Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Jul 1963, p. 15

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26--Rooms For Rent AFRO STREET EAST, t0 -- Clean, quiet, ly decorated bed ee er Vooated, Call 725-1938, room, kitehen privil. re nag ictdlle-aged Apply 38 m™ at mb elephane. T2081" SWaWiaies ons room for single person. TRS-2198 or 82 Nassau Street, PONTIAC INN" -- Rooms, single or @ouble, Television privileges, Free park ing, Weekly or nightly rates, 725-9035, fonvian TRHED room for two brothers oF is Or one single gentleman, '| NASSAU Street, six-room aces "house, 27---Real Estate For Sole RatTATe SALE = tive-room, ive-storey | bi frame house with three-piece bath and garage, 'Well-treed = ti-acre lot with reek, Located east of Oshawa, close they school and stove, This ia good value $9500, Terma arranged, noe Real Betate. Bowmanville 6B-2453 turns shed or nae Completely modern, $9000, Rrooklin 'elephone 27--Real Estate For Sale ior Fe FOR | vite = = TO" tron "yrontage ge by 120°, Landacaped, one block south off) Di King Street East, Five minutes' -- ing distance om bus, churches, pul lic, separate or high sonool, $49 eer frontage foot with services paid, 128 ear STONE STREET. Beat "this! $18) 3.400 vite ams sua } evenings, NHA 6 per cent three-bedroom, brick, Lagoon downpayment son 683-3437 A =. PRIVATE eight room brick house, 24 storeys, oil pcg quiet location, 496 Mary Street North, Telephone 725-696, _. |BROILER "FARM, Fully automatic! Annual capacity, 132,000 } pital, $7, weekly. Gentleman preferred, , FORTS. a party fw ». Private entrance, 'Telephone two gg ag between ¢.9 am, ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS | Available in private home, Call between 5 ond 7 es ™ 82 PAR KRD. NORTH term Li 'yas-sr2. PRIVATE SALE = income Lee ae 'on | 16 rooma, nine furni: West, down een four bathroom. for quick sale, Telephone mornings or NaS, FRS-9OF2. j Good, seven-room brick home, barn and garage. 45 acres on oo $60,000, Terms, Real money |Kowal Real Rstate, Bowmanville" 623. j283s. |ROWMANVILLE = atiractive, -- twor "bedroom bungalow, 'dining yor nom, ae: 14M', I age lg |scaped. mew lee Piel 63373 ann Tass OKACRE farm, | <a 6: Highway Rn, se, bara, creek, Miness forces |qale Sacrifice, Call Port Perry, i bhdngge roe mengelew with attached looatec: in Bad. Just iNeteds 'can Glen MeKinnon, 8. PD Hy man Lad, 5 Wen aoa oore- a new ranch. ban. | Teoma galow mm Kingsmere Gardens, Cail Las! T28-G2K6, Hall, S. D, Hyman Lad, 7 $12,800 for . five-room dangaiow w garage in porthwest area, Call Doug! Rullies, S, D, Hyman Ltd, 728-6286, 27--Real Estate for Sale DOWNTOWN Oshawa, "sicroom frame, fleers, large heating range and dryer, Open to cash offers we sell, Telephone 123.0085. Paivars "Ya acres, just east of Osh. Good leve! garden soil, $350 per sere, Telephone TEd.2004 LAKE SCUGOG, house, barns, and about 20 acres of choice soil, near lake, all city conveniences, good roads, wil! ong. Telepnon> Port Porry 885.2076. THREK BEDROOM wintorieed cottare Rowmanville Reach, all conveniences. $2,000. one 623.3078. INVESTMENT property, two acres, industrial land, Bloor Street West, fac Asking $7,300 with terms offers. Telephone 723-217%. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER MAPLE GROVE 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW S$ ACRE LOT $11,500.00 FULL PRICE Requiring only $1500 down 3 acres tilledle fond wth | ocre of bush, plus lawns. Ful besement forced oir ol! heat, modern kitchen. One mortage corries for $70 per month, Better not delay see- ina this home of volue, col! Ed Drurnm et 725-9345 or 728-5123 BRICK BUNGALOW $11,900.00 Five year old, three bedroom home close to seperate ond -- schools, Lene) stops at Modern kitchen with Sreakiaet mook. Extra large living room, Monthly pey- ments $92.00 = including toxes On one six per cent mortenge, Down poyment $1900 or offer. Hurry call irwin Cruikshorks ot 728- $208 or 728-5!23 OAKES AVE, $2,000 DOWN Five room brick bungelow with recreation room, goarge ond paved drive. Nicely. lond- scaped lot with hedge, shrubs end trees. Monthly payments $75.00. Hurry