Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Jun 1963, p. 17

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eke ovgengionininecan neti: Tat MA omge® Mire THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, June 28, 1963 17 29----Automobiles For Sale i086 VOLSKWAGEN Deluxe, » Ad radio, w: comes anl Bill's G 449 arage, Ritson 29-----Automobiles For Sale 1968 CHEVROLET a two door -|hardtop, -many 'Telephone 29--Automobiles For Sale | 75-3682, 1961 gg ly a etation re bens bohe ni custom radio, = wagon, four door, automa' radio, |cellen condition," Genuine " bargain ise PONTIAC, Siraio Chie, toa Srna 81988. 'Telephone 735-8132, "1$495. May be t South End BP brakes, padded dash. Excellent condi- i957 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, good eon-/5ttion, Bloor East, near Albert. One owner, $1,895, Telephone 728- dition, Best offer. Dial 728-4977. i95§ METEOR new two tone paint. One ions OLDSMORILE, automatic, ¢door,|owner. $425. Telephone 726-3423, needs some work. 8135, Dial '1061 ise) CHEVROLET, 1 Bel A Ai automatic, fan eas, coach, ba Take over ee 1057 CHEVROLET Bel Air V8, new |paint, semi-customized, radio, $849 or or offer, on, Whitby | 668-5715. Fea VOLKSWAGEN, t belts, a Telephone 725- 725-6245. CONVERTIBLE 1962 Ford onaxe vs automatic, power epee mileage. 'Telephone 728- | 1054 METEOR sedan iain rebuilt |motor, good condition, Will take trade|® or best offer. Dial 668-4500. 1954 PONTIAC two-door, two-tone blue and white, A-1 condition, radio, $375. | Dial 623-3495, 1959 HELLMAN MINX four-door sedan, An economical second car. Special) "** price this week, $395. Jake's and Bill's'i9é2 CHEVROLET Impala two-door, Garage, 449 Ritson South. 728-0921, | hardtop, V8 automatic, power equipped. 79s p44 728-5080. a i93§ BUICK, two door, hardtop, mew|After 3.30 p.m, See a eee TILDEN o best offer, Apply 791 Simooe South, CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS {All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trode up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH AS le 29----Automobiles For Sale 1958 CHEVROLET BEL AIR, four door sedan, automatic, radio, piwer whitewalls and poe 27-4Real Estate for Sale 100-ACRE farm, a oa 12, house, barn, creek, Illness forces sale Sacrifice, Call Port Perry, 985-2985, / ing, none 728-8383 DOWNTOWN modern eight-suite apart- ment house, iaundry room, three-cit 27---Real Estate For Sale Patio, storage ation room, 61 Exeter. nen oe Estate oe See room , frontage by 100 hen, and bath, main' Dial Cacnaren 906-4410 after § p.m. | shed, paved » reere floor of house, 728-260! ESTATE SALE = five-room, 1\4-storey |nicely Pinedacaped, "Fio0,000, ae nme | frame house with three-piece bath and) 942-341 Nonrn SURURBS, re, ome nls, rewelltred Vesore lot wih| Lor ae SALE -- 10%" trontage by . oreek, ated oa wa, clone] 199), : oft A built-in cupboards, hardwiod floors, tile to school and stove, This is good value tae inure fed ie tee te ae fie rfvate sale taeot Very reason: kitches, spacious lawn: bus service.) a. 99500, 'Terms arranged. Kowal Realling qistance from bus, churches, 'pub- 0. a or | Betate, Bowmanville 623-2453, lie, separate or high 'school, $49 per|PRIVATE SALE -- income property,| BOND EAST, ity -- room apart-| THREE. BEDROOM ranch - _atyle brick| frontage foot with services paid, 728 |on King West, 16 wom nine ment, movi decorated, 1." avaiable im-/ and stone fro! 6837 four bathroom.. down payment mediately, Telephone 728-1359. fenced, mluminuim storms tnd eh be ag -- Telephone mornings or "apartment, unfurnished,|#12,000, 6 pe' cent NHA mortgage S-9373 2 King Street Rast at bus stop. Heavy| Terms srranged. 