ese delaras teen goe THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, July 11, 1963 g | UNITS, GROUPS IND AUXILIARIES SA HOME LEAGUE Mrs. William James opened greetings flower a Sun choruses, Birthday were extended and the money received while shine chorus was sung, Mrs, Ernest Sargeant Jr prayed on behalf of the sick and shut - ins after which Mrs Frank Buller made the an- rouncements, 'reminding the women that the bus would leave from the Citadel] at 9.00 am Tuesday, July 16 for Niagara Falls the meeting with the singing of) Elizabeth Bellingham announ-| ced thé numbers ahd gave aj} reading, Seripture portion, geant a vocal solo, "one of the medalist's at the Camp', Rhon-| da Bryant gave a_ reading,} Pianoforte Solo by Marlie Bry ant, who won several awards at Camp and was the honor student, and a song by Robert Buller, another of the medalists in the vocal class Together the Elaine Sar- young 8 Carol Butler read the ~ Refreshments were served by the Cherrio Group, TARR 6-12 'Shoots the Works' In This Sensational... .'Cross Country a a . anegea at Camp. Irs r Lewis ec of e uae I eae Peas Mrs, Major Fred Lewis closed = You can match your stockings Camp, showed and described the mecting with prayer easily by sewing a different col- : one of the crafts, made of vari-| Next week Mrs, Frank Bullerored thread in the top of each jous kinds of macaroni, which will be in charge PAT, jwas very interesting Mrs. George Beard read the \minutes of the previous meet- ing The meeting was then turned over to Mrs, William Allison who led in a song and praye: ' The Young People who_ had DOLLAR * attended Music Camp the pas! week 'and who were able to be} present gave a fine program Fine Furniture ONE YEAR OLD, TODAY Jo-Ann Elizabeth, daughter taken. Her grandparents. are of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mc- Mrs. Charles Silver of Osh- | Arthur, RR & Bowmanville is ean dna Me and MM Tom celebrating her first birthday today. She was 10'4 months at Hardy of Orono the time this picture was One Dollar will buy a suit, shirt or a pair of troupers. Yes, buy one garment at the advertised price, and for only ONE DOLLAR get another similar gar> ment, Where else can you get such value for ONLY ONE DOLLAR, . Specially purcheud. 'ord ex- Broacloom Custom Made Draperies Photo by Hornsby } ste) r » Mae dre SHELVE COMEDY PLANS [I Picked a Daisy, is no longer Bamboo and: Ready Made Drapes NEW YORK (AP)--Two of gg ese for Broadway arrival i Persor scember - Rroadway's best-known talent sohioebinaiiana CARPET COMPANY --Richard Rodgers and Alar 282 King W 728-958) day Lerner--have shelved indef initely plans to compose : : : BROADLOOM sical comedy together. Rodgers &!@ institu ueiph, sugges confirmed Wednesday that the roast ie et show upon which collaboration minules began more than two years ago, lized Decorating Service SINCE 1927 Reliable FURNITURE -- INTERIORS 96 KING EAST DOWNTOWN OSHAWA LET ROAST SET Home economists' at Macdo Trim new styling . . . rich worsted fabrics! ceptionally low shee Featuring handsome single breasted, two or three-but young men, Carefully and meti tailored to add a in sizes to fit men and young ton models in the latest styles for men and culously tailored by one of the leading manufacturers note of distinction to any man's oppedrance men 34 to 48, Regular, short, tall and hard-to-fit stouts, EXTRA SUIT FIRST SUIT SAVE 9% " 4 8% ALL BRAND NAME SPORT SHIRTS DURING LORDS JEWELLERS GIGANTIC _ _ ANNIVERSARY SALE Just In Time for Vacation EARRING i" ANOTHER FOR ONLY 1.00 ~ oe Strpies, checks and plain, sontorized shrunk, All top quoaltiy brond i ¥ aN ie nome shirts, Sizes smell, medium ond large \ sf ' a t ALARM CL OCKS 23.45. sunt 3.9D suet 1.00 | 2.95 / dh YOU SAVE. 4 2 FIRST 4.95 xm 1 OO 7 SHIRT SHIRT YOU SAVE. «. . 5 308 SPORT COATS AND BLAZERS! Extra Trousers for Only 1.00 Modern two-button three-button single breasted ond tailored from the latest solid basket weaves, blue, brown, navy, arev Talls and shorts Sizes 34 to 46 strand ce of stiles end a hale bie has: from 6.95 to 24.50 ANNIVERSARY 4s 16" y 11- -seyuee Bridal-K not SPECIAL & aa SPORT SHIRTS Reg. 1.95 2 FOR PRICE of ONE PLUS 1.00 MOVEMENT WATCHES sainsaieed With attractive mot qa bracelet, full guaranteed GENTS' matching leat link models tones, check and multi-splashes included SPORT COAT "10 Kt, Gold Delicately Set Marquise-Shaped Alaskan Black Diamond ANNIVERSARY 10 Kt. Gold Heavy end Masculine Alaskan ¥ Black Diamond with initiel and gen- uine diamond. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL SPECIAL With ier 29.95 9.95 rs nt, dust resist se : Alaskan Black Diamond EXTRA TROUSERS ECONOMY RANGE 25.00 1.00 13.95 CUSTOM RANGE 29.90 1.00 13.95 save On Men's SLACKS ! 10 Kt. Gold Buy one pair and get another pair for $1.00 FINEST Smartly Tailored TWO STYLES! ste arefully tellored ond finished. STYLING --_ Alaskan > ' \ MO a INCOMPARABLE Black Al Bear, Sl, Gerenah Othe Sean and Gated Oey Boy's PONCHO SHIRTS Diamond conrinanatst $4 Sleeve 1 99 * . VALUE _Diamon tues wees a Ce on ¢ your ' i Black ae < Baan ne Glee Ge es 28 te 38. length << '. cee PERFECTLY ANNIVERSARY : a f | --~ ECONOMY RANGE -- 2 for 2.99 MATCHED INSURED: SPECIAL a A i FIRST SLACKS SECOND SLACKS --YOU SAVE sien, ct FOR A LIFETIME 1299 . 9.95 1.00 8.95 white or @ , arr oe = i - bed BOYS' BATHING TRUNKS 2 FOR PRICE OF ONE PLUS 1.00 MEN'S SLACKS Cotton cord or drill reg. to 4.25 ANNIVERSARY "SPECIAL BOY'S OUTDOOR DRILL SHORTS In checked patterns. Sizes 7 to 16. San- forized shrunk. Special Price! 99. -- DELUXE RANGE -- 14.95 1.00 13.95 --- HAND GRADE -- 19.95 1.00 18.95 none coma CUP & SAUCER Anniversary Special sek #100 BUY on LAY-AWAY, CASH or on our EARRING SETS EASY BUDGET PLAN : Terms To Suit Your Convenience We Specialize In Watch Repairing All Work Fully Guaranteed Lords Jewellers DIAMOND MERCHANTS DOWNTOWN OSHAWA pat SPECIAL from Anniversary Special "Charge Accounts Invited" All Kinds Of Jewellery Repaired Or Remodelled OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 36 KING ST. EAST DOWNTOWN OSHAWA '@ OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 P.M. @ 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH SS GL ae PHONE -- 723-1812