Honor Graduates Thornton Wednesday, June 26, was graduation day for 21 students at Dr, Robert Thornton School,| and was celebrated with a ban-| quet held in Westminster Unit- ed Church, and sponsored joint- ly by the Home and School As- sociation and the School Board of S.S, No. 9, Whitby Township. The dinner was prepared and served by mothers of the Grede 8 students under Mrs. J, West-| lake, Guests were the gradu: /Zaika: Graduates -- Sheila Bai- ates, the teaching staff, mem- bers of the Schoo! Board, Rev. C. R, Nelson, Mrs. F. G. Won- nacott, music teacher, Mrs. Hartley Delaney, president of the Home and Schoo! Assoca- tion, and Mrs, R. Doble, Guid- ance Instructor at Anderson Street High School At the graudation ceremonies following the dinner, a welcome to the many in attendance was extended by Mrs. H, Delaney, sidem of the Home and hool Association, D. Fry chairman of the School Board and M. G. Karpiak, principal of the school PINS PRESENTED School pins, gifts Home and School Association, were presented to the gradu: ates by Mrs. A. Joynt, vice- president of the association Outstanding scholatic achieve- ments during the past year by the honor graduates were as follows: Lofthouse Memorial. Award for highest academic standing Nellie Dovgaley, presented by Ronald Lofthouse Lofthouse Memorial Award for best progress -- Sandra Mc- Intyre, presented by Ronald Lofthouse, Home and School Award for highest academic standing and having completed all public schooling at Dr. Thornton Larry Westlake, presented by Mrs. D. Kerr, vice-president of the association, Schoo! Board Award for high est standing in English -- Pat- Tricia Matthew, presented by Mr. D. Fry, Chairman of the Board Principal's Award for high- \DIPLOMAS GIVE jJansen, Jane Kift, Dieter Kir- \M from the) School est standing in mathematics --| Dieter Kirner, presented by Mr.) M, G, Karpiak, | Citizenship Award, donated and presented by Mrs. D, Wood -- Janice Hall, Mrs, D, Wood prysented grad-) uation diplomas the follow-| ing honor graduates: Susan Al- lan, Ian Badgley, Nellie Dov- galey, Janice Hall, Patricia Matthew, Larry Westlake, Vera ley, Richard Crawford, Fans iner, Sheila Leonard, Sandra cIntyre, Robert Moore, Gor- don Munson, Fred Ruck, Kath- ryn Schad, Susan Waite, San- dra Winacott and Walter Wittig, The valedictory address was given by Larry Westlake, The guest speaker, Mrs, R. Dobie, guidance instructor at Ander- son Street High School, Whitby, outlined to the graduates their future courses at high school, advised them to have a goal) jand to strive towards it using) |self-discipline and self-denial to) reach it, M, G. Karpiak, the) TOP STUDENTS AT HARMONY PUBLIC SCHOOL HONORED large number of scholastic and ed. Seen here are some of the pert Harrison is seen at ex- athletic awards were present- award winners. Principal Ru- treme left. --Oshawa Times Photo. j Harmony were honored at the closing School exercises held last week. A Top: students at Road South Public | Duplicate Bridge Accidents Take' city AND THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 2, 1963 3 ROVER-RANGER NEWS : Sea Rangers Win Annual Contest Hip, Hip, Hooray! Hats injdidn't budge an inch, Do we the air! We won! The. Thirdjever? Fortunately we were fin Arnual Rover-Ranger competi-|ished and back to the cars -- tion that is. Much to the sur-/tather hastily -- beforc the prise of everyone, including our-/rains came -- and we even had selves, we walked away with/our supper, I mean those who the tree, I mean the trophy,|Weren't so pessimistic as to eat™ (which incidentally turned out/at home first. to be a goodily portion of a) Monday night marked our sec tree, plus decoration), The com-| ond week down at the lake. The petition, which was held 'ast/cutters are out, the blsters Saturday brought together the/have started, and we've had a area crews for an afternoon andjpair of ripped slacks, our first evening of real (soaking) fum./of the season but probably not Paddle faster, we're sinking!