THOUGHT FOR TODAY If he still owes y you money, his success isn't going to impress, you one bit, Ohe Oshawa Times WEATHER Becoming main sunny, REPORT ly sunny and "warmer this afternoon, Sunday VOL. 92----NO. 170 Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy aca ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1963 Eutrerions oe 2 Second Class Mail Post Office Seperwnam. Ottawa tor payment of Postage Cash, SIXTEEN PAGES K's Offer May Summit(s) MOSCOW (AP) -- Premier Khrushchev's offer to ease cold war tension with a sweeping set of warprevention proposals has raised hopes of an early Bast West summit conference Some diplomatic sources in dicated today that the proposals involved so much that not one) but a series of summit confer ences may be necessary to reach agreements The Soviet premier offered Friday to back up a auciear test ban agreement with a non aggression pact and a system of airfield and railroad inspec tions to prevent surprise at tacks He also gave the first officia indication that British-U.S.So viet negotiations here are fast approaching a formal: agree ment to ban all bul under ground nuclear tests Khrushchev said he would like to see the agreement in- clude a ban on underground ex plosions, but implied. such a pact may not be immediately possible due to the impasse ever on-site inspections IN HONOR OF KADAR Appearing in warm good hu mor, Khrushehev made his pro posals in a Maminute speeci hin the Kremiin's Congress Hall at a meeting in honor of Hun gary's visiting premier and Communist party leader, Janos Kadar, The 6,000 fF YES ent repeatedly inter applause and cheers Khrushehev's proposals may be elaborated later today when / U.S. State Undersecretary W Averell Harriman and Britain' science minister, Lord H ham, meet w Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko to re sume their test dan negotia- tions With the test ban, Khrashchev aaid he also wanted a nor aggression agreement with the Ersons het North Atlantic Treaty Organ-) zation ": its Comavanist coun: Pea he aT lc 2 speech in East Berlin.) wwever, realizing a package | Geal would encounter . rough | sledding he opened a new way to negotiations by saving "We thnk that the question of the form of the non-aggres- sion pact can be solved without any great difficulties to the mu tual satisfaction of both sides The most important thing is not the form, dat the content Portuguese Deny Sending Invasion Force TASBON (AP) man for the Port fence Ministry night there has Portug A spokes deen (Omen ~ LW rupted with!" Spur | "The most important thing fs for each side to display a will \ngness to ease tensions and to liquidate the state of the cold war,' Khrushchev said the non-ag>| gression pact, together with an| agreemem to prevent surprise} nuclear attacks, would be most! acceptable to him and "would be received with great satisfac- tion by world public opinion.' Washington's immediate re. action was to ask to see the nuclear test ban agreement for- mally spalied out before pro ceeding with Khrushchev's other proposals Valerian Zorin, Soviet deputy foreign minister, told a re porter at the Kremiin reception the test ban talks may conclude by the middle or end of next Week The talks, which began July were originally expected to about 10 days US. iS iast W ASHINGTON (AP) The formally de. ay that President Ken: proposed tax on pur chases of foreign securities by American citizens and residents a retaliatory measure at nada point is Officer Robert J. Me c said that in Canadian circles "there has been some suggestion that the (Kennedy) measures were directed speci cally at Canada, or were taken in retaliation for the ac- tion taken in the Canadian bud get." } "This is absolutely not the ease," McCloskey said. artment of cials noted wnat the Kennea snc for a levy of up to 15 per cent. on purchases of for eign securities by U.S. citizens and residents, presented to the U.S, Congress Thursday, was med at stopping the flow 'of U.S, dollars abroad at a time when the U.S. dollar drain approaching a danger point The Canadian budget fea tured two proposals involving foreis investment. One--later wit wr was for a 30y cent tax aimed at halting fe overs of Canadian eather involved wit thholdiz ng tax nt made reater Sa investment loskey is tare The s rolled Arms in Can ISSUES STATEMENT Denies Tax Plan 'Retaliatory Measure _ :: . better Negro May Ignore | Ban On Marches CAMBRIDGE, MD. (AP) Negroes plan fo demonstrate here tonight unless a committee of lawyers arrives before 7 p.m to begin mediation talks i9 this racially tense community on Ma aryl and's eastern shore The Natonal Guard has ban ned such protests under modi fied martial law in effect "We're going to march to vother, aad if nee d be, we'll go @ ja »* said Stanley Branche, a secretary © 1e National Advancement se. "We're not