Ss 27---Ree! Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sele |27--Real Estote for Sale RAE = ee" ral in Whitby lA C) Ay Vena at atone ste ee to + terme, Call ar rated, BK | noski, 623-3998, W. Frank Real Estele morigage. Make offer, ne ANd Bowmanville |27-----Real Estate For Sele METCALF | Estate For $ Sole |27----Real Estate for Sale ROOM brick bungalow, in immar| |10O-ACRE | farm, %roam heuse, barn wx condition, Asking $12,500, with/60' Greenhouse, 40 acres workable, bal: down Call Doug Gewer at Mymaniance in bush, Near Mosport Raceway Estate 728-6286 {Excellent value al only $8,900. $1,900 THE QGSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, July 19, 1943 19 SereAutenneblios For Sale 29--Automobiles F For § Sale. 25--Apartments pe en a gaa ee Cael REP ONS bachelor Reeruneat Daal Bi Fe sear|WHIVAY, CORNER LOT, s19 x | Sennols and perks thaded loon, $9500. terms. Dial al Whitby me E , BEDROOM winleriaed » 7 i, ie bedmaam: Apartment TWO ROOM suartment and garage. ae | Real | telephone 728-7035. tes a tas, aap acestitn. gantet KEITH PETERS Meld ielepnone ian rent, Between Realtor 728-7328 103 King St, E. LAKEFRONT COTTAGE $500 down, brand new on Lake Scugog with about 82 ft. loke frontage, immediate posses- sion, Only $3,800. This is a borgain, Call Joe Craw- ford 623-3672. Glidden Street $10,900. 214 storey brick home, just west of Ritson very good value. Call Earle Allen 725-7782. Just eff Gibbon St. North 3 bedroom brick bungalow, large lot 64 x 130 make fer, owner anxious to sell Coll Bob Johnson 728-2548, Beurling Ave, 10 years, old 5 room brick bungalow, just a few years old, storms and screens, Must be sold at sacrifice price, Call Ronald Hetherington 623. 3637 THIS IS IT --- A beautiful home to see, about 22 years old, hollywood kitchen, extra shower in basement, tiled bath with vanity, paved drive, patio, pierson type windows located on Tecumseh St. Call Rolande Tierney 725-5207 6-piex----Excellent Central Lo cation, laundry facilities, am ple garage space, building 'is n good candition All a artments rented. To inspect call Ron Drapak 725.5253 ie BL ste | sion R AND simcos ~ - Above | store, 4 apartment. Laundry facilities, stove) pi ged Pron rking. ied | nt. ; unfurnished -- basement _ Irewlace bait fenareye on pati Gener: itator. i monthly, 723-9269, riment, electric stove ard refrigerator, laundry facilities, separ: ate entrance. Suitable tor business cou: pie, Central 725-2085. 26--Rooms For Rent DIVISION Stree! 299, » furnis hed rooms for rent. Kitchen facilities. Telephone 725-8702. ROOM tor r gentlemen, ers. breakfast option: Olive, off Grandview. CLEAN furnished bed ". dul table tor one or two. Close to north haga Motors. Parking, Telephone bexD, / WED ROOM near eae North) Motors, Kitchen privileges and laundry facilities. ba lady or gentle Aft ter S$ p.m, 723-1300. 9 == Centrally" to cated. single furnished room, private en- trance. Apply afier 7? p.m. above ad dress FURNISHED two rooms. trance, also large single parking, very central Street PONTIAC INN -- Rooms, single or double, Television Rly 'rales Free park: ing. Weekly or nightly rates, 725.9035, CELINA STREBT, 135 -- room, large single, quiet clean home, gentlemen only Near Four Corners, Affer 3 p.m., apply above address. NEVER seil your car or hali-ton pick up until you see Neils Hyland, 1750 Manforth Avenue, Toronto, HO 1.6364 CLEAN ber': sitting room with private bath, in good home, central. Bus at door Telephone 725-6876. BROCK STREET EAST, nished room. lady or gentiema: kitchen and washing machine 725-8180. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Coll between 5 and ? p.m. 82 PAR KRD NORTH 27--Real Estate for Sale preferably, abe abstain n ephone neon Private en- room, free Apply 9 Centre Convalescent Home ing of 12 rooms modernized, 2 nearly new for ail furnace, 34 tached garage. thriving. smal! $9,500, terms 4162 consist. completely bathrooms cea air with acre lat, at- located in Asking 725 Va--Single tur leman, use of lephone town Call 78 ACRE FARM t needs repoir, never spring creek, $5,000 $1,500 down use foilin with OWNER LEAVING COUNTRY BUSINESS BLOCK FOR SALE CITY OF OSHAWA --- CENTRAL 6 STORES AND APARTMENTS TOTAL YEARLY RENTS $1040 An investor's opportunity Asking Price $62,000 EASY TERMS TELEPHONE ALL SURVEY REAL ESTATE LTD. Real Estate Brokers T8B- 793) or 723 - 9603 $89 PRINCIPAL, INTEREST AND TAXES Manthly on 6% N.H.A. mortgage, modern 514 roam brick ranch bungelow STEVENSON RD N. 3 bedrooms, aluminum storms, screens end doors, Close to Public, Separate and sigh aa shopping, churches. bus service at door. Asking $ ) NOTHING TO DO BUT MOVE IN 6 mom moder brick ranch bungalow PHILIP MURRAY AVE in perfect condition inside and out. Macedom drive, aluminum storms, screens and doors. Asking $12,800 FOR BETTER BUYS BETTER SEE Ralph Vickery, Realtor 46 King St. W 728-957) OPEN EVENING' STEVE LEHAN GERRY BARROW BERT PEYTON RALPH VICKERY -- ATTENTION INVESTORS AND SUB-DIVIDERS ESTATE SALE 207 ACRES CHOICE SCENIC LAND Subdivision in immediate area, 1330 ft. frontage Rossland Rd. East in the City of Oshawe 6583 fi. frontage Wilson Rd North MUST BE SOLD TO CLOSE ESTATE FOR INFORMATION TELEPHONE ALL SURVEY _ REAL ESTATE LTD. REAL ESTATE BROKERS 728 - 7551 or 723 - 9603 WHITBY CLASSIFIED Whitby only. Clean, quiet, adult Seme wit LV Comer Street, 68-2388 AanAS Cleaned, Prompt service 24 Chestant om cals. Walter Ward Reconditioned Ts 52 up a se? or wade weed furntore ans cet West, Whitey 668.2562 Goolts Fernlure. D5 Donges ORESSMARING a3a) apiece 8 spon IY FOR RENT Mra Toma, condiiied SEPTIC tare ol om cals rect West, Whithy MODERN ect Lv ngree > Lonterns, etc Troilerg and WILDE Tent roders, TeRee wete entrance, stove. er and Deere GO Dundes FOR REWT: Furnished roam. Gentleman Suits, coats. Gresses, alterations, si covers. drapes Fieting jeaned, Preamp service Wale: Ward, 20 Chestest CARlane Aparimenm beGream. bath. kitchen and - reem Rem $75, adaks only Cali HROOM apartment with bath pr~ uta down. Call Andy MeGill, aluminum 629-3299. Frank Real Estate Lid, ice WANT YOUR HOME SOLD CALL 728-5123 We specialize in Resale Homes LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER "LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD GUIDE REALTY | 723-1121 LAW STREET with --Reanch home attoched garage and paved drive, built tor the present owner with comfort and convenience in mind, The large kitc delight 30fr. | om and dining gree Two large bedroom: uble closets Many @S underground serv Twindows and beautiful scaping hen is a ving Fo broadloomed with de such ces land extra WHITBY om with $14,900 arport o 3-bed- H -level look- crest Drive home is what you are ing for with its large kitchen, separate dining area and ex tra large living room. Lots of oset and storage space and schoc ue--~ 2) storey paved garage The estate ick home witt and double Property clear will hold the mortgage and toke a reasonable down