|the last. It takes a lot of effort Camp Samac is_ still rocking|to move that cutter you know. from the effect, and so is Sue|We didn't do so well the first Hiley -- she was the one that/night out. We didn't do so well was sinking! the second night eigher, but we Since I missed our last col-|did do better, At least the sec- wmn (it's the first time!) Ijond crew did. Those of us who have a lot of catching up to do./were in the first boatload got Our last indoor meeting was|More lectures than anything held on June 3 and if we go into|we did retrieve the little boy's Guide House in the fall this may|fishing net so there's a have been our last meeting at/for us. . | OBITUARIES Club High Scores ------ | 'LEWIS GEORGE BURROUGHS land Creek, and came to Pick-' Following are the winners and The death occurred jin Osh- ering Township in 1937. He op- high scores of the games played pe General _-- tal Sunday of rated an import business until pA OREO i haste ewis George Burroughs, 14501939, when imports were cut 'hit Oshawa on Dominion Day /**t -- by eg Togsernge . Bala street, He had been in poor off from European countries, was helped along by a grass|the Oshawa and rooklin Dupli-/heaith for the last two years,! In addition to his wife he ; s> tar Babert he swerved his car to miss a fire. The Oshawa Fire Depart.|cate Bridge Clubs j but passed away suddenty. leaves six daughters, Mrs.| Mrs, D, Wood by Robert Movre ' e ' 2p is the fi eee : | amiinaihicn Winiiha hats "ae Se aa and to Mr. Karpiak by Sandra cat and lost control, \Greview ond King un aa OSHAWA h eo een a our se u : 'ey et eae McIntyre, on behalf of the stu:} Bonnie Chariton, 9, Brockville,! ym. The department also re- J, Patterson and J, Milter, or coh "Onecer Bono Hat 7 sot ye ore Bagge (Vie-| ;, » » in. » Wasi . i ad +3 hfe " A , a "irs, g ghs 'oria), . } ® dents, Nellie Dovgalev and Die-/drowned near Westport ported one routine ambulance 118; Dr. and Mrs S. Kandel, was married in Ireland in Aug-|Sauve, (Susan), St, Catharines; | (114; Mrs, J. Timmins and C./yst, 1907, to Mary Newman,|Mrs. K. Littlefair, (Mary),| ter Kirner expressed thanks to é Rene Larock, am oe Falls,) cai] the School Board and the Home drowned near Merrickville ; {ea : rata fh 907, 3 3 ; and School Association for the) Terrell Alexander Emereich, WRONG NAMES [Keith, 9914; Mrs. M. R. Clarke/who died in 1954 a ry RS Marchant} banquet and all other events/16, Loraine, Ohio, drowned in) Under a picture in The Times 224 Mts. Silgailes, 99; Mrs. S.|_ Mr. Burroughs was a resi-|7ooay. Pick Mrs, A. Toms| during the past school term, Bass Lake, 40 miles northwest! Friday of top students honored Sheridan and G, Adams 98} dent of Oshawa for the last 50 io ane we _ During closing remarks by of Orillia, at Gertrude Colpus Public/Mrs. R. Morris and Mrs. E | years. He worked for General' nous and Edwa lis » 73) Mrs, H. Delaney, Brace Shar. Howard Norman Spence, 27,/School, it was 'stated that Di-(Culp 98%. Motors for 38 years, ickering Sdward, all of} anne James was the winner of The club will play its -- be bis ie ge Oo ee the Anita Gayne trophy. The! game in September. An adherent of the Anglican) FUNERAL OF rad. a member of the school/and his wife Ruth, 27, of Belle- board, announced that SS No, § ville and Lioyd Cook killed wien and SS No. 9 would amalgam: their cars collided near Ban- cin. name we Pea Church, he is survived by two] ; he : aie and become known as/croft A 'a on "hae Fes BROOKLIN sons, Samue] and Victor, both! Phage GAUDETT | School Area No. 2, after Dec. Dianne Mason, 8; of Toronto, yr norial Trophy for academic) Mrs. J. Timmins and J. Mil of Oshawa, three grandchildren), "7°. uneral service for Dar- achievement, ler. Th: Mrs. F. J. Rundie and/and two sisters, Mrs. T, Geno, |{©ne Gaudet, age five, who died F \Mrs. N. H. Daniel, 59; J, Pat-/of Toronto, and