Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Jun 1963, p. 10

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' 7 . ' ' i ee Seen " seeds to 25--Apertments |27--Real Estate For Sele |27--Reol Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale _ (29--Automobiles For Sale _|29--Automobiles For Sale [32--Articles For Sale aw THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 29,1963 17 OND FA | ONEATOREY howve In Nestioton, few : GAMP BROVET Coleman Gwe wares, . OND. BART, 14\o = Twoeroem apart) LOT = 150 fh, frontage. by \o fi, deep.) 'at paved ae reoma, patie Moroes leeome with Ne "Tareas, mies = senuaroene mRL AIR, tourdonr tos BUICK, te mist new can ew vem 'we 3 an ---- ra decorated. aveiatie ims | ial Caesarea MO4K0 after Spm ioe | WSTATR eae tg fivesroom, Magee ie } warurnisted,|trame houge, wih yar lo wh| LOT FOR BAUR -- 10 Tronene brlNARKAU Stieet, alntoqin" Muigen"houe,| ONL PONTIAC Sire Chel, tour-dese vp Waal you 32--Articles for Sale TRERVISION vi ment, new! ,slenteraped Polen. ai Nexeer acer ee Seite . Awertone, whitewalls and discs/o beat offer, coe Routh, | KOO mediate! Call a te Wea} any bs " pone TRA, NEVER siti "ser = pope ig-| RETCHEN Vable with four chair, WRETINGHOUSE me Ted Cook Nesbitt, ™ : th electric, fourburner Vyland, = eaniiean extension table, $25, Dial/ range, also refrigerator, 12 2 evbie fin) down, Marvin FOUR-ROOM apartment, an Bagg os Bast at. bus step, Moavy garage, . power Teno, HO 16964, my conan Both east of ®) olone| 120°, Landecape a. ge diock south off furnished or unturnished 4o| Drone SacdAveilsole August Ray rand We sea an ve a youd vale ive) King Sireet » Five minutes' walks) modern, 88000, Telephone -- Rrooklin Aa oe ay = we grind oe, em oon | ine -- METEOR new two tone paint, One pga BR, -- me, = 3) Se a RRC <Plied, Available Aug saneel ane eee needs Kowal Realling a, i BUD> ABSA INST, cae en Sone ae, Tee M25, Telephone 728-2422, bp mt or ral. ae a PAINTINGS, Oils, ofiginal, landscapes, AOUTH RND, lance apartments pre hadin Rowmenvitie audi ee, aeparale Or Nigh. sono), $4 Seger ogee al aa WS an aahain oar Gat bal nee . scones and | character sgiudies, Various Yate entrance, two bedrooms, large) ba toot with services paid, T8. /D werritic income. Call Don Streds| (es bel dri "guiomatio, SBF" er beat Apply 38 Ritson North ater @ pm, MAPLE "bedroom sulle, consisting of|sizes, various prices, witehon, UES THRER, BEDROOM ranch » style brick ey oak! TRRAADS, D. W. Wileon Ltd, Tas-egan, Offer, le spring and matiress,/preciate, Call Carl time aia conan Wweughout, drapes, range and refriger) wone fron bungalow, Landa: - rere | EES FONTIAC vedan, siandard, O380/dreasor, dressing table with win and cr upped. Suit Busines couple fenced, awurnimum mari ant screen STONE 'Wramer, Preah Oh ot inate FOR SALK -- building Vo in new muds /tMR PONTIAC, | excellent conditions| hog otter, Dial TAR ORM. opr ene are Binet Teles) THRER venetian blinds, "x 9 Ins TRS e2, NHA mortgage, NHA € pe water 100 x D4, by Mandar, low mileage 25,000, radio, . scars Nex FANE RKHNOON 6 rumen, waz recone arronsed Tee-Oes, Hed Evan /briek, ecard, ee ae #09, Co.0p, yan. 008. very clean oar, Call Pay Teas 7 biles Wen wet Bi OOPS q boog ay gh Ayion . bene Aral tesatian, TV euilet, Launary reom,jmenime Drive, | alan = 1MRNE ax lee aa he "MORRIS Minor serten ..