More than 75 girl campers, ranging in ages from 8 to 15 inclusive, staged their regular Tabloid Meet ('Track and Field) at Camp Kedron on Saturday, July 6, from 2 to 3.15 p.m,, de- spite the sun and over 85 de- gree, temperature, With 10 captains selected and about seven or eight keen girl campers on each team,, the teams moved to the sports field and competed in the following 10 events: 50-yards dash; hoop race; darts (three darts); soc- cer kick for accuracy; softball 'hrow for distance; skipping and the standings are as fol- lows: STANDING OF TEAMS Winning Team (Team 2) -- Nancy Hayes, captain; Lana Kaukonen, Pat McCammond, llona Kalyata, Linda Ryerse, Susan Frobel, Jackie Ovenden and Malea Miller -- 315 points. Team 1 -- Sheila Keys, cap- tain; Ann Maughan, Judy Al- lan, Gwen Skitch, Obhristine Chyb, Mary Taylor, Nancy Richardson and Karen Tonkin -- 281 points, Team 8 -- Judy Oattes, cap- tain; Colleen Greer, Linda tain; Inez Pretty, Jackie Fro: bel, Brenda Shaw, Patti Hart, Kelly Walsh and Mary Ann Sar-} geant -- 242 points, | Team 6 -- Heather Clements, | captain; Betty Lynn Osborne,| Gail Lintlop, Michelle Van- strien, Susan Atkinson, Brenda) Perry and Jane Chesebrough --| 241 points | tain; Gail MeWilliams, Elaine Ford, Terry - Lee Smith, Lou Clancy, Christine Snoxall! and Mary-Jo Marks -- 233 points, Team 9 -- Mary Lynn Holtby, Tabloid Meet Enjoyed | By Kedron Campers Team 10 -- Vicki Bathe, cap-| | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, July 9, 1963 J captain; Judy Fekete, Carol! Gifford, Cathy Souch, Nanne-| lore Vocllger, Katie Ugray and} Cecily Ugray -- 227 points. | Team 7 Laurel McKim, captain; Barb Holtby, Kathy! Krantz, Stephanie Naylor, Patty Skitch, Moira Russell, Sally Howson, Leanne Libby and Kathy Ireland -- 260 points, Team 3 '-- Brenda Hatt, cap- tain; Anita Kashul, Judy Triv- (time test); standing 'broad jump; encircle the softbal! bases (time); bowling (three balls and five pins) and goal- hi (basketball hoop and two balls) lett, Debby Sproule, Brenda Despite their ages, skills and|Burtch, Betty-Ann Hall, Megan abilities to cope with the var-|Marks and Jane Ellison -- 251/Sinnott, Susan Shackelton and} lied events, many for the first) points, Oattes, 105; Susan Frobel, 181; | lime, their results were amaz-| Team 4-- Diane Calder, cap-|Barbara Scott -- 191 points, | ling. The competition was gaug-|tain; Betty Jenkin, ine Sur] Shella Key | Sheilg Keys, 127 points; Judy not one team pitted against the}san Annand, Madeleine Christ,|Oattes, 105; Susan Frobel, 81; other. And, when it was alliJanice Robertson and Mary-)Nancy Hayes, 79; Susan An- over, each player's. score was|Ellen Henderson -- 247 points |nand, 76; Brenda Shaw, 73; otalled for her team's total) Team 5 -- Gail Myles, cap-|Betty Lynn Osborne, 72. | To Call Tenders For Trent Lock OTTAWA (Special) -- Trans-|:ampreys advancing beyond |port Minister George Mcliraith) that point 2 in Monday's infield events, Ihas announced tenders will be) Mr. Meliraith said he has) of here where a "death camp --(CP Wirephoto) lcalled for the Swift Rapids lock! written to Lands and Forests) for 18.000 pigs" was kept, will lon the Upper Trent waterway; Minister Kelso Roberts and is|be up for auction there Wednes- woneie neg jsometime this month jawaitin ghis reply |day. The lock is 'scheduled for, Last week, William Owens of| john D, Laun was living it completion by the opening. of/ Oshawa, as president of the On-| up among his pigs before slip-| 1956 navigation season. tario Federation of Anglers|ping a to Germany in The department's - "normal|and Hunters, presented a brief|March, 1962, when the business | CHAMPIONS | je around the individual and/MacCallum, Dinah Raine, Su- To Hold Auction At Piggyland TORONTO (CP) -- The luxur- ious personal effects of the op- erator of Piggyland at Sunder- land, about 35 