720-0198, 1464 Evan. UXBRID( 10 acres, with five- wiring, heated, hot and cold water mp8 ine Drive. room ranch style bungalow, All conven-| Nied, Available August 1, 725-5973 a5, Aches -- ax nes eaut ot Oshawa) lence small: ners, 30 minutes to oe TTY 2 ---- furniahed|on 401 ighway, e! ne wan) awa, Sol us door. 500, salt-oonh pie Th gl soon «| ville 623-5344 evenings. Smith, UL 3665, vate entrance, "| FOUR-ROOM bungalow, on one acre of FOR SALE -- building lot in new sub- cilities, suitable for couple, land, Near Mosport, Reasonable price. division, water. supplied, 100 x 214, by above address, ro mvp. {CAN Orono ARE, | Co-Op, 728-4809. SOUTH END, large apartment, " pri-| pRivaTE "eight room brick how vate entrance, two bedrooms, large storeys, oll heated, quiet location, living room, midern le pow pe it Bren Mary Street North. 'Telephone. 725-6016. heal nfm ode tes be tuple." sit busines couple, (BROILER FARM, Fully automatio|™mnianed om ; 4 Adults, Before & p. 25-3562, 000 655-3457. NICE ON] iDROOM "apartment, cen) harn , 45 acres on lakefront, Hie eee a rooms, four apartments tral location, TY outlet, Laundry room. | 569 , "rar Real money maker. rented. 'Terrific income. vag Don ton Road North, $3200 with terms, ------- possession, $70, minthly, Kowal Real Estate, Bowmanville 629- bok! 728-8493, D. W. Wilaon I = N Shore Realty Co, Lid, Oshawa. 23-7970, re orth PRIVATE two-storey house with |Dial_ 725-3568. steel construction .moterials Hees ROOM apariment in Brookiin, var "BUNGALOW for sale in Whitby,|kitchens, could be made as ceparete| THRRW-SEDWODIT bo requires senior clerk for pur- central, sdie-sacs couple or widow! six rooms, attached garage. Must $7,900, schools, churches, bus. Available Sep- chasing ond reloted records. 655-4861,/ sel, owner being transferred, Dial! apartments, Owner must eat. full price, 728-5770, tember 1, Asking $12,500, Call 723-2140 Good math and mechanical OURGON "heated apartment, in-| 668-2318 ae ae 7 Pm, Private sale. No agents, optitude required, Bookke- [cluding electric : $500 18 THE full down payment rit ing experience an asset [washing machine, this bungalow located in the country. | LLOYD REALTY 4 ARRY MILLEN. | is is an opportunity for a beg Asew rr oe Call Dong Gower at 8. D, Hyman Ltd, | we LIST WITH LLOYD | | REAL ESTATE i Dial 798.6: young mon to gain exper- 723. ience ond progress with @ lsanaacew, ---- BOWMANVILLE eS ee Pete CALL SOUR eve 9 BAGOT ST., 728-1679 growing company, near schools and bus ha Immediate 144°, eax mrareis aining senna; nba For more information ponneneien, Disk Te eee. scaped, nice location, Dial 623-7295. EAST END $2,000.00 down will buy this telephone Mr, G. Alexander mat ROWE BROS. AND COMPANY (CANADA) LTD. pretty 3 bedroom bungalow with split level entrance, walk out, basement, well lo- cated for al! schools, nicely 942-6500 18--Male or Female decorated, immediate posses- sion. Full price $14,000.00. Help Wanted WANTED Call Loreen Kellett 723- 3770 for further information, TAX! DRIVERS Men or Women Apply MERCURY TAX! 14 Albert Street 725-4771 17----Male Help Wanted District Sales Represei,tative Wanted peerian ville, Uxbridge, Hope, Beaver- ton. Also Oshowa oreo. High eormings for ri person, Sales experience helpful but not necessory, Cor required. WRITE