@ THE OSHAWA TMG, Mendey, duty 13, 1903 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN Orangemen Rap Separate Schools "BOARD STRONGLY RECOMMENDS --" "We know that we have a considerable problem in Air Pollution in Oshawa and that it is recommended by the authorities, on the basis of a lengthy and thorough survey and analysis of the problem that we put into effect under the Air Pollution Control act of Ontario a bylaw regulating Air Pollution in this City, We can jogically assume that as the City continues to expand, our Air Pollution problem will become even more acute. We are authoritatively in formed that the cost to the City of a good Air Pellution program is dwarfed by the economic losses that are in- flicted by pollution ef our atmosphere. Medical research has uncovered a correlation between dense air pollution and serious forms of ill health, and future research may well uncover close connections between lesser concentra- tions of air contaminants and certain illnesses, All things considered, it would appear only logical that this municipality should protect itself against an existing threat. The local Board of health strongly recommends to the Mayor and to the members of Council that & by- Jaw controlling air pollution be established," DR. C. C, STEWART, MR, Medical officer of Health 'Oshawa September 1, 1960, AIR POLLUTION BYLAW NEEDED NOW City Council can move with haste, deadly effectiveness to remove troublesome obstacies, if it so wishes There was an example last Summer when it unexpeciedly reversed its stubborn, no-compromise stand on settlement of he thorny King street tracks issue There was another example last May when 5? downtown property owners put forth with anguished (and well-organized) protest cries because their share of the King street clean-up was announced at $146,000 -- Council took about four weeks te have this total cut by $80,270.18 This isn't election year There is no reason to hope for more municipal miracies, but Council should ponder long tonight. before it again turns its back on that pro- posed Air Pollution bylaw that has been kicking around City Hall 'since November, 1960 There never was a@ more important bit of proposed legisiation--one that could add immeasurably to the good health of thousands, especially jn the downtown area ~- than this Council will meet in the apen tonight with an agenda that appears te be far from overloaded, There will likely be only one more such meet- ing between now and Sep- tember 3 The temptation to get away te the hinterlands and vaca- tienlands must be strong for many of our aldermen who have worked hard for the past few months, and understandably so, but would it not be callous of them to depart before some decisive action has been taken ® alleviate the sufferings of those mere seriously affected hy jon, especially in the east and northeast sectors? Were these representatives not elected to give serious consid eration te the more serious requests of the lectorate? The great majority of our aldermen Bint, Dafoe, Branch, Down, Murdoch, Walker, Attersiey, Dyer, Brady and Gay -- have had since late 1969 to implement this much- needed le tion, which has been so strongly recommended by the City MOH and his department, as well as the Ontane Department of Healt COUNCIL STALLING SINCE 1960 Dr. C. C. Stewart, City MOH, told Council In 1968, that an Air. Pollution bylaw was needed Under the Air Pallution Control act, Air Pollution means 'the presence in the outdoor atmosphere of any air contamin ant in quantities that may cause discomfort te ar endanger he health or safety of persons, or that may cause injury ar damage te property or te plant or animal life." The concentration of contaminants can be measured sev n consisting fine particles remaining the air is assessed by the AISI sampler which we concentrations on filter paper tapes; while all-out, ¢ ing of coarse particles which reach ground evel near the source is collected in special cannisters for ze, of ees ae program would er and a clerical require an Air Pollution Contrail assistant the latter could be an ting City employe, which service would not require extra Dr. Stewart said in 1968 that an Air Poluution Control er neod only de part-time. basis fie. five t days weekly) bat Air Pollution contro! should be his main and employment. He. should be a Grade I or 2 Sta- Engineer, but this 'is nat necessary aS long as he has h knowledge of com m and is able te properiy hers who have prob in this regard. He w i asition to call in a more expert consultant from 1 Air Pollution Ce 1 The S27008 emploved on ms "ast of event SOUTH AREA AIR POLLUTION PETITION Mrs. Hubert B "The odar from some of these factories was so bad at timnes Quring the night this week, ft was actua mie awake," she told this