he Oshawa Times Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 86 King St. E., Oshawa, Ontario T. L. Wilson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1963----PAGE 6 Theory And Suspicions Divide The Communists Not in centuries have China and Russia been trustful of each other, The Czars took bites of Chinese territory -- some of it still retain- ed by the Soviet Union, When the struggling Chinese Communist par- ty sought aid, Stalin gave it -- but exacted a stiff price, When the Chinese Communists needed mu- nitions for the war, the Soviet Union provided them, again at a stiff Khrushchev with- drew aid when suited his policy, The Russian at the teeming, growing millions in ( a and then at their an lands, and wonder. This und for the ideological differences, Which may very well be an outgrowth of earlier jealousies, Korean price OWN empty is the bach suspicious and dissatis- faction. The key issues in the ideo- logical dispute are War as a lively appreciation t of modern weapons t the Chink till think in terms of masses men and need for v munism Corexistence --- The Chinese in- aist the revolutionary struggle must be pressed; Khrushchev saya Come munism can win an economic strug= gle carried out without over vio lence, Keonomie aid---The Chinese think Communist nations should help each other but should not seek to rmpose authority over another; the Rua- sians say that the Communist world economy should be integrated, with each nation specializing, Revisionists --- Moscow says the Yugoslavs are true Marxists, al- though wrong in some matters; the Chinese say they are false inter- preters of the Marxist-Leninist doctrine, The situation is reversed with Albania, India -- The Soviet stayed clear of China's border dis- pute with India, The Chinese call this treachery. The Communist giants middle of a bitter squabble Union has would be foolish to assume between them, Cost Of Litterbugs Provision of additional park and playground present and fu ations is a rneces- eity wh the minds ef most rovincial governments as commercial, indus trial and } cover m Few the f lenge t side suff jJoyment costly pitfalls fundamentals Nevertheless it is uminating --- and profitable in a sort of inverted way - A "appanage lic treats its parks, planning, - to Ooserve st ROW The. pud- On top of 1! ing the parks presented wit simply to pm the. ever favored with enough clean water to have a usable beach, a constant fight In every city is waged to keep free. A littered beach is unattractive and a menace te health. Yet give a thought te those who may wish to enjoy the beach after them} they leave behind paper, boxes, seraps of food and, worst of all, bot- tles and cans, Some even go to the trouble of breaking the bottles and leaving the fragments im the sand, One wonders just and stupid people can be, North America being declared on the litter-bugs the beaches litter MARY users hever how thoughtless Al over war is beauty with in the anti- litter-signs the accent is on the ugli- who defile places of their leavings, Usually ness thus caused, The price is worth Recause parks and nothing toa ties take pride in their fone Ww the litter droppers, LIVES MAY BE SAVED, BUT NOT GLAMOR REPORT FROM U.K, Straits Of Dover May Produce Oil Ry M. McINFYRE #OOR Special Leadean (Bago Coarrespandeat Fer The Qshawa Times POVER, } « & P bh be wed YOUR HEALTH gists pead St@DS ring @ o FAS =~ ee arge reserves af both all aad natural gas delng dow the sea hed between Dover Calais Tre satisfied tha ean de they veloped an a Cow SEARCH EN. SPRATTS h Matera to be B RRast Qa ter reper whether or not rihe will be taken tewards ex- res@urees vader t? h Chranael commeted, i wil veient Disease, Tension Can Affect Ry JOSEPH G. MOLNER Hair ste and found