miles northeast & RIDE HIM, COWBOY! ==--ti«sS Peery CHIEF SEES TREND TO SHORTS ing the shorts next summer, predicts many forces will fol low his lead in adopting the cooler uniform, ---(CP Wirephoto) fame and fortune. Here ts one of the first contestants who tried his skill on a wild horse brone riders en- ry Stampede e to possible Bareback tered in the Calg take a bumpy to regulation-style Bermuda shorts as part of the force's uniform, Chief Pierce, who as a result of the test, expects his entire force will be wear- Police Chief Vincent Pierce of Simcoe, concerned about the comfort of his police offi- cers during Southern Ontario's humid summers, tests reaction the completion by 1967, its 14 Pawley told the court had been the; resu During the last week of the » and) course the stud will be ing ing NEW HOME | SPECIALISTS omitted | | | GRASS FIRE The Oshawa Fire Department answered a call to a grass fire Monday. The fire was at the corner of Court and Emma streets, Chief Ray Hobbs and Deputy Chief Martin Ostler also answered a rescue call from the lakeshore. It proved to be a false alarm. There were three routine ambulance calls. BUEHLER Say erick, No Boy 12 No Boy South Shore, No Boy Brief an' Flee. No Boy North Cairn, No Boy '104 Rondezvous Lou, No Boy } Wellington Whiz, o4 FIFTH RACE $2800 «=Claiming Purse $1900 for 3-year-olds 1 and 16th » No Boy 1 i Boy 109; Our Danny, No Boy 109: Also Eligible Choregraphy Right, No Boy Boy 120 t, No Boy 4--L. and M. Stab Farm entry vn nable, Turcotte X18 No: Fiddle ddie, Harrison 108 War. Jayel , Dalton 116 Vera ¢ Zz © and Cairnburn 16 SECOND RACE Jeannie Purse $1800 for 3 *urlongs. Top Trade, No Boy (A)103 SIXTH RACE -- Foaled in Canada Beau Pierre, No Boy 103 A vance. Purse $2500 for 3-year-olds Right Bower, No Hoy (B)X100 7 * De Barry d eros Hero, Burton U6 Willowdale G Queen's Courier, Dittfach 116 Navarro, No Cut Flower, Hernandez X11] $2300 claiming t-year-olds, 6 0 urcot io and INELLA BETTING Poi I V Is To Stand Trial | {he peopoon altrea | o stand Ina A R ed jin la'e 1964 or early 1965, and/Cause of the danger of provid-|then buried in shallow pits at} e p is here again If contact has occurred with} saved fr an overturned cabin| f C . ogee po aagenalis ' moh ati tpi i : lis called, we are inviting the/yp and report to both govern-|40-per-cent annual profit were|included George Russell,|Babylonians was read from the|judge's' court by Magistrate ble th 1 should] oil a holiday, unless they are|soon as possible the oil should) stephen, and vst : hf aly my sP ™ ge 7 and Mrs.{co-operate on a combined study| "There is a definite danger|Growers of Ontario Algo Sun-|pond, all of Oshawa and A small rubbish fire at In-ja. Hall, 28, of 46 Kenneth ave : Se The first signs of poisoning are} eojjic tt foot cedar-\guards in the lock to prevent/ing' with BOTH locks we must/boat, a 25-foot house trailer, a/Vi 3 f ' | Fone iy 28 an ace 1 aa le ee ea ee by the Oshawa Fire Départ-'a magistrate, but Magistrate found in densely populated por-|The itching sensation increases-|" 'The cruiser was driven by the 40 Students [Protec ted jlection of imported china are| Dr ¢ sponded to a total of six calls./qa preliminary hearing. | may appear as dwarfed shrub-/¢@" burst and become irritating,/|jovd was also in the craft at Istall new and larger marine|----------------- show movies of the activities) Nelson Hennessey, 42, of Osh-| woman, Clara Pawley, of over locks, i d at $300 by her h H : : age was estimated at Yjroomers in her house. Howev around trees, shrubs and posts,'4yom RUBBING two boys out ag at er, ] locks wi ost an estimate THREE LEAVES avoided. Irritation may be re-| TE lessons. gl ge geo were remembered with the pre-|hankment and rolled over after|those were the mames they She said it was the first time) student militia summer course}! By Defense of Oshawa. on the stem instead of five or|or boracic acid. The application Donald Cotton, 200 King street} was one of the high! ghts| rate : an be assigned forjbe thoroughly washed, with pa: m as on highlig ite shape c week-course: which covers): The OFAH brief foresaw de-| ing while his licence was under/of the Monday meeting of the Cotton, who @ : The egg market was firm with A eaflets and conspicuously labelled e . . . 