Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jul 1963, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, July 9, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 e e . 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 16--Female Help Wanted |25--Apartments 27----Real Estate For Sole BU S| N ESS SERVI CE D | REC | OC RY a OR SCOTT aaa Pome mel ee aA, afta, cena ee 4 jOUSE, : : GARHITER, for coffee shop Gay ehifi, ox-) DUM! THOM Whitby, Dial 668-séra al : sraspeees BN bag tm perience helpful but not necessary, Ap- Two | basem 'i il m ny Mr, Campbell, front desk, Genosha ge a ec i | uma Dap?) { ) : I ~=s Accountants Building Trades Mortgages TV--Radio Repairs af GHD paug BOR Clee or vanak Ss BOB CLANCY'S A BULL and Free|SHOP the 'variety store" of the Case, TELEVI SION eR! Hi "S\ preferably experienced, good salary,/modern kitchen Sictriesliy equipped, | INVESTMENT Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Hgten| estimates, Call Bigg Bros. % Hil. od Section--"Miscellaneous for S: M r Bil if4 0 5" permanent position, Apely Medical) air conditioner, washer and dryer, pri-/industrial land, Bloor Street West, 725-0397. Res, 723-7605, court Drive, Whitby, 5612, today. It's loa ded with wonderful SERVICE | j { i Hrd Pharmacy elopnone' 73 728-6277 rad = - 'sult poh oo ot at bane ing ie Asking am AND SECOND mortgage: { 1 | wt 2 { Woman to care for inte ~~ children,|'@¢y. 2 . ary |Open t HAROLD E. DRWAR, Accredited Pub-/ALL TYPES of building repairs, root-| tt aheat ana oe, en Ail Mokes: Al Ys / ba, Sra em || eT of school:age, from 8.90 a.m, to] street CLOVERDALE, net, Fiver Me Accountant, Commercial ing, | ing, : LF } 0 five day week, No house Connova ROAD S01 Yo|brick bung 286 King Street West, Oshawa, 728-2221.| stoops. Gordon May, 728-080, nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Sets Repaired in your home. Lt AT thy j . m, s T3060 Yor perce Na og oe =e hg i \ mW 25-5927, 3 large rooms, - lofter. Telephone 728- Street Bast, 723-7232 LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered| CHIMNEYS built, 'and stoops : My TWN | 'es ask ah mediaiely, $75 monthly. ie Yeipbom rae Accountant, Suite 205, Oshawa Shop-|also brickwork, F. McCann, Brooklin, Wayne Appliances i a a a A | RELIANUE TADY. Took afer two ies or TH. [ROP NOs Cunsalon, €8, obs Sere a Biche adhe banaue MORTGAGE Telephone 723-1411 , _ tai ut, Starting September, Telephone 72-]FOUR ROOM x anarient 'main for #8) Call 'Orono Re, R. monthly ¢! 'e ro One olen BIGGEST TREES IN HOUSEKEEPER, experdenced woman|ct_ two ghiheres. Feons 728-9808 Rieke Fa. wae CITY T.V. | gugseasnanasn ane ba san oak a Ne ape CARL OLSEN lhe weak n MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, ond Moneys for first mortgages ft COVERS 4WO ACRES OF sauna Private. room 'and baih,(26----Rooms For Rent - Co,, Chartered uuntants, 728-7527, | Interest ot 7% For Oshawa and } Prey ge aOR ct tt CR oe Simcoe, street Nena, Oanawa, SAN D, GRAVEL, Coen Mortgages Surrounding Districts GROUNEs : x : si) A he conveniences der ungaiow. ERO rooms, wie Teast. og vo Realtor 723-1133 Whitb; * lo bonus ; . just steady jable ine 148 Calbo! 7 : WILSON AND BURROWS, chartered STONE, FILL No are for valuations Guaranteed Satisfaction work, Telephone 723-4029, FonvtRES ae cae RANCH BUNGALOW wi accountants, 114 King Street East, Osh: Mortgages and Agreements Paul Cieslar Prop, . WOMAN ©, #21 39 core te cule, sive Kitchen privileges, 'quiet home| This ts @ lovely, tong, awa; Ronald FD. Wilson, CA: wrehased: f [in preferred, Telephone 728 isc talde the doo! ranch bu low of G. Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-75. N, G. BARTER Rosen for second mortgages Su Dean Ave, 725-0500 -0500 Do CALvES AM WATTREGS required ppg teat GN, 'Dia 8900 2 eis brick with anedied ike Zaitcrea "Aecouments, Licensed Tres 725-7119 doses 2 TOWERS VF FED FROM A ReckA" [ERPERIENGED waltwome" wanted, itt, ne" "ome MOP ME"CENTOR) garage. Luxuriously appoint, tees in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street M, F. SWARTZ SMALL BOX Apply Ro J. N. Restaurant, Whitby, 35) very ed interior with many extras Bast, 790-7371, 261 King St. East AND yiteese US.1$ REGARDED AS ' Brock Street South, Telephone 6a8.b001,|NEVER sell your car or halfton pick] Including @ beautiful | natu. ROPKING, BEADLE Ane SS. Char. Cartage » Oshawa, Cntarie A t R . A NATION OF LANDLUBBERS¢ RETURN WHEN Woman "te partially Yok ai Danforth Avenue, Toronto, HO ; nah jg as n the re | tered Accountants, Street e companion older womal ei Te --- room. Large East, Oshawa, Ontarlo® 725-3309. JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, 723-4 nrenna wKepair oS ine hs sob aa able and saw satin gaa ine Sua gg ated Karn panule ot] foot recreation room finish. te os n to a avi , % Appliance Service Fully equipped and insured. vase TRIO hang Frm trodes in Tm We Answer giving wages expected ing, Weekly or nightly rates, 725-9035, In mohogany with noturel ven Mt" posable' Wrte|KING GTRERY West, S78, bear | fireplace. Loceted only four ae ty eect ma, Geoees Sebawn, Sor Dressmaking a binsgon aly "CANADA Box. on Fool Times. ping centre panty, RB, Se blocks from the p seagceed pa by your Elna dealer, Oshawa Sew- * Logged HORMAR, chartered accoun+/ YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. 323 King Street West, Oshawa,|Chimneys bulit and repaired, gas_lin- LOANS TELEVISION a bedroom, private entrance, Telephone' shopping area. Call Bob -- fae, experiencedreavonthle rele tS YEAR 171 BOND ST, E,, OSHAWA ee Sale oa ore grt oe ~ HAIRDRESSER TOON Weicom aman poa| Fess cng omg en ._Bidrige, of Montrave 125-66 2nd MORTGAGES | ot Rent ___|wanren -- rvinrude Tie Hp out WANTED Get 'pome,Wes serace ote tp f CHEMONG LAKE, 100 ft. lots, Fite's door, Near GN 9394, Gardening and Supplies 728-6781 Bay, off Highway No, 7, Road and) {or Parts 738-4900, sn alnln COUNTRY LIVING = Neor- SAVE AT = WESTERN pthc Rear» : CORONATION lavato J. E Browne, 68 Queen Street,|MICYCLE WANTED Girl's hice for General Work TWO or three housekeeping rooms, fur) ly new three bedroom ranch CEMENE Gravel and: Givewsy Gravel Well Drilling--Digging ----_[chatham, ontario speed bicycle, apply 64 Stevensons hoy pushed, hear High School and hospital.| style bungalow situated in @ y Eric --memomeeemeneeeecrnnrmormrn= road north, 728-2647, pi ™. y Brantin, Whitby 68,2660. | Investment Co, Lt wis kers find bargains every-| FURNISHED cottage for sale, Joyland) oo - = . F : ; quiet north cost area away SERVICE CENTRE TREES taken dowr and chain saw , Co, 4. day homema Furnishings' tn Siassi fBeach, Lake Simeoe, three bedrooms, Latch baie' ge yee pickup ey Vincent's Hairstyling Meerygereen gg ogg eww Mg from all the hustle and bustle, Repairs to All Makes | work, All Jobs insured, nothing too big. LIMITED fied, Be smart, check today, --__ [stone fireplace, water inside, awnings,/{7ur car until you see Nels Hyland, 110 King St. E. sonable. Appiy % Contre Street, Tele-| Closed-in patio, stone plan- Must sacrifice on account of iliness,|? inforth = Avenue, Toronto, HO: > 59 : Phone 725.0983 ter and attached garage. ANICS Free estimates, Dial 725-7887 The first . |WELL DIGGING by machin special re Pickering 942-204: 1-694, lenty LICENSED MECHANIC Por agers Npeoresngr ee green ceed e first and foremost Con hohe Riel ag Bg ge py ty ete Terms, Pickering 2908.00 | 117--Male Help Wanted it CHURCH STREET = single room,| Lorge 100 x 150 with p adien public. company in 4 ' - 145 King West--728-1607 [Also post hole digging and fencing. Rea- nut Street West, PO Box 339, Whithy,|LAKE DALRYMPLE -- cittage, well WANTED liREVER Yor diy cloaneras must be|Cetral location, quiet, private en-| of garden snoce. Asking on "BIVE BAY TO SERVE YOU" |sonable rates, Telephone 725-1721 the field 'ae introduces 668-2563, or 668-3809. quipped, modern cor » boat. jable to canvas and look after route.