: Street . / 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, June x8, 1¥00 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mohday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants BOR CLANCY'S Accounting Compicte hookkeeping service, 184 Went, 725.0397. Res, Tae 760 Service Bond Acerediied Pub Ruilding 1 DEWAR amimercia West, Oshawa RWAROLD ft Ne Accountant, O86 King Stree LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered Acoouniant, sulle Uohawe shop. ping Centre " MONTEITH, MONTETIN Ce, Charters 4 t 125 Siuneos Siiee Hawa WH 2 ae, W ROPKINS, BEADER AND CO tered . Aco@ounsants a Rind Kast, Oshawa, Ontarly ) ERLE ANDER and slants, Licensed " niet us, 728 Ajax Char Street Oe, True King Street aceon: Oshawa avtered Wes Aine on ig te ' nt, 323 sires ephone 7 WILSON AND morountanis, (4 K awe Reaac Ff \ G, Edmond 8 aus tered Osh cA BURROWS. oha ' e Stiee as Applionce Service SEWING Bacaine ea 0d veur Ff a dea ing Auto Parts SAVE AT WESTERN SERVICE CENTRE MECH Barristers Rmrier ¥ Macney funds ' RALPH JONES GREER. Ave Ning Niveet Haw sud THOMAS sere 8 > RA ate ta eitors Morgage loans available RYMAN. Q©. Barts ding, A OK aeae Louis s ete N oe b Btreet Kas 43. M availat RUMPHRETS MAN. Barristers s Oshawa RBOTCHNY . ors and WUE Kin Oitiee 2 and funds Josern ¢ vimter, Solk Bimeoe North GREER AND KELLY ° % ne Ss ee availab VICTOR Ba. Lt ani Note Public vade Barristers, Set East. Die RA, BCI RICHARD 4 ter, Solicitor Ne eoe North a 289 JAMES & MacDONALD DONALR, & Notary pub te Wes ne ROW WAN payin Resite MecGIRBON aod BASTE DO. Barristers Solicitors. Clhents" Hinds avadabvie te first mortgages, MQ Simcoe Street North, 728-7336; Charles C. MeGibbor QU; Edgar F. Bastedo, @¢ JOSEPH PF. MANGAN Ba Solicitor. Money ¢ tice King Street Past PONALD BLAKE BODDS. Ra Gnd. Solicitor, 26), King: Stree Telephones Business ne dence 3 ET. SALMERS. BA. Bax tor, ete Jig: Simece Office T2310). Rewidence CREIGRTON DRYNAN MURDOCH, Barristers taries Public, Bank of Commerce Raildiag, § Simcoe Sireet: North, Osh awe. Ontarie, T2446, Residences T. K, Creighter, OC; G. M Drvaan QO, T2984; GL. Murdock, Tr-47Re Mortgages = and eomente ef sale bought, sold and arranged Bookkeeping ROORKERPING Services, Income Tax Statements prepared, BC sex 08 Newman Crescent, 663-40\2 rister Ly Osbaws Rast Rese + Soke North saa AND tere. Neo Street - ees Building Trades ALL TYPES of puidding Ine himpeys. hreplaces @ioops. Gorden May OSH RAVESTROUGHING and ch flashing bite estumares A guaranteed, Cail Tas POR SEPT TANK cee other dra work Ce Raskewes. Free estimates Rrooktin 83}-474s Your eral cwIMNET buin and repaired maces Vac epaire, root aidewa ka, meey werk cleaner a smed. Pree ROOEING glam aot vers ani gable aiteratior aternals guaranteed, W » TIOGA DFING wae CRIMNEYS bait aise bockwerk. F €35-.208 PLASTER, NG New end repairs Cement work, porging ments, Remodelling manship gueranteed, estimates _A. WOODS 728-3420 GORD'S Janitor Serv ice ring cleaning ons ceilings, windows, ple repair. sidewalks and stoops Metaan, Brooktin Free ter After 4 723-1302 Experienced cleaners Resicentic Comme ured Classified pees 2 pt tising metter cerrectiy, 'Ad 're 25 WOR DOES YOURLOAN WALCO CONSTRUCTION | H A VV E | guaranteed Building Trades FRONT. loader with trucks iit! able Dial FS aaah SHOP