Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jul 1963, p. 19

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1@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thoredey, July 11, 1963 'Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 e 2. e BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | Building Trades Accountants |Mortgages Surveyors BOR CLANCY'S Accounting Service. BULLDOZING Complete a a 184 Bond estimates, Cat Taytor "Tas-7005, court m Dr ve, "Whitby. 663-5612. aneous fer Sale" ros tlle ye peoed | today. It's loaded with wonderful offers, prints, 11 Ontario Street and, excavating. Page aor the "variety store" of the Class. pede own AND FLIESCHMANN, On- Bros. 3 Land Surveyor, Commercial ye . 725-5632, Street West, ---- Res, RAROLD B DEWAR, Accredited Pub- FIRST AND Fonerson oe Se Sale heieah eevee ot Bltee sree oS Commercial Built! » Se Ming Street West, Oshawa, Ta0-z221- Gordon May, 723-039. YOUR LOCAL om: LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered' TO Gammon toes Accountant, Suite 203. Oshawa installed; Saspuce ene vacau ping Centre, 725-9353," a Ta, *| LBERT ROSMAR, chartered account: GHIMNETS duljt. sidewalks and stoops - RY eae seen 'Wert, OSaWA.' aiso brickwork, F. McCann, Brookiin,/ Telephone 723 PLASTERING New and fepairs, stucco, cement work, porging dose- ments, Remodelling. Work- monship guoranteed. Free estimates, A. WOODS 728-3420 SAND, GRAVEL, STONE, FILL N. G. BARTER 725-7119 N: Cartage JOHN'S MOVING m) ~EARTAGE, Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonadle rates SERVICE CENTRE Pally equipped and insured. T28-3661. Repairs to All Makes Dressmaki LICENSED MECHANICS ism 145 King West--728-1607 . wEIVE BAY TO SERVE YOU" | Gardening and Supplies Barristers SODS DELIVERED, tec; aid We.| GREER AND KELLY, Barrimere. Son- ot @elivered, J2e.; laid Mo, Pron oitors, etc. 14 King Street Bast, Dial trimming, weekly VSS "Rendence Phones: J. M. Deane Garden Service, Bowman:! . TRESRER; Terence V. Kelly, wime &23.3005. in CEMENT crave! DAVID L., Barcister, Solich jsar@ and £0. Por delivery call Simeoe Street South, 725-9583, / Brantin, Whithy 668-2660, ee oe Wison ANI RROWS. red accountants, 114 King ie ores East, Osh awa: FD. Wilson, om 6 HOPKINS. "pEADE ANS CO. Gar Accountants, 28% King Street) =, Oshawa, Ontario, 725.9508. nce Service 'aewnnG % MACHINE tune-ups, all mod+ els by your Kina dealer, Oshawa Sew- Contre, 389 Simove Street South Auto Parts SAVE AT WESTERN experienced, rexsuenbte. rates Eldridge, 67 Montrave 723-6076. Eric ; aw 7 1 Jobs insured, nothing too ve 1H Rree esti mates, Dial 725-7887, TAAM, soa, manure and everereens,| AND Also post hole digging and ing. Rea- TR, ae sonable rates. "Telephone 7: i oar Osh CeNENT "and road gravel, top quality 33 Residences; 2™ for all purposes. Loam fil, gravel yy -- teveem an sand {M1 Pulverieed loam for tap ¥ Mardoch, 723-4788, /@ressing_ and Mower beds, 100 per cent greements of sale Usable. Dial 725.5279. Sanre a -- DAVEY TREE SERVICE Solicitor, Notary Public Mortgage King Street Pruning, sproying, feeding, broci ing, tree ond stump re- movels, "The oldest ond largest tree soving service in the world." 723-1361 Loam and Gravel Washed Stone, Fill- Excovating, lots leveled Looders. Trucks for hire. |. BEATTY HAULAGE 725-2156 JOSEPR PF. MANGAN, Saucer Money % joan ition, King Sureett East, Oshawa. 728-823 ERETGATON. DRYNAN | ei RALPAR NES, BA. aah THOMAS .*) GREER, Assomate Barristers and Sel) eRora, 130 King S East. 7234 Morgage loans av THIS & WYMAN, OC, Barrister, Soti- citer, Nowars, Alger Bulding, 37 King Sireet ac 733-4043. Mortgage monies East, Oshawa; rey ; GS. Bayohyn, QC; W. A Bifman, UR Oifice: FWZ2-SUT: Resi. @Gence: TR432; Whitdy: 868-2761, TDS-2804. NRA end other MOTTERKe | funds available DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers and Solicitors, etc.. 6 King Se East Telephone 725220! JAMES A- MecDONATD, BA, TLR. Barrister and Sokeitor and mag | Pub hho, The Commercial 'Bailding, 336 King) Wes, PATIOS avaiable, 72547 or 723-477 Designed and instolled McGIRBON and BASTEDO, Barrimers.