" THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity aioe' Wigh Low Chess Gh'es mat"lae af ue By The © nnptien mye Tarorfioot Bosh sateen hy beget Ae. abd = Mood anion High A "Glove Oh oy lew change Tt 2 acl ale & tu ye fe for LB week was: 13,080,082) pare. we! from Total sales, for. the J "tia - i ig FS 2Sbslenssebersss8ecgios 2 Bes on week's 12,006,316, a year 10 at date are 479,104,087, (Quota vee "sn eonte i" Conton pr Hardee wht uh al ap 4 WEEK'S s monn ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS iar i aay "eon kh ae +t bin 8 Canadian Frese 'This Week---------- Newel ny tL a0 wn hh } tea fates 'Tees ale Low Close Oh'ge High Low i INDUSTRIAL enya? ity Nh 11% we i 6077: ge a) Wee M1 1 9 "y * as +h BM Bh Qai%s tie i+ WO 00m) 8 mt ig oc $g5288222 22-52 20e8~s2 SZ: --F ss eT #2 eF i i iy Him, a BMM4+ he NH 18 --e a= S. io = $+4+4+1 1+) we # «i SY Ese 5-**35 =2 -- a) wa » <2 g Es z £2zt.28 eet 3452 tefree 322 = 22 =: 5 2 2 é - $ " i 22t Ze +hlttelete ea et ae = tee eee * sss* + +3 =e Be a ooh, Rika Semate 89400 BK) 2 ry a DESIGN No, 200-8 1167 Sq. Fr, : si 8 4 4 Uter, Min wa Oa Design is also avallable for frame soaeutinn. Ask for No, 209-F Hbptecge-tozessezgetses = shh Abdae pbk Boag Pu sist SsE<s8es =.2e zpt8 He = -F eS 335 replift sie2ze5 te8ied? ~Sees8e- sesdece F4 o E Zé <2 - = = "Seer crt | B52: Fa ste = se = £95 eerste Hi Plans for an optional garage are 088 1M 4 : ; supplied with all blueprints, yeeire| em 3 =2 3 Jamaica PO Jett Bowe e pee 41400. 318 » 3 Jock C avaseone 41400 318 8h) 310 9h 8S Jock C wie ' ' 19005 28h A OAS Kelly DA ' a 1h 41? Kelly wee S20) 2M Be 45 S110¥4 110k4 110% H a mosse"| oon ' @ 16 $1 Q | OPTIONAL GARAGE a0 4, aa. ame ta : wt { wit BReegtwey 40 818 1TH 1TH me A ass 4 6h OM ' , é 1sr2 S22 By BK ' i Lataree © mM 8 OM mk tice rtd rine 100 ao Ge ahs ae Lakeland 10830-30910 gD 455 S50 MU } am i my 40 '. 3 . ) \ 1 ' O Cem pr Bm Sli 11M 44 A a0 aie t KITCHEN j 4 ~ ye ise mu ae be 2 > LO Cem we 1513 oom ee a 8 : vest) ¥ ' ' Lambton L im & a a | 18? w 108 <n 'eu a) bth ie 10 aan we in Laura see (2100 810% ty »~ k i. Ans hme A sie 104 ay Lau Fina a Wh 844 wN ee ua 282 Whe i Anh B pr 403 oi, AU Fin 188 TR Ae SORA 6 ONT pone! 4 Sreus sens 813 Lau Fin 20) 857 $39 38th DAM 1g a) ' | i\a i Are B be " P Leland 455 86% 68 Oy : 33532 ot a z ++ eed z ~Segfse-* = sEiabezes,3es~scte=ed- Sa g8sze-s Seeds litt Usecsti tect! ee Fe ris. o8gs-treztecect--F = westeeeeSeciss-xz sste-E a bbb ibeetsil beet ty et = (pee He , 2nbebizett &< stax 3 ' tek sxageesOlelesalicey weninoypliesian a eucet? i882 Z * sengaceSt '6 ss - 55 = D4 Zé + es 1M 14 4 hie x BB hy te > - suck ox08S: oe 41 "es ~ ~ex=8 > 4 7 et * : Arg 230 pr a . ' 2 ig ah Ry wv 2 em | Arg 80 pe ; 3 ae 1623 SRM UA 1aHe ney 'uf ~~ { iw Are C wr 11tT2 8944 4 b eats OR m= -- - 2085-6 8E 5 saczes a eet ce i eSe= * te z28 steady gatcsaltgs -- = * &8 238 ,-8des553z,"e-. bi 1b LLL b é sees must remit 3 per cent Sales ing Construction, Details dR od ine a me tae ie ah : © Halliwell igpeo to : ' ; Salen | . 23 > This pleasing design plus @ Tax.) Now available at this Landscaping, Color Selection, | Al Suge i380 17M 1 Theat by ieee tana thd © Marten emo 4 1S F1OT9 10994 101g + : ' x . . # ay have combined to make this address below) is the latest tare Arra vent, Custom | : 4 108 4 ah ate : 7 . ee Me Oh si © Morriea Tle 42 fe : ao = : . " Autofab oO 48 > 214 18% 18% 1 jeader in popularity. The floor dian Guide to. Home Plan. popular and new designs to ark Mont Atte SM GM OG S18 he lan ; Gon Nichol as 8 4 a50r0 ane i Bartace @ "% 44 hall, living-dining area, three and is tax free, This new edi- this book are full details oa he tw i Ra ou eu +10 y aa" Mab ae A : fone Ramb'e S00 @ a a =a >. R a a 138 aie to basement, is all arranged Sitwers 0 ie ae : C Shawier oil : ' Ai Y Sditer 3 ' aisen 4 8 } 30 40 3 20 for good traffic circulation The Building © Bow Valley $5 % os Newson 3 Ce Copa : bes with the built-in vanitory #0 Oshawa, Ontarte, Bow-M pr ah S04 oN + au 4 roe ieee we ¢ FS ; Moy : Ss 8 sentan appreciated by women, along Rowater mO 85% Se She MOBS oe © od m es Cowien ets and linen space, An ones of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Br Senn =i 8 ' Net Dy } % 18% ' Crotner washroom could be located ites fright Sm © 8 .3 NOt. Gree Br Crowpat back door, Standard Build payable te The Oshawa Times), : oye 133 SAM WT BM + 9 Nia Str SU_pe Perk td a : 3 38 . = ae ' ers Blueprints for this de Phan fe $58 as at Nie Wire 8 the firet set and 08.00 for eeCE IIIT rit titre rrtritirririi titi tt tere t Ph 46 or » se x 3 ~ baa) Ash Temple 100 $1614 18M 1814 1h "a HM) SRG 3 ' | { t Nag ML Asha i ? 2 4 ew > 113 850 Sih on Gillies om Th HOME DESIGN 209-B wr mail, (Ontario residents Financing in Canada, Buds | Ahan Re aa Ae BRE A TS Tr oS Marews 138 aa : « ¥ Mi \ convenient step - saving plan Newspaper Office (or from Interior Decorating, Furni: | an me A a7 SiS DA Bk eB aS . we ia ae © Mogul mare? ioe ; } F } 2x BAA BRS 3 © Mosher 20 Be ' ee . owen Cone bite conservative Ranch home a Design Book entitled "Cana- Designing, ete., plus over 100 Wwhagad 30 BS BS ; aM a. Be A n ° Gon Negus 003 Ps a Rye Ladoe UM UMM wae ; : 3 " § : ( iA : , Ww © Northland 18755 B® Aat Ne é plan including the entrance ning and Design," price $1.00 choose from, Also included in Rank NS 308) STOle POW FOlg -- B BA a 1 hme © Pawn od 2-3 2 ® bana nee a) bedrooms and spacious kitch- tion includes information on how to order blueprints Rests A - om mM ' alts % : e Reet we i a ee. . 3 i en with nearby stairs leading . Beay Lam 13. $374 MN MM-=M Be Axi Weat 103 a0 B14 ma © Sannora me € . 4 atraee al ; Rel Phone r Sh Mila Fy Ss? a Min Brick a * © Shawkey moeal ° af %M a 4g 8 Tis % 4 42 sont Bowat 3 ss 30% ce os o% ' . N - a & Cop-Man aoe 3s} " ell t i 3 \ ; 13 . 3 Note the well sized bath Oshawa Times, how SK prs AD oy HA Coulee sa" 3 bevaeg Rramales a0 $6) i ' Ree with the abundance of clos C Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book Brawl axe ash 30a gan -- gg egg Creataut ' A " Tea ee Mail reauesis 10c extra, (Please make remittance Be Foes = 11955 $194 19) 18 OK Na ; © in the basement handy to the BA OF mm a me th : co Sven : , a aA 2 ete iy $ 4 1 Noranda sign No. 209 cost $15.00 for Name PR 4M pe 3 9014 wi NO NGas , 3 i Nor P additional sets. They are ' h 3 ie ao : Ner Lge bal i available in Canada by re- AORTORR cccccnccececccccccccceccscces Seiucesccuendus - ALON 110 LOK VBA ) NSLP * Ld seusgs8 gi-s? rebe-sbisecs é ' Eeshex2z Escscasyscsecst Si a08 gsauicks s2e8etss%3 I WH BY --y SAs- . Bang ee Sese% a zg i LLL s id oe 9% 1 & tts 33 \ anh . A ~ N . rs ¥ Oek Wood ) arya "ig > ' " Ocean Cem ae 813) 12M 18 S ayy FIRST AID T N H USE © be bina are 813Mq 13 3 sai "i ms ; n Leas 1 838M MM ~ ~a ee 1 . £m - " See! 1 Bek I ; a Any me a By ROGER C. WHITMAN cra 4 a & a. oo ee Satu hk ba Gan tom . : ac rf ; i bd Sagar " DULL CONCRETE Excellent window cleaning prep- there anything I can do to rem:/ SR QUESTION: We have a fair-/arations are available at super-jedy this, outside of burning the] : @red, partly enclosed porch at markets, housewares and hard-/paint off with a torch? j the rear of our house. We don't/ware stores. Or wipe the glass) ANSWER: Your description) lke the dull grey concrete floor, With a damp cisth and a sounds as though the north sid-/ Is there any way to color or scratchiess scouring powder; jing never dries out. Never gets) t this? allow to remain until nearly ting the sun dampness settles ANSWER: Yes. A iatex-vinyl dry, then polish with clean, on both sides, and conventional preparation, in a choice of five/dry, soft cloth, paints certainly won't stick on colors, is available at some damp surfaces. Some types (like large paint dealers and masonry PARQUET FLOOR SANDING the viny! plastic latex' paints) supply stores; it is self-bonding QUESTION: We have just will adhere a damp surface; and easily applied. Or paint the bought an old house with par you. could well consider using Moor with rubber base fl00T ayer Moors in the living. room Unis type next time you paint paint and dining room. We want tot? Sorta side, Otherwise, this) irefinish these curseives. Is any Gampness will always present a) WASHING ALUMNIUM special kind of sanding neces.|PrOhem. It is. reasonably Pos} QUESTION: I always washed sare? siete to insut ate and apply | my storm window # = am-) ANSWER Vapor ba rie to the , 'a sat mona and water, Now = sanded the same as any hard. ence Pal _ -- be kee} i sluminum storm windows Ulwood f! loors It is best to use an|2°Y: But, frankly, I'd be inclia ease Can ammonia tarnish the alumi-ieiectric floor sanding machine!'® "Y the vinyl plastic latex im Bh C --_ Bes wah good for alumi-/p., 2 smaenth surface: this can Pit ind Gas, a + o Y ANSWER: Ammonia will diss psugct DS remted fom' YOU LE ENCRUSTED GORLETS solar Semaine B abewred to re: QUESTION: I have six water] man for any length of NMe./SMDING SHINGLE OVERLAP [goblets that are heavily in| r it lim kine! QUESTION: How much over. CMS mi Mine QOKINE THE HOME ap should there be in shingles °°! ? and dirty. We Rave aa) used for siding? We are con. ron filter and a water softener.) WORKSHOP ere m gh > ve | aaa ge PP how to,® Mt and free of lime. | have estimate how much we'll need tried igi "oe a et ANSWER: Several factors de. "2'*r conditioners and soften termine the amount of ie °F o Veweeet sone and veriap: shingle size Peta Nothing Temoves the to be in single or double course, |! aA YOM SURROSt RQENOLHIAg design or pattern. Manufactur. * Te™ove Ure Tim 2S mstruction sheets for ap ANSWER: Many housewares plication are usually available and 'g-notions dealers now) from dealers; he can also help ha . eal preparation for} you 18 determining the quantity AO mg he deposit inside Overlap is reduced if the steam irons. This may work on Stangies are double coursed. Be your gob foliew labe 4 s 33s 3 - Sus8er eee jeonts Ayal 23s Sa ii ce rs 3 4° 28525303303 127-8es 208 3,338. ba3g8ot- Leh LL ane 2az%t= razké F ° ee wBedug Zs SSe~ * bet boteshod tne s8Sb%~ oe ~ "en~o i | Ana bade Aad e Sée es ¢£ A a "3g Parquet fleors are oe 522% sok g Pie ee Tay BBae > geese " eo Soghoneee vise #43 j te hei 22 gstceB sc 3 ~Egh eg ses agents Bats cab8bit sy -2zex, Sus bey LE L i tL eee 7 sd Salat Sag %B..u¥Z C4 sestthazs 3 2 J 23362: - * ZS * é Sab snsbSbi8es esse betiatit ret} $8: %§ « bhi gibeyi ts! g * 285 po 228 FF Exige Wi gg*%stz +4 "s * 4$%,.2 sus? 442% "3 ,,* £.. 43 roe | Bret 1 tgga8 .uxa $¢-2K2 b gh goshy § toys S4% Tarabivn Tamora Texace ¢ £S6 F ne oy Sure t® wSe rust-resisiant oF tiens ase fully x4 Tak u caretucy % Hh oy ® nmc-coated nails ~ : -- =~" . x sort ae n m3 = SG * 20% o g 38 s subsuetiul- 32 RUTH W. SPEARS 2 . ' A pic K-YARD PICNIC can be GARAGE PAINT PEELS Buying or Selling! sine ast - more fun and twice as easy } : nae ' ~ Sm : wm 4 we psetatine Stas Got a yamee wayne scons] QUIDE REALTY | Pee. SSR RE kn ate RS *table with attached "benches ' : - ' "4 now. Pattern 203, which lists : ™ - P &® LLOYO CORSON, President me t Darn oe are Fish 1A , N 's ms a the pain tays perfect " < ts 2 ; eaten! & we materials, shows steps and O° oe toga al anne * DICK YOUNG Vice-President Dem Seeeh = a ee ee oe : "ven gives guides for cutting ine vet it will blister ana | © "UCAS PEACOCK See-Trees, Ll ; ' ' ve <a eek Se eA Supports, is 38 cents This . Pe OT ee ae Stores Sab S$) ; 2 s he 3 oa a torn aise ft in the La peel thir € The gar 14 SIMCOE ST. $.. OSHAWA . . . Ac on oe : bended . has no insulation in it PHONE 723-1121 : "4 rden Packet No, 38 which a > 2 . . . poo a sroltis So Palit hae have anything | te to do with wv " : Be? S24 20 a 3 + 2 a. patterns as popular furniture " » fi . . & mumbers --- al! for $1.75. Send orders to The Home Workshop Dept., The Oshawa Times, Osh- =} ALIGNMENT aucars (9.95 en JOHN BEAN PHONE -- "Visualiner" te THIS RUGGED BOAT may be 728-622! carried ea top of a car. Use SPECIAL A with oars or outboard motor escent jake or stream. ong _ ves a. comp ete . . o : hater wich and iltustrated step Freee Pick-Up and Delivery Service dy-step - direct ions for mak the boat is 5@ cent. This pat tern also is in The Sportsmen's Packet. No. 24 which contains a variety of full-size patterns OF OSHAWA fer hunting and fishing aids -- ° aii tet $1.75. Send orders to 534 RITSON RD. $ a . The Home Workshor Dept. The 8.422 Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Oat. ' pwtetE 33°*3s¢°3 5 ht we ie + ee ghivb secs 2 hee . p o fewk g? i+ i eee eels eff on almost every Trem PF 28 8 ba an ati the rest git Eecb oe a Po 4 6 ii " 3 " é Bteotetuot Me LL Dattgiaiet Felons 15 is ae SS oS S33: . ¥ hale - + % $5390 +$G% 208 > * sBenssey nwsanndls *iit ei id + 2 b shses " Li Bs i = ons egg? y BEt Fy 2640 G74 pPtab gst L058 0st shoEe2859,% Et Set 4 egnbsGeb*acugey ge egg bibeblassusg sebonsBFn8: ze 48% ps4 % Shee 3 of z6t oF E M503 F 4 o* SEL Es ge F $4 .6.0%0%86%e Fr s bgtis sect $2° " FF pag hte Lit ' 54 ca so agekae! anaaliy: g*98°3°"*4+Fx EE 3 Se o £e tik; Fa a ee ptt pris Sx gttSese " 39°** -- Yh --# $e ofertut L otthasesackts sogSsiebSorznsz esteuetlaSs 5557=38* seeker Lob Jibbeys Litgset gis b ge*beszgitegte vs EetstMsouese seiysutiebe age 7? Se a language radio station be estad bis oma 'Ushed in Ottawa, ear adeut aatheriziag Deagias Fisher (NDP -- Port for these recommendations, Arther) and Marcel Lambert) He didnt agree that the tm \(PC -- Ea@monton West) asked jection ef one recommendation iwhether rejection of the BRG cast a refiection capact? S Minister Says [Tecommendation Wash a BEC \or the RBG =" OTTAWA (CP) -- Legisiation! - Meliraith said be doesn't oe Metiraith said be Bad an establishing the Beatd of Broad. prepese te "attempt te sancti 8% years age wher cast Governers , may require tate myself fer the BBG" whese mS BBG was clarification, Transpert Minis. establishing ieginiation was ex ter Meliraith said Praar paic®t om the point that the body Sn was @efending the Lideralimast make recoumsoadations ermmemt's Gecision to relecti@n applications fer Dreadcast ® BBG recommendation URai a Ques. aew privately - cwned Frenchy Sut Mr. Medlrath added thai J ; : if oe we eee tin vst yXs ; s eet tis 2 ep) Pel . a wee ebageurne i Le ee # eieyrvatte