Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jul 1963, p. 15

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' 5 7 my ' fi nett fu. vule TH. . © euty 13, 1% ie 18---Male or Female |25--Apartments |27---Real Estate For | _|27--Real Eataty ros * Mie aA iid ra ce . ae ' PO as 2 gel porter a 7) ar hall, modern wiicnon with ea plat 50 'y gpe ee yl tap Rood cman we oF Weat olfer,|hen. eheh ay Dial THbOOI8. -- 22--Articles for Sale ] 2 j pickers waned in Whils|@ euler, NN ew gaa furnace, finiehed recreation |g 4 n Realtor, Bob! Bini Telephone TaneT it comes Raa eee actic Wy area, For farther particulars, Tele./aeneral Moore, Apply 88) LAFFAINE) Foy" with bar. paved drive, | Many Oo aN arabia, ohne Maced be omer | : : "| TELEVISION a-ineh,, 48, Tranwormer| AIR CONDITIONER, Westinghouse ro phone PANRIO6. Atreet bxtray 80700, Dial Ajax BARO4GR, AJ 5 ee i peo i gage gen Ale Srakenitcn ro Fi gg ad 4 yori pleture pube nearly new, Telephone jeayy duty, new unit, Must sell, $115, j bree ee . | | : Kes | POUR-ROOM bungalow, on one acre of NN , bar eon! O) clgnale, waeners, Coes: | TRH-0470, [Phone Whilby 660-2800, 7 26-- SAVE the new Federal Tax on this + be radio, executive driven, new cat COM) io offers, Telephone 720-2615, a es vewnsomee |PRORG WHINby L.A RRC SES: WANTED 2 ae Rooms For Rent _jranch-type model home, Only $800 et cou = Reasonable Pree dition, 'Telephone . 70 M04, evenings) i aL {FOLDING camping traller, closed § Mt: GHHQUE-WRITING machine, not new, verage lwo rooms with Kitehenette, fully furs(gown Wo one mortgage, Joseph Rose, _ |7a0-a09, _| te IMPALA convertible, Vib autor x 1 AL oMate aor your molidaye. mt, "One, tua Otay, or man TAXI DRIVERS |nished, eentral, naar North GM, Ags) Realtor, Tee-Yery, _veeewngecen|FOR WALK oF rem = One year old| (dit CHEVROLET, excenent sbarivs Iie es een maw n7>: otter," TOMDNeee Tee err eee | | ply i968 Colborne Bast ONE-ATOREY ho atleton, four ja) four bedroom executive home ini terior faly emt offer 'elephone 19 PONTIAC, Pathfinder, yellow and|s: | FENDER se gular, complet + } Men er Women jaw" ee cjroome with bathi garage, drilied well, Wrerable location, attached -- aarade, | ane Whitey mileage only. 21300 mules, Man-/FOUR roome-of furniture, In excellent! with case, nd cord, $385, Supro! ui INEVER sell your car ar haltton pick y Apply jap wnti) you see Nela Hyland, 1190/47, 400 oh Wao bei tala Oi BLL financing, For further detatle an ind MONARCH, 44,000 milo, Mlandard)dard tranamtasion, excellent condition, | Condltien. ei LA ee to take over bess rapier, pate As condition, | OTTAWA (CP)=Inclusion of f . Poronto, HO jéaed, | Hea ale Hinson sHG3, evel Hit, radio, backsp liehia, one owner, Dial 7010 after 6 p.m j Par snes AO jephone 723-3800, 8 MERCURY TAX! -- |panriag iN eee gn ___ |yamdaea,, Carl Olaen, Reaiior Iheat' otter. aN-aN70. | 1098 CHEVROLET, fair body and 'inna [ROOM aif conditioner, fi0, valle, heavy |ANTIQUE Apinning Wheel "trem "old chiropractic services in any na ; 14 Albert Street 725-4771 jaw 'Television privileges Free parle MALL HOUME, | PRIVATE sale, income property W000) ind NAAil, Metimpaliian RAPMHOP!New pattery and shocks, Mechanically |e EB gg EB od #33, 'Telephone tural, quebec Conversation piece , og tional medical insurance p ing. Weekly or nightly rates, 785-0034. jfouth plant Price ; owe jenmualy, ie gown 1 eae ores waite five ter Wubalees. Sree rebuilt pound, $180, 'Telephone 754252, Feats or TaealT. the home, Apply 39@ King Street Bast, scheme was sought Friday in @ i i 'Ont : Interest 5 per cent open to mort , ss "moter, 1 after i} . : . weet: wa " Aton -- W " in i 20--Room and Board | CoMrORT MN rer central tod] NON I WAL a ee esr dane, PONTIAC four duty sain Wasoh| ERLEVINIGN evil, GOL AT WA¥elgnod conaion 8 Telepbane.ase0e |TuAINSOR te Health Minister ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen, town and North General Motors Tele: |WUNGALOW, brick, woven oom, four/POR HALF -- Frame, house to be FH) Wil acoept cider car as part PAYINENL gag. gg9,'" |beamer, #15, Telep 10, | SRANEMIANION Power Glide, for| LaMarsh, : i € downtown, lunches 'packed, exs|Phane 7RIVEPS bedrooms, all conveniences, large lot.) moved, Telep 19008 plon OX TOA DA Se Te HUYING oF selling furniture oF Appl: Chovrolet or Pontiac, rebuilt, excellent official: th | Gigs 14 . » ' L = veeie trees, garages King Breet West, change , sj, VOLKSWAGIN, 8400 cash." 961 /ances, Call Khmer Hampton, 903,204 ss rm | Later, two als of the 4 Y e cooked meals. Apply M)AQUTH END, large clean furnished recs: 0. ai - [iMdA VOLKAWAGEN deluxe, MOO | Rosedale Drive, Call hetween 4.90 and)or gag eondition, Di ser, Ganadian Chiropractic Associa: Rigin east, Telephone Fait) lroom, &% Weekly, Parking, Private ene Feeduced to 00,000, WIN $2,000, IWAN) DHIVATE = Must sell, SW Veare Ol4,| ynaio, 900 ov heat offer, Telephone 72!) Aaa.ango Jor 989-9005, : ioe ae ithe tanta, | CAO rop < 4 WA WHEIC sudable Tor men, wilb|tranes 983-1980. for quick sale, Wo MeAw Realtors) inree-nedreom -- bunalow, not Meow gag afer & pin PORTADLE sewing machine, Henlth/tisetng page, ground sheets Raters' [tion told a reporter that Miss 25 ev oaele beta, Tee i 4 Prince Street, Dial. 7 Fett /rated, In Whitby, per cont CONV 'iia ord TE" Mira {WN METEOR convertible. Milly eaulbs|'ry get. with swivel stand, rooim WM] Stove el nN 'ta s wooters. Best prices\LaMarsh took the position that taone Tastee hate wan Ce ing rag ol [eT cecemeee | MORENRE, Make offer, 000-4000, Ful coer with campicis delune equip,| Pets Good condition, Telephone O68-80l8iditer, 9 rattan bagkel chains, tripod] {YSy Rominion' Tire Store, 48 Bond) " t decision could" ' "WULALIE furnished bedroom Fe natives, parking, Ws At the dint, INCOME HOME, tree APANMONS | PRVVATH sale. Fivecroom DUn@es\monte in snowrnom. condition: Phone) FOUR dual wheel tow truck, 1857 Mord)! anter with large pean =e West, ive government Cecision : wd milemen, Breakfast if desired, suit a middie aged lady, Dial Paasdpar, |PRvate balhrooms and entrance, lOW)igw, newly decorated, Landscaped and) Whitby G68 sie sedan, new paint Job, Telephone Blacks| model Filion ra 9 _< aad, SHOOK Saab car a made until after the report 'Televnane, TaRaTT9 [ORNTRALLY jocated, Double bedroom, epson Hag ath namuhiy enerten al reneene ye bie Aly jie CHEVROLET fourdoor, meehan: Mook, Seem). [ine record: paver, violin, electrle feep| tires, all sings: also spindles Mad'wheeisof the royal. commission on AIMcOR Rossland" West, avea;|(Wily furnished, Kitehen and WWUNGEY | ments, 818,000, full price, Telephine belt eum ped ety ally partect, 8180 oF best offer, After 4A" FORD Roadster, chrome, "Olde lia fryer, children's toys Including "ePifor irailers. Apply 800 Bloor Strect/health services is received in Pe emmtorable, room, good meais,(faciiitien, | Business iri only Tele: jap. yeao lf = rev SB a engine, channelled | 10) all, (chremeleyeie,, fire (ick and iene tee ee Telephone 29.2981, September and studied, hinehea packed. Absainers, gentlemen, (phone. Fa-818 |NAGGAUEGCCIT gictoomn Wileee WOUND, (Cnyetrial Lape, Bioee, Bir ¢ Werte faced) OLDAMOBIER A Cwordonr autor cvgy Uh Ue ek OP ee ee 6 PAM APACK "heater, Goleman, large he. 1 ¢. Sutherland of To private Bain entrance, IAUNIPY, PATKNRAW OSHAWA Shopping Contre, (wolfurniahed or unfurnished. Com ling. ol Rae eiartagn with terme, Mattes, with radio, 988, 6M Taylor AY Joell es ts 4 \CAMPERA Now Coleman eam plauitable for good site cottage, $90.) Sutherla ronte Apply 708 Carnegie Avenue (irniahed room with Bath, Suitable for} modern: #9000, Telephone Brooklin |Gwon te afters. 'Telephone M22al'e enue P2A-0188 im RMEVROLET ond email Roiive Mover, two burner An popular. areen, Dial 685.9808 after Spm, sand Paul Horton, Ottawa, mem-. laduits, Telep Taoaet jAARMAAT ' ~ Wan WUTOK, four door, two (One HrEER.