Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jul 1963, p. 3

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RIA; Ny SJ Sicamper -- Pat McC eee, Batty, NJ PLAN WINNER RECEIVES CHEQUE $4,028 Han- dling A. B Smith, Mr, Seymour suggested SUGGESTION Reg. G. Seymour, 361 Ver @un road, right, is seen re- ceiving his award cheque for FORT ERIE ENTRIES TURSDAY, JULY ion of a mount- en Chevrol the modificat 74 from Material ntendent bracket Super i frames --(GM Photo To Broadcast Country Music FIRST RACK -- SN : = . ge known Paree NOW fer 3 ' as, Parse DEW tor yea may oa CRC » shows i) Bay rion 38 Ne Bay Rey N BRIEF, No schess Binge, Natve Way, De Ale BAe ie "~ ne - P SHOOND RACE Paree HSN for 3 RCHOASS Bada, Deron Mr. Ye Te, R Rare FREN She «Chalveing, . SyearoMs and wp. i ck FRasitame one 18 time program ohek and Norh Amer n 2 a INELEA BETTING | SEVENTR RACE Gur Ged ot BR , Al@wence, Parse S280 gy $ Fors Rar ih Ryewronts, To Play At Erie ral Motors Pipe Ba is to 2 Bible School Big Success = The Daily This ev ent in =Bbie Ran A ARRUR, Varat Scheel ef Calvary Crarch held Rs Ror tk gear and RECEIVES $4028 FOR AN IDEA tax 1 THOS Weeks red OR at the This year an averag qboaren gathered from 3 Wrecks Auto Driver Scratched memalued «rh the Piewme mm gharge ef the variees classes ~ Wreckage Of Plane .- Found On Mountain ° Gshawa tes Bidie Jessons. Sorpten: memor deatien, singing. games, work Beeks and handcrah Friday Sew a Picme was be wT freshie, sackers, and ice cream greats fer the chilies, Qn Tharsday evening the sar emts and friends had eaparcgnts @ see and Deer whet bed Seen | eccompushed ai a prTorTam are * pose ty the ch aren Seas. 7 gecRation af werses, Maraccng * and hendwork asqiaes com 2 waned te Gemansirate the Som. qerel training Yhet fed Bee given. Mr. R.A. Watsem, super Jntendent of the Sanday Schoo! was chairman Per the evening A brief revice Of the teo-werk's articties was reed te Viele Reaeowt Preees fer went t th en pene -- Arter Gram. Bez Katie Breark, Kinde Santra Gry, Prom I -- Reather Biche Deddie Rasmar Grae Ti Jane: Tome Jone Werk ana X John Peleste. Imtermediate --* Maar Smits Ann MeGhre wm fer Dew members Mand Karen Torame and RIy Tie wher ee my Narserr 7 Ret Grad Grade T-- a ©) Cabin B; Y kor t Ka "tand impersonating police offic CRY commemorates bb] 'Kedron Girl Campers Hold Awards Dinner Betty Lynn Osborne, a camp-| Individual Champions --| SWIMMING .MEET ler in Cabin "A", was awarded/Sheila Keys, 127 points; Judy) rrr ithe prize as the most outstand:| Oattes, 105; Susan Frobel, $1;) Campers -- Lana Kaukonen, ling camper in camp when the/Nancy Hayes, 79; Susan An-/24 points: Gail McWilliams, 23; igirls attending the camp at/nand, 76; Brenda Shaw, 73; /Betty Jenkins, 7; Anita Kashul ithe Kedron Kiwanis Cam p/ Betty Lynn Osborne, 72. jand Betty-Lynn Osborne, 4, jlast week held their awards Counselors -- Carolyn Batty, 'dinner | SWENMING MEET WINNERS) 11 points; Janice Roe, 10; Mary Following is a lst of the wi Ane 8. year Nancy Elit@:'rrancis 'Conway; 7; ners: "jardson, Cecil Ugray, 'Hatt, 4; Marion Nielsen, 3. | Age 9 years -- Mary Eliza.! Cabin "C" Team Winners MINOR AWARDS jdeth Taylor, Sally Howson and) Team No, 4: Kathy Ireland Most Popular Camper --/Debbie Sproule, Susan Shackelton, Madeleine jBetty-Lyan Osborne, Cabin) Age 10 years -- Gail Lintlop, Christ, MaryJo Marks "Hard-Luck" Camper --/Jennine Huffman, Malea Miller, |Mary-Ellen Henderson, Cabin Age 11 years -- Kathy Krantz, IC: MAJOR AWARDS Most Talented Camper --/ Judy Trivett, Ec er Mary-Lynn Holtby, Cabin Aj) Age 12 years -- Anita Kashul,, Red Cross Swimming Tests-- Camp (Badges and Cards) "Fog-Horn" Voice --(Inez Prett 8 Lana Kaukonen, Cabin A; Most) Age 13 years -- Lana Kauko.