a ae --" J MARRIED AT CHRIST CHURCH Sandra Gail Richards and Robert Craig Wills exchanged nuptial vows before the Ven- erable H. D. Cleverdon in Christ Memorial Church re- cently. The dride is the daugh- CHILD GUIDANCE Good Books For Children j 4 hy by Shaibibisiisidttill Wemeon Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 5, 1963 7 N PERSONALS *| Guests from out of town at ithe Van Schyndel - Warring jwedding were the bridegroom's 'parents, Mr, and Mrs, Antony >; Van Schyndel of Gemert, Hol- *\iand; Miss Patricia Munro, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Hanf, Mr, Aus- '/tin Barrett, all of Toronto; Mr and Mrs, Ted Vandenkorput, ' Guelph, and Mr, and Mrs. Harry Fon, Streetsville, Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Mep- 3 ham, Albert street, left by jet plane on Tuesday evening to Miss Stephanie Goldstein, Sim- coe street north, and Miss Diane _-- mmm Heas, Champlain avenue, have : left from New York to attend jthe summer Institute of Study Toronto, Peterborough, Port afternoon tea, at her home, | "Little Haven," Taunton road west, to mark the close of the) regular sessions before the sum-) mer recess, Entertainmen con-| vener, Miss Gladys Frise and) her committee served refresh-| ments to the members and guests grouped about the spaci- ous lawns under the great trees. Special guests were members fram the Business and Pro- fessional Women' Club of North MRS, RONALD LENOVER (iacoming) Hope and Bowmanville, The College Hill Home and) School Association installed a) new executive during a recent meeting, Supper Meeting visit relatives in England, at Jerusalem for seven weeks. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles | Wesley Richards and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. John Russell Wills Jr., all of Oshawa --Aldsworth Photo aneous shower for Miss Shirley Thibodeau whose marriage to Mr, Ronald Gay take place July 20, was nged by Mrs, Dennis Hay- . Jasper avenue, and her Mrs, James Essex . re- Twenty-five guests hon- red the bride-to-be who was seated beneath the traditional jumbreilla in a decorated alcove Miss Shawn Essex 4v, Miss Arliss Gay and Miss Prizes were won by Are Always A Wise Investment "= tevart, Pass yer By GARRY C. MYERS, Ph.D. A tew teachers at the sec- ondary level assign books to be read during the summer and to be reported on in September and some teachers and libr ians stimulate children to Pr for pleasure d : mer. Many children, ala little or nothing at all dur long vacation As we ofte about a few children reading many books during the school year, even in summer, there's a notion abroad that far more children read for pleasure than really do Just inquire among your ac- qeaintances about this matter and take note of how seldom you see children reading when you drop inte th Then you may conf revoing observation With the summer vacation so Yong, the average child, having little else to do, could profitably read for two or three hours a @ay, See what this. could do for farthering his i ration and reading skills, See how it could contribute to his future success at school. ACCESS TO BOOKS There are not many children who could not have access to good books if their parents really cared. Whereas not meariy all children are within walking distance of a public lib rary or a bookmobile, most, in this day of the automobile could be driven to a library at Jeast once a month to borrow books. Most parents, too, spend- ing their income wisely, could afford to buy some good books fer their children, Ht all children who have arc cess to books read regularly a few hours a Gay in the sum- mer, what a large portion of all children in Canada would be reading @aring this vacation the foregoing poals were chosen by al] parents or a portion of them. How these goals be attained? Seme skilifel parents could hope to motivate their children read for the surrested period . Most, in competition with wasteland of TV, could so by mere persuasion first place, we wonder many parents really would Cheese such goals. Then how ety would parsue effective sn@aseres for their attainment ho s pad do what Te an n read and he arg J. Johnston, Mrs, Wiliam La- verty, Mrs, 0. R, Gay, Mrs. R T. Gay, Mrs, A. Black and the 7 dbride-cleci In these times, are consta themselves and w are aware of the | daily reading by and when