Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jul 1963, p. 16

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ee Doug Ford, Efficient, | finishesSecond st hail inen a ' Finishes Secon The brilliant opening nine/conservative golf on the second e : N n jprize in the Queen Mary Cu 3 raises oe Orma line isles Ritle og leas LYTHAM AND ST. ANNES.) Close observers said he would) son. Haliburton, like Thomson, | There Are Special Senofits For All > 9 By JACK SULLIVAN jwen the $9,000 first - place, Ford said that Norman be Strachan shot a snappy hag the United States led with/today's 18 holes the field of 120/39. At 69 were Kel Nagle of Doug Ford is a hard-headed/Toronto, jgaileries cheer him on, "Heiner, Spt. territorial. army, fin:/championship entered its secondibest. estimates were" that 148}champ, and Ramon Sota, Span- times--in 1054, was at 72 but Gary Player, the/1955, 1956 and 1958, and that he Business-Like Golfer, Bisley Event -Like Golfer = usiness , segs » ei ae es by the taciturn Thomson/nine and had trouble at the end, England (CP)--Peter Thomson|have to shoot a 72 or better to-/operied with a 29 for the first BUSINESS EXECUTIVES Canadian Press Sports Editor) money in the Canadian open aticomes self-conscious when the out of a possible 125, The win- lets as the British open? golf|will be: cut to the low 45, and| Australia, the 1960 British Open . ree te @ ACADIAN astle " i '. for personal use or [gets restless when he goes/Britain' day today--and defending cham-|would be the cutoff score. lish champion. Company use there ere @ PONTIAC ® THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Ottawa Soldier | PALMER SLIPS : ost ty 1 19081 T homson Ay } ¢ : Rx >¢ : ers steady South African, soared tojalso is holder of the course rec- ; %5, ord of 63. But the Aussie played we e e | ltawa's Lt-Col. W. J. (BUD d n B t h O n Mag Fy pegs = Pe foes thatifinishing up with two one-over- Strachan carried off the second Lea ] g Ti 1S pe ustralian had already wonipar fives. Pp by von of Australia and Phil Rodgers/day to escape elimination. After|ni ne holes but then soared to a J. E. Sidebotham of} professional golfer who takes a THEY DON'T DALLY ibad,"" Moe proved that in thelished with 124. | Sempeny vs vars agency Rigs gpg > He was in a threesome with last round of the Open when Officials said the.scores in this Pn Arnold Palmer was In\NEW ZEALANDER THIRD | At even par were Frank Phil] You lease @ news - « e SuteK tour he has picked up $325,000 $2-year-old Moe Norman of Tot) carted only thyee strokes ff/year's competition were unusu- itrouble Hard on the heels of Thom. lips of Australia, Brian Wilkes i Sack ee in official earnings, onto, known around golfing) Cit /the pace, blew 'to a fourover-jally good, Last - year's winner} Thomson, a small-sized golf-/son and Rodgers were New Zea-|of South Africa and Don Swae- Other earnings -- exhibitions, cles in Canada as a maverick,!par 75 through careless ap-/had only 120 and in 1961 the topjing artist from Melbourne, shot/land lefthander Bob Charles and/lens of Belgium. endorscifients and 80 on--prob./2" oddball, a clown prince. proach shots and putting, andiscore was 97, la dazzling 29 Wednesday overja sentimental favorite, Tom Hal.) Jack Nicklaus, the U.S, Mast-| ably bring this figure up to the) Ford and Norman have some- jrialabied in a tie for rd spot) Several hours of sunshine/the first nine holes of the Royalliburfon, a 48-year-old teachinglers | champion, was comfortably/ halt-million-dollar. mark, .Vic-/ting in common, They don't!and eight shots béhind Ford. jhavé improved shooting: condi.jLytham course, Then he cooléd|pro from Surrey who has: won/placed at 71, in company with tories on the tour don't comeke the idea of standing Norman picked up $625 for Uons after nearly a week of out under the bite of the north/only one tournament in 14 years! |Sewgelum Sewsunker of South] PHONE 723-4634 LTo. 266 KING ST, WEST very often to the one-time pool/ around, taking all sorts of time he 72 - hole tournament, He steady drizzle had drenched the!country wind and reached the --a Leeds event earlier this sea- 'Africa and four others. , shark, but he's content to plug/aing up their -- hong they/could have finished much wind-swept ranges, [clubhouse with a three-under- | = -- = along. and rarely 'has missed) V8" to do . i" get the pat higher and earned possibly an. par, 67, tied with Rodgers, i : the money-winners" list, jover within the fastest possible! oshor g3.000 but he got careless /2RMEMBER WHEN 9| Rodgers, a former U.S. Mar.