WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Rae Hopkins Tel. 668-3708 | MUST HAVE SUBSIDY Interest Shown In Ambulance Service By RAK HOPKINS Manager, Whithy Bureau A Toronto salesman and for- mer ambulance service opera! tor has declared his interest in establishing a two-unit ambu- lance service in Whitby, But, William Kuba, former eperator of Callen Ambulance, im Kingston, told Town Council this week, an ambulance serv- ice cannot operate without a municipal government subsidy, Mr. Kuban indicated his inter: for the town, He pointed out he has many ideas which would make an ambulance service in Whithy work His first question of council was why is there no ambulance service in town Mayor Martin suggested there is ambulance service here He suggested this newspaper is giving adverse pudlicily to! the lack of ambulance service n town, despite advertisements advising townsfolk where they are to call if an ambulance is the past when an ambulance was operating out of Whitby that outside service had to be called in, With this statement we most cerainly agree, So do we agree with Mr. Kuhn, who states that an ambulance business should' be solely an ambulance service and nohing more. Deputy-reeve Rrooks told the' spokesman he felt (with many ethers both on and off council) hat the approach for a subsidy) by the Town Funeral Chapel Assault Charges Earn Suspended Sentences Common assault charges}in court, told His Worship she against two Whitby youths, / had trouble with her son and Larry Hill, 17%, and Stewartithat he hadn't lived at home Kay, 16, both of 406 Gilbert/for over a month. Kay was liv« street, resulted in one year!ing with Hill at this time. suspended sentences and proba-' Magistrate Harry W. Jermyn tion, jtold the accused, Kay, to pay Peter Greenough, of 320 Dun-jattention and that his mother lop street, who pressed the!was very much concerned about charges, told Magistrate Harry) him. W, Jermyn, Tuesday, he laugh.| He placed the pair on sus- ed when he saw a man, whojpended sentence for one year appeared to be drunk, coming/and told them not to associate/ up the street and fall, with each other, The two accused, one of) Another requirement of Kay's whom was the son of the man probation was, he return to who had. fallen, chased himjschool next term and make inte the house and waited until) someihing of himself. he came out of the bathroom) Kay told His Worship he where he had barricaded him.) would. self, fon bag he opened the -- " - said, the two youths punc | Ski N Bein him in the face and body. | er ot g Kay's mother, who appeared | W tch iD 1 Woman Fined For Public Intoxication A Toronto woman was allot- ted one week in Whitby Magis- tvate's Court, Tuesday, to raise $15 to pay for a fine levied when she was convicted of be- ing drank in a public place. Irene Murphy, of 83 Carleton street, was found in an intoxi- cated condition in Pickering with a part bottle of whiskey in her purse. She told the court. she had jbeen drinking because of a re- jcent family mishap, | Drunk Charge Draws 30 Da For Island Man Magistrate Harry W. Jermyn sentenced a Scugog Island resi- dent, Claude Marsdan, to est in providing ambulance rvice far Whitby Town Funeral Ch @iscontinued its se after refusal by council $5,008 ambulance subsidy quest The spok wished to Service ope was to be added he whether he here, > properly there w Mr. Kuh ' With a special conim ed by Mavor tin, te study amba after W Dek > required JT ments have ap We agree red the Whitby page of this newspaper, but by the same token, we have ndance at highway on en Victims awaited ree red if coun eorge maybe the amda s been Diown t really LOTTON BAGS FIVE Brooklin Srs. Thump Sealtests Ry CLIFF GORDON Brooktia Sr, Lacrosse came up with i effort of the s a R whip Brammon Seate Rrook!a Brookha with S. Catharines 2 Athletics were Plaving AS migm and results of 1 game were noi known at time of wrt me Glen Lotion was the fer the Brooklin team league's Reading pont arena the getter as » a -. > recked wp five goals. He was D@Ve OM some OoOoASIONS Ref-'s ooklin and Sik te Brampton elosely followed bx Cy Coombes end the newcomer, stil a Jr, Coombes were the lamp Nght nis Sanday afternoon in a ree Joe Todd with three goals each, 7s on the first period markers./giar jeague fixtare at the Ken Rattan bagged two. with) Brampten came out much/Brampten arena. Rrovklin was @ingle markers going to Larry stronger im the second period at almost fall strength for last Ferguson, Grant Lamon and Doan Crages For the losers R was their dic bed bay, Gord Thompson with 'ewe and single tallies te Bary Fendiey, Jim McClere, Brace Wanless, Bi Foster, Phil Dids- bery and Judd McGalter The Brampton team, having Player trouble, dressed fear iz- termediate plavers from the Streetsvitle team for the game last nist. They were Foster, Diésbery, Drammand and