i W G G , 1963 4 acting on this recommendation, 8 | s walkout a protest move, de-) SHOWED OLD CURRENCY |Marie. The 'collection ranges clita scaade bi Darlin on pen Hn that these rapes Wildcat Strike signed to bring contract negoti-| MONTREAL (CP)--A Collec-|from walrus hide .currency is be put into effect. (The bylaw) ations to a head. Strikers andjtion of Canadian currency|sued by the Hudson's Bay Com: was passed on March 21, 1963, union representatives planned tojowned by J, Douglas Ferguson|pany to money printed on play- a ts uc. ear meet today in nearby Tiverton,/of Rock Island, Que., was ex-|ing cards by the gove men' of | issued workers halted construction|of the 200 other employees on : * ° e : | I . | ® by the Township Council.) Council Re V l V eS Bid S urns Bid yah Budai yesterday ee 40 STAYED ON J0B hibited at a bank in Ville New France in the late 1600s. : moved that the council not give| Power Project ~ : (building permits in accordance phuysday on the $81,500,000 nu: the site joined the walkout in a iti 1G S! ie ie areas involved were japproval to the Planning| About 40 carpenters and HAMPTON (Staff) -- Darling-| with specifications for residen-\clear power project here. perth igs amst og rg Board's recommendation. "She pouGLAS POINT. Ont (CP) : 4 " a , . the Construction Council, stayed chum... By Planners stated that residents of the), wildcat walkout by about 260 the ry Thteday. 'About 15 | oll yoe, ir PARAMOUNT PICTURES @. a Frank - Ross Deakin reminded Picker-|Board of the Township, as Act-|all that could be done under the sponse to two separate petitions| should consider this. The men are members of 12| W. H. Barnes of Toronto, Hy- : . ettant b 3 ing Township Council Tuesday|ing Welfare Officer. present bylaws, trom ratepayers, Thursday turn-| The council voted against theo! the 14 construction unions on|dro's labor director, called 'the Pe iNaTRa. Teamsters, also represented by 5 presen's BROUGHAM ---. Councillor,and Secretary of the Planning that the bylaw Officer was doing\ton Township Council, in re-jtial zones, and that the council of their agreement earlier this ormer Welfare Adminis-| Report of Frank Prouseeq down a Planning Boardiapproval of the Planning '%¢ Project, represented by the)strike an "illegal work stop: e =... year that there should be a pre-|i.rpe omen, None' tectaned| Building Inspector, showed thail tndation which catled|Bcard's recommendation ana(Alued Construction C own cil,|page." - 2 liminary survey made as to the gg age ok cag Eo in June, 47 building permits Sega ore of t he : ne and which bargains for them with) Gerald Gallagher, president of E i i eeks ago. > . ezonin, two town-/its ow ylaw. ti yas . : ; : feasibility of splitting the large from this office Auda * 33°: were taken out for an ostinated\nn . alia ' afl : eee ne De wae ithe Ontario Hydro - Electri¢|the Toronto-based Local 183 of ; : municipality, Mr. Pearce will carry 0n his! vaiue of $350,650 aan eer carried unanimously. Deputy: power Commission. / ithe International Hod Carriers al He proposed a resolution that) ther duties as well as act 5) 1) 1969. the estimated value, Pesi#ents are protesting Geo, Reeve Mur st dbo vot.' Basic complaint is failure of|Building and Common Laborers ~~) -- # i} R Council meet in Committee of( Administrator. The Planning! (+ Buiding Permits to June 30|tions 19 and 20 of Bylaw 2239,|I"g on a possible "conflict Of' ontario Hydro and union repre-|Union (CLC), attributed the x eis Mamaais : the Whole to determine sug-|Director whom Council selec: was 3,673,050. In 1963 for .the which recommend the rezoning '¢Tes: * sentatives to agree on a new|walkout to delays in negotia COBB: PICON: RUSH: STJOHN ; gested boundaries for the split-/t¢d from a number of applica-| ome period they were $1,310,/of residential areas on Taunton The council also voted to pre- contract, The last one-year con-|tions. : ' ting of the Township, and