94 THE CSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, June 28, 1963 PA ny OP ng Pe Mayor Claims ° - TELEVISION LOG "aig" puts | | pyar | | | feasearm| | BNA Is Shield | i wonky, Lae r% | : Against Wants ; $--Hobby : Pic-A CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6~Toronto . Cimarron Coy 7:00 P.M. ; : '4 WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo| 9--Mots Presents mee and escttaet O'Toole R : » PEMBROKE ICP) = Mayor : we 200 P. 4--Las ' j Bats ' ' nald Summerville of Toront: WEKBW-TV Channel:7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester pie sop Plavgg 'The Deputy 7:30 P.M. 7. ' zo : < x S SS SN Ge. said Wednesday that the Batis (CFTO-TV Channel $Toronto CKVR-TV Channel Barrie} *~ "35.55% yy, | Chautauqua Program 'Sine fons vo Tass ~ Bey North sna Act Bas been F . 9--Specirum : It 7 be, ; : used as a shield by federal gov- SATURDAY | SATURDAY EVE erie aad Wrestling \ a ' 1 f bogey Bg the demands 8:00 AM, | |, 6:00 P.M. 12:00 NUON -- | Playhouse Some Bt > ; ty He also called for creation of @--Popeye }--Wagon Train ; 4--Dennis the Menace fede ra a &--Felix The Cat $--News "tor o--Theatre oie - =e me \ cy - oy = oy affairs de. -pen at me | Sane --Playh Boston Symphony | , Movie Se : Sonal emerteees Mal} | meal grants from the p a ae . | SPeaturama o--tanra, weeny Ne government and for better work. Q---Professor's Hideaway| ¢.2--Tnree Stooges Q--Frontiers 'of Faith | 11--Pion : : : ing accord between the munio. - ¥-Early Show ' uN 12:15 P.M, : | ipalities and the senior govern- wee Of Lite it .-- it S-Brivo 'Theatre' » | 320th Century You eee PM. | Bchsptenmar'e Cartoons | Sones tne gty apes |i") : bog ti Summerville addressed =o . lJ iw " A ~ r . Sates noert OeFantawy, Ieand | s=Nowes Wontters |) 2M tae 84,3.3-Bonanza , JANE, / the annual m of the On- pa «Fun To Leara Sports Feiher Meehan 6-9--The Valiant McCoys tario Mi and Asso- ne 9.30 A.M. 6:45 P.M, @--Susle EN Voices of ~ ayors Sea Hunt T--Cartoon Jamboreo | 94-4.3--News: Weathers | 6--Sunday School , clati . 6:15 PM. apa lee Sports nu 4--Washington Ri io @-Hancock's Half-Hour oerg --The Bowery 5:30. P.M. $--Film Fea: sa oatitt PM patina Rreenate Estey Burke 1:00 P.M. J--The Nature of Things] -3--Dupont Show of the Be49--) Weather: --) ie = . ag Peg gg un fe ge ra --Chamsioaany {Amateur 3 Hour 7--Voice OL Firestone 6:45 P.M. Jr. Fire Depa 2--Dragnet ¢--Intercom 6:0 OM Candia Camera : ( ' fayor Leo del Villano of Tim- malty Thenive 9--African Patrol 7:30 P.M. 4--Champlonship Bridge et The P 10:30 P.M. ' , | < mec Newey' docrte | Stanek 'gpearee mn mocta 3--Cartoons fonig Show "ol the |i1--Brothers Brannagan VW N org ge? bea g geen agee e-News With « Walter house The Gallant Men 1:30 P.M, eek. ower, = i 5 / ~~" Gronkite 11:00 A.M. G4 -Lscy-Deal Comedy | --N to Written 6~--Legend of Ohrid 7--How: - 7:00 P.M, 11--Storytime are" PM ; A af tacPury oaner xoowe et | CROSSWORD a A N . ss They were continually quitting $-Cousin Ban ne oo PM. N 47 4 Sy 9 poh petty Page 11:30 A.M. Ss pede eam é ment oa : ee: said Mayor del Villano, and the 'opeye Pla 8--Poter Guan ACROSS = 8, Achill 20, Mandate 2 " same principle should apply to mad ate Cat Bt yo greene 1. Bite 4, Wretched Naa et adult males who shirk their du. Roy 'jean 4--The Defenders noisily 5.'To antedate fOom =--s clos ERI IN : ties. 12:00 NOON s--Have Gun Wil pg oy rome eg gag ® abe ray " hts ye U--Hobby Time 2--Joey Bishop 1 : ~ i was the bringing to Cana o-Mvie ing :00 PM. 11, ripe : -- pasa MICKEY! MY STOVE relatives 65 years or more who ; cree ne 4 eas Welk 12, Burdened "of wary a | fAININIAL ri Al ah could not qualify for old age 4--Rawhide S<Shy hing &3--dreat Movies 13.Riverto \ Norse } apmea enemy . pensions for 10 years. . 