Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jul 1963, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey,. July 13, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | Building Trades | YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner, maeys built and repaired, gas lin- ee ® installed, furnaces vacuumed, Free HAROLD aatimates, 723-2997, lie Accountant, Commercial Building.) ROOFING, shi 286 King Streev West, Oshawa, 728:2221,| louvers A thinaes "a URONARD JAMES Bi 'Chartered, Workmanship, sre nt, Suite 205, Oshawa Shop-| fuaranteed, aH Troker, 738 ce 9953, Accountants BOW CLANCY'S Accounting" Service, Complete gre service, 184 Bond Stre 725-0397, Res. materials ROOFING, concrete floors, flat ae our speciaky., new work and repairs, iarge and smail jobs. L..and H. Roof- ing and Construction 725-6097, ALL TYPES" of building repairs, 'oat: jing, chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops Gordon May, 728-0394. BRICK CLEANING -- Have your home by yas Free estimates, Call ant Rental Lid. Ttered accounts Street West, Oshawa, Telephone 723-1231, MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIERL, sand Ca, Chartered Accountants, 728-752) 12 Simcoe Street North, onine Ajax WI! 2.0890, Whitby MO &-4131, YALE, FRIEDLANDER and Co, Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus- tees in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street Bast. 737) Da je SEE be HOPKINS, READLE AND CO Char.) tered Accountants, 167 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, 7235-3509. WILSON and BURROWS, chartered) accountants, 114 King Street East, Osh- | awa; Ronald FL D. Wilson, GA; G.| Bamond Burrows, CA, 728-754, | Appliance Service estimates. SEWING MACHINE "qune-ups, all mod eis by your Elna dealer, Oshawa Sew: | | A. WOODS 728- 3420, ing Centre, 329 Simcoe Street South, | ---- siShoe 728-2391 SAND, GRAVEL, STONE, FILL N. G, BARTER 725-7119 Cartage JOHN'S MOVING Oshawa Whitby Fully equipped and ¢ Stan's Sharpening Lissa PLASTERING New and repairs, stucco, cement work, parging base- ments, Remodelling, Work- manship guaronteed, Free Auto Parts SAVE AT WESTERN SERVICE CENTRE Repairs To All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 King West---728-1607 "FIVE BAY TO SERVE YOU" AND CART he Barristers JOSEPH ¢ rister, Solicitor and Notary Simcoe North ? QREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soli citera, eto. la King Street basa 1 FORTE, Residence nore' "keusy Gardening and Supplies reer, QC, T35-3868; Terence V BA, BCL, 738-5083 SODS DELIVERED, i8c.;" laid MAN, DAVID L,, Barrister, Solich Patios delivered, Tc.; laid Me, Pram -- TB5-9592 A ming weekly maintenance tor, 344 Simooe Street South ry Resitence T38.0284. nN eaves Garden Service, Bowman: 333805, VICTOR BA, LLB, Rar, 5 Dressmaking * ORESSMAKING expe;riene Eldridge, pant cuff ales alterations reasonable Montrave 73} B.3446. Me rm 6? te jean » Oshawa cGUEIGWTON * CEMENT grave! "and driveway & avel, sard and fill, For delivery call & AND Brantin. Waithy 66S. 2660) MURDOCH, Barristers _ TREES taker dowr and Public, Bank of Commerce yorg all jobs insured, no 3 Simove Street North, Osh: ng, estimates, Dial 72 TS)-3448; Residences fon, QC: G. M, Drynan, LOAM, sod, manure and ev G1 Mardoch 723-4788, Also post hole digging and _fenc Mortgages and agreements of sale sonable rates Telephone Dought, sod and arranged. CEMENT and road am for all purp BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, ham 1 . Notary a Mortgage fill, sand ? Pulve