TO BOX 817 OSHAWA TIMES _ PURCHASING CLERK Ajox monufocturer of sheet |25----Apartments -- peg ag furnished living two bedrooms, kite! ing oor ax Five "rooms ior, way = ean eee lenne, ie ine , au a Al Russ's City Ser ily equipped. cee eee and Cordova un» 1960 PONTIAC. ie dove harden, © exh Inder, stick beret Must lust sell, Telephone on iF PLYMOUTH ve sedan, Sr Patina or best offer. | a $11,000. TAKES seven-room brick house, small barn. Nestleton district. Modern |: kitchen, bath, oil furnace. Property con- tains five acres, half acre raspberries jand some a 8. Fred Cook, Real Estate. Call Marvin Nesbitt, 986-4894, Nestieton, ONE-STOREY house in Nestieton, four- rooms with bath; garage, pied ae $7,400, with $1,000, down, ec Real Estate, Call "nied ee ceabit, mia ton, 94, NASSAU Street, six-room stucco house, Take A Safe Vacation In A Fine: USED CAR 1960 METEOR TWO DOOR SEDAN : Snappy V8 motor, standord transmission, Custom radio, 35,400 one owner miles, $1495 | 1960 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE TWO DOOR Standard transmission, spork- ling two-tone finish, Mech- anically perfect, $ 495 1956 MONARGR, fu tion. Low mileage, $425, Di: 1962 DELUXE VOLKSWAG! cel. lent Genditior Jake's and Bill's Ga- Low/ "88, 449 Ritson South, 728-0021, 1955 FORD -- mechanically good, Price ar eet efter, Apply 174 Chureh speed 6.30 and & p.m. Seat belts, low brs Excellent con ick, | dition. 723-1682, . NEVER SELL yiur ear or 'a-ton pick- up until you see Nels T= ugeae 1750 1968 PONTIAC Parisienne Danforth, Toronto, HO 1.6364. "hardtop, 327-V8, an partake nde. telfccel A A a pl Gea cowdian tacsaten Szceptionally 799° miles, Must sell. Dial After "6 p.m, 725-5555. Okrasa engine, | |. wash. VLA APPROVED modern ranch style backup lights, five-rooms, Laundry room, attached gwarage on 2 acres. Adjacent Lake On- tario, 915,400. Pickering 942-0517, WE "you inspect our coun- l®-acre suburban building - try estates, il| lots, 414 miles from Oshawa on 'Thorn- Paste te Biva, 1956 F PONTIAC, station wagon, four 'Sen Paint job, nice clean car, $605. Telephone 7 728-3422. 1959 PONTIAT convertible, V8, 1 auton matic, radio, plus other extras. Tele [phone 7&8857 1935 PONTIAC» sedan, standard, $396. or best offer, Dial 728-9838, i983 FORD, 1 Partly custon 'customized, Has to be seen, Telephone 668-837: Whitby, ines _RAMBLER American convertible, wi | 723. 2397 between 5 and 7, 1934 BUICK V3, ¥ tone "coach, ¢ original _. owner, very clean condition, standard radio, low mileage. $11,900. 2 TO CHOOSE FROM One is a split-level 3. bed- room home and the other is a bungalow, Both have 6% N.H.A. mortgages. Call me on the week-end at home, Bill Johnston 728- 1066. COUNTRY LIVING $8,400. FULL PRICE $1,000. DOWN 2 bedroom bungalow with gorage, Situated on a very spacious lot with loads of trees. Carries for $75.00 monthly, Taxes very low - only 5 minute drive to Osh- awa, Call Ed Drumm right apartment with colored ae bath and vanity, Hollywood type kitchen and dinette, In' duplex, 723-2977. OND STREET KAST -- threeroom| TWO Guest Cottages apartment, $65, Refrigerator, electric Full Price $550 stove. Private bath, 'oj! heated. Suit. able for couple, no children, Available Move them on your own lot. One hos dirconditioning and Dial 725-9214, electrical heating elements. One sells for $350, Seaway Motors A beautiful automobil th LTD. acoromical 6 cnet oor | | tible 98 Al Condition $625 like men $1,895. Must be seen to be and standard