: THE COHAWA TIMES, Seterdey, July 13, 1963 8 a CAMPERS ENJOY EVERY MINUTE OF CLOSING DAY AT IODE SUMMER DAY CAMP a Bi ila oT Bajoying every minute hame made teepee (above frends (above right) as they enjoy the camp pool. Por the their last day at camp . ft) four Indian alp two GET TRIAL PANt tWO Weeks the boys hav NG baa_weve among the conbayn captured WTAE 4 Ninn 's Missionar Str ate on Set, Set eee Whithy youngsters whe, Fr Completely engrossed ann and Supervise ers)--All six men accused in a day concluded a WH WeEK a comic dOOk Rint wea avting July } 100 *. marathon. 114-witness horse-dop- ae SSS sees" Stressed At Congress Summer Brings 2s\cr= beg eth ta at a a hee hawa Times Phoie mitted for trial by Brighton ayer ty es magistrates, 'The court heard Ry HILARY GORDON urches ale ymplere " n from Sierra Leone, India g . ' nen ' evidence during the 15 ~ day wade . i aaien : : hearing that the six in- rw RON ro Ra H The 're a ' : their own canon! Japan and Malaya By ADA M. KELLETT-LONG! Ap all-out drive tn the last wareeae seavbin With Py ike e oF no ny AM TeUZIONS , p a a n 4 .. a and 'he oi aw a wre ! presery Hoads of all the churches in' PEKING --_ te ape ~ year to increase the variety and speaking mystery woman whom } a and Avia, an con. * Shari a aighsee Tinton : S summer in Peking and the , : ~) lice } } we é sequent problems posed fer the wnde Q an faith the communion will be heard)! S Sun oS Sieg quality of cloth is clearly. hav- the. police had been unable to Whithy Bureau Office 111 Dundas St, West Christendom, are ex. and orde ; rine ths Shales auntie water 9 a nen Se -- ng its effect on the current/ttace--in a series of doping in. 7 s- 8708 ted 1 sy WERT e ha { NLTESs bob " sil 7 . t " Manager: Rae Hopkins Tel, 668-3703 ted 1@ arouse grave co Le He hoy . ic Bress be Held in A hotel here. Most' way to gayer dress Peking street scene parts. of Bi mn ce > NETESs to be siudy and ng educational se efforts - i foarie ' Arch Seasoned foreign hands say! por several weeks the big ~ sca a here ug e % . : ve : c t l H ag. 19-23 . . ' ve absence of traitional blue " ht Res pd ets : 'garde acention "¢ Bis ' bu wil 2 department store in the main D Ci S ummer amp Draws Sieh ah the 6 iat $s mission to the word" DY 2 and prior boiler suits" is more marked shopping district has been sell andy vieaners t t t dae ' ' . SPECK P » VaAV ther {hah In. many previous years ng men's shirts i sral oni ( 7 igi idbiboegest : ugar 'ligeaiee T 4 van ' : ing t s n Several col. SP us Rorente an onal chair With temperatures pushing ba dipios 2 SHIRT a 2 's 4 § of the conpress, says a hew exs. leno er as 2 ' » London ors at prices from four to six , © degrees, Poking's women y . a ae the neh : sm and: timidit i onary stra, & . yuan--roughly $1.80 to $2.90. eee Ss ee concen 6 Saas hin of the ' g ii gical education, appear in gaily-patterned flow." Bhly $ . with Dry Cleaning Order of $2.00 yhary task Ww be presented says ne e greates! ene 4 swan, Ped Dlouses. Most. wear fairly Other stores have acquired 2 ~) wp Plus 10% Off Dry Cleaning O] Oo S some 1.008 delegates from mits he Christ : A c i 3% apen Y iar . . whites or this month ose ae de eee ee ad , en: ithe Canadian Nations xhibi. Shapeless slacks in white, fawn pal plod of heath reset Beoutitelly Finished & Leundered all ever the world, Ultimately blue colors--and at least in 2N¢ karisniy colored tea cloths. § ease pany PICK-UP expects lG-sre a More mm " A a ' one case, a shocking purple (ne shop pur three tea cloths ve, unified missionary strategy } ' anWwhile prep or A number of the younger together i9 make a skirt and ~. AND DELIVERY ' ' , . . scart a ncependent, 8 dal erigen seated ag Bly : 'nai women are wearing skirts with/ @splayed it in the window Hour Ti hasia ' : : ie ; hiageneumaaes + ai Churohes comprising | METSAY ' , Mlle ce a nemiines well below the Knee Prices of these items have Ph, 2582 MRART a a ¢ RON aa SUV ¢ . oh . a ------ ; P tea he 'Ny ed ave y wig: . F : > es - nanepceaeimenetebloeminanin Monday } aia , . bs a te iis VAS white bobbysox and sandals bg about 40 per cent " ean : the bows , ' , ; een) cone one nee as heulisaa saciaan Most men, when hot in work: 4 y ors -- at the _-- __ tevin. rote & -- ote ; en So ee rea phe be ther mat, ns clothes, wear open-necked : seater -- ms to WILLINGS READY enge te the whole Christ @ cae Yn RIAson 3 ¢ m ana other i "e hint " . oe prentfal supply . @ Was started hilosophy of Life." said Bi i "Bishop Bayne hes a profound ters. In addition to the official cae aa ap pan faTewen yostersay arneen wares '4S Wilkinson in an interview. "The! knowledge of the problems con. delegates they musi provide foro : sea rahe y the counselinrs whe fer th t ag -~ 2 mart a a wporvised we matter is of paramount import. fronting Anglicansim because af Rearly S00 wives of delegates aes ak gg ead Bs SCUGOG ® WEES Aave RAGE pray amy EN Ss. James Me ance and will undoubtedly re his wide travels among the var na. other official guests oe os : ant uote Dave sade INTOETeT ee wes eee oe sae ae ance and wil undoubtedly' eh avels among the var guess. ines at saving cote ar well os) GLDANERS TARA More eae Anz z STWR he ar ; ' noel VAL vice and later peing cooler ; nad 12. enjoyed 7 she vy CRUSE NAS Telated to the com.) view work before a world. a missionary rally are each ex. NO PIGTAILS Now & Shirt Lounderers the Vascount Grant ie ay ' pray be wr .f S ges Y woA concern that all religions wide Anglican assombly for the pected te attract crowds of 14. Old-styte Chinese gowns are PR ONE & ner @av < " » activities as swimrmine ier @ the ba Y we Tide have for the @estrective secular first time." Ms te Manic Laat Gardens Sty} S s ai } eh Whithy bli< yd) about twe : west of We MOU SPOKE morning, seme Wd daseda races and arts and back te : pmiosepmes of both the West. NATIVE LEADERS Ohvirs to sing at these services nadie beri apese gz wm a8 - Be He achkoal aged gins are ex. ¢ afts n the adjoining darn : Ts at oe orn and Communist worlds." Native Africar neh ] 1 be = of 800 singers pata is mM a single pigtail in pected te tara owt at the camp The devs all Sroaght their Viscoun baa nednnin 'Ne' CHURCHES ARE FREE Southeast Asi purch jeader , ada and w nelade a <inht oe 5 ar wv he a enka ot COMPAR OWR MBO DAL MAK Was Pre has Sponsored 64 . ay Rishop Wilkinson emphasi will take a fF , at part up of 6@ bovs and voung men gq "tk Von irikine Family Monuments vans and fy dead and PLEtS Were present te provide vacationing Whithy ic a hana Roles' : . g APS most strikit while the congress has no discassions ' around a "a © t Saece Jay : he WY acre ea fer the races and the bes aren wth seme plan & P . : mak ' ey ts @ehr ) Ly E gn 0 oid China" is the sar. < AALLAK TARCHOAS s @ehbh.. i my " an , , hy } plane " 2 cagnpaite on the McQeay farm. drawings aL : ie = "oa a Bhan ot ot , , arch Music gland nziv large namber of el. Gh) aven wer te 3 tical and 1 see slg eggs acd a y he synods and f Many are t h und . . ue ~ @ the charches that ne fie ey at activily @ : OAS Ch irm a ey were ago " tae days Creared To a5! Port Credit Sailors WHITBY mak? UP the COMMmaniIOn, Theseciade Bishops, priest na al an i ee ee CoRHeere one a degrading and unhealthy cus nba Visit Brookin er as - Cancer Drug Backers Canada ary Medical Team sarin aes ¢ " GORDON S i at Pas Se te eee = Ask For More Study --va acwe Wamplents | "seme val Schoo acals betere . OF WY, ATS VINUAZ SAE SUNT , we, wed Bi. B.A: CRC a ra ceratal omeiemee be Ue on 1 cogs Ye Senta te Adrenal Glands _ fy aa Le Sa Se rate] PAITH BAPTIST CHURCH versity moedix nire Si Te verted ? bere doctors 419 BROCK ST. NORTH have 1 lanit he adrena REV, DELOSS SCOTT, PASTOR Siands of thre PAVERS Wi n recent Months, apparently the sataucy te us Uniind SUNDAY SERVICES es ne A.M.