtice, who was driving for Driver of the unfortunate ve-\irox Welding Industries and hicle, Ross Bryant of 300 High) supplies Limited unin street, Whitby, suffered abra-liired in the crash sions to the scalp but was re-" mie accident, which happen- leased after he was examined) .¢ anout 3 p.m, occurred at an by hospital officials. lunmarked intersection in the Others in the accident, three-|town month-old, Joseph Bryant re-} Warning signs which pre- ceived no apparent injury and/yiously had been located at the was released, four-year-old Hea-|intersection had been removed ther Bryant, received abra-/py the town with the approval sions to chest and was released/of the Ontario Department of after examination, two-year-old|Transport. RKED I SHEN was | | Scene Of Bad Crash another|should be replaced as soon as passenger in the car, suffered|posible to prevent a re-occurr- jleft shoulder and back abra-jence of yesterday's mishap. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, July 20,1963 § ners Several residents of the area voiced opinion that these signs Standers-by estimated the time for out-of-town. ambulance to arrive was between 15 ad 20 |minutes. The north - bound car was struck broadside by the Weld. jing truck, which carried about |50 tanks of acetylene gas as it crossed 'the intersection, It then careened east on John Street and struck a parked station wagon causing damage to the rear of the vehicle, The car then collided with a tree ripping the bark about stopped. Graduation Held Tender Call At Brooklin CEB By MRS, R, HOLMAN expressed thanks to parents and # a , _jteachers for their help and pa- Meany BE pg otc waa (HE _ Per ag them to this/ . , ~hric.| Step in their life, evening, June 27, in the Chris-|° ebay : tian Education Building of! Pag sg pal i Brooklin United Church for the/W@S "nsed wilh sadness $7 graduates of the Brooklin they were looking forward to Senior School jthe next span in their ladder The supervising _principai,|°! education - High School, John Wallace, introduced the! Greetings from the School) the teacher of the graduating Board were brought by the class, R. McKinzey, who pre-|Chainman, William Manning. j sented the diplomas to the! Hugh Ormiston -- presented) graduates and in turn intro-\gifts to the Academic Award) NOVO! ced: the graduating class to/winners on behalf of the Scl - saline. , Board, Grade 8 winners were} Mrs. Ruth Mitchell brought/U¥nda Rutherford and Keith greetings from the Home j/Miller, Grade 7 winners were ang | wee yee School Association, and present-|Nancy Draper and Joan Nichot;| ed each graduate with a schoo 1/Son (tied) pin on behalf of the association -- Basie yal ~~ o Rhy "i - ©cnoo oarc r e 1 3 whaprecaton, was, expressed tye" gues apaker for ti Heron on behalf of the class erg do gi A, of 63, Siedea PS leggy: tga Street High School, was intro-} Three musical selections; "S*) O's : were. sung. by the graduates,|duced by Mrs. R. Foster. n his address' "To the Grad- Viva la Companie; A calypso os? inded Inumber, Farewell Dear Brook-|U@tes mr es ~-- jlin, words of which were writ- them of the story -- ten by two girls of the graduat-/being chosen and trained phy- lew > ; } rv Iw ling class, Nancy Gerrard and/sically, mentally, intellectually "eh aeserantotie iPat Mitchell and accompanied|and spiritually for his special] |by Bill White and his group. /S¢trnr. | today, boys and 1. Dhese:-numabere._. ware. unde vine are ° bole trained by ithe direction of Mrs. D. Golby,/§'"'S : i . For Court | House Issued Ontario County Council has instructed Clerk-treasurer Wil- liam G. Manning to call for tenders for the erection of the}! proposed new million dollar county administration and ad.) ministration of justice building. | Whitby's deputy-reeve George | Brooks, chairman of county) council's' propérty committee! told council the tender closing} will be at 5 p.m, Thursday, Aug.