the "variely siore" of the Class ified Section. Miscellaneous for Sale lodey, IC loaded with wondertul offers, provements, store @ d aftice remodelling, t workman. ship, Free estimates Whitby 668-4412 HOME IMPROVEME NTS eofing ng cupboards General expe 3-Way Protection? If not look what you are missing, makes your 3-way if you are payments Sayess off work because of sick- ness, accident or death, ible on loans over 500 v ne Our Manager Telephone 728 2061 Fi OEE ete Details Lomp "CRESCENT FINANCE Cartage HOHN S MeVING €NB CARDAUE x able Dressmaking PRESSMAARING «& Gardening and Supplies cMi Mie ata thar Rees a Mortgages PIRST AND SHCOND tinaM HARDENS 44 Pa CRMENT and Loam and Gravel Washed Stone, BEATTY HAULAGE 725-2156 PATIOS Designed and to your specifications DIAL 728-7628 AFTER SPM MORTGAGE LOANS ed nsta Household Repairs WINDOW CLEANING summer cleaming done High Window Geamers. All work teed, Dial 725.232). Anytime Have all your Shine guaran Instruction PRIVATE ears ot Act Bow teacher mecie a French bv qual © approach Rete: on PRPERT TUITION dents ences available. Whithy 668.357 LEARN TO DRIVE Ost Driv DAY o wa Musical Services PiaNe Optometrist ' n TUCK. RO Money Te Loan MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Painting and Decorating _ OUTSIDE PAINTING. ¢ Nelsen e (ales. Low Interest mS PAINTING « Valuations Arranged afin. nites 4 Residential City and District Summer Properties Vacant Land Members Ontario Mortgage B SUMMERL AND SECURITIES LIMITED Ker, Ass + Personal Service MODERN GRILL Plumbing and ee ; ALL TPES < Extinsies ; ALL PLU MEINE et Upholstery --. (MP STE RET Ls THMESTE ROU Les Sales and Service OUTBOARD MOTOR REPAIR SERVICE SCOTT MOTOR McCULLOUGH CHAIN SAW SALES & SERVICE OSHAWA MARINE SERVICE NEW LOCATION 1180 Simcoe N. 728-003) ART'S GUN REPAIR €USTOM GUN WORK Reblueing, refinishing, stock- Guns bought, sold, exchanged WHITBY, 668.2497 Surveyors DONEVAN AND PLEISCHMANN, tario Land Surveyor. Commercial prints, 211 Ontario Street, 7255632 On. blue W. PLIM. AND Land Survyera, Phone 72/088 TV--Radio Repairs GUASANTERD r"\ adio, car yadios TROLLOPE, Ontario 1 Rigin Street Rast makes Klee Pred epaite ta @ Thompson TELEVISION SERVICE Wayne Appliances T j } Tele; 141] TV TOWERS hone 723 Antenna' Repair TRIO _ FELEVISION OSHAWA 728 6781 V TOWERS Economy. and Deluxe ed to s budget RMS ARRAN OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728 - 8180 # & ULI] & WANT TO MAKE BEAUTIFUL MUSIC? BUY YOUR BIFI NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED 1") xe x x x eK THE BANK OF NOVASCOTIA sic Well Drilling--Digging ' wea DIGGING by -mackine,, epecial ng ne e. W. Ward, 204 Chest Sire West, PO Box 328, Whitby, 09 " eee WHUIAM KROONTIE, well digging and deep Telephone ' car We Park Rea Sow 1--Women's Column PERMANENTS on specia % Pine Avenue page FF Teleproane 2-----Personal iw Yo ave a drinking ma ¥ Waithy, er call problem, write O68.3034 or PRUMMER availiable for summer jobs Xperienceyl Read and Fak ay myle available, Isal YOUNG LABY would tke: nde te Te ehte, Rioor and Yonge distr arriv @ or $4 a.m. Telephone 728.7010 TRE PRESON ow mee wre persone whe inion on the " ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 LEN PULLAN H TAILOR ENGL 3---Pets & Livestock LARRAHOR RETR Are te THREW RUARDING PASAD 6 Kann