department "It's time City Council got down 'te brass tacks and did semething about this Goplorable situation. The citizens are ap in arms and rightfully so." she said. She has 38 names on her petition y ke Mg Pee AWAIT NOD ON $130,00 DERENTURE The five-man Management committee af the Hillsdale Manor -- Chairman R. Ceci! Bint and four City Council cal- eapoes -- hopes te get construction of the new Hilisdale $480.00 annex under way by October er November so that at jeast part can be campieied under the Winter Werks Pro gram Ontario Municipa) Board approval af the City's $480,008 @edenture request -- half would be paid by the Province -- is expected. Council has already given the measure two read- ORES The committee has no scheduled Sammer meetings. but an emergency get-together will be called when, and # the Board gives the green hight. The Homes for the Aged Rranch af the Department of Welfare has already approved The committee of Inte has not discussed Al@erman Joha Deyer's recent suggestion that the Homes for the Aged act should be amended so as to make admission more restrictive and confined almost solely te "needy" cases Mr. Dyer feels there are ton many residents today of @omes for the Aged whe are financially able to maintain *hemseives in other surroundings. Alderman Norman Down supports this view as @> members of the Home for the Aged Branch of the Ontario Department of Welfare (whe mainiain at the decision for 99 percent of admissions is left te the geal management committees). Ontario's Orange lodges com:/Orange Association, Fred, |memorated the Battle of the) Woods, 72, a retired elevator jRoyne during the weekend with|operator, was the eotortul jparades, placards and speeches/dressed parade leader, j--most of them protesting any| Later, Rev, John V. Mills, lexpansion of Roman: Catholic/grand master of Ontario Weat, jsaparate schools jteld an Orangemen's meeting | In Toronto, where the parade/that the Ontario government's jhas a history going back 142/new foundation tax plan "pro lyears, occupants of a car in the|vides additional revenues be- parade handed out pamphiets/yond the call of the British denouncing tax support for sep-/ North America act for the sup- arate 'schools. The car itself/por' of Roman Catholic schoois" Ibore posters prociaiming "seg-) Mr, Mills, @ Toronto Presby- jregation is wrong, racial or re-/teran minister and secretary: iligious," and. "separate schools/treasurer of the Ontario Public ishould be abolished," School Trustees Association, | King Billy, the traditional por./said the lives of both him and itrayal of Prince William ofjhis wife have been threatened iOrange, rode a white horse at/because newspapers had made jthe head of a parade compris-/him appear Ddigotted in his jing 40 bands and 5.000 members stand on separate schools, -- saat greenest | But, he said, measures which ihe supported have saved the | 4 RCMP M lrevenues fram $39,000,000 in as| en isessment for Metropolitan Tor- "We want all churches to be H ol ; And Convict lequal before the law, I refuse ' ito be muscled inte silence while Die In Crash ifreedom is bing betrayed." Leslie H, Saunders, former . ma . " ter of British North CARMACKS, ¥.7. (CP) --|8tand mas , : Four RCMP officers and a con. Serica, said Roman Catholics viet being returned to jail after testifying in a court case Were are not entitied to money he! id Premier Robarts and oth killed Saturday night when a float . equipped RCMP Beaver $s Plan te give them "That money will be taken aiveraft crashed and burned on -- . 994 jg Bo en rt + "AY b ' « ers ad outskirts of this commu added. "I object to the use ot xis. my taxes for the teaching of _The four officers were Sgt.any religion in which I do not K. M. Laughiand, in his early 30s, of Underhill, Man., pilot of the plane; Cpl, R, W. Asbil, 29, dvelieve." of Rawdea, Que; Const, T. lL The Toronto County Lodge} has announced it will seek a A, Maloolm, 29, of Manchester, Conn; and Const. W. J. D referendum at the next provin-} Annand, 27, of Summerstown, cial election on tt Ont, All were based at White- saparate schools In Barrie, 7,000 marchers and horse, Y.T. Sgt, Laughiland Cpl. Asdi] and Const, Malcolm 1@ bands from Simcoe County marched without incident, Des pite anonymous threats earlier, were married and their wives ao one attempted to tear down live at Whitehorse. Const, An. a red-and-.gold papal fag held nand was siagle by the Kempenfeldt Trampet The convict, Joseph Phillipe Band of Barrie, which carned Clement Desormeaux, 36, the flag and a nondenomiaa- whose wife lives at Winnipeg,|! \ was being returned to jail in Whitehorse after giving evi. '? onal Christian banner in line its position of non-discrim- i] nm dence in a court case at Mayo,) A Past grand master of the 13 miles north