|. Senior -- Gail McWilliams, lIndustrious Camper Tudy nen, Gail McWilliams, Lana Kaukonen, Sheila Keys. Trivett, Cabin B; "Tiny Tim") Age 14 years and over Intermediate -- (The follow: ot Camp -- MaryJo Marks, Ber ty Jenkins, Barbara Holtiby, ing Will be awarded Cabin Cy Most Sportsmantike! Counselors' Race -- Caro! yn badges, ete, if Mary Francis Conway, | Saturday's ré-Test: an, Anita Kashul, Heather Clements, Jackie Fro- successful in Ann Maugh- "Camp Cutie Pie" OCS Susan Frobel, Cabin G. NOVELTY EVENTS -- : Most Improved Swimmer --/_ Ball race -- Lana Kaukonen, bel, Judy Allan, Judy Fekete, Betty Jenkins, Cabin A; Most) Gail McWilliams, Laurel McKim, Barbara Holt. [Improved Diver -- Betty Jen.) Three-arm race -- BettyLynn/by, MaryLynn Holtby. lkins, Cabin A: Campers with Osborne and Lana Kaukonen.) Junior Marion Nielsen, | Most Pains and Aches -- Dinah Kathy Krantz and Gail MeWil- Betty Jenkins, Judy Oattess, Raine and Kelly Walsh; Big.) ams. Judy Trivett, Sally Howson, gest Eaters in Camp -- Lana _ Dive and Come Up Through Mary Elizabeth Taylor, Debbie Kaukonen. Iona Kalvata, Jackie Foating Hoop -- Lana Kau- Sproule, 1 Myles. Ovenden, C sain Batty: Big.) konen and Betty Jenkins, Betty Beginners -- Betty Lynn Hall, Feet in Camp Keith Lynn Osborne Christine Chyb, Kathy Ireland, Johnston: Tallest Counselor in Paddle Board race Gail Brenda Perry, Nona Kalvata. camp Anne-Marie Munroe: McWilliams, Jackie Brobel, Brenda Burtch, Nancy Hayes Camp "Jomer" -- Bob Bassett, Brenda Perry OSHAWA KIWANIS GROUP AWARDS DIVING BOARD EVENTS CLUB PRIZES Seavenger Hunt Heather Fancy Dive (Counselors) -- ~~ Cabin During Camp: Clement's team: Judy Allan C8 n Batty, Marion Nie' Cabin "A": Won the fag o Kathy Souch, Jennine Huffman, Barbara Hatt and Mary Francis five inspections; Counselors -- Yeelly Users Mare Elizabeth Conway; and Bob Bassett Carolyn Ra Marion Nielsen, Patti Hart. Brenda) Fancy. Dive (Campers) --/Mary Francis Conway; Camp- Perry - Heather Vipond Gail McWilliams, Anita Kashul,/ers: Judy Allan, Vicki Bathe, Softhall League Champions --) Swim and Longest Dive Un. Diane Calder, Heather Cle-} tain bere a Holtby, Gail Gerwater Gail McWilliams, ments, Judy Fekete Dinah Raine. Vick Lana Kaukonen Greer, Brenda Hatt, Maine Ford. Chri > Jump from DB -- Hayes, Barbara Holtby, Mary! Judy Trivett. He athar Gail McWilliams, Betty Jenkin. Lynn Holthy, Betty Jenkins Clements, Judy Fekete. Susan) Longest Dive from DB (with. Anita Kashul, Lana Kaukonen, Annand, Laurel McKim, Betty. O8t Use of hands and feet) -- Barbara Kennedy, Sheila Keys, Lynn Osborne, Darlene Los. Gall McWilliams, Lana Kau-/Ann Maughan, Laure! McKim. ombe, Patt ! fiams, Gail Myles ere Voell Betty Lynn Os Pretty ch Round" gest Taylor, Nancy! Longest Swim mes athan (Greatest of t around the five minutes) -- Lan a wero en Hams Ma diva ger Car Batty team were undefeat a Camper > Campers 7 games . me four times; co-opera- -- OID MBET WINNERS ning team (No, 2) -- Nan "ae S, captain: Lana Kau Pat McCammond, Vo: vata, Linda Rverse, Susar Frobel, Jackie Ovenden and Mary Maiea Mi) (315. points) bara Oshawa Pair = Work Starts Today Imperson ated | | Oa Highway 403 Police Officers 3.' 