| Hal PaE.A08 good cond Hpecial sale $11.8, Canadian Tie As INDUSTRIAL Paints, CIL, variety | of bers of the association's na-» $ $ } Mal FRH5V08 after 4 pin nate Store, MIL Brock Street, Whitby, | 22--Offices, Stores, Storage pEANONANLE = single, clean, (ih) WHEPRY, corner lot, WA x NO, near WANTED Jautomatic anaminsion, radio, -- good) . wen, | SORES. BROS : Ys Colors, unlimited quantity, reular prie@itional board, met the minister jaiNeae i, TA Clone fai Niahed room or housekeeping room Hrenoats and park) shaded, all services Foondition 8275 Whithy 68-5788 1 FORD, model A. Sell all OF Harte, Dial MO.PRD motor bike, 18) mp. FOO ae-/$8.40, selling #.00 » Delive | PLS pial ad wh Rage! Close to RoW OM. Bus at door, Profer)gaaoo terms, Whithy 6600806 Five room bungalow in cer> [isa PONTIAC' aedan, Web atick shift, AM H01 Re eer lat SDI0,. Bale price /GUantity. sales, Oshawa Machinery om and her deputy, Dr, G, D, W. at 1. For information, dial aiaiaa, -- | entleman Vaaeane Ieree bengeion, 1108, Pive-year-old, ol -- for genuin® apply rear of 183 Bloor east evenings ed FORD Fairlane $00 Va automatic, /§8> RE hg ore anette ere Olas tie' Jor Simeoe South, telephone 72: Cameron, for about 20 minutes, _ * its CHURGM ATRERT -- sage ropwisthrickh bungalow, tree bedrooma, Make) €or ayer IE ERUAROE Ini, one owner, clenns| oh eence: Dual _ Tene «12000, Beaver band saw," COM -- - --ig--comne-| 'The association also is taking» . , ee ; i, ' is) 5 ' plete} a ty le [antral ceaation, quiet, _Brvate aoe Telephone Fa 6208 Call Henry Stinsen econemical, $1,000 or nearest offer, (1800 FARGO panel | truck, Winning! with motor, $180, 4°" Jointer, complete | ene babel Mga pg saiits case to individual MPs, Iranee, hentleman | WRT GRANDVIEW 725-1133 Telephone 728-2098 enndition, Telephone Favelll? wy ior: 840) Fairbanks sent ith peg ey ponies old, 0 ee | ---- ae ee i 728.02 ' \ipat MONARCH " Natio, tray capacity 240 Ibs, Crew) $50. Apply oe sang weenie | sit : PURNIAHED bedroom, abetainer: VILLAGE |. Syerinee 725-0243 | itd METKON sedan deve treae| powered, aati, padded darn. come (2at King treet West WASHER Westinghouse automation with : In Medical Center ferred, uchen 'privileges, quiet Wai! = CARL OLSEN; Realtor -- (fy"hest offer, Dial san-asoo Dietely,, equipped Excellent condition, (GEARED WAH, 3 x U8 BM. OX lie SS ie oher Bm ana a eam i Mis service gulaide \ ' Fo ; Kassinger - : - < Mas. 'Telephone FRI2117 Soeeesta spew condition, Appiy 120/000 eee Renn | ; } Mat Pome or your new ' LIK NEW = 1998 Pontiac. Four new + | * ya ] Si St S bi anne wane ye Furnished Home in. this ehoice sor i vg tires, inside Mphovstery and paint ht) SMUern eedan, ond condition, Heron Drive, Ajax : Ean eae Sigcitie, goed (cond | ' ; - : ' | | nally POOOR q , ee i . . IICOS OT. Os rater rent After T pm, ween) Se ect | SACRIFICE Sas sega mteneely OF a testa Nina Pt ac anue crn 'bon iss etepbone TS) TG) Study 2 gt rades act : - A : -- three: sectional ches: . July 19 ieie VOLKSWAGEN, Complete! Ibi WHITH stake truck, model WOI6,Drushes, howes guacanteed rebuilt: me AT AJAX ree | Available July 1963 Fuaneaee tee Te NT te Carl Olsen, Realtor WHITBY BYRON NORTH nt tor woken dea os so ORE aston, est offer, Dial PORI%s chines, Rantala, 'Walace, verwm Ser gathig goteneg ts = tesggiee aie rane so 1AREe AU von '. . ie vine, TOROS? 5 Can be finished to suit parkinal avery central, Apply #8 Centre 299 King St, West 723-1133 Lovely bungalow, large com week, $080, or bestoffer, G68-4517 ieit PONTIAC mehoanieally goods) ee ; Glass top dining table, and chairs, Sac: E e Dan er Early Tenants stiwet PRIVATE SALE Kingtion. tiving. ond dining [lee raurian nary wen ceca tere Wee good, 988, Apply $18 Annapolis /WOAT, foot Pie dag hee Seottirifice, MRQ0ST evenings, | ; ' - door, Dial T2A80a8 venue, Telephone FRAGT , e M, 19 | j . . ; a ; ; , , $980, © | | - PHONE 725-5132 ATTRACTIVELY FAIRVIEW DRIVE==WHITBY room, 3 bedrooms hardwood js MONARCH. twodoor hard" top, /108) CHEVROLET sedan, goad oni AUT ne ea Wnty bes 33--Market Basket | OTTAWA (CP) -- The first FURNISHED ROOMS Three-bedroom house with and tile throughout, oi! heat automatic radio Ad condition, $890, UOn. Tires good, Telephone 7OR-O897. tween 10 am, and 3 p.m lGRRENTOUSE tomatoes tor pale | jmanned flight to the moon by SUITE L-shaped living=dining room. eh aikas Vee included cash. Apply 13 Ritson Road South or! jae WUIEK, automatic, fully equipped, /WAMY