Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jul 1963, p. 1

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Se SR me avn nael ET THOUGHT FOR TODAY The girl who is pleasingly plump usually is shaped like a figure ate, She Oshawa Cine Ros WEATHER REPORT Clearing today. Mainly clear to- 'night and Tuesday, continuing cool, VOL. 92-----NO, 165 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JULY 15, 1963 Autrartend oa Seeond Clow Man Deut Ofte, Oxpervnes Ottewe poyment ot Postage Cosh. SIXTEEN PAGES Ss "YOUNG MOTHER KILLED A M-year old mother of one, Mrs rline Berube, 48 O'Connor e, Toronto, was insta Sunday her car collided with a trans- port truck on Highway 401 detween _Os shaw a and Row manvilie, Her husband, Yves, 38, was driving. He and their S-month-old child Luc were kept in the Bowmanville Hos- pital overnight for observa- tion, Both vehicles were west- bound, Driver _ot _the track was Leslie Angus, 38 toria avenue north, Hamilton The Berube car twice, halting on its wheels in TERNS Ke RQHAVSE ~-- the eastbound lane --Oshawa T Norris To Raise Lid ef a cabine Specs: copies Wace SOUGHT IN ENGI AND The report e Labor Strife and Jean Pierre ne of Ottawa judge is expected to seme tough words to say burly Hal C. . Banks -born president of of Canada t was the 15,00@member SIU i its six ~ foot, HM year president that took the s rougheaut the public e evi dence as it the Nort Sraesiiedia Peace Over Cambridge By A precarious peace and Savanah, Ga S<OOTe ARUNRECTALOR S, whue demonstrations as went on COR athe: The wneasy trace m@ TOst 'fall owed and ¢ UXU unfol aed THE CANADIAN PRESS [Peo Ta two Wash: ary x ® errand sir elev Son tena ™ ate Racia » e TS ane the boven? thoase for STG spread action on civil » over racialtroubled Cambridge sastained periods of @ter a schedu rotests against racial discrim. 02 Washington Aag. 26 ration White sour n US. h eaders an urgent? appeal te J. Millard Tawes of Mary come to that -city and m the settlement ef racia e' State legisiatare and the The governor vailadle fer comment St NE N ARRESTED New York, the ies 2 parte and six "eth t arrested on %® TORE 3 with anarchy ad a cache ef weapons nal AINIRBRIOR was feend in a bad been driven by men readers in Savannah RTS - Bove Sow Christian tp Conferenee, praised city of- aks for their efforts te. work a settement. A Negro march was called off Sorday GROUPS DISSOLVED The president of the Northern \Camstianm Leadership Oar iferemce said in Chieage that hs | is Gaselving, along with m the east and Dr C. Witian Bi pasier of Darnascas sad whe grep atvse't SOIC Direct: latter King Jr aitered thier lags ita carne' teach gnere ms of Gandy 2, Va. six Nex Swe arrested i Ue beone of parabar? st Charcih, nha Soren 3 = aged & poacetg m lexngien, NC atrnitead im a while + 'Anarchy Charges 7 Se - Facing NY. Trio 2/5238 NEW Y Coast Fishing = Shutdown Into uA First Stages: _VANG OUVER cc? nhia's indastrs was et aR pr 2 tea s Pre Ie The 50h RR Ded By tay eT after voting more cent im At the sarne Moree <trike-a Ree MEMN--WaTheTs fash "i the strike A > the at nien | at the Adcamceanentt at Catered no punks $ we tie-ap Tens af mh QPcmast on iet ed op pan ent many <2 SPORT INR? S70) DOB headed For ide hid WETS 'ied baats aver ume --. whe anneT tye and 24 cemis a prand ane of Vie- rolied over mes Photo BOTH ADAMANT have deen July ee hy" Waterview James Farmer, na~ But h Soviet ard rrvers A-WEAPONS TEST BAN NEGOTIATORS HOPEFUL oviet Letter Raps Chinese MOSCOW (AP) -- Diplomats|pie's Daily today underlined the predict the Soviet and Commu unyielding stand. taken by the nist Chinese negotiators will/Chinese conclude their deadlocked ideo-| The article dy Observer, usv- ogical talks soon with a mean- ally a pseudonym for some high ngless face saving communi. rank Communist, said the que assuring that time will heal) "essentiat problem" of the Mos- the differences in the Commu-'cow talks Was not "in one nist t (side) making concessions to The seriousness of the split the other" but that the Soviet between Commun jants party must adopt the Chinese r ~ation policies a & on q The oeeR the obviously have that the the So- Russians just as imséisteni must hew to Communist t accusing he ag hypocrites and warm bent on a nuclear war he West Soviet diast, e gati ons returned to the table today, But lomats expected the wor de for Pe- The Soviet statement they had aggravated rences between the st »s of the Soviet and China War Declared On Goldwater By Rockefeller