Se meme ge 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 11, 1963 NEW YORK (AP) -- Alt a recent meeting of President Kennedy's commission on the |status of women, a tiny, blonde of women's occupational tions field in the United States "If she becomes a success in she is made to feel guilty and unfeminine," she said, "She is called aggressive, y. A lot of women don't want to fight that kind of psy- ) | chological banrier,"' Lisa Howard, the speaker, is American Broadcasting _Com- pany, In network U.S, broad. ;jeasting there are only three }jwomen with similar jobs, Lisa, comparatively a new- comer in her 30s, has broken into the field with considerable nation, enthusiasm and long- range planning that. she has \ [scored some notable television 'inews beats over the heavily masculin opposition, J/EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW | By a combination of shrewd jmanning and sheer ambition iLisa got an exclusive interview with Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarur and flew to Nova Scotia to grab it. One of her more controversial coups was a two-hour private = interview Claims Newsmen Resent A Smart Woman Reporter young woman arose to speak/at the head of the class, to be sadly y opportunities in the commanica- a field considered to be a man's) suggest brash' andthe criticism is that she came) 'la news correspondent for_ the) doing covering news." suocess, And with such determi-) .aiieq Khrushchev ANN LANDERS : 2 His Tickly Moustache eo same way that men are, We're trained from childhood) . that itis imporant to be 8) Gives Her A Rash the best. does have success in any field/itache of which he is very|/Maple Leaf Mother men decide is their own, they) )roud. He keeps it neat and en-| Dear Mother: Dori't children," lnever noticed him before no- Lisa suspects that the root Ofice him now. into television news reporting)/pas given me a rash under myjand stick with him, by the stage door: Sheé and on my chin. The itch-| be an actress, | "They ask what an actress is}doctor says I will have the rash/integrity and good judgment jas long as my husband has the/ Let him know you are confi BORED WITH ACTING | : Acting began to bore her ana|from ee for radio or television, The). ; ; g | s " sickeningly sweet odor whichlion of them. Mutual Broadcasting Company] rauseates me, I am not the) jhired her--and she stayed with) nyoging type. I mention thingsjevening my were a war campaign," shelit Yesterday he casually an-ler's able related, "One morning I arrived! pounced that he has no inten-| at the Russian mission head: tion of cutting off his moustachelin-law, who is up in jquarters at 7:45, I wore plain/when the centennial is over, jclothes and no make-up, Nobody} paid any attention to me and just walked in, "Once inside I hid behind al. pear Tickled: Ask your doc-|they "painted their faces door and waited for Khrushchev tor to phone or write a note to! public," to come downstairs. I'd re-iyour husband hearsed it all and when he came situation down | gestions you might have, --/the | Pear Ann Landers: My hus-jfore he picks up some bad had:lfut d making long-range! "But the minute a woman|).n4 has a handle bar mous-lits, Your views are invited --|hnne an g g-rang i , order/FOR THE BIRTHDAY she's neglecting herljoys it because people who) your son to break off his friend: ship with Doug, He may then|your horoscope shows fine pros- ifeel compelled, out of a sense|pects, There is practically no The trouble is his moustache/of loyalty, to defend his buddy/phase of your life which will Just keep impressing on your/aspects ling drives me crazy and the|son that you have faith in hs|twelve months, From the begin-| : 'ition of a brief. period t4 Octo- }moustacheunless I stay away/dent that he will never disap-/ber--there will be spevial em- 4 ahakl point. you. Teenagers have a/phasis on the successful out.) : x'; Also, the wax my' husband/truly magnificent way of living/come of business, property and she decided to cover politics)ces on his moustache has alup to their parents' high opin-ifinancial ventures during. the| Dear Ann Landers: The other)jife js favored, too aa = ss K mother-in-law and year, during which she/once and that's the limit, He|I attended a civic banquet. At fas . iknows he problem and shows/|this particular affair there were|on your mind, look forward to 1 plotted the thing as if iting sign of doing anything about/six women seated at the speak:|happy developments in Septem. After the dessert my mother years, n jcalled my attention to the fact/next, Travel will be favored be- 1 would appreciate any sug-|that five of the six women at|tween