ql | Tin Can Derby Held By MRS, KEN, GAMSBY ORONO = "On Friday after a Tin Can Deroy was held for those children enroll: ed in the Park Program, The ehildren Rca divided into a TOUPS, mia were given ih Sach event and the child. with the most points in his group at CAPSULE NEWS Fires Te FIRE. TEACHER OAKVILLE (CP)A_ teacher who took a summer job with the town planning board has been ordered dixmissed by the board. Patrick Hughes said the the end of the Derby was the winner, Junior Boys' Champion was Teddy Robinson; Intermediate! boys' champion was Danny) Snel Senior Boys' Champion) was Brian Boyd, with Michael) Carman and Raye West com: ing a very close second and thind respectively, The Girls' Champion was Kathy Grady Tn the senarate events, those) coming finest and second were as follows: |TIN CAN BOWLING | Junior, Larry Luna, Mark Carman and Doug Black (tled),| Intermediate Danny Snell, 'Don MeoLaren | Senior -- Raye West, Dennis jCodbledick | GirleKathy Grady, Heather iMeGiL WIN CAN RACE Junior -- Teddy harry Laan Intermediate = Brian Black Senior --- Dennis Cobbledick, David Mercer Girls = Kathy Grady, Shel ley Hooey | Robinson Dayy Snell TIN CAN SLALOM TOO MUCH BEEF and this critter made it quite clear he preferred to travel 4 Friday CITY AND DISTRICT PLAN FYBLD DAY Re Hawk Riders are ad a field dav Sunday on Ara y at Tooley's read Trick Motereyele A Ww am, Tre last May attracted tha Wild steers are agtoriousiy aigary Stam infriendiy, even (© children eeemeererememreraEte Stock Market | Volume Weak .: Ry MARK MEREDITH Getds made an advance dan. Canadian Press Stait Writer jag the week nisiag 18 Jona Q. Investor cast a loth) fa single issues, Massey Fer argic and slighily Wary aye % sso had a. special size trans Wards the sleek Re on of F.00) share and A "week ax prices made little head./a 198 Righ of BR way and wading volume was Ik closed Friday at 913.124. The Rolary Qud of Oshawa Weak, ° ap 3 cents en the week will held a clad council meeting Canadian Pacific Railway Monday nigh at the home of Romnett, west ef The recently jastal Murray Macleod, cords he meetINg CALLING HAWKEYES feneral Manager Jesepa the Oshawa Hawk maior Football Cab has Shed all reokies and now Ss Whe Won U wa Ter n the team to be OR fet oat «6Rias dy pe wr ela ut 48 peapie OPEN AIR MERTING G Gay ™~a this ae ado 3.3 With wncertainty generated wr budget. adjustments and was alse busy, Ritting a 183 Wham B tower New York trading Wi nigh of $33.00 on Reavy tara. Colwmbus the shadow of a rail sirike wer, dat closed Friday ar ied president Toronte AIA INGER 3734, Gowa Wg Coats on the WA Cond was Say ae week Oa index in industrials lex te Torente on Monday there 44) to 855.92, Golds rose 1.85 'was @ last hour tareepornt Gp). 99.47, Base metals dipped 1.16 da Vee iedastrial index precea fhe BS AT ahd western @ils de Yee Frmance Minister Gordon'sictined 1.13 29 116.8 MiB AnAGMACEMERT That Re T2) Vorname far the week was PRT COME SAS TAK OR DANG gh G2 ghares. cOMMPATER With QPd PTOAUCSTIOA MACMRCTY/19 908 NE las Week, dollar va wowld De a graduated one, Tacs aes SE GARI commared WALA car @ay Gispayed a confident Delong an ae Peat rise Bat then the market ER decawacd. recording. only)", fractional gains for the next THOTT CS, Gays, Friday prices tarned sour SEES e again and industrials d@pped at 2! _ 3 Compare dawn &) waast two Palats A aM and paper ap & A strere showing ad @astnial } goaded irene eres and manahac BANKS DOWN Barks passed a FAM Week Wats Raval @owa 1 te SS Mas mal af 2 tw Q were Goan RN to Me Liqgvers aba were Caradian Brewe Distaers Shagraras ers ali off fractions Cater arapterd