Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jul 1963, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY The fellow at the next desk says it's easy to spot a yes man -- he stoops to concur, \ ayroll For GM The Oshawa Times Employees -- Page Il WEATHER REPORT Friday sunny and warm with light. winds. VOL, 92--NO, 162 10 Conte Serco Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1963 Authorized os Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottewa and for payment TWENTY-TWO PAGES ot Postage in Cosh. KING STREET SURGERY Gaping wounds and scars re- covery period is expected, Mo- main efter King street's stee! arteries were ripped out dur. thg operation track removal this week. A three-month re- Yorists will then be able to @rive through town on the city's main east-west highway without encountering detour OTTAWA (CP) -- A start expected next week on talks Siwith the United States "to ge "ithe stalled Columbia River hy- i} got and flood-control project going. Key point will be the sale of a block of power to the Us "la suitable price Otherwise jjwhole multi-million-dollar deal lis off, said nts made lat Ottawa and Victoria Wednes [day No deta is state S were given on what terms are sought jtual price, amount dur jcontract or potential pu External Affairs. Minis Delegates Fail To Arrive At Red Talks | MOSCOW -- Soviet and Chi } jnese negotiators failed to appear jtoday at the hilltop villa where -}they have been debating their ideological differences, signs. An Oshawa Times pho- | Normally the two delegations| tographer took this picture jarrive in black Uensesines| 1G softly bevore 10 a.m. Mox So ee Hie bun pa A there was no} one. sign of them and no immediate --Oshawa Times Photo jexplanation of their failure to pees appear, Western observers speculated) et mier will lead the Ca- with Pre- of B.C. expected involved, shied Wednes. is sought Martin, nadian Bennett directly away from questions day about just what from the U.S He told the Commons that re- cent negotiations with B.C, brought formal agreement in a document signed July 8 AGREE ON ALL POINTS "Resolution of all points of disagreement between the fed provincial govern- the first stage and has been accom. he said he told a Commons ® sought to have ment studied by the Commons before negotiations n with the U.S., that that e done because the docu- néd with B.C. "is not until the changes in with the are who negotiators to be and was his now plished later qu + Ww the agr comp the treaty added, The. Canadian document ap- pears to give Premier Bennett just about everything he wanted B.C. will finance the cost of more than $400,000,000 for three; storage dams' needed to tame the turbulent Columbia: which! rises in southeastern B.C. and then flows into the U.S The dams will provide U.S flood contro! and beef up Amer- ican hydro production. Half that 1,700,000 US ious Conservative government hinged on Mr, Bennett's insist- ence on selling that power to finance the dams, rather than returning the power to 'Canada for developing industry Gen. A. G, L. McNaughton, who helped lay the basis for the initial treaty negotiations, has repeated his claim that the treaty remains a sel tout Uxbridge Man Hurt In Fatal Accident MONTREAL (CP) -- Arthur Wilson Wylie, 60, of Kingston was killed late Wednesday night in a three-car collision on the highway to Ontario near -Les Cedres, 30 miles west of Mont- real, Four peopie suffered light injuries Provincial turning-on to the b a side road had col car in which Mr passenger and a rammed into them, Albert Husband, 536, of Ux bridge, Ont., who was driving ithe car in which Mr. Wylie was jiding, suffered minor injuries. police said hway from ided with the Wylie was a third car a car ROYAL FAMILY BOOED AT GREEK VISIT RALLY HISTORIC FARM | PROPERTY SOLD | A Crown Grant farm which has. remained with a Whitby far for more than 130 years has been sold » Toronto interests it reported today William Goverde of D. W. MeQuay Re al. Es industrial an- nounced that the 154% acre Saseline property was sold to unnamed buyers. Donald McQuay refused to com- when asked if the property would be used for industrial purposes The is owned by Miss ey. and Miss Storey » did not 'know who were or what the user for. y lies a half- the Ontario of the Lynde's Miss Storey her grand- Ss emi- j | was the her east marsh ~d that James to 0 iy rated n the ear given the The o t area 1830's, and was rant of land grant was a many years Miss Storey said. Miss ey has lived alone on farm since father died in 1939 and her bro- ther now lives in Toronto. her Greek Woman's _Appeal Accepted | LONDON (CP) -- Mrs, Betty; The Queen drove off unsmil- Ambatielos called off her cru-jing and alone to Buckinghani sade against the Greek royal Palace instead of joining Prince family today after Premier Pa-|Philip and the rest of the royal nayotis Pipinelis agreed to give party at a government recep- King