Kenneia Drone eeet at & ' t Registeret Serond eon oe Tecetan freer? KE PALACE OF TRE POPES, oR TRE. Cg KER ROME MINE MIDDLE ea eS wag MON, PRANCE, PROM 77. AVIGNO 43 an TERR why REMAINED INE PROPERTY oF WE won § sek TLS we Sceaes By R. J. SCOTT a aah oA UNEN Box) {1S OLD SARDINIA CARRIES MIS MIDDAY MEAL IN KIS HAT. om 3--Pets & Livestock SIAMESE Cat point, male (neu tered nine months olf attectionate 440, Telephone x between sea BRAUTIPUL taming, ta Broad 4 Wigin Ss MALE Siame " old, SB, Telephone BLACK ered TOY POODLES, ma nine works, 4 Whitby 668 bred, tamily dog VOULE find fa ves offered iy in the Che sAper Loneriow just the todas 5----Farmer's Column RUCAWHEAT Bradley, BRrookliy WHITE ROCK chi weeks okt seed for. sale blood 1 tity, $36 tons M Newtonville Higrest the _spo 7--Trailers ROUSE TRAILER completely furnishes S400. oF best offe GRNERAL MORILE mh. 8 years ok}, $129 Phone Whitby 65a RENT-A-TRAILER Phone home down Gan Summer 'Properties For Sale or Rent MODERN three-bedroom c frontage age Kashabog mat int BR ! nis # Phone Oshaw LAKE CONVeERieNCES, Me $50, week, Dial MUTCRELL Nirkfiel, a sate swimming, ton ISS-2098 FOR RENT home, West hours from ng, equipped moms, private aust (8 im. Reasor pridge, ULaster 2.428 BUCKHORN LAKE PIONEER . VILLAGE For Rent. Cottages 728-230) ATTENTION! Boat Enthusiasts ne ¢ fem Hamp akeside kKitehe able, Phone bed ore Open House Starting.3 p.m ay thru to Mc rire gay 294 324 r call Lindsay 2116 SUMMER COTTAGE NZAR HARWOOD RICE LAKE ote pr Cell Cex : House: 885-4619 Office: 885-4501 LONG BROS. GUNTER LAKE ESTATES WELCOMES YOU THIS WEEKEND WATERFRO FROM s COTTAGES and us On & meri 9--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent the Blac Rive >» mile th of t dee: Securities 1 sPHOIMTMENt Telephone COTTAGE Sturge Lake mine nished, $5,900 on ervely ft Terma, aIMCcOR lots tor Nate, sandy beweh Breckin ollage and a miles trom 28-3000 afer 4 LAKE West WHEELING TON on LAKESHORE Ve THRE?D good | phone ehienees CLEAR LARD Availa SCUGOG LAREFRONT cottage 2° heavy wired down Marvin POINT tworpiece bath SCUGOG five rooms $3,500, Prec Marvin Nesb Nes RIGHT IN Lattle Lake, near wlbore now furnished cottage jttage, nearly new, good shade Cook, Rea feshing. bddat Colborne hing Arnistiong ANSTREUTHER LAKE nerth of Peter porough, ¥ Apxte nietern cot i safe Goa * 11--Articles For Rent Dishes - Cutlery - Glosses Punch Bowls Coffee Urns ilver Tea Service Silver Candelabra Sargeant s Rentals 5-3338 RENTALS OF ee KINDS A $ c welders, PMENT shing tre. ectne mpressor d trowels, le heot- tric ser STAN'S pening & -- Lid iene PHONE 723. 3224 12-- Articles Wanted NEVER SELL voar wp nt see Vantorth Avewne. WANTED © with ear or Nels Terente ton pick Rviand, ito HO 16364 fining room patter anal hut saite Ss Whitty oa TRAMOPHONE WANT HAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Ju RNER see) washrooms | |13--Business Opportunities | BUSY Variety Store and five-room liv. he ag ioe Central, Reasonable rent, Apply Box 810 Oshawa Times |16--Female Help Wanted WISE "homemakers | find bargains day in "Home Purnishings" fied, Be smart, cheek today, |17--Male Help Wanted o every: | TRRER days travel, four days at home Man over 40 for short trips near Ovh- CHIP TRUCK and bgdiness for saie,, WOMAN in Brooldin for general house. *W* Worth