Saturday, June 29,1963 § THE OSHAWA TIMES; Rose Show - To Feature Grandiflora | 225 STUDENTS CT Graduate Number Record For Whitby WHITBY PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs, Paul Schwindt, Hall School of Law. of Scarborough, are holidayjHenry Jermyn, son of weekend guests at the home of trate and Mirs, Jermyn her parents Mr, and Mrs, Rich-jed his LLB degree at the ard Bonsull, 414 Dovedale drive. uation exencises Guest of 'her grandpawents for : the past week was Diane Bince 'The pupils of tihe at Brock Street School of Scarborough. : Keynote speaker of the even: surprise birthday party ing, W. G. Chatterton, assistant' Mrs, E, Merbor and her their teacher D. M, Disney superintendent of elementary daughter Lottie of Bunlington day afternoon, For the occa. education for Ontario, urgedjare spending a week's vaca. Sion the children prepared the students not to set theirjtion at the home of Mr, and sandwiches, cookies, cake and sights on unrealistic goals but Mrs, George Bowcott, RR 1,/fveshie, With the assistance of rather to reinforce the things! Whiiby. Miss Cunningham, the which they do best, 1 and 2 teacher, they He warned them of the dar: Mr, and Mns, Harold Boys entertainment for the occa- gers of conformity and quoting)@re spending the holiday week- sion, The pupils and staff of an American poet said, "If Lend in Cornwall visiting rela- the school extend many do not keep step with others it tives. 'returns of the day to Mr, Sie ag I hear a different wate and Mrs, Raymond Bi ney, Mrs. A. Pearce, president of C8 @" amily are spending Head table gueshs at the the Home and School Associa- _ & camping vacation @ Trade Fair dinner held Thurs- ss Lake, day evening were follows: tion, presented awards to the as : pupils who in the opinion of Myr and Mrs. John Beth, their MY. and Mrs. Leslie McFarlane, their teachers had made the son Gary and daughter Kelly Councilior William David s on) present season held a pot luck most progress during the past are spending the holiday week- and Mrs, Davidson, Reeve Ev-| supper at the Citadel Thursday year. end camping near Orillia, enett Quantrill and Mrs. Quan- evening. The League will re Winners in Grade 8 were trill, Captain L. P. M. Tiggel-|sume its activities in Septem WHITBY And DISTRI 'Thomas The largest Grade 8 class injtered the auditorium while a Whitby's more than 100-year Grade 7 choir sang a& proces: history, 225 students, brought to sional hymn a close another successful year School Principal C. G, Sarles in the town's public school sys- told the graduating class no tem, when graduation exercises matter what they did in the were held at St. Mark's United/future to try and be the best 'Chuch, at it. Church. : William. Van Deuren deliver- |" More than 200° parents,. rela-'ed the Valedictory address and: ltives and friends stood while a poem entitled, "Life is To the pupils of Colborne. Street day', was recited by Althena School's graduating class en: Dunn. i é pe i i ; | z : 3 if i é z fu 'Successful Candidates i N Be 'In Conservatory Exams BOOKS "AND BELLS FORGOTTEN FOR SUMMER show they had passed. How. ever, in the photo above, the three Bone family children seemed to take their passing quite cooly which was in con trast to.the humid 85 degree day. They sat at the entrance to their school playgrounds St. Bernard's, and quietly Summer vacation --_ time came to Whitby when 2,178 pupils from eight schools left the classroom, Friday' after noon to. start their two months of holidays. Most of the children were happy, sing