we Noranda BPE @ewa aeany 4 peiats fer WEEK s " . R OVSS ¥ Y OR © & ' PLAN HELD DAY PAN an the BR 3 BNITAl Vakame Was Pha WK - COpAPATSg WR 332.555 wOOK DAS eA 217 RE h dav > ma May at _-- AIR MEETING > of Oshawa AT at »e ? mm P OPEN REJECT RED PRORC 'ag moe ANKARA G@P)--1 Dey SAL ' BAS ATROEV at ai the heme WM * oar wah Resse > Vax we Ss a a y ay ane Wa x ~ aNitee el Ree "sei oma: saad Max NO ACCIRENT ¥ FART Rt od mang Peoat ws OSA mM prapease >» &.2q WENA Peace BLAANS Q Bh VE Mee NO FAR haKa Pin ar Ure PRESENTED WITH GIFTS pee Wr. Rae reteee afer 33 years Of saree wR Phe Soham) Tea Pers carmater a Fretan mm S 2 Peiies Rene Sheol were peterneea 4, gets BaTHs B WOM ae OR, awa lacal RHR NOPSE « thers) OK S , Soreal a Pretiag Came, Pe . Cram Patic a s Cedetratin.g SO? ANNIVERSAR? '&@ team wader Michael Carman L Brothers Dwreral Home Junior Teddy Rodinson. Doug Black Intermediate - Brian Black Don MeLarea, Senior = Brian Royd, Mich ael Carman Girls -- Kathy Grady, Shelley Hovey BRAN BAG TARGET Junior Teddy Doug Black Tatermediate -- Brian Black, Doan MeLarea Senior -- Brian Boyd, Mick awl Carman inis Kathy ley Hoey TN CAN CATCH Junior -- Team of Teddy Rod ason and Doug Black Intermediate -- Team of Don MelLarea and Riain Moffat i Senior wt Brian Raya and David Mercer tied WRA team @ Dennis Cobble. @ek aad James Tennant Gins -- Team of Heather Me. Gai and Kathy Grady Oa Twesday morning a dase- ball game took place in which Rodiason, i _ Grady, Shel @efeated Gordie Hooey's team OBITUARIES MRS, RARRIETT FARNDEN Mrs, Rarriett Paradean, a resi, OS dent of Oshawa for the past year, @ied at the Oshawa Gea eral Hespital Trarsday, Jaly She was im her SRA year A resident of Rrantferd fer 38 years, Mrs, Faraden hved ip Qsrawa fer the past year with Mrs. Geraig Hawaan, her daarh me Formery Harriett Poon was the widow of the James Farndon. She was dora ~~ Vanden, Bagland 198 Mrs, Farp@en et the Rrantferad Sonier QU pens Cad. She was Anglican ay farh Sarevaag Teladives are three Aangnrwers (Meee, w Oshawa Ra (Viela), af Rrant a Mrs. OQvwald Magee ef Ryren, Ge Sk Jom and Marry Rey of Bramtiand, Geeree Lane Mrs ane brother, Craries PQen, of 2 Pererdarongh, and YW grandee aren The Dede rests at the Thane Rrant saree wi jay BK, a wR &® Oomarery ford. The fwnera Take Mace Monday 2 pam. Ihermem Me Meat Roepe Pramod WRS, BAY MARIA GOWME Pereral somices were fhe Pridas, Day 12 fer Mrs. Daisy Mana Gonme whe @@ Tras Gv, Jae & mM Ve Ottawa Ger are] Wagn ral Services were OA PR Be Armstrong Fareval Parters oan mM wR Ree W King Sueet Unite? Charch athoavag Palitarws were Carke Rad teh, San Ward Racer Pate Sam MoNeawm, Rae Qenan and Jat, Randall MANILA & Praga OF land reforms pre. peaed fe Presider: Diewtada broke dian abroad under WROMDOTS the boom of Sh padian \ Witten ard Trans WAS A MROMHT Vive Mrs. Gerald Raanaa? Yhan BAN planning board "wants no moontighting teacher who is al ready on the town payroll draw: ing a second: salary from us," BXPECT BIG CROWD TORONTO (CP)More than $600 delegates from across Canada and the United States are expected to attend the three day annual Ontario convention of the GGrand Lodge of the May! sonic Order Of Canada opening: nere next Tuesday NAME BEST COLOR Planning Board THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, July 19, 1963 Q Competitions ROVER-RANGER NEWS Arranged Two competitions for schoo! students and a photographic contest for High School grades have been arranged by the On tario Horticultural Association the Agricultural and Horticultur al Societies Branch of the On tario Department of Agriculture announced today, A horticultural scrap