Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jul 1963, p. 15

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, July 19, 1962 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Accountants \LOERT WOSMAR, ¢ chartered account| ALL TYPES of building repaira, Toot Stree! West, Osnawa, Tele! j tna wt, 323. Kh whone 723-122 5 TEONARD JAMES BROOKS, cee LOCAL Accountant, Suite 205, Oshawa Shopping! Lentre, 725-9953, BOR CLANCY'S Accounting Service.) ROOF! » itreet Ws Weat, 725-0397, . te bookkeeping service, 184 8 Bond) jouvers installed [Building Trades |Meney To Loan chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks,' | stoops. G Gordon May, 128.099, CHIMNEY cleaner Chimneys duit and repaired, gas_ lin installed, furnacea vacuumed, Free | eouimates »_F23-2007, ahin AVAILABLE Low Interest Valuations Arrange si root and gable carpentry, materials| tanoun B, DEWAR, Accredited "pap 'er HK. Tucker, Ta ARK. ai ; ruaranteed,_R,_ Tucker | Residential C ie King Street West, Oshawa, 728-2221./ WONTEITH. MONTEITH, ta, cmon Accoun 6 Sim Street Alan WH weeny Whitby MO 8 4131, FALE, f, FRIEDLANDER Dhartered Accountants, Licensed T) wees in Bankruptcy, @4 King Maat, 128-737) tered Accountants, 18? King Rast, Oshawa, ¢ Ontario, T3388, WILSON and BURROWS. accountants, awa; Ronald F, D. Edmond Burrows, CA, Wilson, CAi G 728-7. Sie ane North, Sahawes| BRICK CLEANING -- Have your home i method, ™and rol a) Stan's TAIN, ---ialse brickwork, We) ®OPRINS, BEADLE AND CO, i, Char. @S3 "chartered 14 King Street Bast, Osh Appliance Service EWING WAGHINE Wune-ups, all mod sla by your Bina dealer, Oshawa Sew ma Centre, 329 Simcoe Sireet South 128-2391 Auto Parts SAVE AT WESTERN. SERVICE CENTRE Repairs To All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 King West---728-1607 "FIVE BAY TO SERVE YOU" Barristers WANNING FF. SWARTZ AND DONALD Barristers, Solicitors, Block, \. SWART, Notaries. Atoney to Mla King Street dence, dial 723-4029. LOuls $. HYMAN, ec, iter, Notary, Alger Sullding , TIO. toan East Henry 723-4697, Res Barrister, Sot 2 joskrn © "VICTOR BAC LEB. Bar tister, Solicitor and Notary Public. erta. T2346. "AND KELLY, Barristers, Sou. Dial M. bia King Street Bast Residence Phones: reer, QC,. 725-3368; Terence V BA, ACL, 728.3832, J Kelly iN. DAVID L.. Barrister, Solici- Simece Street South. 725-9502 128-0264. joskra ry "MANGAN, QC, "Rarristen, to lean, Office Oshawa 128-8232 , DRYNAN AND weno M. Barristers, Solicitors, Ne Pubic, Bank ef Commerce) Dulding, $ Simcoe Street North, Ost awa, Ontario, 723-3'46; Residences T, K. Creighton, QC: G. M QU, T2885: G. L. Mumdoch, 723-4188. Mortgages and agreements of sale Dought, seid and arranged. BRUCE ¥. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Seliciter, Notary Public Mortgage funds availadie, 38h King Street East. ?23-l)0T. Res. 985.7163. RALPH JONES, BA GREER, Associate Bar eitars, 130 King Street Morgage loans available kD DONALD, Harvistera and 89 King Street East he ws 4 THOMAS & isters and Salk Rast. 723-6206 3AMES A. MacDONALD, BA, Rarrister and Solicitor and Notary le, The Commercial Building, 296 King West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking available 725-4716 of T2427 McGIRBON and BASTEDO, Barristers. Solicitors, Clients' funds availadle for first mortgages, 20 Simoce Stre et 28-7338 Charles C_ MeGiddea, dgar F Rasteda, OC Fi SALMERS. BA, Barrister, § ter, Simece Street. N Resktence [23.3542 BOYCHYN and HILL. MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 32 King Street East, Oshawa: 8. 