| ea] me "You know," said Ford. "I os of line, had the down-the-middle tee! Ford has. seen and play 2 baie with most of the great ones--| "Moe has more talent thanigont think the guy. likes: BY THE CANADIAN PRESS | shots and precision iron play! 4 Sam Snead, Arnold Palmer,jany Canadian golfer I have! money," A triple dead heat for [needed to combat the combina: Bobby Locke. And he has/ever seen," Ford told newspa Norman, a teaching pro at aj first place, the first in New. [tion of narrow fairways, heavy aee neneeoemangeeenaseneeaet : played with every Canadian) per men, That's taking in @ Wl narthree course in suburban} York's racing history, [rough and gusty north wind with who has taken a Thing at (eof territory with Kaudson fast northwest Toronto, shrugs it all} marked the running of the |showers, He was wide of the big time including Stan Leonard) becoming a fine tournamentio¢e Ho finishes his game and} $10,000 sevenduriong Carter .|fairway only once, of Vancouver, George Knudson, | golfer and Leonard and Balding cots jost. Many times during) Handicap at Aqueduct 19 '| But it was a different story) So AlBalding and Alvie Thompson/more or less regulars on the/his amatour career a few years) years ago today, The three [for Palmer, seeking his third] i of Toronto, Al Johnston of|trail for years, ago he didn't even bother io} horses, Boussuet, Brownie [straight British title, He un.) Montreal! Ford added: ~ for the presentation cere.) 'and Wait a Bit all closed [loaded a miserable 76~over the He's a calculating man on "Moe has all the shots, but monies, fast in the last furlongs 6,737-yard, par-70 course , | the course, plays a steady he shouldn't play on'y before - : game and rarely blows. No one home-town fans, He should get] | ® ALN EEN has ever said that this 40-year-out on the tour where he isnt eld pro from Tam. O'Shanter,/particularly well known and BUY NOW! N.Y,, is a sentimentalist, but it he'd do okay, He's a real good " abet the other Gay ahertlen. 25 DAYS ONLY! ; a m D il cl | FIRST RACE -- 1 Mile pace, Byear) a Gain, Stewart, Jr. 3.40 otda, maidens. Purse $700. (8) oudy Fast. E T-Twinkie's trish, Larkin 0.70 8 19 500), Also: Patsy G. tnd, The Little Brown ' SBomd B., Buchanan 4.10 3.89/ Derby, (Reed's Dream) DNF, (Argyel E . }-Argye!l Patsy, Campbell 6.10) Sam) DNF, (Silver's Girl) DNF. : s 8 Qhaty---Fast Also: Billy G. Express, Kawartha) SIXTH RACE -- 1 Mile trot, d.vear i ee ee Pk COMPACT CAR TIRES SECOND RACE = 7 Partong pace. & tno ag Mean 1I3.% 6.20 3.0 f 3 AT LOW, LOW PRICES! year@lds and vu Nonowinners of 3/5-Mary Louise, Waples 4.0 3.0 races in 1863, Claiming all $1900. Purse = Rage it ch -- or eno. (8) QUIN ON 4A 5 PAID oa. 20. R » t S-Miss Judy Bars, Feagan 2.99, ' $0.3:80) Also: Mr. Forbes Key, Lattwater Your 8. F. --, store ay a DHappy Gallon, Geise! 0.49 3% Frost, and Jobnaie R = Pacagy wally age _ this OLa Jest Fition 6.0 ry Special s re sizes . 3 AND S PAD $153.3. SEVENTH RACE mile (The om . the Compect Cer Driver with this ty Pete, Betty Adigail, Woodbine Trot) ist Division. Puree > ' = l Pri Gear Shift, Stormy Atom, and $2 G $3097.30. Non win ; J 5 one Low Price. Rev m2. 4. 3.89 2.0 ' = a TRIND RACE -- | Mile pace, dyear }Sadbury Bard 6.58 3.9 4 7 Norrow Brend ids and up. Non-winners since Jane 1. 7-Van's Pride C., D_ Palmer 2" = vat' _ ; " Gaim ne an Re Puree § 4) 'a> Re -- yn Wolf, Wee Danica King : "BEAUTYLINE WHITEWALLS DDonna's Frkie, MoF*ad ANS oe ae Cadenza = . Pe-- 3.Ar, Ored Bay, Barrisea 3002 ; Only 1.99 Extra $Fieye's Honor, Hayes = EIGHT RACE -- 1 mile (The Wood == s = . Cloudy --Pas Dine Trot) 2nd Division. Non winners in all price ranges a' B. Dy Meado' a of S20 in 1882. Parsee $200 added Z ak TET OES OS ames | aa FULL 14' x 18' RECREATION ROOM nIRSEr EATS tales Shed Shae cee gee Se] Poa NEW! Saath Bs SMa en, sae = ope e : COMPLETELY INSTALLED }Tarpert Bay, Cote an amine Brenda Siem tees Be EIT -- « B. F. Goodrich MELIDAY SPECIAL ........... Condy . Alee: Swan Song, Gold Ramdier, NINTH RACE -- 1 mile pace. 3 year = Ann Mal, Harry's Joe, and Thander. ots up. Non winners of S250 tn 1863 : 3 Ee COMMANDER 220 wird Gay Parse Se. YUH RACE -- 1 Se rece, Sonar tours aR ee te) =y2= 2 s pum wan surersyn wag [| Plere Is What You Get: FREE PLANNING SERVICE ote and Non-we Aap: Hen, FY > é . Ree os =. = es ----s a wee go 'Dane ad "3 3 f 5 2 compound te give longer weer- = Big best fe the i eo ad © 4. 