availanie x Street dressing and flower 23-1107. Res. = 163. usable Dial TRS-$279. RALPH JONES, BA' and THOMAS Bt DAVEY GREER, Assoc Barristers and Sol TREE SERVICE eitors, 190 King Street East, 123-626 Morgage joans availiable uning feed "9 ng ond stur chain saw g to bis ens Rea- grave quality Leam fil, gravel sed loam for top beds, 100 per cent top ses LOUIS 8. HYMAN, QC, B citer, Notar:, Alger Bui z Street East, Mortgage monies ava ae _ ea: HUMPAREYS ROTCANT aed BILL. MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 34 King Street East, 'ahawas R S, Bayohk Office Wa and spraying 723-4943 tree ) Wa toy other Loom and Gravel Washed Stone, Fill Excavating, lots leveled Loaders Tr ucks for hire. BEATTY HAULAGE _725-2156- PATIOS Designed and ins to your specifications DIAL 728-7628 AFTER SPM mortg age ND DONALD. Rarriners ana etc.. 88 King Street East Twepnone 723-230 JAMES A- MacbDONALD, BA LLB. McGIRBON and BASTEDO, Barristera, @hictors. Chents Gre mortgages, $ North, 728-736 Caaries C. 3 bc agar ' Bastedo, ec. nT SALuEes, BA Barrister, ~ Salle tor, ec.. Stmece 'Street Nora Oéfice Te Resxience 7T25-AM2 Bookkeeping _ BOOKKEEPING Services, Income Tax Returns. Statements prepared. BC Services, TS Newman Crescent toll ta ed instruction Tacome Tax EXPERT tuition in French by BC Ser Hea teacher, Imaginat 668-4233 Neginrers advance ences availabe PRIVATE years amy rt TORING qua Building oes BULLDGPING and excavating. F extimates Ca T s om [ CRIMNETS > kwork F GORD'S JANITOR SERVICE Ceoners a u « ae WALCO CONSTRUCTION -- CLASSIFIED ADS WORK FOR YOU WHILE YOU WORK, SLEEP or PLAY Whitby 668-4412 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Berter desc 6 consecutive days 3 consecutive days Count each word obdbreviatic Box number Ho net > chorge rote anplies per month Ciass tod Births, memos Lest ond F Conceliaty pmection:---2 os REGULATIONS de respomsidie tor errors an wah tee om .ond s will not therwise writing reserves the ts proper closshicaty ' right ts se of disp toy odvertisements, The Times wil more spoce thon thot " he shers endeavour eising. #2 rectly, but assume no + ery imeccuracies in ony torm ore conte ned therein sible rm wee T pad! Se. | Money To Loan MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Low Interest Valuations Arranged Residential City and District Summer Properties Vacant Land Members Ontario Morgtage Brokers' Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario---725-3568 [Mortgages SHOP the "variety store" of the Class ified Section--"Miscellaneous for Sale" today {t's londed with wonderful offers, AND SROOND mortgages, chased and sold, Barristers, 31 PrRst agreements Pv a Hen Ewst nick Street a PRIVATE yan on-all types of mortgages; mort gages and agre ents of sale pur ed. Creighton, Drynan and Mur heading "Barrister,".) and doch. (See MORTGAGE for sale, $7,000 first, pay- able $80. monthly private 190 2nd Mortgage Money Available Telephone Whitby 668-5350 MORTGAGE LOANS + neys for first mortgages pages tor valuations 2es and Agreements c neys for rae ond mortgages M. FE. SWARTZ 2642 King St. East 0 et Ontario 723-4697 Need A Mortgage Loan ? PRIVATE PARTY TO INVEST N Ist ond 2nd MORTGAGES Agreements mortgage prob- ussed. No No waiting. Immediote ce for quick results CALL 723-3211 EVENINGS 725-2539 IST TIME IN CANADA 15 YEAR 2nd MORTGAGES CORONATION Ltd tees. Serv Investment Co LIMITED foremost Can- SCHOFIELD-AKER ect West Musical Services TIANGD TUNING wmanvilie 62 in B TUCK. BQ, Op ai dowmewn Te Street? Dial ares ST TOR a