book competition, open to students of acher itary plane with which he de: fected to West Berlin last Wed: nesday, State department offi: cials said the Polish demand is eee - sy geo pilot was made by a first sec: : retary of the Polish ombassy//@ years of age and under, will here, Ryszard Frackiewies, to/be conducted by local hort Robert M, MeKisson, deputy di: ayer ny oe ---- ei . < arn See © value as Well as originality and neatness, A Centennial plaque compe Cutter C SRS CRUSADER Tt looks. as if we might turn up with a good cutter crew this vear, In fact two of them Things are looking well so far even with the short Ume we've doen practising, We have Jost. one girl though ~= nO, she didn't go overboard, Bey Cranston, who was stay: ng in Oshawa to attend school, has returned to her home on Manitoulin Island for the sum mer (L hope there aren't any soooters up there!) but we ex: pect to see her back again in the fall, Our third Mate, San- dra Gaskell who is new affiliat ed with the Air Rangers has! BANFF, Alta, (CP)--Cana, dian optometrists say the safest! color hunters can wear is al blazing fluorescent orange, At their annual convention here they adopted a resolution sug gesting the eye-catching color be used in clothing for hunters! and highway crews GHTS NEW POST OTTAWA (CP)---Air Commo adore: Victor S, Millard, $1, of Toronto will become comptro) ler of the RCAF with the raak of air vieemarshal on Aug, 1, air foree headquarers an nounced Friday, He replaces iAir View Marshal I, C, Corndlat 48, of Ottawa who is. retiring GIVE CARVED MOOSE OTTAWA (CP) A hand earved Moose Will be presented to the Boy Scouts of Greece on Dehal? of 314,000 Canadian Boy Scouts during the Lith world jamboree al Marathon, Greece Aug. 1 4@ 1th. The carving, the work of Abe Patterson of Pom a wWidelyknowa Cana erafisman, was executed in Rasswood from the Ottawa Valley CADETS BXCHANGE VISITS OTTAWA (CP)--Air . cadets from 11 countries will visit Can ada this summer and 39 Royal Canadian Air Cadets wil travel a scheme spons ered: By the Air Cadet League of Canada with the co-aperanien ef the RCAF, the league an nownced Friday FILE CHARGES TORONTO (CP) -- Charges teat a German dancing clad re used Negroes admission were Med Trarsday with the Ontane Haman Rights Commission with @ request fer a provincial in vestigation, Taree Negroes elaiva they were refused admis sion © the Deutsches Tan Lokal because Two r TORONTO (CP)--Twe work were elecivecated Friday when 2.408 volts crackied dowa a crane after BR ached a We-vetage Dre, Os Darn Shepherd, 8 and Walter Sew, 44, were helping te guide a COPpPresser ania a track whon the accident eccarred ANNOUNCE CONTRACT MONTREAL (CP)--The Ca Airtime Pets Associa Canada Air Lanes anrowancead Friday a new Tomas wR contract effec Jay 1. The contract pre we@es aR VaMMeMate W-acwanth Dae PAY PRETCAaSe Par Taplaims ane Rr efficers and an addi ional SBd-acgnem®A iacrease Taly 19h. The avetage monthix + of a TOA pllet was S175 Tae SeAVOeRCAT sa he ASK PLOTS RETURN WASHINGTON (AP) Pe ara caliea Ga the Taned Qates ¥ Maj. Rickara tes Parity and Ve mal Early Start At Picnic ' Fehare, mi > Piocks ef picnichers @esceng 08 aH Lakeview Park th mom z 1 pe t of ia Awtampdos zs HOSTRE BT Oars were deat s a! zg POS WETS Hlrgae vet hing Gown Mm the sefiee and SRAM sets Lakverw Park waa ating UAW aos expec mare Menke GA. The re cord WAS SN dn WR, wR) The Galeek Per Ye weather Was TANOTahlo HOTA Same Skies \, VF Vl HAR The Theat of owathars ONEGRE & mary, St a Re a RWOLTT MANN 2 they were Ret ALECTROCUTED » Papen ~ wavehed artare been sending back word of hor trip west, She