faveraki be a} rvey of AMIATINES WhO Rave been ma Ves Sa goad study »&» passd Mee ats oF Dx DRILLING RIGHTS arrey eo OTTAWA REPORT Gordon's Opinion Well Publicized Ry PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA = Canadians should mot have been suprised by the first Liberal budget, made public by Finance "Minister Walter Gordon oa the unlucky dith day of dune. We had a sneak preview of that budget in the 957 report af the reval commission on Canada's eed: AemMic Praspecis, Whase chair man Was Walter Gordon, And we could find a very accurate dress rehearsal af the budget in the hook Troubled Canada published in 1881, whose author was Walter Gordon In fact the Key policies under lying the budget and its asse. eiated econamic program were @etaiied in Troubled Canada .a the - final chapter entitied A Pesitive pragranme fer e@XPar $08 These included setting un 1 A wmanicm@al development mand to lend cheap money ta RwuAicipalities far public warks, A department of industry faster see ary industries \ nat ARORLE COWREY to conduct re ROME trends +7 OAS 4. A Rational ration to REW develanment Avest in Rew AME YAdErakings Rxrempt from NYE = a Titimes, Carawat! Similar @isty ® CRORE ; © iob OA OF JOR CONTROL e mre of the Liberal ProgsTam which is mast clasely mirrered in the econamic com MUSSIOR'S Fepert and in Troubled REGRET | Rat the fk TODAY IN. HISTORY Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS X ¥ ria War RONOR DICKENS LAESTONE, Eaciand trolled corporations in Canada, who had read those. Gordon blueprints for Canadian ee nomic sovereignty, should have had an immediate reaction OA the night of April &. when the election results indicated that Canada would have a Liberal government But evidently few awoh exooutives had studied this required reading, Thus - their shock was postponed vatil budget night, when the ideas behind that required reading were waveiled as positive gay: erpment poticy The most surprising thing about the ensuing budget storm was that, with those ideas in his mind for ai least six years, Mr. Gordan prapased to Haple: mont WS practicable and de sipable recammendations in suck yapracticable and vadesiradle ways. The pressure of work in Prime Minister Pearson's "sixty days af decision" is Re excuse far the basic errars in the budget But the tragedy for Canada is that through those erroms, the fereign interests which Mr. Gordon sought 6 QUEEN'S PARK . = @ eurd vere enabled to turn the tables pe Ld Lge ha agents, and ou y, Gordon, Tn 'Toubled Canada, and again in as budget oh, Mr, Gordon printed out hat 5? per eent of yr manufacturing: in dustries, & per cent our mining and amelting and 73 per eent of our petroleum and nat wral gas indestries are contral lod by foreigners, most of whom are American These excessive figures, Mr, Gordon _ pointed oul, adversely affect Canada's econemic interests iA many ways today, and may lead to eur political subjgation te the US. tomorrow, Mr, Gordon's basic tenet therefore ix thal Canadians should buy back Canada, while ¢ welcoming foreign Capital in the form of bonds which do Rot convey control. And that our government: should positively enter ihe battle in which the U.S. government already sub: sidizes U.S. enterprisers moving to take ever Canada. And 'et our goverament -showd deter foreign takeovers of Canadian dusinesses, and foster Canadian participation in COMPARES whieh now are whellhowned Swosidianies or yRiRcenpenated branches af foreign industre: Mr. Gordon's propesall ame exactly what the US, foe meant would Rave done 3 yeare ago, had the position been re versed. We must Rope @at these proposals are supported wy all political parties No Tax Division In Partnerships Ry DON OHEARN TORONTO--Whea is a Roman Cathatic net a separate school