Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jul 1963, p. 18

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'THE OSHAWA TIMES, 'Thoredey, July 11, 1963 Ww TELEVISION LOG | : ery genes my Newly Elected cacy cant naan cy comet tere) LO}T SGT aa saad & I poe Subject _ : { ; : , "Apostle For Our Time", the TRURSDAY EVE. -- 'goes -- \ : wh a Se? story of the newly elected Pope jag Ly. | Y-Ge0d Morning Show |LiFamity Treaie : = ; "--_ _~ Paul Vi, will be published by | SeRaeeatenel Show | S-hiede j . . + < Thomas Nelson and Sons (Cab- Farry See ae | @-bive Odock Sew . : wv a a--Five O'viock Sew | aig ya Ska Show v4 . ia ' ~ jada) Lad, on October 24, 308 PAM. 190 AM, a PM : ' : The Ddook, on which the idea' i TeRocket Shas ? &Frofeaser's Bakes 2 . : cho ae | cae ie Mee Sow tokany Seow wae '> . leather, Monsignor John M. e-Maxvier of Baten i Roe AM jt >--Wen of Lite f iClancy, has been working for Takers weene | 200 AM. A: - =~lover a year, traces the career faThe Morning Movie | 9-Oe% F : : : et te rns Waban" trom | &Popeye's Piayeeuse ~ Ding v4 = is childhood to his a oe daSen Heat Ae , ; SALON SER GOINS TO to the throne of Peter. He shows toa" ClO eee. OE al te i © ME! ' how the new Pone's character, &25 PM, S-Bacheer Fever | O-Artnr Mayers Show] a ; tay . c : 4 training, and inclinations fit ; ' ; Ce eee } ; ; him to carry forwapd life "open ®Breadeay Goes Late " , &2 PM, O--Ridte Corteane | NORD Hewes Wathen +e . : oe Lh . ' . window" policies vigorously . --Say When Sports ' i \ P ty : } Bae | eee eer | ees pa, ' WY hp ae 1h 2 Jom XMM gs ae Sevwee a Theatr J Hf 4 ' 2 ty xo 18:38 AM, | Saeeetes : mney . é --_-- : ee : Te eater veel Dae S-Morming Magguine | $3--Newa; Sporte > Say 7 : ' junder Cardinal Montini, then SN ot en ce ee a : / ay pee 4 the Secretariat of State under " @-3 Love Laey , i P jPope Pius XII, and came te Wan C. Coingweat 98 AM i a The CROSSWORD ' - 3 'know the new Pope well and re. he PM o-Mawee Meee peoe a . ' a ; cognize the greantess of spirit S-teave A To Bree $2-Poe Rew | ews which led his fellow cardinals S--darway Pawel (te eee | &--Peape Are Pons - CRESS ON ° to select him as the latest Vicar Soese Gavel ' ns AM, . : across ; , A 4 jof Christ. Thus he is able not £-- Bet Mevrereae d2--Concentranen i -- Se ie oe ; only to chronicle a bril'ians ca- SoSreeree" Coane Piro ye ean Washing. evaea See ' jreer, but te catch the intelll- he PM, 12% NOON O2--terereatienal 21, Excessive Bronth: <r my jgence and humanity of this man stheerperte 2-tee S2-Yoor First t-ceeean See | 32, Dietnutive ea) ey ; are eee eee OR : ; ini ieee he wn te the welfare of wae Ceertry er ; "y : TaOuse art Harriet ove oon wre S-I'm Dickens -- He's | of h _, Sais lothe: : S-On The Scene Pera Ferater ] . i ie ea Monsignor Clancy received his o-Fere Encoanes e-News; Weatners igmaeriveos | 38, Narrow See Saas Doctorate in Canon Law from =e PM, macs eee $08 PM, inlets ty Bie the Lateran University in Rome U--Hroreers a . j ' | : -------------4 (in 1950, and the same year en- Gants Detetere i en nif g nage HO walks 14. Garment fess ms Hie ; Fi y tered the service of the Vatican 'Pere Mason » trare oe : i } i | Se Hi. , UNGA WOREY, She: ad ' |Secretariat of State, In 1952, he . | 2. * z U | ioe | ee ' , eo es ° daSeeet Co NE Pe 33. Swal's sound lees: J ae: Naor AE Csr i] Sel ens American to gra- S38 P.M, 82-- Tread a2 2S. Akeng Wer A. WATER STAND? * r : 7 j@uate from the Pontifical Eo. > q ; Pee! jclesiastical. Academy if