! 31--Automebite Repair 29--Automobiles For Sale 108 PONTIAC, Tair condition, also 1804 Pontiac sedan, Telephone 728-4310 iis@ MONARCH, 4,000 miles, standard 27--Real Estate For Sale |27---Real Estate RYLEING Lor. YO ET petivecn |s.000, FULL PRICE, § B00 Gown tive Rear schools,/room bungsiow juy with Omawe and Whitby, tony Joseph Bosoo, Realtor, acre of land, Taxes hy % an Ike en nr ' TSS-0905, Rosco, Re THE OSHAWA THOM, Wednesday, July 10, 1963 \27---Real Retate for Sale |27--Real Estate For Sole .27--Real Estate For Sele os tle: 18, 3980 {in| APOTLESA Wwoyearoll Siro Brick|BUNGALOW, brick, seven oom, fOUrlgjg9 DOWN 97,800 Ail price six are pent tacih! [oongatom, complete with ots #,/dedrooms, all conv § [eae ae tow -- Bagg Eg pa 25--Apartments FRO ROOM" Dasement a private =v 32--Articles for Sale mahed. wes. Dial 728-45 » 42, AM. 1, four je Neate. ig = cai tenner Perans. adulta, Apply adove GLEAN ie room aparement, private kttohen, 'oore refrigerator and water BO weekly 146 Division sires. Dedroom, abstainer pre) THO single rooms. Apply Ht Charon Ntreet NEVE! rt car ar Halfton pick -- wi "a Nels Hyland, . WO Le. single oF) Television privileges, Free park: tag. Weekly or nightly rates, 725-0085. PHO oe Ure Roasekeeping: rooms, tar waahed, near High School and hospital Paone berween 5.8 Pm, only, Ta, FURNISHED smeie room, SeeROne eat vate @MTARTe, parking, ree poe Rhy Mia = Contre Street, Tele: wmane FESR TH GHERGH STREET -- cineie room eomtrel «=pcation, quiet, private oF weare, Gentleman preferred, App iy above furmished Private of arge clean Parking hot | water vostainer, he TS Gladstone VERNERED bedroom, year around. Gentioman SS weekly. Appiv ieouee or Dial 720-985, GEEAN brat farnisnee central, close t dospiia BARGE vewly deoorated 2 @? madern kitchen qaiet 5 CBAVERIONCeS, Parking Sak a miidie aged @NTARTO STREDT any ery SS ayes nero aN Mal Parnished housekeeper greand floor Dmploved Apply 6 & § Pm GOURORNE STREET Furnished room for ren 'Telephone TRAM ATTRACTIVELY dip cpntercahegiod ROOMS A\ ne perenne BAST AP jabie 1 betweer . PAR KRD NORTH 27--Reel Estate tor Sele PRIVATE SALE AG PICKERING V t x Reosonobie mortgage 3-BEDROOA BUNGALOW Fenced yard arc Gorires for $83 rm tores RK ARNG Pickering 942 SCHOFIELD-AKER * 2443 <" with & SY PRICE $2 room brick bungolow tached gorege. Locoted he dGecitable North - west eree. Just © few of the trot ares of tha hore de bolltin Over one stove tueniture fished cumboert: end dining Troon Nug wrone « fireminces me we ving room ond one the recreation room. Sunie bath m mom foo bottwoor 2 pe. woshroor jorge verity eff Moster bedroor end 2 pc. woshroom im dose mart. Lorge swimming wh indirect fighting tokes oF the fenced Pl ! Possess cos A REAL BUY in a gone price hore, Locotex we h. S. on co handy % Holy Ore clean home, which purchased 2 once, ord $399.5) can roy . y with noo vord PIMLKWID Toxes ot ter per wv ROOM BRICK < PQ ror Ronen on bedrooms King ond arr ooge CENTRALL* 6 Kom wore evel Sungoio™ ed gorege. 