m 7 He PM ' U 4 E h Btn oer | teeta (Steer : 'U.S. Exchange cae ADMIRAL OF THE MHTREPIDG, ACCLAIMED AS THE * SAVIOR NNOTICED, THE REAL REVOLUTION 1:00 AM bedede ; | TE L E V I S I O N L O G See et Mt yr nanan, tc . Ube ue REPUBLIC," RIDES WITH THE PRESIDENT. BREAKER BOARDS A PLANE Move Effects o--Thit is The Life Pom aly [ : r -- usy Nevin AY N8 | YES vo e i " : 7 Ecc ey FAN pe ee 7 Slight Here GHCE-TV Channel 1--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto | 3--Tok Heer ae nt | e aatiG ' WGR-TV Channel 2--Bulfalo | WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buttalo| Nida a Sire Dennis the Menace ~-- Woe ; \ 2 MONTREAL (CP) -- Erie o--Spectrum | Sov wis Vecsey Heritage ' ; nN] = Russell; secretary of the Mont- WEKBW-TV Channel 7--Baffalo WROC-TV Channel §--Kochestet | (0. Film Featurette Sunday Night Mos ' , x Ss ' . 4William Tell ce ae' dunia wee ? age : real and Canadian Stock Ex- : nae Great Books, ~. *yp : ' hanges, said Wednesday he 'KVR: annel 3--Barrie | 9G ' is ' sf r N Tipe : * ; p> Et nnn ti ne a greys * tatendar Car - . 4 ie x : . 4 + jdoes not feel the changes in FRIDAY EVENING SATURDAY 40 PM 1~-Hawkeye 47 aw ond -Y = PF e \ ' \\ pe wa AvxX} jstock exchange operations rec- 5:00 PM. #00 AM, N--Bechelor Father o-ttallan Journal Ay Symphony 2 Prat a eS f +4 : . § jommended by U.S. Securities por i S-Mavrice, Pearson SoNeway. Weather ne eel ney GE COSTA GRANDE REVOLUTION Cy SPAS , my jand Exchange. Commission in- 4---Five O'clock Show | ere Ayo ee Sports . ' : A They) BANDS... VICTOR' . | : | en are applicable in nuahades er | Fe-Farm and Home Hour] d-News; Weather! | Pohrentiers of Faltn | ake Two tack PARADES». CELEBRATION! : ' § - } Canada, 30 PM | S-Serteome Sports jg EP +129 aN : b ) ' \ The report's main recommen. +--Protessors Niteaway | @2- vnc gge he ee ---- GA. Gol ment! Det Yo dation was the abolition of floor bPritersor'n Cortona | MEAS --Newss Weathers Tite PUA F Fg alge jtrading on the exchanges for 2--Capt, Sailordirg | O2--Fantary tiene mr V--dLetia Talk with \--Fam! neat nN j renee ech aeorasuilanve Serta Reirson wnocorsnblote ur ez - : jthe personal account of the om PM, 4--Fun To Learn : _ cone Been nw 2 wn | HCE jtrader. The investigators held a gy veviuinga et Jamyoor Family Playh 2---Piok AS ee i the personal buying and selling S--Tombstone Territory | 4--Awseum of Scie S--Beverly Miiioil ak ae ics , GOOD HEAVENS, NANCY T OFFICE and selling of stocks by mem- }-Sea Hunt | Cartoon Caper £-UB Round Tat i n.. Oral Roberts tte ' ' i HAVE LUNCH AND CC : Wry. bers on the exchange floor had 48 BM, lyeHugson's 2 : | Seni won ers ' . i oh ee ER wus Weleasom? wer OE AR TOD. an "unstabilizing effect." Arthur Maynes Show gnee Presenta 28am B 1 oki M 3--Fiying Docto Discovery es a . : ; <r | . 1+ . Mr. Russell said trading by | oes Alem 8 , Balvent Mer i moons ren ' -- ~~ 2 stock exchange members in Live Montreal on their own accounts has had a stabilizing effect on ithe market | He said the situation ts hard to compare because there gre no "specialists' 'In Canada, members of the exchanges ap- ' nee . eg yg it ae S : : pointed to stabilize the market ) Byte ; ye . att , { \ , in the tradin gof specified i hares wit Trave , : | ' i hs S : stocks. These members buy or Sever-O-Ore 4 3 + i . j ¥ ~ < re engage cod Pony ity'n Runnies CROSSWORD ; ' Nine / : sell on their own accounts to b.$iience Please | : : ' eG " § h a unte ract violent price up ss Wk { Lawrence We ' y - surges or slumps wet VaMabty Tim : * ACROSS Actress » * He did not think the Cane. srernations Fm tugs Bunny hg Nana a i, Extempor "g = a | . pane asa STORE ~~~idian exchanges were "subject Saoetine of Kines Fin a ' ~ ine Ador 23.A ag to specific weaknesses and the Show " eatighe ns | ; aa m Cavers ee ' 5. Run in ep Lia abuses,' one of the conclusions Fenster epar e 3 r nta a " a 4. PM, th4)--News; Weether: Sper ts oat PA, teoRamily Theatre > 9 i toner Bex Bi--Hontey Brimoey i Aagnr * Saturday ov 3--Cartoons #3--News: Sports Play hon a-News with Charisse | ' i : a by