so many } accepted the eh) Mr, and Mrs, Frank Snowden Ve Divison street doc dren should not be ad from a ad and White Face ook for s NY the : gz up rea foregoing spmennauaes verett L. Elliott, of ect east, attended a Kindergarien re r, in the Concert Royal Conservatory , Toronto Mrs. E there William s merit in this or sim ahd set themselves t they could do about it I could ade just paren cital, 7 Hall of of Music Mrs, J. W. Richardson, presi- seriously 10 demt of the Oshawa Business their best about it, ¢ snd Professional Women's Club { had not written this. cc s hostess recently to the im Vain members of the club for an PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. Do you believe the widely prevalent. "Look and y"" SOCIAL NOTICES method of teaching reading will SO0O0n pass? A. Hardly, as so many million) Mr, and Mrs. Janies Crossan dollars have been tied up in our of Kentville, Nova Sco'la, wish textbooks based on this_method to announce the engazement of and' so many 'experts' are their authors. ; ENGAGEMENT Gary Arden Copeland, son of/ Mrs. Arden Copeland of Osh-) awa and the late Mr, Copelend.) UNITS, GROUPS fe weseins wat take place a) AUXILIARIES 0 ter United Chhurch,} Satarday, July 27, at 3.30 p.m.! ENGAGEMENT MARY PARKER GROUP The engagement is announted The Marv Parker group of St. of Linda Jane Rowden, daugh- George's Guild held its last Nellie Rowden andj) meeting of the season at Mr Oshawa, 10 home of Mr nd Mrs. Eric ck O'Donnell, son ef Green in Rag O'Donnell, Osy 2 late Mr, O'Donnell rhe m3 is 10 take place on Saturday y 20, 1963, at 7.00 p.m. in Westmount United announced Charch ess meet ing; Mrs son sided and Miss Mina Smith the treasurer's report Mrs, Richardson after the summer recess, the next fanc of the er would be the women's fall luncheon in Mr. and Mrs. Ross F. Cook September wish to announce the engage Guest of honor at the mecting, ment Of the daughter, Caro was Mrs. W. E. Baker, -presi./Amm, to Allan H. Reading, son deni of the Guild of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Read Mrs.Green read & letter from ine, 2 Oshawa. The wedding Mrs. Mare Parker og? Will tak ace Saturday, August the group which expressed her 3, at 4 Pp in St. Paul's Pres- regret at being unable te at. byterian Charch | tend MARRIAGE marriage and Mr. C gave ENGAGEMENT founeer Coraeta 'Alexander of The HOUSEROLD HINT Jackson Tt Enen scorches during iren- Hoy, both of Oshawa, took place Hoy ing, cut an onion in half and on Tharsday, July 4, 1963, at Those appointed to office | Closes Season For Mary St. H&S were president, Mrs, Ronald Lenover; treasurer, Mrs. Gor- The closing meeting took the don Stacey; recording secre- form of a pot luck supper, to tary, Mrs. William Trim; cor- provide the members of Mary responding secretary, Mrs Street Home and School Associ. Thomas Hanna; executive ation with a memorable meet-/chairman - program convener,) sng Mrs. Laueine Wilson; sick list Mrs. Bryce Brown presided) convener, Mrs. Roger Plancke; over the business meeting which| Citizenship, Mrs. Melvin Me- j New President and Committee Installed For College Hill H&S « KEEP IN TRIM By IDA JEAN KAIN It's easy to start a diet, but after 10 days to two weeks en- thusiasm wilts and your will weakens, Analyse why the stem goes out of your drive at al- most the identical place in each reducing attempt, for this in- sight can help you to bridge the difficult period, When you lose 4 or 5 pounds, you feel slimmer, but perhaps nobody noticed or mentioned that you look slimmer, At the beginning of a reducing. pro- gram the compliments are nil, the rewards are. meagre and the self-denial seems so great. You begin to doubt that it is worth all th esacrifice you are making. Doubt dampens your enthusiasm, At this point, give yourself an jinvigorating challenge. What MRS, DOUGLAS LANGLEY (Retiring) you muster the gumption to Kinley; health, Mrs, Clayton|Stop overeating? You are giving Hurlbert; Visual aids, Mrs,/"P @xcess pounds! Isn't this the Kenneth Morrow; room mother Sfeatest favor you could do for convener, Mrs, Lloyd Schram; |Yourself? When you say a de- social convener, Mrs, Beveriey|Sided "No" to some fattening Pearce; hospitality, Mrs, Har-/¢Xtra, you are in effect saying old Nugent; school principal,|2 triumphant "YES" to suc: Howard Brown, cess, This fascinating mental