4 v2 COPS. voor, 36 awe roar homed epit eee crate x 13) Wh: shade trees, garage, King Street West, $9,500 , Real Reduced ww with lee "ran r9e "Josewh Bosca, Tari ter for quick sale, W. Modules, OWNER "wanaterret wick sale. TREC Genco, 'Whity toa Sms SX-ROOM frame. \andsoaped house, good location i | Wnntay Dial 868.9673. ie Reore. forced NARAC Siieet, sieroom stucco house, |) Ooi or watarnished. Brooki | = caine kitohen, range, dryer, TV aer- included. Terma } bart NOOME HOME, tree ytaxes, acre lot Oshawa area, come monthly, $5 monthly carries $15,000. fal) aprice 3 Aun 37,500 with terme, 'Seam of oiters Telephone TRAIN, PRIVATE SALE FAIRVIEW DRIVE--WHITBY Three-bedroom house. with L-shaped -living-dining room, lerge kitchen, panelled rec room, 13 x 36, Newly de- corated, Many extros, Choice pcetior ays WHITBY 668-8635 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $10,900 FULL PRICE $1,500 DOWN Two bedroom buhgalow with Beautiful hordwood oors Hhrroughout kitchen has plenty of cupboards, Din close by, New 07! ace installed. Oniy $85 month Ce 1 Jonnstor 728.1066 withe>ath; garage, drilled well, 7,400, with 81,000, lone, Cook Real Esta Call Marvin Nesbitt, Neatieron, a A SaWANE wie Five-coom | binge lew, @ecorated, Landscaped and vencediin yard, Close iy ohwrohes and shopping om | BONDS and areas, No agents pene ne FOUR BEDROOM ROMER vengaiow ' ant acres land, of awa $10,900 cacy terms, low Gown payment, The T25-G0, Joseph Bosco, Realtor 2eB 7377 GRANDVIEW VILLAGE your new Home in this choice east end location, give us o co Trades eccepted Kar Kessinger" 7areqe a Reaito 723 Cart Olsen 299 King St. West 1333 Westmount Area 2x with 3 SPUT. LEVEL 3 BEDROOMS > even hos room Bungalow bedrooms gerage, ¢ $10,000 PRIVATE Atter 6 o.m. Telephone 725-5510 LLOYD REALTY UIST WITH LLUOY : HEN CALL YOUR MOVER "N.ALA, RESALE SPLIT LEVEL" $2,900 DOWN Owne sold tall ow tur a e ony >i? heating Under TERMS SALE 88 SC SWMERV! Luk bathrooms aspho!t CURSO large kitchen poymenn $122 john Goponitment 728-1066 root ext oom ond ToEOge TONES © plonters a ory Coll & a) see this home OM mi rrensterred sw be now. Modern 3 'bedroon home with forge fving and oreo now or 8 $10,900 Deron Dungoiow roorn, gorage. Only down and $85.00 pe ca ohnstor 1086 mon dining B Ohnston 065 Oshawa Ortare W. FRANK Real Estate Ltd | ch Street Bowmanville, 623-3393 300 Acre form rad weer Porrynoo! how OS. TuTwWwng ber, spring ot once, Ask 00 ~ $4.000.0 deving 1 500 OC Ove Reoity ('Oshewe QO} Simcoe Street Nort? Oshawa, Ontere Open Evenings Chure on poved ? rear worer Mast be ~o $16 down WE NEED YOUR HOME NOW WE HAVS GOOD BUYERS FOR THE FOLLOWING TYPE OF .¢ e ond Rossland Rood ° ) @ dbecroom home Ay NA Aberseen c ° 'cory Ouse stream, 3 0.00 dow e form ep OF VOTE NOes goed B.000 09 6 WO iD Hermony Ra. N roorn Ou % ¢ 8 roa DuNgoiow «ith Og 100 Acre form Hills ores, 9 room, 2 storey Born 30 x 80, smo! with good pond site $5,000.00 KReneio herve, ms strearr $33,000.00 tow 32265 WW Ope PRE streorn pie Acres bl ond born, good trout neor Leskord Estore Asking §.$8,000.00 000.00 down Gren fo . me ee Tem Acre Thorne © of it's bes ouetry Estote Rood North $3200 ca Mosport com 3 rood O00 BE OEHOS et Lxcelient property with Asking $16 dow! N : posture torn ew Tyre 500 SB Acre o-Matc ado 'Priced $4156 'Osha air heating, large | Bosco, Realtor Tae arranged Disil PRIVATR SALE -- [nice home, decorated fenced In yard, Dryer and } , two sere leluded, Close to churches and Wert, fac Es down payment |SPROULATORS $2,000, diwn Toes. decorated, walking Law taxes, 'TR9-0859, 7377. me, nicely Five-room and leacd side, ONE STORET Seen | ------ . METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. E Dial 728-4678 RICE LAKE COTTAGE AND LOTS Good size 5 room on < eres beoutifully, lendscep- ed waterfront lot, good boot. he good sw fahing. Asking $7906.00 with as low es $1500.00 down, Two Cottege lots ct $600.00 each, al) cleored ond ready to build on ALBERT STREET A good 6 room fomily hor tor only $10,000,00. Some spotiess, includes @ gor close to public, sepe ond high schools, flow \ payment buys ths one POSSESSION age ate dow y CENTRAL PARK BLVD. N Maeno in the Geo > Se Lange bedroom bungolow well lendscened lot, close to bus, schools, etc, Asking only $13,300.00 with. reasonodie down payment. See this home todey DOWNSVIEW PARK Adelaide St. E. ot Wilson Ra. N New modern homes, reody for Gcoupency, OF ChOose your 'ond hove @ home of your choke dullt for fell occu poncy. This is o choice resi jennie! locetion, close fo oO} services, Coll now for more ntormation WORKS. ALL DONE __ READY FOR FUN sharp 3 -bedroor oncher, @ real femily home ~iuding © Gining room good eating 'eree in kitchen peved drive. fondscaped, torms ond screens, etc. Oniy 2,800.00 with reasonodie payment EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728.4678 Mage Ker Osbome Jann Dick Borrrage o mas $ OPEN Renn Kemp = Ne ~ ay HOMES ond Mery } eee detween ~iview Gorders ree Eost of tee Rossien Estores oven "SCHOFIELD: AKER vo 9. Ser. Bee S$ Country Estates suggest thot 35 yOu (Mspect Miles ot Rogier eur Wes ow with terms ottage gred three Dedroorr or ve yMaH yas with terms Exclusive Homesite ux * ~ 2 Pork Rood Nort Sel Priced $2500 es prope mverindig Oshous with terms North Shore Realty Lid 112 Simcoe Usrowna Even B Forde MSTrONS, KEITH REALTOR Howord R. Ar HARMONY AG rec Dene var vi whe east LOWER Sapey coe cee trepiace Wwe wore Booting and Can a pmeon deep, ehorhed garmge ond 2 makes. Brckap Rake Qa TATERg iy) | Chaties HVE rears ANT $ OL > OAR, promt sere Waker Ward, oe sone Wr BAS Do Wes 2 DRENSMARING Salts, aN Toms opata, dtrrsens Grapes, Firm a TT Nirs ' = RENT ans * Seow [Weer meters halting, ret raper Ue ahewdoal the ia. a me Se vm YOR RENT welcen ----- sa an MO 8a", carta Lm Tendtiatate 'winphehe Whath: aaa %® Pm Dee rAom, tment Bao gga' wok Soe Sour Pink bosom eee Sets ater Ste ager 2. while motiee Daaerkrening AAR SORD > oma .ATe RENCE ks. Sone PANTER m > part ™~ Dokhn Whitby street North Telephone 725-3568 3853 655- 668-8042 beoroem & ok Due OTher extras, Duyllt and mony FRASER BEL lots 300 ovoepted woth Trogems " rom $800 end by TWHLUIAM v brick \ Rane ogg Hie "FOR "THIS" Siroom Barly possession. "javestore' oppor. ieunity, double house with six ages hed and. Landecaped,| i j ; ; TVR ATE, eight room brick nats ihe vars oil heat, quiet location, 4 THRER BEDROOM bungal lary Street |_North Telephone | TR-O916, schools, churches, bus, Aval tember |, Asking $12,900, Call 723.2 MAKE AN" OFFER. Bishi yearcia i ranch bungalow, fireplace Twelve tell pom. Private sale, No agents, hea Q pine hundred. Call. Barle Ale? on 330 Than eth Peters Realtor BHAUTIFUL twostorey a | e-em King Street, six rooms kitehen and bathroom, co Pies fireplace, june with substantial rae ite men Arthur Weinberger. 