pay- ment. Immediate possessior COUNTRY LIVING jtside.the city, a beaut m brick bungalow ched gar sage 4-pc Rec 6 at $2 500 balance o ne This 5-yeo tuated on oa 150 OK dow the mortgage home is § er 100 x COMMERCIAL This property mess ared tion now offer Full p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Well established business in Oshawa with exclusive orea included in the price is a home with 2 apartments in perfect condition Several trucks, Asking price $42,500, Substantial down payment re- quired your ce $9,900 ba | THE by HALIBURTON woods ond Dush ng 25,000 Christmas trees plant ed 4.7 years. 6 room house with hydro ond good base ment, barn and garage. Right on Highway 500. Priced at $6;900 with good terms NEWCASTLE business equipment and duilding, Or the main corner Going a good business) Must be 30d as owner is leaving the country INDUSTRIAL S13 heer $3,500 GHLANDS OF 186 acres of miud Restaurant i ae 2 th GM. Ask AN ce $2,000 OPEN DAILY 9AM TO For Full Partic Cal 23-1121 Steve Englert Luces Peacock Leon Maritius my Sik Roy Flintott eon Peacock ene Brown Lieyd Corton GU IDE Ree REALTY 16 Since SS § Ww. LUAITED Reo! Estate Limited 40 King St, E, Diol 728-4678 OSHAWA BLYD, NORTH $11,500 for this nice 1% dential area and a good cen- tral location, nicely scaped lot with side is spotless last so don't hesitate teo long cent of the asking price, WILSON RD. SOUTH with 2 mom apartment --- 4 main floar ---- upstairs rented - this home is spotless -- lor with a bequtiful stone barbeque. Take a look 307 Wilson Rd, South, DREW STREET 11 room home on Street this is an home with all large with self contained anart- Drew older ment upsteirs now rented at © price. that carries. the poy ments apartment for you this home can be purchased by you for only $16,900 why wait could have 4 apart ments LARGE LOT $3,330 good building lot Simcoe St. North --- very nice scenic location 120 frentage by 150° deep buy and start building OPEN EVENINGS TILL DIAL 728.4676 ack Osborne Dick Barriage Ken Hann CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723-1133 GRIERSON ST roam bungolow kitehen, living ing room quiet street. Poved drive iy $11.900. Cal Bob 23-1133, even 725-9365 Joe Mage Two bed with lovely eoM end din ehnston at 7 ngs ELMGROVE ST storey and halt roem white frame newly pointed with lot 50 x 100, close to shopping re, schools and transpor m, three good size bed rooms uv ne and kitchen. Asking $10,200 with $1,600 down, Call Wes E 723-1133, even six TWO ACRES --- Ritson Rd North at. Five Points, Four room home, small but all equipped, Could be expand ed to your style ranch bung alow or to live in while build- ing new house on extra lot next door, Qnly $1,200 down and bolance on Ist mortgege Cali Henry Stinson at 72 1133, 'even 725-0243 AWAY FROM NOISE This is'a lovely tive room bungalow of brick and stone with two lorge bedrooms, Also three room basement oport- ment with bath to help carry the monthly payments Large bay window ond heat ed by hot water with o t vate drive and gorage, Le- coted on ao quiet side street ngs tow with lots of trees. You could: tive rent tree im tis One fer only. $2,500 down payment Cail Bob Johnston at 723 1233, evenings 725-9365 SPLIT LEVEL aplit-level pust four beautiful living fireplace, forge 2eveRn room years old oom dimang room with bedrooms and 4 mh vanity at toched garage, located rn good residenticl crea Priced t at $18.800 eo down payment ' tinson ot 723 25-02 mece bath w with Ce evenings FARM + Newtony Osnaws good . 