up to 84,000 to 96,000 in a | Fully equipped, Including "Motor overhauled. Telephone 942-1487 | Pickering, [ATTRACTIVE beauty: salon for sale, in | Whitby, low rent, Por further informa |Han call owner, Telephone 728-2955. | PRY CLBANING business for sale in | Whithy, good location, Profitable oper ation for man and wife, Owner has other interests Write Box 615, Oshawa Times |16--Female Help Wanted ESTABLISHED company requires two part time salesiadies to work in their) jown spare time, Car an asset bat not jeasential, Write Box 710, Oshawa Times, | GIRLS earn excellent commission seil:| ing top quality nylon hosiery to your jfriends and co-workers at wholesale | prices, For free ge kit write Intrique Hosiery, 2 'Times Road, Toronto 10 MAIRSTYLISTS and hairdressers want {ed immediately due to expansion, Ex: cellent opportunity, Mrs, Hughes, Whit joy 668-306! or apply Reveptionist Beauty Cline in Shopping Centre GIRL as mother's helper, to live in assist in household' duties and care of sinall children. Por summer month: Apply in writing, Box 804, Oshawa | Tunes. YOUNG Lapy experienced, for store work,, Apply Pennyworth"s Dept Store, Oshawa ROUSKERKPRPER, live in, two adults one girl, {1 years old, permanent, in fiveroom bungalow, all conveniences Apuly "6 Windsor Street, Oshawa, 72) a | Would tele ROUSERKEFPER like references = to live in For particulars phone HARN 823 weekly plus a free wardrobe n your spare time, Just show Fashion Procks to friends, No investment, can NAing, experience Necessary. Write North American Fashion Frocks, Utd M23) Industrial § Bivd Dept, 1.1627 Montueat 39 RELIABLE sumer afternoon mal GIRL as mother's helper months, Time off, Thars and most evenings, $0 TRs-o7 Re for day weokly HOUSEKEEPER in lawyer's nt sa Penne en 723 - 4029 WOMAN Top Wages. For w Experience not end work eek necessary Apply in person, to ENVOY RESTAURANT HAIRSTYLIST have o a Mairsty good wages For further "RUDY SHION HAIRSTYLING FOR LADIES 366 WILSON PLAZA SOUTH DIAL 728 po gl after 7 P.M. Dia EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WANTED FOR EVENING WORK APPLY IN PERSON BO-BEEP RESTAURANT VUshowa ohonping Centre TO START IMMEDIATELY EXPERIENCED TELLER with et leo years expe: APPLY Bank of Commerce Oshawa Shopping Centre INTERESTING POSITION Applicants ere being occept- ed for @ permanent position in the Social Department of The Oshewa Times, Apoli- cents must heave Grode 12 end be adie to te stating quelifica- S$ ONG experence to: BOX 816 OSHAWA TIMES WOMEN OR GIRLS NOT RETURNING TO SCHOOL "Part Time Work Hourly Basis eGuceton yoe. Wr * Bindery Department Times Rotary Printing Come inand tile you plication at The Oshawa T Switchboard ap- Fines O TELEPHONE CALLS PLEASE peeler., work, preferably Wednesday afternoons year, Write 8. E Swallow, Pres., each week. 