, Cadi Declares War| Children from the Veterans' Road Tot Park, located off Bloor street east, are busy this week preparing the Osh- awa Recreation Commission Penny Fair being held next Wednesday at the ORC Build. ing. Caught by the camera is a group of the area children with their banner rehearsing for the parade. In the back: On Young Drinkers PICKERING (Staff) -- Magis was not going to put up with street, Ajax, and Grant Edward trate Harry W. Jermyn Thurs-/teenage boys drinking and get-/ Young, 19, Markham day declared war on teenage'ting into trouble and that the Constable | drinking in Ontario County sooner the word got around that Pickering Township His Worship's decision was/he means business the better. Department, gave prompted by the appearance in) He expressed his feelings oM/against all of the youths Police Court here of five teen-/the matter by claiming that' The officer said that all had agers charged with consuming jailing young drinkers or hand. smelled of alcohol and admitted alcoho! while still minors ing out stiff penalties would, in'drinking deer Magistrate Jermyn warned/the long run, be doing them a ae said doth Puckrin that if teenagers in this county favor eee Spencer were picked up June insist on drinking under age, He said he felt the time 16 at the intersection of Har. they will pay the price learn their obligation | to the wood avenue. Ajax, and High. se community was while they way 9 i STIFFER SENTENCES were still young and not when sad 'ihe "There i > nh Both youths were in a here is entirely too much they are older and getting into ed car, the officer added of this type of thing going an in ; re seri trouble. the township, Magistrate Jer sonegeaees tess AUTO SWAYED myn said as he promised stiffer) FC NE : Nsied : : gentences for the offence in the) Charged with drinking while a or aay pool = od- future. minor and fined $25 and. costs) ran aide to side au "I think it might be a good na jwere Leonard ee 19 of highway } idea to give them all 30 days,43 Commerce street, French- 7 é from ee on," he added man's, Bay; Witam A Puck:|, 8 ae he ig te the ve-| The magistrate told the courtirin, Con. 4, RR 1, Pickering; | Mle &t 4 &.m. on Sunday, June and to ground Marilyn the park supervisor, is --Oshawa Times Photo Stolaryk Jaycees Win Two Awards The Oshawa Jaycees climax- ed another successful season last week the annual Cana- dian Jay¢ees Convention in SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1963 PAGE NINE Halifax by'winning two awards. Community Betterment and ore Project were the two fields In which the Oshawa unit was judged to have been the most outstanding in Can. ada for the 1962-63 season, Community Betterment proj. ects in which the Oshawa Jay- cees took part during the past year included, "Toy Time", a Campaign to raise toys -- for needy children; "Young Can- ada Votes' a forum to help in. form young people on the plat: forms of the various parties Aiduring the 1963 federal elec: tions, "Town Hall Forum" a forum in which all candidates for mu- nicipal office present their plat: forms over the radio and an- swer telephoned questions, The Jaycees were responsible for arranging the dinner to help! promote Brotherhood Week this year, | Canvassing for the United Appeal was yet another project! in which the Jaycees took an! active part in the Fall of 1962,| The award for outstanding project was presented because jof the Oshawa Jaycees active role in enlightening and encour.