ing and waving their report cards over their heads to 350 STUDENTS PARTICIPATE Competition Keen At . read over their final marks Teqyear-old May Bone pass ed into Grade 5 and het ter Carmen, who is LH passed into Grade 6. Their brother Alfred, nine passed into Grade 3 sis Oshawa Times Photo St. John's Field Day Hop, step and jump: Boys Vidis Viciuinas, Gerard Verri- ett, Leslie Cser. Girls -- Leah Johnston, Isabella Bardoe!l, Anne Baxter High jump: Boys -- Stephen Short, Vadis Viciuinas, Donald Oben. Girls -- Leah Johnston, Isabella Barsoel, Christine Vr- banowic Hurdles: Boys -- Vidis Viciu- i inas, Stephen Short, Ricky Mac- Borchuk, Peter Phillips, Randy Senda "Geis -- lsebela Bat Droniuk. Girls -- Gail Borchuk ; Debbie Bibeau, Helen Vander --. Mary Pisani, Kathleen Kloff. : 100 yard dash, Boys -- Gary Running broad jump: Boys-- Borchuk, Peter Phillips, Peter Leslie Cser, Vidis Viciuinas, Brian McMonagle. Girls -- Isa- Edwards. Girls -- Helen Vander Kloof, Gail Borchuk, Michelle /bella. Bardoel, Susanne McCar- roll, Brenda Lynch Allicock. : Standing broad jump, Boys -- _Sho* put: Boys -- Vidis Viciu- Peter Phillips, Ricky Dochuk, mas, Gary Borchuk. Girls -- Gail/Girls - 5 Borchuk, Debbie Bibeau, Marie tine Urbanowic, Isabelle Bar- Velden. Saft ball throw, Boys --Randy Dronuik, Peter Edwards, Dennis Simcock. Girls -- Gail Borchuk, | Margaret Scollard, Ramona °Vaicinas. Hop, step and jump, Boys -- Gary Borchuk Randy Dronuik, Dennis Simcock. Girls -- Josephine Pisani, Brenda Lynch, Helen Vander Kloff High jump, Boys -- Billy Gal lant, Ricky Dockuk, John Power. Girls -- Gail Borchuk, Rietta Van Dyk, Brenda Lynch Hurdles, Boys -- Patrick Shevlin, Peter Renaud, Gary Borchuk, Girls --Helen Vander Kloff, Rietta Van Dyk,. Michelle Allicack, Running broad jump, Boys -- Gary Borchuk, Russell Sorich- etti, Peter Phillips. Girls -- Don. 7 nN na Chizen, Gail Borchuk, Robert Dochuk. Girls | --Karen Brenda Lynch. ~ rs Susan Borchuk, Teresa Shot Put, Boys -- Peter Ed- OOS : wards, Dennis Simcock, Gary _ Seanding broad jump Boys-- Borchuk. Girls -- Brenda/Stephen Baxter. Robert Do- Lynch, Donna Chizen, Edith Ck, Robin Robinson. Girls -- Grech. Karen Brooks, Susan Borchuk, ' Sharon Silver Ball In Basket, Girls -- Rose- "". : ' anne Morris, Julie Heffering, Softbel mene Boys RM core Terry Depratta. m Roame, Wee eee Relay races, Boys --_ Ricky se sac gy ior ag Bs Dochuk, Peter Phillips, Russell ae Sorichetti and Gary Borchuk Girls -- Mary Henddricks, Deb- About 350 enthusiastic pupils competed in St, John the EVan- gelist Separate School's annua! field day recently. A number of parents attended and helped to judge the li dif ferent events Following are the winners their age groups. 8-AND-9- YEAR-OLDS 50 Yard Dash, Boys -- Gary in | Bail in basket: Girls -- Rose- mary Flanagan, Kathleen Pow- ers, Joyce Garbutt Relay race: Boys -- Ist. Les- lie Cser, Andrew Vaillencourt. R. MacDonald, Wayne Allicock and Don Oben Girls -- Ist. Leah Johnston, Elsie Vandyk, Sus- anne McOaroll and Isobella Bardoel Champions: Boys Vidis Viciuinas. Girls -- Leah John ston 12-YEAR-OLDS 30-yard dash: Boys -- Wayne Sorichetti, Robert Dochuk, Bill Javorski. Girls -- Susan Bor- chuk, Karen Brooks, Hendriks 100 yard dash Wayne Sorichetti, Mike Boys Larry san Borchuk Saily Garratt Hop, step and jump: Boys -- Relay races: Ist Boys: Joey Carter, Robin Robinson, Robert Dochuk, Michael Renaud and Stephen Baxter, Guirls ist Karen Brooks, Noreen Jimmo Susan Barchak, Sally Garrett and Catherine Hendriks Ohampions: Boys --Robert Dochuk; Girls -- Keren Brooks 13-YEAR-OLDS 50-yard dash: Boys Mike Kennan, Dennis Oben, Ricky Mathieson. Girls Pat Her mann, Barbara Hottot, Mary Saulnier. 