THOUGHT FOR TODAY There are somethings that are bigger than money -- bills, for instance, She Oshawa Gunes -- WEATHER REPORT Occasional rain tonight and Sunday, Continuing warm with light winds, VOL. 92--NO. 164 1) Cente Per , Ceey OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JULY, 13 1963 Suirarieed oo teeone cm Ny wen oe, Oftice Department, Ottewa SIXTEEN PAGES Postage in Cash. YOUNGSTERS EAT AT UAW PICNIC Melt-in - your floss is the stock any picnic, E ing, Carmen Bandi 40 Cabot Lalande tested the elusive qualities of the young- favorite confection at Lakeview Park _ Thousands Sino-Soviet Unity Talks Deadlocked (AP)--The n-Chinese year-old Claudette 648 Perry Cres,, mouth candy n trade of arly th Laver sters' MOSCOW wocked Russia talks, calied continued to u exiected to end bet re way ft Peking held the door, en for further negotiations at "We Want unity Peking's official "Poeple's Daily says in an editorial broadcast by the New China news agenc and monitored in Tokyo. But it adds: "The present situation is Sivery grave." DEPLORE FAILURE The newspaper says had he been hoped relations with Mos-/ cow would be eased by the talks "but we now have to point out siwith heavy hearts that events have gone contrary to oar! not a split," "with heavy dea tempts to hea ening Dreach between . communism's wwo giants have failed _Then, in aN Appar awewess Bartier, Russian informants! predicted the meetings would! tiend in two or three days, Good! Hamilton Union «. Criticizes NE Service Hi = aX N Wi e applicant RAL make up the applicant Wastes are Lie strike sources indicated the two sides did. not even agree on a basis to open the negotiations Y | fait lure the cile Premier) Kh ushchevw's peace coex) a ne 2 8 before the gotators will Western meet Mon Raa de opt mism The " Russians have doggedly hed ab read for test ban he rouations despite Chinese ob- jections Prison Warden ~ Tortured By ». Model Inmates SINGAPORE ral with was et S. Dutton ong ° aed mas \ arepare sland of Paulau Senang » who was in his @s pavert te Islam, and was to take place in cemetery here a Masiem Uitant; Soviet Agents FIXED BAYONETS HOLD TEMPERS IN CAMBRIDGE 'Hunt 4 Former Master Spy were roaming the grounds be- fore noon as the hot sun her- alded perfect Local 222 largest § annual Canada in weather picnic, t --Oshawa Times CFA President | Dies At Ottawa OTTAWA (CP) -- Hannam, §4, nadian fa quarter foun fatm home Fr He was cent day ni an exec ut pres and ident tor from the princips farmers in selena federal government TO PRESENT CARVING lahe Lane of OF basswood ah CSE bay scouts te Gree al when halt the Canad t Soeuts a2 of a Dr, ry died ve for he Photo H nd nd a at of H spokesman for Ca- mers for more than a a a AA identity his the ~ul- WILL, S$ and with a managing direc. lieved to have 1040 to his death As such ne was regarded as/ices, spokesman for tawa holds moace a to the Gar tend world jamboree at Marath Greece, Aug. 1 ~ he SEEK TO AVOID WAR OF WORDS AUDITORIUM PROGRESS $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $50,000 OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis er Pearson's surprise proposal ahproy confer wo weeks desig a war wards tawa and Qerberc aken Contederation placed sources say acial nt rime minicter wrete-? emer tn $308 tr Qu verement have the POveTAMNM. 5 itstep an apen fi Qardere. They tions between tear the tw groeuns weoald deter be. MOR? FOR LULL T that >» anh ORD that o rela-iqueted as sayin Plastic surgery may be used to give Dolnytsin a new face--- as did for many British se- eret agents during the Second World War. Then he would be unrecognizable even to those who kne w him during the eight months or so he lived in Lon don while on a tour of duty here. Most British papers ignored the request by the defence min stry not to publish the name of the defector The request was issued after a newspaper inquired at the de fence ministry about ithat a senior Soviet intelligence LONDON (AP)--Agents of the Soviet Union are searching Brit ain with orders to kill or kidnap master spy Anotoli Dolnytsin who. defected to the West 18 months ago, British newspapers said today British seourity chiefs are certain that Communist agents are trying to track Doilnytsin to his carefully guarded hideout The Daily Herald reports The Daily Express says an attempt may already have been made on defector's life Dolnytsin brought with him Russian military secrets and details of spy networks and un dereover agents wor » for the officer had defected Soviet Union. He is understood) The ministry gave Doinyt to have provided British coun sin's name and implied the de ter-intelligence agents with a list of people in Britain who may be---or could be--agents for Soviet Russia Dolnytsin is in hiding, under guard, being groomed for a new! it considered vital that he should be unrecogniza- to Soviet reports Paper Claims Spy Defected 2K REVENGE In Ottawa Doinytsin's defection is be WASHINGTON (CP) -- The ' dealt a severe| Washington Post says master blow to Soviet intelligence serv-|SPY Anatoli Doinytsin defected The Russians will want/te U.S. officials two years ago, Embassy j i | is ag him eliminated -- for revenge/repertedly at