| to your. specifications Solicitors, Clients' funds available for] DIAL 728-7628 first mortgages, 2) Simeve Stre et N 7aR-7338° Char . AFTER 5 PLM. MeGidpon, ec. Gaice Wie, Resisence Ts3sa. Anstruction PRIVATE | weather, 3 Bookkeeping WS years experience. Ry BOOKKEEPING Sercices, Income Tax (hy. Act now. 725.1054 Returns. Staternents prepared. BC YCTORING. "prepare for fall classes by Services, 78 Newman Crescent, improving your languages this summer BABES. Fr eae Spanish and Bngiish. Telephone BOOKKEEPING Services, Income Tax S257 Returns, Swtements prepared, BC Ser 'Wires. 708 Newman Crescent, 668-8352 | = r. = NERS, | za "Barrister, Solici- ' Strnece Street sudent ceianeelinr, | imerview LEARN TO | DRIVE Oshawa Driving School DAY or EVENING Lote Models, Stondords Automatics Duc! Controfled SHAWA AND WHITBY CALL ~0091 Shinmiess "yoo! and "gabe! imitated. Siting, carpertry,} Workmaensh®>, materials TRR-ARIE BOO! concrete floors, flat roofing Our spec alty new work and: repairs, Jobs. L, and H. Root SHS. ---- Money To Loan" JANITOR SERVICE | MORTGAGE MONEY | cleaners = on AVAILABLE ceilings ond Low Interest Valuations Arranged Experienced #lbors WINOWS. Residentio! ond aang al Bonded *: msure! 723-1302. J 4PM woi's, Residential City and District Surmmer Properties Vacant Lond Members Ontario Morgtage Brokers' Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 172 Simeve St. 'North a ee CONSTRUCTION For guaranteed 'home im- rovements, Store ond office Temode/img, expert workmorn- Ship. Free estimotes __ Whitby 668-4412 HOME --_--«#=# IMPROVEMENTS Roofing owe, Ontario--72 Firerting 2 us onytine P. NELLS, 19 Colborne E. Telephone 728-2061 Classified Ad Rates 25 WORDS OR LESS Sener Gescribed offers get foster results. ash Sing 'along with the happy tolks who have discovered whot a Want Ad can do. Chorge © consecutive doys... 3 consecutive doys 248 Count exch word, imitic!, figure or cbbreviotion os one word. Box number ' -\ oe i not poi within 9 doys, chorge rote coresties. Protessiona! listings only, 3 ines per month Each odditionc! Ime per month 850 1.60 cobh cob le tor merchondise odvertisements.) DEADLINES 7a (Not appli Word ods : 3S pam. doy previous Cictsitied" Display. 30 pam. doy previous Births, memories, cords ot thonila ~ _ orn, doy of pdbiicetion | Lost end Found -- 8:30 om. doy 'ot publication Concelictiors and Corrections --8:30 om. doy. of pilbilicotion. REGULATIONS The Oshowe Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise. Tents submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more thon one incorrect insertion of ony opvertisemert, nor beyond the price chorge tor © single imsertion of the Gdvertisement in whith 'error Occurs. The Oshowo Times reserves the tight to clossity advertising eccording to its proper clossificetion. In 'the cose of disploy odvertisements, The Times will not i held tesponsibie 'tor more space 'than 'thot in whith the octud' error occupies The Dubiushers endeovour to reproduce of! aciver- tising Motter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement it @ny inaccuracies in ony form ore contained therein. a 6 maintenance | and driveway eravel,| 3-3368 | hased. and laick and Henmich, Barristers, 31 King BR FLIM "AND TROLLORE, Hen.