abolition CAPSULE NEWS Abolition Sought Of Ottawa Board OTTAWA (CP) -- Alderman| AGREE ON HONDURAS © Claude Bennett gave formal no-| LONDON (Reuters) -- Agreo- tice Thursday that he will move ment in principle on heme rule Aug. 6 to get rid of the ran-/for British Honduras, Britain's corous city board of control,!oniy Central American colony, made up of Mayor Charlotte)was reached in constitutional Whitton and four controllers,/talks here, conference sources and replace it with another/said Thursday, The colony, group. In the past, Mayor Whit-\which has almost 100,000 peo- ton has virtually dared alder-/ple, is expected to become self men to move for the board's' governing early next year, VISITS DENMARK | COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP)--Tunku Abdul Rahman,} prime minister of Malaya, ar- PIPE MAJOR DIES TORONTO oaks James Robb Fraser, pipe major of the 48th ightanders for 39 - cee th years, died Thursday. Heltived in Copenhagen by air . Nvvieenaw trained three bands which weat oe Roger ll Thursday for a oversens'in the First World : War, and trained the first band PROMINENT IN GRAND LODGE DELIBERATIONS leaven, retiring ter; John A, I elected Grand Master Ewart Dixon, this week in Toronto from left right: Hon. James N lian, newly elected Deputy Grand Master; R We Tre- Important figures at the 108th Communication of the Grand Lodge of Canada in _the Provine e of Ontario held Evidence Not Sufficient In District Arson Case on days preceding the) Mr. Bonneville could not say that Tay- laying the tr any of them vember s Downey, bus af the Bus Lines, to sell aylor twice tt al bu Inn on one day, but ed deed when xa mination admitted 1) cunaNck RENEWED e which day : before the | to new G -- Judge J, C. N,) property thus COBOURG Currelly arson ag lor of O cause of Taylor had wi dismisse * ee ae on Edward as. in driver said } past a his 3 could | insuff been a fy son ant a Insurance When 1959 *o John $18,000 Taylor NO W vil} with : NEIGHBORS TESTIFY who had Among Wednesday's wit- buy the property over the past nesses were several who saw few years, Mr. Bonneville was Taylor after the fire: was registered owner for the past -- tinguished. These were neigh-five or six years, but had no bors and members of the Bow- deed of ownersh ka Name Executive up manville fire department. Harris demanded a Neighbors had | seen ears on the tore comp eting the deal, which Of Houdaille MAN IN THE STREET BUFFALO, N.Y Air Pollution ae Delay Criticized shawa ( an that of Norah . : f some att seyen empted to, h- $ j treasurer Inc Gerald of the Prio president, Mr. Bainb been corporation treasurer ty for 1955 and assumed the tee She } years the said t must be the way nd smell does I have no a lr t maybe only once eat afternoons for which air ther but po We. because triis. I don'; worse having or Ciosed LAUNCH SATELLITE gets ? WAS done Signs re er Highway Whithy the Departmer te designate inter we ant dsetr ® Grand Mas- ly and Grand Se C- le a e Mr -- Effective Bs bridge assumes the new post ain ridge had SANTA BA R BARA, Cal retary, who was honored, by being made a Past Grand Master? (Wohorary) --Photo by The Freemason CITY AND DISTRICT OND and Mrs, W. Oshawa Lawn, Bowling Club placed second Wednesday in the mixed dou- bles tournament at Lindsay They had a score of 50 points, The event was won by Mr Mrs Elsden of Lind- Mt Mrs, J. Morri- Oshawa, were in third ace with 49 points Mrs, Oshawa, and her of Lindsay, won one. win PLACE George Read Jovee of the S and Say son Ke for LE TTERS PATE NT ssue of The On- es pa tion have been Finley Avenue En mited, Ajax and Le Acadien D'Oshawa, of hawa FRACTURES PELVIS par-old A F Cox letters trael pT ( heres for > wa General a fered a fractur- ed pel nd is still in hospital he FIRE ALARM The Oshawa Fire Department reported a false alarm Thurs- day, but no other calls were received. The city ambuianc responded to a total calls MARKET PRICES md RC INTO (CF) -- Churning rint prices i to y rket was firm nadequate for a aS with offerings fair demand