CITY FUND DRIVE CIVIC AUDITORIUM CAMPAIGN Fund Drive Tops $700,000 The Oshawa Civic Auditorium Building Fund has reached the $700,000 plateau, announced Finance Chairman Terence V, Kelly this morning. im Computation of pledges and cash donations completed last night showed. that the total had reached $705,225 and, with many ons and businesses still to heard from, Mr, Kelly ex- pressed confidence that the fund would reach the $750,000 mark prior to the inclusion in the total of the contributions of the major industries in the city, Though the total announced Thursday of this week was $690,000 the total shot ahead by $15,000 with the completion of the canvass of employees ati nat the small contributions are the Bell Telephone, Coulter appreciated as well as the large. Manufacturing Company an d/fthoGn, Pedlar People, The Bell Telephone ae ees contributed $4,142;. Coul- ters $3,516. and the Pedilar She Oshawa Cimes Sires inloyees y . PAGE NINE|Plovees yet to report, $4,190, ithe secretary there, Andy Gif: WOVE ed at the response from all the citizens of the city, Typical of the enthusiasm for the proj: ect is the reaction received by Russ Learmonth, a canvass captain who had 125 names to cover among people in the city who are not covered by payroll deductions, These people are in a group which includes pensioners, wid- owers, widows and many per sons who cannot sup the project financially, But Mr, Learmonth and his helpers were not disappointed and turn: ed into Campaign Headquarters Friday donations totalling $112, mostly in small contributions, "We do not intend to miss any: one in our city wide canvass," said Mr, McLaughlin, adding Meanwhile plans are com eté for the two attractions intended to aid the fund finan. cially this weekend, the soft ball game tonight and the dance on Monday night, Tonight at 8 p.m. at Alexan dra Park the CKEY Good Guys from Toronto will meet the Osh- awa Bad Boys in a game which will feature personalities from the Toronto radio station and favors for the youngsters as well as 20 door prizes, Brace McArthur, manager of the Bad Boys, announces that the offi. cials are giving their time free of charge and all proceeds will go to the Auditorium Fund, * ON MONDAY Monday night the Kinsmen Community Centre, compliment of the Oshawa Kinsmen, will available for a dance at which Vie Thomas of Radio C will be emcee, Johnny 'K', popular Toronto born singing personality who made popular the song "Lemonade," wil! make a personal appearance, Records will be given out as ~_ BRAG N THE CIVIC AUDITORIUM FUND DRIVE continues to move upward as these pic- tures illustrate. On left, Motor City Car Club Secretary Bob Reynolds, left, presents a cheque for $72 to Robert E a Wilson, on right, fund drive director Gary _ Challice, rentre, of the club looks on, The donation was made pos- sible by a "car wash" spon- sored recently by the club to help the fund, In picture on Mr, Kelly asks any person who wishes to give to the fund to drop inte the committee rooms on King street east and) pass along their contribution to right, Mr, Wilson is shown with Joan McMasters and Al Dodds of the ORC's Teens- ville, Teensville sponsored by the ORC -made a contri- bution to the Civic Auditérium Fund drive, Oshawa Times Photo | SATURDAY, JULY, 13 1963 Nest of SECOND SECTION | WELL PLEASED ford or Auditorium Director/door prizes, The orchestra 'in ) e e Chairman of the Auditorium/Robert E, Wilson who spendsjattendance will be the Shan- F Committee E S. "Dick"|most of his time canvassing dells, featuring rock 'n rell and ep 1scuss 1re McLaughlin is more than pleas-|small business firms in the city,! rhythm "n blues, } - ' : 'Strai n Plan (0 S shawa Has 5 Grads Straighten Protectio rangemen| Aid Voted i] By MRS, KEN GAMSBY _ ing of the road allowance on the Pl ace Wreath ' Creek Course ORONO -- The recent meet-/Brooks Cowan sideroad, lots 23 | GM I it t | ing of the Township of Clarke/and a cae eer i The More than 125 men, women! oO TOnOoO alr e Council gave approval for fur-jcost of the land ha en QuOl-!and children belonging to local At nstl u e ' Mei? U8 ree land at tne iter, discussion between Coun-jed at $1000 with a new fencelOrange orders paraded to the) By MRS, KEN. GAMSBY | Motel on Tuesday evening , lnear of E. A. Lavell Publici and the Orono --s bbe bg Hag -- oA ee Garden of the Unforgotten this}) ORONO -- The Orono Cham:iand that a wiener reast would } : ve 443 | gedsk Sash aie "ees in connection