5 SACRIFICE HJoseph Bosco, Realtor, Taa-rare. OR SAL) we to be re WHITBY BYRON NORTH FOR SALR Frame hates 'ts be Lovely bungalow, large com change z bination living and dining pinbl ag -- A coagg room, 3 bedrooms hordwood --pathrooma, 82500 down, and tile throughout, o! heat Large corner fot included clone 0 modern |" property $8000 16 rooms, four 725-9272 more. 18 FORD ANGLIA | .. |HOR, radio, signals, washers, $835 "Spas felephone TR8-2815, Shift, radio, back-up lights, 725-2879. own | Bost offer. |1882 CHEVROLET, excellent body, lterior fair, Best. offer 3288. ", power PUC type. Apply Telephone 728-7186. mw "par isse IMPALA' convertibie, matic, Dial 725.2073 bens mileage only 21,500 ---- adde: Harmony Road South before 2 p.m wa AUSTIN' Healey Sprite, Kay "hard good condition, 8900 or best offer.| ome owner in. Telephone = T28- TRUCK with mounted extension serial 8 1933 PONTIAC, excelient engine, sido. Telephone Tas. TaN. "Va auto-| 1es* PONTIAC, Pathfinder, yellow and . Stan: | ings, evenings oe FIVE TROUSAND -- fourroom bunge for $12,900 for quick sole Mediate possession 725-2539 Im 6 xX 47 Neith Peters: Realtor, Bod Johnson 728.048, "WE LIST TO SELL ASK OURICLIENTS LUNCH COUTER, with' quarters, alse extra apartment, parking lot, on high- way between Oshawa and = Whithy, Our volume of soles hes reduced our listings to « minimum. tf you are selling Prone 668-9037, Whitby your home ond wont exper 29--Automobiles For Sale ienced advice, sincere effort wear FORD, standard whit, fou courteous service and effec tive results, CALL US R. VICKERY Telepnone TR8-0728 REALTOR recent ies) CHEVROLET, Bel Air, foardoon, good condition, like new, loaded extras. Telephone 72.1458 1937 PONTIAC, twoctoor hardtop, ~muan, A-l shape, One owner, radio, $835, Dial TOR-oeR2 toe CHEVROLET | station "wagon, aie eviinion, standard transmission, Price $1,450, 1957 Volkswagen, $595; 1958 Pontiac $885; 1855) Ford, half-ton, All cars im Ad condition, Mikes) BA Service Station, Raglan, Ontario. ASS.35R ist REL AIR Chevrolet four-door,! Aviomatic transmission, six cylinder, Owned and driven dy 'inal age since Rew, 15.000 miles Apply 733 w Street, Oshawa. Telephine Dia a8 PORD Roadster me, , channelied GUIDE REALTY sx. %s chrome, Tevephone ras vars : iv8e- FORD Pairiane 500 V4 automatic, 723-1121 w mileage, Dial 725.5321 i CHEVROLET and small im after 1958 PONTEAC. standard 6 36.000 one. n ni excelent condition, both house JUST LISTED > ton, home. MOVE Ss we property close to Nort! schools and dow $162. Full ¢ only 900 pric Phone 72 vee VAUXHALL Vetvex sedan, low mileage, dark grey, windshield wash ers, electric wipers. Asking $900. Apply 8 Buckingham Avenue or phone &2 KELLY DISNEY SED CARS LTD undes Street 688.589! sold TOOTS colored fixtures Seporote < large wit : 200 shed rooms in bow : Me . e $13,500 oom with « ght ond Liens poid off ode up er down Tap Quality he OLVO SERVICE JAKE & BILL' S GARAGE RAL REPAIR ond ~TRIC SERVICE Rd 728.092 TILDEN. CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS -- Mokes and Models CALL 625-6553 4 Albert St PRICE REDUCED BY § the dbeoutity Pe 3 acres nsvde the mits with 5 rn be just ow, Completely enclose stotely trees, a & gorage ond stream thro: the ro a end ugh Pro bungalow er of heat 3 4a9 IMMEDIATE POSSt shawe Close to room okier home dition, Al! jorge kitchen with ompie ¢ ace ond ecting 4 pt. tied both Private pavec home downtoa voor area, Mod Batio drive o err book gerage. This nght at $1 down 900. with $100 LOVELY HOME sviect loceror ng Sistence of Lnhorm home rooms. trepio beamed ce: ONTO pPorios K.O. USED CARS t Roy W. Nichols - 4 In Courtice and Bowmanville 196 Chevrolet stayne Sedan Chevrolet polo Convertible Trensm soon white washers wo A omobile 959 Chevrolet jon W agon noe Ready stonderd for the 4 meters Town woter 1959 Chevrolets ch and Sedan store ond trom Oshowo $72,900 one ute nsmission, These SUBURBAN priced right -- © room ith otache ~---- se . 