| | aging Oshawa's voters to exer-/ cise their franchise, } | Outgoing president Fred Ball! sent a telegram from Halifax jincoming president Vie Brookes to inform him' ef the happy news The Jaycees will now be com- peting for world awards at the/ International Convention in| Tel-Aviv Israel in October, They! y already have two world awards! g Members of the Ontario Regiment Student Militia -re- cently began their summer training course at the Osh- jto their' credit in the field of jLeadership Training, These jawards were won in 1961 and 11962 The Jaycees are new engag- ed in planning the program for the Quebec Student Exchange visii Oshawa, which begins 'Approves Fire Pact S July 16 Watson, of the § Police} evidence | & pak: MANY HAPPY RETURNS Albert F. Cox, former pro- | minent Oshawa business man and charter member of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club, who is today celebrating his 86th birthday. Surrounded by mem. bers of his family, he is spend. ing the day at Sturgeon Lake. awa Armories. Some of the students are seen as Major E, S, Dawson instructs them in the basics of nuclear war- "STUDENT MILITIA RECEIVE NUCLEAR WARFARE heads, Left to right, they are Ross Foote, Ewald Bengel, Major Dawson, Jim Clement and Jim Pearce, Part of their INSTRUCTION | training involves a 12-mile march to the tank ranges ip Raglan, Oshawa Times Phote East Whithy Building Assessment Reduction Is Denied Motor City Bowling Limited, Richmond street west, lost a jemphasized the chairman. An Oshawa Court .of Revi- been added since 1938) he told the court cost $106,000, or $3312 A fire protection agreement bid Thursday before the On. sion, in November, 1962, de. apiece, Deducting $1149 for between the City of Oshawa and iano Municipal Board to have the Township of East Whitby its 1962 building assessment re- ducted pinsetters from the Mo-' such items as chairs and cush- tor City Bowling building as. ions, Mr. Kotelko claimed other ' was approved Thursday Township council passed the necessary bylaw atthe month ly council' 'tieeting at Colum: bus, The bylaw stipulated that the fire protection would be given during 1963 Reeve Neil Smith said that the Oshawa 'or fire trucks 'Tired Workers Quit Search For Three Boys PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Weary rescue workers emerged from/rates quoted by an abandoned coal mine today Fire Department f after an aibnight search ang Were as follows said they found no trace of} The first truck called to a three missing teen-aged boys fire would be charged at $2 believed lost inside for the first hour and $75 hour. T. J. McDonald, assistant @i./ly after the first hour, Second trict supervisor for the U.S. ba./or third trucks called to a fire lreau of mines, ordered the hunt/ Would be charged at $125 for |suspended temporarily, He said:|the first hour and $75 for each | "if the boys do not show by/Succeeding hour, jthis afternoon, we are going to) Councillor Rudy Maeder said, press our search even further,"|'"'a three-hour fire could be However, he added: "If they pretty expensive." He moved a sessment, lowering this assess-/ reductions and came'up with ment from $280,685 to $233,040. what he thought the assessment REDUCTION GRANTED ~~ oo On the city's subsequent ap | Rodis yh poy bod a peal, County Court Judge Alex! ** . pe Hall restored the pinsetters but COSTS CITED granted a $5800 reduction on , eight alleys with no foul de. wt wee ee tectors and 16 alleys for man- total assessment of $47,643, Mr. ual equipment replaced bY @U-kotetko claimed his tax per tomatic pinsetters,. reported machine amounted to $145 while City Solicitor BE. G. MeNeely, who acted for the city in oe said, oo 5 vn prietors pai m Thursday, Mr. Kotelko testi-| bariington Township, the mas fied the actual cost of the! nines "are not even assessed" said Mr, Roberts, building, constructed in 1958, "My eseccement te oneal "However, a certain degree was $169,448, He said the city) est in North A ica," he |of injustice seems to Lghapeen hare o§ - --_ megeibne Hie | His evidence as to costs is un.) jing \ ee | contradicted. Using a Dominion Bureau of} City Solicitor McNeely ft "The tax on lanes and ma: Statistics index of building minded the onus is on the ap chines seems to be high; econ. costs, and adding depreciation, | pellant to show the assessment his|is unfair or inaccurate and he duced Matthew Kotelko, company president and general man- ager, asked for reductions on the building, the bowling lanes and automatic pinsetters, OMB hearing chairman H. E. Roberts ruled that Mr. Kotelko, who acted for himself, had fail. ed to show that the city's as- sessment was improper. SIMILAR