---------| THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Take quick note of others' ;moods on Thursday, Persons born under some Signs will be highly congenial; those born under others will be: somewhat on the "touchy" side. It shouldn't take you long to dif-/ ferentiate--and act accordingly, Travel and outdoor pursuits are highly favored, FOR THE BIRTHDAY It tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that while, presently, you may be irked at slow + moving pro gress; it would not be advisable to make any drastic changes in plans and procedures which are basically sound, Keep on try.! ing, and you should notice im. provements by August, 'These improvements may not be es: pecially dramatic, but * they should be stimulating enough to encourage you to try and bet- ter past records during the bal. ance of: 1963 and the first months of 1964, Do be conservative in finan- cial matters, however, and es. pecially, during the next six months, try to improve all busi. ness and personal relationships, Strong ties, cemented then, could prove highly valuable in the future, Both romance and travel will be governed by good aspects between now and late September; also in December and January. Try to avoid ten- sion in late August and early November, You have no real cause for anxiety A child born on this day will be endowed with fine intelli. gence and a constructive cur osity:; would make an excellent surgeon or scientist & WEDDING OF LOCAL INTEREST Recently Mr. Norman Al- Allin, daughter of Mr bert James. son of Mr. and = Mrs, William M, Allin Mrs S. R. James. took as his Bowmanville. The ceremony bride Miss Joan Carolyn took place in Tr United i Church, Bowmanville SALES SKYROCKET LONDON (CP)--Stores here report e@ reanng trade 'in an im ported Russian perfume adver- tised. as: "used by Valentina Tereshkova, the world's first nity Milton Bruce Weds : --Aster Studie woman astronaut." | ' Annette 0. Brown In Toronto Rites gece ¥/O}UINic]alcle Chareh, Toronto, recently ton George Bruce of Bowman. ville took as his bride Anne*te Olive, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Keith Rypwn af Toronto, The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs. Rowland Brace of Bowmanville The Reverend W_ J. Byers of- ficiated. The soloist was Miss Ray Reilly and the organis', Mr. W. M. Bradshaw Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a ful: skirted gown of white embossed cotton, draped and caught witn small bows. A rhinestone tara held her five-tiered veil and ghe carried red striped carna- tions : She was attended by Ann Mc- Connell, Audrey Carnochan, and Sharon Bruce wearing vel. © low chiffon with matching bow headdresses and veils and carrying pink carnations : The flower girl was Cind Hughes in green chiffon who carried a nosegay of pink carcna- tions Mr. Wayne Thertell was best man and Edward Rrown and Stamley Bruce ushered A 'reception was held at the Goklen Mile Restaurant, Toron to The bride's mother three-piece beige suit and the Gridegroom's mother chose a blue linen dress. Each wore pink carnations in a corsage The honeymoon was spent at Ranft, Alberta and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce are residing at 7 Coleman Bowmanville For travelling, the bride wore a pink linen dress, blue caat with matching flowered hat and beige accessories CHILDREN'S WEAR SUMMER SALE 9% REDUCTIONS DRESSES T-SHIRTS GIRLS' SLIMS BATHING SUITS SHORTS BOYS' LONGS SHORT SETS -- BEACH ROBES BLOUSES -- SLIM SETS SKIRT & BLOUSE SETS SALE STARTS 9:30 A.M, THURSDAY MORNING wore a street ALL SALES FINAL YIOJUINIGIA|GIE|s: OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE GET BETTER DEAL Even in rural India women's let is improving and many have _ been elected t village councils 'Suppose you were the child she gets lots of affection from us Sits Ak Re jBe sure. the portion \s very.) ivery small. CHILD GUIDANCE : Don't tell him he must eat Tasty and Small Portions it actaticine, temeve jsaying nothing, and let him get M E Pi k Child jdown or send him from. the ay ncourage c yi ] table to another room to stay ' ithere till the regular meal ends By GARRY. C, MYERS, Ph,D,jall and given all a fair chance|Let him have no other food Suppose you were the ;mother/but failed miserably except fruit juice, perhaps, til who wrote the following letter, "He goes to kindergarten,|the next regular mealtime The purpose is to let, him get --. about, A . =e -- Be xorg ecg of hungry enough to eat, "T have a boy, 54, oldest ofjthe other children, ages four», ie Ree oe three, He has always been anland three months ae ---- bob his bom aggravating (to me) eater, His! "This isn't a problem that ab ee know At care eating habits get under myjjust happened recently, It hap Wron he ee yoo | Skin' Aithough.1 