Paul eal for thejtion release of husband from) The demonstrations erupted es outside Aldwych Theatre where demonstrations againsjthe Queen and Prince Philip the Greek visit hit Queen Eliza-|were hosts to Paul and Fred- beth Wednesday night, For thelerika at a gala theatrical per- first time in modern history a formance British monarch was booed in i public by a British crowd But|/BOO ELIZABETH there were some cheers, too. As Queen Elizabeth arrived at "I shall be staging no more|te theatre with King Paul, the demonstrations a gains t King rt geting | gg "Sieg Paul and Queen Frederika dur-/2° 4 ascist swine at ing their state visit here," said} roe ee a She left the Mrs Asehe 2 ? theatre alone, however, and this Ambatielos, 45 - year.. old Itime the hoo: were directed at her. he a her British wife of the Greek Com-/ munist. "I have been promised by the). Many Londoners were shocked prime minister that my appeal/When Elizabeth herself was for Tony's release will be put 000ed as she emerged from a before. the king. I now have Performance of Shakespeare's more hope for Tony." Midsummer Night's Dream. Mrs, Ambatielos has been Five rows of police held back jrailying point for the hundreds| the screaming demonstrators, lof Communists, anarchists, ban-|22¥ arrested nine of them, in- lthe-bombers and others demon-|°!Uding David Hallman, a 29 strating during the Greek royal|Ye2%old American who works visit in support of demands for here as a computer program: the release -of almost 1,000) ™¢r Hallman was charged with |Greeks held in prison since the) POSSessing an offensive weapon post-war Communist uprising. Bc of paper containing @ i 3 Years Of Peace |DISPUTE CHARGES \ Several minutes before Queen | 'The demonstrators claim they|Elizabeth left 'the theatre, boo- are political prisoners, Thejing greeted the departing Greek iGreek government says they} couple, Tt reached a peak as _ convicted of such crimes! Prince Philip joined them in a urder and treason. Amba-'glass - roofed limousine and ti thse is serving life for foster-/ snap, = on the interior light. ing the Communist revolt Philip looked amused. and increase some horsepower at maximum--will be credited to B.C --or pag the talks, which have been in progress at the villa much lof the time since the Chinese jarrived last Friday, may have been recessed again There was a recess Tuesd: but no reason was give though it was generally believed that the Chinese were awaiting d instructions from Peking follow ng an attack on the Chinese by Communist f cen- of-/tral committee. Some Russians ed jappeared at the villa Tuesday » were injured but the Chinese did not. Today the Russians nor the Chit ese came. 2 FLO Suspect Says: : Beaten By Police MONTREAL (CP)--T Pe wife has been Queen) Frederika smiled and waved at ederika's -- and Greece's --| jeering mob Prospect At INCo. Sale of this block must bring) SUDBURY (CP)--Three years the equivalent of five mills periog industrial. peace were kilowatt hour in Canadian prospect today for Internationa funds,. Mr, Bennett reiterated Nickel Company and its plants values Wednesday. Otherwise, B.C. has's: Sudbury and Port Colborne./ment a tots hority to drop the whole' Union members in' both com-|hour fo munities voted theif approva sale Wednesday of Police Hurl Tear Gas To Rout : Negroes (CP-AP) Ga ar Bas gt settiement ber! ree days 0! SAVANNAH Police hurled te to rout. about 1.000 Negro dem onstrat ors tecting segrega this Georgia port city N and the Negroes rampage afterwa red windows, slashed Negroe: des burned own a wi 'i said "the and therefore the ) ement are entirely! Wo: f America (CLC),/ upon the negotiat on|Company and union representa-| acceptable terms with the/tives now can put, their signa tures to a three-year agreement covering wage increases, union security and welfare measures for 14,000 employees The settlement is likely to be good news for merchants and resi adents of the two commun as ll went on a rds small groups ered by the st The stalemate ) under the prev- youth ouce was SD ek nm t ra of tear asked the state i for more. At least S pa olmen had rushed into Pega uest gas i a cel that had lasted sevyveral weeks The Savannah awas the t cord in the ¢ was Shotgun iyn, N.Y staged I s jail officiais said The cell had been check- at' 6.10 a.m. and every- ¢ found: normal. Hall was awaiting trial by judge and jury on a charge of fraud -r of nickel riai backbone of centre ms were ar- ated 40 Ne & whose c * 400 Said ek, In River Sinking offices of BUENOS AIRES (AP) -- he Jean-Jacques Lanciauit Rockefeller a bert) °° oat from Monte ar jails up twice , WwW i as the state ' r in after tt demon had preliminary r t on a cons Gabrie persons neilets Brook hr since last April. Mrs. | The same treatment was sag manhandled thejgiven Queen Mother Elizabeth f queen ring a visit Frederika/and newly . married Princess the. settle: made fo Britain then, and the|Alexandra and her husband, An. of 22 cents an/iesultant furore caused Premier} gus Ogilvy,.as they entered their ak panes Constantine Caramaniis to rec-/cars ele : ommend that the state visit be called off. When King Paul re fused, Caramanlis resigned ] tR d W OSHAWA MAN Mrs, Ambatielos had a 40-min-) ) oun on HANGS IN CELL ule: interview today with Pipi-/ a nelis, Caramanlis's successor.