} excel: eae je oe cell WEDDING cows, wit creenia, | 22. Rpton urea, i ah per pe. All immediate Balla a0 mins capan ag re of jan 40L Highway, Telephone Rowman condition, mechanically Daety> your te js. Dial GRen4ds hi TaN. |ROUR.ROOM, wngaten, on one ee price | PRIVATE moat Hm _wacome property, ville GaNAIN evenings wie, seivate: vale, Reasonable, Dial mn ons ves tan Ws Wyn ond 190) ete ea Tet router length vet' vail CEMENT gravel and driveway Freres Wi Call Orone IRE " . , jephone . livery pa Low "down payment 29.Automobiles For Sale . "ACADIAN, sport convertible, light LARRSHORE Auto Wreckers Sia a] Brantin, dial FOUR-ROOM = heated = apartment, four TBMArea. and refrigerator, | ® house, O4) PRIVAT sight room brie! Hor. quick sale Teley OTRINES OF low mileage, for wrecking. Hi eee paid. boars Wiser Hh ntl nae ants" machine, egg tag storeve, oil ted, quiet anes oy levees '7eA.nare. iene WILLMAN MINK four-door sedan, 'Aute-Magie Our Wash, 118 Bond West Raia 5. 91 gy pa Mi RONNET Cal's Furniture ce Al us TELEVINION, General Biectio, cabinet) coo Be Anne ea Recent Riva Dyal Mary. Sereet | Telephone TAG? An economical seoand car, Special iggy FORD, ga ge ig re ~jances, Name randy. at biggest dis.|walnut finiwh, Blanch screen, good enn boy ey = WROILER FARM. Fully automatic URSRIBOR -- ~ 10 tetts AN" toners price (hia week, BY. Jake's and Bie, ve Bh hy Oldsmeniien Pano 100 CARS WANTED Fee Mont ar we per Sees som. Telephone atier 3 p.m, / S08. nie RENGATOW, Bveroom, two hedrooma, opeeton Anmual capacity, 132,000 4 Pood aa ie Garage, 449 Ritson South, & Mae 725-9883 Buving « New Cer? Your authorised GE dealer. a Thabo, rm, 1 minutes to € McCLARY refrigerator § cu. A, 8, 30. Street = Fast , wih y hours daity,! ra Blectric rangette, auto: 9.90. 9.90. Telephone TAe919), ng contrer oven, $20. Telephone USED sewing machines Singer treadie, : ~~ _ portables, consoles $10 and up, Kina CHESTRRFIRED and dealer, Oshawa Sewing Contre, Taa.239) | sreen, refrigerator, Honest Cal's on: Ri Sell your used car to "Ted" --Varcoe's Road Open Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS . TS CHEVROLET Impata, two 'oor | Fred MGA MARy. Gattah. Serebemn ieng ome pickes, Rood condidien, | Yas.gesa Ww and white, goed tires, phone TR9TR PONTIAC Laurentian : . 4 ares on Vakedrnty | awa, eRe Real, money maker. imma. Une Baars pete apacions, two > bedrOOM Kowal Real Restate N senennnvile 2) PRIVATE Wwoatorey house with two 'es ve 'a alee Pg Pes Mga Be gs wate, four door, automatic, THE fall down payment: on/apartments, Owner must sell, 87,900, Sees. Teles rasa wear schools and bus stop, Tey Denmenaion, Dial 125.8515 'Radin NT OLDSMOBILE: vuper 8," ¢-door| sedan, good condition, Apply Fer) won's BA Service Station, 3 miles east! chair, Vet Hiresses, bd Ml = RB ad jooated in the country, fl price, TRITT, ana pg Holly wie ced Ritehen and aw Hyman Udy PRIVATE BALE o lovely twouhedraom (MT VOLRSWAGEN dehixe, good com of Taunton, BEESON Sparement in tew dull Cal Doug Gower at 8 D E | 723-4494 ----- Res. 728.8574 |ROPENSPRIN OF mm A merous household articles In good .-- taal dhimuriet, AVAMADIe Tap. 8a80. house WH lange. Kitehen,. on Ritson GRion, Dest otter, WB THR4NF [THY ORR VROLET Fourdoor, rain. @ [wan Ke hardwood adiusanle triped.