Irwin Crukkshenks now at 725- S208 or 728-5123 Lloyd Realty (Qshawe) Lirnited 10) SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO OPEN EVENINGS KEITH PETERS Reolter --- 728-7328 103 King St. E 900 > storey brick oor eo $10 om Central flocet hore over age ond a5 POLE Powe looking pork Dol drive, & ~ excellent Earle Allien tomdition. Co >>S_77a? 40 acre form. 8 room 2 storey house, drive shed, hen house darn ¥ mon made icke with diving tower eppréved for trou novth of 40) son 728-2548 NEW 4 BEDROOM LOW -- on peved road, w 934 acres of lend Twe fire orca VALUABLE INCOME PRO PERTY Choice downtoan cohen for 6 stti-comoemned cots, The property & im ex- cellens condition ond bos o> ege ond laundry faculties for Semants. Preset memee treme 100% secumency wraron co!) Ram Denman $233 | a os Qur Liberty Gorden =~ © ment on a4 comoriaed of Sanat Bh Ma Tom Drive ond Meadow. wew Blvd. giving homme bun-~ oe JOHN A.J. : | ' BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. S. Office Hrs. (9 AM: to 9 PM) MORTGAGES ARRANGED BOUGHT & SOLD) i ESTATE SALE | 6 room 1Y¥a_ storey | insul brick home, located in the villege of Roalan. Just a few minutes to Oshawo. Large kitchen, 4 bedrooms. 3 px bath, bern used a3 two car garage, lot 66' x 165', low taxes, Must be sold to settle estate. Ask for Mr, Yeo at 725-6544 $7,500 FULL PRICE Five room low, herd- wooed end tile floors, private drive.. Will take low down payment. Phone Mr, Rot. fle et 725-6544 SOMEONE Is going to get on excellent buy in this 5 room 1) storey brick home with paved drive and gorage. it's easy to see that the owner hos token real pride in both the inside and outside of this fine home Oniy $1,000 down end $75 a month, Coll Mr Yeo at 728-6544 WE LIST ONLY TO SELL SCHOFIELD-AKER $12,500 ---- VERY DESIR- ABLE, 5 room brick ronch bungolow. loceted in Eost End in one of Oshewo's nic- est developments, 3 bright bedrooms, good size living room, lerge kitchen with seperate ecting oreo, Cleon esc pin inside ond well landscaped. Monthly poy- ments including Toxes only $78.00 -- 534% Mortgage. Witt sell quickly s give us e@ coll now SACRIFICE $13,800 OWNER SAYS SELL = veer old ranch bunee- low with otteched gorace A reolly nice, well built home loceted in on crea of fine homes. Cleon os @ pin inside ond pretty es @ picture outside. 6 roorns of modern toying ineeted between Whitby ond Oshowe. ONLY $1900.00 DOWN, belorce &% NHA. Morteoge.. NO APPROVAL NEEDED STONE FRONT nm East End NATURAL ranch bungolow of City. Beautifully fend x § lot overionking the City. This horre hes been custorn bualt with mony ex Wall to wail broadioom ae room, Three > x fox " wen size bedrooms with colored vonity. Full th fore st be seen to be ovely Rete s ond DSSNMMOMT Ghwediod ~ eG OF & Nay ated MESNIMD QDPTAC (T= 2 $ APARTMENT Bui ILDINGS loreted on Sim- coe St. N. Each building hav- 12 ~ |} bedroom aport~ ments ond 6 2 bedroom epertments. Gross yeild tor each building ~ $18,000 on mue'ty operating cost $3600.00. Busidings mm od shape imtide ond out. For turtiner onforrpation cal! B McFeeters 723-2265 LISTINGS ~ LISTINGS WE ARE RUNNING LOW ON LISTINGS AND URGENT. LY NEED YOUR HOME NOW, ARE YOU THINK NG ¢ SELLING? WE HAVE WAITING CASH AND TERM BUYERS. CALL US TO-DAY > > 23-2265 ~ Qoen 3 mm 9 - Set. Bee 5 STEVE MACKO . 728.5868 PAULINE BEAL 33 BILL McFEETERS REG. AKER MARGARET HALL KEN MORRIS 723-17 725-0203. 723-1358 623-5406 tig 360 King S&. W. Free Parking WHITBY CLASSIFIED BOR RENT: Theee detreasn erper Ge- PN. Prete, Meow, Garage Avasiahie 2% Breck Seek Soo Cam hansaitiamia aftec 3 FOR RENT Boating and Carnping Equipment WILDE RENTAL DRESSMARING: Sova, cnats, Green, wee etiams, <p crores. Grapes Fircing & Sprew Ry Mex Trams, 4B UIT Sern enka cleaned, premget service ™ eos Salter Ward, 2M Chewrnat Seveet Wem, Writes Ie. fn RENT x FOR BRENT: Gee dere, ee UXBRIDGE -- 10" acres, with five: Ker.| poom ranch style bungalow, All conven) jences, small barn, 30 minutes to Osh awa, School bus at door, $10,500, Fred Smith, OL, 248675, IPRIVATE two-storey house with two jand> kitehens, could be made as separate kor = 180 ft fronta, 127----Real Estate tor Sale |29------Automobiles For Sale by 100 ft. deep. SaesArea 986-4410 after 5 p.m, 1858 CHEVROLET BEL vam foursdoor sedi ra steer. FOUR-ROOM bungalow, on one a > hiand, Near Mosport, Reasonable 'price |Call Orono 4R6. ACRES -- six miles east of Oshawa | ow 401 Highway, Telephone Bowman: WANT YOUR HOME SOLD Japartments, Owner must sell, $7,900, full price, 728-5770, PRIVATE SALE -- lovely two-bedroom! house with lange kitchen, on Ritson' Road North just north af Adelaide. INo agents, please, Dial 728-1349 after' 3 pm ONESTOREY } hears I a Nestieton with bath; garage, drilled ea $7,400, with $1,000. down, (Real Estate, Call | Nestleton, 986-4894, 1POR SALE -- building "Wot in new wud: division, water supplied, 100 x 2i4, bad Co-Op, F28-4008, HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 9 BAGOT ST, YEAR ROUND RECREATION FOR CHILDREN Just listed is this neot 114 storey brick home handy to the new Boys Club where the children con. swim al yeor round, close to } i all - schools, An idea! family home with large kitchen, living room 3 bedrooms ond 4 pc beth, play room in basement finished off with sub Hooring for extra warmth. Backyard all fenced and hedged for complete privacy and nicely landscoped, paved drive, Ask- ing $11,700 with $2500.00 down. Call Loreen Kellett 723-3770 for further infor mohon. GUIDE REALTY 723-112) QUALITY RANCH BUNGA- LOW on Low St. will stand rigid inspection ond it cen be yours a unbdelievable pree location, com pletely At tached drive 20 ft. living room and full sized dining room, two lerge bedrooms with double clos- ets. Mony extres go with this one such os broadlioom, underground hydro service, twindows, If you ore looking tor @ specie! hore that will be the envy of your friends give us a coll, NORTH WEST AREA -- 3 bedroom fomily home on a court ewoy from troffic. De- signed for efficiency ond comfort. Large living room. Recreation area partially fin- ished in bosement. Forced oir ot heating, Garage. Close to school, shopping end bus. Full price $15,600, 6 ROOM BRICK AND STONE Tresone St. 3 bedrooms end 4 pe. bath upstairs. Beautifully ponelied living and dining room, Full price $14,809 PRICE REDUCED to $7,900. on this 5 room bungelow in the College Heights Areo. Good basement with oil heat ing. Lerge end paved Grive, 4- Ht. Sathroom Taxes only $12 NEAR KING ST. EAST -- 3 bedroom rench bungelow with atteched gar on ; i on hedged PERMARKET duplex for $3 See, Oxhew mts wou wou ~ fQua: omoyw ROOMING STORE --~ good loce @ restaurant with 8 lerge rooms fieor which bring moOMMe mor HOUSE om second $190. eaves @ 5 ropm BREATHING SPACE -- Brick encher at Zion. Just minutes out oF the wourhon lwing. Bright, sunny hore 3 bedroom: --. modern com. wemences. Large Int. An iden? oree for the wourm forme. CENTRALLY LOCATED-... « room brick hureciee with low tenes. Full price $9,500. ond com be hough? with o low Cen DO VRREN? COMMERCIAL CORNER Good tromtage on Simeone $+ North with 7 room house ond geod sized store. Reel op- porturity for the young busi messmon. Priced reasonshie ALBERT STREET -- 2 sterew brick hore goad cond Sion with new fummere 6 rors Full $8,300. with iow down poyement COMMERCIAL PROPERTY. om Stevenson's Rood North Zoned C3, ideo! fer vtores ProkessoMe Sap res, dams, Gram store, etc. We heave full portiowia-s Qeer daily 9 om ctw fe pres 2.9 pam wer i perhewierk <2 Roy Plinsedt Seve Zarda Urwd Corsem Dick Youre Fred Marvin Nesbitt] CALL 728-5123 We specialize in Resale Homes LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD, METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. E, Diol 728-4678 | WHY RENT? When you can buy your own home for $11,595.00 with only $595.00 down. Where? in Greenwood Heights -- and + fook!! Only $98.00 monthly including texes -- Call now end buy todey LIKE NEW NOTHIN' TO DO Very modern 3 bedroom clay brick bungalow, decoreted throughout with broedioom in living room ond halls. Completely finished -- base- ment with 40° rec room and tovely bor. Landscaped olu- trinum $ storms and screens, doors, forced oi! heating. All the extras. This home is a Must" to see, Call now! Move in ond start living. Price now only $13,900.00. DOWNSVIEW PARK Builder's special -- One only! Lerge ranch style bungalow with etteched garage o sitting porch behind. All the extras ond beoutiful decor throughout Londsceped ond all See this one Move right in at $17,900.00 full price, LANNING TO BUILD Check the advantages of Beoutiful Downsview Pork., rolling terroin, clossicly de- signed layout to offer you the smortest in better styled family living. Oshawe's smartest medium priced sub- division oawoilts your choice of lot ond home, Buy your 'ot now in Downsview, ond hove your new home built this suremer OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Ken Henn Jack Osborne John Kemp Dick Barriage Joe Maga L OLSEN CAR REALTOR 723-1133 VALLEY -- BEAU A very wel! constructed home in on excellent oreo. Sort six room ronth hungo low. with corport, lovely lorge kitchen, 4 piece with vonity 5 23 iorae ot. For inspection Holivwond tiled bathroom x hreploce EASTBOURNE AVE A tiwe room ronch bur three bedrooms, ex- tiled both. towely Qaiow tra jorge kitchen, ron max hos poved drive, ond fenced lot. Close to schools. Only $2,000 Down Coll Wes. Ethiott et 723-1133, evenings 728-058). ESTATE SALE -- We have ust. bsted @ fovely six room tug brick two storey home in excellent condition in choice north end location, close to schools, 'hospitel end transportetion. Priced right with low Gown poyment. Coll Bod Johnston ot 723-1133 evenings 725-9568. te cond TON SOUTH END -- $9,500.00 twee. price, hee 7OGMm Storey ond @ helt with otoched Qorane, good size lot 50 «x 160, mcely londscaped, home mm excellent condition, Ask img only $1,500.00 down. To see this col Chorles Nowlo et 723-1133, evenings 728- 2857. RIDGEVIEW -- We hove a qred selection of 10 ore jots om the ridges, six miles north of Oshews Onhy $1,008 Down GRANDVIEW VILLAGE For your new Kessinger home im this chore onze cof ws for 'informetion. Open E.ommas 299 KING ST_ WEST 723-2233 29--Automobiles For Sele jan, ere ot twostone, seiewal tnd. discs, Telepnane | '728-8383. iss) PONTIAC "Siato » Chiet," four-door sedan, automatic, power steering and brakes, padded rae 29---Automobites For Sale 4-ton, $400 or dest off i937 MONARCH sedan, ton, One owner, $1,895, T 490, - ~ a -- ee en ne Wes BUICK "Automatic, S279 er best offer, Telephone TRB-5468, ee eee, ins8 PONTIAC, excellent standard, low mileage 25,000, very clean car Call 723-7846, jeeo MORRIS Minor sories 1000, excel: lent condition, mechanically and body- wise, Private sale, Reasonable, Dial 7R5-2NG, 3 1982 FORD, three: Laee channelled, © iar ame pickup, good condition, ba vel low and white, good tree. $693, phone TAB-OATB, radio, window coupe, chop: Oldsmobile _ motor, An economical second car, Special rice this week, ay egg tS and Bill's Garage, 449 Miteon 8 South, 728-0921. iss) CHEVROLET impaa, | two door hardtop, many extras, Telephone 725-9652. ii PONTIAC Laurentian -- station w tion; $600, Telephone 723-2117, both in excellent Dial pad-4091. 37,200 ation. $1,973, 13 METEOR, 2-door, cellent motor, now tires, best offer, Dia! 725.3746, i996 PONTIAG, station wagon, fou + new paint $698, s Telephone. 138 1958 PONTIAC convertible, Va, a CAR' AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 paint, semicus' lotter, Whitby -- |idet METEOR sedan delivery, rebuil| | moter, good condition, Will take trade! jor dest pied Dial 668-4500, jess FORD -- mechanically good, I Price. $225, er best offer, Apply 174 Chureh/ Street between 6.90 and 8 8 on | TRUCKS: 1957 GMC, one sulated walkin box, price iY pg ane |Tasa rig dump track. Apply George 5. Scott, Kingston Road West at the jPoulty Farm i. Sa 187 FORD Fairlane 800, automatic, power steering, real 'condition. Dial 728-395 after 6 p.m, IMF DELUXE VOLKSWAGEN, ent condition Jake's. and Bill rage, 449 Ritson South, 728-0821. ie FORD. Partly customized, 83 Sam Has to be seen, Telephone 668-8371, | Whitby |idee PRUGEOT 403, one owner, clean, economical, $1,000 or nearest j Telephone Tas 2038, j x. | |i955 BUICK sedan, radio, 1 begga BR new last fall, weet Tee jphone 723-1 198 vouse WAGER Deluxe, motor, A-1 condition, radio, washers, Jake's ani 449 Ritson South, 728-092. | Ieee pe. two door hardtop, ry cyt! linder, stick shift, clean throughout. | Ae Sel Must sell. Telephone 725-5383 or) Burs Garage, Ks TuTROTTE-- sedan, 6 et er $195 or dest offer, ari, lines IMPALA, two door hardtop, auto- jmatic, wheel discs, whitewalls, radio, j washers, 2s wipers, backup Neh ts, seat belts, low mileage. dition, 723-1682. toair "PONTIAC Parisienne | twodeer| hardtop, 327-V8, ee seats, floor shift, console. radio rk red, - 6,700 miles, Must sell. "Dit M_FRS-B570. 