t Ra 4 725-4387. ne Painting sated Decorating PAERTENG Pe: imteriar and Free esti ne in Waitty PAINTING. Carchal ees Nelsen Heisier, ue ] @UTSIAE Keavonahie _ PAINTING an EXPERT PAINTING AL werk guaranteed 0 Mt Lawrence, W PAMY DODD & SOUTER PAINTING we © Paper hanging Personal Service MODERN GRILL ----- and Hesting a waahigge be and remisielng, Reasonabdie z a 2 Rus-Uphalstery Sereice ARRANGE now : henes ~ Bond Wem, Iya Sale Hen- Kiag DONEVAN AND FLIESCHMANN corporation monies ta Telephone WHITRY TV aerial and tower service Rug-Upholstery Service RUGS, chesterfields cleaned at your home, reasonable rates. Guaranteed setisfaction Telephone 728-7037. CuRETERYIELDS Te-uphalstered ana | jed. Free estimates, See our} ei for re-covering, Dalton Up» holstering, TS Charles Street, 723-7212, CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re. covered like new, Get the best for less at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simooe South, Call 728-6451. Free estimates, and Service -- ART'S GUN REPAIR CUSTOM GUN WORK Reblueing, refinishing, stock- making. Guns bought, sold, exchanged WHITBY, 668-2497 OUTBOARD MOTOR REPAIR SERVICE SCOTT MOTOR McCULLOUGH CHAIN SAW Tee GAVIAL; manning TKe Ganges APTAINS THE GREATEST BUILIK OF ANY OF WE MODERN REPTILES, ¢onaud) SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK _ Moon Tee SPRing on Mi, ZIRCON, MAINE, INCREASES 115 NORMAL FLOW ABouT 30 PERCENT Af THE FULL > OF 4 'a uve, Mf Ri Agee @ AGE oF Houte will pay wp to $5.00 per hour. WOMAN ty look afler three children while mother works, Ages & @ and & plus $10 HEAVY WEG ut VER, -e bg ee Remy NeW ee cd s Wanted | WANTED TO BUY -- one aet 1 me: chanical tools, alse taol box, Pal 655-3438 16---Female Help Wanted BARBY SITTER, young woman, by Av gust 12th, fo § month eld baby and light household duties while works) live in, salary, room and Whithy 668-2646, ME MOoH, would enjoy hours @ day month on a group of Studio Girl eas metic clients on a route to be estab: working § a JAMES CORBETT was GIVEN ONE YEAR, F EIGHT, ATE write Studio Girl Cosmetics, Dept, saFieur Avenue, Montreal 7" Was hy CHAMPION s- S Live in, Ri oF (ME WORLD @ in, Room and "a weekly. Telephone 72a. 18 to 2) years of age, Must have ia appearance, Write Box 937 mes MS _¢ |RELIARLE LADY te look after Wow bo Proms. A WWE U.S, SAVE. Oo BLieN | SIEPS EACH YEAR Dental. Assistant RinInNG On MOVING STAIRWAYS, SALES & SERVICE OSHAWA MARINE SERVICE NEW LOCATION 1180 Simcoe N. 728-003) |3--Pets & Livestock THORAU GHRBRED Bay Gelding, two ye para ald, S195. Three puppies to give ay, Cah ¥ by 658-4688 BEAUTIFUE herd puppies, Teleph » tered German Shep and female, Surveyors " oa ae Commercial blue T2).5832 Land Surveyor, 11 Ontaria Street TROLLOPE Tl Elgin Street tang prints. H FLIM AND Land Survyers Phone 725-688) TV--Radio Repairs TRISH RED SETTER weeks ald, registered ph 723-3828 FIVE WESTERN horses for sale Ranoh RR 2 Milbroak Qataria BRAUTIFU! training ' Bre SIAMESE weeks ald KITTENS. part weeks old West, six Tele PUPPIOS, Ontario $0. each East ane LJ ready Apply for Mrs Tral 668.0384 . GUARANTEED repairs to all ma TV radio, car radios. Thompsan Eleo- trenies, 157 Ell ott, 723.9792. Fred. "TELEVISION SERVICE = leer rastes His All Makes, perce | Sets Repoired in your home. 4---Sportsman's Column Wayne Appliances saves 3 Telephone 723-1411 et WY Phone Oshowa Kittens for sale 6 © trained. Phone 633.2788, healthy H. Apply 725-058) pedgree how live aa Persian Rach telephone y, ten Adelaide WEIMARANER eight Albert sale, 435 Pups for at Dominion Tire Store. aetars, 30 per cent 3's, 40's and 60's autboar S's 3's, 25-44) $--Fermer's Column Cash w dead the spot. Highest prices paid pried farm stock. Hampton, COlfax Fur Farm. Licence 'sspo | CUSTOM WORK DONE GRASS OR RAK- RESS_ FER. Pau! Cies Sh Dean Ave. 725 TV TOWERS Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION 17) BOND ST. E. OSHAWA 728-6781 TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Py PHONE 728-3901 ANYTIME 7--Trailers TAG-Along a teat tratier be ha) Making rane Pe len Port TRAILS ba tor MeGinness 14 foot ve ' equipped $35 « wee A GLENRETTE siecps five, "hone 725 trailer for equipped, $40 avel atty ced to Suit your TERMS ARRANG OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728 - 8180 Well Drilling--Digging WISE homemakers find bargains every Gay i "Home Furaishings" ta Classi. 9----Summer Properties hed. Be smart, check today WELL DIGGING For Sale or Rent ia HALIBURTON budget ED RENT. A- TRAILER | tohes s MONTY'S BA SERVICE MCOE AT GiBB By machine, specia Ward, 36 Chest. PO Rex 328. Whithy, Ty @ 3 cottages stern 4% August ag, COTTAGES tee Black Riv Uxarndge Telephone er Securities, UL, * & tment WILLIAM ent ak we compressa: wark, cleanout ening. #8 Par x 'heaa Saath 728-3864 BILL LEMON; WELL. DIGGING Aegis and Te ephene cart cAee Aug aad phane Niwden and CRG BALIBURTAN -- Felly madera. cot eROeCS, Safe, sandy available, Tele. Telephone 728-091} 1--Women's Column PERMANENTS dressing ~~ 225-3362, 2--Personal WF VOU dave a a ane hex EG. Whithy. or DRUMMER available for samn exper eared: Read fake any Tea SR er LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR cane T, Unree. hed: . or manth. Golf " . mm. Aval ye § eek. After & am Page Ha Leiephane PARADISE ic > secia am % e Pine Avenue LAKE. G miles tom > furnished four bed. mpiece bathroam, rOUR Rypor RwE SARE sate Ceve Cottages, CIOS Erewads. re. Gress TAMONS 10 et ST : Jans 28- 5322 <0 skoo Slow DAWN MANGage AR at Cacs WRRERCeS, TRB be Removal of Mane Mu Oshowe 24th. Pho these ment ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 DOMAR pia ea on Unttiage far = eekly ar rent ceEveR Tmanth STVPRGEON LAKE » a FREE LUMBER ¢ mange Pox aa x goed fish COTTAGE - me and Teles home ater ¢ PeORBLE GERMAN shooder a whet e Wont Ad can do |11---Articles For Rent $0! or attractive woman, 18 to 45. with Grade XI) or better education and pleas- ant personality to train for this position. Permanent rk. Hours 9 until 6 Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses a! Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra Sargeant's Rentals 725- 3338 RENTALS Of All Kinds HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT folding chairs, hand planes nail pullers, staplers, bolt cutters, tile cutters, caulking guns, tape recorders, TV sets, transistor radios, tile polish vecuum cleaners, bissell shampooer portable dehumidifiers, air er, flight bags speaker, strappi baby cor ercisers sewing Massaging belts appliance cart CAMERA EQUIPMENT mm, slide camera projector slide proj movie camera, screen gun, binoculars GARDEN EQUIRMENT--Ele tric hedge c post hole woe s, lawn 'mowers, lown . Seed: fence tree awn area: garden tiller, w Please apply ing age, ucation and list n st NO PHONE PLEASE Dr. Peter Willson 172 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario SALESWOMAN. FOR SINGER SEWING CENTRE Ability to meet the public necessary. Steady employ- ment vacetion with pay after 6 months letter, stat- martial status, ed business experience