anda friend have headed that way again this ivear but intend to go right an © the coast this time, There jour first. Mate, Joan Nesbitt will join them te continue on ® California Good Sea Ranger rew Seen Really exciting, In addition to the roasting heat we had leeches, a snake (identified as everything fram a garter snake. to a cobra depending on who told it) mosquitos, and that. most gruelling of all tortu initiation (screams in the nigh and all that you know), Sleep? We didn't Bat? Whea we had to, With the high tem. peratures and our = exposed campsite we were beginning to feel like Lawrence of Ara but I must admit, the one thing we didn't see was a camel... Sunbathing and floating around: in Jaonne's plastic wading pool" Iprevided about the most siren. vous activities that we under took, That was after we pitets, ed the tents, set up ca and then helped the Guides do the: same thing, One question, though, Now that camp's been» over for about two weeks, what! we do with all this unclaimed We certainly are going to be shortstaffed if this trend keeps up == bul there isn't one of us who wouldn't lke to go with them: Now let's see, how can we manage it on a dollar seventy-five split 26 ways? (MARRIAGE IN OFFING LAWYER JAILED NEW YORK (AP) -- Samuelitition for students between the J, Smiley, @, a Montreal law. ages of 11 and 16 years of age ver was sentenced to one year has been arranged, Contestants in prison and fined $2,000 for) Wil Be asked to submit a suit his part in a $2,140,000 fraudy./Able design for a label to lent stock:sale scheme in 1958,/ Mark centennial trees which Federal Court Judge Eemund|Will be planted in many com: Palmieri pronounced sentence munities in 1967, on Smiley who had pleaded) The photographic competition guilty to conspiracy, consists Of seven classes, Prizes é 1 will be awarded for the best TO END DEATH PENALTY [Colored slides depicting plants DUBLIN, Ireland (Reuters) gardens and civic projects The Irish government, under aj The secretary of the local new dill published Friday, in. Horticultural Society in each lo tends te abolish the death pen: eality, can provide full partic ality except in four crimes in./Wars as to each competition volving the state, The crimina! age : justice bill of 1963 will intro duce a new charge of "capita! Recommend murder" and is due to come before the Dail (pariiament) 'during its autumn session i Wheat Types . - MON bey yl Armand, OTTAWA -- Geneseo, Talbot, Savoie, former Canadian leht. avd Kent are the winter wheat/Sue Channing will be getting weight boxing champion, Fri Varieties recommended = f9 rimarried Aug, 3 and the crew day was sent to trial in Court of PANNE In southwestera On iwill be providing a guard of Queen's Rench on a charge of/tario, according to Dr. G. Ho honor, We'll give her a good steating 6.000 golf balls The Clark of the CDA's Researchisend off! Then, afer the ex charge against the former Station, Harrow, Ont citement dies down -- all these poxer followed the disappear! Genesee and Talbot are white people coming and going and lance of seven cases of galt balisiseeded while Kent is red seed-/everything else, the rest of us from a waterfrant shed where : will return to just plain rowing he was working as a freight) Genesee is a Nigh yielding our boat for the summer, Not checker red chaffed variety with good that that's so bad, but those jmilling quality, It has white, Diusters do get a little uncom: ROR EXCHANGE medium tal! straw and some fortabdle, especially when you're CHICAGO (CAP) -- Two men resistance to loose smut dul isisiling On them who rented a shop adjoining a Susceptible