2) . gins of the | ts at the McLaughlin Col-|Browning, the corps weapon, |OWners of large boats." The) orounds on which, he felt,/and a volume containing the| IN SECOND PLACE the federal department of agri- ; tacit il which|!te period, and if handled, amy/Grade 11 | contains a poisonous oll which | promoted tolgiven at the Armories, but the s man's comment and he asked| MESSAGE | Fashions | | OA {wins in a 'mixed doubles tourna-|41; A small 29; B-and C grades ation diploma, general course:|is used to teach the students 5 a abs . . | | jmembers of the Rotary Club of HOSPITAL REPORT | ss 7 tools which have touched it. I) Adults should know of the dan-|I | defence counsel were of a legal| wey of July 8: A large 48.7; A mee -clas others who have dren on how to recognize and; At the O'Neill Col! Constable E, Mayne, of the|..... with amnhaci ea Be eae =f RET >, ° hand-clasp, to others who e ny. fob, year with emphasis on interna-; missions 308; births - male 28; non-tenderable 4914-4934, in light i ss ed with a club in Chile during) male 21; major surgery 65; mi-- name of Robert Gladman Fashion trends for 1963 origi-|had motioned to Thompson to id PO scheme to go over what they) nated at WEDNESDAY, JULY. 10 Came sagen elk stinua seas! Officials at Darlington Pro-|physiotherapy treatments 595 $1200 for 3 and 4-year-olds, Bally Smart, No : | : at Pie at tha nine: ; H ® course at Picton at the pres iirs. L, Estabrooks, Prizes of when he got a flat tire, had/237 on an annual pass and 306 , No Boy mer months in readiness forjcyaw > Oattes | : Re | . jShaw, Judy Oatte | Defence counsel said there is|States, Also Eligible Al y 122 } 12, bara Hoitby, Madeline Christ. ; ; ; West Tuesday. The 20-year-old} y iwhich, he said Thompson is. ' b ay dein # bi | He said Thompson lost his li-|/™* nt will take part in the an- yard on the border between the | Th it Ch " | e arge Most Original Gown -- Le.| 00 many points, However, Mr. | ronth. The advance party will | at nadian Federation of Authors! Monday to theft of a radio and) Best Dress For The Future--} The defence counsel also con jcamp there will be courses in} 20-per-cent increase in fees paid|abode, told the court he came] derson the department of highways| CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TRUE-TRIM BEEF (4s. | RSMAS grnocon nen Match ee | Boat Boys Iplans" call for tenders 'on the|to the minister urging cancella-| went bankrupt. | S H iSevern Falls (Big Chute) lock|tion of the proposad locks be-| The pigs, maltreated, starved, mer riazar d | u jing lampreys access to inland| Piggyland, cost 700 investors! | j : RSENS lakes from Lake Huron $1,500,000 --~ a minimum loss of = 4 . 9 . sae ; : | Tau arge MATTHEW B. DYMOND, MD)the fur of pets which are them-| FRENCHMAN'S BAY (Staff) COMBINED STU DY He was assured that 'no work] $145 each : VISITORS AT ROTARY story of Daniel s triumphant | : Health. Minister for Ontario {selves not affected by it Two Toronto boys were) "However," Said the minister,| would Be done on the Big Chute| "Farming right in your own|Visitors at the Monday meetingjreliance on the power of God) A man and a youth were ' 'before 'the Big Chute tender|jock until a team could be set/living room' and a promise ofjof the Rotary Club of Oshawa/during his captivity under the) committed to trial in the county with all its opportunities forjthis plant, or with an article|cryiser in Frenchman's Bay on|!s E in ; | ud fun and relaxation. But therejwih its oil, the advice of a/Saturday, it was learned yes-|Federal Department of Fisher-| ment bodies." the advertisements which lured|Thomas Russell, Ken Tipney, | Bible, \Frank S. Ebbs Monday on a are certain hazards which can/doctor. should be sought, AS/terday.. lies and the Ontario Depart-;; 0 0 ne investors of Piggyland, operat-|Frank Ball, Jack Mann, Doug-| RUBBISH FIRE jjoint charge of fraud. Harold, 12,/ment of Lands and Forests to|SEE DEFINITE DANGER ed by Associated --Livestock/!as Fisher and Dr, Claude Vi-| ' Pleading not guilty were Doug. known about in advance, andjbe washed off the skin by re-|Lloyd, sons of Mr . Ro Py nya ; f é therefore, avoided. One of these| peated latherings with soap and/fadie Lioyd were trapped injon the possibility on install-/from the lamprey," agreed Mr.|derland Limited tarians Toss Murison, Pick- pa or ge ge the enue, and William J, Caitheart, is poison ivy. generous rinsings with water.|the hull of the cruiser when it{ing adequate deterrents or safe-|Mcliraith, "and before proceed-| A four-berth, :24-foot cruiserjering; Tom Palmer, Bowman-|armony road north, Nea e/19, of the same address. vs |ville; A. Wilson, Brockville and only incident reported Sunday| he pair had elected trial by , t naniusually a slight itching, follow-| nog: y R. Robertson of {be absolutely sure fishing in| baby grand piano, Persian lamb/A. Smith, Orillia | a : , \ a as eae isied by @ faint blush of the skin. 'Toronto " | |Lake Simcoe and other lakes is) and mink coats and a fine col-| TO SHOW FILMS eetsd ws ul aes cee a , Re ppt and small water blisters willlgwner Howard Parker, Brock Mr. Mcliwraith said depart-|just some of the items to be Vipond, who recently) : Hall and Caithcart had alleg- cor gacation sand. ess It/appear. In very bad cases these| road north, Pickering, Eddie | ment studies indicate that to in-| auctioned, returned from Malaya, will 300 DAMAGE ledly defrauded a 75-year-old ; 4 o}/o0zing sores. a really severe|the ac | od jrailways "would ultimately of the Rotary Club of Penang,/awa, was involved in a one-car)$400, by plants a few inches high ee aay ups uN ght ee noes aan pesdatag be puaat shat . at the meeting of the Rotary|crash on Highway 7 near Indian| Mrs carpeting the ground, or jt may attack may upset health and) Rescuers hung on to the side| prove more expensive," than it ' B. yy cra ie yal é | . A become vine-like, twining itself)"equire complete bed rest. jof the cruiser and guided the| | u Club of Oshawa on July 22 River at 4.20 a.m. Sunday. Da-|Hall and Caithcart . Biases y ¢ | This is contrary to the opin- | ' ' vinineeiaieentanentias | OO ' lin' Oucway ands : PS |iont contained tn the Paderation [BIRTHDAYS REMEMBERED) the Peterborough detachment of|she was positive in her identi sive tas citond wane) Once blisters have formed.|ine two boys hed taken swit n 1 itla lbrief, The OFAH argues the '| The birthdays of John Mont-ithe Ontario Provincial Police.| fication of Hall as Caithcart and above, the ground. lrubbing should be carefuily/fe 'wo boys had taken ents saa rgument gomery and Russell Wilson,!The car skidded down an em-|Caithcart as Hall, She said ; : hcl lieved by the application of ae as ue -- but! Forty high school boys of 16 a aco acre cay oes sentation: of spoons at the Mon-|the 'driver apparently lost con-|gave her, Poison ivy looks like Virginia -- cloths, or by Secl betas. site plat Mestalla ta and over are taking part in the shasithe be "ry 'one-alglih day meeting of the Rotary Clubjtro}, said police, Ceoeper, but it has three eaves ee boracke acid. The application|the boat had been in the water which is now being held under|°9st of locks.' IMPOSE $100 FINE MARKET PRICES seven. The leaves are shiny,|of oily or greasy ointments or|-"'* *¢ [ie suspioes af the Setar ie siuiee Woah On ts ¢ oe Carl Th is bocter| Me Ueccaeinn Gieeer e ed. They have|linaments should be avoided |Regiment at. the Oshawa Ar-) eee a 4, ey ar ompson, 'oplar; An interesting Splay, "lwest was fined $100 by Magis- Gres op thearuaga Sa no defin ~ Contaminated clothing should] | mories. jtinuing hazard to boats: travel-| street, pleaded not guilty in the/pared by Rotarian Clarke Hub-|, S. Ebbs Monday | TORONTO (CF) --~ Courming The boys are undergoing aj!ing the Trent waterway Oshawa court Monday to driv.) idriving while his licence' Wa5| vere u stor Mg gee ' | re unch ; yy reativ nd therejrubber gloves. If materials * ri : junder suspension, ¥ _ Bode Paice gy e ra aauit a At Cleamed, ther Promotion Lists 'national survival, PT struction of game fish and 'the! suspension, Rotary Club of Oshawa. The) was apprehended while. driv- 9 Y amount of toothing on the mar-|should be carefully wrapped \first aid, and shooting with the|Pecreation. of thousands ruined) His defence counsel, Gilbert/display including clippings from] ing a car, pleaded guilty to the offerings inadequate for a good } Names omitted from the exam| rifle, the Bren gun. and .he)to satisfy a minority group of, Murdoch, brought upjone of the club's first rosters charge | demand Poison ivy has an irritating)Contaminated by Poison Ivy" r | ; Country dealers are quoted by 'treagr ting A niin of peopie|The oil of poison ivy will re- e and Vocational Institute) The course started July 2 and|railways are said to be hard on Thompson should be acquitted |bistory of the club during the! ; ey b ensitized to it {t}main on clothing for an indefin-|: rday were:--Promoted to} wil! continue until August 3. The|!arger boats. "Interesting," was Acting past year Mr.. and Mrs, John Morrison| culture on Canada grade eggs, yee see Sere Daniel Cann, withidrills and lectures are being 38 iCrown Attorney W. A. Hill SEAR Paxsminers jof the Oshawa Lawn Bowling delivered Toronto, in fibre is present throughout root,/8ve rise to active ivy poison-)pass s anding sie a Club were second with three/cases: A large 44; A medium s rrougnout : vito ce ta Ae : Peep ass.|national survival training is : vt - flower and fruit, It\"8 Grade 12:. Louis Levine, pass,| national survival trainin is for and was granted an adjourn A recorde assag , } ~'s 2 ; a yg Mg easily either by| Your Ontario Department ofj2"d Heather Ross, first-class|done at the airport, where mock! ment to study Murdoch's argu-'p . ae eit or be ee Jast Saturday at the With-/no market. : handling the plant directly, or|Health wants everyone to have|honors; secondary school grad- houses and a lowering tower) ment. Taterantinn wan headed roe Club in Toronto. | Wholesale to retail carton by contact with clothing andja happy, healthy summer | s | The arguments brought up by regres y "1 eggs, average weighted price as " \ : ; inda McMaster, -- five-option| how to lower people from build- 1S a e 4"/Oshawa at their Monday meet Following is the report of the) 4; is transferred easily to hands/gers of this noxious weed, a jloma,. and Robert Miles jnature gh ag evidence was ng The iesnene: eat the goals|Oshawa General Hospital rie gg ghee os and thence to face, and by they should instruct their chli-}four-option }called. by the defence. for club activities during the/the week ending' July 6: ad- ' 3 | oeaas . : ring i S : grade: Ontario tenderable 51-52; f : siaval ' 4] ivviV ai tito 'taken to the Cobourg 'shoot | € ) eh { not been directly exposed atjavoid it. Don't let poison ivy) Vocational Institute . renee to B Ca ers |Oshawa_ Police Department, |tiona) service, It was ant ved) female 24; discharges 276; new- : h all. It can also be carried on spoil your holiday needlessly aduated y honors from} T@nges . m | said he had noticed Thompson's |;),, Oshi va cluh wa bap pager tv Giacharice peerage Fh fe| fading; western 5044 . 