1958 Chevrolet Coach a = %. 7 Dest so B00. dow Chevrolet Station Wagon BUSINESS & doudie < Oshew real money night ty? fer. A ven party ™ SIMCOE da:lt artoched SPOOUs HeGTOe les OF Close? space vanity both ompiet: 956 Chevrolets yor Choose from ng -- gorage < good » runn cors xX. Nhe orn wit 956 Pontioc Sedans th to choose wn wh Arm Cleon ond Hove & Smoll Cars es. and .Modir's Geol second cars ROY W. NICHOLS BOWMANYN a 8-208 'Toa. matic ty FAS-HOLY after 6 pm, | | ped, Good condition, Telephone in" VOLKSWAGEN, _ Completely One owner, Must be sokt vee $830, or destoffer. 668-4)17 18M DODGE, sedan 3, | TURNS order, 8200. + Fan set, 162 TRG, radio. wire "wheels. See jat Tig =e Make offer or )Phone 723-1615. 188 METEOR convertible, Fully ATS » Hood" motor and or best offer, Dial) tele. [18 BUICK, automatic, fully equipped, } Ax. condition, Telephone 728-9629. 1935 BUICK automatic, Offer, Telephone "728-5468. i? FORD Fiitane po' Steering, real {Di 2IMS after iss FORD. Has to de | Whitby iss} VOLKSWAGEN roof, paint job. Whithy 68 SA93, 1M = ONNASH, Metropotitan radio, five new tubeless tires, moter, 725-0882 after § p.m -|i86) GARVY 2, fourdoor seaans power glide, whitewalls, Apply 486 Juliana Drive 1833 MGA sportscar, convertibie. Riot 8 pm Partly seen deluxe. reconditioned, 1 mites 3450. Will accept wade. 3373 or best automatic, condition, customised, 850, Telephone 668-8371, an 7s. Rardtop rebuilt mix wo condition, best cash offer for immediate gate, Phone 728.4977 181 PONTIAC mehcanically Wes good, S85. Apply 5319 Avenue, Telephone 72587) IWS CHEVROLET sedan Rood 1S CHEVROLET four-door joally perfect, $199 or best offer * Bm, TABS~HI 1853 OLDSMORILE a5, WRA radio, $335 Tas-0158, two-door, enue good, Annapolis Rood condi. Telephone 728-0897 mechan After ante. 888 Taylor Ay "O83 BUICK, four door, two tone green, automatic transmission, radio, condition $275 Whithy 668.9782. 18 PONTIAC, two door, good Gon, dive 'and white finish Telephone 723-4005 1986 PONTIAC apply rear of 183 Bloor east geod =. } sedan, V& stick stun, evenings (838 VOLKSWAGEN Van with windows, new paint and moter job $495 yas Volkaw agen eg asking Dest offer, Telephone Tab.) 1980 <a ~convertibie, Sas, tour Darrel sack $2595 or $690 and take ever Payments at Telephone 735-6852 new emai, youth 190 PEUGEOT 403, one owner, | economical, $1.00 er nearest Teiephone [28.2058 Paint trade jod $85.00 per month. : sprees ii e: REFRIGERATOR -- We i887 PLYMOUTH, four Goer, ne rast, condition $85 Asking S333.. Take Apply 3 Harmony read . clean, offer '853 OLDSMORBILE, Superse, good --s Gition, New paint job, 4<joor, accept trade, Dial 728-0583 ise ONARCH 2 era stickshift $150. Ashburn, Can oSS-4808. 