3 today on the first stage ntario's 483, the newest of "400" series of ex COBOURG -- Two Oshawa, -<avmncccil 2 hy men were remanded out of)" Ginine Constrection Com- nic. custedy in magistrate's court pany 'or ¥ Windsor is e3 how ustody 3 dsor is expected to ft teok mo Friday after being found gailty complete the new road from! png cue tor * <Any of assault causing bodily harm); y 2 just east of here into! cy trievcies ns ord by November Pix ys a a, Two Stages being a ric Pee aes {RS prizes ei scone Piss ll baa planned will carry the express. OSS er CIeT 1 ot way 'across the north @ t Leoen, 21, 4 Southwood street, Rronford link ng a gi were remanded @ Aug. 2 MT ichway 2 west of here and fi sentence by Magistrate R 0 a y meeting Highway 401 near Baxter. st The t fofiewed Harry and Pepeheck SHS Cer ret Ere ank Linton of Ooboure and R asen cath oat of Hast ings early] M hn ¢ awnee tees wwe Masquerade were po tice oti "gre mar = Enjoyed At Wiche an nd ps had cat P r¥] A most successful masquerade _ Michael Starr, MP: T. D 'party was held last week by the TROmas, MPP and Mayor Ly- campers at the Os hawa Ki G rad were kept b ai Kedron kets out of the drams tien and in Cabin Holiby: popular nity) times: Best ey . Mes Best in bin © time au = times times Conway, Bar. Ratt, 3 Most out Camp -- Bett 3 Hard To Locate DAW officials had a difficult time getling rid of 21 attend. ance pri itselt the adult a stereo record my ys later lawn mower, These had te be given away fore the draw for ars and the crowd grew a Ue restless. The lucky numbers were read SiX at a time for the children's prizes. Five minutes were allowed te claim them Ten numbers were drawn for the dicycles, eight fer the tri- cycles and 18 more for the warons st man wWanis Ca SX contestants took gave J. W_ Moore and ser, Who acied as foah m arriving med te evade going down a fath nly. way, tois as Local 222 . President Abe Taylor held up the list of prize "he kiddies and announced they were Jooking t it took four draws to get 5 of the stereo set, five te tind a home for the power mower. Finally, Taylor cat the time a dif task at their 5 a Following is uw vert, ¢ ATHY So vac Mest E usan ™M ast Oris Riaber. Frobdel nal met inda? a am Kea val and Fy ank est : ns Harry ap, pat three, id then two and "There | he mel vf hepelurrge : oPP who } Sapped > ? and Leon. after find case of beer om the road acy 2 r someone a dtyrr. are CLEAN YOUR FURNACE TODAY National SIR ame For Barbara Holthy. Marks; Best Ooupk Jeanine Hoffman nmi, Brenda Bart and Lima Reorse Best Costumes A", Marx vmn Osborne Sandra Melaurhiin, Moira Res in Cab © Ceci Urray, Melea Miler. f Best Costumes In Camp -- Georte Menary, #8 his wile » oT -- Joan, 4, and David WMamont 8 Matec a or 3, a famity friend. AN were) from Reseda, a sebarh of Las Aneries Th Cast: FREE TO CUSTOMERS cau PERRY 723-3083 DAY OR NIGHT GOOD FOOD Lench, Dinner PAM 2PM, 3:30 PLM. t 8 PM. mo Fa Marv. Cas tre -- Ja y ANCOUVER (CP)--Woreek pifarnia plane that a Tx Wht oR nm ton, BC RaVeT Wes ¥ 6.200 fect up mam west of Wirth were the bodies of -- In Lwnn Holthy In Cabin * > 7 the side of a Princeton anki -- Mewarss had isroento OSHAWA'S ORIGINAL CARPET CENTRE et Ne-Way, compet ond brood. pom, 'hes been © specialty for 18 yews with thousonds ct yorts on display % select trom PHONE 728-4681 NU-WAY Stone: "9 swallowed the ieselt™" ling solestran who wos ™ roid me thot 2 HE ered the drink A trav here The other coy one ond he soid he got # trom ene"! asked 'hin i wos The any esy, say me neEVet Bre whH OFF it's © quod joke. No @ bod word about they've omong our msc They hove AQ Ol day ond s well cieoned ond pres- me con Stay smort-loc e | Barbara) their) Inez Pretty,/ | Track And | c Caltecn| camp Dol &S} | Robbie TN Stevens, Prize Winners * res at Saturday's pic. Six bicycles, | and six wagons | attendance! player,} & clothes dryer and a power the . two aiming from five mimates ric took M4 draws to. give 6 RUG CO. LTD. 378 MARY ST. 5 7zS- ee SS ercend pr.7e. and THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 15,1963 3 "FLAMES DAMAGE GROCERY STORE When fire broke out at Bates', Grocery Store, 184 Park road north, Oshawa, shortly after 8 o'clock this morning, the alarm was raised by seven - year-old Brian Bates, _who shouted to his Field Meet | Events Held | ts of the weekly Osh. ion Committee eld events held at Track and lexandra in the junior track and were as follows Running Broad Linda Girls, | Prest, n Turner, dash Linda Do- on Turner and Carol "A"' -- Marv re a Dash -- y Lackey, ard nz, Vaughan er an Moore Pee Wee Boys, High Jump--* Larry Dolick, Brace Berry, Peter DePraite am Boys At Joey Boys sR ¥ ar om Running Broad h MecDermaid, Dave Stone, Randy Snooks, Bob Armit age, Brent Merchant.| Midget Shot Terry Sia Chris Stones Mike St. Thomas, es Boys Dave 3 Hurt In Eight-Car Collision WHITBY (Staff) -- Three per- car, rear-end crash im the west- bound Thickson evening. Wally avenue road early Sunday Braun, Toront $22. Manning ®, received two/ : tches in his jaw at Oshawa/When the car her hushand was VANE collided with another following the Marina and ths, were accid Son, 3 treaied and released Braun was one of the eirhi drivers involved in the accident, | t were Robert Héward Brash, 331 Street, Qakville, Kazimierz $8 Cameron drive, Toron- George Hobson, 18 Point scent, Toronto; Pat- 12 Solkwood cres- John Gor | Ghadys Pr. ©. ad crescent, Ist OPP Rt Whit thy stated that the crash di not tie up traffic too fone "h we got after the crash" mented Mick was surprising how fast S Moving azain tha ck, Bugene McDonald,! Spicer, | , an officer com. father. Considerable damage was done to the stock, which consisted of groceries and other articles, but there was not so much damage to the building. Fire officials -- are 27 IN TRAFFIC still trying te determine the cause of the outbreak, Platoon Chief Cecil Pollock is seen here ang some of the char red remains, --Oshawa Times Photo. 52 People Die | During Weekend By THE CANADIAN PRESS At least 52 persons lost their Jof Detroit, drowned while swim- jming with companions from an lives in accidents across Can-/anchored boat off Peach Island them in. & by small when tur "wer children who their small boat under a waterfail Canadian Press ae 6 pm SUTVeyY) Mrs local times Friday daughter Park for those tak-/ada during the weekend, 27 of) near Windsor, ffic. mishaps and 2] drownings -- including fourjonte, when he sliy 50, of Tor. pped and fell from a ladder while painting homaso Spatola, leaves at his home, Three daughters of Mr. and Simon McDonald and one of Mr. and Mrs. to midnight local times Sunday|Frank Paishk, drowned on the showed that Ontario led the fa-/Winnipeg River at Whitedog, tality count with 12 deaths and nine drownings. The four children, ail Whitedog, Ont., about th of