| Land Survyors, 111 Eigin Street Phone 725-6881, |Street Bast, 723-7232. ims] PRIVATE and. corporation monies "4 TV--Redio Repairs Yan on all types of mortgages; mort-) WHTTHY TV aerial and tower service, jgages a agreements of sale shun Thal 668.8944. chased, ighton, Drynan ee toch, ig heading "Barrister. * GUARANTEED repair Tepalry te to all" makes radio, car radios, Thompson Elec MORTGAGE 'for sale, $7,000 aS pay tronics, 157 Elbo, 723-9792, Fred Te $60. monthly, DIE private, |Fasases 2nd Mortgage Money Available | "Telephone Whitby 668-5350 Need A. Mortgage Loan ? PRIVATE.PARTY TO INVEST IN Ist ond 2nd MORTGAGES for sole ond purchesed. Low mortgage prob- No i sas j j j ; j j j j Agreements mortgages rates, your lems gladly discussed fees, No waiting, Immediote service for quick results. CALL 723-3211 _EVENINGS 725-2539 __ MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages interest ot 7% Open Mortgages No. bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages ond Agreements purchased. Moneys for second mortgages Fast service ' M. F. SWARTZ 262 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 23-4697 IST TIME IN CANADA 15 YEAR 2nd MORTGAGES ~~ TELEVISION" SERVICE All Makes, Sets Repaired in your home. Wayne Appliances. | Telephone 723- 141 iM CITY T.V. For Qshowa and Surrounding Districts Guaranteed Sotisfoction Poul Cieslar Prop. su Dean Ave. 725- 0500 TV TOWERS Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION 17) BOND ST..E,, OSHAWA 728-678) TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget. TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728 - 8180 CORONATION Investment Co. Ltd. LIMITED The first ond foremost Con- edion pudli oOmp im the field, now introduces long-term 1S ser apen 2nd Mortgages on house less thon 10 yeors old-up to 10 yeors on older properties. For full detoils, coll 723-2265, after hours 728-3376 | SCHOFIELD-AKER | LIMITED cs ony Well Drilling--Digging WISE homemakers "Fina dargains every @ay in tied Re Smart, check today weit DIGGING by machine, | izing In 30-inch tile, W_ Ward, 204 Chest. nat Street West, PO Bax 328, Whithy, | 868-2563 or 653.3809. WILLIAM KROONTIS, compressar work, cleanout and peng My #68 Park Road South "Home Furnishings" in Classi special wet digging, BILL LEMON -- WELL DIGGING Cleonduts, Deepenings, Compressor Work Telephone 728-0911 360 King Street West 1--Ww on __ | FERMANE PIANO TUNING. Totes $7.50, Telephone Gressing, TRS-5363. ~ Musical Services bts 625-7283. "s Cok NTS on apecial 2% Pine Avence Page Hair Telephone le . ~P aco Bank or 7 Painting and Decorating -- PAINTING, Gecorating, imterior and jexterior, Paper hanging. Free -esti- mates, Telephone #65 8328 in Whithy }OUTSDE PAINTING. Goch work Reasonable rates, Nelson Heisler, 72} 3 ptometrist. Please @owntown Dominion, '& Street? Dis] 725-4387. | Ad PAINTING ond paper hanging. 3. Jensen after 5 pm 7S cht Exrenr PAINTING and Gecorating wor k guaranteed. Thditson and Sans, $ Lawrence, Whithy SS. "DODD & SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING | CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhonging, Gyptex Full. Wa Murals Spray Paintin 107 BYRON ST. S, WHITBY DAYS 668-5862 NIGHTS 725-7428 Personal Service MODERN GRILL onB-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dirmers, Fish 'n Chips, Home Mode Pies ond Deserts WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 725-3887 Heating and Egineer. ing, 35° Simove Street _South ALL TYPES of repairs and Temodeling, mew and use materiak age raves, Estimates free. Dial 723.1733, Poles... Rug-Upholstery Service RUGS, chesteriields "gleaned at your home, reasonable rates. satisfaction Telephone 'T2B-705; \ORESTERFIELDS re-upholstered wi = restyied, Free estimates. See our materia] for recovering. Dalton Up. halstering, 7S Charles Street, treet, T2TRIR. CHESTERFIELDS "rebuilt. ree recoverrd, like new. Why pay more? Our rater are reasonable. Satixfaction guaran teed. Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa TUp- ny ©o.. % Bont West. Dial chester. if mid suite recovered while on venation, No @own patment up te % months to} |Pay. Por estimate, phone 738-3351. No obligation, Kennedy Uphotstering Lid CHESTERFTHUNS 9 end of chairs ve. pcevered like new. 