3.0 Scrapper Chief et ¥ .: - . v oie - 7 BGary Jodaston, vponaaton O08 4AOAt: UR, Tesal Pool B38. = : --e S12 se. ft. of Provincial Cherry Rotery V-Groove Maronite THE ECONOMY TIRE THAT'S 252 sq. fe. of Vinyl Asbestos Tile; colour of your choice FREE ESTIMATE SERVICE TRUCK-THRE TOUGH 252 29. ft. plein white washable ceiling tile, A complete cost-est? wall be furnish Harness Racing . jf q Ee | TUBELESS NYLON SIZES bE idee ete pom So this contract price... ne hidden "extra"? INN Anes. MENT Ua Has Controver Sy FS a ee 450-13 =| 590.15 ------ ye OUR Panel han Ry 1 switch. Complore invitation by sistled ereRemen . . aft lebor and AS LOW Aa 18.00 PER MONTH NEW es Ores "The state will lose more than ONE c PRODUCTS racing on which 16,635,477 bet 33 900.000 in tax revenue this | j os . nM : ze : fully 9 by OSHAWA $928,740,595 in the United Sc0'Cs| 63> Mecauce the §2 better bast [a -- LOW 5 63 last year is split these days over ~ the new system of classifying/ Deen frightened away from the PRICE AND YOUR conditioned race syste: be- TIRE ""Rossevett Raceway and Yook./SHUst of 80 many oddsan faver ae HOLIDAY TIME IS RECREATION ROOM TIME... . SESE SCS IETS lk sttten eaten momef EASY BUDGET TERMS LONG wuten | "WE EDGE" SILERTOW RELAX IN COOL, COOL COMFORT! % Be 600-23, 630-13, 790-13, 7 i: of the yearly wagering, are on) Will force big bettors to the opposite sides of the coat coversy bookmakers. We are trying to $] 00 DOWN a $] 00 WEEKLY 63 wna --s SOV-TS 6DO-13 that flared to a higher pitch' keep them out of our sport." PER TIRE Tuesday. "On the contrary," said Alvin 360.03 Until the United States ang Weil, president of Rooseve! TUSTLESS e = Canadian Trotting Associations, Raceway "It will be disaster if wenn wren the sport's governing ocgamza-)We go back te letter class rac AND YOUR TIRE TUBELESS ions, voted last year in favor ing : i AND YOUR TURE : of conditioned racing, the var: "Sure, there are kinks in th: Goodrich j 7 ous races were arranged under System, but we must Jook te the a later casuifcation knowe-axjiagrenge eved of barsess rec. | | 88 King St. West 725.4543 | HEAD OFFICE & SHOWROOM-- OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE COURTICE--PHONE 728-1611 PHONE 728-1617 Under this system the varz. SS money now, but we will im ous track secretaries classified Prove Cur pubhc image and bet horses as A. B Cor DA horse ter the sport." then would be moved up Gr 5 gown according to his winniag er losing performances. This 13/ eliminated under the cond: tioned systema whereby races are carded according te money. WOR, ares, claiming prices, etc. Canadian tracks are now un Ger the new system, ROT WORDS FLY There were bot words Tors! @ay at the meeting of the New York Sate Harness Racing Commission at which Yonkers" petiion t relain the Wetter clas- suficazom fer & summer meet- ing next month was denied. "Cendiien racing is net Road and will not benefit anyone," said Marty Tenanbdaam, presi) @ent of Yonkers 'Raceway, Replica Herbert Wins At Greenwood TORONTO (CP) -- Replica) Herbert, a fire - year-~alg = eantd dy Rath Herbert of Lan- @en, Ont, raced away from his @npastion and o_o the! second Givision af the Wooddane| Trt at Game Raceway Weanesdary He won the mile handily in, 2.9% 25, fastest tiene ot his Sees ~- Now , for the first time, two ales have been blended to give you a smoother, more strong, Brothe v. wal -- > = ~~ mellow flavour than it's speeaie to brew in a single ale. were samnrsed when " Regihoa Merhert went past them t an naan ~ OKEEFE O'Keefe Extra Old Stock Ale flavour is the result of blending FE con ms wore | * two specially brewed ales--one full-bodied, well-aged and mel- weet spect nt ad low--the other light and smooth. The flavour you get is a OM tons. i smoother, more mellow fiavourthancan be brewed ina single ale.

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