telephone number lette by f CALLS 5 ers machines coffee urns, 35 Movie sun- Good working conditions Benefit plan, pension plan, For personal interview see MR, L. SEGUIN SINGER SEWING CENTRE Qshawea ppers, - $ stretcher pruners, scythes, tors, $00 cutters flame gun CAMPING EQUIPMENT Tents, tent heaters 14 Centre Street mother board, WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE -- a you three four calling reauiariy each lished in and around Oshawa and are willing to make light deliveries, My APPRENTICE wanted for hairdressing eas awa two chikiren while mother works live in or ra Starting September, Telephone .- 17---Male Help Wanted SAL REMAN = RO experience neoe: raining PPAgTAaM CAF ay qualifie auOne 18-35 yeare, Hl appear ance, Call Mi, Lee Yai-19 TRIO TREBVIBION has an openin an experienced T.V, Teehnician, man preferred High wages and working renaitions are offered, one PaA-Ara 16----Female Help Wanted me:| WATTRERA ereauired te evening hii Apply Hotel, eke -- eamp in Wastes Will ae cept one ar two children, Phone collect, Part Hope 88-4702 EXPRRIBNORD middie aged woman fo look after children while mother works, Some. Housekeeping Fi SALESLADY FOR FASHION STORE Oshawa Shopping Centre Sales Experience in Corsetry Necessary Dial 725-6537 _ HAIRDRESSER WANTED for General Work Apply Vincent's Hairstyling 110 King St. E "| PROOFREADER Must be a good speller, Permanent position for quali: fied applicant, State all qual- ifications and list telephone number in first letter WRITE POST OFFICE BOX 446 OSHAWA, ONTARIO LADIES EARN $30 to $40 Ww ings am ing for e WANTED ia and die uiker exeeh working conditions cppenuaty ve unlimited, Apply Box ta man. Trdustrial i West, Oshawa, ae Three full: time: or a five part-time SALESMEN Dealership to qualified ap Plicants, Also senior grade Students for temporary sums mer work, Fuller Brush Ca, Ltd, Apply: Tilden Offiee, 14 Albert St., Oshawa, ~~ 10 a.m, ta @ OM, LATHE. HAND: must ve iy Jobbing Sop. i Tole, *nloor a lf you have sold Vacuums, cookware; sid: ing, brushes, do not pass up this ad without an ine terview Inquire Mr, Clark Telephone 728-1352 i | j WANTED RELIABLE MAN as Dealer in Oshawe & Dur- ham Experience nat necessar he eapportunity to old profitable business where Rawleigh Produets have been sold for years. Big profits Products furnished on credit, Write Rawileigh's, Dept, G-310- 163, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal BIG WEEKLY INCOME Immediate epening, Man to eall on churches end other Civic Organizations with: quer anteed money making plan, Must have cor end be tree to travel. We will train you demon- Ce step int rkKing two oF per week vatil tT) pm Car en call more ever Hours 8 Ne ¢on- Vassing asset, For interview MRS, JARVIS UNTIL 7 P.M, 728-7412 17------Male Help Wanted YOUNG MAN FOR SPORTS DEPARTMENT Should of at Grade X!! Educetion, some typing ability end keen in: terest in Sports. Apply in writing only, address to Managing Editor | The Oshawa Times, @t our expense Strate in the field thet. you €@n earn exceptionally high commissions weekly Call Ernie Matrona en weekend Monday in Toronte et 368-5166, have Minimum CAREER OPPORTUNITY For the right mon @ good jo -- begs, liners, . air Coleman coolers Op Cart ter fe jackets board motors STAN'S Sharpening end Rentals Lid 223 King Si. W Phone 723- 12--Articles Wanted NEVER sell your hathten pickup or yar oar watil wou see Nels Hyland. Danforth Avenue, Torena HO et ste t ves, car top ca LORNER STORE ha street, kteal DUSIRESS, VaOa! +4. FOR