of here, Desor./!odge in eastern Ontario urged meaux had been sentenced ear./a crowd of 3,500 at Cobden.) jer this month to a! jail term/Ont, to oppose politioans whe for theft and taking a car with. Waat equal treatment for sep out the owner's permission arate and public schoois The Beaver crashed as it was Said Morgaa Brown coming in for a landing on the don't protest against this in Yukon River near here.' The famous work, the public schoo! ght ne tere through tele. system is in danger. In equali h telegraph lines, #ation, your tax money would the bank of an go im SUPPOTt of separate elevated road and burst inte schools.' Names However, Alex Carruthers The wreckage was about 200 Progressive Conservative mem trom balld-.ber of the legislature for Dar a community' fam and former wershipful @ ns 1,100 miles north. master of the Orange Lodge west of Edmonton appealed for a chance for the Cause of the crash was not covernment to explain tha tax known foundation plan WEATHER FORECAST Mainly Clear, Cool Weather forecasts § at EDT " oa Forecast Temperstares >) Lows overnight, highs Tuesday: SS 73s 3 3S $3 A) Mw sD ea ee ES by the eT a Synepsis: A low pressure sys- 5 tem unusually i 2 we. ag ad af Yh 1d s 33 38 oy '" 32442 43 Ma Observed Temperatures 2. Lews evernight, bighs Suaday: Dawsen R Yi Mane White River, ai URR noon felowe h WS today decaming t ni and Tuesday Algoma, White River: Grad wai Cleerme today. Mainiv c tonight and Teesday Contine ng coal. Wings northwest 15 te day Hem tonight and Teesdar To hove thet comet or chest erfield cleened protessianaliy m Oshewe's Origine! Corpet Cleening Contre wree tully Queranteed sotistetton og Sear , Phone 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. --Te buy @ cottage er beet --te consabdete reer debdte --to rehmence yout mortgege --te renovate voor home W282. Gs: witht protle INVESTMENT COMPANY LTD. @ Matcons. poblx company t™ OSHAWA CALL SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 360 King S. Wee 723-2265 {efter hours 728.3376) jl "i? wes | By THE CANADIAN 'PRESS jof ali branches of the Loyal! ; jonto public schools BS Au MISS Using small pieces of ice Miss Italy, Giana Serra, left, and Miss Norway, Eva Cart- \ Miss Canada, Jane Kmita as the girls took a break from he abolition of! pore help to cool the brow of rehearsals-for the opening of 'Tough Future In India CANADA COOLS OFF 'Norris Compiled j } } i j } i Massive Reports OTTAWA (CP)---Just a year) Precautions were taken in all and a day ago, Thomas Gran-/quarters to ensure that his re tham Norris was a wanted man./port--and his formal ecem> He was wanted by Ottawa jmendations to the federal gov- And Interpol, Scotland Yard and/ernment-<did not land inte the the RCMP were trying to track) wrong hands, him dowa | The judge spent more thaa He was found<driving lei-jseven months in public session: surely along the road to Canter.jtrying to get to the bettom ag on a happy motor holiday/the batile between the t in Britain, ers' International Union af The holiday ended right there jada and its infant rival, Canadian Maritime Union, ne T. G, Norris, judge of the British Columbia Court of Ap) Ik was this struggle that at the root of the disruptions | j } the Miss Universe Pageant at Bayfront Park bandshell (AP Wirephote) Foreseen By Galbraith Ry HENRY S. BRADSHER feet on a coffee ta vious effort to Ke e P| eyed about the econ lems of India," born Harvard ece "The fas an of Tr economist is that the | ate s@ stadbara Galbraith add "They're slow, h FAs aneac and years, Gait Harvard s that have best-known mode an REFLECTS ON PROBLEMS Galbraith } ; a re come 33 Galbranth reduc tral efficiency ness af exports A native of lon L came te act » DAT 20.AAD.OAT a ves hoy ad were & * Calgary Stam today entives were held out to them in the form of goods they can easts generally w enough, however az ust become a low- east producer of goods, This : nat the case yet," although there i : ejected idea 0 reach the take e economic self-sut. ficiency within the foreseeable Industrial y is i ve in one form r'to import capital, by Stampede Win®: grant or joan, for some time te come, as growing ie have always had to do, Savin a the United States er Burope are abundant and should came here where they are scarce." India "can only nibble away at" the problem of unemploy ment, "The sad praspect is that f a very antial ef unemp ome TAaCesS sudst AMOL very g time work Total $86.000 CALGARY (CP) -- Another pede remped inte ay leaving al af tack rry-makers and histary Sa behind its ered out cowbays The six-day g af night te me rodeo, Dilled as its bind im the ith a lone Rneup Ss cowhands at collecting a aft the $98,000 in fed with four out: mjuread in crack DETSENS CaM the second and third heats of the chackwagoa de won by