'Telephone 645-4414 PRACTICAL NURSE shit in privtae home, 0277, LADIES spare time into Supply families in Dur- County end Oshawa famous . Rawleigh Pro- We furnish full color, display help, ete, Write Rawleigh's, Dept. | F-310-PP, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal POWER SUPERMARKET Requires experiend CASHIERS For Part-Time Work APPLY MR. BAKER 564 KING ST, E, EXPERIENCED CLERK ting Turn cash ham with your ducts sales ppointment Gladys Rose McCULLOUGH LUMBER CO, LTD, 728-4688 17--Male Help Wanted MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE MAN 5 true rte aarly Must be dependable, Please telepho ment McCULLOUGH Lumber Company ea for 28-4688 appoint: TOOL AND DIEMAKERS IRED R QU APPLY A.M.F. ATOMIC CANADA Co, LIMITED, PORT HOPE, ONTARIO South. western Petroleum Co,, Box 78, Fort wanted for day Worth 1, Texas: Telephone 725. MEN, part-time, for haying, 200 acres, godt hourly rate, Should have trans portation, on 6th line, 12.30 to 1.30 pm, , Hampton 263-2693, ACCOUNTANT -- familiar with con struction accounting, ete, work> ing conditions, Pull or part tume posi- tion, Apply stating experience and sale Blevins ty PO Box Ll, Oshawa, LALO, i RADIO, television, recon hanger technician required. Top wages to -- right man. Must be experienced. further 'information, contact Rey whe tington, 3S Bond Street West, DNal F2558R8, MECHANIC _ LICENCED APPLY IN PERSON TUMEY'S SHELL SERVICE 962 SIMCOE NORTH Three full-time and five part-time SALESMEN Dealership to qualified ap- plicants, Also senior grace Students for temporary sum- mer work, Fuller Brush Ce, Ltd, Apply: Tilden Office, 14 Albert St., Oshawa, Friday, 10 am, to 9 pm, "SUPERVISOR Parts procurement and inventry control ° Applicants must hove et least grade 13 education, five years inventory control ex- perience in the sutomotive Service parts tield and be ag- gressivé with a sincere will te progress. Knowledge of date processing an asset. Excel- lent employee benefits, Apply in writing to Office STUDEBAKER of Canada Ltd. P.O. Box 150 Hamilton $4,050 per year FOR ~- MEN Interested in o Coreer in THE ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE 1F_ YOU Personnel y. y sold have grade 10 education or higher ore physically fit WE OFFER Annual merit increases 3 weeks onnual holiday with pay Outstanding pension scheme Paid sick leave Uniform provided Training courses for advancement WRITE TO Recruiting end Testing Brench, Room 481, Parliament Buildings, Toronto OR OBTAIN An application form from your local O.P.P, Office are 2) to 35 yeo OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS 7410 SHOW PETS | By ALICE BROOKS brown or grey ground to give pups bodies the Use fabric ba natural-color fhe 'brighter bias tt the more children ieve it, acy applique: use scraps. Pattern 7410: transfer of two 10-x 14- neh pictures; directions, Thirty-five icains) his pattern (no Stamps, f care of. The Needlecraft aw Ont Oran add 1 cent sales tax *rint plainix PATTE RN NUM- BER, NAME, TSHS's Ri Show sta He cents for ce to lice) Brooks ash mes Neediecraft wked Accessor N ve nbroider, quilt Pius e pattern, Send 33 cents Want-Ads Don't Cost--Thev Pav "PRINTED PATTERN "VERSATILE DUO By ANNE ADAMS Go sightseeing in *he costume complete, and see. how many admiring glances come to yen Then, enjoy the sun in the breezy, scooped sheath. Printed Pattern 4792: Misses' Sizes 10, 12. 14, 18, 18. Size 16 dress 3 yards 38-inch: jacket Is yards FIFTY CENTS 138 cents) in ine Stamps, please) for pattern, Ontane residents 2 cents tax, Print piainix SUE NAME. AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times Pattern Dept. Oshawa, Om." Just out! 304 design ideas plus coupon for FREE pattern -- any one you choose ia new Spring-Summer Pattern Cata- TA nanke saw Saies