| dition, Reasonable, Apply from 2 Bm. Aequn AS ANY 9 S{Riwawne ve ROWMANVILLE "= atiractive, twas Rod North ist Rory of Adelatte, /aky OLOSMORILR, automatic, door, cvtinder, standard dune made Twe:/31--Automobile Repair latter, Tint TR-0070. [$22 Sm. S55 Cromer Avene, TMal Fas-aies, dedronm bungalow, living room, ws on en Please, Dial VRID after sont tres, weeds some Work, $138, Dialitone green, $383, Dial Taya, lRRPRIGRRATOR, McCarey weal Gon a . * FOR fence .s = a TEARS ROOM apartment, gtenet | LUMA", ange separate tine Tete om ies CHEVROLET, fourdeor, dark GA : 4 ri piece, T ands ' Retore 5 Heontained, 'Telennone 9 scaped. nice location, Dial 623.4205 Why CHEVROLET Rel Air V.8 new green tmish, extra brake. oa | HOUSTON'S ARAGE {aition, W Telephone "Bowmanville, nme dial Yas-gma, Ask tors Nick, i ox nnnnoa Satna suitable iweAGRE farm, frontage Oa Highway aint, semicustomived, adie, Oh or fedi, twe Rew tren, M0. Te | on STATION \S ------~ 6.5 aun ~|FRIGIDATRE Imperial ranges 30° ie COUPE, 980. mrominiy, WEINTIAE 1a, Roose, DaTH, oTeek Minensa Toroes COMMERCIAL otter, Waithy. OR3TR8 TRAN, _ | BRAKE SPECIALISTS. COM. | "OL @ "]Bis washing machine. wringer type. y ivan Available July 3. Dial FMS. gale Sacriticn, Call Pore Perry, MNES, 1) VOLESWAGEN, Okrasa engine, 199 WHITE state truck, model WO a PLETE BRAKE SERVICE | Telephone Ganawa PRS-RIA2 [Both gond Whithy og NIGH private onededroom apartment, POWNTOWN modern eightsnite apart seat Delta, tachometer, windshield wash. éton, Best offer, Dial Ta-8533, MOTOR TUNE-UP AND | | 88 -RESS. i Warren Unreeoat ers, Telephone T2625. iene TRIUMPH seaan, grea 'condilion, | | MODERN bedroom suite, as Pew, COM |FIARE glass boat with secring Wheel, Avenue, TV outlet, Parking, ment Rouse, laundry room Jawndty Troom, Lamediate poswssiO*, garage parking facilities esd reason adults @niy, 8 monthiy, [88086 able, Private sale TWO-ROGM apartmem, very clean. VEA APPROVED modern ranch style Private entrance and bath, Apply 38 fvermemes, Laundry room, attached) _Brock St, N. Whitby a x 2 GENERAL REPAIRS plete 8183; ote day's Bicycle, @8 NOW, sine Mie A ox SM, Almost new, TR ee $23. Dial Tas [9827 Apnly 84 Dunkirk DINING room set, Andrew Malcolm) REFRIGERATOR, 8 cudic "foot, elec. mahogany, twin pedestal table in excehitric: Minch electric eege wringer i And Found j Yent condition, Dial Tan-a7ao. CONVERTIBLE 1982 Ford" Balaxie VA recent motor overhaul and drake jon. automatic, power brakes, steoring, Low 8400 or dest offer, TRI28, 67 KING ST Neal mileage, Totephone TRAIN imy MONARCH sedan, automatic, 723.7 YOM METROR sedan Sa rebuilt fly powered, radio, padded dash WH PONTIAC v ahs Tr ene we = ALL MAKE SERVICE CENTRE phone --TaR-aas? we DELURE VOLKSWAGEN, excel fare, T2R8des. COLBORNE STREET RAST -- Taree yom watarnished apartment, detreom, and 3) Bond Stree Bast, TEI LARGE, small" cabelena = equipment, BF GOODRICH Slorer -- Tiron, Bat Stove, oven, fryer, sink, dishwasher, terion, Kelvinater refrigera' tele. Work table, steamer, grinder, refriger./ Ritaon Road Soura strage on 2 aores nese Lake om motor, goed condition, WIN take trade Completely equipped, Bacelient condi SERVICE washer; dryer: bed, ey RITSON ROAD SOUTH. Be -- Tiree. tam, HHA, Pickering be re' 7 Off Dest offer, Dial 88-4500 Yon, 2000, Telephone VEnai7, Hove your Austin, Morris, aig ay a on cn ie bg we ae oun . [7 oa ar eS with @amande Tenm apartment, Private entrance and pen 10 CTS CHEVROLET sation