36 view a workabl es fend ait rom house watin goed stabling and ent dulled well, Asking Call Wes 33. 'even SS ACRES 2. Morey home, gand barn, ex Priced $48 Gown Le 723-2133 at 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 Qoen Evermings LOTS King Street West and Stevenson's Rd Suitable to senghe faruly hames ond duplexes Priced from $2500 to $3500 CASH OR TERMS CALL MR. CRUIKSHANKS 728-5205 or 728-5123 LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD "RICE LAKE COTTAGE" Oshowe orge fished rooms boot. house, mew dock vediate possession, As peeut ene ow Os Ceaen Lasy One ready %© Qiuld - storey home in a good resi- land- detached garage. Home has just been painted outside and the in» this: won't as this home is worth every $12,800 real nice 112 storey rooms and 4 piece bath on lorge landscaned and hedged reams on this home and full NINE _ John Kemp Geed district and dining rooms JOHN A, J BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD, INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST, 5, Office Hrs. (9 a.m. to 9 p.m) MORTGAGES ARRANGED, BQUGHT & SOLD OFF MARY ST, Second house off Mary Street, Seven roam, two stor ey, Needs same repair, good deal for handy man, could be two family home. Phone Mr, Ratcliffe ot 725.6544, NORTH WEST Above Rossland Read New 6 roam front split level, with attached garage. Stone tire place, 4 pc. ceramic bath with plumbed in bath decor oted etc, over 1,300 sq. ft. of living spoce plus a }2 x 24 foot gorage. Asking only. $18,900. with reasen- able down payment and bal- ence under N.H.A. amortzied mortgage. Call Mr. Appleby now at 725-6544 o 723 3398 OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH Income. & roam 214 storey brick, <¢ to Kir i. @ modern kitchens, 2.3 ne baths, oil heat, hardwood and tile floors. Both anart ments rented to excellent tenants. Asking $2,000 down with good terms for balance. To inspect ask for Mr, Yeo at 725-6544 oF 725-221? WE LIST VELL Lloyd Realty LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER ONLY TO SPLIT LEVEL 3 BEDROOMS This home even tien room besdies a tenced lot. Full price $11,900 with $1,500 Don't delay call to-day ohnston at 728-1066 ESTATE SALE 7B88 SOMMERV 3 'hedrooms carport with lockers bended roof made planters, extra living and N.H.A. mortgage neluding texes per month. Call for an has recrea lovely only down Bill Loe bathrooms asphalt custom arge kitchen. poyments $122 Johas ratment 066 drive oom 'y Bill anno r28-1 COLLEGE AVE $1,000 DOWN Feur room bungalow ing. 4 piece bath, r land scaped fot trees. Ask Just Add 5 rein ? 28. sacs or now to see this home ot heat cely with ne price $8,500 monthly Cruikshonks at 728-5123 Hurry CADILLAC AVENUE $12,600 FULL PRICE 3 bedroom brick bungelow with garage. Very quiet < te schools, Owner re res substantial down poy alt Ed Drumm at $123 or 725-9345. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMIT Simeoe Oshawe Street North Ontarie. John F. DeWith REALTOR Bowmanville 14 Frank St Dial 623-3950 30 Acres with 8-rcom.- ed Askir $16,000 Terms home OO Acres with 2 streams Acte DAI RYFARM >. cated 5 = _ ies ft txcedent home 00 Acre Nice STONE + PRE Fe t pend. Or Hi HIWAY 9 fee i 3) 8 000. 