transmission. | | | appreciated, Private, 333 Simcoe South, 1957 MERCURY 4-door | 1950 VOLRESWAGEN, real good one, 200 Dundas W. This one owner car is clean es a pin i NORCO. Py Deere $775 " private Telgphone "sn: $1095 WHITBY | 1959 FORD | STATION WAGON | Two door, Custom radio, A-1 | tires. Completely refinished in dazzling blue and white. $1295 July 1 Governor Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat 1959 FORD Call Bill Millar 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Limited PORT. PERRY AREA REG | 're | Make me | 4908. 1956 VOLKSWAGEN One i960) PONTIAC convertible A-1 condi in § 67 King Street East owner $495 20--Room and Board ROOM and board for one gentleman, close to downtown and North Gen- 728- 3643 eral Motors. 29 Elgin East, Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidaires--12 cu. ft, Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites Loundry room on each now for appointment to in- spect, 728-5123 or 725- 9345, Lloyd Reolty (Oshawa) Limited Excellent offering of modern and old homes, forms, small able prices. Low toxes, For | 1959 PONTIAC PARISIENNE Luxury equipped with outo- matic transmission, power » 1955 tigi Pc 2-door | jtion, V8 fully automatic, power brakes, $2200. Telephone Whit- | Power fa al |Dy 668-8276 ai ¥ condition. $450 | 106 PeUG PEUGEOT 403, one owner, clean, 'conomical, \seresmee 728-2038, $1,000 or nearest offer, | j | | : | @creages and lots, at reason- | Four door sedan, Six cylinder j ' | | . one wil 1960 MGA convertible sportacar, Call Howard Mackey 985- | $ 1395 | 668-0879 MARIJANS [consider trade. Disi mae whee 2127, Cuieb St. Port Perry. 9 =; ag rad! "oF lies | GARAGE Bae in, na ae 290 CORDOVA ROAD KEITH REALTORS MONEREY SEDAN | Phone _¥39-1946. 725-5101 |ies2 FORD, | LTD Attractive green and white ped, channelled, . finish. Complete with outo- 3652 |Telephone 725- matic, radio, deep tread | | whitewall tires. ie See cate Sd oo a 78, Only $695 1962 GALAXIE ' 1957 PONTIAC SUNLINER tear OLDSMOBILE super 88, G-door LAURENTIAN Convertible, Black with white top, ' condition. Apply Fer- guson's BA Service Station, 3 miles east Four door hardtop. V8 motor, automatic, radio and power of Taunton. 1 BUICK sedan, four door, black steering, A perfect holidoy car. Only $895 white, automatic 1955 CHEVROLET _ VOLKSWAGENS $2995.| COMMERCIAL | ine tes SU telehene rs. Gleaming two-tone blue finish cylinder, standard del mode! 1962 WINDOW VAN Two tine green, 8905. Dial Tapsaa, } } V8 motor, automatic, radio, ond four new tires. en, 2 Oe eee 1960 DELIVERY VAN | {257 CHEVROLET BelAir station wagon Only $595 101 Simcoe Street North wa, Ontario OPEN EVENINGS GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 $15,000 COUNTRY RANCH- ER with attached garage. 3 bedrooms, large lot. $2,500. down, One mortgage for bal- ance. This home is in excel- lent condition. 4-pe. tiled bathroom with vanity. Rec. room portially finished PRINCE ALBERT Large 1} room home on 3 acres with large chicken house and gorage. Town woter. Near schools and store. Home has 4 kitchens and can be used as separate apartments. Full price $12,900. SPLIT LEVEL -- 3 bedroom home. Finished rec room op- ening onto patio, Large liv- ing room with picture win- dow, This home is just 4 yeors old and owner will take a low down payment. $12,900 FULL PRICE for this 5 room brick bungolow in lovely condition. Only 5 years old. All good sized rooms, neor 401 Highway and close to oll schools N.H.A. RESALE -- 542% mortgage. Large modern bun- galow in oe good location near schools and bus service, 3 bedrooms with plenty of clothes closet spoce, 4-pc. tiled bathroom, Large mod- ern kitchen with dining area. Recreation room partially fin- ished 4 BEDROOMS -- convenient to downtown but in a fine residential area. 2 storey solid brick home in tip top condi- tion. Large modern kitchen, Garage ond paved drive. A quality built home. Full price $12,900. RANCH BUNGALOW attached gorage only steps from Simcoe St. 6 large rooms in excellent condition with finished recreation room in basement. Asking $16,500 with $2,000 down and owner will hold mortgage. COTTAGE AT CAESAREA-- fully furnished including el- ectric stove and fridge. Beau- tiful lot, Asking price $2,900, 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGA- LOW in excellent condition with private drive and go- rage. Property. cleor ond owner will hold one mortgage ot $80. per month. Full price $11,500. WELL ESTABLISHED REST- AURANT business in New- castle. Must be sold. Owner leaving the country. BUILDING LOTS -- near Highwoy No. 2, 75 x 200. Good terms. Prices stort ot $2,000. 7 ACRES on Gerrard Rd. N. Commercial. 300 apple trees and storage shed on property. Builders terms. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. For full porticulers call 723-1121 Tony Siblock -- Roy Flintoff Jean Peacock Monitius Irene Brown Steve Eriglert Lioyd Corson Lucas Peacock Dick Young Steve Zurbs GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S$. nd board for ee wt aor wok Telephone efficient courteous service Ajax" 942-0397. ROOM and board for gentieman, day shift preferred, near north General) Motors. Telephone 725-0972 LADY PENSIONER, Protestant, de- sires same to share home as compan. jon, Light housekeeping duties in ex- change for room and board. Abstainer and non-smoker, Ajax 942-1687 $14 PER WEEK, suitable for men will- ing to share rooms, single beds. Tele phone 728-3396. 22--Offices, Stores, Storage Limited LARGE SIX-CaR garage for __ 7 Bloor East. Telephone 728-88: 723-2265 MODERN OFFICE. 360 square feet, 6. $60, monthly, Available immediately 2 Rooms For Rent NICE single room in private home Telephone 668-3253 eee msm | Close to bus and downtown. Apply 74 Oshawa Bivd. South. 728-0852 ATHOL STREET EAST, 230 -- Gan, quiet, newly decorated bed sitting room, centrally located.' Call 725-1938. OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED Getk'Wiam, close te dowstown, near OFFICES AVAILABLE bus stop, Telephone 725-0816 floor Vanity in bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9AM. to9 P.M Schofield-Aker METCALF Real Estate Limited AO King St. E. Dial 728-4678 BEATRICE STREET See this beoutiful extra large 5 room home today! Paved drive, garage,. extra bathroom, beautifully land- scoped lot, ond close to St Joseph's seperate school, or Public schools CENTRAL PARK BLVD, N. Ideal location for this 2 bed- room bungalow, paved drive, well landscaped lot, close to all services, home in excel- lent shape. Early possession on this one only $1 1,- 300 with down pay- ment ALBERT STREET $10,000 is asking price on this 6 room 2 storey. Ideal for fomily wonting to locate near Duplate and Holy Cross Low down poyment wil! toke this one steering. Your Authorized Dealer For Ford's Family of Fine Cars. low coupe, chop- Oldsmobile motor: 29--Automobiles For Sale | i963 ACADIAN, sport "convertible, igh beige, low mileage, spotless, s28s. Auto- Magic Car Wash, n6 Bond West KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 Dundas Street WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always Top Quality SUITE 1962 CORVAIR MONZA SPORTS COUPE White with red interior $2395 | | four-door, FRc torngiat automatic trans- . Privatel, wned Thoroughly reconditioned [since purchased new, 3050. At iv 300 Fully GUARANTEED Apply 599 Annapolis Avenue. Dial 728-4344. ot low 1933 CHEVROLET, _ door, da green finish, extra dg cabies, 'radio, twe new 5 725-6832. 