Calgary. The year's champion Three of the outr hospital «with first serious a any infield © week One of them fe tura and lided with t both of whem mjured. In the third t rider feli frem his herse a few feet fram the finish line ers, Hewerer ended an and' > S91,71S daring a royal t s were hep. CALL OR SEE DIXON'S Ol FURNACES SERVING CSHAWA OVER SO YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. YOu CANT MISS SAVING WITH PSP You can't miss your savings target with PSP --the life-insured guaranteed savings plan, Get full details excluswe with Tom anyone who works at Scotiabank, Serta? BANK THE BRNK OF NOVA SCONA REALTOR 728.9876 18? King S. E isionnaire guarded his affices on going inte a th aw peals, flew to Ottawa to dig into the shadowy world of the/to shines . waterfront to find out why aj The azearond judge hearé labor war of marine unions almost witnesses--ordinary should disrupt shipping and te/seamen, women cooks from lake up the St. Lawrence Seaway, | boats, shipowners, labor lead The result of his yearlongjers, policemen, | workers, investigation was delivered to LOVED SIU day to Labor Minister Mac) Some loved the SIU and Kachen--a Slg-pound report it/praised its leader, Ameriean two parts, a printed, 275,000-/horm Hal C. Banks, word book, plus mimeographed curied their lips in dislike jaceused the SIU president irunning a hoodlum empire in. istead of a union, But an overall emerged--a dark and ple TALE OF INTRIGUB tare of gangsterism, Chances are it may end up fear, There was fear in the an the bestseller lists as a executive suites of true tale of intrigue and gang: fear in the cookhouse on a lowly sterism, a documented case nig. akevoat tory of hgh living in high, The Judge, tough at times, places i ' le hearted and ---- at it " other moments, compil a cloak amadagger fashion, Judge TANTO of mre than Lone Norris locked up his draft chap meee 90 be ong tay Oe Oe tere a a ft front situation. combination In off moments, he strolled seh the creaking decks and nde streets of Montreal harbor, vis. ited the Toronto. waterfront, toured the St, Lawrence Sea- way, went aboard some ships. As*a qnewman industrial com- mission, he judge was sole master of his investigation, He could be stern, almest ruthless, jin his search for facts, Yet he was also warm and friendly, is a massive document the story of terror, strife, skui duggery and corruption oa the waterfront, in lock, A commis.' weekends Ghana Claimed First African Red Satellite acorn suttasreare WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sena iighten the mood With a tw tor Thomas J, Dodd (Dom,iLatin or a quote from = Conn.) says evidence strongly |peare, At other times. when the suggests Ghana "has become inquiry seemed bagged down ia first. Soviet satellite in Afian everlasting parade ef wit a." The State departmentinesses he would stress his challenged his conclusion toughness And the Ghanian embassy) "] wasn't bern yesterday and said the charge "is baselessimm till durable." he woud and a travesty of the truth." /cnan from the bench it contended any objective Lawyers appearing before him study "will conclusively prove jearned that the judge with the that Ghana nat AY WAY rumpled crap of grey hair and a satelite of any country the kindly face could match ner is ht in any sense Comme. law with them any day nistoriéated Big wnien leaders such ae The senator Ranks or president Claude Jo- hairman of th al dein of the Canadian Labor , & Congress were given the same ~ treatment as a deckhand just alt ship. The judge ended his a mont when he delivered formal report to the labor mie. ster, He plans te head back te Vancouver for a brief rest, thea back on the bench cing of praject in the artment issued ag, in part gmen jatar NCS Ot SUD. stion that Ghana Seviet satellite. Ia imernational affairs, the) governmen of Ghana follows ae palicy which it deseri af positive new furtherance of this established relations with "Like Castro's Caha," Dodd g 1. "ht es OA A. propa.is ign that would tax ces of a major coun rains natives ef other arts of infil. terrer and wa w R experts arms by cland means te » terrorist groups es Which bk has day sapperis." SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES industrial and Commercial The estadiched rehable Ges Dealer on vour area. 31 CELINA ST. Corer et Atha! 728-9441 gue Ample Funds tor Ist MORTGAGES 2nd MORTGAGES We Also Purchase ist and 2nd Mortgages N.H.A, LOANS ARRANGED You WAR Fae QUR SRwCE FASTER OQvuR COST GS LOWER Oshawa & District Real Estate "FIRST Joe Barnoski WALTER FRANK REALTOR BOWMANVALE Oshawa & meas WULTIPLE LASTING SERBICE STAR SALESMEN FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1963 THIRD . Ki S$. 2 HYMAN REAL ESTATE Oshawa District Real Estate Board CARL OLSEN REAL ESTATE OSxawa