Mrs. A. Wilcox, suddenly at the Oshawa Gener- jterson and Mrs. R. Heron, 57%; / Of Manchester, England, ai Hospital Tuesday, June 25, J, Glever and W. Seetens, 5 Mr 31, 1963. drowned 95 miles north of fa Burroughs at the Ma. Was held at the Gerrow Funer- and Mrs. R, Morris, 55%. | Intosh-An principal, had a few timely re-) marks to address to the grad-| uates and wished them Bama 163 Lives On Weekend ued success. in their chosen (Continued From Page One) DISTRICT FIRE RAISES HEAT The 95 degree weather which fields of endeavor. j The Grade 8 class chorus, un- der the direction of Mrs. F. G Wonnacott, rendered three se- lections, Gifts were presented to } | i next 8, Toronio,; Simcoe. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBIECT "Christian Science" was the Mr subject of the Bible Lesson last) The club will play n $i WOODBINE ENTRIES WEDNESDAY, Sunday at First Church of game in September, JULY 3, 1965 year . ivat nongs: ances, Purse $2500, For Sand-tyear) drowned in a private pool near FIFTH RACK -- "Gatineau" allow- |London, | Douglas Rohrer, 12, Nestleton, idrowned while swimming near jhis home Elizabeth Tome, 38, Caramet, |"\-Mapie Lou, No Boy 208 BRickshaw Girl, No Bay 28 aOnuckie Away, $-Easy Going W. 6R Pian ! iif bf 4 i f i | gg : | : ? g uy i 4] il i if hs | q#y ; i 7 erry BE. Warme and M. Mitchell ene Conditions Following direction received from the Genera! Council of The United Church of Canada, Osh. awa Presbytery has organized a committee on manses Chairman of the committee is Rev. D. Melville J. Battars, BA, BD, STM, of Pickering. Other gnembers of the committee are: Mrs. W. C. Ives, Bowmanville; Mrs. 1. F. Richardson, Whitby; Mr. H. M. Brooks, Oshawa; and Mr, Frank C. Lee, Oshawa. This committee is now visit. wnderstand their responsibil- and t sugtest reasons certain conditions are de- The visitors also are review- tag the minimam standards for farnishings, equipment. main- > end ienprovements, which oaght te be found im gaanses as well as im every home. yeareids and up. About Miles (Tort Gorse) (Filnes and Mares T-Rayal Jill, No Boy % &, Milatro, No Boy 10 jand Laurier Aubin, #3, Stevens, jin a two-car collision 180 miles northwest of Port Arthur. 1 » Barwn (A) La 2.New Fashion and, Burton (A) 18 to Can- Rey, C, R, Nelson pronounc- Orillia ed the benediction and the even-) . Wolfgang Press, < came to a close with the droy ned in Lake ' ~ nging of The Queen Erwin J spaitenberger, 18, on Funeral. Home, |! Chapel Thursday, June 27, at Port Burwell, killed when his : Service will be held in@Phe cha-/* P-™. }1930 model car left the road 35 ng Canes PCE" ay je co ol peovadigaeane bg -% r 3 pel Wednesday July 3, at 2; She leaves her parents, Mr. | mi s nas St romas : Chrst. Scientist, Oshawa. The ------ j}p.m. and will be conducted byjand Mrs, Richard Gaudett, two | Scott Harbur, 18, Staffa, killed Gold Text t tekich iRev, A. Woolcock, rector of St./sisiers, Wanda and Sherry, and inear his home in an automobile Golden fext is from tsaiaa) |Mark's Anglican Church. I vibes 1 an omer (52:10): "The Lord hath made| Blood Need : ark Ang co ure nia brother, Roger. Darlene was " canny |bare his holy arm in the eyes) | termen will take place at.an honorary member of First John A. Prium, 7, Tavistock, of all the nations: and all the| | Oshawa Union Cemetery. \Baptist Church. j ends of the earth shail see the e,e ALFRED J. LAVENDER The service was conducted by salvation of our God | S ritica The death of: Alfred John Rev. N. F. Swackhammer, min-| : deatt i ifr John |>*>** * ~Poaieg: . wd ei) TO VISIT PARKWOOD |Laveader occurred at Sunny-|/ster of First Baptist Church. About 230 members of the On brook Hospital, Toronto, Sun-|/@terment was in Oshawa Union tario Horticultural Society will, The Red Cross biood bank day, Jur 30. Mr. Lavender/ Cemetery. tour the Parkwood grounds at faces a critical week complical-jlived at 89 Wilson road