now and Sept. 1, speaker's able had very November. With the exception Tickled But Not Laughing poor manners, Why? Because|of brief periods in late July and| injearly October, domestic inter. explaining the) For years I have powdered|pleasing. Late September and Then tell your nus-}my nose and applied fresh -lip- early TO MEXICO GOES MONTREAL (CP) -- Fifeen- year-old Patricia Shaw of sub- urban Pointe Claire was chosen }as one of two Canadian repre- FOR TOMORROW jsentatives to an international Experienced. Hair Stylist This day's aspects should] Ranger conference in Cuerna- FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS prove helpful to all well-man-| vaca, Mexico, Patricia belongs 725-6854 aged endeavors.-- particularly/to the St, Louis Land Ranger those requiring initiative and) Company. enterprise, It will aso be 2 a= == o<(LASSIC BEAUTY >> THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA LADIES No baby sitter, no cer fere Mr. Bernard Of Leading Toronto Salons er eeeineaeaeall If tomorrow is your birthday, | not be governed by generous) during the coming ining of August--with the excep: lyear ahead, and your personal As an example, if romance is iber and December of this year; | jin January, May and June of also in ests should prove exceptionally November will prove stepped out and told pand you are willing to com stick while at the table, Is this highly inspiring to all who are him there were many questions| promise and remain friendly wrong? Sometimes the ladies|/engaged 'in creative work with Nikita Khrushchev when that, if he would answer, would yntil after the centennial, If he room is half a block away, or} A child born on this aay will he was in New York, and she/help to make a better: world./doesn't cut the moustache offion a different floor, Will you) be dependable and home-loving; fotlowed it up a-year later in/He, laughed--and called off alafter the celebration tell him he comment please? No doubticould succeed as an_ interior Vienna with another press conference and gave meican choose beween his mous-|others would like to hear your)decorator A couple of months ago, she'a two-hour interview." tache and your kisses answer,--W, TLL, persuaded Fidel Castro to sit! she and her husband of U1) Dear Ann Landers: Our son) Dear W.T.L:It is in perfectly) aye NO RESISTANCE down for no-questions-barred! years, Walter Lowendahl, ex-/is 16 years old, a fine student eood taste for a woman' to filmed interview ecutive of an industrial filmjand an obedient, respectful powder her nose and apply lip Babies have no resistance to Any one of these might be producing company, live in a boy. After dinner last night his stick at the table.. Hair-comb-/the germs of diphtheria, whoop- considered a feather in a res! id-Manhattan apartment. young friend who is exactly the/!88 IS out.of course, and so is! ing cough, police or smallpox but portr's cap, but Miss Howard's Other members of the family/same age came over to the eye-lash Curling eye-lining, EMN-l nan be protected by immuniza nterprise and: special Fritzi, 1 house. 1 could sve quite|sernail repair. work, and other 4 ' operati promptly that the young friend little beauty tricks which should) "on (whom I will call Doug) had/be reserved for the boudoir-- been drinking, He was talking|o" the ladies room I just < louder than usual, slurring his ng about women,"' she e fy words and behaving in a gen MARRIED EASILY l erally uncoordinated manner It once was possible to get I came right out and asked)married in Scotland by the . r ; Doug if he had something alco-|couple simply declaring them- aughed at, of those i » a | = ~ | lholic, He proudly replied, "Yes,|selves husband and wife before hudience mij taut | imy father always offers me ajtwo witnesses you, is at the ro ft highbal! when he has one, To- Ronald W. Bilsky, DC rouble : e - "] Inight I had several." My hus \ teacher doesn elp this | = band and I were dumbfounded child by shouting at him to 4 CHIROPRACTOR @ HEADACHES ac j hataat ened as various children stood) Among the many responses .», ouder or be tellin hin tg Phong Pocsnga Bag ange g nA She does WIFE PRESERVER most fell off my bicycle." @ SLIPPED DISCS 100 King E. 728-5156 and spoke, you might not eas- were these to speak more plainly weeks an ' ee ' Quick remedy for lost shoe My husband believes we HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MICHELLE old today is. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Caron, Michelle Dominique, daugh- Quebec City, and Mr, Orbal ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack .g, - EERE Saunders, Wilson road south Saunders, Newmarket Michelle's grandparents are Ireland Stadio CHILD GUIDANCE Speaking Before Groups Can Cause Great Fear By GARRY C, MYERS, Ph.D.)ously, once I had won If you sat in the rear of the confider that nobody laughec room as a Visitor in almost any'as each person voluntarily re classroom, especially in one of!ported his emotional exper the elementary grades, and list- iences in sucha. situation Four years PRINCESS MARINA Design by Bluebird For the finest in fashion see Bluebird, guaranteed perfect diamond ring. BLUEBIRD diamonds for happiness 10% DOWN AS LITTLE AS 2.00 WEEKLY Trade-in Your Diemond To-Day BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING ST. WEST PHONE 723-7022 femin : fomt are two daurhters on have and Anne feolit claimed CARPET COMPANY 282 King W 728-958) RUG CLEANING a friendly ily hear all they said "My mouth and throat get help him when, over The teacher, also having trou- dry and it's hard to swallow." months, she } we bie hearing a child, may shout) yr. face gets hot." "My/comfortable cl: ace s to dip lace ends into should order our son. to break at him "Louder!" hands slid "Chi is go up my phere. In like sue and allow them to dry off his friendship with Doug be » "My heart pounds." "I this child at h The youngster, with great ef-|spine fort, might speak up a bit. So can'; " » breath." " ga yicant get, my breath." | "MY PARENTS' QUESTIONS a big : Q Do you consider the cele self-conscious, this child may knees shake." "I feel have trouble getting enough stone in. my stomach:" "I for- y bration of birthdays in the fam eal cords. As he did, his fears ily important? wind to blow hard over his Vo- cet what I want to say." may have kept him from using NO WONDER A. Yes, if it includes. all mem- his tongue and lips well to syn No wonder so many children bers. It emphasizes each mem-| chronize with his breathing in don't speak loudly and distinctly ber as a precious person, The order to shape his words enough to be easily heard, no celebration need not be expen- clearly. Besides, he may have| wonder they mumble and mouth Sive or include outsiders been so disturbed by his feel-\their words R ' ings that he was unable to keep) Ask any group of children or his mind on what he tried to teenagers, "What do the rest say. of the kids do when, as you are Sta about to speak, you forget what EMOTIONALLY UPSET you mean to say?" 'Such emotional disturbance The repiy is shouted in con- hinders freedom of breathing. cert: "Laugh!" lessens coordination of tongue) This very fear of being and lips and impairs thigking. | - -- ---- Not only is it hard then to @peak loudly enough and dis- DELICIOUS AND NUTRICIOUS! something 10°80) BUTTERMILK ' ncher ond For Your Holidays RESORTS Four Seasons TOURS Travel CRUISES contact 728-6201 Official Acent For All Airlines and Steamships Now! Two great beers in one new pack! Some years ago I gathered and published considerable data on how a pupil or student feels when he tries to say something while on his feet in the class- room or on the assembly plat- form. While the data came from individual ponses, they were ect ah oe Wat later confi by voluntary ; ig oe rt" Ch te testimony of individual children] @ : hirg to hove plenty in in the grades, school and ' college in their replies to the question, "How do you feel on your feet when you speak be- fore any group?" TOLD THEIR EXPERIENCES I have conducted forums with hundreds of such groups of per- sons in different parts of the United States, always many individuals to stand i the group and describe ther "stage-fright" experiences. Be- lieve it or not, pupils and stu- dents took this matter so seri- s the perfect thirst que sotisfier during hot summer B> Everyone in the will love ideo! Buttermilk in foct Ideal Dainy Limited QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS OSHAWA ONTARIC CHAIR UMBRELLA Ale-12 Black Label Beer in the new The perfect companion for your garden chair © is this sun umbrella. Perfect for sitting out- - doors while keeping of the hot 'sun, comes ~ with clamp to fit on your chair or lounge, , 6 chrome plated metal shaft with 8 pc. rib sec- ian rtaa carrying the bottles and picking up the empties especially easy! Money-saving too--you pay less for this 24-case than for two twelves! THE CARLING BREWERIESLIMITED 12 Red Cap Ale and 12 Black Label Beer in one handy case of 24! Each case contains three new "Cool 'n Carry Trays"-- 4 Red Cap and 4 Black Label in each--they lift out to make cooling and tion to bend any position. Bright colours of blue & white, red & white or green & white. ony 2.99 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ~ Twin Pack : }