afraid, but this march going non-violent." HEADED FOR HIGH RIDE Joseph M. Walker, beat the old mark of 314,750 test pilot, prepares to take feet set a year Air off Friday on a flight in the Foree Maj Joseph _ 'ket plane ich un White, Walker's flight be ant (ee Pent wee gan and ended at Edwards carried him 0 a Air Force Base, Calif, (Air record oree photo via AP Wire 350.000 fe space ago by still expectedly new altit proximate of a at it I photo) ude y ioe ' std Assoc ot Peo re re Colored momber 'S to be } \ about 100 cheered Friday 3¢ minutes filard Tawes rowd of decision made Governor that Maryland urge own treme nt would al make GUT for American n for lang borrowings pay in term so NVOS At oan r they would US countries, |; ne { more costly } buy equity secur companies stment de EXPE CT DROP US ng term in uy than a subst has been in portrohno ties by resulted eign secur 30 This has t dr payme "This incre has come eause the terest rate ities a te mp oraru al said of > ase of inv offic ee about Associat Negro Heads Pick 'Hazel' As Test Case HOLLYWOOD (AP) --Negro eaders have picked Ravel as the first Hollywood television ies they want integrated, The am stars Shirley Booth as ambunctious maid National Associ Adva ment naple made no de be inter primarily } ad tax some s e lower nvestiment Ameri- those abroad, and also because Al market red ah by the U.S capt is much or than capital untries ty an effort of money gn interests making markets in "This tax to equalize te fereig Jury Says Sailor | Spied For Russia ed) N.Y. e s Simp no the matter they ori cost ginale ation for NEW Yf States Navy Y Drammond by a federal court spiracy to commit the Un IR K (AP) n aman Nels¢ deon < yarns one @sT the con met, it will Soviet found rv + bey rst count af conspir Soviet age military mation on systems, maint submar and nts SPORnso: Weapons sf AS the studio which e GORDON PREDICTS EASING OF JFK TAX PLAN as an new of ater $ 1 think we he 2 5 dye Get Out Of It Amt . iped tone exchange ? t POs lie Mr the lows of > he aid th foreign He s Ge ar a carefally almost continuousiy." DOLLAR DROPS « FY dav the Canaé an s 3 an. watched zt ayer rare the % 4 fear beta tens bt thas Feraar CMs Was Miefenbaker Opasrrva a en evied by He <a gave < forme? AMON? asked wh Douglas ~ would be jon for the * of? asked to mediate the dspute Officials Amusement more, agreed to end tion at the park starting Aug 28. The decision was made as ivi eaders proposed to renew demonstrations About 380. persons, prominent clergymen rested during park July 4 an was arranged County mittee Oak Bal segregs of Gwynn Park,. near ts including were ar. at the Then a truce] the Balti Relations media- protests se ay while Human attempted ore Progress mproving Chark also was reported in race relations at S.C, and Columbus, ston Ps lard and reported pro- at two bi-rac Charlest aimer G leaders meehn vs lition 22 oan an bonds ssday Tension Columbus youth to sus ed tempor rights Brookiyna carz : ging é seri m- nati on by "Duildi ng trade unions and demanding more jobs for| Negroes and Puerto Ricans, Rejected "Kills Girlfriend LONDON Al m Young Vain ¢ ? sanctions * before two witnesses Wrobe pretty who 'Prosecutor bie cre. ahee e's body ansiation and Mrs W pode roam "What es saw Miss ering actress tt screamed at Bifano vou doing?" Whitby Driver Killed At Green River ay iTownships: him RED CHINA SAYS K 'POISONING MINDS' Hit Red Leader For Capitulating MOSCOW--Communist China today accused Soviet Premier Khrushchev of capitulating to the West and of poisoning peo- ple's minds with his talk about the horrors of nuclear war Peking also took up Khrush chev's challenge to take the Chinese-Soviet dispute before the people "by announcing it would give the world both sides of the Communist argument Khrushchev, easserting _ his claim to leadership of the Com munist world, dared the Chi- Jnese Friday to go to any plant jor collective farm and submit Order Newcastle itheir program alongside of his.| To Pay $200 Levy) pceaictea th mad, Khrushchev edicted that the people would PORT HOPE, Ont, (CP) --/listen politely, then tell the Chi- The village of Newcastle, 10/nese to "get out" miles west of here, must pay! While Khrushchev raged $200 as. its share of the Ganajagainst the Chinese in an ex . Region Conservation Aw /temporaneous outburst at a levy, Judge J. C. N.iKremlin rally, Soviet and Chi ruled here Friday nese delegates remained at lage was incorporated] odds in another session of thei "eniarg zed conservation jideological talks in the Lenin April, 1982, although RO/Hils. They were reported try of Newcastle council/} ing to draft a communique to ded the meeting at Whichiong the talks that began with ember municipalities ap-/y)) Sgivings July 5. : sroved the extension Judge Currelly found that the| REFLECT FAILURE village had been served