wagon, ex: 1M CHEVROLET sandard eles 180| MG. Mealey, Sprite, Vone. lar ben ater mal voank: i bg gs and A pint on dand, set C3 Dain, Close to dos, ahoRNE. Parking celtent_ condition throughout, Priced to Ponting, both In excellent condition! TR" oviced by' factory vara North, Ta3-1004 |Gentre, 3.90 poem. Thursday, = SERUEN Warr WANT YOUR sell, 72 Sherwond, Tolephone Fasiays, | Dial T24aei, anny ar eae "-- 'ee oe [lee Oe et eet ar STE "Reward Ta 7a, nad MODERN rree-room apartment, We MUST BE SOLD A FORD -- mechanically good, Price] ie CHEVROLET Bel Ain fear doer] st tac os pal cee agar try Bigg Bel tg beng nls Sr LOST -- Gils B Blue nd oan farmished, $7) monthiy includes he at S323. oF Dest offer, Apply 174 Chorch sedan, windsnield warnere, rear speak, Portment, w | phone T2b-ATR2 Suitable fer restaurant or catering. Danelt ¥. nyere pimmediate orcupaney Tele CALL Street betweet 6.30 and & p.m Sr, 3,900 oriainal rales, Tee con NELS HY AND: T8498 Vieinity. of Townline a 4 z ite Jephone TRARRE.ROOM | or Apartment VOLVO ims METEOR, 26 aac en 1750 Donforth, Toronto TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, di ENGLISH Daby Pram, bine, Rew condi: /cOe 8 Road North, Telephone Ta-eena. Private entrance, hydro and Rot water Mr, Appleby SALE A cellent meter, tires, Must | sell, HO 1.7572 Frealare, chewwuweriiere, comers, b Ro a wi fer Arey 36--1 1 supplied, $80. Rrookiin, Baltwin and Z SALES ond SERVICE dest offer, Dia! Bae paecasicteezacs wre cgucgomeecces -- S "A ntclararaant . en h, TERM, service, Hamilton Office 26 Centre Suvein 725.6544 ~ 723 3398 JAKE & BILL'S ine" PONTIAC. station" Waren," four WHITBY Rqulpment 197 Brock South, Walthy, /RATGHRN chrome eels, ene WORE bNdl Township Schoo! Aree Soa te Wie Sen. Sees payer: oF cn Goer, new paint aol Wee clean car WEST R WE bay, sell and exchange Used duralk/OPe yellow set, 'two occasional a qT ip of hg thay A D. Heman Real Be } 3 GARAGE S885, 'Telephone Yat-Ma2, E N TIRE tare or anything you have, The City/ Down nylon; alse two dayheds, Dial South | Darinigton ree @ JOHN A, | GENERAL REPAIR ond as Post Stores, 446 Simone Street T2962 coretoker for AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Ra § Remanufactured engines from $15) exchenge, BOLAHOOD Anchen ana Teng room, TRMediate poe Oshawa 728.092) EASY TERMS "ay - aeasion. 72RD 2 Daaevone = jem condition Jake's and Bill's Ge vision. Thritty Budget Plan, 7a34h3,/ater, ete, 141 Ossington, Terente. LE Wood Products duties to Sniwerwenee Stowe See CALL 728-51 23 REALTOR BUYING OR SELLING rome, $50 Sieve See, TE 149 Brock St. N DINING Toom" suite, walnut finish, 8 ain immedietely. be- atl conveniences, private OMrahee. . LIMITED - REAL WM FORD. Parly customised, SBD 668-8791 piecon, © "chalte, wapholerered "trgwal HATER bal woken Bi gely Ue ace] >. Crone io downtown Or das, Adela only TED CAMPIN Vas to be seen, Telephone 88-8371, tnathoretie, " condition, $123, Tele. $5; one Torcan electric heater, Smea.