with fire pro-jed by the Township. Mr, Cowan/morni aya Ww é » > j Eleven young Canadians from) industrial, or electrical engine-jexercises in recognition of high School for creek straightenit Siiection throuaheut "the A adeg bows 4 dics cea tire! auiane: goog: Badd a tas erosions aeete ae gd pat hana ~ the -- -- Oshawa, Metropolitan Toronto, ering. For four years students| Performance on the job will be considered by the -pro-/ oi, "Councillor Chater was au-ition of gravel, The road super-ied a trip to Port Hope where|the F be Yas! Bri rey _e London and Windsor will be! siternate between periods of The Canadian graduates spon-|perty committee of the Oshawa) \isea in leh a meeting offintendent is 'alana ths pur-|the 0: ap to : tea § ro it ° rono Fair to used as/ Brighton on their annual exour: 314 graduates of the Gen- : sored by GM of Canada are: [Board of Education = beat pater 8 Gecuss | jthe Orangemen travelled to take) prize money for schools taking! sion, a po iy ekg Institute, Flint, |@cademic education in the class-|" Fiectrical Engineering De-| Three proposals were submit./the 'Wo sroups in the near fu: chase and widening with the/part in the Twelfth of July fes-|part in the school parade, The) Mr, Dickson reported thal a Mich,, who receive bachelor. de-jrooms and laboratories at the gree: David W. Hardy, 167 Har-jted to the board at a meeting ios STC S ae poration yadiage = sat: tivities : ie jschool parade takes place onj/sum of $399.07 had been clear. trees in mechanical, industriall Institute and co - ordinated/Mony road north, Oshawa. [Friday by Dominion Stores. |ccineiy eee ig ee eee rahe the narchace af teed freee Master William Brady|the first day of the fair, Frijed ©. the Colt Derby and West- or slecialenginering 0 JULY org gxperience at their naustal 'Engineering De|The iat was a suggestion taicoumel was given approval tlte make the parchase of fend tld the white; clad marchers day, Senember & This sum/ern Worse Show held in Jung . : gree: L aine Boswell, ja parcel of land at the west be ern . 1d Poe f Wty | ! x and donation is similar to that) A meeting 'euncil: The 11 men who have suc- Plants. Qualification ..for @)Gibb street, Oshawa; Frank ¢, (nucandeesy of the school might|! » In Tespect to prepare: me ao. H, E ee. in granted wae given last year by the local/the Township of Clarke and cessfully completed five - year/bachelor's degree requires a ere nent oe, Sear--|be purchased from the board hall Sg pa seg wow Mag he = pBaggee Bay Agi re dager oo is -- -- . . pec Bppigg Bate wg Trustees was engineering courses are aalljcessful completion of a fifth-/horough; Maurice A. Lake, 126/at $6000. Land survey maps). SPector & ove e Co ~|thods s be i ing for, e@ said, "Many @ grant was made at the| held on Monday evening when counsetet = General Motors of) year phase of the program pro-/Sterling street, London; Clayton|showed this proposal, if accep- von Safety Act, It is. the duty up procedures of Ronggeoney of our liberties we take for| meeting which was held at the! discussion conned on a pro- Canada. vided to meet the varying needs|M. Morgan, 68 Humberview|ted, would take property away|%! Council to so appoint an In.jmeetings and township work./granted were obtained at the/Ontario Trading Post at whichitection for the Township 'of The graduation ceremonies|and situations of the students/road, Toronto, from the existing school play-/SPector and to see that inspec.) The letter was tabled to & fu- Boyne," around ten members were pres-/ Clarke : will mark the 36th commence-/and the sponsoring units, Of the) Mechanical Engineering De-|ground. ue y * ition is carried out. The com-jture date when all of council) Rey, Derek Allen of St. Paul's/ent. Agreement was reached in ment for: General Motors Insti-/nearly 7,000 graduates of GMI,/gree: James G. Fallon, 229 Rit) An alternative proposal was Mittee after meeting with Mr. are to study the proposals Prebyterian church delivered a) A motion was also passed in| principal between the two par. tute, an accredited engineering|about two-thirds have remain-|son road south, Oshawa; Denton|that a portion of land needed to Best in connection with the ap-| The contract to construct the prayer:", . lead our feet in the'which the secretary was inities for providing this pro! college which provides General/ed with General Motors. A. Grenke, 10 York street, Ajax; divert the creek might be pur./pointment are to report back: to Wagenaar Bridge