north) Pallbearers, all uncles of the. the residence of Col. R, S. Mc-/ed by the long holiday week-jand had been im failing health) opijg i sidenc 3 : » Viagggnr- . _ ild, were Donald Gaudett,! Laughlin Wednesday afternoon, ©™ with virtually all its re-jfor two years . P Friday Visitors will travel to OshawalServes of blood expended be-/ He was in his $4th year and Raymond Gaudett, Merle Allen ] Roger LaSalle, 20, Hawkes- trom all parts of the province to Cause of the poor showing at was born in Swathling, England,;and Arnold Allen. ibury, when his car crashed into view the beautiful gardens. the last Oshawa Clinic wihich)to the late Mr, and Mrs.j 'aiw. Purse $2800 for 3@ Concrete pole near Cornwall. Tours have been arranged for failed to react the 400-pint/Alfred James Lavender, Mr. FUNERAL OF i gre 28) Dawn Baron, 3, London, when) 1.30 p.m. and 3 p.m jquota, according to Fred Rob-|Lavender married the former) OLIVER HUBBARD jrun over by a car she had set lerts, president of the Oshawa Marie Dorothy Logeman of Osh-| jin motion, | TRAINING SHIPS Red Cross Society. awa in Oshawa in 1990. | Charles Robertson, 38, Hamil.| Three Royal Canadian Navy) qn. July Clinic has bean set, The deceased came jton, when struck by a_car. training ships are due t© for this coming Thursday at st | Dennis Clift, 52, Toronto, /rive in Oshawa Harbor tomor-|Grecory's Auditorium, Simcoe "8" 25 years service with Gen-jeral Hospital Thursday, June burned to death while sleeping row afternoon in the course Of one h. "In eral Motors, Oshawa. Mr./97 was held on M jon his couch the Great Lakes summer train- ot he- ext -- ned COPE | Lavender retined in 1960 and ga tages Pegging ht -- "Midland" abw. Adam Lang, 42, Windsor,)ing program, The vessels, | contd A a So had worked in the spray paint-| The service was held at the fy Ss " ~ |Armstrong Funeral Home and es. drowned after his cat went owt which vary in length from 97 will respond to this) 5 department served with Was conducted by Rev. N. F.| lof control and plunged into 15\to 126 feet, are HMCS Port St. Cmereency, we have arranged)" ty" deceased \feet of water Louis, HMCS Port St. for an extension to the after-| . Jean and ,, Clinic." th Ontario Tank Corps and the Swackha e t of th Mrs. Helen R. Lucas, 66, Fior- e i a . = st i r . or thee agp etm poor z HMCS Cataroqui. |Robere H. Stroad. clinic Chair.| ATmY --s pig Overseas| First Baptist Church, Interment) aitec eaak or anace GRASS FIRE man, declared today psig _Pamiciey ' -- Wer jwas in Pine Grove Cemetery, | | The Oshawa Fire Department! A full three hours will be pro- "nea ¢ | ' 7 |Prince Albert. / ' jwas called to a grass fire Sun- Vided from 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. as ak ee ae ee 'fl ay : : Se ; : dian Legion. The pallbearers were Thomas| coon et ae ee hem 5 © 2 Ee. Surviving relatives are, his|/Demille, Gordon Wilson, Jack i< a rewer's Retail This has been done t ac-|wife, two. daughters, Barbara, Mann, Clifford Allin, Howard jStore. No other fire alarms commodate many people who and Mrs. Jean Hooley of Osh- : ' apenas No Boy 35 | visitors thought it was for real. | The memorial service for Oli-) ver Hubbard, 531 Nipigon street, | ada 57 years ago and had more Who died at the Oshawa Gen-/| the "Barracks," During that) Last weekend Sharon Hester week we helped with the Open|and Louise Bilyj took the final House at Guide House by put-|part of their Campcraft tests. ting up a display and showing This is the practical part, a people through one night, un-/Camp, and we poor souls are the fortunately our display was ajguinea pigs who have to suffer little dismantled before its time/while they try their talents, At --we needed the uniform -- so) least Camp Ademac isn't so far our manikin got stashed under|away that we can't desert if the ad back steps gg! a body in'going gets too rough. the crime movies. It would be) It seems that interesting to know how many|crew