| !nterviewa with interested ep- em business aay. Cah aher & Bm We specialize in Whithy 32 cles For $ phone TT ot, SIS: Also Ne rangette, S12 Geld) plicants wil be held at the Dial 72108 ieee PEUGEOT WG one Oenery clean, Sa Ate 'or ale VIRIN aos Uaed only a few Umnes, | oeNUON. Dial Tanaris | schoo! Tustdoy, July 3 ot 8 FRREE-.ROOM aparement. Nice, ear Resale Homes IDE REALTY MOTORS economical, $1,000 er Rearest offer " Rest efter, = plans, After § p.m, BICYCLE, small dew's, road sie, sand am MM, Sec. En. We Teema, WHA BATA. Rew Cupboards Telephone T2820" What" $s My Line? telephone Tan-e4' condition, reasonable, Chrome high niskillen, Seaane wrk Peary Wi me. ChHreA welcome ST WITH LLOYD a ' 60? KING ST OSHAWA WAY BUICK Sedan, "a 'eulnenal . PORTABLE Eoncraiar, S00 Was ae chair, $h; chrome commode chair, $4. Telephone Tati Ty VOLIR MOVER 23-112) last East of Wilson Road) twanamission new last fall, 833, Tele) Buying or selling used fur. [vets Suitame for summer cottage, Temnone_FaRaeas, : MMCOR New oo w Mur corpers HEN CALL YOUR MUVs 723.4494 Res PDS.55)34 phone TRD-1206. eS a niture ond applionces. For Orono 296. COCA-COLA cooler, electric, excellent os soit level wit was VeRNESEEN Egens, Soe) vour seu phone [BUY eo ®t Geet Kewl and Son "comattes Aner soe ee] «=| Want Ads ray PATTSOT ART ' sen a bh net a i appliances. Y J Trreemere DAA. Private entrance LLOYD REALTY Living room with # KELLY DISNEY ake ta Bute Garages ae Ran Valley Creek Furniture heme: (0 Simcoe" Steet Sect APRE Ferrusen'e BA, 3 mite eat of TRIS aker & Hm. TEA wre aplace, ¢ 9 room USED CARS LTD a " y u UlO ray sont Taunton Z SIVEON Sweet, Se toe rooms ene OSHAWA) LTD ides tha agnthage ANB ots ABT Moy ¥200 Dundes Street ihe PONTIAC, tow Ger Nardion Wah 728-440) or coll ct the store rUmENTS A suger wale, anprem OUTING © Boling a et hold the key wtehen, Apply after 4 pm. and a powder room, 3 bedrooms and wiltay cee es : ha cdg gion ayn vat 16% Bond W. mately S30 sheets of RE sys ane eens seen Call Rime, day Trestay to above address den or 4 bedrooms are ell e al 668-589 SL8BS, Mam sell, Detephone P3533 pet Chews print) for only $1.00, Ap. |or Maes. 4 CENTRAL farreem apartmem, heavy good size s 4-nc. tiled Cars bought ond sold TENADaR FILTER QUEEN hy Oshawa Times Office, Whithy iE i to Extra Cash duty WHTHRR, Taundtry Reeitites, Ample bath. A beoutiful home and Liens poid Ask PLYMOUTR Sedan, 6 wandard, Ti Dundan Street West, 6--Lege -- . LLOYD REA weil worth your inspection Trade up or radio, EN or Dest offer, hice ond aad |FLewaRine ahraba, Sheree st we . : Always Tap Qual Tear? ew used mm ie. TeeRy ones a LIST WITH LLOYD INDUSTRIAL LAND be] ipaineerennn eters eR THPALA, vee tee Reine, ea sui | trede-ins from $15, [1a Woilng. "eanaiee North, Highway » t a) s et on » atic, Ww Mies, wea) a Governor THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Sec cols teneien The H Of be mashere, ues ecard Protect your machine! ET CROARSTRIF Gon neers, . $11.900 ants - Pric Pte e ome seat Deka, Excelient use genuine Filters, Atte: Teaaene 7 =) bn. ol facilities, Price drastic- Stan, TAI683. | Sten. © 4 pm, Dal Tas-aneg, Mansions some | Nae ee S | Good Used Cars ae ee ac -- behabiatelliaiadhabedll ae ae 1 Dardtep, 337 ket | eeata, ia) ai am, Luxur One ico wiit-level 3 bee ARBOR COURT 3 bed : shift, consele, ee, Dark od . SLING " : Y .s toa -- Wass sua bak buraeton. By "Before You Buy Rien nian Ment eel Tar TREAT. Filter Queen Sales gel a oy S ---- ROOFING CONTRACTORS *&% 6 @ bungolow of ave inn tOnNn nit . Giw el car *s e 72a Cal Siake's Paurnitere and Apartments NH NNA comme | ore oe wishes Ue, Soe an Coe BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO hy ait me_on the weekend of bs a nfs ae . Take over dalance. Telephone THT ----------... - ee AWNINGS cal ' SO agers wg > 3 Adult Building Ne BY oheston «DS hoards 4-9 wes New _ielephone Numbers after § p.m. tree "aan Ga ee pec oy rt oe 'Sar ntl ane tgedoah tai ens, wee Electric Heat a Homme aitractively decors 668-S87) end 668-3872 ~ -- ---- i Cleve Fon, at 3.00 p.m, (E.0.T)) on e ' : Te ; eetwely, WA CADILLAC eedan, exceptionally ENS 22 Raeee Nee. TUESDAY, JULY 23rd, 1963 afar ase anor wil price D200 end lew VACUUM Cleaner repaira, all waukea| Free Parts, BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 'After § pom, TRES553 Frigidaives--12 cu, ft are ne CHEVROLET tmpala two-door, Pressunzed Ma)iwave COUNTRY LIVING $8,400. FULL PRICE TIME for the Removal of the existing built-up roofing ond insulation Drashea, hoses gearanteed rebailt mart ond the Supply ond Anplication of a built-up roof, mete! ga RESTAURANT Yeor round ehines, Rentals, Wallace Vacuum Ser Sreeeae Locker in Suites ' money. moker cornpietety Darden, VR autamatic, power eqalpped. . Saluare anon on aa $1,000. DOWN equipped. Seats 70. lncoted in Aner 3.00 p.m. T283aM See ELMER for Sere, Cok Sastione, F0G00 etc. on the Triple Dormitory et the Boys' Treining School, Bow- Howe 2 hedreoom buneciow with @ busy Shopping Piozs. Ove 146 BROCK ST, NN, WHITBY Furniture an = ING fourdurner range, geod cee) monville, Onterio. MO re ition. Telephone TR3-3284 Reet qv Speci oetions ond 'fencer Documents edtoined from, or Verity te Winess owner will sacrifice $ ALL CASH $_ m SoMHrooens goreee. Situcted of @ very Sawa S AOE ith leods Excellent opportunity = fer Appliances. AE, GH IP. Weal for cotioge, Al) viewed at Room 6630, manent ao po A Works, East Shek A Few Choice ve taga a Na f For Clean corsa we deol | Ceetition. Trial €33.S138. reas, Corries fer ners A or up or | See All The Porliement Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontere. Locations Available : © VS. ee SPEC] a down, Liens pold off, : AN Rest SEWING machine areca. bow fe. idines, T A $1,000.00 Bid Bond end e 100% Performance Bond will be required a3 specified. Tenders will not be considered unless beg 4 unless made on forms supplied by The lowest or omy tender not necessarily eccepted. Come buy the Best for less. OPEN 8 AM. TO 10 P.M, EVERYDAY CALL HAMPTON yeeus tein needle, Elna portables, $28.) | Year Rina deakr Omawa Sewing | Centre TRS, i FF, Saal, Ciceliont condiden. SO Apply S57 Bark Strent eronthly, Taxes very low only 35 minute drive: to Osh- awe, Coli Si Drumm nok now for GQnpoietrrert to m spect, 728-3323 o 723 NORTH EAST AREA A spotless S room 134 storey hore, new FMA. furnece Attractive living room and wrodern kitchen, 4.00. bath Immediate Possession TELEPHONE 9AM. 09 PM NICOLS MOTORS LTD. $12 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-800! ~ 668-8101 THIS WEEK 1959 CHEVROLET 9345 Rta ny STAUFFER posture nechine. like Rew, veian. Waa, aks STA Paw STATION WAGON, 6-cylind- 263-2294 or Com SINS pies atiachmente. Com] Portioment Buildings, 4. D. Miller, Schofield-Aker Lived Realty (Qshewe) Limited good wegarane i ne, see ._ Stondord__ trengmiation TILDEN 263-2695 ple S180 Tee Oe Toronto 2, Ontoria, Chama Lienited 102 Sirrcoe Street Nowth ThA OMe vedi ery Cleon ag RANGE rte. ue Faadaire "retrieer yetger, June 25th, 1963, Depertment of Works, | Ghee, Onene S| CAR_AND TRUCK a) on THE COMFORT