8. Hum phreys, QC: G. s. _ Bevchyn Qc: WL A Witiman, LL ce: | P2}.907?: Res). ence: 228-426, waney O53-276). 725-4604 NMA and other mortgage funds ava ladle et EFING Services, Statements TR Newman TER, Pod th WUMPRRES, taceme Tax prepared BC Creaceant BC Ser 883-3252 Building ag WALCO CONSTRUCTION For G. expe Free estimetes "Whitby 668-4412 GORD'S JANITOR, SERVICE A VU MA 13 HOME IMPROVEMENTS NEL 9¢ borne € Telephone 728-2061 Classified 5 Count exc? Bex number noid within 7 ene The Oshowo eccordinz to Times ¢ t pre : Dut costume mo if ery imeccurccies im emy form ere comtgined therein King Mortgage monies 3 Drynaa,/ 8. |Gardening at = Baan sennl a WORDS | ROOFING, "concrete floors, fiat "roofing | jour specialty. new work and repairs,/ arge and small jobs. L. and H.. Roof) hu) and Construction, _F2S-8957, HydroSelica estimates, Call jcleaned Bay & Bn by Free Fay anl Rental Lid, Vacant Land Members Ontario Moratage Brokers' Associa' SUMMERLAN SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simeoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario---725-35 | CHIMNEYS bull, sidewalks and stoops F. MeCana, Rrooklin ACKERMAN Excavating == Leading Send, Gravel, Fill And Top Soil Dump Truck Reasonable Rates PHONE 623-5756 MORTGAGE MONEY d City and District Summer Properties tien D 68 | AND BOWMANVILLE 'HOME REPAIRS Kitchen cobinets roofing, Any ~ kind pentry repairs LE 2-6182 TORONTO COLL Mortgages agreements purchased and sold, nick and Heanick vanities br babe Street East, 723-7202 ef car PRIVATE and 'oan on all types of mortgages: Rages and agreements of Creighton, Prynan and (See heading "Barrister." MORTGAGE LOANS M neys for rigages corporation ehased tech. E t PLASTERING New and repairs cement work, parging ments. Remodel manship guaranteed estimotes. A, WOODS 728-3420 SAND, GRAVEL, | STONE, FILL N. G. BARTER 725-7119 A. FOSKETT AND SONS Roofing, Sheet Meta' Point ing, Oecoreting expert home repairs too Big tee sme give service to them FREE EST MATES 668-5906 or 668-234 Cartage JORN'S MOVING AND" ¢ ARTAGE Oshawa, Whithy Reasonable rates Fully equipped and insured. 128.266 Dressmaking DRESSMAKING alicrations. pant cate re. experienced, reasonable rates Mra. Ettriige, 67 Montrave T23-ea7e Cc T stucco, base- Work. Free first me Ag x oh "ME SWARTZ 26% King St, Eas Oshawa, Ontario 723.4697 TIME. IN CANA 15 YEAR 2nd MORTGAGE eu No "be We A; e In vestment Co, Ltd LIMITED rs i >yeer open 2 10 ho ~ SCHOFIELD King Street West adie rates. Telephone 225-1221 CEMENT gravel and driveway gravel 360 FIRST AND Ske OND mortgages, sale 33) montes te mort par Mur y ond mortgages t DA S CORONATION m house less thon yeors 76 ER | sand and fill. For delivery call Bric 3 ; Brantin. Whithy &3.2000 Musical Services TREES lakes Ger and" "paw PIANO TUNING, raten 97.9 work, AN jets insured, a SAMAR a2 3 Pree estimates Dia. CEMENT and am for al fi, sand 0 chal Te Pre and electronic " as? ax Pap OM eDrore organ yeahs ape ated. @ress.ag and oxen wsadle, Dial 735,37 Seda, 260 per cent Optometrist DAVEY B. TUCK, RO, ©, Qpiometria TREE SERVICE pay a ay er B Dev TRART Please ROR & Street? Dia! spr vine. feeding pa AD PAINTING and OUTSIDE ade PAINTING Nelsen Loam ae eccal Washed Stone, Fill 'ss EXPERT PAINTING A s aniec ' i SOUTER > } LAGE cks for BEATTY HA 725-21 } \ 56 Q Instruction Fdesine and Decorating Ranging Sana aS Personal Service ExPEeRet ~w> + "eet Ser mm ah ee sition dag Teteprore 653-5075 LEARN TO DRIVE oe