1950 WHITE state ¢ truck, model WC i6, $ton. Best offer. Dial 728-8535. 1959 TRIUMPH sedan, | good "condition, recent motor overhaul and brake job, $400 or best offer. 728-9283. 1937 MONARCH sedan, 3 fully powered, ,_Fadio, G i tion. $600. Telephone 723-2117, VOLKSWAGEN Pig hg A | DEALER Dial 723-4001, : 1960 THUNDERBIRD | 354 Ritson Rd. South sta windatild washers, rest eect er, 37,200 original miles, excellent con HARDTOP _ Oshawa Phone 723-3461 Telephone 725-9612. dition, 81,3575. 2 tor e blue, Fully equipped oe SPECIAL | GENERAL REPAIRS pao | ALL MAKES OF CARS THIS WEEK y 1959 CHEVROLET | PARTS AND SERVICE | All Foreign Moke Cars STATION WAGON, 6-cylind- er, Standard transmission, | STATHAM B.-A. berg 8 rodio. Very Cleon: Cor. j $1495 | rk good $100, Telephone SABYAN Motor Sales Ltd. AUTHORIZED The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy. Give Bill A Try" New Telephone Numbers 668-5871 ond 668-5872 BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY ak of Cec, Hort 1962 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 'BILL DREW | Hardtop, V8, radio, whitewalls | MERCURY SALES $2995. | Your. outhorized Ajax Mercury Dealer TELEPHONE AJAX 942- 1030 ~ Oshawa' s Service Centre for Chrysler-Dodge--Plymouth-Valiant Dodge And Fargo Trucks Chryco Parts and Accessories SMITH SPORTS 353 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-7341 KELLY DISNEY Used Cars Ltd. MOVED TO SPACIOUS NEW LOCATION TO SERVE YOU BETTER Feel free.to drop in end inspect our focilities and our stock of good used cors. 1200 Dundas East WHITBY 668-5891 We are never satisfied until you are, HOLIDAY SPECIAL OPEN THIS WEEKEND AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE : with hardtop Regular Price $2245 Sale $2095 MORRIS MINI MINOR Regular Price $1495 Sale $1395 MORRIS MINI MINOR STATION WAGON SAVES $$ | | ORCHARD HEIGHT, Subdivision | "Norse miner minor Sunes N E W C A . . L E Regular Price $1595 Sale $1495 See these ond mony other Fine Cars in the @ to stores, school ond only 15: minutes drive i WILDE one sae B.M.C. Line i ; ; with income apartment, save $3,000 on your new home. Services pre- ° | RENTAL cr danaic es Claremont Garage Sales & Service SERVICE AND Sales i i 141S DUNDAS EAST 668-5640 JOHN F. DeWITH, REALTOR | me WHITBY 668-3226 14 FRANK ST. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-3950 | automatic, dash. LOTS OF LOTS In all sections of Town and Suburbs, Coll for more de- toils. Let us Show you our 10 acre parcels OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial (728-4678 Joe Maga Jack Osborne Ken Hann Lloyd Metcolf dehn Kemp Dick Borriage 'SCHOFIELD-AKER CLOSE TO DONEVAN HIGH SCHOOL - Are you looking for a 5 room brick bungelow in one of Oshawa' s finest developments? See this immaculate 3 bedroom, living room and kitchen with @ lorge eating creo. Home is only 7 years old and well landscaped. Don't miss this one with monthly poyments of $78.C0 including taxes. all