|tr@nce, Gentleman preferred. Apply) $17,900. Call Bob pot ats CEMENT and road gravel, top quality) uater i. i lg ly 2nd | WILLIAM KROONTIB, well aegnd| Anta cs 1F to Labor Day.) = SCRAP, IRON, POULTRY -- [Dial 688.2382 afternoons only above at 723-1133, evenings 725 . nose: ele 5 S Barristers eeet Ot SB pureaeen Loam fill, gravel) ; pane 20 OUSE io thon compressor work, cleanout and deep ue AND FEATHER TICKS SALESMAN -- no experience necessary|SOUTM END, large clean furnished] 9365 - * verized loam for top) yeors old-up to years ening, 468 Park Road South, Telephone! HALIBURTON Lakefront housekeeping Raw Furs, Deer Skins, Metals jexc Jient raining program car supplied|TOM, $7 weekly, Parking, Private en- No DAVID L. Barrister, Solick nd f beds, N : : : " tran ' BOWMAN, DAVID 7 jower beds, 100 per cent! on older properties, 728-3864. beni gg ior gg ee lee (collect) qualifications 18-25 years neat appear./trance. 723-1950 INVESTMENT OPPORTUN. tor, 3% Simoce Street South, 725-9902 . For full details, call " . Jance, Call Mr, Lee 720-1352. |FURNISHED -- bedroom, : 720-0064, cages BILL LEMON _ |ficotone ar:set: " ae TURNER | ------|year 'around, Gentleman, sheuatners so] (Coc, Large four room JOserar 'P. MANGAN, QC, Bar arrister,| 723-2265, after hours 728-3376 COTTAGE on Lake Dalrymple, avail) 723- abes -- 723-2281 | Three full-time and cooking, 36 weekly, Apply 72 Gladstone bungalow with three room citor. Money to loan, Office 14 WELL DIGGING able July 13-20 and Aug, 10-24. Phone Avenue or Dial 723-9805. besernent opartment plus King Street East, Oshawa, 728-6232 TREE SERVICE 725-2924 after 4.90 p.m five part-time "Le fj i 13--Business Opportunities CLEAN" bright furnished room, very] five additionat building lots ERETGHTON, DRYNAN AND , SCHOFIELD-AKER : COMPLETELY furnished, hydro, _ re- central, close to hospital, Dial 725 adjoin ond only MURDOCH. Barristers, Solicitors, Ne-| Pruning, spraying, feeding, Cleanouts, Deepenings, frigerator, Lake Consecon, =. 2 DORNER STORE, Simcoe South and! SALESMEN ie Pe arecene ste =| two 'Blocks = public ond tary Public, Bank of Commerce bracing, tree and stump re- weekend rates. Good swimming and/John Streets. Ideal fcr restaurant, or) AT T Building, 5 Simcoe Street North, Osh} movals. "The oldest and LIMITED Compressor Work fishing, Boat supplied Call Tas.greelother business. Vacant July Telephone) Dealership to qualified ap- RACTIVELY separate schools. All con be Ontario, by ged souernness largest tree saving service | 360 King Street West Tel hone 728-091 ] afier 5 p.m ees | 725-008) or 725-9544 pliconts, Also senior grade FURNISHED ROOMS bra possession for only $12,- a Senay Ge Le Murdoch, 7278s] in the world," | elep : COTTAGES and lols on" the Hiack|FOR SALE, Comer grocery More in| students for temporary. sum 500. with just $1,500 down, QC, TR-8I: See" of cals 7 136) Musical Services River, 10 miles north of. Uxbridge, |R0ed location, 723.9813 and after 8 p.m mer work, Fuller Brush Co. Available in private home Call_ Bob Johnston ot kite ee ee eecaaed. 23-136 : =| JomeWomen's Column Telephone Black River Securities, UL) 725-1066 ; ; ; Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 1133, evenings 725-9365 ht, sold and arrang oe PIANG TUNING, Reasonable rates, Fiaig.{2831_collect for appointment ea gem geen xa Ltd, Apply: Tilden Office, 14 ' . : $7.50, Telephone Bow " 7283.