carriage, Thistle, ian and belge,| S87 Garrard Road or call 720-2878, jAmerican astronauts: may be E Available in private home large kitchen, panelled rec ° Led ; heey i i is ge be _ condition, $430, Wil accept trade,! very gold condition, $20. Dial TRT8R. PICK your own strawberries at Chom:| made safer as a result of a spe- OF MODERN Pon latassa'S Gril y 6.1K came 13% 86 Newly de $12,900 for quick sale, im iiss atl automatie, | ats or beat cores corer - : aKING furniture" or Appliances? ke'p faren, qveniage, cule. Pleane, ne cial study by a team of Cana- a + eorated. Many extras, Choice mediate possession +. . J .A sports coupe V8, stick We'll ouy it for top cash. Telephone children under MW, jephone a j AIR-CONDITIONE D 89 PAR KRD eel ' ? tx FORD Fairlane S00, automatic, SMM, power windows, heavy duty sus) Cal Alake's Furniture and Appliances ATRAWHERRIES tor ao Kaaraw( ten scientists during the toval OFFICES AVAILABLE mia Paes : TRY 668-8635 sewer steering, real pind condition, PeNsiOn, oversige, Hires, BYOOkIiN &53: Store, 7289101 AWRERRIES for cate, Mpieatiecuipse of the sun next Satur, @ 0 00: NORTH Eee 725-2539 iH al oe AWNINGS, canvas Prompt service, fa RR Ne ' Townline Nes tan day, Approximately 1000: sq. Mt ; Od RORD. Partly customised, GANG 1M0 "CHEVROLET Tmpala fourdoor|tree estimates Chair, table rentals, | 0786," | 'The team hopes to obtain ine" SERVICED. BY ELEVATOR 7 Real Estate for Sale $1 000.00 DOWN i ad be seen, Telephone 688.8971, ee oe brea ~ Cleve Wox, 412 Simeoe North, | @RRENHOURE Tomaless ter ale at formation which will make it sat ¢ ith Onn Ys prow white Wa VOR, - ' ' : Ask for MR. T. Lb, WILSON ee Po eyteeS % bedroom house P - z = (ised, washers, one preva aires. pal RUV and sell, good used furniture and) Ss? Garran! road or call 728-2578, inossidle fi future space trav: : . PRECULATORN: and investors' oppor 2 storey hia f ec tive iO CHEVROLET station Wagon, BIN Mary Streat, evenings, PRS-AlM appliances, One location only, Pretty's possible for 8 TFL ERHONE sry. danhie house with aix meme: with new oil furnace, low xecu ; eylinder, standard transmission. Price * anaerscenn Furniture, 444 Simeoe Street South, 34----Lost And Found ellers to take evasive action TELEPRON side, needs decorating. Clore to taxe \ the Village of Beth 81.480, 205F Volkswagen, $593; 1886 (8 MORRIR MINOR, perfect condi: | 723.3271 ~ ---- inst @ rous ra trom Lies. with &1,000 down sav 42 miles to Oshawa on Home Pontiac, $808; 1838. Ford, Ralfton, WAR: 8123 or dest offer, Telephone 72 . =~ (Asati, [LOST -- Wrist wath, Ladss Balova,| A8ains ange' ys 72 me 474 an offer on tis estate sale Ousie or ge R8000" pet Mans Al cars in As condition, Mikes woneet, Ce + Eureumre pet ppl! enow gold with gold cxpansimn, oer (#00 _o eae sani mn. T2RNTa. Josepn' Rosen, Rea paves vad M | Servive Station, Raglan, Ontario. ipie AUSTIN, very goed mechanical , Ww "ry Rest et band, Tuesday, downtown wa.) Special equipmen as * Inte a " 59 ¥ . "M . ani | 7 . salad month' Interest and Posgen' i King Street East j Dial @S.g508 condition, Good tires, Rest offer, Tele hance ween Piraivare tae jeward, Telephone F20-3586, built by the radio and electri« 23--- Wanted Te Rent HOUR i" Bowmanville four wea combined, Full price $42 is % Vane ame S400 18-font Rrantford plat. Phone TaA-nate Your authorized GE dealer, Conta ADY'S Bulova wristwatch, white gold, 9) engineering division of the Sams, twe foors eOAWeRIORCeA, If ' Pf os 10 Reoutiful Neder form racks anc tarp: Humphrey, Brook: 19k8 MONARCH Lucerne, Va, autamas Honest Cal's on King Street Bast, Var/black velvet band, set with diamonds , | GAWAGE warmed in Ritson North of good repair, Near schools, churenes $9.000 FULL PRICE Daccs with ott the @elightil. ienenmeae He ON Rr Laicerte dene brakes, (ce's Road, open 12 hours dally, 90 sjon shoulder, Vicinity Oshawa, Shopete National Research Counell for } Qarawe Alvt, Noh aves Te ephone and" SOMDINE, AN harstwond fons y hadreama with elt conver corms with ¢ e delighttul | ia RONTIAG with overdrive, excel |MOCrME and windows, shed Telephone 23> Telephone 728-9191 