Country dealers are quoted the al department of on elivered Toronto, in -fi- A large 44; A me- A small 23; B and C no market to carton price as A meé- retail Canada first r te able 31 erable 4954 ~ 50, in western 3014-51! Highway 401 Interchanges Get New Signs seri 2 A new ravellers aways department officials used in trip maps 1 enable t fy exits more uy an ra surel ¥ the signs went up Monday re h at the . "3 departme able say how for just were erected pen left in the aum- alow pro- to for Osh en num- ges fram ave be ce ~s Osha (Bloor Rd.) wa Harmony > Bowm: , 74; Bow. TS; High) |World War Tifirst time @ Commercial end Industral Sites P @ Leusebeck J ¥ Paul Ristow ¢ REALTOR 728-9474 Ve 187 King Se. E BOWLES PRESENTED | NEW DELHI, India (Reuters) Chester Bowles, the new Amer.! PLANE CRASHES icyan ambassador to India, pre-' KINGSTON (CP)~--Two occu. sented his credentials to Presi-| pants of a light plane swam to dent Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan) safety Thursday after it/Friday and promised continued crashed into the St. Lawrenco| Unite ed States support to India.| River at Picketts Ferry. nine et miles east of here, Pilot John . Anderson, 40, of Kingston, and Accused Given passenger Gary Moran, an 18 year-old Ottawa air force cadet ® '" were unhurt Stiff Fine To TO MOVE COMPANY ® LINDSAY, Ont, (CP) -- Sixty Control Habits five mil workers in Lindsay, 20 AJAX ld police officers a $20. fine miles west of Peterborough face the choice of moving Quebec or losing their jobs wouldn't control his driving or Michael Maschas, local mana- slow him down" received a bit more than he bargained for when Magistrate Harry Jermyn of Lindsay Woollen Mil Limited, annouhced Thursday handed down a fine of $50 and costs to go overseas in the Second) | (Staff) -- A man, who ger the plant is prepa cs to move operations to: Hun Que home of the parent gton, ey, 23, of Toron-| in Ajax Magis- Thursday cl ad unnecessary noise his tires and fail to a full stop at a street Robert Hick to appe ed DIES IN CRASH trate's Court WEST BRANCH, Mich. (AP)iwith making A Jackson, Mich., businessman/by squealing was killed Thursday when his ing to come ngle engine Cessna 195 crashed wooded area ad rough na Ajax Police Constable Robert Joe! told the court that while on patrol on the morning stopped a ca Hickey , cer said that the Hick Was PUOUNE ey d proceeded through aij = when told of the became quite about 15 miles northes State Police said How Lawrence , H, I at: Jackson plane of t he ard pwner prises of Ge the START C OF c TEL AVIV (AP) rae when tol buld be fine of out ig to "no fine of $20 to contro] my me down da d p ot Stop was is said 1 slow the said After being charged with the se Hickey proceeded aw ay squealing his tires loudly and spraying the cruiser with gravel Constable Joel said. Magistrate Jermyn, in hand- ing down his decision said 'According to two police offic. S you said $20 is not going t ntrol you driving so rll im- a maximum penalty of ts twi " r Ca a The ir fen was attended adian Ambas sador J Andrew a ction by A WAGES RISE WASHINGTON (AP) -- Av- erage earnings of U.S. factory production workers during June rose above 100 a week for the in history, Labor Sec retary W. Willard Wirtr re ported Thursday, Wirtz said 70 and costs for failing to stop 000.000 ns Were at work and $5 and costs for squealing during th n the tire pose cent i } cational guidance is their Canada grade: active mittees on the high sc is the vocationa mittee which wor tion with three | ment tary ary effect becomes this panded curricu um F mere cial figures ' the five-year arts year commerce with 32 nay fA and trades, schools Hope High Hope was epee th ¢/ $900,000 vocat driving or '# officer ** wes the students entering were forced to settle for courses HE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 19, 1963 3 SAAN sagoannnennsamas ARATE ANTIQUE OR RACER? "Model T" running. Over 30 antique and classic cars from Ontario and Quebec will as at Mosport race Bowmanville, On Antique racer? Pretty