Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jul 1963, p. 3

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fal fair -- held on the ORC grounds off Gibb street--at- tracted adults as well as oth- ers. In the upper phote at lef, a section of the crowd is seen im the grounds as the fair opened. Top picture, right, BUNDREDS OF OSHAWA CHILDREN REPRESENTING 24 supervised City parks par. aded and took part im a gala parade Wednesday te cele Brate the annual Penny Fair apensored by the Oshawa Rec. reation committee. The color a ANNUAL ORC PENNY FAIR PARADE ATTRACTS HUNDREDS | to the strains of "pipe" music ") gett, and Mrs. Charles Peel. 24 Floats © 'In Parade | Hundreds of children paraded through Oshawa. streets Wed- nesday evening. The occasion for the % float parade was the annual Penny Fair which is staged by the Oshawa Recreation Committee for the & children's play- grounds in city parks. Hundreds of children made up the floz*s and walking groups and were joined by more than 1,500 others at the fair held behind the ORC Gibb street headquarters, Prizes were awarded to the winning floats by three judges, Miss Pat Hraynyk, Fred Elie- First went to the Brook- side float which chose "Christmas in July" as the theme Second prize went to Veterans Park group who staged "Royal Family". Third prize winners were the children of Valleyview ¢ Park, with "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs'. fo Oshawa Times Saigon Police Raid Pagoda, ' - The judges chose Storie for the fourth winning "Glories of the igi judges awarded ality, quality After the over two thousand children at the fair ground to lack on Ring late Bar Toss, Quoit Toss, Dart Toss, and lucky dip. |AT THE FAIR those lucky enough to clown, in one case a little who thrust his head cardboard clown cut tunately those invited game could only use balls. Two of the most creatures at t small and dusty dren lined up in scores to on the animals at ride, Youngsters who were to give up three cents mside a large crate fortunes told by a ' could be found inside, workers for the busy supervising the changing nickels and won hit a & i s 5 é af E i 424g 3324 Hil Buddhists SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1963 PAGE THIRTEEN | i j i SAIGON, South Viet Nam) NEW YORK (AP) -- Jitters gave way to relative calm in Wall Street today as the finan- cial capital studied searching ifederal. government criticism of ymany Wall Street firms. Wall Street Nerves Cam Oshawa J aycee After U.S. Announcement |Leadership Head A past - president of the Osh- Specialists -- exchange mem-jawa Junior Chamber of Com- ibers ing ignission. ssigned to manage trad./merce has been made chairman Pagina ge and tof 8 Canada - wide Jaycee com- some key practices in the New/steady tendencies toward) Tt was announced Wednesday abrupt price fluctuation, num-jthat Fred Upshaw will now head York stock exchanges Presidents of the two largest securities markets in the |United States worked on rebut- jtal to a severe report file Wednesday with Congress by investigators he U.S. Seour- ities and Exchange Commission --the regulatory government body or z from some brokers, G. K Funs ton, president of the New York ijStock exchange, held his peace 'So did Edwin D. Etheringion, president the American Steck Exchange They said time was required down Gidb street. Bottom io digest the 2,100pace second picture shows Diane Roberts, /instalment of SEC inquiry find. 4, with her candy floss, Broth- ES, sequel to a milder report ers, Wayne, 7, left, and Don. '@5t April . ald, 8 look on. However, Etherington prom- is one of the floats enroute to the fair as the parade moves ised to express his opinions of he termed "ili-advised" jber 360 on the New York Siock/the National Le: Exchange ing Commission for Canada. Mr All exchange transactions are/~ funnelled through them, how-/ ever, SEC investigators said years their activities were inadequat-'~ He told The Oshawa Times ely policed . Wednesday that he will now ip Train Upshaw has held various f positions within the local ongan- ization during the past five |(AP)}--Government combat po-/ lice crossed their own barbed.-/ wire barricades today and) raided a Buddhist pagoda packed with 400 monks, nuns and their followers. The police carried away three Buddhists. Buddhists took refuge in. the Giac Minh pagoda after police broke up a demonstration Wed- nesday with clubs, rifle butts and kicks. U.S. security offic. ers said the police acted with deliberate brutality that shocked and disgusted them. President Kennedy expressed hope at his press conference for j&@ settlement of the religious |strife between the government jof President Ngo Dinh Diem, a pennies for the chi j men Mother Hubbard's rag covered children wandered grounds. The twelve member Caledonian Junior Pipe which marched in the also lent some color to scene, The candy floss booth did roaring trade and above whole rowdy scene rose smell of fresh potato chips, 22 Quebec Students _|Roman Catholic, and the Budd-! : |hists. The Buddhists accuse the By selling stocks in the sharp)have fall responsibility for Jay- market break of May 28, 1962--/cee leadership training in the Black Monday--some "secmedidominion. He explained that to contribute to the 'pounding/each province has a chairman down' of prices," the said material Fund Drive | report who contacts the federal chair- man for advice, ideas and new Mr. Upshaw added that new jideas are also passed to his of- fice from the provincial and lo- cal bodies which he evaluates and uses if necessary. so meintained, Mr. At $710,000 (sess =: The Oshawa Civic Auditorium | _,.,, Building Fund has reached the), } International contacts are al-| Upshawitraffic safety, brotherhood, FRED UPSHAW A is awards and conventions, consti- t to and received from coun- tution and admissions and com- government of religious perse- cution. Seventy policemen raided the |pagoda as police reinforcements took positions throughout Sai- gon. Barbed wire and police guards kept the Buddhists from leaving the building There were indications the police would raid two other jpagodas sealed by barbed wire. A monk said the 400 persons = the Giac Minh pagoda had jonly enough food to last another jay. At Xa Lao pagoda, headquar- Entertained Entertained: The visit of 22 High School students from Quebec was given the official kick-off at a civie reception in Hotel Genosha Wed. nesday night. The visiting students, mos' of whom are from the Lake St John area in Quebec, are the guests of Oshawa students whe jreturned from Quebec with jthem Tuesday | The Ontario - Quebec. Student Exchange is sponsored by Canadian Council of Christians jand Jews, and locally by the jters of the South Vietnamese Oshawa Jaycees. Buddhist movement, the chief |priest neared the end of a 48. from Oshawa Some of the head table guests addressed the es which have a JC onrgani-/monity developement. vation. He stated that ideas sent) Mr. Upshaw was president of/?0Ur hunger strike. Auditorium Finance Chairmanitrom abroad are also used in|the local branch two years ago. Men Questioned Terence V. Kelly this morning \Canada and Canadian methods /He is carrently the president of The exact total collected fromior jeadership training used in the Oshawa Citizenship Council. payroll deduction and citvicanada are publicised in) He has won the Jaycee ef- TORONTO (CP) -- Two men plants amounts to $710,000 and Bu the Uni e reached this mac. te vest TN gor can hee tes Sea ea et ee jings between the two leaders/arrested in Sudbury on vag- jwould reduce racial What comme The SHC special stady com-j mittee assailed several time. honored stock market prac- tices, mostly concerned with the market's inside workings rather than ac jes directly teuching the public ASKS FOR CURBS | ht called for new curbs on short selling, Moor traders and Stock specialists, tighter super- vision of trading im unlisted se.) mts in the report $710,000 mark, announced Civic young visitors in French. These speakers included Georgs' Roberts, principal of the Me Laughlin Collegiate, and tional Institute ("Our friends jfrem Quebec handle jmuch better in our \than we do in theirs"); Angus |M. Dixon, principal of O'Neill |Collegiate and Vocational Inst:- tute; and Charles H. president of the Oshawa Cham- ber of Commerce. Gay afternoon with donations) oa the commission on youth de_the Eastern Ontario and Onta ay the Donevan Colle&i|velpement in the Oshawa'title in effective speaking. Mr, ate Institute and a contri jJunior Chamber and has been/Upshaw is emploved with a from Club Lorley Incorporated./active in the committees on:ifirm of Cesta Seales in Age The pledges and: cash from British Guiana the teachers at Donevan Col-) legiate amounted to $1,191 and . . = 16 Speeders FindNoEvidence | Will Attend \OfRecklessness D 2 ' Magistrate Harry W. Jermyn Y th Rall aw Fines ! nena Lyan ~ 5g ree ome ou . 