adie MODERN GRILL Plumbing and Heating a Tepes ca Hepa matenras mates fee. Dial 223 Want Ads Au rit MBING and heating wa ava M mg we Street South hold the key and oermader ing Reasonahie 3233. Paes Stark, Nesting and Eygineer oa Doheny Service RUGS a etas cleaned to Extra Cash Ad Rates oe seh Se best & me rat yor cea -- Soe estimation Woy? aeys oN Seles and Service ART'S GUN REPAIR Surveyors WONEVAN a ning ae WARAN ru @ Servye 723-438. AXS TRALIOPE. ¢ oo % Li Bega Sree XN. On Dee wrane ad "Sale! Hea) Rarristera, 31 King TV--Radio Repairs WHITHY TV aerial and tower serviee, }ENal 668.8944 'QUARANTRRS "yepaira to all makes radia, car radios, Thompson Ele! "trent ad Ribot, 7) habe Fred, OSHAWA ELECTRONICS | Guaranteed Ports and. Service DAY OR EVENINGS MILFORD GORDANIER, , Trop. 728-5286 a For Oshawe end Surrounding Districts Gueranteed Satisfaction Paul Cieslar Prop. S11 Dean Ave, 725-0500 TV TOWERS Gxt ARE WARRNATIONAL ICE. '| PATROL STIMULATED By-AE SING oF-the HIANIG, NOT A SINGLE SHIP, WAS RUN AFOUL. OF AN ICERERG: Ava, BONES THAT SUPPORT ARE LONG TONGUE SLIDE IN MEATR THAT BATERDS ARQUAD GY BACK PARE HEAD AND OVER ARE CROWN, By RL SCOT | 12--Articles Wanted _ WANTED ro eh = one set ot me: chanical' tools, tool box, Dial 855.988 WAVE YOU something in your home you Wish us te sell for you, cara, fural tire, ateves, refrigerators, appliances, Open: Baily, } am, - S$ ame Evenings, 7 Bm, +o PM, Prone oF write 7288044, R, Armstrong, S85 King Bast, Oshawa. SOMBONE wants that no-longerused bike you're storing, Turn it into cash with am inexpensive, fast acting Oars? oan. Times Classified Ad, Dial 723.9402 "SH AUTO WRECKING co. EAR WHALES MOVE THEIR EYES a? pos ARE TAKEX St sont outs No. MRA | OMe NERVES ARE STEP LE @ PORER, fy CHURN ORTRE WAY PARTS OF SCOTLAND BAe ee Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION BOND ST. E.. OSHAWA 728-6781 TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728 - 8180 Well Drilling--Digging WILLIAM" KROONTIE, well" dieaing. COMPTenior Work, Cleancu? arn Beeper *@, 42 Park Road South, 120-2864 WEEL DIGGING Gy machine, special 5 Sonnenn s Column ving in-3inch tile, W. Ward, 24 Chess West, PO Bax 329, Waites, gs hy HSE I JB 668-3529 Ot) Gate 9 3--Pets & Livestock DASCHUND Comooth) puppies for sale Telephone 228-2242. > °3 SPECIAL 13 ft DOGS, boarded, trimmed, defleacd and bathed, Phone 725-632) BLONDE cocker spaniel, mate, one year has Nad some needies, Will sell for Dial 725.03 Pa $2h te good home. GERMAN shepherds Ranch Kennels vlood tines sired Rew save number KITTENS Y, ten weeks okt Each Adelaide Weat, telephone WRIMARANER pups for months, pedigreed. Apply Street or telephone [28.3043 RRAUTIFUL baby dudgies, ready training, talking strain, Apply Rroad, 124 Elgin Street Rast Shckenune puppies, six weeks old Registered. Leave with us while on vacation, Dial 720.1875 fox terrier puppies eice Prone Brockville Mountaiadale Kea Brockvilie, Sharp's registered, Cory) peautitul puppies, Cram: Stud service. If nat de por part Persian, ive he ay s ay Apply 723-039) sale, aa3 eight to suit your budget Albert for Mrs. rey wowr PUREBRED eclal offe n84 " anerny thay nets La oe R RAN winite, fe PUREGRED WEEKS pow Labrador Very Teleprone ?2 Diack Nome aut Street @88-2583 ar BILL LEMON WELL DIGGING ry { ion Tire Store. rs, 2. per cent : and @0's Seana roses } $--Farmer's Columa FARMERS > & = % yan e need hires DrSeEnray ve ts. e Cieanou Compressor Work ~091) epenings ees paid stock COYax Licence Telephone 72 vor een 2--Personal ns Oe re om C USTOM WORK LEN. PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist in garment alter. tions, ete Invisible mending Gress giterot 10 PRINCE ST, 728- 5311 WAT PHONE 728-3901 ANYTIME Remova! Marie Oshawe 24th. Pr on these of supert Murduit wous Ait 7--Trailers RENT-A-TRAILER Maw ELECTROLYSIS 723-464) DOMAR sage a ONS .