Kenora, traffic /Ont., af) 33 miles 1 drowned as|Port Credit, 53 miles north of Kenora: SATURDAY Donald Brace Horn, when Vv, of his car their outboard motor failed and/crashed into a bridge abutment they were swept under the falls/on the Queen Elizabeth yong on the Winnipeg River. = six-month-old baby pen man died after he Pat --/from a ladder at his home, The Ontario dead: SUNDAY Ontario! also had two unclassified deaths; s choked/miles south of Sudbury, © death in Cornwall) and a Tor) Jerry Derich, 63, of Toronto, Helen Mary. Donohue, of mia, in a two-car col iisien 18 Alex Pavlini, 28, of Windsor, tell when the sports car in which jhe was a passenger hit a tree jnear Tiverton, twa miles from ee Huron, Matthew Rowe, 55, of Co- |which his track collided with albourg, when the car in which car in Toronto. John Lakacs, 42, of Hamilton, drowned when he slipped from into the adam at Caledonia water while fishing. jhe was a@ passenger collided jwith another car near Port |Hope. Mrs. Marguerite Craig, 66, of |Hazel Park, Mich., passenger in Allan Richardson of Minden, a car which missed a detour Ont., miles north of Peterborough Mrs, Aline Berabe, 26, of Tor- in a two-car collision 40/curve and hit a light pole near Tilbury. Terry Jan Geatrix, 8, of Fox onto, when the car in which she|boro, drowned in four feet of | Was riding collided with a trans- water jn a creek near his home. port track near Oshawa Richard Francis, 2, of Picton, Ceslause Jahnke, 47, of RR, 3)drowned in East Lake north of sons were injuried in an eight-/Harrow, from injuries received! Belleville. jSaturday night when strack by lane of Highway 401 at/a track while walking into Har- southeast of row, 17 Windsor, Mrs. Miriam Tyrell, miles FRIDAY Sidney Taylor, 28, ef Sarnia drowned when he fell tig cin the 74, of)from_an outboard cruiser \Caledon, from injuries received|St. Clair River, driv chicle in North York, a Tor- Janoska, wall were visiting Doagias Green, 17, Falls, other car near . Denbigh, miles north of Belleville. Mrs. Esther Mugegtord, 33, of) le, when her car went Queensvi vat Of control near Aurora David Joseph Osierholzer, 23 Sik months, who choked to death at a Com. of Silate|-- when the car in which he was riding collided with = EYE EXAMINATIONS ~-- 723-4191 by eppointment F. R. BLACK, 0.D. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH TROUD SPECIALS TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ONLY GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEAT LEAN TENDER LEAN MINCED BEEF BONELESS SHANK STEW BEEF RINDLESS BACON LEAN, TENDER Ty | 59: 39: 49° LETTERS PATENT The current issue of The On |iario Garette carries the in- formation that letters patent of corporation have been grant. home where his earen Sjed to Ajax Plaza Furniture and Appliances Co. Limited, of Ajax. You Can Go Dancing Even if you've never danced be- fore you can go dancing after only three hours when you put yourself in the hands of aa Arthur Murray teacher. At our goy studio parties, hee to oll students, you will thrill to the wonderful odventure of gdoncting the new steps im the Fox Trot, Cha-Cho, Wolz, You"l gain poise, develop your personality Gs you moke new trends. Join the ton; teke --- ot specie! votes during Golden Anniverasry. ARTHUR MURRAY 'Schoo! of Dancing W. MARKS, Licences 12%4 Simeve St. $. 728-1681 AIR CONDITIONED STUDIO OPEN 1 TO 10 PM

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