1SO Acre stream. moder . $10,500 88 Acre LAKES xated 6 miles Very anxious to oe tier ngs 100 Acre fanm, goad house and berm. Ghly $2,500. down Acre form with Excellent mile S CITY MAN'S DREAM, large $-roomed brick bungalow on 2 acres gorage ange shade ious to se MOTEL east of To Two HOUSES sewer and water, | only $19,500. Terma, 693-3393, W, Frank Real Bowmeanvile, 10 SCENIC ACRES wilh three" ream a 2. Frank Rea Bstale. a a ae SIX" room frame Mor of it in to town, se, Street, Whitey or ae Mat tors, SUEUR AR Ane city, ste choice selection approved. | "Bure bi, aa Tala an| PMBEE pelt ., Banaaan le Beach, all con ences, $2000 'Telephone 689-5378. lave, R.. ne ac <a 91.073, down Na ar hyman et Estate, Ladi. All RB Near } West ie Ky call Orono Ba ™ Tana = Then hedieen, wary s}and a half, modern 'enon with range, ahead = recveation jany nger'|ONK-ATOR rr fea hi reoms with rage, $7,400, wie ' Neo down. Cook bo Neal. Batate. Call Marvin ae n tel Nesbitt, and select fram pi R. Vickery: Realtor, 7! King West \ palin a SRARMODE SARBEND, Mabe Opa ancy stone front. five years w Kept, $14,800, $3:000, down. 78-0204, IDEAL SITUATION for ee cnlicani reem Lig aM ie. hen roam mile east P re om timita, Wlenway $17,000. or near phane 728-0239. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE Kassinger in art, For your new it Horne in this choice east end location. give us @ call, Trades accepted Car! Olsen, Realtor 299 King St. West 729-1133 PRIVATE SALE WHITBY 32 Fairview Drive Ranch type home, with at tached garage. Three bed- room, L-shaped living roam dining room, Large kt 14 both, panelled rec room, Lat 75 x 180 tt. Near Public and Catholic schoels A preferred location 668-8635 OSHAWA AREA light clay leam. Bern 86 x 38. Garage and implement shed. 6 room house, eff fur- nace, woter in house and barn. Clase te church and schoo! $20,000. Easy terms BROOKLIN 4 bedroom home. Leorge living room. se perete dining room. 3 piece beth. Het weter heating Double garage. On large lot Would duplex with = little ost $13,500 - Terms BOWMAN & GIBSON 145 Brock Street South Whitby 668-5823 Mrs, Lee 668-4949 chen 100 acres. RESALE BUNGALOW $800 DOWN extra rooms base plus three piece beth: foom. Five meder rooms on mein fleer, Situated on Shakespeere, close to scheols end bus service. Coll Bill Millar, 725-1186 THREE COTTAGES ON SCUGOG ISLAND AND RICE LAKE mmediate possession. Com pletely furnished with inside conveniences, Your let frants om the lake. Asking $4,500 with terms. Call Bill Miller-- 725-1186 of 725-2557 W. T, LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD 67 a Street East, shawa Two ment in SCHOFIELD-AKER OFF KING yeor old 5 galiow. 3 ying ST. EAST room brick 2 bedrooms large and lege ki chyen with Separate eating oreo. Owner must sell as he hes purchased another home another City, Give us @ call now to inspect. Qren te otters UST t aplit ¢ rOOM STED Stone front evel home with a beeu tul. view. This home has a ege modem Kitchen, sepe- ote @dming roam, built-in bookcese im living roam. Pic ture @ home in @ goed je Caton @n erea of fine momes, then call us to see the vest : TABLE FOR A FAMILY weets @ Nome tMhet i ulote, and. easy on the budge very reasonebdile. car nes $75.00 monthly principe! ond interest. Only $2,300 total thing ke > don?t see this YOUR HOME HAVE G FOR THE FOL. TYPE OF HOMES 4 bedroom home in the Masson and Maw % oreo between Aberdeen ond Rossiend Reed LOWING 6 room bungelow im the Grandveew Gardens area East of Heormery feed A $ room bungalow with garage mm the Rowiva Estotes area FICE © 923.900 - SQyS Se 3 moe wngelow, very good a attached go:age Dreezewev orge ded rooms, tied bath, on a very arge 'ot. Quiet? oreo North-eeat. € sag