| 20 and tenders will be opened at} 8 p.m. the same day by a joint! committee of county council and Oshawa City Council. In addition, Mr. Brooks. said, the proper for Thursday, Aug izing the execution of a con.) tract with the successful bidder, | Mr, Brooks pointed out a re-| cent 11 per cent federa) tax to all building materials could add $87,800 to the cost of the project. County Calls For Province Paid | three feet from the ground then) }¥ ¢ committee propos. Centennial Park by the' Whitby es a meeting of county council) Brass Barid and the Orillia Sil- 22, at 10\ver band will get underway, of | Anderson|2-™. to enact a bylaw author-/ Sunday at 8 p.m. sales followed by the march "Punch-) low the playing of the march) jwith the combined bands play-' jing "Caliph of Bagdad'. i } | PHOTOS DIPICT SIX INJURY ACCIDENT SCENE | ee Piss __ WHITBY PERSONALS Looking For Juniors G, Riddell, of Glasgow,, Keith Kingston, in St. John The Senior members of the Whit- | Lesa Father Sure Son Victim ; j Mrs ' Scotland, accompanied by Miss|Evangelist Church, was enter- uity to pay and as a matter by St. John Ambulance Brigade Catherine Riddell, of Largs,|tained at a miscellaneous bridal Leger Talks it principle real estate should ou ay are now enrolling members for Scotland, are spending ajshower held at the home of Mrs, Suffers Bad |primarily pay taxes for services i ieee ~ the Junior Brigade. Any boy or: month's vacation visiting with/Ira Preston, 900 King street,/ ) ill jto property only and not for WATERLOO, Ont. (CP)--The gir] interested in joining, and Mrs. Riddell's son and daugh-/The bride-to-be was presented 1 social services. which _ benefit father of a nine-year-old os | beh pk ining ofrerea tercim-law, Mr, and Mrs. A. C./with a corsage of red roses + the province and nati missing since last Friday said receiving the training offered, Riddell of 167 Hillcrest drive.jupon her arrival, Numerous, QUEBEC (CP)--Premier Le Facia uts ij whole Friday he is e his son is the' should contact Ron Hawkins : : lovely and useful gifts were re-isage says he had conversations | Municipal taxes, the resolu- ie think sked up| at 868-3659, Members should agg ae, egg et ceived. Assisting the hostess in| with Paul-tealle Cardinal Leg =a ition co have now reach : ink cke t south, is celebrati § birth: cory ve < iy ebec governm S' An Auror y ni suf- the s tior pin by someone an k some-/be between the ages of 12 and gay Monday, July 22. Friends of. & Were ass __ Margaret sat (he Sa An Aurora Frday night suf-jed On point an ws about/1¢ Oliver $ police and civil- a thelr eearch for Reuther Urges Mr, Bailey wish him a happy ton, birthday Miss Nancy Carr is spending a few days visiting her sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs Cecil Chonoski is confined to his home, the result of an ac- f Lloyd Otto said.) eagyst --_ of Mr ------ Reg McCausland of Scarbor- any theory about] N V t kie wish him a prompt recov-| yuoh ce is just! egro ) ers ery, " i i "guesswork." chers have Miss Mary Campbell is leav- ' . . Mr. and. M Chap % le 99 ' found no evidence to 'suggest R tr, th j : ¥_™AaP-ling Monday, July 22, for a two- that the boy was the victim of egis a on man, of Nia _Faus, spent @ week vacation to be spent in| four play or that he ran away ofl i few days visiting at the home port Erie as the guest of Mr treme home he said "|. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The of her brother and sister-in-law ang Mrs. Bill Dilling. evar Ho J Congress was urged by|Mr. and Mrs. Ebb Hutchings der Walter P. R y to create federa 1 be able to uther/of 903 Bayview avenue 1s Mrs Mrs. Eva Hay, of Winnipes, is spending two months at: the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray ry Ss who w rn Auto Production Harold Beeson has re. ed to England after a visit 4 up * millions of Negro voters in tne 7 1, Kent street Shows 3000 Dip the ah netitin chavs ' a an te ee sprigs fs ae aa aw Mr. Mrs. Tony Beeson, Mr. Mrs, A. W, TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian Reuther the House of or Brooklin. 4 ' go i¢ ick. told " : and three children Patrick + bil eduction figures Represe civil rights n . et pray co ng Pb "pick sn > ..Mrs. Wesley Armstrong and/Donna and Michele spent their pons. eh Chamber esale ay to voting Miss Linda Armstrong, of La/two_ week vacation at a cottage merce totalled §,732 vehicles Tights rather than the Chute, Quebec, are guests forat Norway Bay, Quebec, roach taken by President {YO Weeks at the home of Mr) hag . Gent and Mrs. T. J. Carthew, 609| sisted of 7.392 cars The US Mary street east 2 and 1,340 seven-point c ed with 2.015 u this week compared with 12,667 last week. Output con While on their two-week vaca. tion Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ruest inistration's visited (in Vancouver where S in-| Miss Connie Preston who is/'hey were the guests of Mrs nt.to be married, August 17, to|Ruest's sister and brother-in- 2) FLQ Suspect | 4 Persons Net ees to speed up derisions in changeover period, with Chry ses brought by Negroes who Not Manhandled | Remand After Detective Says | Woman Dies i ights e©s a provision for ar on Te- ment of temporary vo and mode! sier, American Motors and Stu- charge they are unable to regis-| debaker virtually out of produc-/ter because of racial discrimin-! tion. ation BROCK. Evening Shows ct 7:00 end 9:00 . MONTREAL (CP) -- A city WHITBY Saturday matinee at 1:30 detective testified Friday that) NEWMARKET, Ont, (CP). -- Georges Schoeters, alleged co-|Four persons were remanded to Fe hilariously hearer: ng ordinator of Le Front de Liber-/July 24 in court here Friday on] ation Quebecois, was not man-a.charge of committing an in- handled by police following his dignity to a human body arrest seven weeks ago. Frank West, 23, his brother Det. Sergeant Ellis Le-Blanc/George, 22, Kenneth Miller, 17, was testifying at the prelimin-jand his brother Alvin, 34, ail ary inquiry of Belgian - bornjof Holland Landing, three miles Schoeters, 33, on a conspiracy/northwest of here, were re. charge in connection with the leased on $300 bail each. time-bomb death of 65-year-old) The four were charged in army furnaceman Wilfred Vin-/connection with the discovery cent O'Neill April 20 Thursday of the body of Mrs Schoeters the fifth person|Becky Hume, 32, of Toronto, in to be charged in connectiona shallow grave near Holland with O'Neill's death q Landing. The four others have. been Coroner Stewart Noble of Sut Sent to trial on charges of non!" Said late Thursday -- th was not caused by vio. e. He said the exact cause aid not be known for a week Japa-|pending the results of tests Story of lttle Edge who had to Greose 2 oride for hes fSther and oh!_. how Gmref"y he ~ Checked "Gen ° Shirley FFORD- JONES SIASHAS-DNA MRR the the LEAVE FOR EUROPE TOKYO (Reuters)--The RRA Se nese naval training flotilla ief) The graye was located when = RONNY HOWRD-Zeranpag, | Tokyo Friday a its first post-/Metropolitan Toronto police 5 ome nahn War cruise to Europe. The flect/tonka man to the scene gro: ap agg Se a man te c m ae CEM For tour ¢ vers has 1.208 men the Don Jail. They said the mee OE OTR wr tn eee CR aboard including 162 newly-com- prisoner had been jailed on an missioned officers. junrela ted charge. igirl, Linda Greer; Intermediate Dehalf of the graduates. Merrick and Miss Clair Pres-jproposed department of educa- fered jue, Sut that they had no bear-/ when his car collided with a music supervisor, and accom.|'"eit parents and teachers for) [panied on the piano by Miss J./different types of service. =| Ip rae : es He charged the graduates to) High Schools cf 7 + » prepare themselves by gaining) } Mr, G. Edgar presented the bias i ball |Home and. School Association|@S much education as possible; Ontar medals and School Board 'nd he assured them that op-|/ day ht concurred in a Peter i sate te ,\portunity will present itself porox County resolution call. j ue, which is displayed in/?® ; : dite eso : moves. School to the field) When they are ready to acceptiing for the provincial govern: jday champions -- Junior girl, | e ment to pay the entire cost of; {Sue Mitchell; Junior boy, Sons Judith Woodward -- thanked) salaries of teachers for secon. |Van Ginhoven; 1 Mr, Andrew for his address 00) dary education in the province. | In addition to the wage clause) boy, Bob Baxter; Senior girl,' Gifts were presented by the) Peterborough County's resolu- Ann Potts; Senior boy, Brad) Home and School Association to/tion called for the school board's i] o County Counci! Thurs- Intermediate) Campbell 'and Fred Townson two teachers who are leaving/paying its share of debentures (tied). the Brooklin Schools, Miss; R./and maintenance for secondary Lynda Rutherford, top girlSinclair is to teach in York/education as has previously ex- graduate, delivered the vaie-/Township and Mr. J. Wallace isted in the province. | Peterborough County Council- jlors pointed out real estate is now bearing too great a share of the cost of education, is no r.an accurate criterion of dictory addresss in 'which shelin Dunbarton High School. ge Denies | Aurora Man ja more serious study, | Following this the band will! PRETTY LORI ANN Lor Ann is the daughter of ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Munre Mr. and Mrs. R. McLaren of of Kingston and Mr. and Mra, Warden Wilson avenue, Whit-- R. McLaren of Perth, One by. She is the grand-daugh- -- Photo by Hornsby - Show Boat Will Headline Concert This week's band concert at break into another marching number, "Lodesha" then twe lighter selections "Show Boat" and "Lonely Mill'. "Sons of the Brave" will be the next march number follow. ed by the final selection "Min- strell Memories". The concert will end with the playing of a hymn then God Save the Queen. SCUGOG CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery Delly PHONE 668-4341 The concert will start with the| playing of "O Canada" and inello", An oriental selection will fol- | "Gay 90's" the only waltz to/ be played will follow next then| 'Devon's | Fantasy". TENDERS 25,000 G.V.W. Truck Sealed Tenders addressed to: Truck Tenders c/o John R, Frost, Clerk, Town of Whtiby, Whitby, Ontario. Will be accepted until 5 p.m., Monday, July 29, 1963 for @ 25,000 G.V.W. Truck, Specifications ond Tender Forms ere evoilable from the En- gineernig Department, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario, Any or lowest tender not necessorily accepted. W. 0. McBride, P. Eng. Town Engineer, ------ see severe facial needed municipal services are being postponed and neglected. injuries) ing on the government's deci ee at the intersection of the -- piabshammeienioeie sion to postpone | UVE ac ock road and Matthew's Cor. tion on the project "I talk reguiarly with Card- inal Leger and Msgr. (Maurice) Roy," Mr, Lesage said. Friday "That is in order and normal." WILLING & READY = your stance min" Se enneth Dalton Brooks, 21 ch street is in Uxbridge ge Hospital as a result of Ce L Out ante the "OLD" FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK ST. NORTH REV, DELOSS SCOTT, PASTOR SUNDAY SERVICES A.M.--Broadcast A.M.--Bible Schoo! with a Class for You A.M.---Love Not The World P.M.--Saved and Kept By God's Power WEDNESDAY EVENING 8:00 P.M. Prayer, Praise and Bible Study -- the Se 7 } ; Cardinal Leger is Roman whe ois aay preagie ig IN WITH THESNEWE Catholic Archbishop of Mont.)"> "St St te ime psnidrepies A PLUMBING SYSTEM JUST real and Mser. Rov is Arch./@P- Property damage was ex- DESIGNED FOR YOU keds wt ti ~ tensive, . bishop of Quebec. ? Ses : The premier was comment.) OPP Constable Ernest Collin son is investigating ine on published reports saying a bill to set up an educa department at cabinet level was withdrawn after a telephone call by Cardinal Leger to Mr. Lesage Mr. Lesage said the govern ment's decision to wait until next session to dea! with the bill was prompted solely by the fact that many public bodies wanted to make representations about it. Family Monuments Created To individual Gis Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 law Mr. and Mrs, Lioyd Skuce They were also in Kelowna While in Raymor, Saskatche wan, they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nestman Approved for all municipal and township by-laws. Quality is unconditionally gueranteed. Deliveries are made on time. CAPACITIES AVAILABLE: © 460 GALLONS ® 525 GALLONS © 600 GALLONS ® 800 GALLONS "® 700 GALLONS © 1000 GALLONS ALL IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER ¢, CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD.| 655-3311 |Whitby jLet's All hurches ST. ANDREW'S PRF°™&S[ERIAN Go To %t. John Rev. . BA, Church Mra. P. a a This seer 17:00 A.M. Sunday Divine Worship WHITBY BAPTIST Colborne Street West ct Centre) Minister: REV, JOHN McLEOD EMMANUEL REFORMED REV. GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD CONCESSION WEST OF HIGHWAY 12 Organist: Mra. W. E. Summers, ACT.CM. 10:30 Se ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. 2PM MORNING WORSHIP DUTCH SERVICE 7:00 PM. ' 7PM GOSPEL SERVICE ENGLISH SERVICE Bible Scuol meets ot 9:45 am... EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOME with closses for cll ages ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. M. Smith, BA, 8D. Mrs. Be » ARCT. ONE DAY ONLY THE CANADIAN CRUSADERS 9:45 In Sunday School 11:00 A.M, and 7 P.M. The Crusaders Singing ond Preaching WHITBY PENTECOSTAL 307 BROCK ST. N Maxwell Cose, Pastor 3 MORNING WORSHIP hildren are invited p with ther parents. Rev

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