'Get the best for tess jst Moftern Upholstertrs, i42 Simese 'South ©all TI8G451. Free estimates. LEN PULLAN NGLISH TAILOR Specialist in corment oltere- tions, etc. Invisible mend jing. dress olterotions 10 PRINCE ST 728-5311 Reriovel of supert Morie Murdw w Oshowo, Ju 24th. Phone Genosho on these dotes for ment ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 DOMAR INVESTIGATIONS 728-9054 DIVORCE, PERSONAL GENERAL INVEST luous hoir t 2nd 3% Simcoe St, S$. (Bassett Bidg.) shaowa Seles ond Service | GUN REPAIR Nt WORK np, stock- j Guns bergh® sold, i ex onged ro WHITBY. 668.2497 OUTBOARD MOTOR REPAIR: SERVICE SCOTT MOTOR wae 34 CHAIN SAW & SERVICE OSHAWA MARINE SERVICE NEW LOCATION 1980. Simcoe N. 728-0039 CUSTOM GU Rebt ueing, retinis' + moking j SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK << East, i yrat FON, OF UNCLE fons CARIN WAS REPUTED WBE VOSIAR HENSON, AND ROS GRAVE AND MARKER, CAN BE SEEN AT CRATRAM, an ONTARIO, CANADA, * WHATS 4k YEARLY PRODUCTION OF TEA WN INDIA ia mag 0 Properties 12--Articles_ Wanted D to buy a car, 1980 édoar, Va) For Sale or Rent "By R 1 SCOTT AX OLD-FASHIONED iy OH FLORIDAY MARINES LAND AQUARIUM '® THEIR MEALS COTTAGE for sale or rent good fish.) ine ane Bh wd Mal TR5.2578, Saunt Motors make, Ao extras, Cash. 635.9828, |RICYCLE WANTED =" ane Taree 25. [speed bicycle, Apply 8 am, to 5 bin; Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 |16--Female Help Wanted | WOMAN 01 girl to care for child, tive im_ preferred. Telephone Tea, SALESLADIEA ~ wanted lav sxueient sapertunity for bong vo FURNISHED cottage for sale, ABB none Road North, 728.2847, oh, @ Simcoe, three bedrooms, | 'oe stone fireplace, water inside, awnings. Wants > wo sur "oe wat Must sacrifice. on account of illness. | 635 5498, Pickering | P4B.20AS. Terms, [NEVER sell" your hallton pickup or LAKE DALRYMPLE ~> cittage, welliyour car until you see Nels Hyland, [2780 Danforth Avenue, Yorente, HO equipped, » boat 106 "at me. Tal j tages, inside conveniences, Co Lakefront housekeeping cottages, Modern conveniences, safe, private beach. Par further information, telephone T2363:. modern conveniences, Available be Aseemt 1? w Labor Day 8] a Whithy 668 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants Cars For Wrecking Parts for sale, ulso serap iron and metals, ete, bought, Qpen Saturday ali doy, Phone 725-231 1--89 BLOOR E. WANTED SCRAP, IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Row Furs, Deer Skins, Metals {eollect) ie COTTAGE on Lake Dalrymple, avail: able July 13:20 and Aug, 10-234. Phone TSSBA afer 4.30 se GOTTAGES and lois" on the Black River, 16 miles narth bigs 8 Telephone Black River Securities, UL 24831 collect for appointment, 31,00 DOWN, dalance one mortgage, modern cottage at Caesarea, sandy deach, all conveniences, Immediate possession, Dial 723.072. PICKEREL LAKE -- housekeeping cot- refrigerator, stove, sandy beach, good fishing, Helm, Fitgar Cottages, Sundridge, Ont, BURNT RIVER flows through this ito TURNER | 723-2043 -- 723-2281 acres, Small cottage! Value at $3,000. MORE (MAN MALE ADAION Pounds, i yen SS | Tice catelog Listings wanted. Newen 13-------Business Opportunities and McInerney, Realtors, Minden and FOR RENT -- 7? acres of summer and Rodcaygeon, winter wonderland, located on Highway oY ctype tal iage. | Ne. 12 Just perth of the town af Whithy, Mainly aud S eanee oat owt j Ricely treed, large swimming pool and 2--Personal \7--Troilers IF YOU have a "| Rox 333, Whithy, T25-0893. » write Problem or call 688.900 or PRUMMER available for summer jobs experiencet, Read or fake any style. TWai 735-0591 or 735-2557, 3--Pets & Livestock FOR SALE -- Poodle pup, purebred, white, nocuiations. Good with children, Apply 231 Palace Street, Whithy RVARDING da rates