Centre, 3.30 p.m, Thursday, Keepsake. the study, It includes a sensi- | --_-- " nice A ences, garege, aluminum pene ts of the eatige Went _mgehanicnlls, $200 SAAR, Apu 1a Withy 88-3198 HOULBLE WED, complete: single beds Reward TRd-vess |tive radio receiver which ampli- LARGR ream, af two smaller poems OMe Parry oad, Ajax or dial 943.9084 5 . . Viking Mined stove; double porecelain | : ae starms 'and screens 1 the 1k? CHRVROLET. Impala convertible, e 4 fies solar radio Waves . i mnenenene ny y pathreom, = Villene of Saahvares on ok Ask . $6000 D aie ibe OLDSMORILE sedan super" ive with white ton, matening inter, SK, Telephone 725-6270, |36--Legal Ea aOR up by a sixtoot pow a Ho te prever ty i Nya ee "pe SKING 2 } Cc gon? clean car, filly equipped. Dial oh fully equipped, 82,889 after 3 p.m./WH buy, sell and exchange Used farni|} WILE NOT be responsible for any ¥ vale. teacher, Write Rex 942 Oshawa GUIDE REALTY . Highway : TRB. 1AM esi telephone TRANG itlect vi diotele- K ' elope TOA-RD IE ture of anything you have, The City/debdts contracted in my name dy any or serving as a radiote yames \ . YP : Post § Street rer this date, July M.iscope, The two units & . - fo inspect above houses Shown by appointment only eed GCORVAIR MONEA, twodoar aporta (83) PONTIAC Lavrentian, fourdoor Trading Post Stores, 446 Simese s one on or after this : 1s . e ° s are oy . : pare ni aa 3 2 vamatic Ai. good caRdition, SPM qe SeVA and 3 Bond Stree Bast, P2167), /1963, without my written consent 24---Houses For Rent aga contact Ross Davidson, Beth by calling Bill Miller 725:1186 (feare: inch and red ierion, | date MegOM OE" cea van.S088 or oe en een SOBRICH STORE Tirea,| --™. Gary Dusswalt, 108 Ritson North mounted on separate trailers. | wuithy cairn. wom hone 792] 12) any 30R3 mY) R ig veto : -- i) The team, which includes rRTT RE come, Bil furnace, fireplace (E9114 W. T. LAMSON 1m? MG MIDGET, SOM miler, seat. JM? CHRVROLET pedan, 'mutomatic & Aon anyrtty: Bueget pan TA, A.B. Covington, W. A. G. Ken- Pe ered yard, WANRY OG "1 fies ~ he ss tae hier, Wonnean gover te hie atince, haku lignite arm rests 2 ' " "TENDERS say and Paul H. Gageee ail atter & : RLISINESS OPPORTUNITY JOHN DeWIT H REAL ESTATE \ TD a Ve . ve epnane TRRIIK OLP GUNA J . ly al : J : . iene = ~ WANTED " of Ottawa, will be located in @ PEARL PRESS = MS "tes Aieall Geepine cabin ene taney Oe BROKER 47 KING STREET EAST. Sar anamienion, new tren ayed tan EVE, or beat efter, Apmiy 10 Mil Sireet,|___ Tulepnone Oahawe Yan-si03 FOR COAL field neat Grand'mere, Que. vauarte August } pt " keening cabins en a sandy be ? KING AS J ve og -- ~ 5 renee ; pest i , Sires! Bast after 6.38 aragiihy > iene heb | Bon amen Wuenanews. Rectnuiy repens. iste WNTERNATIONAL "mite," neanty RANGE, CB ate een ter cvtes, At). marked "Ten [Which is within the eclipse's we . " aut ee aie 2 : oe i s new, motor, saddle tanks, fitva | CONdTION Bonn ' oled tenders mort -- Tg, BE ag aaeay ices. erty 128 x 600 ff with Kant, Wanhy, O20 wheel and dump box, With class ELPCV EYP EWRETERS, adders, cashiers, du) ders for Cool" will be re path of totality, double garage, clean and careful ter rooms fers expansion, Good SCHOFIELD-AKER SPOT CASH beence, Telephone 23228) mticators, cheqnewriters, comptemeters,) ceived by the undersi unr After being used for this, ame Gait, Wamediate posseampn, apply. Fishing, Priced ot $16,500 Futurama Ke Fours. excellent condition, V-@ atan =e Jegeres ee and wind. We buy) ti} 10.00 om. on Tuesdoy, e. pon pn wo Currie averse ard, S385. 