the U.S The spy has been identified both here and in London news papers as Anatoli Dolnytsin, ap- parently a member of the So-| iviet embassy staff in London the/and as a warning to others, in-/in Ottawa formants noted jat various times between 1937! yay ad 198 The I " fs quotes American of ficials as being dumbfounded over the British government's announcement of the spy which, The Post says ing to American records not jibe with the British ease accord i impli h government had pression that. the defection occurred recently, Ti Post contin Sas Americans ted more than newspaper ish pated th The @ ireports ition had occurred of the Moscow Penkovsky, a found guilty of nd for passing information to the West, but the Americans main fain there has been no Soviet spy defection since Penkovsky Was se Sed death two months ac The Post jAmerican offic ithe Macmillan been add ag hackster iment recent pohtica ment "Bat says Brit at the defec as a resu al of. Oleg Soviet * spying ndic . to says als conc government Madison Av : to pup from a § dais threater life of that some : ts announ to pries ¢ se goverr dumbfounded 'what ' than anything e more Post wones Abe was done bv Pattie says, » US. Embassy in 01 who Was thoroughly ae within the vai Lrwa, onefed jamboree coats from Provinces Called To Rally the fed Qurder Mr. 1 gp that revernmen an Peasionk June 1 Tha: Quede mace esage said will intre on its e gresnve OPPOSES BIA Bedcet -- 2900 : sk ever imas in the Ungava. was why fection had occurred recently lt requested that this informa tion not be published as the man's life was in danger. PUBLISHES NAME A later notice said that some information could be published but asked that the name be withheld, Early today The Daily Telegraph published Dolnytsin's name here still is a mystery sur- the circumstances of| sin's defection, It is gen.! believed that he defected) » serving in a Soviet satel-| country after first contact: pe ed_ States embassy) country, One defected in a town America nit rt an lied port sai a he in North the For about a year after his de.! fection Dolnytsin was questioned! by the Central Agency in the U.S asylum a here Intelligence After he re Britain, he and interrogated security men ytsin is credited with pro nformation that led to Vassall, the homosexual spy the British admiralty sh Tes] SHOT AT IN LAOS Donald Hopson, British am- bassador te Lagos, was aboard a helicopter which was fired upon Friday while flying low over Musee, Louk near the Plaine des Jarres en. route to pro - communist Pathet Lao headquarters Aboard = with | Hopson were two Communist members of the International Contre! Commission, No one was injured, They were on their way to discuss the stal- led 'e talks with Pathet Lao ials, The ICC said the a omats tentatively re- scheduled the flight for Mon- day pi (AP Wirephote) Jesuit Backs Use Of PR Techniques NEW YORK (AP)---Are pub-jutilize the elements of planning ie relations te 'hui ques suitaole/ and for chur rch use? : "yes" answer has written by Rev Burke, director of publi been IM revations for Jesuit missions, ia} a doctoral dissertation said te be the fi irst one on public re ations for religious institutions "AU relig ious groups can and should use organized public) relations techniques to remove unnecessary conflict and mis und among them selves and between g20Us fours and society at say's Father Burke. In his thesis, Father Burke outlines how creeds can rstanding 3 all Tension High In B. Guiana, Tommie Killed GEORGETOWN, British Gui- * ana (Reuters) -- Tension was igh in this capital city today fer a British sekdier was beaten to death in a street evernight Allan member Richard Land, 18 a af the Green Jacket died soon after he acked by a group of city en Jackets infantry unit flown to the colony Jaly te reinferce British Unpaps nha order during a violent Sday general strike ended last week Meanwhile, British Colonial Secretary Deacan Sandys dae to continue his talks with government and union leaders im an atterapt to thresh out a constitutional settlement of the was 5 Thomas; , » COMmmMaunA continued direction are essential to a public relations campaign His view is this | that successful Negro Leaders Planning Move CAMBRIDGE, Md. (AP--A quests for a special session of fragile racial peace enforced by'the legislature to cone with the National Guardsmen with fixed/states racial problems but ack bayonets settled on this scarred nowledging the inability of local community today as Negro/police to keep the Cambridge leaders planned the next move) powderkeg from exploding, or- n their integration campaign, dered the guard back into town One question to be answered Mer & four-day absence, It ata. strategy meeting was/R8d been withdrawn only last whether they would try another) Monday after a 2-day stay re- protest march -tonight in the Suiting from a June series of |face of militia law banning such! Shootings and store burnings, > activity ENFORCE LAW". | 'The law--with 400 guardsmen) There was no violence Friday jbacking. it up---was reimposedinight as the guard clamped on jafter six persons were wounded/a series of restrictions just Thursday night and early Fri-|short of martial