was awardediway of peace." structed to write the Post:/tion out of the Village of Orano Motors Corporation with about} A. G. Warner, 202 Winona|Samuel J, Stevenson, 154 Gled-jchased for $1500 and the thira/te Clerk ; to E. F, Marston Construction) The wreath was carried by|master General asking that ajwith operation under the pres. 25 per cent of its engineers, /avenue, Oshawa, chief tool and hill avenue, Toronto; Ronald J./was an offer to divert the creek} A Petition was received by/Limited two youngsters - Judy Wright,| stamp machine be installed out-/ent bylaw The student body of 2,400 is|process engineer in the GM/Stuart, 109 Harris Court, Osh-}level off the board property at/Council signed by 13 residents! A grant of $200 was granted/LTR No. 2 and. Milton Thomp-| side the Orono Post Office ni To give protection throughout made up of topflight high school/ West Plant, will be one of 131/awa; James A. Thomson, 300/its western boundary and in-|a%d owners of properties on the/the Durham Central Agriculturs!son JOL, No. 1? was the feeling that an outside|the township it is necessary. te graduates selected by GM plants} graduates of the Class of "53 to|Mary street, Oshawa; Stephen|stall a six-foot chain link fence|titd line in the area of Mr.jal Society for their fair in) The Last Post and Reveille/machine would provid aa.| reh; me tire engine and for appointment to co-operative|receive a 10 - year graduate/W. Cmar, 1811 Alexis road,jat the property line. [Reg Gibson, The petition de-|Orono, lwere sounded by Murray White-led service pk 1 e aA a og ria ew noe gk programs in either mechanical,'key during the commencement! Windsor. Chairman of the board, Geo, plored the excess road dust and) On a motion of Deputy-Reeve/nead of the Salvation Army. py hi . oe a - a ete ° an pogo the IK. Drynan, advised that the @sked for action to have it elim-|Stone and Councillor Perrault, Rev, L. W. Herbert of King/hours of the offices elektro eee d d - ~ Nard should retain as much ee -- oe ioe B a ypien a => eee etree Street United church reminded| "A letter 'was Toteet tie Gut ant arene ee Lan and as ssible and added e@ allottimen cal.jthe third reading e jaw) : is.| ihe Ju ging EDUCATION Rain Lack that sale ee board property Clum had been used up this| setting up the Township fo a oe 2 podbot T 'ties vin =. Denertenent, of . Menmere bong euler, men = | j jwould only establish a prece.)year and that work on this sec-jplanning area, This reading is|sacrifice. gg A tre = os eae <2 ec ' : Contest Set | BOARD BRIEFS | . Bae jdent 'ion of road was not contained/to be given on August @ Any-) "Remember those who gave lartuseak fer tbe © iy she | Con to have plans TIES ULFCERS |. Trustee sStepnen G. saywetl)it the budget, It could, how-/one wishing to speak either for] their lives," he urged, "that!" pki apll, a Pb ays OM ne oer , vanieeer, be considered he 3 ie wa wi as ce ee A telegram was alse received) and for the extension of the The seventh annual Land! A letter from the Oshawa Suggested that the third: prop-jever, be considered in the 19¢4jor against the bylaw will beiwe may know life and read. from the Canadian hall, The Ontario Fire Man 583 Board of Education to Oshawa! 'The drought conditions of the/9Sal be considered. "Let's de-/budget. Council when asked to/heard on August 6 at 2 p.m.) The following groups marched Genk @ 6 an . : Judging Competition for Ontario! city Council will state that the| past few weeks continue over|termine what improvements|supply one bag of calcium per| Two readings were given the|to the cenotaph: one senior and| reer commerce in) shall's office is also te be con- County will be held on Thurs-/poard "remains strongly op-|south Ontario and according to COwld be made on the present|Petitioner took no action. |Harvey Jackson Memorial Park/one junior Blues, two LOBA's pecgeacrte With the recent bud. sulted in the matter, day, July 18, in the Manchester! nosed" to construction of a side-| news reports there is little Pag grounds when we consider the) Deputy-Reeve Stone reported/bylaw which will set up thelthree LOL's and one JOL unit. in handed down by the Federal) Agreement for the protection area. walk on Simcoe street north,|sibility for any immediate re-/hird offer," he said that agreement and purnase of/Park in Kendal under the Com-) The marchers were accam:| gg a in the township will not be sign. A true appreciation of the soil adjacent to the Dr. S. J. Phil- jiep © Mr. Drynan pointed out that land was possible for the widen.