100 yard dash: Boys -- Dennis Oben, Ricky Mathieson, Mike Kennan, Girls Judy Mac Gillivray, Barbara Hottot, Sue Bloye. Standing broad jump: Boys -- Dennis Oben, Bob Bonner, Ricky Mathieson, Girls -- Linda Garrett, Judy McGillivary Mary Anne Hamilton | Soft ball throw: Boys -- Peter Hendriks, Greg Steffler, Mike Keenan. Girls -- Laurie Bry- ant, Sherrall Femia, Linda Garratt Hop, step and jump Mike Keenan, Dennis Ricky Mathieson. Girls da Garrett, Laurie Bryant dia Stanic High jump Oben, Andrew Bartheiv, Ricky Mathieson. Girls Judy Max Gillivray, Anna Marie Bardoe! Linda Garratt Hurdles: Boys ~ Ricky Mathieon Boys. -- Oben - Lin- Ly Boys Dennis Brian Sor Girls Ly Mary Ann Hamilton Running droad jump: Boys Michael Keenan, Girls -- Lydia Stanic, Susan Bloye, Laurie Bry- ant Shot put: Boys -- Ricky Ma thieson, Jim McDonnell, Fred Brooks. Girls Mary. Ann Hamilton, Susan Allicock, Linda Garratt Ball in basket: Girls -- Susan Bloye, Paul Kaiser, Chery! De pratta Relay races: Boys -- Ist Rod ney Mowat, Brian Sorichett Hanky Wyst, Mike Keenan and Dennis Oben : The following is-a list of suc- cessful candidates in examina tions held recently by the Royal Conservatory of Music in To ronto in Whitby, The name's are arranged in order of merit, GRADE IX PIANO First Class Honors -- Mary I Pritchard Honors -- Gladys Smith Pass Barbara Bracken ridge GRADE VHT PIANO First Class Honors -- Vikki Rowe Honors Sally Bedding Lynda M. Speer'; David Bris bin; Lynda K, Smith, Nancy Stephenson (equal) Pass -- Richard Bales, War ner G. Fehn (equal); Patricia Newman; Marjorie Maxwell, Linda M, Seto (equal) GRADE Vil PIANO First Class Honors -- John Honors -- Linda Gordon; Lu ile Chapman Pass -- Sheila Barnard GRADE VI PIANO First Class Honors Mar garet Squires; Catherine Roget's Honors -- Mary A. Hamilton Margaret Smith (equal); Mary James; John W. Bean, Gay Courtice, Vera Zaika (equal); Patricia Jewell, Linda Madill (equal); Susan. Richards;. Beth Atkinson, Verity M King, Cheryl. MacFarlane, Margaret Elizabeth Matthews (equal) Pass Laura Rosebrugh; Elizabeth Winter Girls -- Rita Pennings, Sonia Ploeger, Mary Pittens, Ball in basket: Girls -- Peggy Quesnelle, Ruth Rugg, Mary Pittens Relay races: Boys Ist Andy Bryant, John Hay, Henry Oetelaar, Vincent Berte, Girls -- Lauralyn Le Von, Rita Pen- nings, Peggy Quesnelle, Cham- pions: Boys Louis Kahn Girls -- Lauralyn Le Von 15 AND 16-YEAR-OLD BOYS 50-yard dash -- Peter Bedard, Gerry Lynch, Gary Jeffreys. 100-yard dash Gary Jef. freys, Gerry Lynch, Rodney Mc- Donald Standing broad jump -- Peter Bedard, Rodney McDonald, Bob Taylor Softball throw dard, Gary Jeffreys, Peebles Hop, step and jump Bedard, Bob Taylor, McDonald High jump -- Gary Jeffreys, Rodney McDonald, Gerry Lynch Hurdles Rodney McDon ald, Peter Bedard, Billy Pee- Peter Be- Billy Peter Rodney Catherine dia Stannic, Chery! De Pratto, bies Running broad jump -- Peter Bedard, Gerry Lynch, Gary Renaud, Ricky Mathieson, Dennis Oben, Jeffreys Shot put Gary Jim Vella, Rodney McDonaid Relay race -- Ist. Peter Be dard, Rodney McDonald, Jim Vella, Bob Taylor. Champion -- Peter Bedard Jeffreys One-Stop DECORATING SHOP GRADE V PIANO Honors Marta Efari; Laurie Bryant; Ted McGee; Susan Borchuk, Judith MacFar- lane (equal) Pass --Anna M, Bardoel; Judith-Ann Pinch; Pat Evans Donald Munroe (equal) GRADE IV PIANO ... , First Class Honors -- Valerie Lapp; Barbara Brooks Honors -- Kathleen Hughes Lynn Churchill, Gail Disney (equal); Anne Baxter; Sandra Gordon Pass Patsy Michael Rosebrugh (equal), Catherine M. Brasier, Barton Sala (equal); Janet Mathews Arthur J. Puckrin (equal) GRADE Hl PIANO Honors -- Nancy Carr, Pam ela ML Gibson, Anne. Gove (equal); Janice Henson; Linda Garrett; Mary J. Nettle; Cath erine Davey; Penelope <A Brown; Margaret Brandon James Kennett (equal) Pass -- Lorna Hawkins, Paula Howe (equal); David Brown GRADE ll PIANO First Class Honors Bonnie Sorichetti;. Doryce Acton, James B, McClure, Beth A. Parise, Joni L. Penfound (equal) Honors Patricia Creech; Jane Atkinson, Edith Henry, Suellen MacDonald, Ann Mec- Dougall (equal); John Bottom. ley, Susan Clark, Darlene L Farndale, Marie Keenan, Janice Neill (equal); Susan Pearson; Randy Droniuk; Kathryn A Attwood GRADE 1 PIANO First Class Honors -- Cath erine Hendricks Honors -- David Camkin, Pat- rick Forestall, Susan Harney Alyson ' Morley. (equal); Nora Bryant; Leah Johnston, Jane Spratt (equal); Marilyn Cook- son, Joanne. Corrigan, Scott E Trenholm (equal); Gemma Bar. doel; Billy. Freake, Marilyn Hedge, Irka Jawny, Karen Ot. tenbrite (equal); Elaine Allan Lesia Jawny (equal); Vicki Mallon C.. -Pattit, ARCT SINGING Solo Performer's Conditioned in Performance-- Catherine Randall GRADE I SINGING Honors -- Rita E. Knott Pass -- Catherine M. McKay FREE Heve vour furnace cleaned tree and gueranteed trouble-free ai! winter, if you purchase "White Rose" unified fuel oil from Western Oi Co. ' DIAL 725-1212 'Gorihe wd FRIEND eves 2 © sel OuR e 4 EXPERT SHIP award to Allison Cunliffe Barbara Cheadle, Chris Dunn, A_ family reunion will James Arnold, Mary Jane Me- held \Monday, July 1, Knight, Linda Edwards, Abia form of a picnic, at Cobourg Schenk and Peter Earley. Pau! for all members of the Brad- Jordan won the award for shaw family, Attending from Grade 7 Whitby ave: Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. F. B. Wishart and Mrs. Percy Bent and family. Others J. Speers representing the Vis- will be from Toronto, Scarbor- count Greenwood Chapter of ough and Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Brockie ; and their son, Andrew, aire L s L di spending the holiday weekend egion a 1es in Georgian Bay, South of Mid- land, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Brear, of Parry Sound, are guests at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Plan Buffalo Brear, on Canal Lake, for the Home League to terminate its! be ere and Mrs, Tiggelers, Warden! ber. in thei J. Scott; Miss County of Ontario, | Sharon MacDonald, Mrs, J. E.| Pritchard, sjeaker George Plumber Speaker W Mrs. Rankin, Martin, Miss Town of Whitby, | Barbara Foote, ' Neil Warnica and Mrs, Warnica, | Gordon T. Richards and Mrs, | Richamds, | Mrs, Scotti, John R. Frost and Mrs, Frost, Sherman Scott and Mrs.) ani Mrs. Plumber, W. Rankin and) Mayor Staniey | Family Monuments Creared ts Individuel Requirements STAFFORD BROS, LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 a General S'r) Ritchie, Lt, Col. J, R.! Thomas Scott and) aphy Salvation Women's Trip By Bus holiday weekend, The Ladies Auxiliary of the Mr. and Mrs, L. Brasier and Royal Oana Legion held family are spending the holi- Uheir social evening Wednesday.