Mrs. Nicholas Lakas, vice-/@? may do the trick for you president of the association's) Find ways to rekindle your in- council installed the officers/terest. Do you have a test and brought greetings from the skirt? With 3 to 4. pounds off, Council explaining some your skirt band will fit a bit changes in the association's better, Feeling slimmer helps structure, you to form a mind picture of Stop Waning Resolutions Before All Efforts Are Wasted jare you really giving up when! followed and she welcomed the teachers and guests and thank- Assisting the hostesses wer€ied everyone who had helped) Miss Ruthher during her term of office. | The various reporis were read and disposed of and plans were made for the graduation party and the field day. Mrs Angus MacMaster presented the budget for the coming year which was passed unanimousiy Mr, Gerald Harper spoke and Mrs, Harry/>riefly and thanked the mem-/and June meeting and convened trine that chil: wood, Roxborough avenue, have/ ders of the Association for their /hy Mrs red to trip help during the years he hasiJ, A and announced that Mrs. Phillip Lawrence and Miss / fanDueren were also being transferred schools, and that a Miss Ker- Tington had come as a new bean princif to other presented Mrs, Lakas with gift, LODGES AND | SOCIETIES PRINCE PHILIP CH, I0DE Sighteen members of The Mr Prince Philip Chapter, IODE,)""* gathered at the summer home of Mrs, F. N. McCallum, Bea- verton, for their annual picnic! Mrs, sented the ing treasurer's Lenover. tion trip to Mrs, M, McKinley jaccompany the group on th trip. H, H, Tonkin. Mrs Mitchell, vice . regent, of the meeting. the minutes there as discussion on fund-raising and Mrs, F. McCal lum read several letters from the children at the chapter's took derg held Sept, 11, The zaar will be held Oct, Mrs, Nugent and Mrs as conveners annual New president, Mrs, Lenover, Mrs. Douglas Langley presid }ed over a short business mect- Gordon Stacey pre report and the minutes were read by The date of Grade 8 gradua- Toronto was set and Mrs Kenneth Morison volunteered to is Another date set was the Kin- rten tea scheduled to be ba- 19 with Langle yourself with a Lsseme waist This in turn makes it easier to follow through on. stretchbends, Stretch to pull the waist away from the hips, and the ribs away from the waist. Bend sideways to restore tone to the midsection muscles, Be sure to hold the bend to a slow count of 10, It's no effort to stretch and bend! First thing you know the a On the right food pattern, re- solve to change from high starch, high sugar meals to high protein, building each of the three 'meals around a high value protein food. Do this and you'll have far less trouble on y the hunger score. Eat to build "\slimness on three modest influential reading their daughter, Julia Moira, te', oo. om Res ll ~ adopted school in Eau Claire. were being transferred. with) Mrs. W. J. Butler, secretary) sifts and they expressed their Of services at Home and thanks to the members and par.|AbTead, read & letter from the enis adopted student in Korea and stated that five cartons of cloth- Proven gig co 5. gc - and ditty bags had. been ' Mr, Gaver and Mrs. a. nye Harry Keys for the work they or : had done to make a success of Five, members -- volunteered the school choir and she wish. |*° work at Hillsdale Manor on ed everyone a good surnmer July 19 and the monthly letter The nat Ae vith th from Mr. Mcintyre Hood was ee 'at "the 'ont Bor read on "Commonwealth Aid to every one present went outside esto js : where Captain Murray of the, After the picnic two mem- Fire Department presented an b's, Mrs. F. N. McCallum, nformative demonstration of "ducational Secretary and Mrs. fire control A. F. Annis went on to see -- the school at Eau Claire and : to attend the school picnic li: Samuel de Champlain Pro- jvincial wk near Mattawa. HOUSEHOLD BINT Olly spots on wash-and-wear fabrics may set permanently if not treated before washing. Pre- treat with a solvent or cool meses [5 water and detergent, then laun- WIFE PRESERVER {2 Ever try to open & coconut? The easy way is to open the eyes with an ice pick and drain) out milk first. Then put nut in oven at 325 degrees until it cracks (about half an hour) Remove and cool; then you can remove meat easily For Your Holidays RESORTS Four Seasons TOURS CRUISES stan Official