ASSESSMENTS "He has admitted he is as. sessed the same as two others (bowling alleys) in the city," were there, we would have/motion that the bylaw be ap-jqmic value in a property of Mr, Kotelko argued that é The Oshawa Times that as long as he was here he! Michael Spencer, 20, of Birch'* ~ Swim Champions Decided At Kedron building assessment should be claimed this was not done, "He lowered $27,227, from $148,960 admits he is assessed on te. $121,733. same basis as others in His $2 lanes (eight more have'city," he' said, found them by now." proved, Councillor Allan Evans!this kind is of paramount im McDonald said rescuers had/seconded the motion and the by portance, searched every part of the mine)!aw was passed "Bowling alley assessment is that was accessible, covering an ----~ideserving of close attention," | estimated 1.20 ~ square - foot! cvs REVOLT SPREADS | as 22 Visitors [Navy Club Holds Rombough was found in an intoxicated condition at the newly-opened Bay Ridges Teen- age dance, Saturday, July §, the! officer said. He was staggering: in the middle of the dance floor when apprehended, the officer said. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and dis- trict who are celebrating we Pomme seni nas tll da area Mine rescue experts, aided by) MIAMI. Fila. (AP) -- Cuban police and firemen, launched a/Premier Castro says revolution full-scale search for the youths/is spreading across the face of Thursday night after another|Latin America and the U.S..cup- 4 Champion swimmers at Ki- wanis Camp Kedron were de. termined at a swimming meet earlier this week. Among the girl camp- ers, Lana Kaukonen won first place with & points, followed closely by Gail MecWilli- ams with 23 points. Third place winner was Betty Jenkins wit seven points. : The camp counsellors also also competed with Carolyn Batty, Janice Roe and Mary Francis Conway winning the most points. One event which tested the endurance of the swimmers was a marathon swim, The win- ners were determined by the number of times they could Board To Improve Classroom Lighting New lighting for a Ea Whitby Township classroor was approved at the monthly ~~ council meeting held Thursday J. H, Pascoe, secretary-treas urer of the East Whitby schoo! board, informed = co that the lighting in the township ha classroom was "far below the minimum requirements as lai @own by the Department oa Education" He asked that the bo allowed to replace the e) fixtures with incidental costs + be borne by the board 2 by Councillor Wittlam "Gordon Duplicate Bridge Club High Scores The winners and high scare ef the games played by the members of the Fernhill Daa cate Bridge Clud at the Osho wa Tennis Club were North and South -- Mrs: Maa reen Culp and John M Mr, and Mrs. Bill Baker Mrs. Marion Drew and J 103; Mrs. M. R. Clarke a W. J. Timmins, Havel Kasha! and Rene - er 112 183 Nighs >| Trivett e McWilliams: Be swim around the pool in five minutes, and were: (campers) Lana Kaukonen, Gail McWil- liams, Jackie Frobel'and Heath. er Clemente; (counsellors) -- Janice Roe, Carolyn Batty, Mary Conway and Barbara Hatt Other events and win- ners were; fancy dive from di- ving board (campers) -- Gail McWilliams and Anita Kashul; (counsellors) -- Carolyn Batty, Marion Nielson, Barbara Hatt,) Mary. Conway and Bob Bassett; longest dive and swim under. water -- Gail McWilliams and Lana Kaukonen Langest. jump from diving board -- Gail McWilliams, Bet. ty Jenkins; longest dive from j board Gail McWil. . Lana kaukonen; ball Lana Kaukonen, Gail Riams; threearm race- Betty Lynn Osborne and Lana Kaukonen, Kathy Krantz and Gail McW m and Betty Jenkins, ¥ Lynn Osborne: pad- dive, and tot h loop -- Lana ¢ October Start Is Possible | For Arena Construction of the Oshawa Civie Auditorium may start by Oct, 1 and be completed seven months from that time. "When we know we have enough money and the archi. tect's have drawn up final plans we'll get started," said Terence V. Kelly, finance chair. man of the Oshawa Civic Audi. terlum Committee at a com- mittee meeting Thursday, He emphasized that October