| PERMANENTS i. Page Hair-)= SO NT -- 7 ac surmmer and Ibert § shaw' : = \ eee Senaces| Loam and Gravel Soe eee le ee ae ee renee Pine 'Avenue, Terephone|#i,000 DOWN, balance one mortgage:| Winter wonderland, located on Highway Albert St. Oshawa, Fridey, 82 PAR KRD ASKING FOR A Lae os Solicitor, "Notary Public. | Mort PAINTING, decorating, inerior and SOSS0" modern cottage at Caesarea, sandy|No. 12 just north of the town of Whithy,| _'0 o.m. to 9 p.m Five room ottoched funds | available, % ing «= Street Washed Stone Fill exterior, Paper hanging. Free esti-/' : Ibeach, all conveniences, Immediate/Micely treed, large swimming pool and NORTH land: 1 ee East. 723-1107, Res. 985 od ' mates, Telephone 668-8338 in Whitby, | Pg . ; nr 18--Mal F scoped lot x 160, low RALPH JONES, BA, x F bay levataa |2-----Personal }possession, Dial 723-27at pene Pigntn edlet pagy eonig oo Re ane texes, older NE r xcavoting, lots leveled. . BER ovale see Speen SOC nee = _ Teshment services, summer and win} cavating, lots lev [Optometrist iF FOU have a Gilaking Wrobloms wilte|PRIVATR COTTAGES, Crow Lalelicr operations, 'See or phone George I| Help Wanted 27--Real Estate For Sale ond clean. -- ~ Shere, tho Kine te Barratery ay au Loaders, Trucks for hire, Bn wemcommn= | Roe. $33, Whitby, or call 668.9094 or 24 Salmon River Must have boat for] JAMES, 1510 Simcoe street north, Osh-| ~~ | REAWTIPUL two-storey he: jose to} tust $9,500. with rt 500. . 5 ok ~ =) 333, y> , = gp * . betsnages : * y home, close a eae ee ---- BEATTY HAULAGE MLA 2 RO, decmeme berien| oas-0883 cottage on river, $90. $90 weekly. / awa, Dial 785.9652 WANTED King Street, six rooms with modern oa. Call Wes. Elliott ot Lovuls § arrister, BR: 7a Burk Street? ; Rr jadi mer jobs j 'a . ttchen and bathroom, natural fireplace, 23-1 citor, Notar', Alger Building, 37 King 725-2156 ane oF ark Street? Dial 13-407. peoaes 'availa shy Seager pene [STURGEON TARR. coltare for rent CENTRAL _ TAX! DRIVERS [season wun canetoucr done mel 05 asi 133, evenings 728- Street East, t23- 4943. Mortgage monies P inti d De ti Daal TAS-0891 or 725-2057 ve bedrooms, fireplace. AN convent ment Arthur = Weinberger, 723-7a44 he 'ainting an corating hal Sova, Avateans suet wenly ee weenie Men or Women Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 738-7317. NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE PHREYS. BOYCHNY and HILL.| OUTSIDE FAINTING. Careful work.| \ | ty, Telephone 738-9191 ane MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, te CC . PATIOS Keasonable rates, Nelson Heisler, 723-) LEN PULLAN ~ FIVE ROOM cottage, at Gaesarea in. 568 SQ. FT. Avery Westmount Area pies right for the small fret a i | ses ee ts | ENGLISH. TAILO! tide conveniences, furnished. rent by MERCURY TAXI 5 ni vd retired couple, six pas cia Designed and _ installed |4-i PAINTING and paper hanging. | Itera- ot mont ¥ 4 Pacific ave ix room Bungalow room 1.}a storey frome home, Huu LLB Offi > i 9g e Specialist in garment altera + call Pas-oaes, ! 725-47 9 ances Taga; WAIL DY tl to your specifications, [seen her 8 hm. TRS tions, etc, invisible mending, |= -| OFFICE SPACE 14 "Albert _Street_725-4771 with 3 bedrooms, full dining newly - painted, -- ors and other | mortgage |ERPERT PAINTING "and decorating! dress alterations Windermere Cottages |20--Room and Board code gerene,.- emacs rooms, very neat ond te. JOSEPH C. VICTOR BA, LL.B. Bar. DIAL 728-7628 200 St, Lawrence, Whithy 668-5005, 10 PRINCE ST. Windermere Housekeeping On second floor in three ad- [PLEASANT front, bed sitting room, . centrally located. Asking price Fister, Solicitor and Notary Public. § AFTER 5 P.M. | DODD & SOUTER 728-5311 | Cottages, Kennisis Lake, | joining areas, Will rent os [mama =-- | MOO Soe. $10,200. with $1,400 down. DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers nd} ry | PAINTING AND DECORATING | Removal of superfluous heir, week of July 20., Auaust unit or separotely, To inspect |ROOM and board available for sum: TERMS--PRIVATE SALE Call Wes. Elliott ot 723-1133, Solicitors, etc. 89 King Street East. (Astruction CONTRACTORS Marie Murduff will .be in 17th on Mr. C. Herndon mer for two boys, age 