tl > Only 7 yeors ot tere is o home that is worth the askong ove SACR Ow ne: area e tho Ooen 9 2 Peo 5 MARGARET HALL 7 STEVE NERD with recrea: patio. i Aopoxtmal one of otter, Tel poe = 46) 91,000, is this six-ream home, \ eateat yh Mh, Full price antly |99,000 Call Howard MeCabe at Hyman Rea! Estate, 728-6086 HOUSE and two acres, east of Oshawa VLA approved ar Straight sale. Low! faxes. Asking $12,200. with terms. tke ory, ene Joseph Bosco, Realtor, s. Hedi -- "sone "and" pleasingly ditferent bungalow in north end, Hie full price with easy terms. Arthur beraer, TAV-7244, Joseph Bosco. Wealtore.| INVESTMENT property, two "acres, \newpareal land Bloor Street West, facr/ #1 Asking $7,500 with leyms.| jOnen to olters Telephone 723.2176 | NASSAU "Siveet, sixoroam shuceo house, \furnished or unfurnished. Completely Telephone Rrooklin © - becraom bungaiow, close to jschoals, churches, bus. Available Sep jfember 3, Asking $12.00, Call 223-2140 | atter ? pm. Private sale. No agents INCOME property. three sherieaanlie| ree bathrooms, large tot, $220 income! monthly, $3000 down, Telephone 728-7430 BROOKLIN 'Groomed older brick haut ol heat, aluminum storms and ser asking $13,400 wilh 4 per cent rerianes Tele: e 635-3105 after 4 am BURK Siree!, 142 three-piece bath, rage. Low down 723-4120 4 STOREY, 2 paved driveway landscaped, near Ajax #433413 $6,900 FOR two bedroom house. north west Oshawa, bus service. $500 down and 360 monthly of late model car as down peyment, Apply bal Fa Heigh Avenue PRIVATE SALE: Six roam es with garage, recreation room, driveway. Close te shopping plaza re i 423 Glendaie Avenue bid a oad SPROULATORS and investars' appar Wnty, double Rouse with six roams each side. needs decorati Close to uptown, $10,500 with $1, down Make aa offer on this estate sale. Oasie Martin, 7298-9714. Joseph Bosea, Real tor, 728-2977 WANTED Five room. bungolow trai. fecation -- tor cash buyer Seven roam home with newly decorated, ga Payment. Afler 5S am bedroam house. patio, recreation roam, nicely all schools. $2,500 down in cen genuine Call Henry Stinson 723-1133 Evenings ?25.0243 CARL OLSEN, Realtor | 28--Real Estate ---- | WILL" pay cash for six ream in grad condition, north end preterres knot, | Box #10 Oshawa Times 29--Automobiles For Sale WF MERCURY Comet Deluxe. Sade miles. Asking $2,195. Private sale. Anely 33 Highland Avenve 2 CHEVROLET Ael-air hardtop, Diack with red interior, exc tent condition, new fires. radia, seal delts. windshield washers, backup lights 22.000 miles one owner. $2350 ar make alter Alte' 530 telephone Pa.ten? TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS All iz geo S Makes and Madels) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St HOLIDAY SPECIALS Drive VOLVO Now on Sale at JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE 449 Ritson Rd. $ 728-0921 Safety 'S Important Take Your Vacation in a GOOD Used Car 1959 MERCURY Monterey Two-Deer Hardtop Seeppy V8 engine, stondard transmission @ sporkling tight blue finish accenting @ SPotiess Custem mteriox 1959 VOLKSWAGEN Two-Door rot macel wn Metador Red s wside and Complete with radio. 1958 MERCURY Monterey tO Gow equipped MEN traNsMission recko, Finished SQue and white 1958 OLDSMOBILE Four-Doar Seden Automatic MOAB GRO, mechanically aerfect auto mobile, Refinished im stun eine Smew Com White with Comphoentan red and back Fin Crean Aut ude. Custom wade RY with aut m glearung ero 1958 GM.C PICKUP Body and Motor A.) condi ton. This much sought otter model 5 priced te clea: . 