Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Jun 1963, p. 21

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« 17--Male Help Wanted THE OMMAWA TIMES, Thunsdey, June 7, 1963 21 27--Real Estate for Sale /27---Real Estate For Sale i NEA BUNGALOW for sale in Whitby. \38 ACRES -- six miles east of Oshaw Six rooms, attached' rage, Must,% 40! Highway. Telephone Boris sell, owner being transferred Dial] ville 23-5344 evenings, 86000, ms FAR WOURE wita 3 nero 1 jown paymen' » of garden lan aw gg lovee Call new home, Only two model homes left, Theat Crawford, - 689-9673, +) 72> Now avaliable at $800 down and one/ este oh a ------~-|1981 PONTIAC Strato Chiel, four-door iy, | mortg Joseph Rosco, $12,000 with low down payment buys|sedan, automatic, power steering and Jon King West, 16 rooms, nine furnished, | 7377 this four bedroom home, call Dou gi brakes, dash. Excellent condi |four bathroom., Low down payment |---- Gower at & D. Hyman LAd., 728-6286,/tion, One owner, $1,895. Telephone 788- for quick sale, "ae seaned eens or - 2490. jevenings, 725-987 id and BOWMANVILLE -- attractive, | tW0-| === |24--Houses For Rent man, single, honest, | Kl BEDROOM house, 1 North Oshe| Lor 50 ft 100 bt peg ge aitaction' ae de:|aw bus areas: $00| Dial Caesarea Bris ue 5 om "" SCHOFIELD- AKER |: » Of local furniture store. Kppis| monthly. 728-0717 or 725-9206, | E Bees, (ore, over Brot WINEW BUNGALOW, newly decorated, | CRERAR a: » ARTHUR ST---DOWNTOWN $12,600. Six room _ solid Sturdy and in excellent con- sane Poin staat lthree 'bedrooms, ideal for children. MECHANICAL Pal 725-8607, Friday night or Saturday brick, private drive, Immac- dition - 6 room 2 storey brick ulate condition. ~ the home has a lorge mod- only. MAINTENANCE 25---Apartments 00 DOWN ern bright kitchen, dining MAN TELEPHONE TORONTO room, living room with notur- |NORTH SUBURBS, four rooms, |fleor, heated, share bathroom, MElrose 3-0684 To service, 5 trucks, Port-time Collect work after daily deliveries, built-it- cupboards, hardwiod Moors: tlie Must be dependable. WANT YOUR kitehen, spacious lawn; bus service, Please telephone for appoint- -- farm, frontage Hg yr se, barn, creek, [line aale. Sa Sacrifice, Call Port Perry, "905-2006, | DOWNTOWN "modern elght-aulte apart 088-2518, {ment house, laundry room, thr ar e, parking facilities, Ve Very reason:| SAVE THE NEW ii per cent tax on a os 27---Real Estate For Sale 29---Automobiles For Sale 1963. CHEVROLET two door many = Telepioae Realtor, 72%) FOUR-ROOM bungalow, on one acre of id, Near Mosport. Call Orono 4R6, i i ie | PREVATE eight room' brick house, a4 storeys, oll heated, quiet location. 496 Mary Street North, 'Telephone Tas-4016, _ KEITH PETERS | REALTOR 728-7328 attractive home in the North | FOR SALE -- building lot in new eub-| MORTGAGES, 103 KING ST. EAST end, Presently fented for (Cop. Fan-ame, supplied, 100 x M4, bY ARRANGED, BOUGHT AND Very attractive: 3 bedroom $115 for the main floor and P --| SOLD bungalow, broadloom on liv- $60 for the basement apart- ing room and corlon on kit PRIVATE SALE -- income | Reasonable price. main Forced hot oir with oil, this for, $11,900, and ONLY $1500 down, One mortgage" 1989 MERCURY 1 URY Montane door hard: top, one owner, Emee! condition. Reasonable, 1960 Morris Minor Series lent condition. Reasonable. 