the|tions. and who would have 'ak:/ 399°" "pota) 1962 fees. to and South Courtice roads to|Semt the case of the ratepayers tract expired Jan. 31. / The plant, planned for com- se pein ee motion was carried. : He el he B agnosia June amounted to $8,904; 1963, agricultural areas. at a Municipal Board hearing. Strikers also are discontented pletion in the fall of 1965, wil! BLOCKER MCGUIRE BILL, sroteasional pA reg ie caia| "The van ae oS in bylaw fees to June, $2,848.50. In 1059, the Municipal Af- ty oo Mie eon basic bey of OL. _ genes SR ee og NORWAN TEAR 6BU YORK But YOR: 'until we know where the split appointing Mr, Pearce are that|SELL USED CARS fairs Branch. of the Ontario ------- BOUT, Sey Wal, Sua wences Apts 000 Power. BrMer PeGUCing NORMAN LEAR: HOWARD W. KOCH » Panavisoa® 3 P: pp' st tl en Say t West R Government recommended that travelling or living expenses re-| 200,000 kilowatts of power from would be. : he assume the duties as out- 3 en Sever, of : est ouge, "those parts of Lots 26 to 33 in- KENNEDYS HAVE BOY sulting from a housing shortage a deuterium uranium reac'or Gila Councillor Milton Mowbray|lined in the Welfare Act, and/was granted permission to sell clusive in Concessions 1 and 2" _ BOSTON (AP)--Mrs. Robert in the area indicated his support of the mo-|that his present salary of $4800./used cars at the Texaco Service SUSY s 34 and F. Kennedy, wife of the U.S. Many employees travel long TEST WEATHER NEW COLOR CARTOON tion, saying there has b year continue Station on No. 2 Highway at and "those parts of Lots 34 and 8 ion, saying there has been aj per year continu : No. 2 Highway 35 in Concessions 4 and 5° be attorney - general, gave birth distances from the site, on Lake) Rockets shot from Antare- FEATURE TODAY AT Sreat deal of talk among rate- FURTHER DISCUSSION FOR This cuales wilh the West rezoned to Agricultural. Thursday to a baby boy, her Huron, about 40 miles southwest tica's McMurdo Station reveal 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:35-9:35 payers of dividing the Town- 4208 ORS Fe +e@ ee teeeeeeea W ht he has hn he hh he he a AS P 0 EEPER foiled 2 y .q eighth child; A hospital spokes.'of Owen Sound, to obtain ac-/air temperatures and wind pro- - oe one knows," the Coun- oo submitted by the Rouge Sontag bylaw INE te Planning sid ra, man said "both mother and commodation files 40 miles above the ice- jm eillor said, "until it is hea wei Road Department asked that RSV PIR he KO ae a BU GP AY BP SOP AO an a A ae ae ga ha 4 baby are doing very fine." \ union spokesman called the|covered continent gated. A lot an be done by Mrs. C a Se. '\ NOW FLA, WNGS sean . this Council and the Township|be engaged as bookkeeper ; salt, We cennot employ out te oor aanum, with. an in-l0 MES 2 Thes Kill JOHNNY side consultants without nar. %*/9": seg i WALT DISNEY'S JA e Strangest Killer The Love Story | Sowing the sltusten on vary eee ot ear ePherson, Chait New STEWART 3 Who Ever Stalked WEISMULLER 3. $ The World Could 3 HATARI roughly. Mays. J. BCE NeTSOn, ; > This maiter has been discus.) man of the Bond Committee ex: Y All-Cartoon Feature AUDIE i the West JUNGLE JIM Never Forget! 1 WITH JOHN WAYNE & RED BUTTONS se 0 som 'DY ./ plained that when the hoat e+ | for some months 'by rate-|P era svar the Ganlte N "ONE HUNDRED MURPHY Q NO NAME in " +S i | payers both in the north part) partmen q " HH ALSO of the Township and in the|tion Department some months AND ONE fee On The BULLET' VooDoo egy | | south. The north part is almost/@89 and some clerical assis-\\ ' "NIGHT as THE BEAST Sil WONDERFUL TO BE YOUNG all rural, and the south part is| tance was required, since book: | DALMATIANS aA TIGER 4 } | ) . k Clifford Dunkeld was AUDIE MURPHY WITH CLIFF RICHARDS on its way to becoming com.) Seeper Guttor ae r IN COLOR | pletely urbanized. occupied with the Road books \ , PASSAGE IN COLOR P i | then. Mrs, Blake has assisted \| TECHNICOLOR