have ar to jother things during this past June 9 ws the annual Drum./month, Bev and Cathy head Service at Camp Samacjrocked Toronto from what { (gather round, girls, closer| hear (that's their version any now) and our crew together/way) and ever since Joanne with the other Rovers and Rang-|Started learning to drive (which ers helped with first aid during|/seems to be some sort of group the outdoor service. This parade|effort) some of them have been generally marks the end of in-jplaying the part of ' door activities for the summer/in distress," What's this I hear and Sharigye waygine d for us also|@bout these late hours? Naughty marked the end of activelgiris! I Rangering for our CPO Sesleen eo a _. Otto (who is getting. married)! e crew learning and Leading Hand Normal" drive at the present time, Gower (who is getting to the| Tat doesn't give the publie end of the age limit). The' crew! °TY 800d odds. If one doesn't is certainly going to be differ. |8** you the other two definitely ent with both of them gone. I'm) Will. sure their Rangering life will! Are you mended yet, Gloria? always stay with them and that| --"HOPALONG" the crew will not forget either of them. { The Monday night after) Drambead we decided to have a supper hike at the 7th Scout Camp and Mother Nature de- cided to have a storm but we EYE EXAMINATIONS PHONE 723-4191 by appointment F. R. BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH -- BUEHLERSs Tender EAT NW ' ------ '. TRUE-TRIM BEEF ( C tae Pf - i « _ 12 KING E, -- 723-3633 Meat Specials! Wed. Only! SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS 2+ 1.00 DIXON'S OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER SO YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 SKINLESS - 5 BOX | 79 SHOULDER PORK CHOPS u 55° constr 2. m 49: COUNTRY SAUSAGE County Judge Is Appointed OTTAWA (CP) -- H. R. Dey. Shooting, Beaverton 5:30 PM. to 8 PM. Hotel Leacaster To hove thot corpet or chest erfreid cleaned protessionally im | Oshowe's Origine! Corpet fi Cleoning Contre where tully Quoronteed sotistaction is assured Phone 728-4681 NU-WAY | RUGCO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. lwere received at headquarters. |found the previous schedulelawa; one son, Alfred James. off one 200 _Merien Slute. LETTERS PATENT sen the congestion at the even-jjey (Ada) and Mrs. Edith for top honors in this year's mation that under The Cor- weekend volunteer Red Crossjand Mrs. Florence Brant. of weHarcy Hotepar, Nerrison 12 points, Brovklin 54, Uxbridgeling firms with head office in" the Clinic and thus assure/strone Funeral Home for sery __ Also Eligible Warford, Harrison 18, cessful clinic, according to Red/be Rev. A. Woolcock, récior of The. competuca lt wed a Senes Woe Se Deiat | Sem et ee ee ja square dance com »-tition TORONTO (CP) -- Churning 'mportant appamtment. Oshawa) pick PE RING -- A funeral ser = SRING -- J ser. i Toilows: ae Te. | wk steady nors whe i nt . Girls'. Softball, Ux-) The egg market was steady/Rors who had promised to give! picxering, who. with members | | Square Dancing, Brooklin; Rifle tor a fair demand. ce te aes lave accel Souvenirs. ney ; 'i ~| . . ' i " y of Durham and Northum-/prooklin with 16 points. Top @elivered Toronto, im fibre/ing 723-2933 for a convenient, 1918 and started his own busi-| weet Cunity es Min- Grant St. John of the Port Perry/no market. the Red Gross says, its easier he operated a business at his NM This field day was held on medium mostly 39-40; A small ---- Kennedy, whe retires July 1, High School, Cannington years. represent Ontario County in the called to the bar of Ontario in| borough on July 20. Collections of customs and ex. responded to a total of foar 76. The total was made up as King street west, a garbage fire)'@x, $1,283.25; sundry collec- |There were three ambulance' somewhat inconvenient: and Oshawa and five grandchildren 4 " j AM TA q The Port Perry Junior