'SR Vauxhall, $98. Larry) > ig 7 i Ju 2 9 iwi insta' permanen' PUPLEX | rooms at % Wayne street NVESTMENT OPPORTUN WHITBY « PRESTIGE neigh PAID FOR Homan, Riackstack, 96-49) pits Bauipment,_ 197 Breck South, Writhy 4 ay ood we mse he the Dominion Hadio Astre:" Teiepnane TRAN ITY t future builds bauheed custom built Good cleon cors. Trede uP | $QncAutomebiles Wanted (r= [ER Eving_ up Nousekering. Gor] to Fairview Ledge, the Court [physical Observatory at Pentio- TWELVE ROOM, "brick farm auwe,) ing. 4 , 4 bedroom brick bunge: 0) e BE cag Liens poid off vkmeaie tie range. Souneh, Hareka. vacuum! -- House ond Jail, Whitby, On- --[ton, B.C. to continue studies of i Inn, ropes: on windows, available Al on law with double garage, This XODD MOTOR SALES reer wee Wreews wont Wan eee Advance washing machine,| --tario, Tenders must be sub- ithe sun started by NRC in , al Pes. » : fe: wrecking. Highest. prices paid, 220 dinette suite, Al In good condition : aye ist, OR Highway 115, Unree. miles eet sige Psa . is @ beoutelal home, Broad i : 3}4 PARK RD, SOUTH Wontworth Bast. F251081 OSMTAA | course on County tender 11946 : cere a Pu Ftd Beton a loorn in living foom end din- Wallis Construction 23-942) NEVER sell Your car or your halhton SPANISH guitar, like new and five tude = j tarke High Sehoo! nat -- nq room, Sliding gloss doors. i pickup watl) you see Nels Hyland, 10 ? Y TORRE tender ¢ Telennane Oras 2! \ sod locetic . oy bed Is Hyland, 10 amplifier al 7 pla g Bs rest leading from dining room to Presents @ completely. stone TILDEN Danhreh Avenue, Toronte, NO LS CHROME UbiC tee ehalre Pico pe ol Hoist H wt gg Pye nee te 25--Apartments ie and entrances. Property in re gro gag agg ee Braid | ranch bungalow fer your Fre 100 CARS WANTED Que. poh wn oy a wm. G M. Epstein a 26-year-old chiro- 4 large wood ms a wor, tl ) } stein, ' pincer arn tRgg of oe Se Se a hh fet $3300 ox bin kitchen, Finished Ree Room spection, Travel north on CAR AND TRUCK Buying. e New Car? Apartment sise washing machine, Small] bth oat practor was arrested Friday 3 Teleprome T8218 ip rggettbe ti poo complete with fireplace and Simcoe Street to Orcherd RENTALS Sell your used cor to "Ted" lag A eng gE ge | County of Ontario jand charged with manslaughter , SACRO AES er vceavneed, pevee| | vers ~ Roan ani TC % atk "Gash to the New VRNOOT Hanter mrahawane plawked i-| 416 Centre St. So jin. connection with his treat: { st Bh nage a ogg yg! os s home ; % ee bis rl block tAli Makes and Meadels) ? Deoler ond "SAVE poard fanabout with convertible top. WHITBY, ONTARIO ment of a band leader who ; he ? Aer FULL PRICE $21,900. ? room extras, Cell us Aaw reread Siac i powered Wh 18) HP Bochanan Vs sis, ven 'ransees nn | ae deg storey brick xee thin lovely home CALL, 625-6583 TED CAMPIN MOTORS Boat ix in new conaity Sex sic ia CEE i lg gs hE = Xs bedroe 2 e Dri¢ AThert St EN a nf ss Orillia or prone 3 < i RLSER Waar Me mmcieom aparmen family home. Large fernity BRAND NEW HOMES now JOSEPH BOSCO ad.4606 Res, 725-5574 THREE lites of Glass MK SO", Urree Want Ads jot New York City, wasted from m pervade Dome, Case te Seth eeenig Kirchen, 4 pc. betn. Alun wader construction with down BUYING OR SELLING 31---Automobile R > aerial storm Windows, sare sige. 168 to 92 pounds on a "health Mews Ln _amere -- urn storms and screens and eh ak Wn aa Seas REALTOR ie ~--AUIOMODd! epeir Telephone TRIS hold th k food" diet of such items as 2 = pear ' wiiee anaes 2 Q 2 x 3 , : s mas ("ecu a eae Oe These are 3 end 4 bedroom a aes TED CAMPIN HOUSTON'S GARAGE te SAREEY 5 SPE toe ° e Key huts, seeds, dry leaves, peanut save, sewer, coral Kind ant YS RITSON ROAD. neer King St quality built homes in en Telephone 728-7377 M < SERVICE STATION ik cee cease! = to Extra Cash jbutter and mangoes, the atate , AS SRE * _ " . i and jf . . . " a ma ae Immediate posses & room, 2 storey brick home ores engere, ws be proud OTORS nd SERVICE STATION © BAS Brit wave breed oO txtra Gas attorney's office said. 1 ------ -- arae has tet sade " " + ey % ransistors, @iedes, one q ALAEAT STREET. 100 -- Farweea «3 Decrooms, Tome nes tt models 607. KING OSHAWA TEXACO Sanaton, Soak Nak, SN toe HO Fast } se pe qenaele wo cree. enty oe ; nee mare : $) DOWN + Few of W baad) PRODUCTS he Thing for te cottage. Dial 65-32 ; eee Sen wo samme aves | Su0o0 DOWN | ER x OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS TELEVISION tower Spec, & & v moreding all channel RITSON ROAD SOUTH a al + EAST. front centre hall plen only Ww a : - » ---- y st ¢ 0 cA BUNGALOW PRIVATE 6? KING ST. WEST apartment, Reavy daly We . ~ halt ' owe a binck from dat farcties, apaple parking, BS. wantin acre oF land sa N HAK PEAR >>%. 29D a reed q 2 acre of len 2 close to St. OG Ke 3~7822 my and gearen ys Teeprene tate home with private drive end rd Mich tty : -- ONS ES . : years sxeenence, 3%. tHe No WEERLY -- Ueh Maaekeoning cain. Sumemnes Clin WA : oS . 1963 OF S ren, Suess WITH A WARDERING W. sng tia an ~y prederred, al eae aad gerage. Se er cater age fwng oom mecsuring Five voor brick home, pha 963 Mercury Comet SERVICE sanity Scacesd Sa Tee TR weparare emirance, & . Buy Ys Home once 22 x 127.4 with peturel fire- we completely Hrishee. rooms an >A AAD Have your Austin, Moris, ap wm 8 &, 3 Senta each, Call How: area, TRA ale a place, seperate ding avec va basement with extra bet? eruxe SS es 20,008 M< Sorte, Ve ard, before 3 pom, Telephone 72-2002 | we : # eee fe Four Serge bright bedroorns Geed buy fer the le e oe TR ed «by ony GARLAND commercial fer = darner wanes ee, * an, AN 4 ond 2 ac. bath Everything ~ men. Co =n. > >t 7927 MeChoneca arge - parts 'de prapane stowe, Taree Dorner propane " e me wath garage On O Pe Was nh dee 2 »> 42.48 j re pot eoltee mak ® rRtar OID WHET cn ceaditienas, waeber and nse siggy hy wero. lpi wat ns ; apc 4 parton LL MILLAR 725-1186 CALL 7 25-7267 partment, werk quorenterd ee ee ae hy sae | * ' planned and tastefully vere MAA. We & decorated. Grounds are we SEMI-DETACHED GENERAL REPAIRS NELS HY LAN TRACTOR. Fore, Fereesen, com) pete WHR Gixe Powe and set of aon! ad, Peal TER we anety Be e rom sayeet arate ¢ andewaned. Looking for © C All A f Sr CA Dt antorth FONTS soe ; WARREN " = ee WITH SIX ALL MAKES OF C ARS Q 1-73$72 Care shen Dae Ure chame, WE whe! 2 muse ~ s ey a a DA » SBM) Oasr. Apply on weekend t HK. Tay SESS mice, $S cheek, stores ord Be = poy SPACIOUS ROOMS | RAE ANR SES -- oe Lake STS poe Soe sees op : 733.2265 ~~ Open 9 v0 9, cish dean aod om te Se oe 32--Articles for Sale " wend FAIR 7B. Rae ; VEL modern 'custom areata ah SG ald y STATHAM OAT Séoot Vanch pivwend, BB One matt brig past years ol » 0 § payrem = * : : i 3 horeeqoner 12 YOR electric telling wane RROOM ar men Jone seer wath replace " taxes cartes this house A. SERVIC BOATS, MOTORS eroter, S28. Telenhene TRIN eX and ee > 2 e 4 ,o Pe e r . Roo . " ns . eavenences 8 nin Fern and ultra encod STEVE MACKO 728-3868 HURRY? CAL MILLAR "pts Fas ON DISPLAY WENGE primers, Gectries ake Hoven | ~ Fa ant Mary ¥ x mitene FarN AAA PAULINE BEAL 223.0239 = Se . . . eectre, Gradtirwn, ae feer years Osrawe Tienes ls ay ie a MchEETERS 335.1734 ange : sa, SA Telephare Beerneneiiie 85 THRERRGOM ciicomarea ane en appeals * . REG AKER 725-020) W ee AMSON VOLVO oe Se a Laan. ee eM WRRATRINe pmaTaNN wea . : : MARGARET MA >>. ASR 'oem LAIVIOU r . ERVICE rn. QMS € DN PIANO wanted im Gee condition, apart | ; tee INENENEG RNTRAOED 3 hedeoorns, 4 pe. Hed bath RGARET HALL 723-1398 = : : ad ype ying ai Reais' Buhne 2 OOM wee. ot Meniar, Telephone TEs! hued. wee and 2 ne powder mem A REN MORRIS 823.5406 Real Estate Lid AKE & BILL'S wad OMT. BR Meters anc welrorme Anes wee -- > mann Rawal &P RIN TREET CAST ar man , a a "'yehances?| ¥OERRGAM aparnen w be com oe % niga Parte) 140 King SW. Free Perkire OSHAWA GARAGI Oren Urwil & PM Woh bee fer top cach, Terembenel vw <8. wee wre < ' eae rei ~ fe NERA TPAIR and ' ta' Rieke' Foeenitere an@ Anphiences pet oe P a _ . WE NEED YOUR HOME NO A > RECT ERWICE ; MARINE Sere, King Street East, Tan Si a ® ' t NEED YOUR _ - . ' i po nga - Ps sarticulen ¢@ bi ' R HOME NOW 442. Rimen Ra Storage & Supply Ltd SYODENTS A Soper wales, apprext @XE bacdes apatee g > WE MAS GOOD BUYERS FOR Oabowe 738-092 . g . mately 68) sheets of lelter sive typing PAHO, aha 4 ce " < : Beackbn, One, 655.364 parer Chews print) ter ony "es. ar REAR BRAT sat Te THE FOLLOWING TYPE OF HOMES ~ . pre Oshawe Times Office, hy NEAR OSHAWA Dow Aner S pwr. ce i 4 1960 CHEVROLET TL Dowden Street a aaiek saunenanh. : hedroom howe im the Meaxon ood Many St. oree between > FOOD FREEZER " com, dentate. Wen. MND ee 28.0569 Aberdeen end Reasiond Read Bean ALA - WHEEL CHAIRS range searagerarac. 