| B Whitb Man Doug! Hall, 29, of 46 Keener hed ery og by/ Y y Kenneth aven aw. the Labor members of the Brit- : . a eth _avenni Oshawa, Ji:), Parliament who have been|_ WOODBRIDGE : Wilson ts the Outicie Gan campaigning for release of the Paterson, of Whitby, upset de- a ta : civil war prisoners fending Canadian professional s ys One of the Labor MPs, Mar|match play golf champion, ard Smither- "us Lipton, said they had 'a*tul Frank Whibley, of Kitchener, 5 was used, jing friendly discussion," with/and 3 in the first round at Pine the premier, Valley Golf and Country Club Queen Elizabeth was visibly today, shaken by the torrent of abuse) It took 22 putts to beat Whib- from about 1,500 of the Com-jley in 15 holes. The four-day ooh munists, arnarchists and ban- tournament is the only match the - bombers who have been play profe ch hip demonstrating since the four-djin North America, The tourna- visit started Tuesday. ment winds up on Saturday. York town only 20 miles from e name/beer member of a cell being the end of May was not _ fur the sit-ins at the New Gov it Was in Wed s eanecia ly al on mem ly more. than voting 4.973 to the settlement About $2 per cent oft he had turned out 18 days to vote for strike action negotiations failed ; In Port Colborne, where 1,400 gible to vote, the result 118 in favor. in € n Sudbi yury bers here, s 6.300 turned out 136 favor of ious testi mony that d er named him as among a Bronx neizhborho now before at a "discussion" meet- Police said five w person, puard Sa) ar as 1 of notels in connection wi t irist ac-/ing the home of Denis Lam tracy prev nterver Hudon t has o the courts outburst Schoeters Sy beaten during po rogation and he asked |* ervention" of the In. Red C ed to give testimony a nh all previous occa Lanc. Sims when called to the witness r and was declared a hos as ¢ blocking traffic. Tt ' Tass fused to move: he said, and were paddy two teen-age gang Sovereign Lords and American B for Butler to FEEL FAVORABLE Donald McNabb, president of the Sudbury commented "ala Mi that many members stayed Ss pushed together|said on cross-examinat ' eho away because they felt the con- apen th doors. del eves Lan ciault was to have sng "aman nde -- traci was so good it would have re sgh oan yi conferaat? be accepted. The 1.500 who) Fr esh Begi inning Today Senet eee S. Railway Talks: ng him on the a brief Hu ween to the + Neo wagons by 5» me police was Jean-Jacques ault who denounced us." Earlier Pierre Schné down bieckin Inside the wa es lay wagons 7 \e . wit loca ure another . Emile pai however. AUDITORIUM PROGRESS a ; | 4 j ay in a la ch bid to settle a dispute thal teetered danger-| on the edge of a strike. r Minister Leslie Rowntree ed imte sess he two sides "with provincial medi ators at To-| " UK. Yards Build Subs For Canada VICTORIA (CP) -- union official the federal $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $50,000 announced White rt from the ve vice-chairman of the committee, also will be on hand The meeting was called as a planning and organization ses - sion Kennedy's four other app all af whom acreed were nol expectd to this sessio: They are Joseph Block, board hairman of Inland Steel, Chi come upicace; George Harrison, AFL prevent a CIO vice-president and long agreement noi time president of the Brother hood of Railway and Steamship (© tks; AP re Secretary moureux 13. and Jacques Gir is Lamcureux, Gagnon and Schneider: were committed to along with Mario silies' Pre "ONS 1 strike le ra five States de aved for 19 ing wera 190 14 A trades said Wednesday government is ap- sash to the | con- aNnoUn ed Re n to be escent - ~ a p at ng exp tee's report a © WO mes have just with Qisialon <tr ke f r defence contracts a ames McCona ac ongress would cl one week to c to from a: series "ot mailbox ex sions in Westmount May 1 The criminal negligence charges arose from the injury Haj. a, 42. 3 ge Meany, and bs re ubmanne ct Saunders, board chairman of th e bomb he was removing from a i "a ve "meet et. {Norfolk and Western Rai tndig "mailbox blew up in his hands.' source in Canada 'ANTIQUE C CAR PARADE His Worship Gifford, Gooding, museum ad visor for Ontanoe and Gilbert Murdoch, vice-president af the Oshawa Chamber of Com- Couacit.| Trades "confident couver Metal said it was ¥g The cars arrived = at 3 pm. Wednes- after completing the an- London to Brighton Tour. --Oshawa Times Phote included Lyman pers ayor merce al" where ce EE he learned of the alleread U.K G shawa Gay nuai Geor he < came from

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