¢ MONTY'S BA SERVICE AT Gi8B CLEARANCE OF 1963 MODELS hie MA se 4 hogy RATING Round the Clock READY TO BUY PROSPECTS Read Times Want Ads RITCHIE DRIVE-IN MYRTLE, ONTARIO 6PM. TO11 PM Call Oshawa 728-1468 or 728-1555 2---Personal NOTICE SYD'S BARBER SHOP ORMERLY THOMAS) 22 Albany Street, Oshawa With Rag ra ™ us Announces - gre he price of ities at HIS ESTABLISHMENT will NOT be in- creased to Old Age Pensioners Rue to the fact thet the Barbers Of The Oshawa have net had an increase in price Rising Costs of Living ong business overh forced thern to agree Sary L] By Petition of 94% to charge the following minimum rates beginning MONDAY, JULY 22, 1963 ADULT HAIRCUT $1.50 ADULT SPECIAL HAIRCUT $1.75 SHAVE $1 CHILDREN'S HAIRCUT $1 CHILDREN'S SPECIAL HAIRCUT EXTRA Th This ennouncement The Exec ONTARIO BARBER'S ASSOCIATION , is due to the effe of the Ochawe B utive Broolin éssaaer, 2) \7--Trailers CUSTOM BUILT 18-4. travel trailer tor sale, Apply 143 Elgin Street Bast. cabin trailer, new, Teleprene S96, Glendette house traiter, Water, ice Dox, Pro Ven, alse electricity P28 1108 TAO. FOR SALE 1° ff, sleeps five. pane stove and 29. Telephone off list price. PROPLE are honest ads amd the re: proves &. If don't walt---dial ne Classified Ad thal will get Rh back for you 9--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent TWO-BEDROOM Hrnished collage and boal on Maad Lake orland. August 3 Ye 3h, S19 Dial 222775 FIVE-ROOM cottage plece bath, sho Daards ant 4 akeside Beach, H. Chinn HALIBURTON Fy Lakes aAsige COAVERIC sate, Deach, boats, motors available. phone 2453 West Gvilord SCUGOS take front Tage, 3 bedrooms heavy wired, goad beach. $3.900 with $900 fown, Frea Cook Real Betate. Call Mar Wim Nesbitt, Nestieten, 9844804 fireplace, tree kitchen cup 2od seeing. ba] madera - eat sandy Tele. OOS, mt, Pearly new, five @oed shade. $3.50 3 Real Estate. Ca Spitt, Nesticton, 84.4804 COTTAGES and tots the River e mi en Mack es north of Uxbridge ephone Black River Securities, UL S} collec' fer appointment THREE BEORCOM C armade' ito: BM Party waterfront cottage bs cash Telephone 443 ste a corrace ai By the FOR RENT mites soutr af P minutes Awaadie Steen LAKE . a » at raties ae Cove Cottages Spacwas Kreerds re ate Yaree dedireaim, ew > ry me eoter Frisktaire, toilet ete S30 weekiv, 888 with Reduces after August It Lakefront Cottage and Lots beach Neer 8-3060 TER 4 P.M 60 LAKEFRONT LOTS $895 us 60 miles Brechin ar PS DIRECTIONS 62 Madex trom rake Madox Oy and follow signs te od new hoy math te hwy Estotes* operty SiQnrs on wore? AS % 43 Credit Woodlands, oksville, Ontario Ju C 11--Articles For Rent Dishes ~ Cutlery ~ Glasses Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Silver Tea Servic Silver rng bra Sargear marks > Rtn Wants Cars For Wrecking Parts for sale, ulso serap iron ond metals, ete, bought, Open Saturday ali day, Phone 725-231 1--89 BLOOR E. WANTED SCRAP, IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Row Furs, Deer Skins, Metals (eolleet) 1; TURNER 16--Female Help | Wanted Wal esses WANTED, _ also, parttime] NO @sh washer, Apply Mr, Campbell, Ger osha Hotel, RELIADLE GIR : sehold