72 Glencairn street, of making) TsOns an improper leh turn, bat told) e aa the a court wea. him the omus is on the man) In Indiana nesday: who makes the turn to move in) 'speeding 8 Watter Safety. Dudley pleaded not guil- weant: aon ot Lin.ty im the Oshawa court Wednes- rest p.tteetes trem * Mae . 1296 Heron drive, S2" |Pau! sbyterian Charch, 3 a thamond Wright,| According te the evidence he/Oshawa, incieding three mem- Ajax, $18; Glarksen, $13; Larry Joel Rod- had been involved Se Peterborough, $18; Dan- Gent on Simcoe street . atl ald James Maclean, Alderwood, Concession 5, which resulted in $13; Steve Porgaj, Toronte,'a total of $725 damage Siegbert Kreidier, Scarboroarh, Dudley said a car ahead of $2 each; Sidney McMullen, To-bim Ddlocked an approaching rente, Ernest Ressell Chipiey,/vehicle from his view when ne Terenta, Robert James Pape, started te make a kef turn Welland, Dexter E. Geddes, To. "There is no evidence of rente, and Thomas Robertireckiessmess." sald Defence Carr, Downsview, $10 cach: Counsel Terence V Kelly. Ray Malcolm Haughland Ham the magistrate fined Martin tren, $10: Jerzy George De-wartens, of Uxbridre, $18 for Browski, Guelph, $10; Elzabethoanine te step at an antersec. Barrett. Scarberouch, $20, andition 'The offense had been obd- Brian Kennedy, Uxdridee, $16.\cerved by an OPP constable | Also fined were Robert Clin-/Martens said he had stopped at ten White, Toronta, Si. charz-y, sign $5 feet back. but Ma- ed with having no clearance cictrate Jermrhn pointed out ie tamps; Douglas Skekie, Sum dim he was Tequired te stap at S: ow thagg --- Hh gone ige_of the highway. ~-- Py taken from the gutted building, Strong, 124 Central Park bogle- the court heard, yard south, Oshawa, $3 ever. Port Hope lawyer Wilfred Reading; and Cornelias Fehr, $8, Gsobering a stopsicn 3 were Bernard Soun- @ers, Scarbereuch (two charges), Bernard BHeming. Denéas; Sir] Ward. Dondsk& surance policy on the building, the overt was told, te protect what be called his "interest as! tandiend." bers of the Charch's Young Peo- ple's Groap, Jack Gillespie and) " an improved svs- Rusty Goheen, students at Dr "sig was od pee counall F. J. Donevan Collegiate Insti-) Sw , g tate, and Gary Bradley, a sty. Pume) transactions phy Ros g sg - nym To the financial community's of the charch, Rev, Derek Allen blank J leave today to take part in the relief, there was no blanket de. North American Reformed ang@™ 2nd for segregating . the Presbyterian Youth Assembly broker and dealer functions of which is being held at Pordee -- University Im Lafayette KEW ROSES POISONED Indiana LONDON (CP)--Roses at the More than 2008) youth dele- .: gates are planning te attend famed Royal Botanical Gardens from the different branches of/at Kew are so bad this year se pne nore pee h ON the that questions have been asked North 4 aA CoRNtinent, m- es aa cluding the Presbyterian Charch 2000t them im the House of m Canada. Larés. An agriculture ministry curities in the over-the-counter | The purpose of the assembly Spokesman told the House that ; [troops ; put on the'small businesses im the city."| Sendys said he hoped meet-lorder. is t© give the youth of the Re. weedkiller had been formed Church an opportunity! roses by mistake. % meet tegether im a2 expen: _ ence of the wider Charch as ss well as to study coredher the PreSeM the youth of the Pres- ws te be and do as youth of the which St. Paul's rch is a Reformed Cherch within the part. The director of the freup Hoemenical Movemeat?" at St. Paul's is Ernest Whiting. Reneld Mathew Mewar, To- rents and Alex Williamson, Ux- bredze Alse fined were Midwestern Censtrection Campane, Lim. ea, G2 overloading, and Ba ward Winter, $92, for having no PCV lirence. City Man | Trial COBOURG -- Harcld R. Tar ler of Oshawa, wert 'on trial Tees@ay charred with setting @ Ge Bieck Cat im Av- al. Shertty afer Tarter made an % bar te fm, west of Bowmanvilic, be took oot an jn. core | yma on R, the cont wes t Empiepess of «an Oshewe | Sere sed Taylor bourke 134 yards ef of cloth end. five! is Mawkets prior te the blare. Oi eth and diemkets, were found th sof th mm aher the Ere. Peite anf fre mats Seqpecters identified charred President Alex Bilehrend mewspapers found i The bollg- The Gleb Lereler, bef, pre- tng. Traces of petrelewm pro. Semts @ pledige-cerd for $399 te @ucts were alse found & wood! Dr. Oxar G. Mids, right, _ a The jocal delegates will re His assistant is Dave Barnes Emile Lingen, a director of the club, is alse shown --Oshawa Times Photo. | coniest Club Lereley's gift amounted to Mr. Keny indicated that the Coalition Talk progress of the campaign this! week and the number of basi) esumes Today messes to be heard from indi- cated that the target of $750,000) from other than the Major Companies in the city would be reached. He and E. R. S./ "Dick" McLaughlin, the Chair. jgan's People's Progre |Party is composed ently of East Indians and ham's People's National Con-/ gress is supported by the Ne-jpy GHORGETOWN (Reuters) --/ETo population. jar |Premier Cheddi Jagan and Op-|_ Following a cabinet mecting position Leader Forbes Burn-|Wednesday, the Jagan govern.-| ham were Wue to resume coali-/ment issued a statement whach| tensen|Tancy charges Tuesday are ex. jamong their supporters. Ja. jpected to be brought te Toronto ssive/teday for questioning in connec. predomin-/tion with a $57,000 Toronto bank Burn-/robbery Monday. / They are being driven here! detectives Andrew Ouellette jand James Mitchell of the Met- jropolitan Toronto holdup squad. man of the Avditorium Com-/0" talks here today following a/said law and order broke down| mittee said that they were en- ' . tirely satisfied with the rate/™@nd for immediate indepead- that the money has been com-/e2ce from Britain. ing in to t Co quarters on King street east "Since last Tharsday the Fund a's tonial Secretary Duncan San- has swelled $22,000", said Mr.@mid increasing political and/the creation of a Guianese |British Guiana government de./because the British government failed to "ensure the mainten- jance of public security," de. Campaign head-| The talks were initiated by/sPite advice and repeated pro- | jtests from the government. Tuesday police arrested Mrs. Elaine Barber and Mrs. Mavis vingstone, both 35, in their [Torento home. They were on a visit here last week) Jagan's party also called tor|chareed with illegal possession of $18,008. McLaughlin, "and these Tacial strife following an St-day/army to replace the British) When the women appeared in amounts have come from the Seneral strike. now being used to keep} magistrate's court Wednesday, Crown Attorney Sherman Hans The students will be on 3 trip to Midland today, followed aed ed J. | jaxie jand jtered the stam guns and and $2,000 in cheques. ) | ' "We are now in sight of our goal of $1,000,000", added Mr.j gure Kelly "and Mr. Bill Kurelo who) s @id such 2 wonderfal job in) Bonneville carried a $20,000) m. (question, "What is God calling Sytery of East Toronta, of/peading the Parade Committee | which started the campaign on | a successful note, has bern de. tailed to head a Committer to | wmake plans for the day when the ' Campaign reaches its ob-|' jective." ' : John DeHart the manager of) the Excelsiers of the Civil Ser. vice Leagee who meet Pag! Shody's People's Clothing a je- venile temm on Sunday after. moon in a game for the benefit) of the Civic Auditorium Fund) said that a draw for prizes at, the game will take place. The contest is set fer 2 pam. at Lekevirw park. Excelsiors who are leading the) = JWENTY-TWO QUEBEC Civil Service League will send] High School Ss were }their tap Pitcher Jim Mitchell] welcomed te Oshawa Wei- whose record is 8 and 3 agdinst) nesday at a civic dinner 'in the People's team and a good) Hotel Genosha. Shown im the aa essured. : eS ST RA picture are, the lek, Gloria Reid and Nancy Russell, both of Osh- awa, and Louise Charette and Jocelyne Fortin of Quebec. In front row, from SSS EAE SSS the back row are, from the left, Gilles Harvey, Queber; Peter Oote, Jaycee vice presi- dent; Vic Brooks, Jayree president; Bd Jones, chair- < mittee, and Brian Wilson, an Oshewa student. The Oshawa Jaycoees sponsor the visit of Quebec students here. --Oshawa Times Phote

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