reasonable, Grooming, obedience, Karin Kennels, Registered. Second house erst of Wilson on Taunton, Over thirty years experience with all breeds, BEAUTIFUL baby Vadgies, "Teady for training, talking ser Apply Mrs. Broad, 14 Elgin Street East BLACK AND TAN hound paps, male, ® week. old Telephone Whithy 668-3363 STAMESE pedgree kittens for sale 8 weeks aki house trained, Phone 633.27 POGS, boarded, trimmed, deflened and bathed. Phone T2632) TRHOROL a Bay Gelding, two € 5. Taree puppies te give away rues AAS. GHAR POODLE, Diack miniature, male pup py, five months, registered, champion Stock, inoculated, housebroken, excel. t temperament. Fond of children Canadien Kennel Clab member. Clip. ping available, Dial 725-530 WANTED te buy a large gentle male n nan Shepherd, Diack and silver or between 6 ™ months weekly, monthiy, Cah FOPPLE, male, purebred, registered, nine weeks olf, black. Telephone 668. 3338 Six weeks oki, males females $6; two-yearakl male beagle, $30. Port Perry 985-2853. GERMAN shepherds, registered, anch Kennels. denutifal puppies. m Diood Fines, Stud service. H ed now save number, Brook REAGLE pups, Cozys Telephone Ir __ |REAUTIFU! registered German Shep. herd puppies, male and female, S50. Telephone 2-433 TRISH RED SETTER puppies, six ! registered, $58. each, Tele Phone {23-3839 4---Sportsman's Column SAVE 3 $$ at Dominion Tire Store a bard moters, 2 per cent 3's, 40's and 60's. Phone T2681! 5--Farmer's Column CASH on the spol. Highest prices paid mn @ead and. crippled farm. stock Te phone collect, Hampton, COliax ascent 's Fer. Farm. Licence 'CUSTOM WORK DONE G GRASS OR RAK DRESS FER- ON ROW CROPS. SPRAY FOR INSECTS OR ONTROL PLOW- SING OR CULTI- 728-3901 ANYTIME Round the Clock READY TO BUY PROSPECTS Read Times Want Ads _ SEELEY: HAY-SIDE ZER O ING PH OSHAWA 'Shopping Centre FARMERS MARKET ACH FRIDAY FRESH VEGETABLES * EGGS and FRUITS p.m. Until 9 p.m: female, registered, Has had in. * Ae Sans sca. for internation tele phone 38: LEGAL TraNGURAOWES for one or two afternoons a week, and to qeueve secretary for law eel weeks in Ban gy Experienced only sgn the a, laws & Herman, QC, 3f King Street Rast WAITRESSES REQUIRED EXPERIENCED For, evening end week-end werk 4 APPLY IN PERSON DAVID'S DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT 939 Dundes West Whitby 668- 0g ~SALESLADY FOR FASHION STORE Oshawa Shopping Centre Sales Experience in Corsetry Necessery Dial 725-6537 beach, trees. Priced te sell, $9,900, | CRANES houses builting on property | tor ' wire 17--Male » Help Wanted Breer ooggel jtex_ operatio or phone George R, JAMES, Ine Poa street nora. e Osh: TRAILER for rent M oabin sleeps four fall weekly, Telephone 723-755 FOR SALE -- Glendette house trailer 2 foot, sleeps five, water, ice box Propane stove and Ught also electricity TRELLIS e TAG-Aleng tent traiter, wn sleep Six, like new, Telephone Port Perry, M foot equipped $35 A GLENDPETTE travel Tem, sleeps five, fully weekly Peene assed heated trailer for equipped, $40 RENT-A- TRAILER Hitches supplied. Mowing boat end cabin troliers MONTY'S BA SERVICE SIMCOE AT GIBB 725-9131 9--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent PARADISE fer the summer, three-ded room Cottage, hy week or month, Golf ing, horseback riding, swimming. Avail- able now, $50, week, After 'TIB-O7B3. FOUR MILE LAKE, Oshawa, modern room cottage, boathouse with 6 miles from furnshed ee fournpiece dathroam stip, Pererbornugh | oodarnstrip beat, 3) HP moter, rew- dont, 200 foot frontage, ea deautifally wooded Jot, $13,300. Ta8.eT2. RICE. LAKE -- Cedar Gove Gotiages, safe swimming. xpacions grounds, re. creation oon. store. 