with) Khrushchey's challenge proper notice of the meeting,/Peking's reply reflected the but had disr quent s authori The crested area inchudes| jHope, Clarke and parts Cavan, Hamittes and Manvers) MAO TSE-TUNG Curre The nto ay the rea in members and ap arded it and sub-/parent failure of the negotiators spondence fremito heal the rift that has split ithe Commanist world, Khrushchev, following up Sun- of aay" 's Kremlin statement op. the rally that survivors nuclear war . dead." Sultor n Peking, the Chinese re plied that Khrushchev's ment "* confuses and people's minds." The official Peking People's Daily drew attention<to Mao! : Tse tung's statement that You'd better get out of/"mankind will defini tely not be replied Bifano, pointing/destrayed even if the i nperial- Charles, He thenlists insist on a nuclear war pistol against his h the possible sacrfice of hundreds of millions of people The newspaper said -- that, should the West launch a nu clear attack, "there are two alternatives, either to resist im. perialism firmly and bury it, or to be afraid of sacrifice and capita . "But," the newspaper added some people believe that if nu clear war breaks out all maa. Kind will perish such talk amounts to saying that there no alternative to capitivation, lation : TO PUBLISH STATEMENT The Chinese Communist party central committee, announcing an "epoch - making" plan to poisons hers, who said Miss ad told them she didn't to see Bifano again when ved to. the house, let when he asked if he i friend Close Case In Negro's Death want she m in is MARION, Ark. (AP)--Deputy Julian W. Fogieman vy night investigation of the fatal Shooting af a Negro whom a white woman] tried to rape her daughter osed i His statement followed a pro-/ est made by the East Arkan- s District Sunday School and sti Training Union Con-) in a statement published the West Memphis Times! riday | The statement was signed by' Rev. W, E. Battle and T. H Green per of Marion, They said Troup represented eo area chan des Tt asked that "the responsible | be apprehended and) chi te justice." oroner's jury reled Thats. hat the fatal shooting of Grew Lee Anderson, 17, "is excusable and not a criminal act." The jury's one-paragraph report did not name the person) ho shot Anderson j Anderson was shot im the leg! with high-powered rifle when he tried to run from a group of es and four white per. sons who were trying te catch ? The ballet severed an ar- and he died from less " t t BR: ss z heir perseans « "The trill asn't a trial, We want te know) who chet the boy and we want Know whet her they could caucht him without shoot- rrday "We think we! withesses jary and tacts, We dont decision was wrong t® 0 any further] ets the jery's failare OT St Felix phant the ghiy sea ele- at the roo in Frank gels & from a eu we Germany web shower voune come pathe sv™- dun jpesing Poking's hard line, a argu) push its side of the quarrel, said it would publish and broad- cast in many languages its June 14) statement assailing Khrushchev's. policy of peaceful coexistence as well as the <remlin's rebuttal The Chinese said they also would disseminate statements they said Yugoslavia, the United States and India issued in support of the Soviet posi- tion By airing all sides of the ar gument, the Chinese said it would become clear who was telling the trath In other developments affect> ing the Soviet-Chinese rift: Khrushchev attended the opening here today of a na- tional exhibition sponsored by India--China's opponent in the Himalayan border dispute which flared into bitter wat last autumn, Khrushchev him. self cut a tape to open the ex- hibition in Sokelniki Park and said the Soviet Union and India stood side by. side on "many international problems and especially. that of |. securing peace Khrushchev told reporters he would visit Yugoslavia, prob- ably Aug. 20, a trip certain te anger the Chinese still NL further, TE Believe Nine Killed As might "envy thal Carrier Si ] QUEBEC (CP)--At least nine men were reported killed teday when the 13,000-ton ore carrier | Tritonica sank in the St. Law. rence River after colliding with another ship. At least eight others: have been picked up and an unknown ' number. still are missing at the scene of the collision, about 30 miles northeast, er down Stream, from here, The Signals Service reported the Tritonica sank quickly after colliding in a thick fog at about 2 a.m, with the freighter Roo- nagh Head, A number of ships were searching for survivors, Rev, Maurice Mathieu, parish priest at Petite Riviere St, 'rancois, 38 mlies northeast of here, said nine bodies were re. covered, Eight others had been picked jup and six of them had been taken to hospital REFRESHER COURSE a hoal wave this week, Fe. x a lene way frem his habitat sta bat makes himself hn heme The Dac ket tetas (AP Wirenhoted. f at as m tilts aver