Bing live In, fo Wren pererell ow quired, Dia' 7282903, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 17--Male Help Wanted EXPERIENCE an excellent training piled, Must be 25 to Sapenrenys, Wondertul » Lee, 728-1352, TARIEGIAND, | mua be 'rw clea, tap ram, Car sup years with neat opportunity, Call 17--Male Help Wanted _ Noe an excellent training program, a wp plied, Must be 18:28 vears with 'neat appearance Wonderful opportunity, Call Mr, Lee, TRIS Three full. time pees five part-time SALESMEN Dealership to qualified ap- plicants, Also senior grade students for temporary sum> mer work, Fuller Brush Co, Ltd, Apply: Tilden Office, 14 Albert St, Oshowa, Friday, 0 a.m, to 9 p.m | IF YOU ARE 18 TO 23 CHOOSE A REWARDING j j i j ; } CAREER AS AN OFFICER 723-2043 -- 723-2281 |i) THE CANADIAN ARMY |73--Business Opportunities BRSTAURANT AND PROPERTY. Com mercial, Corner lecation suitable for dulbh @ng stores or any dusiness, Reasonadle price, Terma to sult, Frenchman's Bay area, Private, Pickering TE 9380), MOTEL for sale, Sunderland, Solid brick dui Naina, Sale. See this now, Geo. Shire, telepnone » MODERN lynch counter corner King en Reasonadle price evenings, 7232742 14--Employment Wanted EXPERIENCED woman work by hour or Gay, Telephone 725.8784 MAN with. Volkswagen would ike eraployment, odd jods, Teteprone Ev, ea LADY would like a position in a private home doing general «housework ™ soaking, Live im preferred. Write Box M8 Oshawa Times 16--Female Help Wanted WANTED Satesiadies irnmediately. | Excellent opportunity for advancement Car necessary, For infirmation cal! 228-0220 MIDDLEAGED woman wanted te care for free children and housenold duties, ve in preferred, Gays only. Room and Doard plus Sif week, After $ o'cteck apply 74) Beaupre Avenue EXPERIENCED satesiagdy for Ladies' Ready to Wear Store, Must be ambitions and capable. Permanent pasition, aod salary, Write Box 8 alse property a Gibbon, paved parking. Terms to suit, Call van ete Oshawa Tienes. HAIRDRESSER full or part time with chentele an @s- sere edventage but not 2 Fontaine's Beauty Lounge 84 SIMCOE ST. S$ IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENTS TAPHONE TYPISTS & STENOGRAPHERS CRETARIAL OVERLOAD SERVICES WHITBY 18) EARN EXTRA MONEY * SEC 668-8 to Wer friends ond rel. 300 items, For Nustrated Lit ¥ maples on @ festest service, m Greeting Card Co ng St. FE Hamilton, LADIES EARN $30 to $40 Working two or more even. MOS per week Hours 8 ntl 1 No con- Fx PPTov~ am eA eset. Cor MRS. JARVIS UNTIL 7 P.M 728-7412 CLERK TYPIST For varied office routine 9am. to5p.m Accurate with figures typing speed experience ete BOX 715 Oshowa Times BOOKKEEPER TYPIST Required for Public Accounting Office Write in detail in strict confid- ence. Stating, age, educe- tion and experience TO BOX 922 OSHAWA TIMES SALESWOMAN rc SINGER SEWING CENTER goed Reply stating Ld fresteyou SINGER SEWING is CENTRE 14 Ortoria Street Oshewe Pesires house: Selected young men ore now being offered the opportunity to abtain a Queen's Commis- sion in the Reguler Army, You will receive training for leadership and responsibility ' embark an, an active, challenging and rewerding career with a fine future Here You must be. 18 to 23, single, and have at least a Junior Matriculation equivalent education, If you are selected and meet the Army enrolment stondards, you will qualify for @ short Service Commission on en the successful completion of @ 36-week training course Please act NOW ---- becouse ell applications