8A : CONVERTIBLE et ag "ee nic pti een stig oe hes 723-386? >) & ream bunatton on tee Grondview Garde area East of : be PLAN Repairs, Sales, Rentals WARES fetes Pee ma Pee tee > e>% 42 Harenamy Rd. N ti : Also . ~ Pe & $4330 ae) * - " 2 Waekeax, ber. ree ae < . ' . bine Hospi 4 a ccch Gath caae wenaan 2 i phes 3) & sGGrn Bungolow wath Garage jn the Reastyn Extotes ore Na vada, Speck may. have heard the ' ; He Waaty Wt Beni whe -- solitude ' black ond east, so why not the best? nes NEAR desma, wees rene anaremer Tory Siblock P2S-4362 new lack ryles : . pha prvate Darn. Vide, water ant come fi Re a NNN Cy Axveraae cet per. Forrk 5 te. Speed, Ketan Yee wee Toe Yaae Tage 22-S$a) a . 18 SD Bore IR, nik tia 23-2243 ~--- Qpen 9 to 2 Sar. DOS $2000 mae ; BEATE AVENGE. beh Samet euladtil oa ne f CE eS acudes fearer st wre Minnt*« NAy i ' ¥ . r>3.7383 40 Keg » W koge Porkerg Atter S pm RAG mee owed = a@mprowrnotely What's My l ne on Bux oh velo weed for yw ewe ON aed eRe - hee a Sey teens. Synaie fae cone reccnch ASAIN. WHAwtemebilen For Sele 29--Automebiter For Sele oe PONTIAC asl aes ions wore ond eepramces. Fe NO DOWN PAYMENT S curve nepryimrre> SPECIALS This Week Only = cowunm wan. le oe AYER RIREET HART ty -- Sin Aunoenanic tamemvisuien. | ® CALL TODAY 63% Bond W ped seem APATERARA. NOOR AsteinS k Sere &. S$ . po uae 1963 AUSTIN Healey Sprite rg ge 723-2894 '-- SASS DEHUMIDIFIERS New Car complete wath hardtop meted oo alieuains Aparicio Keeps wou hanwnene ov . . ' ond tveott aad Ready Mote may Sis [' ; WHITBY CLASSIFIED $2095 SS cevsk" | DRAPERIES | samedi selbveson oo'ea ieee sete vonang, sate 1960 SUNBEAM ALPINE. . sient Ranseraite Senna 3308s Rebert Sloan Cah ae won sts yossea Hae Ore Complete with Hordtom. 2 Spore snow tires, excet- Doply 590 Annapolis Drapery Fabrics Craze unde ot 12 mmr PRINTED PATTERN M360 SUES 818 WORERN we ahaa Sr aageve® Pre HM er warctex room, eae ST adiata wh Wee SS De yet a tg oe i Aurma Supper BETTE tank, ened. Po = ren Saver Dial 728-4334 : dt $1.98 Is jast a matter of a few version either One Or two cob PS wees, Was. 8 is bags gy ac any $1250 1 NOW... FR LIONEL 'seams t hg . a most ors for a Hvely Sommer Gife. oe Seah Wee mitten: S58, 2K) ; . Tf init divamarey SVQCKS " versatike Shift on the Semmer . hl AE " ~ $ Al See ASH $ sagt it 0 EQUIPMENT scone. Batten the belt high--- -- --" Regs or SAS KANON. BREAKING: Seis, covm, Gomes, We inwite you to use our LA Cc me Put- en mee is a a wresta! gecant Expire Dre available in Misses' Sizes & =aagea <a =A Chase Plan hie ania © M and '@ Engines, cars, werk, swnches. | Re Rh on tw fr te 3 2D BB See. FOR REN] TRS RRA aia ss u Sar TOR TT ' 49 tape OMe smart, soph strated "nateral tern ter yardares. Send One ee Rayees Went a oa . aa -- ¥ sista OW COST rif XBL E TERMS x MRO ANID AS TELEPHONE wok". If wea wish, forget afl Dollar, Ontarie residents add $e Roat ng and Carmaing «ow mahube Webi = aint he -- Fe > BROCK ST. Ni. WHITEY Drapery 723-2989 sbiiet the Delt, and the dor- Sales Tax for Printed Pattera : : E63.BMK So8-810 } sie Sade Medreasted Buttoning «i M380 to Pattern Dept. Och. anal awa, Ont. (Ada 1B cents for Open 7 Days Each Week - Equipment + yi ) te warely G@ecorative, Prini- LTER QUEEN pay Arti my x ke Setua Sach pAttern for first class rang oaley s Sion _. mailing and special handling.) WILDE Sceweeceenee CLAREMONT GARAGE ee AS Sry Goods Store... oa ce am | See See agen Kiet Sita eat aoe 74 RENTA! weed work Peam, Gane Geenge j - on Tm Can Wren sxe . ADD cial ta Renors qd seewcs com ry it~ § BRVICEAND SALES | scp aged tevin AUSTIN and MORRIS Ca. F ene Sal ner gh gochey hoabg Style Number and Size. ] y bs ~ +8 af Comet c wis FOI ther ueen Sales jj Seest t wond 1 Sa od 1401S DUNDAS EAST «Shores a eames, boning cer --o 723-7827 Tey en Wee | me Sees The Cet ree | >> eee Pewted. GR Gree, Sees. Tee R NKONTT ' . ag ® >10 ws i peers ity so 2c is aported Hen mM 2 Two- Prominent Designer Pattern: A WHITBY 668-322 ae Saat, OS Sve, See. te CLAREMONT, ONTARIO 649-2101 4 Celina Street, Oshawa 728-7352 ' gone combination, Make yoot Mie. Bi \, '

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