'Three-bedream cottage with running water, Frigktaire, flush toilet ete $50 380 with boat, Redacea after I? to S80 weekly with boat 6 daily; Plan a Gay's fishing now. Good boats and mo. tors for rent hy day or hear, Johan ~ | Prisken, Harwood, Phone Ra STONEY LAKE, in the Kawarthas. three bedrooms, sandy beach, conver: ences, boat. Available month of Au gust, Whithy 663.008. STURGEON LAKE -- Cottage for rent. five bedrooms, fireplace. ences. Available now ly. Telephone 125-919 conven Weekly or month. For Sale Lake Simcoe Lakefront Cottage and Lots Sofe sandy beach. 60 miles trom Oshowe. Neer Brechin 728-3060 AFTER 4 P.M | Windermere Cottages Windermere Cottages send beach week of 17th on. Mrs Box 420, Holiburton Tel lephone 2318 COTTAGE LOTS For ten 100 ft, frontage iots with choice sond beech on Papineou Loke. ft Housekeeping Kennisis Loke, VOCONCIES or informatio W. H. BRADY, Campbe!iford 13--Business Opportunities POR SALE j feed location, SS TAGS mn write REALTOR Ontario Uorner §recery stare im 7993 and aher 8 p.m & pm.) Jawa, Dial Tes.9682 14--Employment Wanted }YOUNG man nearly anxious for jwerk, Anything including farm helper jHas ohaulfer's Yoence, Telephone 2). jasae we CARE for children in own' home, |Large play area, five days week, Tele phone [28-784 '16--Female Help Wanted _ (WOMAN ty look after three chikiren while mother works, Ages & @ and 3 Live in, Room and board, plus he weekly, Telephone 738.2322 APPRENTICE wanted for hairdressing [28 t 21 years of age, Must have pleas ing appearance, Write Box 92T Times WATTRESS LOST LAKE CAMP Modern housekeeping cot- toges, flush toilets, electric. ity, refrigerators, hot plates, bedding, linen, For the fish- ermon pickerel, speckled northern pike, black bass. For the hunter, moose, bear, birds, Also for prospec- tors and mining men. Amer- ican Plon, Write trout Frank and Jane Bowen Elk Lake Ont, on Hwy, 560 11--<Articles For Rent Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra Sargeant's Rentals 725- 3338 RENTALS Of All Kinds HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT--. folding chairs, hand piones, neil pullers, stoplers, bolt eutters, tile cutters, caulking guns, tape recorders, sets, transistor radios, tile polish- ers, vacuum cleaners, bdissell shampooer, portable cooler, dehumidifiers, air condition- er, flight begs, megaphone speaker, strapping machine, aby corriages, C.C.M. "ex ercisers, sewing mochines Massaging belts, coffee urns, appliance cart CAMERA EQUIPMENT----35 slide comera, movie projector, slide projector, movie camera, screen, sun gun, dinoculors. GARDEN EQUIPMENT--Eilec- tric hedge clippers, post hole qugers, lawn mowers, lown rollers, gorden sproyer, seed- ers, town sweeper, fence stretcher,' post drive, tree pruners, scythes, lown oreo- tors, sod cutters, garden tiller flame gun CAMPING EQUIPMENT Tents, tent heoters, sleeping required for evening shift NURSE for camp in Halibarten will ace cept one or two children, Phone collect, Port Hope 885-4702 RELIABLE LADY to look after two chikiren while mother works live in or out, Starting September, Telephone T2 _ a_ bee etn gl or eneral heasewerk in ge home bees lactate family, Permanent position weekly, Live im er out 733-4008 HAIRDRESSER WANTED tor General Work Apply Vincent's Hairstyling 110 King St. E Dental Assistant or ettractive women, 18 to 45, with Grode Xi! or better educetion ond plees- Ont personality to train for this position, Permonent work, Hours 9 until 6. woman for Neat mam Please apply by letter, stot- ing age, martial stotus, ed. ucetion, business experience end list telephone number in first letter NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE Dr. Peter Willson 172 King Street East Qshawa, Ontario Oshawa, Apaly Mr, Campbell at Genosha Hotel, SALESMAN -- ne experience hyo of excellent \raining pragram car cuatifications 18-25 years neat appear ance, Call Mi. Lee T2N2 TRIO TRLEVISION has an opening for aA experionced TV Technician, Beach man preferred High wages and geod working conditions ave offered, Tele Phone T28-4Te) WANTED