412. Hobby pil 728-0581 Telephone 723-220! PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, Painting, Paperhanging, Oshawa, July 8th, 9th, 10th, Box 420 Haliburton, Ont. PH E fs [Farsa, near Alex, $14, weekly, Alix After 6 p.m. Telephone sd ' g JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB,|15 years' experience. By interview Gyptex, Full Wall Murals Phone Genoshe Hotel on these | wie chbcuredc tata ited . ON 7 3-4523 j sw6uy Cine Wananas Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-/OMly. Act now. 725.1054. i Spray Painting dates for oppointment. Telephone 2318 i fi Ss Si 725-551 0 | 299 King St. West 723-1133 Beret ak ee cane al ier 107 BYRON ST. S. WuiTey ee | AFTER 4 22--Offices, Stores, Storage ing St. We ls est pod coe LEARN TO DRIVE DAYS 268.3h62 ELECTROLYSIS For Sale Lake Simcoe | | BUSINESS OFFICE. 30 sa. TL. Close to) WE NEED YOUR HO: Oshawa Driving School {| ~° NIGHTS 725-7426 | Lakefront Cottage | eran ae prune. Aven ie) UR HOME NOW 723-4641 [eee Wad (et ce See on WE HAVS GOOD BUYERS FOR Like few weeks, private nursing, Ref-/CT pment yard, heavy wired. Liver) THE FOLLOWING TYPE OF HOMES a DAY or EVENING Personal Service Peer DOMAR eas and Lots PRACTICAL parse with diploma would) LARGE WORKSHOP, storage or heavy 4a 723-278, Residence today ee . iy fea vs ¥. "nel, Late Models, Stondards MODERN GRILL INVESTIGATIONS Safe sandy beoch. 60 miles [arences, Will live in. Telephone tay/pool Road at a0, $85, monthly, Ajax aes "4 renee Dual Controlled 728.9054 from Oshowo. Neor Brechin, jas penn ies Tee pa ee mM Pel vinepaary so an sve. Menon ond Mary St. area between Solicitors. funds available for, OSHAWA AND WHITBY Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey r 728-3060 YOUNG man nearly if anxious for wx or suitable berdeen ossta cod. , : x . PERSONAL, - busin office or storage, downtown she Mg Smee Bates CALL 728-0091 Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Se RNESTRATIONS AFTER 4PM Paige Pen Soy including farm helper. oration, with picture. window, Apply) (2) 6 room bungolow in the Grandview Gordens orea Eost of i | Made Pies ond Deserts FREE CONFIDENTIAL : : " 33 "]/24_ Prince Street | Harmony Rd. N. =< aAL NERS BA barrier Sai. | Money To Loan aie eal Cor eee -- ren KF SAUMERS. BA, Dervietee, A WE DELIVER INTERVIEW LOST LAKE TADY Wonts Besswoere | ae "eas, SUITE (3) 6 room bungalow with gorage in the Rosslyn Estates crea. Gites, 75-1001. Renidence T35-l048. MORTGAGE MONEY "~ gate Hs SOUTH 1% See -- _ | CAMP WILL CARE for children in own home.| OF MODERN SCHOFIELD-AKER Bookkeeping AVAILABLE | ;. Mola heme: ees one fae et eet AIR-CONDITIONED BOOKKEEPING Secvices. Income Tax [Plumbing and Heating 3--Pets & Livestock tenns,: haks -- pe Ron \LADY desires < employment, = OFFICES AVAILABLE ' 723-2265 -- Open 9 to 9, Sat. 9 to 5. Returns. Statements prepared. ALL PLUMBING ana heating supplies. GERMAN shepherds, registered, "Cony- years experience in stores and 4 Savas, fa Newman Creecest Low Interest Telephone 725352, Harold --H. Stark, J, Ranch Kennels, beautiful puppies.| ity, refrigerators, hot plates, [Would consider any type work, Tele) Approximately 1000 sq. ft, 360 King St. W Free Porking (663-825 L . . ty td, Plumbing. Heating and Egineer. Champion blood lines. Stud service. If linen. for the fe. (ee SERVICED BY ELEVATOR i es ber, Brook- bedding, BOOKKEEPING Services, Income Tax} Valuations Arranged ing, 35° Simcoe Street South not. desired now save num | Returns, Statements prepared, BC Ser- 9 ALL TYPES of repairs and remodeling, = ¥® ermon, .pickerel, speckled 16--Female Help Wanted Ask for MR, T, L. WILSON vices. 