192 CHEVROLET impala two-door, hardtop, V8 automatic, power After 3 pm, TRE-SORO. [ise VOLKSWAGEN -- one owner,| ply 7.57) mites, Teal good one, S635. G58.) =e BUICK, two door, hardiop, new! j transmission, radio, signals, discs. ea jm dest offer, Apply 79 'i 19355 METEOR. new two tone paint. om ~ $435. ne TRB-DAz2. iy CHEVROLET Bel Air by 8, ge Tadio, S845 g lent con: 14 Albert St. ~ SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trode up or down. Liens poid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-942) GENERAL REPAIRS _ ' ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A, SERVICE Ritson Road and Ki 723-4733 and 723-77 2 ist) CHEVROLET Bei Air, four door! Nag windshield washers, rear speak> stoves, plenic jugs, original miles, excellent con. | Telephone 725-9612. V8. Blue, ex FEL EVISION jod, nice clean car, 'auto- ant matic, radio, plus other extras, Tele- 1059 HILLMAN MINX four-door sedan, phone 728-8857 |32--Articles tor Sale 1080 WHITE state truck, model WC 16,| po: Best » ral 798-8895, : Lage generator, 1,500 watt , m0 ia TRIUMPH sedan, good condition, motor efter. 138: 38, broke Job./ BUY and sell, good used. furniture and Suitable for summer cottage. Orono 260. jappliances, One location only, Pretty's ~"Qutomatic, Furniture, 444 Simeone Street South, . | 723-3271. condi- fully powered, radio, padded dash. ae condi. ' BABY carriage, $25. Baby "Diankets and j |playpen, Whitby ios os CHEVROLET wiandard also 1953) Poni condition. | VACUUM cleaner, paabean one year old. $50 or nearest offer, Tak. 7634, leNJOY summer camping with jsleeping bags, ground sheets, lanterns, tow West Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond! "tower special, 4 fi, Must sell, structure, including all channel antenna jinstalied and guatanteed by experts with 10 years experience. $30. Trio Television, telephone 728-678), WESTINGHOUSE electric, four-burner| range, also refrigerator, 12 cubic ft, in excellent condition, Both for 885, e \S PAINTINGS. "Oils, original, landscapes, scenes and character studies, Various simes, various prices, Must see to ap- preciate, Call Carl Clark, dial 668-5910, THREE venetian blinds, 31" x 30 in., like new, $10, 4 pair nylon ry Cross | gi curtains 32" x 45 in, pre 3 pr. nylon curtains, $1.90 pers pr. All) with rods, Dial 668-8453. TELEVisioNn, General ¥ Riectic; » Cabinet Pome at 2i-inch screen, good con ition Telephone after 5 | 728-9634. ee CHESTERFIELD and chair, green, refrigerator, 2 beds, Bi pe ogc washing machine, lamps and other aes) merous househetd articles in good con: dition, Reasonable, Apply from 1 p.m, to 9 p.m, 355 Cromwen' Avenue. 4 x @s FOR fence posis, 25 cents a piece, 3, 6, 7 and & ft. long. Before 3) Pm. glial 725-9202 Ask for Nick, FRIGIDAIRE Imperial Tange, 30°, In- -- washing machine, wringer type. 668-8659. r good condition. Telephone Whitby | FIBRE glass boat with "steering wheel, jsine WM Rx 5 ft, Almost new, 725. |9627. Apply S04 Dunkirk REFRIGERATOR, 9 cubic foot, elec. jtric; Minch clectric range; wringer jwasher; dryer; Si-bed, spring and jmattress; two bureaus; single bed. jspring and mattress; quart and = | sealers: typewriter, 205 Oshawa Boule. The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" New Telephone Numbers 668-5871 and 668-5872 _ BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST, N., WHITBY jvard North 725-2024, | MIXMASTER, large_ size, "all jments like new, some never wu oo for restaurant or 728-6963, ~attach-| eed, $75. catering. lerveenan chrome sets, one yellow set drown veges TR5-15682. HEATER