Farm-| The latest issue of The On. mE session, Mr. Stroud snid./Devenpert. of Oshawa; Mrs \field day events. Final tabula-|poration Act Letters Patents workers are redoubling their) Deseronto. iCabe Bianct 2nd, Uyenska (A) wm 35, and Beaverton 32. There Oshawa: Gus Brown Motors its success in reaching the 400-ice Wednesday, July 3, at 3 4 event, and the resulis were un-' (Os ya) Limit : , Dahon rk : 2 (Oshawa) Limited Cross officials lies im the sense) St. Mark's Anglican Church and Bilge: softball 'eurmament track apd) advence for the clinic. and who! Lawn Cemetery j es theorhy w s Ke , int 's been pila Iga) + Team trophy wisvers ave as\cream and butter print prices "as Plagued by a high vice was held Monday, July 1, Perry; his family, manufactured] Country dealers are quoted by ed for the blood bank defidits ha | : j Top individual awards for the the federal department of agri-/ There is stilf time te regi-| He was born at Stanislaw rn - a : Ms : . : berland Counties, Nas been ap- girl's honors went to Caro! cases: A large #0; A medium time-saving appointment at the ness of importing glass and mal ) . . : isier Chevrier a cea Fri Club won the one-mile race tro.) Wholésale to retail for carton than a date at the beauty par-/home on Bastedo avenue in To- He sacceeds Judge J_ De N. Saturday, June 22, at the Brock mostly 33-35 after serving as Peterborough The winners and rannersup! Judge Deyman, who is a for. Quinte District Junior Farmer 193% and created a Queen's) FOUR MINOR CALLS jeise for the Port of Oshawa minor calls Monday -- a grass follows: import duty, $979,368. in. Oshawa boulevard south, a Hons $1,300 jouls should help materially to les-|four sisters; Mrs. Frank Haw- ers edged out che Brookiin Club tario Gazette contains the infor.|_ 1* spite of the long holiday} David Young (Dollie) of Toronto uw tion shows Port Perry with 62) have been issued to the follow- efforts to recruit. new donors! The deceased is at the Arm- BNearali, Simpson X15 were many competitiors in each Limited: Westdale Estate s/Dmt soa The secret to a suc-/P-m. Officiating clergyman will U8; Pin, Remillard U8; certain until the last event was : . 4 . of responsibility of volunteer/Padre of RCL Branch 3. MARKET [field events, rifle shooting and -- Se oe | moerave pues Bors' Soe: Por tiwere unchanged today. degree of cancellations by d°-lior Gustave Plitz, 'bridge; "Gue-0-War, Port Perry; with offerings barely adequate bleed. In almost every case "jcostume and fine jewelry and man of Cobourg, Crown atter-inovs' went to John Spencer of Culture on Canada grade eges,/ster at the Red Cross by < Austria, came to Canada in pointed judge of the Peterbor Greer, Brooklin, with 12 points./3¥; A small 26; B and C grades clinic slated for Thursday, As jewelry from Europe. At first tt eggs: A lange mostly 447; Alor and accomplishes far more! |ronto. He later moved to High- County jadge for more than I] im the various events will now mer resident of Oshawa. was Field Day being held at Peter- counsel in 1951. CUSTOMS COLLECTIONS The Oshawa Fire Department uring June totalled $1,087,288. fire at Grandview avenue and 58 sales tax, $105,095.93; excise jeaking oi] line and one false|/ Sod ta walt Don) NEW HOME SPECIALISTS _\ over the holiday weekend You can't miss your savings target with PSP --the life-insured gwaranteed savings plan. Set full details from anyr}ne who works at Scotiabank. exclusive with 7 JF Sroft BANK THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA wt THE NEXT RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC, will be HELD THURSDAY, JULY 4 from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. and from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH OUR BLOOD BANK IS IN DANGEROUSLY LOW SUPPLY New and old donors are urgently requested to attend. People who have never given blood before will learn their blood type ond receive @ voluable indentifcation card