|day weekend camping at Hart- A vaniety of goods for the ba- court, in the Haliburton dis- nee" were brought in by Mrs. trict, J, Sturgess Mrs, J, Allan M oa ~ _ : Recent weekend visitors at Members planning to 80 Othe home of Magistrate and the trip to Buffalo in Septem- and Mrs. Harry W Jermyr ber were --_ had give their were. Dootor and ine A je names to Mrs. J. Conmor as e . Siege sabraugae ls there are no further meeting: ote evens se = to be held before September' during which they attended the, ' vere asked to note the ; graduation exercises at Osgoode cameieananemeens WATCH FOR... , EATON'S Record Breaking Day Sale @ A Smashing One-Day Demonstration! @ Scores of Timely Items at Sale Savings! COMING SOON! change of day. hits HOMARKET The Legion picnic is to be held on Saturday, July 6, be- FOODS LTD. FOR THE FINEST IN FOOD gimning at 1 p.m. Buses will leave from the Legion Hail, AND FREEZER SERVICE 668-5875 It was reported that Mrs Stanley Martin underwent sur- gery at she Oshawa General Hospital. Get well wishes go out for her recovery from the meeting Games of bingo and a tasty unch under the direction of Mrs. A. L. Commetti brought 'he evening to a close. ScuGOG CLEANERS | & Shirt Launderers | FREE Pick-up & Delivery Oeily PHONE 668-4341 3123 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY Dandy Cleaners 2 SHIRT -- 29° with Dry Cleaning Order of $2.00 and up. Plus 10% Off Dry Cleaning tor this month. at FREE DAILY PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 24.Hour Telephone Service Ph, 668-2582 Township of Whitby Tenders for Garbage Collection ST. JOHN AMBULAN WHITBY BRANCH First Aid, Ambulance & Nursing Brigade NEEDS STRETCHERS, | BANDAGES, BLANKETS, etc. To equip them to serve Whitby in time of accident. TRAINED MEMBERS WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE AT ALL PUBLIC GATHERINGS. YOUR HELP MAY HELP THEM TO SAVE LIVES. Donations May Be Sent To MR. WALTER PORTER, Bank of Commerce or any Whitby Bank, © OFFICIAL RECEIPTS WILL BE MAILED © SEALED TENDERS clearly marked as to contents will be re- ceived by' Mr. Murray Robinson township clerk at the municipal offices Brooklin up to" 12 noon E.D.S.T. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK ST. NORTH REV. DELOSS SCOTT, PASTOR SUNDAY SERVICES A.M.--Broadcast --Eible Schoo! with a Class for You A.M.--Be ye Steadfast P.M.--The Witness of The Holy Spirit WEDNESDAY EVENING 8:00 PM. Prayer, Praise and Biby Study MONDAY, JULY 8th, 1963 for providing weekly garbage collection in certain specified areas of the Township of Whitby. : (Whitby Churches EMMANUEL Wayne Sorichetti, John Wineck Stephen Baxter. Girls -- Terry' Mowat, Karen Brooks, Saily G ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Comer Byron & St. John Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A, Minister Mra. PN. Spratt, Orgenist Girls ist Pat Hermann sSuzanne Bloye, Linda Garratt Barbara Hottot and Paul Kai- hjump: Boys Stephen "*5 - i] : Dochok. | Champions: Boys -- Denn's Seminski, Robert | ik. Rob- Open, Girls -- Linda Garr." in Robinson. Girls -- Noreen 14. YEAR-OLDS -- oe caver, Mey) yard dash: Bays -- Louis goat ap . Kahn, Donald Borchuk, Vincent P cage Boys --- or gas De Rerte. Girls -- Laurlyn Le Von w ayne Sorichetti, JOHN peroy Quesnelle, Sonia Plor Wineck. Girls Susen Bor- ..; chuk, Karen Brooks, Sharon "199 ward dash: Boo Fs Finan "aoa - RBM ac teens Karhn, Vincent Berte, Donz Running broad jump: Boys -- Borchuk "Girls : taaon ta Robert Dochuk. Steven Sem®- Von, Mary Pittens, Pegey Ques ski, Wayne\Sornchetti. Girls -- netie Karen Brooks, Susan bie Drury, Frances Kaiser, Gail Borchuk, Julie Ann Levon and Debbie Bibeau. Champions, Boys -- Gary Bor- chuk, Girls -- Gail Borchuk. 