18 MONARCH, two-door hard ewWemeatic, radio, A condition, oash. Apply 73 Ritson Read South call VR}aiae ISS FORD, two-door, Asking 8159. or eS Can de seen best offer radio, wil door, Rew motor bad between 34 pom. Dial top MN or au -- Telephone 1853 PONTIAC hardtop with rein, two- aeor, Dial 728-9098 -- ANTERNATIONAL % motor, saddle Rie. rly TADAS, es wheat ph @amp box -- chs F.PCV cence. Telephone 7 MONARCH sedan, powered, redio pletely equinped 4. Telephone padded dash. Excellent FBT automatic, Pally com 1889 TRIUMPH sedan, good condition. "SOS Motor overhaul $400 or dest offer and brake TIBRIAS : large 10 WHITE stake track, Se Was, Valley Creek Furniture ana =m, {ten Best alfer "SS CHEVROLET "So aa mechanicalty, $)25 IMB Pontiac censed, g00¢ motor, S. Whit ARE DAW ie 3) CHEVROLET shape thronghout moter, Best offer Street Twat conve;rtinie New wp, wath Apply 3 je gone > by "* se Prince 138 PLYMOUTH § cylinder, feurdeor seGan, dest offer FORD, motel A. Sell al &S. 440 OM METHOR sedan dcnen, motor, good dest offer BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS KING OSHAWA ust 3 son Rood! ast of W 23~ 4294 Res 7 PRIVATE Telephone T25-48K2 or parts. Dia 1963,Mercury Comet Deldxe 4800 CALL 725-72 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Goud cleon cors. Trode up or down. Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUT 723-043) $ ALL Sieale $ S pod c TORS LTD NN. WHITBY nes 20.000 AATY iL a 668-8 GENERAL "REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE A Foreign Moke Cars BiOl LAKESRORE Auto Wreckers want cole wrecking Weriworth a en ast PTIOes pati TO FIND & iver For get your offer ip beime Markewiace -- aoe tom of the Oshawa Tir the reedetp-das oui ty poking @ "Homes for Sele" 700 eae WANTED Cash au « lawsitied praspects who are cond}. Call radio S550. BOY'S sults three, sie 12 . Gray, tre wool, one with extra pants, one sum- mer weight, custom tailored, condition. Sv. each, TRS. 1008, TRANSMISSION Power Guide, tor [Chevrolet or Pontiac, robaltt, excellent SERVICE your Austin, M.G., Heoley, Sprite, T.R. serviced by factory mechanics, large parts de- portment, work guaranteed, NELS HYLAND 1750 Danforth, Toronto Morris, Volvo, Have ae This With the purchase of a stoves, picnic jugs, coolers, SELLING -- furniture" or Wee HOUSTON'S GARAGE Poa eae Osha SELLING fim 67 KING ST. WEST nd ' tal renials, 'Cleve Fox, 412 Simooe |POSTS, hardwood, a x (length, @ fh. 28¢ Beverly mattress furniture lines, Apply 12, Writby 668-4262. com i, wo & ances? Cali Elmer, Hampton, 263-2894 Television, telephone 728-6781, WANTED home, Duro and Beatty, Piston er. motor and TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, du: mission for 1854 Buick, A-l Free estimates, Parts, attachments, West ~ Simplicity, carnage, 723-784 Apply 16 Soathiawn Avenue, condition, Dial 723-3657 We'll buy it for top i See Ca' Blake's Furniture rand O 1-7572 pee nl HO _1-7572 STUDENTS A" super [mately 690 sheets ey wien thas and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM PLETE BRAKE SERVICE |}? nS b del wuy Nt. for top cash, MOTOR TUNE-UP AND [Cai alake's Furniture and Appliances GENERAL REPAIRS Store, 720-919) j canvas t 723-7822 - [tree estimates Chair, BUY } good used '32--Articles For Sole Moline eat etatene turntare saa RW CCM RICFCLES absolutely free 'ine 444 "Simos Street oh suite, $150 or over, PBaay| HONEST Cal's rniture and terms, Barons' Home Furnishings, 44 ances Name a at visgeet Simooe Street South, jcounts anywhere, We carry Restonie up © 8 #., 23 conts each. Call ae Your authorized GE dealer, Contact ard, before $ p.m. Telephone 735-8202, | Epewed sea omens hats bie FLoWnRING SHRUBS clearing "at we 9.90 . 