51% ; m 9E to Grade 10 ; At the fag of September lear making a lot of noise. He. iihad aye Rasa ahd a : we (nominal). there wu De a week-enc eon | s z . the coming Rotary year, {nor surgery 79; eye, ear, nose ODBINE ENTRIES from the of those} ava been taught during thelots: Kiwanis Camp Kedron} stop, but the accused had not : Bowens jand throat 43; treatments and promoted to Grade 12, with pata eas 'hens 'will ik a Friday night when girls at the| done so, he said. : : | PARK IS. BUSY examinations 276; casts 26; third-class honors, at the Dr.jpiue gays' training hetweeh | He had given pursuit in F. J, Donevan Collegiate Insti-|cesiember and December ge gee isuaiaue wwere| tte car of an off-duty policeman _ Park report that last) visits 362; occupational therapy) tena, wenitied, clans Deal No Boy |tute | Ties ara 1% Avene onket ne = conies s jwho was passing. He said|week was, a quiet one. There| 152, FIRST RACE -- 82500, maiden, claim-)D-Seven Deal No Bo | There are Army cadets 90) judged by Mrs. A. Balser and/ 'Thompson, finally apprehended, Were 856 people on daily passes, Little Jony i, Ne Boy Moor Park, No Boy 112 | jent time. The bugle band hasi.onay o a varde: 4 ' AAcaivaln Sore, to Boy 100 : it etnies Ee ee gesaicandy and gum were awarded given him a licence in another|camp units, The biggest _ per- 2 been reformed and the cadets the followi a a : vt | No Boy 109 are practising during the sum-|'°p iN eethingn eat Bi aa) CAME: but he said he knew it)centage of campers at the pre-| : Drive, No Boy 119 ESCAPES GUNFIRE jgedt Bathing Sut == SrenCs! was Thompson, sent time are from the United Select Chic ~ : a . i BERLIN (AP)--An East Ger.|the first parade August 21 | , sk : iio | Fire Horse, No Boy (ATI man border guard fired about |---------- ------l ines Pretty, Relly Walshe [&, difference between. a driver| REGIMENT CAMP A--A. J. Vanderhaeghe entry 20 shots at a -refugee but the Hast Boral Cie saat disqualified from driving and Iti pst - 4 hat 44 offi 2 ts at g t s al G ' a is exnecte : . Wes Seccles Tee arena Youth Admits | jone Drone: ip doing, 8, and peng Guero Regi. ; : ' a | Best National Costume --| ; ni "ast German crossed a railroad | Miche fanstri i- ape shinh: 4 : | : € -- Vanstrien, Judy Tri | cence repeat a accumulated|hual camp which is _ al French sector and East Belin. ey ee tees oak tee nave tea os eee pis: Aig sate : urdoch pointed out, the che "abibabiee a aden! Le i, : ACCEPT REPORT 1 a sriuearcld oauih: pleaded anna Libly . Terry Lee Smith, ated erroneously he had been|€ave Oshawa Firday and the MONTREAL (CP) -- The Ca-!| o, ei ; evan eee, Expensive Gown =| 5 ined from drivi main party will follow Satur-| MO? 2AL *guilty in the Oshawa court)Brenda Perry, Gail McWilliams, | disqualified from driving. day. During the one week in! and Artists (CLC) announced/of a blanket. He was remanded|sysan Frobel. Linda Ry jtended there had been no con- a t s iSusz el, Linda Ryerse. | '€? Inat } male iutnet Monday it has accepted a con-/for one week. a Best Old - Fashioned Gown --/ nection proven between the ac- ee ciliation report ommending 2) Allan Snelgrove, no fixed/Gwen Skitch, Mary Ellem Hen-| cused and a certificate from|* os mech. | PFenderEATN |by the CBC to the federation's|/ from New Brunswick six weeks} Funniest Costume -- Pat Sin-|stating a Carl Thompson's li-| SUBJECT j Brecomng, No Bos Ma Tante, Dalton | 1,500 members. ago, He*said he had been look-/nott, Anita Kashul. cence was suspended. ss "Power belongeth unto God." | andl sence a Bosien Tmander, Fitssimmons n6 KILL 586 ing for work but could not get; Best Pair (Two Costumes) --|-------------- eee | These words from. Psalm 62! 12 KING E 723-3633 _ Eagor's Geel. No Bay Jeep No Boy. 123 | CHICAGO (AP) -- The final ""Setective Sergeant J. K.