te dunt and leaf Today we are taking up an currency exchange on the pre. rust invitation from SRS Trequeis in text of starting a Morist shop Talbot_was_ just Heonsed for Qakville to attend a baseball turned out to be more interested SMe We Canada in 192, Only a game and darheque with their in green sstuff than greenery, Sal A gg ly of -- wil er -- '+ a members of ne Ne i available this year, In tests at HMCS Haida crew, Gaiters! Nina ee ee Harrow, Talbot has yielted doubt if we'll make the Major robbed the exchanse of about the same as Genesee andl QATUES dat we'll probably sat estimated $20.000 Friday quality, R is moderately resist-/a lot, On Wednesday night past . she, ant to gene smut, leat rast andiwe held gph oh council meeting vEPCES > i ack jmildew and has deen superioriat Guide House Pg own amy bo gg io Genesee in loding resistence. Looks hike Sharon is going @eath Friday under a cauldron, ROM is recommended only/to live up to the CPO nickname at molten steel. Another wag 10h Wt as: feed because A is) "Crasher She evER makes w reported In Seneus condition, SOmMOWNat different from the keep quiet, Ye gods'! Then, on Tre molten steel was being white wheals rn walling quality. Tharsday night we again rook transported frem the fer ace Mi @oesn't produce as muchinart in the Sunset Coromonies 3 pinta wilt here Memorial Park grain as Genesee and Talbot jat bat Rt is Nigher in protein and) OA, yes, the camp musta' jjess swhject te sproeting. Kent forget 8, Sharon Hester and is resistant te leaf and stem Louise Rily) passed their camp rast and moderately resistanticraft test on the Dominion Day 1 loose smal 'weekend, bat my what-a camp. Pavement } One of our former Rangers, | (I hestitate to say it) junk! Well 1 guess we're In Dusiness again for another rummage jsale, - "HOPALONG"™,, | = | DM, ROSE ROVER CREW - Two for Mike, one for Ronnie or was it two for Ronnie and one for Mike, Anyway, tree steaks were lest Thursday night in the fireplace, Don't worry, they were only hamburg steaks) as the crew held their annual BanB-Q at the dea, Salads, pickles, cake along with cold refreshments) (Pepsi). which came from our bra spanking new frig made the evening a huge success ast week the crew took @ dip in the Camp Samac pool the returned te "Quagmire Tra" and siaried to build a wood der land a picnic table, Darkness jsoon crept up on the fellows and these projects had te be finish: ed over the weekend, Now about redoing the front porch. Last call for anyone wanting te go on "Survival Weekend July 2 21, 22. You are allow ed one axe or knife, sleeping bag, 25 feet of rope and yout survival kit, Contact Skipper Snowdon, Next week's meeting will be, awards night alone a general dasiness meeting, Fall uniform required Our soccer match with the Sa Rover's last Teesday saw some fast and farioes action, Howie Davis has a cast on his ankle fer his participation in Vhe game, Final score, ne one knows, How about a game of checkers, Job Set Laying @ pavement and the FORT ERIE ENTRIES MONDAY, JTLT | DEN CRATER Ri yaa Brace!!! Augast 1 is swim aight with your friends . Cance is re- astaliavion af oars and gutters on River street east, Between FeRat RACE -- 8 maiden Gd lone . {ERA and Farewell, 3: expected Re. Pere Sem Gr dyvereis, 4 fer Siew Rue, Fearne _ 1 Mart Within we weeks, PM) Raawern Sue, Wik 1D Ananwrnses, Rarerke Is lowing Ortaria Manicipal Raard Pores Bim, Ne Rae 18 Seebith, Vere { . Menace Ran, No Rev 2 Seen, Tarren WA aapraval Friday Man Rewanes, No Ray Be Re Mere, Ne Bay WB A petition Qppesing the Werk, Pe of Doo, Horner Ns Teer, No Ray RO (which is a Local Iraprovemen