9 Newspaper Seen Aid To Education OTTAWA (CP) The Cana:jficulties encountered by dian daily newspaper as an ed:/papers in collecting news weational tool is getling search:jpresenting it tmpartially ing study here from a select group of Canadian schoolteach: |p ers, The teachers are attending aly workshop on The Newspaper in the Classroom at Carleton Uni} aldwin, a teache Ntrang -- of 'Evelyn Carlin af Montreal The three Landon, eansultiant; A Yoranta and Mrs news and are teachers are Cleda | THE OSHAWA TIMES, j rooms They said they now reo} alige that eritical views Wey previously had on news treat ment were perhaps unjustified STIMULATE INTEREST Mr, Strang said newspapers an excellent method of stim | ulating the interest of students in a current event at the ime it is taking place, As an ex lelection ta teach his students! versity sponsored by the Cana:/"8® Rewspapers in their class-'erates Thuraday, July 18, 1969 JY] Stories about an election in Russia offered him an oppor tunity to explain the difference) between a totalitarian rogime| and a democracy, Reports on) Common Market negeatiatians) led to discussions with students! on world trade Mra, Carlin said she cused 'newspaper shipping advertise: Ont, 'ample he said he discussed! ments ta teach retarded hit K.inews stories about the April Sidren geography, She also taught simple arithmetic by getting Al} now the federal government op lstudents to compare prices in grocery stare ads, dian Daily Newspaper Publish evs Association, First of its kind held at a Canadian university it eantinues until duly 2? The group agreed Wednesday that newspapers generally treal news with sufficient impartial ity to be suitable for study of eurrent events in schools. How ever, news stories were fot Suitable if they were sensa: lienal ar showed bias, expe cially in the political field Rasic idea of the workshop is ta acquaint teachers with the kind of information avail able in a newspaper and to de velap classroom techniques fa: . WINE ReWwSspapers to stimulal imerest of students in curren events SUPPORT USE Delegates supported ereased use af newspapers as a method of teaching students to understand whal is behind ihe day's news, However, 'ev said students alsa should he taught ta take a critical look at siaries @ j 1 events (0 enable them to evalua wheher they are exaggerated sensationa (ized a mtaimed bias W. tT. MacSkimming jnspectar af Ottawa's schoals, called fo Straight news and im papers, He said mere facty an which their own thinking Three teachers said that talking With warkis per men attending shop the vhave a g erat) mh af the ha BC. Fishermen Shut Down Giant Industry VANCOUVER (CP)-A strike By 10.008 salmon fisheraitn and allied workers has shut down Rritish Columbia's gigantic fishing industry The -walkow tha: began last Saturday became complete Wednesday whea shareworkers atreamed aut of fish ca @onned placards and peket hres The strike, by members of the independent Untied Pishermen end Allied Workers' Union, eame 2? days after negotiations brake down detween the union and the Fisheries Association of Brita Columbia and several iadependent fishing campanies Alea alfected are about 38 ! wnien Rendermen--wha trans. pert fish from the fleet ta t canneries, The teadermen haa voted against striking dy a two vate Margin. bul ship and shore votes. Bul them aut af a job The wn wn and are at odds Over SALMRAR Process and WARES far packer ma eWS and shorewarkers HETIN*S. walked the fisheries ae "FIX-UP - home renovating insulation, paint, built-in range units by Toppan etc, Before you buy . . 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Sie 23x, jos sett wow dl cLoseouT GIRLS' 7-12 SPORT SHORTS Jamaica ond vhort vherts, Sentenced fm plom and jecquered colon, dexer er | went bend, Meade i Ceneda, of quelty carded and peptin cottons 1 . SUMMER CLOSEOUT sa ceemeeenenieeennl GIRLS' COTTON CORD SLIMS Smarty wed slima of bebe cotton cord, elastic beck weist, atyled with. plein bend, wide pocket colors, White, red, blue, Size 7. sununare croseour 1 4 Scothememmmmamemmnnel BOYS' 3-4x KINTTED POLO COLLAR SPORT SHIRTS Made of fine Anitted cotton, with neat 2. Doreen cotter attract «ea pled patterns end sed colors, Subs. SUMMER CLOSEOUT LADIES' Sines 10.28 SUMAMER CrostouTt i ceeetiinemeaneatel _EADIES' SLINS py logge sgl vege Beep ontny ve | Woah, cane te week, popeler serner 2.44 EVERITHG Tt se BOYS' 8-12 BEIGE PANTS Made t & by "Comtincetel" sctatened oF Bean ef whee, gewdle seme, aan tee Cone. 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