will be con. sidered in the order in. which they ore received, You mey edtein full details, without tion, from the local Army Recruiting Station fist ed in your telephone book, or by mailing the coupon be- low to Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting Centre, 25: St, Clair Ave, East, 10th Floor, TORONTO 7, Onteria Telephone: WA 4.7345 | ts How You Can. Qualify or | } 1 pets OONg Please send me, without obli- gation, de on Officer career opportunities the Canadien Army Regular, ' tails Address City/Town MOM Cok 0 hk ee Age pleted boc ™anmns tal Pou xe Sieer' slreet _ West, Oshawa, EXPERIENCED married man tor dairy farm, Stage age, number of name and address of former HW. J, Brooks, Bowmanville, 623.5125, FUEL OIL salesmen wanted, full or par me, for Whitby, Alax, Oshawa, erin area. <_ neceasar analy Perry, Marry 0. Perry KW, Jack Bloor Street West, Shen" BELTONE OF OSHAWA Requires a young married man with a car to verify | appointments, APPLY 42V4 Simcoe St, N, MO NINGS ONLY No Phone Calls Please SALESMAN required by Canodo's largest menufacturer of exclusive calendars ond advertising specialities, Commissions advance weekly Write Box 814 Oshawa Times Opening For Young Man With leading _ International Company as soles clerk, with excellent' opportunities -- for the future compony bene- fits Grede 12 education preferred, Apply in writing te BOX 909 OSHAWA TIMES \18--Male or Female Help Wanted WOULD you like to earn $90.00 a Week parttime, © $85 a week full heme ' you Dave the use of a car and work evenings Cuntil 9 e'ciock) we = a wonderful oppertonity fer you. fo Information write Box 919 Seiane Times RASPBERRY PICKERS wanted, See July 3%, dus leaving Rion and PR am, Ritson and Bloor at Ts "eed Telepnone Between 7 and » evenings, Rowmaanvilie akin WANTED TAX! DRIVERS Men or Women Apply MERCURY TAX! 14 Albert Street 725.4779 17--Male Help Wanted TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING requ Ares Young, male, assistant to Clerk Must have Senior Matriculation Salary based on qualifications APPLY L. T. Johnston, Clerk Brougham, Ontario OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN YEAR ROUNDER | Ry ALICE BROOKS Ideal for all year wear lightweight, so elegant with contrast trim in crochet Quickly knitied jacket Po) jteardrop stitch, so easy yet so eRective, Use mohair or worst- ed. Pattern T20; 'sizes RIG WI: lone or Y% Sleeves THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) fer this Stamps, Please) 19 craft Dept.. Oshawa, Ont. On tarie residents add Ic. sales tax Print plainty prin NUM BER, NAME, ADDRESS IMs Biggest Need eoran Show st "Smock eA BCCLSTA nes -- ear new Needle oraft Catalog' "pias ever designs te knit erochet, Sew, weave, embrTol @er, quilt. Plas free pattern. Send We. Hox Want-Ads Don't | Cost-They Pay | , * breezy Oshawa Times, Needle-}oma Ry ANNE ADAMS Sammer smartly in this re freshing dress with Scooped @at meckline, Slight sleeves, skirt, Tab trim adds Tt teach to Simaple basic Printed Pattern 462%: Wore en's Stes 4 BM, BR A, DH % 2 Sve B quires We yards SGanch fab: IETY CENTS ( ({h® STARAPS pattern. Ontar Sie.) Bm coins "hagees ter this osidents add 2c. sales tax, Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER Send order te ANNE ADAMS, care of The Gshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont wat! 3M @ coupon fer FR -- any = yoa Choose new Ting ~ nmer Patiorn Cate ne. pee Seo, Dow. Jast mes

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