was the earliest possible starting date. Mr, Kelly also predicted that contributions to the audi. the aid of the management side of industry, would be $732... @e board race -- Gail McWil- aoa liams, Jackie Frobel and Bren. Winners were im the rating events : age et Richardson, nine years -- Mary Tayk ly Howson and Dedbhie ale; age 10 years -- Gail I xp, Jennine I il years -- Kathy K tt; age 12 years -- Anita Kashul, Inez Pretty; age 13 years -- Lana Kaukonen, Gail age 14 and over Jenkins, Barbara Holtby: ounsellers" race Carolyn Ratty, Mary Francis Conway, Shell Firing Is Cancelled PORT ROPE -- Fina: of shells frem de- HMCS Haida Wednesday nish East and West -- Mes. I ma} re every person we hay -~ al that » ine ms A "conservative estimate" of the campaign total-is $1,100,000, said Mr. Kelly, He added that campaign expenses would be covered by the interest earned @m cash as 2 is deposited in a lecal trust company Members of the committee approved actions of the build- commitiee taken earlier this week at a meeting with the auditorium architects. At that meeting preliminary dis. cussions were ed re. garding plans for proper acou. stiecs and the architects were asked to proceed with final de. velopment sketch plans. The meeting, to bring mem- bers up to date on the progress ef the campaign was teld that many firms in the city have yet to be heard from but #2 is hoped that this feature of the campaign will be completed by the end of. next week One hundred canvassers are combing the ty contacting persons Ret in city factories eCanvassers are my of the people and widews hardly able te con. tribute fimancially the canvas- sers, have found that these peo. ple appreciate the calls. E -- S. "Dick" McLaughlin said that! m the city would an oppartunity te give ristine Thomas hoped Mrs Camrmitie\e ef Cana- would stress the use idiaa materials im the project.! their birthdays today A. F. Cox, 13 Elgin street east; Mary and Leslie Townsend, twins, 695 Mas. son street and Leo Keeler, 19 Nassau street. Phone TIS tert " m building fund, without) $500 CHEQUE FOR AUTO Telephone Carm- The Beil @any of Canada (Oshawa) @onated $598 Tharsdar te the OQshawa Automotive Museum J. W. Lowry, 'district mana- ser fer the Bell Telephone boy reported he saw them enter/ported Alliancefor-Progress aid the old mine in suburban Castle program for Latin America is Shannon j"going to hell." Havana Radioj Bicycles of the boys, identi-/said Wednesday the Cuban' h _e a : fied as Billy Berk, 13: Danny/leader made this statement O'Kain, 13; Robert Abbott, 14,/Tuesday. night while chatting Of Jaycees were found about 20 feet from/with students at the University | ---- of Havana. Twenty-two students from iQuebec will be arriving in Osh- + jawa next Tuesday for an action. 'ipacked two-week stay in the Sy jcity. +] They will be returning with 2 > Oshawa students whe are now, their Quebec counterparts') * guests in the Lake St. John' area under the auspices of the] Ontario . Quebec Student Ex.) } change sponsored here by the > Oshawa Jaycees, The program awaiting the students here includes tours no only of the Oshawa area, but 'also of Torente and Niagara Falis, The Quebec visitors will stay Annual Picnic Waltona Park, Newcastle, wasjlough; girls 8 8, 18 -- the scene of the Oshawa Naval/ Stonebridge, N Veterans' Club annual picnic) bie Kirtley; boys & 9, 10 last Sunday, A record attend-/Patterson, Richard St ' ance helped to make the event) John Woods; girls 11, 12 -- most successful fer all whobie Wasiluk, Sharen Stone. attended, bridge, Margaret Brown, One of the highlights of the) Boys 11, 12 -- Bill Pattersoii, picnic were the treats provided/Ken Greer, Robert $ for the children, Pop, ice cream, /gitis, over 12 -- Joyce Harmer, watermelon, bubble gum, suck-/Ann Higgins, Judy Bould; bogs ets and candy were passed out Over 12-- Tom Clark, Micheel in profusion, Berane Maurice a The afternoon was taken ap) © rrow race -- 4 with the following races: gins and Laura Jeffery, Stonebridge and Susan Boys and girls, 4 and under--o..0 wheelbarrow race Bobby