try deaperatetyinened when he first opened: hisijrven, Ne Ste tee: BONE and| ak bi : perately) pened when he first opened: MSipoisterous it might be well n| to ignore most of them, at the mouth for baby food," ie : end of most meals I'm ready! My reply in parts wo pgtengs " here aoe to explode inside Your problem is not easy *t 'et Mm aah wer "I have tried giving him a simply because it has persisted _ Between meals have good reasonable time to eat and ig- for so long, times with him, reading to him noring all the arm-waving, fork-) You say this child doesn't ap- Making things with him, en and + spoon = banging, napkin: pear jealous of the other chilJ0ving his creations, explain) shredding, only commentingldren, Yet it's hard to imagine {ne things to-him, answering his) when kicked in the shins for the/he does 'not strive at the taile questions kindly atid cheerfully: third or fourth time or when de/to keep the next younger child) Show him affection if he likes disrupts his brother's eating. 'from getting the attention he so/!t If, however, all of you could "When I say 'Time's up', he'much craves himself be calm and say nothing about goes hysterical and pleads that) You say you try to be indif. his eating, the problem might he's starved and to please give derent toward his dawaling over solve itself in time him another chance, 1 try tojfood, but you also reveal that) Q. What is the correct mean: act as if I didn't care whether/you are constantly upset about/iNe of 8 weekly allowance for he ate or not, without showing/it, Clearly, you and the fathor/@ child? annoyance, but the result is the disaree over procedures A, The .sum of his regular same 1 hope neither of you par needs--school lunch, transporta. "He loves to talk at the ents spoon - feed that boy, As tion fares, etc. plus smal table, dut when he talks nollong as Dad does so the prod. @mount of pocket money to food goes in at all and, if T letiiem is hopeless, Neither will spend as he pleases it, be, he would sit for an hour'you succeed if you continue and a half and still no food, commanding or begging him to FORCE-FEEDS HIM wish "His daddy thinks he's a lazy FOOD HE LIKES eater and occasionally shovels) Paice before him a desirable all the food into him, getting a food, one he especially tikes if barrage of tears and 'No-no's, it is there; otherwise, anotner but he does finish his meager whdlesome food, nothing else portion 'in a half hour that way LADIES "T have served him alone, made dishes he especially likes Ne beby sitter, ne cor fore Mr, Bernard (which are few), omitted serv- ing him at all and praised him Of Leading Toronte Salone Experienced Hair Stylist as well as scolded him when the FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS situation becomes intolerable ~« 725-6854 282 King W 728.958) RUG CLEANING I'm running out of ideas and solutions, Seems like I've tried Summer Shoe foot fashions for styles ond comfort. Rt utitul ronge of ma ot excentione Owe, pier select the save doliers HIGH and ILLUSION HEELS be thrilled, chermed ond You Musion s mon ey-soving prices. Bone White, Red Reg. $9.99 3 FLAT HEELS Styles ore truly d-o-e-n superb collection of Fiet Heels. Moke your tein to-dey excellent, prices on Tommy's feduious setec- KRESGE'S ee oe Bk a ak is oe, 8 ae BA te ws A' A Re [KRESGE'S| ee: f SPECIAL RUG SALE Here is the perfect Rug for HOME OR COTTAGE USE. KRESGE'S CARNIVAL and FOAMBACK TWEED RUGS. Ss 12 rugs in colors of beige, moche and green. reg. 47.95 ..... ONLY 29. RUNNERS to match above in lengti?s of 6-ft., 9-ft., 12-ft. 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE truly hepy with the stunning selection of High and Heels now selling ot reel White, Block, SANDALS, Italian Imports Exquisite sandal fashvons ported direct from itely 477 @ 4 widths in stock... 4A3A2A-B | Reg. $5.99 Blue. a~ Le eae Fiet- tering fect fashions thet bring you cool comfort during het guemmer devs Made fore oen- leather with cushioned Seve dotiers now! Reg. 5.99 to 6.99 une acies HANDBAGS . . . Reduced 3 (Joy, An exceent Tonge te choose Sree, FASHION SHORS 9 SIMCOR ST. NX. 728-9491 SPORTSWEAR 11. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE STARTING TOMORROW 9:30 A.M. $50,000 STOCK MUST BE CLEARED REGARDLESS OF COST BY FAR THE ° LARGEST STOCK OF SPORTSWEAR A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY PURCHASE NOW REDUCED DRESSES ran 4.97 wu Hundreds of Smart Perky Styles To Choose From BATHING SUITS @ Cole of Calf @ Jantzen @ Rose Marie Reid SHORTS @ Pop-Tops @ Jamaicas @ T-Shirts © Play-Suits DECK-PANTS @ SHIRTS @ SLIMS @ SKIRTS @ BLOUSES SUMMER SUITS nnn AT REDUCED PRICES--ALL SALES FINAL--PLEASE LEASE NOTE NOT ALL SUMMER ITEMS ARE ON SALE SEIGNEUR'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE