Doctors Probing Deformed Births ST, LOUIS, 'Mo. (AP) -- Stunned, the young couple im- plored: "No, no, not us!" Their physician had just told them their newborn baby, their first child, was a mongoloid-- malformed, St. Louis physicians have formed a determined, planned drive to answer the parents' twin questions: 'Can this hap- pen again? Is there anything structures and after hundreds-- maybe thousands--of tests we hope to be able to tell by their structure just what disease can demonstrate. which malfunction that might exist in the unborn child," STUDY CHROMOSOMES mosomes, "We think that possible de- fects in the parents will: show up in the children," Dr, Woolf said, "By knowing this before- hand, we hope to prevent the tragedy before it could occur." HEARD IN MOVIE Ace sportscaster Vince Scully is heard but not seen in the movie Irma La Douce, as he broadcasts a fictional baseball game. way to correct defective chro- Year Passed For Algeria Independence ALGIERS (AP) -- One year has passed since Algeria won independence and took its des- tiny into its own hands, It was a year of hope, but also of istability, of disappoint- ments, of political quarrels and mounting economic difficulties. The country survived largely because of French money and American food. Independence saw _ Algeria plunged immediately into a bit- ter struggle for power, cul- minated by a five-day civil war last September and the emer- gence of Premier Ahmed Ben Bella as the country's strong man, Since taking over, Ben |Bella has smashed two plots against his regime and re- moved his most active oppon. ents. Today Algeria has an author- itarian regime backed by an army loyal to Deputy Premier Houari Boumedienne, defence minister and the country's No. 2 man. Only one party--the Front of National Liberation--is allowed. The local press is muzzled. More and more, Algeria seems to be moving toward one-man control--like most of newly in- dependent Africa, On July 1, 1962, 10,000,000 Al- gerian Moslems celebrated the victory of their struggle for independence after @ ruthless 7¥-year war. Of the million-odd Europeans, about 120,000 remain. Of those, an estimated 50,000 have made arrangements to'! leave this year. Algerian authorities have re. placed the former French col- onial administration, They are trying their best to cope with the giant structure inherited from France, Algerian officials ay: "We have inherited a cum- bersome system, unadapted to ad THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 10,1963 17 our needs, We have no experi- ence nor immediate possibilities to adjust it. We are trying to preserve what we have, at the same time seeking other meth- ods, more fitting the situation. But all this takes time." Foreign diplomas believe that as.long as Ben Bella's regime manages to preserve the administrative structure, the country is safe. "The standard of living will still drop," said a Western dip- tomat, "There will be more chaos and many breakdowns, But if the structure is pre. served, Algeria will survive." Some foreign friends of the Algerian cause are alarmed, however, They cite growing apathy of the administration and party workers, the appar. ent lack of faith in the future and enthusiasm to work. "This country is tired, dead tired," is the phrase repeated frequently in Algeria. The 46 chr of every human cell carry the genes that determine sex, physical characteristics, gréwth, mental ability and other individual traits, These physicians think some may contain signs to pre- determine abnormalities in the unborn, "We. plan to run chromosome tests on every newborn child at the maternity hospital in the St. Louis Medical Centre," Dr, Sherman says, "The 'blood samples will be taken from discarded afterbirths, and this blood will be used to make cul- tures (specimens for study)" that can be done to prevent it?" "We're. starting out on a hunting expedition," says Dr. Ralph B. Woolf, one of the key members of the research team at Barnes Hospital--Washington University Medical Centre "Our staff sees unlimited poten- tial in unlocking the secrets of many diseases of childbirth," Dr, Woolf and Dr. Alfred I Sherman head the team. A number of staff members from area hospitals already have joined them. From their re} The process is a difficult one. Search, these scientists hope) Cultures must, remain under for results that will bring. a jcontrolied conditions for 65 to nation-wide -drop in birth de-) |70 hours, At a certain point fects, | during this period the chromo- But they are dealing with! semes must be "killed," or they infinitesimal subjects--chromo-| will continue their normal pat-| somes, minute forms in humani|tern of dividing to form new cells, They think chromosomes cells may hold the key to understand-| The doctors hope that even-| ing and preventing malforma- tually parents will submit blood/ tions in childbirth, samples before planning their "We want to note how various family, If any defect shows up diseases show up in chromo-|in the chromosones, they can some formations," Dr, Woolfjbe advised not to have their says, "We will catalogue these 'own children, There is 'no known LOW-LO PRIC7S AP Sells Only Meats Purchased From Federally