THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 4, 1963 contained columbium, a metal] | 22 ; : cs weil - «\then considered glamorous put! DIVIDENDS not of much commercial use Ai BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT because of its rarity. The Algoma Steel Corp. Ltd., ! s ' | However, a St, Lawrence C9-| 49 cents, Sept. 30, record Aug, | : jlumbium staff, using the facili-|, : ae |ties of Montreal's Ecole Poly-\" Brown Co, Ltd., common 12! oe aoa | | B 1a) Market Success |technique, found an ecOnoMIC | nents (U.S,), Sept. 1, record process for exploiting the metal.| " : Aug, 1, Some $2,500,000 was raised to General Steel Wares Ltd., ptd. get production rolling and by|,.° ni For Rare Metal 1961 the Oka mill was producing) $1.25, post 1, eee pa Ma 500 tons of ore daily. Because|, Hand Ce er Pe Nagy ge MONTREAL (CP) -- Colum-)rich Abitibi region and gained a ena am the gal's tape|Tecord daw 8: sia ee ey bium a rare metal when dis-/passion for mining from rub-|for co! 5 ' | , Credit Tewellens tad. covered near Montreal almost|bing shoulders with prospectors |Cly was doubled. last Novem- Pisdracesuggh Mea tae Kk he in the elec. cents, Aug. 15, record July 31, 10 years ago now is making althere. name for itself on world mar-| A Gourd - organized explora-| First used mainly ee kets, F , {tion group discovered colum-| tronic, atomic enengy and space) : | Behind much of columbium's|ium in 1954, coming upon a ra-/fields, columbium now is also tomers are West Germany, | an ae RG ATONS nm Oss success is St, Lawrence Colum-/dio-active material near Oka, 30)used in the production of high-| France, England and Japan. bium and Metal Corporation, a|miles northwest of. Montreal,/strength and stainless steels. As for the future of St. Law- company headed by Jean-Joffre|They thought they had dis-| Among its chief customers, | rence Columbium, there Were Gourd, 47, a Montreal lawyer|covered uranium. St. Lawrence counts several 62,000,000 tons of good-grade ore who grew up in Ahe mineral-| Analysis showed the materialjlarge U.S. firms, Other cus- at Oka, CHAMBERS Does It Again ANOTHER PLANT -- This Time In Peterboroug a. MAIN PLANT: 65 UNDERWRITERS ROAD SCARBOROUGH PETERBOROUGH PLANT 765 THE KINGSWAY OX, 9-1188---9-1195---9.1134 745-2461-3 SES '| Freezing, Canning and Preserving Equipment! PLASTIC FOOD BAGS PLASTIC CONTAINERS ENAMEL CANNERS Cleer plastic bees easy to tee contents, Washable, flexible, May be re-used mor Dark blue enamelled canner with white speckled finish; complete with a lid and Coie: cnnrmlghs sath: eavarndawitn iba 36 times rack to hold (7) jars for preserving, Reck has convenient lifting handles. a SAN ae tet a 15 Qt. Capacity, 20 Qt. Capaci aS 3 a eS . ss viageolulered vaseindatie ie . ste) Hg cays 3.29 bi xian Pt. size, : J : ia vi , ONT. Vy gol. size EAST PLANT: 933 manna SOUTH, OSHAWA WEST PLANT ee ie ahs LLE, ONT. (60 in pkg.) a : nes PRESERVING KETTLE (not illustrated) jan 4 gin 1 at. size Dark blue and white speckled enamelled finish, Prepare your joms, pickles, pre- (6 in pkg.) ee serves, right in the kettle. Sx 3x 14" ' 74 Qt. Capacity, 10% Qt. Capacity, FREEZERS from $229 ss: site Hs et acca T Sx 3x 14" 12 Qt. Capacity, 0 0 3.69 fa CHEST TYPE FREEZERS -- COUNTER TOP, TABLE -- spire nae Koken : eae 70, 95. 1.19 TOP, UPRIGHT FREEZERS -- COMBINATION " sth Ldamngos eogge gum en : REFRIGERATOR FREEZERS -- REFRIGERATORS S x3: % 43" (12 in pkg.) (2 in pkg.) Ange ak ee FLAT TYPE 13x 9x 2%" ae JAR FILLER each Qt. size loig x 786% 280" Dark blue and white enamelled finish Acts os a: funnel for filling jors 65 (20 in pkg.) Bb, more easily, without spill. eech vs L) It You ARE NOW SPENDING >| pen weex -- = recor FREEZER KIT S A wire rack that lets the air circulate around the pie plates; use this handy article to cool pies before freezing and to carry several pies to the freezer, 1 : ® Each kit has. clear plastic bogs and closures, waxed boxes and a filling fynnel ailablh or to church bazaars, without crushing them. Each in two sizes. A SUGGESTED 9-WEEK FOOD ORDER GRE gral ag tot 59 ocr cucu baak wed bai EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 PHONE 725-7373 9 of each, bogs ond boxes VEGETABLES MEATS (Red, Blue Brand Only) CEREALS, CAKE MIXES, ETC. : -- ag 10 ibs, Peas Two 3-Ib, Sirloin Roasts : . R lS 7 0 Is, Peos Two 3b, Siloin Rossty 5 Ib. Coke Mix 4 =e. Brighten your house and cottage 5 Ibs, Carrots Two 3-Ib. Pork Loin Roasts 5. lbs. Rolled Oats ' > . A 5 Ibs. Green Beans Two 4-Ib. Chickens (Roasting) 10 Ibs, Flour i a J with exterior 5 Ibs, Waxed Beans 3-lb. Boneless Ham 1 doz. Jelly Powders . 