8:00 P.M, 12:15 P.M. 9:30 P.M. North Sea myth, Ena Goes ; Hach Such people had to live but H--Fair Exchange | g-welix The Cat 'Have Gua will 14, Ablaze 9. Absolute ently oases z ; OKAY; they should be forced to look og 12:30 P.M, " 15, Traffie 10, Snick if . L : iT) © after themselves at some time 8--Jelf's Collie violator and---- suffix -- f , : " , y during the year, the mayor said. : i ; 11--Wrestlt M--Checkmate {Children's Preeram |'5 Asswertae Berviee 17. Born 16, Seth's 28, Threshed @2--Sing Along With 1:00 P.M. 7--Boxing 18, Storms mother 30. Kindred 4 hal - oR . \ ' a-Fiicttenes 11--Cap'n Andy Show e030 P.M 20. To settled | 19, Departs $2, Grates s ; By : Bade = as i 1oMy Friend Fucks oA cialy _ collog, =A ment 33. A Bedouin 7 cs / oI ta" = OF : ! e ega e blr 6-3--Juliette 2.Indian ' store 34, Malt drink pochs : Va : ; 1:30 P.M. 10:45 P.M, employee 85, Foundation 41. Cut LAY £8 Po : = : B $--Proffessional Tennis | 7--Make That Spare ' ; 7 Sy) re Pp T--I'm Dickens -- He's |8-2--Major League Base- V:00 P 213 is 718 Is ' ; ree Aa apa Oe San a | C eee veg | Mer es se ongress 9:30 P.M, Hawi 82--Saturday Night at | 80, Heay M. li--Hawkeye and the pestarday | Wight @ : 'a MOSCOW (AP) -- A Comme Rita Valley Days | o-paresall" FnLate Show $1, Assam nist del dscempire se ai i) P.M. SoMov caesle * ailkworms cponsored, 'Won Cengress af sb itdledoe :20 P. 83. Warp-yarn 4--Altred Hiteneoc® [11 sronaiong Cassidy M. rag Women Wednesday in a sharp Tan price te Bish 6--Baseball Game of the |!--SPors 86, Met clash with Indian representa- 10:00 P.M. "6 Sh oa : BETTER GET OVER TO THE}| | I'VE HAD TWO BOWLS OF ROMEMADE ° tives 0 e-Indi ay t1--tudoon's Bay ii:30 PM. ew Brees Ei Boe'e RIGHT AWAY? EuILL, THREE WAMBURGERE WITH ONION.) |border" coatiee "ie menting . it es hg Blockbuster Movie awn 's AND YET NO INDIGESTION! was suspended. : er hard : H - . weteee 12:30 P.M, 43. Writer of The Chinese delegate throw he - All Be 6--Twilight Zone fables ir ys the congress into an uproar $--Candid Camera pionship SUNDAY 44. Dropsy i iH} jwhen she manched to the po Sc Brewinese 8:30 A.M. 45. Concocts \ aR (ger dium in the Kremlin grand con : -me:00 AM be ta } ty i | gress hall te reply to an Indian :00 A.M, j spec laos ase DOWN 4 conflict" between the two coun 9:30 A.M, eg f Bien ¢<eues Raknen> pansiey i : ' The chairman, Dr. Joan Car. 6-3--Kingfisher Cove 2--Big Rascals 4--Mr. Bumble's Curios- 10:00 A.M. 2. Dickens? sty Shop fray Unio My Feet ean ' ae [ ' . 5:90 tM, Srsocal secur _ [ sn . journed the meeting. Time" ae bene 5 mad af Oa Chietes aegis and her translator, continued to occupy the podium, demanding to be heard. LET'S BUILD IT OURSELVES...FOROURSELVES [i = Fd |[eesa's comer nate Every Contribution or Pledge, is urgently needed so we can, build and enjoy our own oe eRe $ -- sg oosme Bate by nie Me BL OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM [ieee ste we go |= This Message Donated By The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 King St. W. oF 6-3--Cartoons SAVH-MEBBE \ ONLY ONE WAY TO IT FINDOUT.7- INACHILDY nr 2 -- Me eA THE LONE RANGER | BANQUETS PHONE 723-4641 | GENOSHA HOTEL --p|SSS>>=s RESULTS COUNT! iM] MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Consult @ Member of the Oshawa & District Board MUGGS AND SKEETER