wapperter? Whea he's a member Of a PAT thers Rip. The fecal taxes af aa inde pendent businessman er ef a corporation can s@ ta the (Op arate ackeals (ap te certain fa, ts). Bat net tose of & - qaership ~= waless all the par tmers are Carkeies, Trat is Yee decision of the Oararia Muncipal Beard ALL. TOGETHER 7 W Martina. presiaeal bs taxes ee court Padse said be And the OMB DAA GAA OA aP i AIP Me et anyway de Prahestants a ™ a RW Wack gives Protestants aathenay te allemate taxes %@ tee ROS. CRANGE EAW? Me. Marta, a Bar wee woald be welbversed i Be theory That te aw If aA O55, bis Case very @aeiensy i rent om Ravlag R varaed Rech Wards R is aaa' De RAR PAP pase of Dis seat is te force the t® make the proper allowances fer this im its separate sehoal legisianer 1k is expected anataer appeal will be taken, Then if the Ngder eonrts Woheld the 'decision of the board it Wi be wp te the gaverameat to change the aw, WIPPO PROBLEM Og a Pore serigas matter the SOveTAMeAL ig Raviag RIAPOPe tamas Tele Moa, Robert Macaulay das been using a Dine With AB BAAR QAR Widely as a SVR bet la bis trade ceMsade Cam paiga (Yes, Some Wings @ have te Be imparted") Now semrehedy wants te give the goverameat a Ave Mape t we at Me CNE Altheace whe animal weald be a gih, there would be con Ram KWOSTARTIAL QPAAEATET BP welved Gast Boek how wach a bine eats FA A GAY) The stem woald De a great attentiorgetter, Bat sage it get tee maw of the Wrong kaa? What woald the farmers and seme af Oar RewSRANersS Rk w a government Pal weet i fay AP aiaraasen? Miwa is griat. Baa AR eeekea QONLVRRRARE 2Q Fecagaze Wat taxpayer whe has te uy RaTteers are alka peep, and 2 sea of be Pakstane Dm CER CBRUK ror i a Children 3 CBASTR GALLUP POLL Canadians Think U.S. was laced and disappeared Dear BDecter me ' Mmaanth spots Nevera Safety Of ek than 4 hour. Medical aathat : : i : ss = as = ns = re = On Top In Propaganda = mare sulter Gdisav ave sugges at lack quate parental SUPSrViISIOR MAY PE : @uce an accident-prone \. Y . ' . . mhected casts. Beda Q pe sah raphe iediies Paka ef PR a young person is imma By CANADIAN INSEHEUTE 2RROSt Gl S Ve PHARATEAA GORANI af thease with igh Sober). cdr oe a edie © WN : ae Latarsnewers § TA Poot asked a oF We Paee Werke woe Rasa, A whee Be Pepe ganda war -- Mat & doing De det i> ef wing peape argued Me werkt & Fs POR ef wen? 2 \ Qo es ge CRRA COR, panes atGtades ameng Cane Sars wR vaned educated backgreaads WIA Dat af Be en BIUAAAW ALNTASe qrema, Sree YOM be Dee Seen Whe is Wi Peens en Want? sarin, Matreaninee Ramey NOeh : Baw Ne es i Ohane TA yA eM, DOSED FNS HT DR QA igned wit Ny Jae, DB Graber, whe -& Manager of De compas Qereee Darect Orica ; . & ROSS The Nererctizen Lite Freese Compery Greece: Fhe Teterk apeciermene ef E Ress Drew an am Assisterpe Niepages a tg Dist ann Ofice an S& King Srest Fenn, m Carano Ne. Drew & @ coreee Life ear WAS RWAA WA | we Gaited a ah Prases oF Persowal er Besmese Lite wRErePKs, FROST PEPIN Ge, Gew and Retrenesk ge AEA -BY-GONE DAYS but many par TF : 28 YEARS AGO Sas not recagnize he oh : - sn oe ata? ef 2.2 "y . . --_ =<" ™» RR 8 > searded Row People fa ADDING MACHINES age a healthy r of certain aazina 2} SMITH CORONA -- 10 KEY --. TOTALIA @ 22 Machines In Ths Group ® AE Dane drach wehmectem -- All Ram Shree Bane coedit balmaRe ---- Share wh wewaN seca RON Rd DerQrRAEE MIRRORS CAPACHTNS TO 13 NGURES } YEAR GUARANTEE -- TERMS --. TRADEINS ACCEPTED Hand Operation." 7 168.00 S27" 11458 ., 128.58 Electric Qperation (S°" 389.08 Sr" 224.58 . 204.08 GENERAL PRINTERS LIMITED QRNCE SURLY DIVISION) SAA PRONE 723-733 @ M bens were » Oshawa Ao>wams rackices, suck 3 im th : k amp Kedron. Jos CaS ari RTeet, tacw 3 TFA, BR CamRets, a ag with matcnes Bible Thought s 4 + meanest nen O seem Se Of 64 CELINA