Inspected Packing Houses "CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF" BEEF ROAST SAL "BONELESS ROUND ROAST 87 BONELESS RUMP ROAST Or POINT SIRLOIN ROAST SIDE BACON "ise 16% PERCH FILLETS 037 HALIBUT STEAKS 667: tte Rad "4, 4 1, LARGE-SIZE JUNIOR JAR A bigger container for heartier appetites. Just right fora toddler's growing needs. JUNIOR 2. QUICK-TWIST CAP A quick \% turn and the jar is open. Another \ turn recaps the jar to refrigerate any unused portions. YOUR CHOICE 3. WIDE-TOP JAR Makes it extra-easy to spoon out baby's food. . . right down to the last bit im the bottom of the jar. ROUND STEAK ALL SLED or MINCED | 4 SHOP-EASY LABEL Variety names are right at the top of the label te speed selection... save , recious shopping time. convenience Stdeux Market cp In Light Trading =: Ese TORONTO (CP)--With finish-|of Montreal 44 among ecutterelicinecaie schools, cents, 'Oct, . record ing adjustments to the budget, |Ba ners. "The Roman Catholics ssa hd -- Jaa, 1 Hb pkg 69. the stock market climbed. con- see tees enue pad a Bt selves have said that their sep- Sarr tdi Lt fidently during a day of excep-tion was generally hisher An orate Schools are primarily) wont second pfd. 18 tionally light trading Tuesday. |>jo-Huronian up $1 85 to $9.50 training Gaieees for nuns and) |30, record Sept. 16. Among gaining industrials,|Bouzan up 10 to 61 cents, Kerr- soe po cham i i pe AeP Federal Grain advanced 1 to 68) Addison unchanged at $2.85 and fe . 3 = 3 ran, Sutcn Ke) the same privilege as privitege as ORE AT with Distillers Seagrams, Mol-|Prospectors Airways down 13 to| ormed and Jews, are denied) | Promised the Roman Ca re son A and Interprovincial Pipe!64 cents. Calling for written préee 2 tins S8e--SAVE Line ahead %. Shell Canada! Mining Corp, jumped 2% fol-| rose % and CPR climbed %./lowing a takeover proposal by Abitibi, Imperial Oi] and Stee!/Noranda. Noranda advanced 5¢ oe of Canada advanced) In senior base metals, Falcon- bridge gained % and Interna- ~ Moore dipped 4%, Canada Ce-|tional Nickel \4. : ment and Southam 4 and Bank! On index, all! Fresh, Choiee Shoulder Cute 6ST 62% 64% Hb pkg 53 62% 71% GROUND CHUCK | SHORT RIBS BEEF '| PORK SAUSAGE ALWIENERS «2227. mands earlier this year, the res-/ments Lid., five olution said, and agreed to make|62% cents, Aug. "we. y reeality "enormous grants" to separate|16. . schools. It added that, while Ro-| Dover Industries 1 |man Catholics comprise one.|mon 15 cents, Sept. amroek BLUEBERRY PIE "49 Reg. Price each 39o--SAVE 100 SPANISH BAR CAKE each 29e dane Parker, Plain or Seeded Reg. loaf 260--SAVE Se RYE BREAD 24-or loa BAe dane Parker Plain, Sugared er Cinnamon Reg. Price 280--SAVE Ce CAKE DONUTS pkg of 12 23 Dandruff Remover and '<. Conditioner Price bt! $1.50--SAVE 2te RESDAN 6-f-oz bottle 1.29 Deodorant Reg. Price bt! $1.25---SAVE 260 BAN ROLL-ON 1%-foz bottle Ye There Is An A&P Food Store Located Neer You... Check Below! nso 223 BROCK STREET NORTH SIMCOE STREET NORTH WHITBY "a Deevedinrtncih tins RITSON ROAD SOUTH 185-187 KING at LIBERTY OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE Fresh Fruits and Vegetables -- Arriving Daily S.A. Navels, Large Size, Finest for Eating, No. 1 Grade ORANGES -49: Golden Ripe, No. 1 Grade BANANAS 2-29: Bradford Fresh Crisp No. 1 Grade Nature South Carolina Yellow Flesh No. 1 Grade LETTUCE 2m 29¢ | PEACHES sz 29% ag bay Ontario Grown, Field, Sweet, Green Slicers, New Crop, Ontario Grown, White Fluffy Cookers, CUCUMBERS 2-25: | POTATOES =:.--49 grown Cauliflower, Cabbage, Green Peas, Head FROZEN FooD FEATURES Lettuce, Hot House Tomatoes, Green Onions Sen Seeld Hadgock Reg. pkg 3c--SAVE 4e STICKS 'oorPKs C Reg. Price 2 tins 43c--SAVE Se GRAPE pice, Hots QQ. Lean fer Braieing Super-Right Brand Pure, Skintess All Meat Sea Seald Ocean Cooked and Breaded higher,. industrials 2.50 to 635.85,|members of the legisla 59 golds .25 to 89.10, base metals|resolution said the Ora 15-f-oz tins & AVE 42: 1,31 to 209.19 and. western oils | should disapprove of t 64 to 117.56. Volume at the plan and ask public sché Iclose was 2,488,000 'compared [porters to protest "this a with 2,674,000 at the same timelof the public school systeriee tin 230--SAVE 1 Monday. Protestant taxpayers."" 5 11-fl-ez tins * AVE 76e REG. PRICE 2 TINS 47c -- SAVE $e CASE OF 24 TINS $5.10 SAVE Bac secuions were ATTENTION OSHAWA FOOTBALL FANS FREE TICKETS: Price tin S1e--SAVE 40 3 10-f-oz tins #9. VE B2e pkg 470--SAVE 40 43: ee _ 2 pkgs 27e--SAVE Se A 2-02 pkgs 4 *rice tin 20e--SAVE 170 J errcrin YM Price tin 630--SAVE 40 25-f-oz tin 59: Price pkg 27e--SAVE Se agsot 2 2.0 Ad Price tin 390--SAVE 17e Bs sm 4,00 Price pkg 380--SAVE Se @ Quer: 6&9: Price tube 35e--SAVE 20 large size tube c Price btl S5e--SAVE ite 7-A-oz wi Qe 'ep. Price bil 7T8o--SAVE Se bil of 25 c jar T3e--SAVE 10 c ARGONAUT HOME GAMES! TWO $3.00 RESERVED SEAT TICKETS T EACH WINNER -- ALSO A CHANCE T WIN A "TRIUMPH SPITFIRE" SPORTS Ci.-- -- ENTER CONTEST AT YOUR LOCAL LOBLAW STOR ASK CASHIERS FOR ENTRY FORMS WITH COMPLETE DETAILS THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIRC TEA COMPANY ETD. FOOD STORES AaP MEANS DEPENDABILITY ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, JULY 13th, 1968 2%-or jer