Hard. The } med Payer pared we a few wr: piatate vbefore doing ha played we TAMS $] une g cut cod most ' et 3 be) a i six goals 3 cage Was | J andout, especia vy in the first five w play as he made four almost mpossiie saves from very ciese RM Brookhn dbx m the firs: peried as they were passing the bal! well and rua ming mach better they eT minutes t up a 28 cashion than jernan, Todd, G. Letter and Heffernan, Kealand hed their own very well forinigit's game with just three of the first three minutes of plar Fendiey was the first to beat Baker im the local cage followed ty Thompson, That was ail the Gamage fer whe visiters as Brooklin appeared to come to hate Ther started te pass the ball and run like they were je pelled. Rr the time vel 2 pone to pnd the second pe vhe locals had banged anoth six goals behind JeMersan in the Jaser's twine The third and fina! peric EUPHONIUM PLAYER DON SWEETE BROCK fers witty The harsh a wang Seryos ie Payee eto tet oes? Brae Re Hs ether ar OF dow SEL te Shows ot 7:00 ond 9:00 these advertise od aS hein at the wi ple was all wrong. eir approach, Mr. Brooks! said, was either $5,000 -- or else, "There was a loi left to be desired in that approach for assistance," the deputy- PERSONALS entertained at their home in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Courchesne on the occasion of their 23th wedding anniversaty irty-five guests were pres: Oat of town guests were from Glen Sutton, Quebec, Brussels, Dublin, Torente, Osh- awa and Whitby. Mr, and Mrs Courchesne were presented with an electric frypan, a parse ef money and numerous other guts. own rett Quantrill point mmitiee had been all aspects of @ service in Whitby tr. Kuhn said he went out of business in Kingston because of Y subsidy, He said he was ging 88 calls a month and + a subsiiy he just could AUS to Operate. he added Y eat Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bulloch, Glen Sunon, Quedec, spent sev- eral days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernes; Cour. chesne, 618 Dundas street west Other guests for the weekend and Mrs. George Robdert Thornton and Miss Carolyne Brent, al ssels, Ontario that council mobuilance for this s would service uy he said would be chargeable to the pa He told Councillor Des idea was provide an & in rie $ friend i ' of Bra {VER The many friends of Doreen S sorry t© learn to her home with sickness. They wish her a speedy recevery up a service in © requested, but he could t without a subsidy Ta Terente, Mr. Kuhn pointed ance Services aver. alls a day and are still sidired of necessity by parity few municipalities have efficient. amba lance service, Oshawa is one of those few which does." Mr Kuba said own not do Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Brown and their daughter Janice spent ast weekend in Reavertan, the guests Mrs, Annie Carson z of mother of Mrs. Brown wm Oniano The many friends of Mrs Martha Gray are happy to yearn that she is now home after a stay at the Oshawa Gen. etal Hospital where she under went surgery. They wish her a prompt recovery Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brown 185 Bell drive, entertained at their residence at a dinner party t celebrate the birth. @avs of Mrs. Murray Silver and ber father, Mr. George Bown of Athol street Mr. and Mrs. Fred Broome and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Broome spent las; week in Warkton where they attended ithe celebration held in honor of Walter Sparting on the erca- sion of his 76th birthday 2 wierd affair as both teams were playing wide apan, Ne less than 13 goals were counted in the final peried, eleven dy The same two teams will meet the plarers not at the game The two new Jr. players leak ea good. especialiy Jee Todd who picked up three goals and assisted en three more. SUMMARY PARST PERIOD Seeman Test -- 5. & sat. «Miss M. Blair, of Greenbank > spent a week visiting with her meces, Marjorie and Marian Bromell, of 128 Boclid street Mrs. WiQiam Simnsan, Henry Street, has returned from her 28s YAaCATION spon, with her mother, ~™ Mrs, Peal St. Laurent of Trois. t Rivieres, Quedec a poses " SECOND PERIOD Fimaiey (Spicer) Tromasen (Poster) PUSH EXPORTS WAVAS @XPorts ex ceeded $296.000,000 for the first five month af 1963 Yor = avant eee em ve Eephoriem plarer, 17 ~ year oe Dem Swrete of 35 Lape Qrive, Waite, wil attend the armaal hand camp be mm Bea- WeETIGR This Waar Exoclient petie root Whe Bra Rand for more ARS The Glare ond ject ten tere yy wating Terward % the week at semmer camnp Where he will further his Trateng wn the moscel field receixe indocidaal remem (Rar ens for play hands is eae OO SNC her--easy Geo wor with Honsts, ne a the We ncte ron te - "= Cher 13.25, Beste Chow 0 wesl Te MS CELERRA ERNOATON z c t was nRosgae Mm Lahaga fer number ef poars. he oF x i Impaired Driver Fined $100 | John Joseph Dupe, 48 