708 Newman Crescent, 665-8253. . . new and use? materials. Reasonable DOG, Cocker Spaniel, diond, purebred, oO orther: 1 i : Residential rates. Estimates free. Dial 7231183. dimale, 1 months old, had some shote) Tout, Me -- aged bingo By Bo Ban TELEPHONE OSHAWA TIMES PA Buildin Trades ' See Foley |$20, Telephone 728-3097 bess. For the hunter, moose, [SWS afternoons a week, and to relieve r 9 City and District wien, ais Ey heat ba Ad tor |secretary for last two weeks in August 723 3474 aoa -- - NTE 1 te, r, bird ospec- = noed need rt i =, ROOFING. "shingles; root and gable é |Rug-Upholstery Service 1M years. rood chitdren's pet. Tele. vinta eiting nisi ngaimeanieg borage Bho long! Bega ty louvers installed. Siding, carpentry.| Summer Properties --~| prone 728-9 tors and mining men. Amer. [Hyman QC, 37 King Street East, alterations Workmanship, materials RUGS, chesterfields cleaned at your" 5 Pilon. Wri P guaranteed. H Tucker, 728-0826 Vacant Land home, reasonable rat Guaranteed WANsE® _ homes for two ree | ican Pilon rite EX ERIENCED 23--Waented To Rent | - satisfaction. Telephone 728-70: months oki, one male, one female. | SSAA, | . a | eRATRRITELDS gen ee -- Telchene Tas dale Frank and Jone Bowen SALES CLERK SMALL, house or apartment by July) enters Ontoro | restyled Free eatinatee Seo UIRLACK AND TAN hound paps, male,| | Etk Lake Ont. on Hwy. 560 FOR BP sage ae porgge ng on JANITOR SERVICE Morgtage Brokers' Association | material for re-covering, Dalton Up-|10 week. old Telephone Whithy 648-3383 won vu nomaarteeainans ieee' or Te-ce j : : Cculcneh: dae th js istering, 73 Charles Street, 723-7212. |REAGLE pups, six weeks old, males 11--Articles For Rent - Vianna Delicatessen FOUR. five-rose Rouse, by | Angust 3) m ti \CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt. recovered, RS: females $10; two-yearold male perce" eer " vers, oe SUMMERLAND [itt wes toonee Seco beagle, $90, Port Perry 985-2883 Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses $43 RITSON RD. S Pace eel nen enamel aden are reasonable, Satisfaction guaran WEL BROKEN draft and saddle Punch Bowls DIAL 728-328) bp posod ng _sik-contaia| SECURITIES oer sey co. rebuilt, Qchawa Up-/norees, saddles, bridles, blankets. Mel) arian GT jet agebomgag LIMITED ae ee HAIRSTYLISTS ja = = = ARRANGE now t yur ter. ~ i PER Bs Sal 4PM / 112 Simcoe St. North fel id. suite recovered while on vacation, FOR cae = = Feel pe, peared, Silver Candelabra end Hairdressers wanted im- |24--Houses For Rent i mal No down payment up to 36 months to ; i ' mediately, due to expansion, = WALCO _|__Oshawe, Ontorio--725-3568 pay. For gatimate, phone Taam. \NelSu Palace Street, Wa. | Sargeant's Rentals Cecaticns TWELVE ROOM, brick farm 'Bouse, i ian 0 Mle imate pas 2M Palace Street, Whitby Opportunity. Airs, new modern kitchen and bath, ail heat: bligation. Kennedy Uphoistering Ltd. -- -- cern 725- 3338 Hughes, Whitby 668-306? or ing, drapes, on windows, available Au- Mortgages GHESTERFIELDS and old RDING daily weekly, monthly, j old chara re. able. Gre " "ES ee app! receptioni ist, on Highway 115, three miles ONSTRUCTION a ee poly geononat cot the. [Saas "aavaces tan oo PRIVATE and corporation monies to ha " Kennels. Registered. Second Beauty Clinic in Shoppi . ch School For guoronteed home im- [nen cnall tenes of meorteagens more iat Moftern Upholsterers, 142. Simcoe |Nouse east of Wilson on Taunton. Over RENTALS Centre Shopping Carte High School and Pubtie Scheal provements, store ond office jeames and agreements of sale par we Call TI8-S451. Free estimates. |inirty years' experience with all breeds. Of All Kinds --_... ee ' THREE - BEDROOM house, Wilson ship. Free estimates. (leq Reading "Barrister." training king strain. Apply Mrs. SALESLADY © | Road North, all conveniences, ofl heat- remodelling, expert workman- geome mn Drynan and Mur Sales and Service REAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for ime aie £6 Gr | QUTBOARD MOTOR |Brosd. nt Bigin Street Bast. _ HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT-- FOR FASHION STORE 2 ore: OS itby