|Maty.J@ Marks and Mary Ellen] WILL STUDY SUPPORT [were the Golden Text for. the : % s io Boy X) me Mach 1 a ri . ' ectiv Sergeant d |Henders nj H oe i in nae "naan Bene Docwio, Novboy (C)i05 Freit, Dittfech Ua count of traffic accidents in thelyoung. of the Oshawa Police/feng toe sraune Ford and) REGINA (CP) -- Saskatche.|Bible Lesson entitled | "God S ials!' Wed. Only! ga Hey tngy a ee oe , United States during the long/Department, said Snelgrove| pest Footwear wan's CCF government will call] Which was read at Christian Meat pecia $: ed. n y: Mr. Jiffer, No Boy 149; Choir Girl, No F Independence Day -- weekend/nad been sleeping in cars and|Burtch Linda Ryerse jin researchers to study the|Science churches Sunday. The Boy 112; Napper Tandy, No Boy for 3 showed 556 -persons killed, alctole the blanket to cover bim-| Rest Yewollere .. T. -... |question of tax support for sep-|s a . ° 12 wee"! d 0 Boy j bs - b. ~ Best Je ery = Li *} . . . (B)105; Gee Gee's Jayne, No Boy Rela record for the four-day holiday. | coi oe paige ob oe Foes -- -f ------ Kau larate schools in the province, |The death toll topped the previ-ioused had no money «| Best Head Dress (Hat etc.) Deputy Education Minister jous four-day Independence Day| "I doubt he had a square|-- Ann Maughan, Betty Ann|® F: E._ Harvey announced high of 509 set in 1961 meal for the past week," the! pal) " Monday. Public and separate) SENTENCE YOUTHS detective said Best Costume For Camping-- elementary schools and public . os He sa Snelgrove stole the re "Ki Rinne ae high schools now share tax rev- MOSCOW (AP)--The prose. ae. ~ go =» poten Laurel McKim, Vickey Bathe, | Nigh § F cutor ummed his case, sue aacaclainie Heather Clements, Lana Kau- ide lagainst six boys: 'They lured a//@d not been ted konen | Ss AD NS ARUO oR Gee ttn a. abconh fink _| Snelgrove said at home he! Best 'All! - Round' Costume peatins sd Rela vot a Bae lived - . sa ae Magis-|In Camp -- Kathy Weldon, Deb-.| SHORGAS aca Se MB Rad te trate Frank S. Ebbs suggested! bie Spro rape §e She fought back, re-'there would be plenty of work ne HEATING 4 treated to a ledge, si * ' APPLIANCE Industrial and Commercial ; . d andithere this time of the year plunged to her court) Snelgrove said it was only al passed sentence 5 The established, reliable Gas ler in your orea. , Mo day: 12) smal! one "with a couple of € S years in prison fe 31 CELINA ST. r one boy, 15icaws' | years for three bo} (Corner of Athol) death for 1, two 728-9441 Brenda SEVENTH RACE "Nassau Stakes' sie lies and Mares, Purse 87500 added year-olds and up. 1 Mile (Marshal ant Deb, Harrison 1 nup, Lady, Turcotte NOW! IS THE TIME To have that carpet or chest- erfield cleaned professionally in Oshawa's Original Carpet Cleaning Centre where fully guoranteed satisfaction is assured, Phone 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. SLICED SIDEPORK 2.: 1.00 MEATY PORK HOCKS 5... 1.00 SLICED Breakfast BACON ». 59° WIENERS 2. 79° 108. A--C. J. Hoggard and J. B. Aza >, Burton and J. G. Cow n Jr. and Larch Tree THIRD RACE Maidens. Purse ; j @m100 for 2-year-colda, 5 furlongs, fil- . sé | Bes. t No Boy up > Boy oc i2 19 ' we SeV Barbara Bain, No Boy 112 Pyaar ys ug Rapid Starlite. No Boy a Jazz Round, No Hoy Dark Hussy No Boy Teddikar, No Boy Lady Domain No Uianddu, No Boy Also Eligible Xi; © ner, T. E. King and Wil Farms entry. B-Stafford "KINDNESS BEYOND PRICE, YET WITHIN REACH OF ALL" GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 King W. 728-6226 $3500 Claiming arolds and up e, No Boy 212 J. Benedetia W. R. Wesley entry LL taglan dropped distri lest July 9 in} 4 and CLEAN YOUR FURNACE #) TODAY FREE TO CUSTOMERS cu PERRY 723-3443 DAY OR NIGHT king. Turcotte X14 Robinson 14 d. i wu ASONABLE CHI t 6% t N v 4 area to 40 degrees as ed its ch 'many years. FOURTH RAC $1900 for t-yea c ag No Boy 14 the Peter Wrack. No F : Grend Vitesse, No Boy X" , ner +14 perier Gear and Fan