OF A LARGE SPECIAL nettresses, S15 each. Te 'SARS. 723-2265 OPEN EVENINGS M ves) Veena o 26--Room: For Rent ae moons trleve ewtd =e a Wrest RENTALS BAMBOO DRAPERIES | WHEEL CHAIRS (Continued on Page 28) sree srover exct: =~ SCHOFIFLD-AKER on We ae | Mes a 0 CASS rN oe | oe t eorated fet ~ sien rooms ond the lenge Hving Standard tronetmission. radia 14 Albert St - 24 im, Por 2.98 «469 ~ OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS roam, centrally owed. Cam TRhaak LARGE formeted rom, Rohan pret room, plus the well plonned 2 New Tires $650 36 HK, Por 44> 698 Hospite! beds, welkers, bed- side commodes, crutches, eaes. SGR middle-aged lady. Apety & RE SURE TO SEE THIS love Kitchen which looks ut on ; 4 PO CA ; 3.9 ° Rieor Fam TARR hiakaabee Auscaied Gis & dedae the fenced yerd with @ patie 93S FORD 34 ton pickup SPOT SH 4 = ~e > 2 < 4 SHAE, Seneere NUNS FURNMED oom fer singe Person. treed street off Simcoe St and space for the children te No rust $450 PAID FOR 72 in. Per «= B9B 13.98 ae yon tee, SHAPED FOR HALF SIZES Teepieme TSI ce RD Nasane Street nionned Rav cater, ' - 40 ws 2 25-1644 PARK ROAD: Nordh ai Ring darnisted etn bate All cora under 30 dey writen" Gned cleon cars. Trede up 84 mn. Por 10.4 pe : ; Te Tun, Sk ep, Rian he en deco * WHITRY 314.900 + Geasertes at down, Liens poid off 96 in. Por «(912.98 17.49 OASIS DEHUMIDIFIERS vee erenre Telepheme TaR-TeaR FURNERED Soak seam ~ level he with OPEN THIS HOLIDAY 2 f ond liveable SRURG, cheese een porn a scl an WEEK-END 26s 2. ce CAFE CURTAINS PARKWAY TELEVISION 2 @ extra ierge bs Bee i POATAC AN -- Naa saw Ore of the ny vas. GU vedas We a MIKE'S GENERAL REPAIRS _ RELIABLE 918 Simene Novth we Bee ar NEM a go pene (dass MIPSC TAM be LL MAKES OF CARS Furniture -- Interiors 723-3043 ae von Ree ten Dovehere ar Pat poe wT ome Sage EMM. i ionaily Jondscaned Ist sur PARK 123 coe. wean All Foreign Moke Cora T3792 0 dunng Summer SNCS SOUTA A --Recie eaeas, HATES HA Deentifal burge @ Qolt Erving range. med. RAGLAN STATHAM Downtown Oshewe +2 Stren, SS. per week, Aprty atone | Ow | Dar Be " a om mre possession, Ideal invest. B.A, SERVICE BOATS, MOTORS ] . nq Toor, Yaese bedrnowa, rari Ritson Rood ond K i WNGLE ROOM compierer i TONER an bothrao 655-3528 223 ON DISPLAY ; om amt Saye end sae tee ae tom A herve tat ben exengiiene WELL ESTABLISHED Print uceute ae 723-4733 ond FAIIT2 After hos ssid ed & @ veh rooted bw "S Sunes Minding new Grew Creisers, Traveler Mo- oy aa Oshawa's Service Centre byertory oe ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS mm this aren, Ciese to Henry S. High' Schee! Loge pre- NEW HOMES NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION ----- LOW LOW DOWN LOCATED PAYMENTS ™. THE At bechoom woth carne? is OSHAWA AT LAKEVIEW aed machines, Inquire today WORKING MAN'S HOME Niomthly pewmerts of only $83.00 2 month USED CAR LOT DODD MOTOR SALES PARTS AND SERVICE : Chrysler-Dodge-Plymouth-Vatiant ROLL UP SHADES 96 King Street East Air Compressors Keens vour bosement dry Closed Seturdey ot 32 neon Boots, Evinrude, Volvo-Pento end O.M.C. 8B Motors. * Open Unt 8 PM MARINE relly gpl aig END. 3 AND 4 BEDROOM doth principal ond 1 hp. $354 Coftatween Send 7R™ ANS. GIVE USA CALL Well mammmamed S Dodge And Fargo Trucks re sas | ee > ee 82 PAR KRD Now NRA MORTGAGES, turgelow clowe h d 10 Pp. $780 _Brooklin Ont 6353 364) NORTH nnn AE lege. 