10-AND-11-YEAR-OLDS 530 Yard Dash, Boys -- Vidis Vaiciunas, Stephen Short, Brian McMonagle. Girls -- Leah John- ston, Susanne McCarroll, Mary Elizabeth Porbes 100 yard dash, Boys --Wayne Allicock, Vidis Vaiciunas, Brian McMonagle. Girls -- Leah John- ston, Betty Ann Jimmo, Sus- anne McCarroll. Standing broad jump, Boys -- Vidis Vaiciunas, Gary Oben Murray De Haas. Girls -- Leah Custom Droperies Broadioom and Rugs Wellpeper and Murols C.L.L, Paints and Varnishes Flo-Gleze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre 107 Byron St. S.. Whitby Phone 668-5862 REFORMED REV. GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD CONCESSION WEST OF HIGHWAY 12 Mops showing the ccllection areas and tender forms may be obtained ct the municipal offices Brooklin. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. 10:30 ENGLISH SERVICE AND «SUNDAY SCHOOL 2PM DUTCH SERVICE | 7PM ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOME ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. J, M. Smith, BA, BD. Mra. J. Beaton, AR.C.T. MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM. infent Core, Nursery and Kin- dergarten Classes each Sunday. All other children are invited to worship with the'r perents. Nursery (intent Care) Beginners' Closses Junior Congregation, 11:00 A.M, _ The Elder Brother MURRAY ROBINSON Township Clerk Brooklin Ontario WHITBY BAPTIST {Colborne Street West ot Centre) Minister: REV. JOHN McLEOD Mn. W. E Summers, AT.CM. . Standing broad jump: Boys -- chese, Sally Garratt Louis Kahn, Billy Preston, Hen eure De Shot put: Boys -- Robert Do- ry Qetlelaar. Girls Mary 'ohnston, Betty Jimmo, Debbie chuk. Brian Vanderswet. Henry Pittens Sonia Ploeger, Ruth Brewster "Kortekaas. Girls -- Susan Bor Rugg os Sofbak throw: Boys -- Mi- chuk, Sherrie Burkart, Sarnia Softball throw chael Dudyeon, Brian McMon- Canneiia. Kahn agle, Stephen Short; Girts Ball in basket: Girls -- Keren Preston Annie Van Dyke, Christine Vr- Brooks, Corrie 'Weiden banowic, Leah Johnston tane Steffler. Notice To Water Consumers TOWN OF WHITBY CONSUMPTION OF WATER in the Town of Whitby during the current heat spell has exceeded the capacity of our pumps and feeder mains. YOUR CO-OPERATION IS REQUESTED not to waste water, and to refrain from luwn watering between the hours of 5 p.m. and 10 p.m. Monday through Friday until July . C. SIMPSON, jen, Manager candied iN) Boys Donald Borchuk. Billy 3 Peggy Ques Chris- nelle, Lauralyn Le Von, Ruth Rugg and Mary Pittens Hop, step and jump Vincent Berte, Louis Kahn. Don- ald Borchuk. Girls Laura iyn Le Von. Mary Pittens, Peg- gy Quesnelle | High jump; Boys Kahn, John Hay, Donald Bor chuk, Girls -- Ruth Rugg, | ralyvn Le Vor Mary and Rita Pen Hurdies: -Boys Donajd Borchuk | Pratto. Girls Von, Peggy Rugg Runnin Vincen La Le Vo Quesneile Shot pui: Boys -- Louis Kaha. Henry Oettelaar, Billy Preston Louis 12:00 AM. THINGS GOD SEES 7:00 P.M. THE ALTERNATIVES Bible Scuct meets ot 845 em. with clestes for off ages > BROCK Evening Shows At 6:55 & 9 °.M. WHITBY Feature Starts 6:55 & 9:25 ROW...ADD A MOTION PICTURE TO THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD! Boys LOUs 9-45 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. -- MR. REG. MacDONALD 7:00 P.M. -- MR. ALEX BEDFORD Special Singing at Both Services WHITBY PENTECOSTAL -- 307 BROCK ST. N. Rev. Maxwell Case, Paster 19th. Plans are underway to remedy the sit THE PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY EARLE J. BRYANT, Chairman uation. Ricky Lauralyn 'Le Quesnelie, Ruth Ha Ne ote HAROLD HECHT mroncton RULE nuamsien EASTMANCOLOR ..="35.275 H SATURDAY MATINEE STARTS 1:30, Secretary & _