WASHINGTON (AP) -- Gov Nelson A, Rookefe! ter of Ne w~ York nas | cha or B > with ~ Cainese »\kang soon r Union erner swercome SONSETVALIVE peacefal camp f v the 188 Repadiican president al nominahon, in a policy statement tanta- monn? to anmouncing his candi- -- New York governor nday the Goldwater ; is to try to weld con] | south and western * while writing off north This, _ Rockefeller would not anly eat th ne Rassian and Chinese delegates meeting hete sunce S estensibly te se ax Ue their Keological differences. Statements from the two strategy Communist parties have made SeTvat ear that neither side has given * round and thai no ct he talks "* ce of produc nificant agreement There was © Tesparnse atlack. cle im the off ban) OO Hover of extrem onalista, & PICNIC views to the Jack Mark of the GM Pipe Band, 15-month-old David looks for 2 h to try oat the oy PIPER skirling of. feathered sticks at Saturday's | UAW ~ Lacal 222 picnic in Lakeview Park. (See stories on Pages 3 and 9) --Oshawa Times Photo =" Fatal Accident "Near Whitby WHITBY Brave Stewart Lagie, (Stall) -- A Fa-pear- arbors man was imstantiy ? morming : when his sl a Toronte . bound rain at the Audley Highway 2 near 10 Cal. , hit the second en. gine of the train while he was Spy Jury Retires To Mull Verdict LONDON (Reeters) -- of Malian-born te work in Te Martelli, 4a, of -- Dane] Barr d (WPicial § nt ct : the s Bi and Peter wt New York shorty Sittyng veda LATE NEWS FLASHES car burt Hooded Bandits Take Bank Deposits TORONTO (CP) -- 'Dxo bonded men. ane armed with a smashed rfongh the front window ef a branch of tia teday and escaped with the werk Wmaies of The Joss hes been made bet weekend @epnsits a: the bank e@sneliy total S4nonp '> Sana Masked Men Rob Roman gaan Priests ALFRED, Omi bred tae Rom S20) from a sate and 1. Emile Socom te they madic the ote thre ttle ay The abn © Thee toed T escape Two Prospector: Sought In Bush "Aw © the jransrvemer 2 cr) -- L search & Ts whe went Doctor trun. ™ Pshabo Lake ara Mr. Lagie tives at He Enammeer ater the cont romana at Istieeton tram He as. traveling nin h Ye ork "Public h on Andiey read aria Prestectal Police at Whither sald Logie's car was carried §} feet west be the His body was foond 200 froma the oar. was Visiting ree TOARI® at the time the accident was alone im the car at tiene, Police stated Gerden Anderson, sai be saw the appreaching the crossing he was enable te stop we in time sni@ the We-ooach at 6) miles-per step and Poot board second diese] engine The train was delayed at the time of th nt eas chat bat slightly aR OPP spokesman said. Tata accident was the Teen-Agers Beat Young Teacher (CP)--Poar wen battered a young teacher cions and kicked splint Prean Tis. shattie Siem s Sunday TH Save Haward Haw the Ernest R teacher School, Lyndwood Park Gaming -- The the weekend and was returning at Duke "i seownd inside a year at the Avda. ev read crossing Fred Roesch, 44. af RR 1, Pickeri was killed at the same crassing on Oct. '31, last year A Coroner's Jury Inter urged the setting up of crossing siz- nals. The Board of Transport Commissioners agreed and ask- ed the Township of Pickering te make a report Township Clerk L. T. John- Ston teday said that he investi. gated the crassing and found tha; sicht Dnes were clear for 2 on both sides of the Asked what the Ovencil's recommendation was, Mr. John. ston rephed "the report went te Oeencil, I dant know what ev did with x" train | CPR officials said Legie's car © strack the the causing S120 te 31500 worth af damage Communist Split Helps Prospects MOSCOW Special envoys)optimism over the talks was from President Kennedy and/Khrashchey's omission in his Prime Minister Macmillan/July 2 East Berlin speech of the opened negotiations with Pre-jprevious Russian demand that mier Khrushchev in the Krem-)a partial test ban should be lin today for a limited treaty linked with an uncontrolled mo- banning nuclear weapons tests./raterium on underground tests. W. Averell Harriman, U.S.) In the same speech, however, undersecretary of state, and ihe Russian premier brought Britain's science minister, Lord/up again a previous demand for Hailsham, met Khrushchev in/a non-aggression treaty between jmid-afternoon starting a confer-/the NATO and Warsaw pacts to ence expected to last about 10/be signed "simultaneously" with days. a test ban agreement--a deal Both Western representatives/President Kennedy said last were optimistic about success in) week he would not agree to, agreeing