--Broadcast ? : : . é ' nN ? : ; ais ant : he place : a oa a on £5 A.M--Bible Schoo! with o Class for You priate ath : A net + oleae, Tegel ge nt : neve drag ix. bone vi ty a atta Sattak donate Aue, 1:00 A.M.--"'Does the Bible Teach Separation?" We xm * m4 » ' ] ara R na . se age : : : ; ntervieweg ©an Medical Association by Dr ex P.M--Con a Mon Once Saved be Lost? eg ecg wees senbins int nest ae tes hee cs say sroad- (rat ¥ a abnar Ah! t S, csonied boas ci es eee ol WEDNESDAY EVENING 8:00 P.M. epi . mga ne stemmed * . 4 ge eh tee ety . s sta an ambas. Officials sali all three pa Prayer, Praise ond Bible Study RA VORERANCT ot a wt ee : oy es ' © is also Mas ONS Were in Normal conditior . to the and were sll being steadied t a be. They were not identified he ope on Was Gone as a possidie care for OCashing's sy y hurc! obesity and reseling ot adrena Let's All ST. ANDREW'S . PRESBYTERIAN ie ' gre mage Ra rat on ok a Rael eee eg EL ay a ' Sat " oma Pn yt A Re USANA ID Be that A MMISNeE : atharines & Rrampten 78 wiasiaen Rady Bathgate Tint = Soe ee et See : : ee tere ee eee Be] ee mn a SR oe ee er ore -Yastrzemski Homers Se Uean is eek The gong Oe SRA OMT CANA ac cama te tem "Siler, packers have Keveme ae 11.00 AM . R marter." he sag Friday - rah gn 'how ae "ae oe De Re : The merceryfooted Lar An. Divine Worship ace Tre a tw wad om , re piobonie crass i eles Doederr shortstap, who ; = ae Pah 2 ic * . ij BOM Mt bases mm TH? cnt t kad a Ret al Sees Sanat' gecheriwoeannenh tour syns Sah OnIUGR tae eee ete m wen COE nk te as oct aay st ne} = EMMANUEL WHITBY ; te Ge i y g , . Accrmaed ois ped Wraet ha ' 8 Pel apay = fee : : ' < Fy Ses ee ee a a REFORMED BAPTIST sai . ' 2 ewe : _ a Ted Wakhatns ye tee ~ ie back : "ee (tle howe 'werk @ari ae RE ERRIT REVEL Ce iberne Street West ot Cente) OMSK SWINE } winter." Ma nape wry he -- or kh ANinester: REV, JOHN MELEDD - ' ore of hie t : : a) 1 h : They've come up with a few é a " < aa beat 4) a nit ni ' T e new tricks this weer" Evening Shows At 7 and 9 PM ytd te : %. argent change bis feet tha ged] Nianest 1 Stan aden Ance eed --- Sin Seterday Matace ot 1.30 ine wid 8 ' " a en & "y eS occa de Te Toe GUCRRET FINER wea ' rt ' , \ ~iehe baar . LOSk STRATG nt BUTT ALO AMP > Too BROUGHT BACK FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT [<2 Sreomn. hese pe make Bowen' wd Bataan Notre Dawe sn Gr Te wan Angel Th apposite: Hild Reme eR das : Se ade he 8 ai . wing 'A stop sim. The charce§ * a YESTERDAY'S ne KBs tenis ta : 38 and de. Cats ; es Th a everal filed May _ ee a STARS =e and ered Bon Be tk ee INDAY SCHOOL ype li iin Clistesee ? ea ae atic charges } } on AM . Precha ; , & THE ASSOCIATED mressx ' dex arms re bea 5 he : . pote Meh -- & ' . ' 2 amex } a's >» hore BEATS RECORP tr m AT MR ALEX BEDFORD ALTOS wad Ss 7h PAS | . : MR. REG MocDONALD ae : seaniek teh 'Saas te . = Soong mite she ond Preday in the 230-me WHITBY TIAL - peenih eel . . ' ne R pre's ; $ b tre a = : . reshen aoe eee tah et 8 8, 5 a Se er tance im TWH amutes, 3R.P see. Sera i ae 'i te . i a ' Ne ; eprops tania om . Pas RASD---- Cemetery -- Hetenny Beets & Carne