Agent For All Airlines and Steamships CARPET 282 King W 728-938) BROADLOOM Mrs, Michael Mayko won the room attendance prize and the annual room. attendance prize for the kindergarten. Mrs, Langley thanked the as- sociation for its help and sup- port during the year. Mrs, Nu- gent presented her with a past president's pin, MAPLE CLEANERS $04 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA 'Cosh & Corry -- & Ne, Service 8 Hour tee Free Pick-Up end Delivery "Your Femily's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 Chilewll-Cjill WINES INES OF DIS NC rub the flat side over the matk.8 p.m. in Oshawa with the Then soak the linen in cold Reverend Howard Stainton offi water for several hours ciating Consisting of 4 moflets BADMINTON rocquet, net ond birds hendies and poly heods, 4 ba'ls wickets ond 2 posts. Complete only .... a iptch eat ee For the active fomily, complete with For The Whole Family! CROQUET SET 25%" long with decorated / wire SET Difficulties ore lhe knives . . . the blodes cre dangerous but they also have handles to grip them by -- YOUNG PEOPLE if one et your difficulties hes been getting « summer job -- STOP! Grab this hendle -- you con still enroll for SUMMER SCHOOL BUSINESS TRAINING. In the picture above, you con sce a portion of the 98 young people who ore putting their summer te REALLY good use, Moke your summer really count -- get business troining, the smort, ambitious people in this picture ore @oing exoctly thet ot the JUNIOR REGULAR OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE There Are Three Divisions to Summer School - FREE catalogues covering each division: DIAL 725-3375 SUMMER A CAREER MEANT IT. WELL PICION, Ont. (CP) -- Sgt, Ralph Blatchford of the Belle viN@ Police Department recalls the night he picked up two who were placed in separate police cruisers, The man im his car awoke and no- ticed the red light flashing on the police car behind and cau- tioned: "'Watoh out bud, There's one of them damn cruisers right behind you." meals a day, plus scientific pick-ups to cut ahead of hun- ger, At 4 in the afternoon a half ounce of cheese and a cup of tea can save the diet day, Regard a protective, regular plan of eating asa scientific way to achieve your goal, This mature approach prevents the feeling of self-denial which fos- ters self-pity, Recognize that self-pity leads to allbis instead of success, RATION MEAT PRAGUE (AP) -- Thousands of Czechs sat down to meatless meals in Prague restaurants Thursday. Hit by an acute meat shortage, the government has ordered all restaurants to Regard second helping and introduce one meatless day a overly fattening desserts as be- week, : " yer ted best --: . \This reshing approach act- LADIES ually has transforming power, te bevy or an Mr, Bernard STILL DRAW PAY Working women in Israel get] Of Leoding, Toronte, Selene a l2-week maternity leave--at APPOINTMENTS least half of it after childbirth at 75 per cent of full pay. caienanl VVVVVVVM% . : yee § waist is a half . inch slimmer,| Value Plus Big 64-ounce Plastic Decanter or Juicer aoe 4x4 square. coniciners with snaptight lids. They stack neatly, no slipping. Will stand freezing tem perature. Unbreakable, nothing to it, just pour in your favourite flavour and put them in the freezer, makes 8 pops, safe to use, has drip-guard to eliminate dripping and extra long handles, full directions in plastic container, DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE TYPEWRITING CLASS Open to pupils 10 yoors of age ond up, cless hours ore 9:00 A.M. to 12:08 A.M. Toke typing ond © choice st one of the following: «pcliling, grommer, mothemntics, writing, book- keoping. Tuition $20 per colender month. Don't por: this ap. SCHOOL SESSION Teition $35 per month Dpen te young people with grede eight ond up. Class hours 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 PLM. choice of five subjects: shorthend, typing, bookkeeping mochines, filing, office procedure, english, spelling, mothemetics ond others. Propere for your future you'll be gled you did. BUSINESS COURSE Tuition $35 per month Open to young people with grade nine choice eight career designed courses -- job placement service -- individ- wol instruction -- modern equipment ~~ stort now ---- groduste in carly Spring when jobs ore plentiful. > ~ YOUR MONEY IS WORTH MORE AT WOOLWORTHS