1957 PONTIAC . Laurentian _ Feur-Door Hardtop V- engine, automatic trans ssIOn, cast mod A tah BME auPoMmaDde hed tong harQuese end black 'See Joe Bor or Cec Hart BILL DREW OR ise RENAULT Caravelle, 'ops, low mileage, 4? m snow bungalow. Cail "a 75078, _ Telephone 128 we PONTIAS SirateChiet vilng jandard, radia, goad Price 878, Dial 795-7793 GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Moke Cara STATHAM B.-A, SERVICE Ritson Road and Kin 723-4733 and 722: ap ' le al condition, wah RUICK aulom Me ea or _" Teale, a) palr new tires, excellent dition, Biall § ~~ See Jack Lees at Bramley Motor Sales | Mercury, Meteor, Comet | New and Used Cars | 127) Simeoe N.. Oshawa | 723-4675 VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC pvice 449 Ritson Rd Oshawa 728-992) 1961 FORD AGLIA Spotless, new car condition radio, washers, signals » Must sell this week Sacrifice $800 oF make offer Telephone 728.2815 1957 MERCURY 4 door hardtop, fully powered $695 1955 PONTIAC STATION WAGON MG. B,'s Toronte, HO 1.6364 Nels Hyland 1750 Dantorth Avenue BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 407 KING $7 OSHAWA (lust East of Wilson Read) 723.4494 Res. 725.5874 $ ALL CASH $° For Clean cars we deel up oF down, Liens paid off NICOLS MOTORS LTD 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-800) 668- $10) : $450 MARIJANS por Ca GARAGE Qeod cor. Trade up ¢ \. Lien id off 290 CORDOVA ROAD DODD MOTOR. SAL ES 725-5101 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 WV " Good-Bye And A Pleasant Vacation To You In One Of These GOOD BUY USED CARS At Ontario Motor Sales 1962 Chevrolet 1962 Corvair STATION WAGON COUPE Four doer with power steer pped with custom radiq, ing ond power brakes, $1995 $2495 1962 Chevrolet 1962 Chevrolet SEDAN SEDAN finished in Red $1775 | $1995 1961 1941 Chevrolet 6! Gomer SEDAN BELAIR COACH Y $1795 "$1395 $1395 1961) Ford 1961 Hillman SEDAN $1575 CONVERTIBLE With radia. 1960 Chevrolet SEDAN $1295 1960 Corvair With ouster $1545 DELUXE SEDAN Custom redie, 1960 Falcon TWO DOOR $1195 $1295 1960 Volkswagen 1960 Volkswagen TWO DOOR $775 SUNLINER 1958 Pontiac Custer radke. $975 1999 Vauxhall TWO DOOR $895 1958 Vauxhall SEDAN CRESTA € $795 1958 Chevrolet Six evlkeder. $595 SEDAN 1957 Buick Stam radia, FOUR DOOR HARDTOP $975 1957 Pontiac $595 1956 Chevrolet TWO DOOR DELUXE TWO DOOR $685 1957 Oldsmobile 1956 Pontiac $695 , Sree Feho. SEDAN Auromote UGA QANES $495 2A. FOR THE FISHERMAN'S VACATION 1956 DODGE, automatic $75 1956 STUDEBAKER Sedan- $65 1955 MONARCH Hardtop $175 Come in to-night or at your earliest conven- ien,ce and let us talk terms with you Out well qualified salesmen are here to sere you from 3 a.m. until 3 p.m Mondays through Fridays and on Soturdeys from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 140 Bond Street West oe EI Tt Hem, oe i 'es OPG parking, centre! locetion, sul? baba couple. $75 monthly Also tworeem and Da. Stowe ONS retrigerater $45 monthiy Dei 68-3377 Mercury Sales Your Auchonzed Avax Mercury Dele: Ajex, .Onterie ~ 242.1030 Mauntio Hu RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES --K-- a BICYCLE a J 1415 Dundes Eest ad tae ee ee Whitby 668-3226 -- oe See EXCLUSIVE AGEN Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Limited 40 King Street East Die! 728.4678 From Hunve REG. AKER KEN MORRIS TELEPHONE 725 - 650) ase Wrens MM Drone hn Omemee. PRO.S58e Samah ' < (Captioned on Page 27