dine wil Coningwond eg Oe "se From Chicage he PM c Se Dennis The Menace >..Kure 3 Keyhole J a8 : MDD! ' News; Weelher Sorts a of Sport Cimarron City JANE ARDEN the SEC re . of the SEC report. ee os in Toronto, President Howard tive 6. M aT close study of the findings of the SEC investigators to see whether they have any appica- tion to the Toronto exchange iw Claes = . BE ban By tng | 24. Madeof Hindu Fenster M 4 sacred tree 2 Ralesd nick mre ee hid main aes fer | House Battle ah Cee | nn (See ee oe ao ae oh) ss sy Lm moe | Expected pnts, [eee la : eS 2p < A conan | 'After Recess By JAMES NELSON OTTAWA (CP) -- Liberal ané@ + Conservative party strategy in -- popes ee Bile the House of Commons is run- S--Have Guy Wil Travel, OM. ' r . anaes sinensis vy ee . ning towards a dramatic colll- ~The Third Men " ' . * we . r neh F * " canes © --chempiomsrip Bom . On the left A ales, ita i°S ME..GRANDMA.. \! BRawd 4A ~ SVERED sion of I-told-you-sos when Par tone i side: nat. 20 [2 [xa a ls Pn el eigheip-ape' Bly. }\ iat ' } / jliament comes back this aut oe ™ Se Aeon a a > Bez . Boao _---- 4 Fi ("The Liberals ace urging Par: L ree Ste >..tart * ™ rt i ai 4 1)9-09-4-43.2--News? i jiament te approve Finance i Minister Gordon's revised bad- an PM LinCheck rete > Along WOR MICKEY MOUSE es 1 ae rd : : oe Bp cvatorsin Z -_ i WENT THIS : - | 70 | } Graham of the Toronto Stock Sans ° ' Anewerng Se 14. Mistake rie 27.1 : 1; \ Oo AT ty e é 1 | | eee ¢ : Exchange said it will make a 16. Eng. writer a x esterday's Answer 17, Frozen 19. His: Fy. ra 3am & > Sense? Strip Altrec Mitchoock Mout " The Price ls Right 2 s > "d a! = %.C ch Th The PM. Show _ ee projection RCH ele Newy 7 33. To Brjeck Peer Sow v une = $3 Berpire " &. Newspaper } SNS ---- ae Sen one Telegraphic si 4. Weather Sports A ' TAphac - This PA. ehh -- . * am Be at 4 | Bee met Fine aon P SA. Ga : i s : > i324 me Sh Cf | eV tenor curnannent 2 . * Hi 7 SNe ant ioe 3 4 . FS . F r -- Se ee ee PM, "y Pr Sg | jget resolutions before the re- jcess begins, probably about jAug, 2 | They arm confident that when |Parliament has had a six-to- peng =. . : ' jeight-week rest, they will be id - oe oe | : ft % ra ln it ccd ' able to demonstrate to the op- | New Pea : ane 5 OE UES be? I gf ( position that Conservative sus . j picions of the budget were un- founded The Conservatives, on the jother hand, are agreeing only lreluctantly to passage of the = e i sh e . a budget resolutions before the mi . Just in time for Carefree Vacation-Time Driving Saidey and wil tot abrce wm til the autumn to final passage -_ seas With Guardien Maintenance Service genuine G.M. Replacement ports . . . ond certified mechanical workmanship, you of the budget bills, informants ore ossured of moximum trouble-free performance when your cor is serviced ct The Cliff Mills Motors Ltd say « 2 «on mab heand 5 FE Daas GRANDMA seeenenneneentengs a SATURDAY EVE o£» The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. SALLY'S SALLIES 266 KING ST. WEST PHONE 723-4634 for service appointment PRR Ter IT CAME TONED 15 TUTTE. Wr seenes oer waren YY VeTae NOT P| a SPRAY THE WRO baa i COMING DOWN THE STREAM NOW: FIGs! won| | ef ENE SVL Se TY : 4 j \ OUR CATTLE ARE GOING ToRm-~ | YOUR CATTIE BY SY AND THERELL SE PLENTY | . . KILLING THE MA ; i | REWARD! 4 a Twit MASKED NaN a - AO Bore Dead THE STREAM TO your emaner i WEL Bue FREELY Acamn THs BARON | "I can't remember what I lost. 2» What have you found LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER enue ee Sa | BANQUETS ~ game a : : - \ 3 ts Bays 4 sex mnaces.come A peury an Y FARM THe sere } moma! |r Dow tat | Re Suuiow,) | ' PHONE 723-4641 ve =] es 4 were? SEAR A way? 7°) FOR WHA sins SOAP POWDER!) bap - 7 ee \ . = ee | ip 7) |GENOSHA HOTEL DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER ASL seu « SPOT CASH TERMS JORN a. 4 BOLAHOOD REAL ESTATE -- MORTGAGES 725-6544 ACADIAN CLEANERS Odourless Cleaning Shirt Specialists JULIET JONES ® Some Doy Service Vouls on Promires PHONE 728-5141 299 BLOOR Ww. . LARRY BRANNON