Diple- jmacy. Subsequently, he served jas First Secreatry of the Apos- tolic Delegation in South. Africa jand Southern Rhodesia and was jnamed a Chamberiain of the Pa- Ipal Household. In 1955 he be- jcame president of the Institute ™M. . : i } } \S ' jot Studies in Social Co . opere- a Sat one = «gg : $ : f Sea a A \Y \ 5 --_ | mae jtion and in 1958, Pope Pins XII ee PM . Re oo me ; Bee - : ! ; f = j@ecorated him with the Gold ce FM Swe 3--Naxs - pened $. Pull ot ' ; : |Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice. 82 Weed oF a, -- ne . : He has lectared widely both Serve Renney Oe os é : ' -- a lin America and abroad ---- ee . ~ _ ee ; |. eneemmre Wh Fret _M SMa New +2 me "peers Si--Jack Pex ie SAwed Kesewe > ~ " Preern Pa hte Nexo ee : 2 Janeke | STs Notes : 3 - a M o-Te Capeatin 2 vers ¢ Men MTT VA 4 ire HOME A SMALL MELON . wee PM, aahaeen Fe ts; 4 > Boe "tl ' H - ROME A GAMA. Na F Sahm _-- tee d--Herinesrs ' ------------ alr Board 33:8 PLM. 9078439 Nese We i * | RASTA INEM oo . | . . : : : Over French hes PM meee oe 3 | ; 1 SMece Final : lees Fon ; ; : : | TORONTO (CP) -- Harry 2 eee pn --Ranitc Dante $ - J : : g Mom Cae | ISSN ene Spore | : * € ¢ p /Price, Ontario's representative Ue PR. A ea | . , " jon the board of directors of the Sr blind i : é Ry World's Fair Corporation of @-Name Meus H qutomenie, eS ' \Montreal, said Tuesday night he } 3. Crocifixe: , : oe, 'has resigne@ because he can'? 2am. Bon snd wn ee fle mf Mr. Price, president of the Make Mun Gai d-we = Ae | 7) : Canadian National Exhibition nic ° here, skid in an interview he handed in his resignation three LET'S BUILD iT OURSELVES ... FOR OURSELVES 0 MBED S00 Qimsoeses* it fa _ ~ . ; i : "T think th rs s Every Contribution or Pledge, is urgently needed so we con build end enjoy our own - Hh "I Rink Ge. person represent . . -- E ea ce -- He said discussions about the OSHAWA : --_-- o> #5 9) 1967 fair, The Canadian World . ow setettttiaeerentniiie as . ~oere Exhibition, were held in French i in , ws ' "all the time." This Message Donated By The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 King naigwndivanseds ie eI Es ignation Came as a sunprise te jofficials, A spokesman for the leorporation said proceedings of directors' meetings and all other cormporalon activities are con- Gucted and reported in both languages } | The spokesman said Girectors |} thad not been notified officially jot Mr, Prive's resignation. TWO NOT BILINGUAL Mr. Price is one of two men on the léamember board af di- rectors who is not bilingual. The other is Victor deB. Oiand of Halifax, president of the Cana. dian Chamber of Commerce In Halifax, Mr. Qiand said he snniieedibicnabeniaa me nimi - has attended four meetings and ; they were bei mainiy in , gimme *< 7 ) French. Meetings have a \ ise wud } poses ing 4 held almost every Friday since ASK... 3 HARD r ; | picead® the beard was named Feb. 8 a " LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER "T can appreciate it is rather @ifticalt for those who do not speak French," he said, adding that he planned te remain @ member of the fair's board 1 | SHOW NATURE'S POWER Wings in the fommel of @ tornade may. reach 3M) miles an hour with enouzh ferce te pound pieces of straw inte steel plate DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES z es & Dee ao AE Sot! le i -- na Bi s . io > 4mm THE SawRao } : ROT PRESS OO GyG i SS SOMNG BT ~ YY Sa > A Sees RAOK) a

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