SALE acad locaton P23. POSH Simooe south fer restaurant m July, Telephon SKIS, Caree grocers Oshawa winter No 'oely freed, large swimming pool ax Range houses buil waaderland, located oa Highwa Wel QREratans SAMBS, Dial 723.3892 RENTAR RANT 28 seats, a, ait candiiened, down awe. 33.60 full price inches ime and cight-room living 33.008 Gown ta Wilham Meares Lad., te RV i See or phone awa WANTED fram field Oarane to buy daled hay Rarvey Ho Tal Broekha WANTED SCRAP, RON. POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Row Furs, Deer Skins, Metals t, TURNER 723-2043 723-22 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO Wents Cars For Wrecking Parts for sole and Ss, Open Saturda Wk draw Sunderland SS-ANeT OF YOUR CHOICE the "CANADIAN ADVERTISER". todey for your FREE containing photographs, business Read REALTY Write COPY about IN\PE 3 RAT VE to state type of simess, location desired and you wish to pey, in ¢ to receive appropriate ssue. Vendors" Poot BOX 833 OSHAWA TIMES uis® SCTOAD iran mero et bought a ay oh do rane 725-231 1--89 BLOOR E 3-- Business Opportunities and eo Mere 723-3413 and after & p.m FOR RENT -- 7 acres of summer and 12 JUST ROTth of The town at Whithy,! hing OA property for efreshment services, summer and wit Rearge R ISO Simoee street narth, Osh- tally equipe- town Osh buikt Quarters, Tespaasile party.) Reattar. Taran. todey with en excellent fir ture, Famous Netionel Con- cern. needs personable end embditicous youne men fer soles end moneagement training, Solid bese salary plus additional «= earnings Keved to effort, CALL 725-5443 -------- YOU'RE WORTH MORE THAN YOU THINK Don't worry ebout past his: tory, Your ambition end e- Dility @re more important to us then previous work. We ean Prove this with eariings from $8.000 to $i2 000 > @ year paid to salesmen im 36 other cities who sterted without previous soles ex: perience mm cur fied. e ¥ a Smert Business People Sing the Proises ef Oshawe Times Classified Ads. 30 and in- terested, please cet in touch with SK. Swellow, Pres Southwestern Petroleum Ca, Box 789, Fort Worth, Texes, tf you ere over OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS LOCATE THE BUSINESS -- PLANNING A BUSINESS VENTURE?, YOUR LOCATION I'S MOST IMPORTANT ! © Here are two spacious stores, ideally situated for good business, fronting right on BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY Next door to theatre. restourent and other businesses FOR SALE OR LEASE COMBINED OR SEPARATELY * STORE NO. } 25 #. frontage 2800 sQuare ft A walk-in Refri TORE NO. 2 3x90 on Brock Street, with opproximately floor space ator wath this Store in Qer ge optional, space and has a full besement each store, emple rear entrance loading Good displey window, washrooms parking space at rear GOors Owner tenonts of stores. OFar withing to discuss dec on with suite Either: or both stores are ideal § FURNITURE STORE CLOTHING STORE RUGS AND FLOOR C ®) PAINT AND WAL APPLIANCE STO) \ ARIETY STORE Any od & siness needing amo nvente ry t StOCK costs you nethang to ND '"~ mm ? aol re SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT CALL OWNER MR. HARRY DONALD DONALD MOTORS LTD. WHITBY 2w 668-330 i 4 ' i i i LOVELY LACE Tep your tables with an ele gant ore er heir am-hne Pracappic dainty. haxarion ASE We ___ TRANSITION sa Qathest QUA m We suagest ed casmal, Rs an Sieh ea collar, far NAME DES NY MAER ANNE ADAMS, Deat.. Oshawa eas tera Dae Sond Ges Za fer FREE Y FO ~> mm --

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