Robbins, Jerry Oulette, Patterson and Danny Gary McCullough; girls, |S. § Richard Stapley and Fred and 7? -- Judy Patterson, Dias ' Newell, Peter Whynacht: Boys, Meanie Lae Sane. 3, @ and T -- Allan Stapley,/ay Giark: boys' three. -- at the homes here of their present guests in Lake St. Joha who will turn hosts upon their return te Oshawa, A civie reception will be held ia Hotel Genosha Wednesday) attended by Mayor Lyman Gil- ferd, Chamber of Cammerce president Charles H. Wortd, aad QOshawa's four high schoo! principals, George L. Roberts Harrison E. Murphy, Angus M Dixon and Arther B. Weeds. Next week will alse include a tour to Midland and a visit te the Royal OQatarie Museum and the Canadian National Ex- hibitien grounds in Toronto. tour of Oshawa and vicinity ay "itiea, The contract ey of spare parts for S8@2- McBurnie, Jerry Qulette, Baa Laurie Woods, Michael McCui- ce -- Ken Greer and Colleran, Robert. Fadger aad Den Wasiluk, Fred i GM AWARDED 33 So" S25, and daughter paper plate race Mrs, John Manning aad Naat, PARTS CONTRACT wrx "8. armer and Joyee: ther and son pi race OTTAWA (Special) -- General-- Mr. J. Qulette and Meters Products of Canada Jerry; Mr. R. McBurnie aad Lad. Qshawa, has been award. sen, Douglas: ladies' open meee ed a $17,583 contract by the -- Mrs. G_ Robinson, Mrs, Gee, Department of Defence Produc. Preston, Mrs. E. Flowers, is for the) Gents' epen race --' Robert rd commercial vehicles, LeHaye} ladies' marshmaliow Tt is one of 143 unclassified race -- Mrs. Flowers, Mrs. 04. defence contracts for $18.088 er Haye, Mrs. E. Pollard; more awarded by the depart. and gents' wheelbarrow races ment during the first half of Mr. and Mrs. B. LeHaye, My, June. Total value of the con. aad Mrs. MeCullonsh, H. Harm- The week after will feature a Seach js $10.414.183. er and Mrs, P. Talleck; ladies' backward race --Mrs, chartered aircraft, a weiner ireast at Lynbrook Park and a tour of the Niagara Fails area) On several days of each week the visiters will be entertained by their hosts: privately. CAR KILLS DEER ON HIGHWAY 401 BOWMANVILLE (Siaff)-- A fall . grown deer was Strack and killed by a car en Highway 1 at Bre. maanvilie this moraing, Bow. maanvilie OPP reported. Police say the deer was hit by a car driven fy Don Allen, of 219 Lawrence avenue east, Toronte, at § am Damage ite Allen's car RS ried as "consider- ", police stated a, MustuN of Dougias F) Company, is seen seated as Cammerre ts he writes a cheque fer that amount. The donation was accepted ty R. D. Hum. phreys, QC. IkeR, vice-pres:- @ent of the Oshawa Chamber general nar- | ager the Chambér and the / Oshawa Awe @ Museum, | --OQshawa Times Photo af a parking iet, on the of Bend street east, acar ¢ GMC gate Wednesday, the driv. er, laide 'street west, Oshawa, pat c jon his brakes and swung oat to/8WR_ chairs are Mrs. Sandra laveid a dicyele, In. doing however, he struck another car @riven by Wallace N. Boyd, 27 Bark street, Oshawa bicyele, ridden by Melarey, 129 Cetina street, was damaged. The froat Tacker's and the other car suffered dam- ace te the ori |G. Robiasen, Mrs, E Patiard, Gents' sober face contest = (E. Newell, J. McOuteagh, A. Roberts; lang distance race -= Two Autos And Brian Colleran, Maurice Hare race--Leta Wh Bicycle Damaged ==, ceter As a car was coming out of Aad, Joanne Wasciluk, Laune south sige Weeds; men's special long dis. dye, ANTE TAC -- Robdert McBerait, | 'The ladies' auxiliary sapatind prizes for the races and sper sored a Graw an tee aur chairs, The winners of tne Caarles Tucker, SM Ade- Armitage, 723 King street west, Qshawa and Mrs. award Pah lard, King street west, Bowwan- vile, A Deaatifal Belty bat sweater, made and donated Or the Mrs. Wiliam Severs, was wea Plby George Preston, Oshawa. Ss) A Uvely tug-of-war wiih et Mr teams en either Side of the @amacea) creek, climaxed the afternoon's jentertalmment with the ladies fremt DwMper.'peing the fortunate winners wad left front fender 'and heed. ~ jthe men {ting a trie wet Tem Ne ene was injured. the ordeal. bik $a, Tee Ie rear ferk- of Eimer car Was