IN COLOR ~~ ae errrmemn""' T BOTH IN COLOR ¢ ALWAYS COLOR CARTOON WELFARE OFFICER HIRED|for the past three months on a A bylaw was passed hiring} part-time basis, but is now ag- ' Harry S. Pearce, Deputy Clerk/Teeable to take on the job full'\ e ee err ia ee . tS) AY ZODG Pa Mrs. McPherson said tha ks she would not like to see thel> » » per ASPASSSSPPSLLLSS SS ay ] ges motion put until 1 ey ghee nein ee cites nee ~ | discussed. She said that the} | . Be : salary requested was higher] BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 P.M. © INCLUSING SUNDAYS {than present clerical salaries| CHILDREN UNDER 12 FR Drive Draws jare, to commence, and that it KIDDIES PLAYGROUND EE |might cause trouble among the i nn ' . ' other members of the clerical staff | ine "The salary Sages be one} i that fits in with t general) staff," said scuactiiar Milton} } DRIVE OUT SAX «Galt, -- 8 Bay Ratan "Come id ou ! * TONIGHT ° "Unreasonable" to pass another ea a bookkkeeper be en- car at 85 miles per hour was! ai. matter will be consid-| | ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON! tined $35 dollars and se = aed farther at a. committee! | he Magistrate disagreed wi meeting, when it will be dete | SATURDAY . SUNDAY ' MONDA him sat? - > mined if a full time employee Ernest H. Burnie of 844 Bem) ). neeged | BOX-OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00--SHOW STARTS 9:15 avenue, Bay Ridges appeared | before Magistrate Harry W. CONSIDER PAVING 1 ------ TOMAR) HS Jermyn and pleaded not guilty GARAGE AREA | to a charge of speeding. Tenders will be called for rf | & TREMENDOUS cores Cons. Eric Place of the Ajax, paving of the area in front of || EVENT FOR PEOPLE Police Force told the court he the Township Garage at Broug- H OF ALL had followed a car at speeds up ham. This has been a matter of to 90 miles per-hour", on June discussion for some years 1. Brougham residents having He said he gave chase to the) complained about the disappear speeding vehicle west on the) ance of the broken sidewalk un x : : : . . ; . Base Line and identified Bur.;der mud or dust, and the ab J ms 5 eo M at oko : § : i cou, tee iver. s f i to walk that n " } * : pty See ; BY eR | ¥ MAROY e.sa a | le ae KRUGER MARTINELLI BLAIN- BUTTONS: HAWKS: i oman Deh Salk Mies othe emul tion the fact that he was speed-| road aman § Raney" "Seen i ing but thought it wasn't wa TENDER ACCEPTED | BRACKETT - KURNITZ - MANCINI - ARAMOUNT -- to do 85 when pas-'ror MOWER : Tender of D. L. Mairs,. Broug 3 } Magistrate Jermyn noted he, _ Oa dent knew of no place in the High- rey He aati : Ton ONLY! way Traffic Act allowing @ Ve-) 12: the lowest tender of three ALL COLOR SHOW! hicle to speed while passing. wabiitied \ "HERO'S COMPLAINS ABOUT DOGS 36 Cler men A resident of Bay Ridges, Al-| > 1 ISLAND" gy fred Dussing, complained about} f | yg dogs being kept by his neigh-} 1 > A ted bor in a residential area con-j . "SWORD OF 4 Tres trary, he felt, to zoning regula- i THE . tions | . 3 " ' In Race Rally Harry Ashion, Bylaw En-| +f ee - ' | CONQUEROR é Co forcement Officer, related that} P ' fiv It c s were housed! {3 adie? ~ Bae 4 cag nacoagy Shady Eu-jin this p home, each OBR ee : : CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE OSHAWA gene Carson Blake, chief €X-) having a licence in the name of a +e - wT " ' TR ecutive officer of the United] various members of the house ' , y ot y bs satis ae EEE Ce ees FREE KIDDIES' PLAYGROUND 723-4972 Presbyterian Church, and other) hold. There was no kennel li-} og % : es Fees > : - jeading Protestant, Catholic and! cence. He had not been able' to} Jewish clergymen were at-/ establish whether or not a bus-| rested when they attempted to/iness in buying and selling was bets aS s : integrate an amusement park! in progress Z : Cs % Ce ze é trae ; : near Baltimore in a massive In-| It was suggested that a bylaw} a ses The ¥, : . se ee eae - put a wall in front of these men...and they'? dependence Day demonstration [be prepared that not housal s OT Ee eS aon oe - tunnel under it... put a risk In front of them... At least 36 clergymen were) be permitted to keep more than} among the 283 whites and Ne.