on a prohibition which) Western observers expected would bar test explosions in the/today's opening round of the se- air, in space and under water./cret three-power talks at the They saw no prospect of get-/Kremlin would clarify whether ting a complete ban to cover/Khrushchev would insist on the underground explosions also. two treaties as a package deal, The Moscow ~ Peking split.) Western opposition to the non- jwhich has been growing worse, | jaggression act results partly is beliewed by Western observ. from the fact that it would tend ers to have increasd prospects|to seal the division of Germany for a Soviet-Western agreementiand force Western recognition on nuclear weapons tests of Communist East Germany, The group sat at the green) Wester diplomatic sources covered conference table.icaid Russian officials have been Khrushchev joked: "Shall we)jetting it be known that Khrash- start off by signing the agree-ichey's call earlier this month ment right away? for & non-aggression treaty be- Harriman, who Was seated iween the Warsaw and NATO cross the table from Khrush-pact was not a condition for chev, immediately pushed a/Rassian acceptance of a partial white pad and pencil toward test ban agreement, This is one the premier. jof the main points to be tested GROMYKO JOKES ey Western negotiators, Foreign Minister Andrei Gro.) On the Soviet side today in myko, who sat at Khrashchev's| addition to Gromyko van yeft, grinned and said to his|/Khrushchey was Semyon .Tsa- chief, "Sign and then leave it) jrapkin, a veteran of the Geneva to be filled in jmaciear ban talks, and Dopaty They began the conference|Foreign Minister Valerian Zo- with nine representatives on the/Tin. British and American side and) On the British-American side five on the Soviet side. were Lord Hailsham, Harri- Khrashohev's decision te apen|man, U.S. Ambassador Foy D, the negotiations for the Russian/Kohier, Sir Humphrey Trevel- ring personally yan, the British ambassador, Mprise. and a number of other advis- jas given to Harri- ers man and Lera Hailsham on; Khrushchev was again in a their arrival' here Sanday. Eijovial mood as -he had been jraised already high hopes that/with Lord Hailsham, He said te ja partial test ban agreement the Tl-yearold Harriman: "You jwould be reached excloding un-/have started counting your \derground tests years backwards." In a surprise meeting before) Harriman replied: "You, ithe three-power naciear talks, too." Khrashchy met with Lord Hal-) -- sham in the Kremiia this morn jing. It was the first time the BC B ection two had met Harriman, whe was once U.S.) ambassador to Moscow, is an ns old acquaintance of the Soviet oting ay premerer Khrushchev, in a joking, jo) GOLDEN, B.C. (CP) -- Brit vial mood, suggested that Lord|ish Columbia's tricky political Hailsham, the former Consery-\winds blow again teday in a ative MP Quinton Hogg, should pyelection im the mountain jcome and live in Russia walled riding of Columbia in Khrashchey is thought evenithe province's southeast oat more bkely tm seek give-and-iner take agreements with the West' The byelection is te SR the now that the Sino-Soviet ideclog- jegisiative seat left vacant by ical talks here are im a new the sodden @eath in February of State of crisis following the pab-/Social Credit incambeat Hoation teday of a second jong/Richard Orr Newton whe took editorial im the Communistiihe riding easily in the provin- party newspaper Pravda of a/ mal election of September, 1968, detavled condemnation of Cam-| The Social Credit party now mounist China's attitude toward nolds 3) of the legislature's 32 pracefal coexistence seats, The NDP have M and Harriman, former governor of Liberals five. The Progressive New York, said President Ken. Oonservatives havent held..@ nedy instracted him te "Ge all|seat in the House since 1952 bat te achieve a test ban." Whileiare hoping te come out of the the U.S. would prefer a com-ipolitical doldrums under the prehensive ban covering tests in)new leadership of E. Davie Fal- Space, in the atmosphere and ton, former federal justice min- under water, a partial agree. sster. ment incloding the harderte-; Mr. Fulton's party is pane detect undergreand explosions its Columbia byelection hopes woekd be a "step im the right'on Dr. Alvin G. W, Trott, 6, a @irection," he said. practising plysician in Golden, A main reason fer Westernia main contre of the riding. SCARBOROUGH MAN KILLED IN CROSSING CRASH

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