hot water, 33) eal., | $45; one Toroan electric heater, 5 mos. jokd, $25; also one rengette, S12. Goid condition, Dial 723.37 COCA-COLA cooler, , electric, excellent conditiin; also 9 x 9 overhead garage door, complete; Arins jet rote tillers. Apply Ferguson's BA, 3 miles east of | Taunton. |RUYING or selling "furniture or 'appli- ances? Call Elmer, Hampton, 263.0894 Or 253.2695. "one white and two occasional chairs, also two daybeds, Dial Vike new, | 30--Automobiles Wante"' LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers wan wrecking. Highest prices paic Wentworth Bast, 725-1181 "100 CARS WANTED Buying o New Cor? Sell your used cor to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer ond "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 -- Res. 725-5574 Roose feathers, $7. CAMP STOVE, Goleman, two "burner, used three times, - $20. Pillows, pair, additional extension T3093. BICYCLE, girl's, in good condition. 82 Telephone BES -B4S2 - VIKING four-burner | Tahee, -- con dition, Telephone 'Ta3-3244, | RAN =, GE 22" table, $35. Dial steal tor cottoge, Ad | cone jon, Dial 623-5 saat 14 FT, boat, excellent. condition Se. |Apply 237 Burk Street STAUFFER posture machine, like new. RR "Weal second Apply S80 Ritson North ater 6 bom = 31 --Automobile Repair 1933 PONTIAC sedan, jor dest offer. Dial Yas-be08, | asa @LDSMORILE super isedan, good ER. pncene EE Service Station) 3 miles east! jot Taunton, Tay ; CHEVROLET + four-door, rad Tadie, |198s3 CHEVROLET, ardoor, pul green finish, extra brake sea two new tires, $109, Teheneee | BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 i ALL CASH $ Fer Cleon cors we deal up or down. Liens poid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. $12 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-8001 - 668-8101 VOLVO SALES ond SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR ond AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Ra. S$. Oshowa 728-092) KELLY DISNEY. USED CARS LTD. 1200 Dundes Street WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cors bought and sold Liens paid off Trede up or down Always Tap Quality COME IN TEST DRIVE Car of the yeor. RAMBLER j ; ; Abner's Esso é Service HOUSTON'S GARAGE _ ee and SERVICE STATION ---- BIS each BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR _TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST WEST 723-7822 SERVICE Hove your Austin, Morris, M.G., Healey, Sprite, Volvo, TR. serviced by foctory mechonics, large ports de- portment, work quoronteed, *'NELS HYLAND 1750 Donforth, #O }- in Cost $329.50 plas attachments. Com. plete S150. Phane a2. |RANGETTE, $15; Frigidaire refriger jator 9 on. ft. $85 el Two 30" beds w What's s 'My Line? Buying or selling used fur- niture ond applionces. For your needs phone, ~~ Malley Creek Furniture! 728-440) oF coll ot the store ___16% Bond W. WHEEL CHAIRS Repairs, Sales, Rentals, | Also Hospital beds, wolkers, bed- side commodes, crutches, cones, slenderizing mochines WHITBY WESTERN TIRE ALL MAKE SERVICE CENTRE Remonufectured engines from $151 exchonge. EASY TERMS 149 Brock St. N 668-8791 end roll-owoy beds. a OASIS DEHUMIDIFIERS Keeps your basement dry ond liveoble ONLY $129 PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 Simcoe North 723-3043 Closed Seturday at 12 noon 32--~Articles For Sale ENGLISH baby pram, bier, new conti tiem, cost SH) wil sel fer S40. Apply Apartment 8%) Dandes West, Whitty w COTTAGE TIME See ELMER for Furniture ond Appliances. See All The Rest Come buy the Best for less. OPEN 8 A.M. TO 10 PLM, EVERYDAY CALL HAMPTON 263-2294 or 263-2695 SPECIAL BAMBOO DRAPERIES WwidTH LENGTH S0in. 84 in. 298 469 449 698 5.98 8.98 749 1149 898 13.98 Ra Pow 1049 15.49 Por 13.98 17.49 36 i ROLL UP. SHADES CAFE CURTAINS RELIABLE Furniture -- Interiors 96 King Street Fest ' 723-7928 Downtown Oshowa 24 an. Poir 36 im, Poir 48 in. Poir 60 in. Poir 72 Pow 4 1003 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY 668-5391 Good Used Cars. Oshawa's Service Centre Clip yaler-Dockas Binecaiils ollers And Fargo Trucks Chryco Parts and Accessories Shopping To Save Let us help you GET Food and Personalized Service No Obligation No Down Payment $16 per week PEOPLE'S FOOD FREEZER dur ring Summer BOATS, MOTORS ON DISPLAY Grew Cruisers, Traveler Mo- son, OMC. ond Lorson Boats. Evinrude, Volvo-Pento ond O.M.C. 88 Motors Open Until 8 PLM, MARINE Storage & Supply Ltd. _Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 Buy your point directly from the monufocturer. $2.80 Economy Interior One coat white $5.50 Other finishes similorly priced. PARROT Paint Company 1051 NELSON ST. 728-3622 - ILTER QUEEN a coolers. Rest prices. |Dentre, 3.) p.m. Thorsday. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 2, 1963 15 32--Articles for Sale CHESTERFIELD suite hong vilas rock maple, tion, Apply. 152 Lupin Drive, X BEAUTIFUL | BinZag Sing "Singer, inehud- ine truly outstanding cabinet for only 967.70 balance. or take up payments of 4 BICYCLE -- Girls, In good condition, $3.00. _Tolaphons 690-0106. STUDENTS A super value, approxi hereon rm ter nly valy #00 Ap paper ws id ply Oshawa 'Whitby [111 Dundas Pe en og Y wen |FLOWERING shrubs, clearing at halt one-third off. Brovk Street North, Highway iz Whitby, 668-4162, i6-FT, CEDARSTRIP boat, steering, controls, new trailer, best reasonable offer, After 4 p.m, Dial 725-4242, PLAYER piano with 7 | rls in" good condition, Dial 728-3702 after 6 p.m, SELLING furniture or appliances? sh, Telephone and bedroom | Now Condemned ';opened officially only last typing/by the count New Park Lake NEWMARKET, Ont. (CP) -- A l?-acre. lake, part of a a2 nesday by Lands and Forests Minister Kelso Roberts, was "condemned during the weekend because of pollution, Signs advising would-be swim. mers to stay out were posted health unit at Fairy Lake Park, part of the Upper Holland Valley Conserva- tion Area 30 miles north of Tor 0, Mayor Albert Kent of New. market said it will probably be four or five years before the water is fit for swimming. The pollution was blamed on sew- age being dumped in the Hol-' = River upstream from the. Store, 728-8191 AWNINGS, canvas Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simooe North, VACUUM cleaner repairs, all mi Free estimates, Parts, attachments, |brushes, hoses guaranteed rebuilt ma: jchines, Rentals, Wallace an Ser "i vice, Call anytime, [SHOP the "variety store" of the Class: |ified sections Misestiananns for Sale" today. It's loaded with wonderful offers, orn GUN anted Tiernone Omawe 725-8183 |DINING room eet, Andrew Malcolm, ;mahogany, twin pedestal table in exceb Hent condition, Dial TRB-6T30, WEDDING gown, size 16, fall length Jace with nylon, worn once. Price $25 'or dest otter, Dial | TE3a7e6, COTTAGE antenna kits, includes 10 foot mast. antenna, lead, and all hard-| j hone 728-6781, »/ware needed. Price $18.95. Trio, Tele-/ | TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, du) pli Unree hundred new and used, We buy, sell, rent, service, Hamilton Office Equipment, 137 Brock South, Whitby, WE buy, sell and "exchange u used furni- ture or anything you have, The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street Souh and 31 Bond Stree East. 723-1671. B® F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, Bat- tories, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele. vision, Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543, HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appl ances, Name brands at biggest counts anywhere, We carry Restonic and Beverly mattress furniture lines, Your authorized GE dealer, Contact Honest Cal's on King Street East. hin ag Road Open 12 hours daily, + 9.90. Telephone 728-9191. USED sewing machines Singer treadie, portables, consoles $10 and up. Elna) Gealer, Oshawa Sewing Centre, 'TRB-2391) 'Cost $45, will sel offer, Dial 728-0070, CABIN craiser, 20, 8 hp mitor, trailer, extras, $1. offer, Whithy 668-5715, |MAPLE bec bedroom suite, ldoudle ded, dresser, for -335 al bench, Excelent condition, $150, Tele-) phone 725-0273. icators, chequewriters, aa' We tee Telephone 725-0898, RODENSPEIN a Se | ~ Astronoscope | SN EIXCBN thle with fer qhabe, WORinue gun Se enane Sete Nueces Oe Tourist Lodge