\@ certain number of dogs, per-| and they'll take it...put a great adventure on groes afrested. The police|haps one or two. This sugges-| | the screen and will never forget it! docket in suburban Woodlawn, tion was said by some members) | where Gwynn Oak, the amuse-|0f Council as being too manda-} F H COMPANY JOHN STURGES ment park is located, read as a 'Ory, but it was referred to the Wot STURGES religious who's who. ' Dog Control Committee : All were charged under Mary.|,,* Tesolution was passed that land's trespass law which per-|'"€ Complainants be informed mits the owners to. spell out to refuse entrance to any person he wishes. Sixty-nine demonstra. Water Loss tors who had to be carried from the park also were charged with . . disorderly conduct Irks Pickering Gwynn Oak Park is privately owned and has maintained a policy of restricting its facilities Cattlemen to white people. Several raciai disturbances have erupted there in the last two vears Water Resources Comm James Price, who owns the Will investigate complaint park with his two brothers, said 0% courses and toabcco ) q economic reasons have per. ¢Ts are taking more water from| we come « suaded him not to integrae. Ontario's streams than the law) permits, a commission official} ECONOMICS A FACTOR said Thursday i "We are in an area where the K. E. Symonds, assistant di-j whites have not accepted Ne-/rector of the commission's wa-) groes. It is a matter of eco ter resources division, said the) People wel th , nomic survival." - division has had about 20 com-| cop come © newspaper and the advertising It carries. 71% of all weekday newspapers To the hundreds of patrons (plaints and inquiries this year| are home-delivered, guaranteeing audience continuity. vee - -- % dept alll ascend 4 bgt gh, The readers who paid to have the newspaper delivered welcome the advertising In its Pernonstration was just added|from cattle farmers around! pages, because advertising is a kind of news itself...news about the marketplace. In fact, after demon J said is ig : : ge P c excitement Most ignore i the ---- -- ing on sag the news itself, advertising is the s:ost popular feature in the paper. 78% say they'd prefer a i t testors, but a few /VUle, and from tobacco grow-/ i ' 5 -- . sie pepe Ma waikea ers near Simcoe, Delhi and Till-| newspaper with ads to one without. But 54% would rather have TV without ads; 61% would and carried them to schoo) Sonburg rather have radio without ads. b and patrol wagons Those who draw water from) es ' fe SOS must have persitel ' Put your advertising message in the daily newspaper--most people want it there. , eeses which state how mutch may bel ; | STEVE JAMES RICHARD | se. Peak, Wan, AP) -- Wola, Ste sei MORE PEOPLE DO MORE BUSINESS THROUGH NEWSPAPERS MCQUEEN GARNER ATTENBOROUGH tourist map_ issued bY the 1S! of $200 a day si le nm JAMES CRS DONALD JAMES merce lists a host of Mir vahamn Getais ons paca geok DONALD BRON N PLEASENCE COBURN cities, from Albert Lea to Will-' a, Hh stve ate at et smentierer mtener 'at oe a we mar. Conspicuously missing is nll "tor this ple! THE, OSHAWA TIMES JOHN STURGES JAMES CLAVELL & WR.BURNETT PAUL BRICKHIL Be ane eer oad © Sea att u --""" COLOR Zn PANAVISION == =2=-> Dominion Experimenta! Farm i LEAVES FOR NEW YORK = at. Delhi iwi @ AIR CONDITIONED LONDON (Reuters) -- Prime He said tobacco farmers be , COMFORT Minister Sir Robert Menzies of gan irrigating about four days Australia left here by air today 'earlier than usua! this year. to tor New York after an 16-day combat excessive heat and dry- | visit te Britain. . 'ness. FEATURE TIMES 2:10-5:30 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 8:30