9.90. Telephone 728 price. Evergreens one-third off. THRER-PIRCE Ii ving room waite, Nursery, Brock street north, Highway onditien 28 Centre! gene REDDING GOWN 18-14 whit eee seen w @ sine 18-14 white on TELEVISION" 'tower pees with train. "Reasonable, Dial structure, inctoding Wh eentedl setae jimstalied and guaranteed by ane BUYING or selling furniture or appli with 10 years ex ---- POR SALE OR RENT 8 i cabin Galler BF. GOODRICH STORES -- "Tires, sleeps four with compact kitchen faci Batieries, Kelvinator refrigerators, ities, light enough for small television Twrifty Budget plan. 733-4543. car Telephone 728.0818, OLD GUNS |WATER PUMPS (ised) wat Telephone Oshawa TR)-8183 T25-8563 between $ and 7 nn FOR SALE -- Jacodean hall chait, an-/GREENHOUSE tomatoes for onl ak tique 'oak, walnut side chair, Wilton 387 Garran' read or call 728-2578. rum. china, other articles. Excellent a wees : ~ TELEVISION, 3i- in., $73, condition, Phone 128-3.62. rangette, $3. Also Plicators, chequewriters, comptometers, Dial 728-3707. three hundred new and used, We buy, yell, rent, service. Hamilton Office Hquipment, 13? Brock South, Whitby 'prices VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes i tow. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond drushes, hoses guaranteed rebuilt ma WASHING machine, chines, Rentals Wallace Vacoum Ser vice, Call anytime, _Taboss; ng geod, $2. tat Taa-sem, 4 BARBY Thistie REFRIGERATOR, Frigidaire, to Pp freering whit, good condition, Telephone 2P¢ delge, used only few GUITAR, Martin, D2i_ HO. terms ar WEDDING gown, 'full length, with lone Dest cash olfer,Dial 723-0813 Sa ane ae NeW See ace, n ONE sleeves, good condition, $33. BABY carriage, Thistle, tan and beige, 298 Dearborn Avenue. Telephone very gold condition, $90, Dial 7a5-7257.| 1786. / FOLDING camping trailer, closed 5 A. RICYCLES. boy's and # girl's 7 RR, openeld 1© A. x T fr, Lake! Box trader, $4, Telephone nt" Nt your betidays |iNousteiAL Pau, GAL > : volors, unlimited quantity, 14-feor os ge 3 HP Scott $3.40, selling $3.99 gallon electric start, 1961 model with quantity sales, Oshawa Machinery trailer and extras, ase Can finance. pany, 597 Simcoe South, Tetephone Whithy, be+/ 9216. tween 10 am, and 5 pm 1981 GALE 5 HP new BOAT, MOOT Apply 205 Lapin Drive. i LOOKING for good buy tne chewer motor, used very field and matching chair, rubber tate $150; lable saw, STS without moter cushions, apply IM Lasalle aveme ring Toor lamps, Phone REFRIGERATOR, General Electric 10, CANOE, never used automate condi ou, f., Three years old good tion, softener, rags. Phillips dictater, ideal for cottage Thal T25.3976, goed Telephone Tas 306 | woven dea a. WE Day, sell and exchange used furni OPE? FREEEE, Gitton, if eu. tare or anything you have. The City = ight months old, HAS ew, ing for $250. Has arborite top. Taegan, Trai ng Post Stores, 446 Simove Street nen Sooh and 3) Bond Stree East, 725-167) REFRIGERATOR, Keivinater, % ca McCLARY apartment site electric ae or 36 -- Telephone 'wage, Good condition, $33. Norge re." tle sts Steet, aparemeet trigerater, good condition, $40. Will sell ROOM air