ry Need A IR SERVICE FOODLES. silver miniature, nine weeks! sh ma chairs, phased Gage" WORT GSRAWAL Mee a -- aerignen" ees TT old, also cream standard, six weeks no pullers, stapters, > j > HOME | ? | wee >) } MOTOR joie, qxcatent pedigree, male and fe-| cutters, tile cutters, coulking Oshawa Shopping Centre jciudes range and refrigerator, twe M i ' <CULLOUG GHC AIN SAW =| maie, registered stud "services. very) Guns. tape recorders, TV sets, Seles Experience in wets, Shee Lore ae IMPROVEMENTS | PRIVATE PARTY TO INVEST | OSHAWA SMAARINE resmmnabie, Coll Bay Riders, 505-256. tronsistor radios, tile polish- Corsetry Necessary = -- ~ sootin me ; t 2nd MOF G / - m ci issell . Ro -? ing seems, IN Ist-and 2nd MORTGAGES SERVICE /4&--Sportsman' 's Column Sah Pipe eaeey Bass Pew Dial 725-6537 painting, cupboards, "floor Agreements for sale ond NEW LOCATION SAVE 81 § § at Dominion Tire Store.) Gahumidifiers. cir condition. | siting General repairs of all worlanass purchased. tow 1180 Simcoe N. 728-003) [2983 Gale outboard motors, 20 per cent 'Tick book ' | inds. Ne job too big | n pacha ER --------------n Qf 3's, 3's, 15's, 35's, Q's and 0's) r, Tug ' megaphone pine an Joe vee, Hg i rates, Your mortgage prob ART'S a vu Set a ee ace oedinn, EXPERIENCED t r nat, ae ef Oshawa. Can} Financing at bank rates. Call fe : ea + ton d = s-- . bey cores, COM. ve SEAMSTRESS EX-ROOM be te wall | 7 us anytime, ea Abgp cy agrone guag Farmer's Column ercisers, sewing machines. doom : recreation Teens a antenna! P. NELL'S, 19 Cotterne E | ee GUN REPAIR FOR SALE = Bes vines fee et "Geoa| Massaging belts, coffee urns, ' Available August 1. Dial THM | q nate ae . * oa Na es tue beef o eattie, See Douglas ! ret oO" dr ry 3 1 t CALL 723-3211 TOM GUN WORK Milard at Stekely Ven Camp, Wey.) "Oe erety, oe. Fe '25--Apartments | elephone 728-2061 | __ EVENINGS 725-2539 edlueing, refinishing, stock- [Will deliver | CAMERA EQUIPMENT--35 | time employment on cur -- on 3 CASH on the apok Highest > "a paid] mm slid comera movie premises in Oshowe. Equ > }RLOOR West, 19, four-room 4 Classified Ad Rates Guns bought, sold, fm dead and crippled farm stock; Projector Slide projector, paid seul wolaaue amalad fT sachet angel ag te south General| r address. exe Pim bePy [Telephone eollect, Hampton, COifax movie comero, screen, sun 25 WORDS OR LESS WHITBY. 628.2497 Baal. Margwi's Fur Farm. Licence! gun, binoculers Hours 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. | HARE REDROOM. unfurnished epart apart. 'QUILTED LUXURY Better described offers get foster results. beat GARDEN EQUIPMENT--Elec- Reply in writing to phone T23I388 ------.| Add decorator luxury with Chorge _ Surveyors tic hed hole nae 4 ic hedge clippers, post |REATTY AVENUE. 18) -- Farnistea) 6 consecutive days acc Ee Te ees CTO WORK can teen ete, town BOX 820 Sa taome scttcustamed aparemest/@ quilted spread and pillows in 3 consecutive doys 2.48 taro Land Surveye ercial bie rollers, gorden spreyer, seed- [private entrance, TV oatiet iaenars taffeta, sateen, satin. Count eoch word, initicl, figure or obbreviction es ene word. (BS © Ontarie Str S363, DONE ers, lown sweeper, fence OSHAWA _TIMES secenins. Satanic Set cue. A quilted spread -- simple to Box number 15¢ a rum AND TROLLOPE: Ontarie i stretcher post drive, tree l¥we threereom apartments, "ene with make by hand, machine, cast-] . Land Survyors, 111 Eigin Street East.) CUTTING GRASS OR RAK- pruners, scythes, lawn ereo- 7 ---------- | refrigerator and stove. Immediate ly to peel Easy to quilt in 12 if not pe id within 7 dna, 'ie rate applies. Phone 125-6881 ! HAY-SIDE DRESS FER- |session. Reasonable rent, Quiet adults i | TuizeR ON ROW CROPS SC CT enta eS Se ee in, blocks. Pattern 7426: trans: inctgpa = Arg oti 3 Nines per month 9 TV--Radio Repairs SPRAY FOR INSECTS OR re rae THREE-ROOM apartment with stove fer 12 