2 " i. ; 2 Ibs. Cauliflower 10 Ibs, T-Bone Steak . = Sek Bos bt 9 2 Ibs, Brussels Sprouts , 10 Ibs. Lean Mince Beef DAIRY PRODUCTS ; >. Q ; 34 Ibs. ai oT ---- ALL MEATS Sa ED OREEmenememecmmenne tp = i s. M.L, Sausage GOVERN. mate FRUITS ia, Beak i iear 10 Ibs, Butter MENT INSPECTED 6 Ibs, Margarine ' oc ' ; . H Woe, Rhuberd 4 ee ibs. resis Applies easily and helps protect, preserve and beautify wood 6 the. Apples Ibs. Pork Spare Ribs gals. Ice Cream en § surfaces. Order at this low price for Summer paint jobs! 6 pkgs. Raspberries 83 ibs. Ibs. Loaf Cheese : 1 case Peaches wedges Chedder ° . 33 Ibs. MISC, MEATS ing con one EATON Special Price, JUICES : ~ cam Bacon ph ann 4 s. Bologna 24 tins Orange Juice 6 pkgs. Asst. Lunch Meats Sos Sor N, Galion 12 tins Grapefruit Juice FISH 10 Ibs. Detergent ' ve ~ 36 tins ' ? 1 doz. Ivory Beauty Soap TEA AND COFFEE egg ny gag 2 giant Tooth Paste 250 Orange Dakeo Too Bogs 3 Ibs: Cod Fillets 12 rolls Toilet Tissue : : : EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 PHONE 7253-7373 . 4 Ibs, Coffee 2 pkgs. Scallops 1 box Facelle (1200 sheets) 10-oz, jar Instant Coffee 10% Ibs. 1 4oz. bottle Vanilla | e THE ABOVE ORDER WOULD COST ABOUT $120.00 FOR 2 MONTHS SUPPLY AND || && 3 i T e G ra Ss 17 Toiletries CAN BE PAID BY 2 POST DATED CHEQUES OF $60.00 EACH. WEEKLY .COST: COST OF FOOD PER WEEK : as $13.33 ONGE-A-YEAR SPECIAL FROM ELIZABETH ARDEN ! COST OF DELUXE CHAMBERS FREEZER FROM $2.88T0 5.4.30 2.88 I! Di tiny Bowder Flower Mist Cologne TOTAL WEEKLY COST .... 2 $16.21 A refreshing atter-bath treat, Reg. 3.00! To use lavishly for coolness throughout THIS WOULD LEAVE ABOUT $9.00 PER WEEK OF THE FOOD BUDGET TO PURCHASE ITEMS NOT Special, 412-02. box, Summer. Reg, 3.00! LISTED. 4-oz. Speciol, each Reg. 5.00! 8-oz. THIS ORDER IS A SAMPLE ORDER ONLY --WE DO NOT SELL IN PACKS OF ANY KIND, Special, each OUR MEMBERS SELECT ONLY THE FOOD THEY WISH TO PURCHASE _ || Fragrance Set re plus on of B sro i iT 5 The Chambers Food Club is the oldest and largest food club in Canada. We invite you to visit any of our Perse e0t Gs 9 Haeon ot Tus Sons Flower Mist Cologne Puff-Puff' Dusting Powder - Perfume > four plants and compare food and freezer prices and see for yourself why we are the largest food club With otomizer 00 In an attractive container : ial, set . 4,00! i Ce with the most to offer, Special, se Reg. 4.00! Special. each F Reg. 2.00! Special, 3-08. hex, cach _. 1.50 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 212 PHONE 725-7373 INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST (THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE IN FOOD CLUBS) 5 i Ask about our 14 point membership privileges, such as free food rescue service, free storage, frees fost EATON S iS WISE | THE WAY OF WEDDINGS! freezing, charge your food up to 2 months, etc. THE FOOD CLUB THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF | Wedding Cake Sandwiches for Her Trousseau Tea or Shower Dainty and taste-tempting with an interesting choice of fillings. Are you planning a wedding? Order a beautifull decorated wed- Assorted sizes, closed or open face. ding cake from the Georgian Room. In round or square shape, as ieee g : small or large as you wish. Decorated with Roses, Forget-me-Nots, he j and Lily of the Valley: An attractive centrepiece for the bride's FONDANT DROPS table. Iced in white and various paste! colours or tinted to match ea i cthractival tas dei vied : your gown (just bring us a fabric sample.) © tasty and attrective! In dainty pastel shades to add COME AND VISIT OUR WAREHOUSES: EATON Price, 3 tiers .. . : colours to your table! EATON Price, dozen . . . 1.00 EAST PLANT: WEST PLANT: MAIN PLANT: " PETERBOROUGH '933 RITSON RD. SOUTH WHARTON GLEN AVE, 65 UNDERWRITERS RD. PLANT: OSHAWA COOKSVILLE, ONT. ox Silas on ii95 765 THE KINGSWAY 723-1163 277-3643 -- CL. 9.5468 OX. 9.1134 745-2461-3 EATON'S TELEPHONE . to SATURDAY 8.30am to 6pm. FRIDAY 8.30am to 9pm. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 1104 PHONE 725-7373