law, which is jday in the second major out: forbidden by the state constituy break of shootings here in a'tion }month Business shops closed at ? Governor J, Millard Tawes,)p.m. by 10 p.m,, one hour after turning aside integrations st re-the new curfew, streets were nnn Ieserted, Sch lule Last Liquor, beer and wine sales town were sealed off, Only per sons with urgent business were in an old abandoned mine to The ban on demonstrations day for three boys missing applied to whites as well as Ne today and reported they had jdiscovered no clues that would To Macmillan jeau of mines inspector, said 0 a exploration inta the last area) LONDON (Reuters) -- Iain were suspended in the city and Search F a i allowed to enter since Tharsday aroes. help therm determine whether should take about eight hours./Macleod, jeint chairman of the Toi Future Still Linked surrounding county until fur ther notice Main-road approaches to the Missing Boys g Y Automobiles were subjected PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Offi-:1o search for firearms at check: cials planned one final search points throughout the area. They announced their decision jafter: a sixwman rescue team lemenged from the mine earlier the teen-agers are in the sub- urvan Castle Shannon mine Everett Turner, a U.S. bur. ; } is to persuade people, Religious/have been The basis of public relations After that, he said, officials will/raling Conservative party, said satisfied that the/today most of his party mem: jgroups aim at per suading peo mine was searched thoroughly. /bers want Prime Minister Mac. nie an ethical truth they is usable So, using techniques highiy ldeveloped by 'professional. pub lic relations men can enable "Johurches to 'promote and social values in bate better with «their own people and further cv-op eration among denominations TEHCHNIQUES NEUTRAL "The techniques themselves are ethically neutral, You can't throw over the medium because sometimes it used shoddily," Father Burke's answer to these whe may object! te public relations methods as maneeeerente for religious use If religious values are to have the pace they should have in peapie's lives, he says, "public relations will have to be utilized lest the field be left only to values being promoted by busi- ness and government," There nothing wrens with busi erament believes, SOLELY, just Ss s inherently ness and gov- Father Burke they are limited "And every commanity where the impact of religious values is lest, the commanity as a whole loses," he says. ~ ia values but in problems besetting the colony. | After talks Friday between Sandys, lef. wing Premier Chedai Leader Forbes Burnham, Burn- ham sugested a coalition gov- ernment was being considered, Jagan's rating People's Pro- Party holds 31 of the he assembly. Burn- Negra, and former the PPP, formed his creep eight years moderates whe ap. - policies of Ja- Indian Pitcher Dies As Spikes 'Grounded' DILASBURG,. Pa. (AP)}--War-. en Gil Jr, B. Camp Hil, Pa. ead Friday whan struck while pitching in all game se EL Paulas was struck because his shes were croanded te an 16- steel spike which held the hing rabber in place P n the in a down bat nat a mber af rAS2On OTU st & chining aw RYCTS : 1s hened nyured Jagan and Opposition } " whereabouts "Then we'll have to say! they're not in there," he added Only theories exist as to the} of the boys Abbott, 15, Danny Robert 13 Their families feel they are in the mine, clased since 1838 Some lecal officials, however believe the three have | Pittsburgh, possibly on a freight irain. | Recover Body Of | Missing Farmer OGDENSBURG, N.Y New York State police recov- ered fram the St. Lawrence Sea- way today the body of Joha Sequin, NM. of nearby Heavel- ten, who was drowned last Sun. day while fishing with his son and his brother. Sequin, a farmer and the fa- ther of four, slipped on a mass- covered rock and fell into the current near the Iroquois con. tral dam, about 28 miles aorth east of here. The body was re- 'covered nN mil les | dow Team, (AP) millan to decide whether to re- isign or remain party and gov ernment leader without "heckled or hectored, he: or hurried." religious! Q'Kain and Billy Burke, both... Pee issue of the succession te Macmillan, 09, again dominated British politicians' weekend Speeches, Canadian + dern broadcaster and Conservative party MP Sir Edmund (Ted) Leather came out openly in suppert of R. A, Batler, Maomillaa's deputy, te mcceed him, But, in a speech in the Som erset village of Chew Magna, Leather, a aative of Hamilton, said he would serve Macmillan loyally "watil he retires or my own breath gives out." Another. Conservative MP, Geoffrey Hirst, told lecal Con. servatives at Bingley, York shire, there was "a wealth of unused talent" among Conserv ative parliamentarians, "We must have a fresh team in the lead," he declared, Macleod told Conservatives in the Sussex village of Rusper that "ta his (Macmillaa's) sure judgment and his instinctive flair for polities, our country land our party owe mach . . .* GIRLS ROMP IN SURF e Miss > niverse Beaaty @ering a picture taking ses sien, From ef ate Miss Ja pan, Nernka <Aade; Miss France. Moniqge Lemaires . &@ Miss Korea, Kim tne "ty