motifs; directions, -- co oe oe WHITRY TV aerial and tower service.) WEED CONTROL PLOW- T CAM ig as mayer ob : = SS monthly. Dial Thirty - five cents (coins)! Free - and - easy fitting tep-- (Not cpplicable for merchondise advertisements.) Tal 663-8¢i ING, DISCING OR CULTI- Mh " we ern, sleeping SSIS an FOUR-ROOM "ew an bath bisa' this pattern (no Stamps,/ TWO main pattern parts! Whip DEA' GUARANTEED repairs to all makes] | VATING oe ee oe ee OUR. ROOM apartmest wih bah. Si nieace) to Alice Brooks. carelit up in gumdrop . gay colors DLINES TV. radio, car radios. Thempeon Eee) PHONE 728-390] | Coleman stoves, lontems, | Lamas, Axes Se Sunes eae of The Oshawa Times, Needle- 9 Bd push: ? : 7 eS Ti : | ee ee ee or AWREE-ROOM r aeeceniaok partment craft Dept. Oshawa, Ontario. oe bebo --" : -- ewiias 'NTH t hic' fe ject « anfa = pt. ers active fun. ' Classified Display : ; 2:20 pm. doy previous | ANYTIM i poole yc fs sig jockets, out- | meat Ajax. Private entrance. Avail-/Ontario residents add le sales! Printed Pattern 437%: Chik irths, mernoriems, cards o thonks - ~-- 9 am. dey of pubdlicati ey - Traile ba Neot, ottractive women 18 [adie immediately. Dial 629-3033. tax. Print plainly PATTERNigren's Si ts ' : C Lost end Found -- 8:30 a.m. doy of publication} TV TOWERS ---- Travers S TA N' S$ Grode XII or [@NK bachelor apartment, alse a se | 07) MBER. NAME. ADDRESS. ren's Sizes 2, 4, 6, & Size 6 Concelictions end Corrections--8:30 om. doy ct publication TRAILER for rem McGinness 6 fect a t ed ton ond pleos- | Bedronm apartment. Oial Ta0Szs3 ~ "Sipop - top takes 13 yards 33 a : : be tom ty equipped $35 Sharpening ond Rentals Ltd t pers to train for |KING STREET RAST. 53 -- Saleen 1983's Biggest Needlecraft inch; shorts take 3 yard eae eo : Ee ATIONS : . Economy and Deluxe : 223 King St. W., Oshewo ermanent [tained modern apartment, Cree rooms | how stars smocked accessories Fifty Cents (3c) in coins (no 2 s will no responsible for errors, in odvertise. | j 18 GENERAL MORILE heme, 16 x Pho i C ours § i Ranke, retrgereser, washer, ryer,'-- it's our new ecraft Ca-| stamps, please) for this pattern, tants esteaited otheret ise hanggll writing, not for more then | ceed 0s salt ne Bh eae me_723-3224 t Wiecs ks ses -- oo (mn _-- Plus over 200 -- Onatrio residents add 2c sales incorrect insertion of any ertiserment, mor beyond the 6 we s . . 12--Art s Wi i ese apply dy fetter, stet- -- you designs to knit, crochet,/rax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, price charge for ¢ single insertion of the advertisement in which | ae : icles Wanted ing ag¢,, marti iy ean ike August 3 Tee (Sew, weave, embroider, quilt ADDRESS. STYLE NUMBER. error occurs. OSHAWA TV i Re TRAILER SHAW | cation, business experience i idane Reesklin Plus free pattern Send 5c) Send order to Anne Adams, ECTS aaa |< Hitches supplied AUTO WRECKING CO. | Shake Pee ee on Bak' Gan, Go In the cose of display odvertisements, The Times will nct be | SUPPLY LIMITED | tas oe ae NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE [naa Deis Fust oul! 30 design ideas held responsible for more spoce thon that in which the ectyol / ne : i ; [NEAR OSHAWA Stepping Geaize, wp! Want- Ads Don' Tt [pias coupon for FREE pattern error occupies. The publishers endecvour to reproduce oll adver. MONTY'S BA SERVICE i .* 2 Dr Peter Willson stairs apartment, two dedreoms. ae --any one you choo: in tising matter correctly, but cssume no liobility of odvertisement 728 - 8180 SIMCOE AT GIBB saturday of day, | 172 King Street Eqst -- [reem, dinette, kitchen, bath, will spring - S Ke Patte oun. it eny ineccurocies in ony form ere 'contoined therein, 725-9131 | 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. Qshawa, Ontario lier 6 pam. tckegbene 3ai-Su0s. =| Cost-They Pay ing. Sond 3c now. gts

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