'ate vee -- oo C ryco Parts and Accessories : hp. a aoe COUNTRY LIVING | Neorly TH RTS Wisconsin Gas a. Lakefield Boat » ¥ Secroern brick sench SMI SPC ) e TIMES Maen end Mary > Surquiow with oteched ge Engine WP $ 14 Fr. Cedar Strip el Ee 353 KING STREET WEST C A ee slg Bota CLASSIFIED Oe peg a Fe om ge TELEPHONE 728-734) reer woh Sigg eet ree 18S real ADS Yoo Grandview Gordera practi re, Ter eee a ae aeons - . 3 4P_ Ges erpire, 3 biedes Complete with vemmte con: wee Eer of Meretes baat ult : een windshield, steering K seen wae NEWCASTLE -- Reviewent HO | | » A ¥ Drill Press el oo ik im wee WOR ewe wim Airey tH > ond %> inch, ree Ho os fa Reason | inde, On mom corrar industrial Paint $390." FOR YOu we 2 gee Sawer. Ment pe gelin $750 te soll ts cere & leave he chumty. Low Gren ney wre. Eacelient tena BUSY BODY SHOP -- Going Water Pump .. $115 & hp. oes eneme ord bese Table Sow . $95 DAYTIME 728-8252 Evewings: Whitby 668-8706 = : ® WHILE , MARGARET ALL Pa 1338 YOu SPECIAL STEVE MACKO «--«-PDB.SBER PAULINE BEAL 725.0239 aac ak a ene RAL SEEERE PDS.ITDS -- wt de sold, huilé. Beever Moke with Cabinet WORK, SLEEP REG. AKER 78S | Cheon Saenn e OPEN THIS WEEKEND . aries ..35) --_--- | or PLAY SN RRS ee | Seren tre : Often Tree DRAPERIES. : YO King HW "cg at wa ord wre. Lacated rear AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE Ingersol-Rand i Pa -- st plmey More with bardree } t Wrench $95 Moat Reasonable Prices i 2 ACRES -- 00 ent meng | me Price $2245 Sale $2095 Ve inch elect pecs Fabrics . $1,000 ger cee. Tors sth ie bat Air Hi ne WHITBY CLASSIFIED se hadhgaales i es MINOR ed Regutor Price ger yord $1.98 . SS gy eguior Price 5 Sale $1395 Refrigeration Unit on Saat ane, Oe as Gaia ae be psig Sheet Ree, Wales a Se. SS Se See. Seles pon Se oe -- MINI MINOR STATION WAGON mar tak -- by Radiant gives hall sizes. Dreeey Gays -- withest FOR RENT 'aimee eperemo a Pes i oy bb 5 on ate eguior Price $1695 Sale $1645 3D golien capacity with hose M. And .. '| a New, narrower Jonk all the salen, a ter aan ee on me 3 % Sreet Sowth eae. ae wav . ore aRS tect a NM and spray QuTs wav from tp % tem See a . Booting ond Comping SS See ee Pa rPrce S88 le stags | Electric Motor. Drape tow clever 5 de -- see i avatiahte Ral Save 12, * Pct 3 Meck Sereet Sma, | OPE Baily Pam. to B nm Neguic ce 2 e@ $1495 Warr pery how the vertical line of the 3a, 184, 18K, BAR IQ. Cah RRR ate S -- Miran OONTRAeS Sze 2 . WRDE SS ere Me nee at eg aie en OSHAWA 7 Se --_--- ---- oe Opener, Jeon Pencnck vere Brown, " S Printed Pattern M23 is beaa- requires FX yards. Send ONS RENTAL me, Se Ling Coron Roy. Fimto 'a Machinery Goods LOTE | taty rea ft Guat. a ee DR eee MERWE AND SALET Sing Giang wth the happy Shen Tres ter aremont Garage Sales & Seqvice c For your decanting needs Asta ya spre tg to Samas beeen on Reng bind 3 DUNDAS EAST TORS who Ove Ocoee ory eh Lee = ~~ Moern Wolsey ompany a ears this smart emsembie in Linea - Ontaria, Canada, Ontaries . WHITBY 668.3226 GUIME REALTY Laie rm Austin Healey S97 Simncoe Street South 123-4624 with @ silk texture (the fabric residents a@@ 3 cents sales | whet e@ Wert Ad con do.) aacien, 16 Smee BB | Telephone Claremont 649-210! j Telephone. 725-9216 74 Galina Strent, Quran | Same oe ark wn _ Site Sheaber aber and Sima

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