North street, Port Perry, was convict. ed of impaired driving in Whit- by Magistrate's Court, Tuesday, | and fined $100 and costs. | Constable Raymond Goodwin of the Ontario Provincial Police told the court he was in Reach} Township. when he spotted sev-| eral men drinking beer in cars. | He stated tha; the accused) jwas behind the wheel of one of | ithe automobiles at the time but) jwas (hwarted fro mleaving be-) jeause someone was standing in} jfront of the car, { | "When I took his licence, the officer stated, "he became quite} beligerent and directed a con-| siderable amount of profanity towards me." THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, July 18, 1963 § The officer said he had)costs and gave him a month te trouble arresting Dupe and was raise the money, aided in this by members of : the accused's family who were) GONTRASTS GREATLY | Pygmy Negritoes in the Phi. present, "This mixing of alcohol with, ines still hunt with poisoned few miles from gasoline never does go," His) P? He fined the accused $100 anddustling, westernized Manila, Worship told the accused, jarrows only a TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE RE AMBULANCE SERVICE CALL POLICE DEPARTMENT 668-5858 or AJAX 942-3610 W. 8. MARTIN, Mayor Prune ewe wee ul | mat} aa OOL CO TRANSLUCENT EXCELITE FIBER GLASS PANELS MADE A COOL BUT LIGHT SHADE of privacy feree, only 2 awk ond dittused light. Goad jdays in jail when he convicted Man $20 Fine ithe accused of being drunk in i Failing to have a water skier) Magis-| and costs in Whithy trate's Court, Tuesday, Luigi Binetti, of #2 Monarch drive, Toronto. Frenchman's Bay with a twelve foot boat powered by a 35 hp motor. The law requires a walter skier be watched while he being towed and the driver of 3 the boat pay attention to navi gating Teen Drinking | a public place, ' Aer) Court was told, Tuesday, sev- Mr, and Mrs, Avard Wagner/Watehed resulted in a $20 fine/oral complaints had been re ceived from the Brooklin area for'where the accused was making a nuisance of himself When he was arrested Mars. Binetti was towing a skier in) gen was sitting on a front lawn in Brooklin quite intoxicated Marsden had appeared on similiar offences in court several times previously SHOES 305 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY PLAZA PH. 668-4901 ScuGoG CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery Deity PHONE 668-434 HOUSTON Must Stop In Ontario County | Teenage drinking in Ontario County must stop, Magistrate Harry W. Jermyn declared in Whithy Magistrate's Court Teesday, Last week, in Picker. ing Police Court, His Worship publicly declared war on teen. age drinking in the county His Worship fined 17-year-old Witim Rrushett, 288 Royal York read, Mimico, $235 and oasts, or seven days, when he pleaded guilty to a minot con- suming charge Pickering Township police Constable Victor Cooper told the court he found the accused drinking in a car on the Val. ley Farm read July 13. Con. stable Cooper said the youth was with two others of legal age im the vehicle, He said the accused admit- ted having been drinking and there was a par; bottle of whis- key in the vehicle. However, the officer said, the accused was co-operative and has been in Custody since Ris arrest. Brashett teld the court be)" had deen working Dat quit his job last Friday. He said he had an appointment te see about a fod this week Ris Worship warned the ac. cused the Liquor Contrel Act! empowers Magistrates to "send teenage Grinkers down for two months" and te levy fines of ap to Se "Rat," the magistrate added,| "W? I ge after you, some one else will have te pay. kh woald/ be your parents I would be harting and they're already con-| cerned enough." His Worship said. He granted Rrushett a week in which te pay his fine with the alternative of seven kk: _ 2p oe. FORT Ex ari ollows 3Q. FT. % Horde -- é omnia Redwood Furniture ™> goed tockews HR com Gude + te 6.60, Round Cotter Teble 12.58 (DEAS AND PLANS, FREE AT REAVER ~~» &ak ter Am Outdoor Living Ki. BEAVER LUMBER 'Whitby 479 Dundes Se. E. 668-5818 Bowmanville 96, King Se. E. 623-2388 HAVE FUN WITH ALL THE FAMILY MINIATURE 9 Leng Holes, nothing lke ® for miles eround ADULTS er CHILDREN . . | ONLY 2Se cach. Come out, bring the temity and enjoy @ morn ing, afternoon or evening's tun. Clubs, Balls end Score Card Supplied. SMALL PAIL _. LARGE PAIL Prectice Makes Perfect SANDALS Reg. 13.95 and 10.95 sale 7.98 Reg. 7.98 sate 9.99 ws.593 | GREATLY sate 3.99 | REDUCED HOUSTON Shoes WHITBY PLAZA FREE PARKING -- OPEN FRIDAY Til 9 PM. Out Te The... Between Oshawa i Whitby! me ... Youre Invited ! BIG "K" DOG SHRIMP BOAT CHEESEBURGER BIG "K" BURGER ............ Come Out and Try Our Delicious "Mouth-Watering™ CHICKEN-IN-A-BASKET --s St PirS Shon oe Plenty of FREE PARKING ! ToHelp Us Celebrate Weekend FREE mecca With EVERY BIG "K" t B