Probe Planned After Charges rave aed Petey nee Vi a B, L, Cathcart, promised Satur- day an immediate investigation into claims by the North On- tario Tourist Association that Americans' are operating illegal tourist lodges in Canada. The association said these jcamps draw their customers |from the United States and have Ontario licencing requirements. If such camps ate operating, said the minister, they are cost- ing the province hundreds of, thousands of dollars. Marcel Bellenhumeur, presi- dent of the Huronia Tourist As- sociation, said Americans "have to pay five times as much to get a licence to operate as does a resident of Ontario." "It is possible," he said, 'that a handful of United States citi- "Bien 0 kee ee that as 10 US, citizens oper- in the ithe people in Northern Ontario COLEMAN space heater, p ideal for your/don't want U.S, tourists or US. cottage. Cost $90, will sell for $30. Also a Boy Sciut. uniform, size 14, $5 com-; plete. Dial 723.1760. DINING room suite, walnut # a finish, 9 3 to have ~-- ae rown | jenough to expanding our Telephone by noone gol Condition, $123, ital tourist trade without starting a tow times. jto brand Americans as bootieg- chairs, upholstered pieces, 6 VIKING | Seon os used only | send . we have quite only Best offer, Also piano. Afier 8 p.m.| = or tax evaders. telephone 728-8538. WEDDING gown, = length, 10 to 12 size, paist, short cost $250. Selling $200. 'Teleplione 725- 30SR 33--Market Basket VANDYEK'S strawberries for sale, east jot Rowmanvill = and Speci ik tal skirt, fined (36--Legel sleeves, long gloves, Ju-! | iiette cap with shoulder length net bay Tenders will be received until 4 p.m, on July 19 1963 for the erection of 2) an Addition to Newcastle Public School. ee fications may 8 af King Street the See Suehted ten Oo see 34--Lost And Found | LADY'S Bulova wristwatch, white gold, -- velvet ae. set with diamonds Vicinity | of HERBERT G. COLE, ARCHITECT, : 73 KING STREET EAST, | Reward. 23-768. -- OSHAWA, ONTARIO. ROOFING CONTRACTORS BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned, until 3.00 p.m, (E.D.T.) on TUESDAY, JULY 23rd, 1963 for the Removal of the existing built-up roofing end insulation ond the Supply ond Application of a built-up roof, metal flashings etc. on the Triple Dormitory at the Boys' Training School, Bow- manville, Ontario, Specifications ond Tender Documents may be obtained from, or viewed ot Room. 6630, Deporemaet of fobie Warka, Gem BO Porlioment Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontorin. A $1,000.00 Bid Bond end e 100% Performance Bond will be required as specified. Tenders will not be considered unless mode on forms supplied by the Deportment. The lowest or ony tender not necessorily occepted. Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontoria, June 25th, 1963. 4. D. Miller, New ond used modets » trade-ins from $15. Protect your mochine" use genuine Filters. 12 for $1.50 30 for $3.50 Filter Queen Sales 323 King W. 728-7532 Custom ond Ready-Made DRAPERIES Most Reasonable Prices Drapery Fabrics Reguilor Price per yord $1.98 SPECIAL NOW 79c We mstoll drapery tracks at @ womircl Fee M. And C. Drapery Dry Goods Store | For your decorating needs WHITBY GARDEN CLUB ANNUAL ROSE SHOW ond STRAWBERRY TEA on WEDNESDAY JULY 3rd 3 9 PM. in the Arena Rotunda -- FREE ADMISSION -- LIONS BINGO WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd, 8:00 P.M. JUBILEE PAVILION $1,200 IN CASH PRIZES 1I--$150 JACKPOT SHARE THE has pani --1 2 -- $250 JACKPOTS -- JACKPOT NOS. 56 & 37 ceoned aperomree Sokebie far onagiie Analahe ererrrertt ae TReeriwrene $25 CONSOLATION EARLY BIRD GAMES 7:50 P.M. -- EXTRA BUSES CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED -- FREE ADMISSION - Lucas Peacock Leon Morita Jaan Peacock Steve Engiett Tomy Siblock rene Broan GUIDE REALTY LIWITED Reokes, 16:Srreee Se 3 i SMITH SPORTS 353 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-7341 Coll ws today 723-7827 j 74 Celina Street, Oshawa j SERVICE Phone 728-9403 SERVICE AND SALES 1415 DUNDAS EAST , WHITBY 6468-3226

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