today JUST LISTED -- Stone: front split level home with o beou- tiful view, This home has a large modern kitchen, separ- ate dining room, built-in bookcase in living room. Pic- ture a home in a good loca- tion in an orea of fine homes, sae "98 1961 ZEPHYR 4 door sedan, radio | $1245 723-4733 and 753° 7712 VOLVO SALES ond SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449. Ritson Rd. 5S. _ Oshawa 728-097 0921 $ ALL CASH $_ For Clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY _ 668-8001 - 668-8101 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) \723-4494 Res. 725-5574 30--<Automobiles Wanted NEVER SELL your car or your ¥tom Ponietth Avcien, Senn It the 1730 Danforth A' » Toronto, HO 1 1 acim Ga Auto Wreckers want cart care for Highest prices paid. Wentworth East. 725-1181, Mo "YOO CARS WANTED Buying a New Cor? Sell your ond car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 3 s--Automobile Repair HOUSTON'S GARAGE | and SERVICE STATION - BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST WEST 723-7822 ~ SERVICE Hove your Austin, Morris, ag Healey, Sprite, Volvo, T.R. serviced by factory mechanics, large ports de- © portment, work guaronteed,' NELS HYLAND 1750 Danforth, Toronto HO 1-7572 Want Ads hold the key to Extra Cash Ritson Road a: 1957. VOLKSWAGEN Con- vertible. Block, Radio, 1956 PONTIAC, 6-cylinder, Stondard transmission, radio, 2 New Tires $650 | 1955 FORD ¥% ten pickup No rust $450 All cars under 30 day written Whitewalls, $595 11960 ZEPHYR 1 White with red trim $1095 ' LARGE furnished room, kitchen privil- Approximately 1000 sq. ft. (cges Suit middle-aged iady Apply 337 SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Bloor East, Telephone 728-8317 C FURNISHED room for single person Ask for MR. T. L. WILSON -- 'Teiephone 725-2198 or 82 Nassau Street FURNISHED bedroom for rent, adult TELEPHONE family. Gentleman preferred. 725-3295 PARK ROAD North at King furnished ey bine suit lady, Kitchen to share. Pri- ate entrance lephone 723-7443. FURNISHED single room, newly 23--Wanted To Rent corated, close to hospital. ONE. OR TWO-BEDROOM apartment "55% 7 required by couple. Available last week PONTIAC INN -- Rooms, of August, preferably west or north- double, Television privileges. F: west district. 725-9010 after 3. ing, Weekly or nightly rates, 7. FURNISHED three-room seif-contain-| FURNISHED room for two brothers of ed apartment, close to hospital. Want-/two friends or one single gentleman ed Dy two adults. Telephone Whitby Dial 728-6967, . _.| SIMCOE SOUTH, 163 -- Single furnish. HOUSE with three bedrooms x Osh-| ed bedroom, 36. per week, Apply above awa for Joly i. Good tenants. Teile-| address. Phone Acton '853-1590 days collect. (SINGLE ROOM, completely furnished THREE-BEDROOM house in Whitby,,On quiet dead-end street, north of hos. clase to schools, from July 31, Teie-/ pital, $7. weekly phone 728-1419. |Parking. WANTED -- -- Two rooms, -- . main For Pyro with ous chi, Gall T2100. Ack ter 'bir ATTRACTIVELY Potter. WANTED -- jarge house with ali con FURNISHED ROOMS veniences, will consider farm house. with or without land. District ef Taun.| Avoilable in private home. ton Read, Bowmanville or Hampton. Coll between 5 end 7 p.m. Phone after 6, Oshawa 728-360). 