REE setae 2 QUINEULA BETTING wath cost shared Ry the City and Back Nowe, No Bee 28 oh haFASowRers) Pate REcessary * om oo se gg Aci roa rece the OMB hearing one : ¥ ARer Ory Soherer BE. G Neely bad presented the city's i... ms 3 @ase and ree Ohjeciers hed Presi@mneten, Peer Se ia the coat they were sti Dew Ran: me» Rawmeears, Rare appeseg ecanse ef the cas, a" hates = Re "agent Saokwe? Raw airman A. L. MeOrae rak@ ey the work is necessary and is ip Re WHA the City's Majer street Pe par Peeer Wreck, Poets Teper Ren, 3 Re. noted Yhe city Is asee- soe Sem ve A Mack lnrver share than has doen the casa ~ Tes Was a reference te the recent City Pelkey east sharing on jecal igapreve. PRON Prajects Mr. MeNeete WOM the coat the etiee® af the new pokey was i@ Gat The homneewners Share ph Fak with the Teak Mat Be city & naw pag adeet HRI al The estimated SH7.AW pata) caw be Mr. MeNeete nated Mat Beer Swe Gast and weat of The wr TRMAPIN LOHR IS Pawed, He warcae. Resa Ws ate WP, 8a ferlangs Careak Ceang,, Daren Ue Westies, Ditech Ut 1), Ree Anna, Barrie 28 he TN Roots, Letiene a AR Conetian, Dieiaeh US leach Miss, No Rov U5 Teen Cees, Ne Re We Cawne Of Age, No Bey SEVENTH RACK -- Fort Eee Randi <p Parsee Sa0d added fr dyearaits wl wp, Ba Pederge. Rem Rene, Pestana 16 Raper. Rear RE Ramer Reger, Gere 8 Ameer San, Hae 12 kien Treasgre, Preekt a Ries Ri, No Ray BF Srronghenr Regnier' U3 Ree ae, Tweteot HlOHTR RACK -- BAW ceimie Pore St fr ees ae a, py TR MNS Cat coaTED) Acompanata, Ne Ray US Oeies fra. laneeay IT toa Gey, Revie Newel, Nea Wa Parr. Rare AT <aask Mas, Ne Rear NS Nant 8 Pein, Reiner 14 Parvreh, Vo Ray TF TST ME 2 PO T2HAR AND PAST De SECOND RACK BAW owen m ee SND For Qovewreita, 1 208 Miles, Nevetre, Lanrwar Ody Pere Ohe, Berrian CHARTS OR 'Os Eyes, F Pasar, Diasimanans A=----i |R. Agerwe and Mr ores Ae & N. Jere, THARP RACE Pore Sa Re Sa oar Syeerhe ae ep, mn Rew we Oe mip Oey Nae' RE Roows a yak w Fort Rete Sikes Rentaap. Pare BW added For Syear Nato paired and waiting , Cam. "fire chief is busy tonight and iwi be every Right AeKt week, Jim Aer loves marchiag. . ». The crew now has three thay farmers. : Ted C'Ooaper Nod" Tiiag, . Pictares from the competitie sR de Competition resalts -- Oech!? "HIMMY CORNERED" H IM TRADES ACCEPTED FRS-S20E 323 Knee BW tela the coart The of s at ns elt a ee wT =o WEST ATNNTVES prover SUNN For near ania, © furlongs 5 ereeks @m Doth gem Gan, Gata Us SiS af the ow Tare Malte, Ne Rep Wa eae Pwexnyoms TD He sad mest ef Whe Citys Rarane Gack, Raman a tees Darth af Riear Pre Noemie, Reema UR : ie ae BAe Rese, Ror " Street Sat mary Work sveh ele aces Deren le whe Streea, reselting im a Deaily Pose S60 Re Seeerats, & fur BUEHLERSs AS Tender EAT N TRUE-TRIM BEEF + 4 Macapagal. The GR acts shart crareimg and mercies a seston Por gragaa! tergener af eg? @Metes t> Baers. Whe fermen quemers wonlh said ss parte mn cash ang hh PPCM SeOETiaes SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES indastre) and Commercial Dhe cwadiched rolahic Bae Peetor mm aur oreD PATE "CQMAOB NG WITS anaes biel ss Tatig Tee we et WR Sencw ape Faery Peo Yan will te mere pameien afer @ Sew deece kaxeme eR Phe Anther Mure Sede, 239%, Sree P. Seas 32 RA wm © PM Mate! Loocarter KER WAT on, mag ~~ 31 CELINA ST. Same ot arte Fo Sewe Fo? cowet ee chest DIA HPA MraassiaMai m Carenes Origine! Cee Ckemmg Onere PR Tolly GERAIS gatactan @ TPR: Phone 728-888) NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. wee MART ST TOMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION 5S JURY & LOVELL LTD. witty WE SEND WEDIC OSHAWA OUR PROFESSION BOWMANVELE NE TO EUROPE =