Pat Stoke of Toronto accepis a ride with Toronto racing dri- ver Craig Fisher while Norm Hathaway of Newmarket, On- 0, at tempts to get his 1914 tario, on Monday, to begin the annual "B-A Tour to Yes- teryear" -- this year a 400- mile scenic drive to Montreal, (BA Oil | Phot 0) Durham Schools _ World Boycott . Africa Face Problems Recommended UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- in Durham A United Nati committee Iment to has recommended that the Se year with curity Council hit South Africa ase going in a world boycott and con- Schoo! er a blockade if necessary to enrolment at an end to race segrega- an twic ion there 2, the yes spec onal wing open Durhi schools 2 semble track near -- The five hig occupation County ex go up abou almost h to he one-year ms NIGHT SCHOOL ght school cl rected to double Hope this year schools 0 this of the in asses are eX in size in Port) W! while the other Sic about the force me econom-|' taught to Jump remain our same in The arts al (se committee on csregation) said security council on all UN members ective embargo on 'arms and ammuni- * as a start in diploma- elations with typing ® expected amount in courses 4 u eig the ty Dist should call from sett i a that schoo tern pt Clear ev ] $ and mechanical) «7, should consider the means dr g, blueprint reading,ito ensure the effectiveness of el lectrical construction, machine) the embargo," said a report of jshop practice, sheet metal work,|the Jl-nation committee, "in- nearest/bricklaying, carpentry andicluding a bdlockade if 'heces- woodworking, painting and de- sary, under the aegis of the sewing, cooking ed Nations." lish, mathema- The and commer-/should istry Grade §$ lavailable school BEST FACILITIES Port Hope and Hope Town ship. where the count v's cational training - faci available, showed an enrolme of about 50 per and 50 per cent ac: In other areas where vocatior ess complete er courses was fror of the high schoo at their the council th Africa to policies of racial and declared previous at end, u 'abandon it (techn top \ ossibly South typingia po: é incom- trial p p in the i stopped from short _ of allin U t for South Africa's expulsion. Port Hope the county FORT ERIE ENTRIES SATURDAY, July dents oughout nt School officials admit that vo most One of the mo.t wan, severe problem and progressive FIRST RACE -- Sis Caiming Purse up. 6 Pur levels of gove high schools and ele: chools The revised schoo! in G en pian edu year. SECOND RACE course Cation, an option ndis ing ast pects sei four-year arts won course A breakdown shows of enrolment -- $20 ¢ 131 enro -- and course and 14 in a course. Eigh ed in the fi s and in "ie four- p seience, tech 23 have en- Course, ky year course. In Wing Wave, Davion FOURTH RACE Purse $1900 for }-yearoid: OSHAWA'S e-year ear, 68 two-ye ar and an indefinit 68 della Sera HOW TO WATCH THE ECLIPSE _-- R-Y bes AR-OLD Osha hours . be 88 deri ty will Steven two iM =m per- awa Bou Zit mon awa Times ORIGINAL CARPET CENTRE et Nu-Way, carpet ond brood- joorn hes been o specialty for yeors with thousands ploy to select DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRE Milan, Haly--Vitto co-owner. of the Milan newspaper FIFTH RACE -- Allowance. Foaied snada. Purse $2600 for > and dyes 18 me-sixteenth Niles . yo on ¢ WwW ra ashincton PHONE 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. the tatives for Cordele, Ga. -- McK Hooks Hyman, about 41, author of a heart Speeey Hickory Heit QUINELLA BETTING for Sergeants; VIVE LA DIFFERENCE! The famous original meee: -- MEOH OCOO ORE SHORGAS HEATING & ~?PLIANCES industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Ges Deoler in your eres. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 3 "ae 2 4 _ A RRS ARIE GOOD FOOD Breoktest, Lunch. Dinner 2 A.M. to 2 PM 5:30 P.M. te 8 PLM, Hotel Lancaster watson *» WODKA WYBOROWA nes Polish WODKA WYBOROWA SPECIALISTS YMA Reet Extete Ltd. TRADES ACCEPTED 72B-62BE 323 King Se. W. PRODVEE OF 2DLANd * PRODUCTION ARONA Smooth and flawless The connais i