82 PAR KRD 24--Houses For Rent NORTH TWO-BEDROOM 'house, North On awa. convenient bus = service. monthly, 738-0717 or 725-9206 *'27--Real Estate For Sale VIMY AVENUE -- Bungalow, two bed- = SCO [) then cal! us to see the rest, ing, al wes, 33. eet NEW HOMES NOW iL. conveniences, per month i UNDER Telephone 725-8769. CONSTRUCTION LOW, Teoms, modern. paved driveway. Stove CALL 728-5123 LOW DOWN PAYMENTS, PLANS. GIVE US A CALL LIST WITH LLOYD FOR THE FOLLOWING TYPE LLOYD: REALTY |. Serie ee 6 room bungalow in the aad refriger with Available Jaly 31. rtments MODERN three-room apartment, un furnished, $70 monthly inclades at at hydro. te occupancy phone 728-2716. [E-ROOM main floor apar Private entrance. hydre and oy ys supplied. $66. Brooklin, Baldwin and Centre Streets, Apt. 2. MONTEAVE AVENUE. . Teom apartment, |1956 CADILLAC Hardtop, Fully equipped Guerontee $795 OPEN THIS HOLIDAY WEEK-END |1959 FORD MIKE'S Two door, 6, outomatic USED CAR LOT White with red trim RAGLAN $1195 | 655-3528 sien hek bias Guaranteed $1595 Used | Volkswagens\ 1960 Volkswagen-Deluxe _ 1959 Custom and Deluxe 1958 Custom and Deluxe | | 1957 Custom and Deluxe | 1956 Custom and Deluxe 1953 Custom These cors ore guoranteed under the Official Volks- wagen Warranty Plan, 1 Mony hove rodios / ond other extras. | Cash - Trade - Terms | COME IN FOR A 5 | DEMONSTRATION | SABYAN Motor Sales Lid. AUTHORIZED VOLKSWAGEN DEALER : 354 Ritson. Rd South Oshawa Phone 723-3461 | $300 IS the full down payment om this bungalow located in the country. Call Doug Gower at S. D. Hyman Real Es- tate, 728-6286. COLBORNE STREET EAST -- "Tiree. room kitchen and living room, Immediate pos. seston, 728-8112 UNFURNISHED four-room af conveniences, private Close to downtown or bus or business lady. Call after 6 pm Thal 725-1062 bg oiataganed 'partment Nice, 'sun- ny pM ew cupboards, ag tiger inne. caren weicome. WHITBY CLASSIFIED "eam pneinserenalgie gg Suits, coats, dresses, Chestnut | . erations, -- covers, drapes, Fitting Mra. Toms, 868-2372. 1962 ENVOY WAGON .« Dial 723-7508. END, 3 AND 4 BEDROOM Resale Homes WE HAVE GOOD BUYERS ros slop 1) 4 bedroom home in the and Rossland Rood. 1960 FALCON TWO DOOR Gleoming bleck $1245 'ater supplied if LOCATED IN THE EAST We specialize in NOW. N.H.A, MORTGAGES. apal entrance THEN CALL YOUR MOVER OF HOMES oreo between Aberdeen (OSHAWA) LTD. (2) Grondview Gardens crea East of Harmony Rd. N. 6 room bungalow with Qerece in the Rosslyn Estates oreo. 723-2268 Open 9 to 9 -- Sat. 9 te S$, REG. AKER 725-0201 MARGARET HALL 723-1358 STEVE MACKO 728-5868 PAULINE BEAL 725.0239 BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 KEN. MORRIS 623-5406 (Bowmanville) WHITBY $3600. down buys lovely | 4 bedroom tri-level, large | living room, and dining | area, with broadioom, na- tural fireplace, 2 kitch- | ens, 2 bathrooms, finish- ed recreation room, at- tached garage. Can be | | used as 3 bedroom home, @ Qpen Saturday from 9am. to 6pm. » . com FOR RENT: "Bight riem house, < Sklar Furniture, Whitty er Generel Available August 1 Gord Boker Bob Ferguson Jock Gowdy Wayne Holl SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. 200 DUNDAS W. WHITBY 668-5893 partment. Main floor, $53, Ap-| Ry 209 Brock Street South, MO 8.4977.) FOR RENT: Three bedroom upper do-| plex, private, heated, garage. Available immediately Sieh Chest South 688-4498, after 4 Solesmen to Serve You | | | | ft Leer: Since June 35. small black Lab Whitty Nomber 303. May care wee collar Pleas call oon. FOR RENT Boating and Camping | Equipment Morris Austin Healey Telephone Claremont 649-2101 Austin Ruey (Continued on Page 18) i

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