|munity Centres Act: ipanied by pipers and drum-|,. prov len informed the ed until such time as the neces- and its management through/lips School, Property Commit: won. and streams are grad:/t Hat in the past, acted as NI EN SRR : jmers from the Calendonia and meeting that the Antique Car sary equipment is available and S car-\t , . p & solicitor for Dominion Stores Rally would step at the Diana'in operation in Orono, proper land use practices car-|tee Chairman L. G. Glover sug-|yany drying up but suffering|}imited. regard: jAjax Pipe bands. ies tae Te case ay) gested at @ board meeting Fri-| most are the spring grain crops,| properties. 'He "ascot te Pre-Sentence this, the Ontario Department of|cause the committee still feels Agriculture and ig oni 8 he sidewalk would be unneces- tan Toronto and Region Con-'sary and dangerous servation Authority are co-op- erating in sponsoring this Land RESIGNATION ACCEPTED Judging Competition in Ontario' The board accepted the resig- County. nation of David Rae, who had This is a new type of judg. been employed as janitor at Dr. ing competition, and one that S. J. Phillips School should prove very beneficial to VACATION all farmers who attend and me nde 93 A request from Douglas Lind- take mt S me Comper. say for permission to take a Instruction will be given On weok of his annual vacation the -various soil types during during the week of Sept. 22 was the morning period. There will --anted by the board. Mr. Lind. also be discussion on how tO cay will be notified by the best use the various soil types hoard that no precedent will from a crop point of view. Dur-'he set by granting this request ing the afternoon the contest-\in the absence of a contract. ants will be given the opportu- nity on a farm in the Man- POWER TO ACT chester area to put into prac. The property committee was tice what they have learned assigned power to act in the during the morning instruction matter of replacing student period. desks in four public school The competition wil! be classrooms and four portable divided into three classes. Jun- Classrooms ior must be 12 years of age, ce i but must not have reached PITCHER HURT their 16th birthday. Intermedi. ST. LOUIS (AP)--Milwaukee ate class will be made up of Brave batting practice pitcher young men between the ages Al Zachary suffered a severe of 16 and 21, while the Senior concussion after being hit' dur- class will be made up of men ing hatting practice Thursday 21 years of age and over. night This Land Judging Competi- ~ tion has been well attended in the past. It is hoped that a large number of Junior Farm- ers will again take advantage af this competition, to gain a better appreciation of the soils om their own farm and in On. 'ario County . . Admits Licence Under Suspension | John Allan Sanders, 523 Fox); reet, Oshawa, pleaded guilty t Oshawa Magistrate's Court riday to driving a car while/ J = was under suspension. Mag-} trate F. S. Ebbs fined him 3@ and costs or one month's aprisonment. Sergeant Uorman Smythe told e court that on June 21 he as operating a radar unit in entworth street when he saw) car going at slightly over the eed limit, It was his intention stop the car and warn the/ iver to slow down. The car 1 stop and the driver switch- places with a woman who s in the front seat the sergeant said that when reached the car, he asked' wders for his licence. He was te co-operative and inform- him that his licence was | 'er suspension. particularly those which afe/ would prefer not to vote on a planted late. Ontario County representative H. stated that the earlier rains had given the hay a good start and the crop was a good average--! a little below the huge 1961 yield! but much above the small crop} agriculturaljosal, but his vote was Lynn Fair|sary to form a quorum motion to consider the prop- neces: | CELEBRATING ~ BIRTHDAYS of 1962. It is of excellent quality.' Actually, according to figures obtained from Miss W. Hoad, there was. more rain fell during May and June this year than in 192, a May-June total then of 4.02 inches as compared with 5.75 this year, However, there has been little rain since June 20. Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating their birthdays this weekend Those who celebrate to- day are: Carolyn Diane Moss, 310 Elgin street east Oshawa Those who celebrate on Sunday are: Laura Wray, RR No. 3, Oshawa. Alec Dearborn, 343 Bloor street west 2 Teenage Girls Killed In Crash BELLE RIVER, Ont Two teen-age girls were killed/Ann Martin, daughter of Judge Lawrence! (CP)--'Deziel, of Windsor, and Sheila 17, daughter of Friday when the late-modeli/Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martin convertible in which they fwere Birmingham, Mich riding was struck by an east-| Police said the fast-moving bound Canadian National Rail-ipassenger train hit the compact ways passenger train two milesicar broadside at a level cross- east of this community 20 milesjing near this Lake St. Clair re east of Windsor. isort Cammunity, and carried it The dead girls were identifiedjfor more than 198 feet down the as l4-year-old Louise Deziel, tracks ELECTED PRESIDENT Charles A. Swain, Cape May, New Jersey businessman, who was elected recently president of Kiwanis International, at the organization's 48th annual convention in Atlantic City. He will be the spokesman for some 262,000 Kiwanians in more than 5,200 clubs in the United States, Canada, Mex- ico, the Bahamas and Western Europe. Mel R. Osborne of East York was elected one of the International vice-presi- dents Wins Display Report Asked | wate ee, After a 66-year-old hotel jani-| tition tor, Francis Percy Van Luven) ars adelaide Kerr, Clare. $7 Agnes street, Oshawa, had! mont, RR No. 3, was the win. ipleaded guilty at Oshawa Mag: ner of fhe Ontario County Rural istrate's Court Friday to a/Highway Safety Display 'Slur On U.S. Cost | 'President Title QUITO, Ecuador (AP)----Car-jupon the Todd dignitaries and charge of contributing to juve- nile delinquency, Magistrate F, S. Ebbs said such offences were becoming very prevalent in Alexandra Park. Addressing Mus remarks to a park attendant who had given evidence in the case, he said: "AN attendants and any per sons connected with activities jin Alexandra Park . should be notified te co-operate in getting jthis kind of thing stamped out | iThe park has always been a lvery bad place for this and ap- |parently it still is." The charge involved two girls, one aged nine and the other younger. In view of the fact that there! was a previous conviction in }1962, Magistrate Ebbs asked for a pre-sentence report and ordered that Van Luven be re- manded in custody until Friday,| July 19, Com: ios Julio Aresemena bowed outiwives seated at the banquet petition, as Eouador's hard - drinking, |table, among them U.S. Ambas Entries for this competition piunt.cpeaking president 'as the/sader Maurice M. Bernbdaum. closed on June 29h. The main result of an embarrassing exhi- hours later Arese- | Purpose of this County competi-/pition climaxed by a slur at the/mena was on a plane for Pan- tion was to get ideas te be im U.S government before the ama, bound for exile. corperated inte a large rural American ambassador. | Aresemena's remarks at the we oppose A -- sponsor, 2 Bampened in the presiden-/banquet surprised his guests be- ed by the Ontario County Farm py eg Renae Me yi bege h ge i sone Safety Council, The committee Wilfried J. MacNeil ofien ceremony, Aresemena had in charge was Mrs. Walter new york president of Graceiread without from Carruthers, Norman Smith, Gor. Line, whom Arosemena hadiPrepared text and sat down te don 6 Heber Down, and) decorated only moments before. applause. yan Fair. H 4 oe wwe | Those present said Arose-) After the . which was RAMOS FAVORED mena was thick-tongued andirushed to a don, the mili- MEXICO CITY (AP)--Sugart swaying on his feet when hetary leaders present left and Ramos, a Cuban exile now liv. said: jheld a nightlong meeting. ing in Mexice City, is a solid) 'The people of Bouador and) As one diplomat favorite over Nigeria's Rafiu those of the United States enjoy) "It was the straw that broke King Saturday in the first de- cordial relations but it existsithe camel's back. The armed fence of his world featherweight only between the two people. |forces could hold back ne boxing title, Ramos, 23, won the The government of the United! longer." championship May 21 in Les States expleits Latin America) Tharsday--the day after the Angeles from Davey Moore, and exploits Ecuador." banquet--the armed forces sent who died later of injuries re. GUESTS EMBARRASSED treops and tanks to surround ceived in the bout, An embarrassed hush fell'the government palace. it: KIWANIS KEDRON GIRLS' CAMP ENDS --BOYS' SESSIONS TO START ON MONDAY 78 DISTRICT GIRLS ATTENDED THIS YEAR'S en & ont: we THESE CAMPERS ENJOY A COOLING DIP IN POOL