conditioner, 100 volta, heavy separately oF together, 658-4276. a@uty, home use, Used three sea- er pg gee Sood condition, SiR. RANGE, GE ir -- for cottoge, Al 785-3127 condition. Dial 623-5: Tee ot =v s . : Tek "WARLEY - DAVIDSON SIXTEEN ~ for See cedar strip | 'Hat, motor controls, lights, steering. |\Cw MBeage, Like new. Dial Ta0-4008, Tee Nee trailer, dest reasonable offer, CHEQUE-WRITING machine, not new, Cal T25-4n2 bet Very goed condition, $80 or make OT, PAINTINGS, originals, landscapes, O%CT._Telephone scenes and character studies, Various FENDER jaus guitar, Siaes, various prices, Must see ts ap- with case, stand and cord, S333. preciate Call Clark, 335 Brock Street Dass amplifier, S85. Aa condition. North, Whithy | Telephone TEdSb08, USED 'car parts of ail kinds, used OUNTROARD motor" res, al] sizes; also spindies and is Pearly new, for travers. Apply 308 Bleor Street 723.2s6T after Kast. Telephone 72.2381 ANTIOVE = Wheel Fs COMMERCIAL French iryer. ~Automa- rural Quebec Oonversation mece tie Hot Paint floor model, extra pan. the home, Apply 338 King Street eer, tm excellem condition, $133. Dial 8. PIANO, apartment si. Mans a; sine, Mason and Risch, excelent condition What's My Line? Buying or selling used Me, Like new. Livingroom tables, Ap 8 Mclaughlin Riva. niture ond ettiaggaia your needs phor 'Viking, tive 1 -- few times, wt tom ou dur- For RANGE. 'Matin cos 'conch sine, $50. oars carnage both 325. Telephone E5952 wOvrs 1 CAMERA, new, zoom sutema- te, 728-440) oF coll ot the store 62 Bond W OASIS DEHUMIDIFIERS Keeps your bosement dry ond liveobie ONLY $129 sage ig TELEVISION prchcier soreen very good dan gain = | F578, ie URNITURE and appliances of Exece wes sage wong ateme sae Rew, Mas be by July 30. Telephone owner Tan ane PLAYER pan wth" andxion. Telephone HARD SIDE swimm skies, about 868-3657 "FILTER QUEEN VACUUMS ond used mochines. Repos ond service. a Queen Sales 323 King St. West 728-7552 33--Market Basket PICK y your ar ora everest Cine ko's farm, evenings only, Please, ne qntdren under u. Telephine Scene. BABYLAND- BARGAINS Ease RR No. 2, Towtune Nex ya te ONE WEEK ONLY vei gut ean pod mance ee band, Teesday, Brond New BASY CARRIAGES "edo Telephone 728-3048, While they from $19 TADY'S Bolova wristwatch, while geld, 5 Diwck welvet band, set with Giamends Oshawa Shoppiag on shoulder, Vicinity Oshawa Trursday. Keepsake Contre, 3.36 p.m Reward T23-7e58. UOST -- "white god en TiRg, 'Shes engagement wucenity hing Centre or Gowntews area. Reward. T8453. "% role, ¢ EO 888-2677, : Ting pool, aluminum ee -- feet wide, reasonable, BOATS, MOTORS ON DISPLAY Traveler ond. Lorson ade, Voivo-Pento 88 Motors ew uly Mo Cc Ey AA ers MC mre son Boots 0 Open Unt 8 PM MARINE Storage & Supply Ltd Brooklin, Ont. 655-364) _ $7 tolding $3. WALKERS, CAR BATHINETTES, AIRS KINDER- A Slash Now is the time to Sell that Outboard Motor boot trailer or any other boating accessories. AOU 20 ChURCH STREET Custom. and Ready Node DRAPERIES Ready buyers are eagerly waiting for them The following od rr ed im the Oshawa Times Ciossified Columns and the boat ond trailer were sold the first day. ard $1. Drapery" Fabrics M. and . Drapery ks SCOTT motor 110 bp Peverborough strip wheel and con- 450 cosh. -- Telephone Let Clossitied Ads help you too Dry Goods Store -- «Continusd on Page 38)