a tool and die maker exceh tent working conditions steady work, opportunity untimited, Apply aa, Oshawa Times DRIVER for dey, ame te canvas Die! §888.0)82 cleaners, must be and look after route, afternoons only Three full-time and five part-time SALESMEN Declership to qualified op plicants, Also senior grede Students for temporery sums mer work, Fuller Brush Ca, Ltd. Apply: Tilden Office, 14 Albert St.. Oshawa, Friday, 10 a.m. to @ am j } i If you have sold Vacuums, cookware, sid- ing, brushes, do not pass | up this ad without an in | terview, Inquire Mr, Clark | Telephone 728-1352 moannsennsinnennmnsenpeniitel PART-TIME COLLECTOR Man to collect small monthly accounts No selling involved. Must be dependadle, meorried heve good cor end be free te work evenings ond Soturdeys Permonent port-time position, Please phone between 4 ~ 6:30 p.m. Thursday, July Vth MR. CURRAN 723 - 464) bags, liners, cir mottress, Coleman stoves, lonterns, coolers, Car top corrers, we- ter skis, life jockets, out- OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS board motors STAN'S Shorpening and Rentals Ltd. 223 King St. W., Oshowe Phone 723-3224 13--Business Opportunities Hy AGRES commercial ict, 88) feat tromtage, stwy, 12 and?, one mile north of Brooklin. Thoroughty appreved for motel, and swimming pool, Any Tea.) sonable offer accepted. For informa: ton A. Masines, City Service, High. way 22, Brooklin. | PLANNING A BUSINESS VENTURE? YOUR LOCATION IS MOST IMPORTANT ! |Here are two spacious stores, ideally situated | | for good business, fronting right on | BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY Next door to theatre. restaurant and 'other businesses. FOR SALE OR LEASE COMBINED OR SEPARATELY STORE NO. 1} 25 #t. frontage on Brock Street, with approximately 2800 square tt. floor space A walk-in 'STORE NO. 2 ts 23 x 99 ft. space ond has a full besement. Good display window, washrooms in each store, ample parking space at rear of stores, rear entrance loading doo rs Owner willing to discuss tenants Either or both stores ore ideal for: FURNITURE STORE CLOTHING STORE RUGS AND FLOOR PAINT AND WA FOOD STORE DISCOUNT HOUSE Refrigerator with this store in optional. Ry ALICE BROOKS Have fun crocheting this gay afghan of scraps -- the more caters the me r Rainbow ~ bright! Crechet each row in a different coler-- make a hit with this' Use knit- ting worsted. Pattern ei? directions: color schemes. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS {cains) this pattern {mo Stamps, mease) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Tim Needle raft Oshawa Ont. On. t residents tax. Prim plainiy NI MR E x _N AME, decoration with suitable APPLIANCE STORE VARIETY STORE COVERING STORE LLPAPER STORE BILLIARD ROOM ter ant Any good business needing ample space tor large inventory of stock it costs you nothing to inquire and inspect It could be the move to reel success for you! ; SHOWN BY A CALL OWNER MR DONALD. MOTORS LID. j WHITBY Accesso. new Needie- é ever 288 b-te-you * aesig te knit, hel, sew, weave, embroi- qukt, Plus free. pattern Se. now! our QP eas s + ', PPOINTMENT HARRY DONALD «= Want-Ads Don't Cost-They Pay 668.3304 Sirequires M4 vards " fabric CINCH TO SEW By ANNE ADAMS Leisure ~- loving shift swings out in the coalest way -- barely touches vou! Whip 2 wp ila TAVOR, catton fer beach, bed, pate er play Printed F Sizes 28, 12, ern 420; Misses* 13, 26, 18. Site 16 Shunea FIFTY CENTS (38c.) in coins stamps,' please) fer th's OQ residents add 2c x, Pim mm nly SIZE, NAME AD DRES sy te ANNE STYLE NUMBER. ef The Oshawa Send order ADAMS. care Times, Pattern Dept. Oshawa, Qat Just out! 382 @esien ideas plus coupon fer FREE pattera ---- any one you choose im new Spring . Summer Pattern Cata- lag. Send Ste. now, (ne pattern x sale ar

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