1000, ex Telephone 725-2316. 1957 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, dition, Best offer, otter, Dial 7 . |MODERN three-room apartment, (n-| furnished, $70 monthiy includes he at, hydro, Immediate occupancy. Tele-| 'phone 7. 3716, |TYLER "CRESCENT, jroom -- unfurni | monthly, Immediate possession, Dial | 728-4085, |ROND EAST, 4% -- Two-room apart: ment, newly decorated, available im: mediately, Telephone 728-1350. room ranch style bungalow, All conven: BOLAHOOD 144' jarge te tocetie dining room, lal 4 pm, Telephone. |Smiin, oa downtown, Excellent income with: free won't. leet |'Three bedrooms, -- mi 167 Simcoe St, S$ | UXBRIDGE -- 'on JOHN A, J, bedroom bungalow, living room, 1's 1986 FORD, four-door, V8, real sharp, lenees, amall barn, 30 minutes to Osh neaped, location, Dial 623-7395 Beh Fa) aoe, OE Fee $080,--DOWN, Income home, close to easy terms, Coll now, this /GRNTRAL PARK AOUTE "King, | EALTORS LTD, INSURANCE tment i ove. daly. Wallace: |six-room stone and brick he aed Joseph Bosco, Realtor, T- INCOME PROPERTY - $11,- recreation room, Reasonably priced.) Office brs, 900 is the full price for this | Dial 725-6a79, | OM two-bedroom -- hom: | furnace, hardwood and ~~ -- ba stool, Close to schools, churches, "1058 OLDSMOBILE, automatic, ddoor, | Reasonable. 725-4640. good tires, needs some work, 'iss. Dial \SAVE. 'the |! per "cent aales tax on "ile 728-5329. : cloun electric ted = two-storey "CHEVROLET Y en iRome with iienad "sarah and aun 10? CHEVROLET Air Va. new |$60, month, Telephone. 738-7029. ment. 728-4688 McCULLOUGH (9am. to 9 p.m) in rt con Lumber Company | LETTER CARRIERS $3270 - $4020 Post Office Department Oshawa, Ontario For full particulars as to resi- require forms, at the dence, qualification ments and application see posters on disploy National Employment and Post Office JULY 8, 1963: to Service Commission, 25 Clair Avenue East Ontario. Quote 63-7789, the Service Apply before Civil 5 St T »ronto V, Competition MONTRAVE AVENUE, 285 -- One-bed |room apartment, new apartment build jing, all conveniences, $75. per month | Telephone 725-6769, |§500° 18 the full down payment on it in the country, Gower at §, D, Hyman Real oe. 286, bungalow located Doug {ta /COLBORNE STREET EAST -- Three.) room. kitchen and living room, Immediate poa- room unfurnished apartment, session, 728-6112 all conveniences, private Close to downtown or bus or business lady, Oall after Dial 725-106! THREE-ROOM = apartment. sink, heavy wiring, Telephone 728-0127 YOUNG lady has ment on Simcoe bus stop, Would Street like THREE-ROOM main floor 18--Male or Female Help Wanted WANTED TAXI! DRIVERS Men or Women Apply MERCURY TAXI 14 Albert Street 725-477) Private entrance, hydro supplied, $60, Brooktin, Centre Streets, Apt, 2 three-reom North, fo share with same, Call after 6 p.m, Dial 728-3392 UNFURNISHED four-room apartment, entrance Adults only 6 pm "Nice, sun ny rooms, with bath, new cupboards,! Children welcome. apart nea apartment and. hot water Baldwin TWO-BEDROOM modern apartment, apartment building, $95. monthly able August 728-8876. FOUR-ROOM apartment, Kihg Street Bast at. bus atop. plied AVAILABLE July ment, private entrance. Available August | Street, Telephone 728-5835 20--Room and Board EADY will give room and board retired lady, $12. per week Ajax 942-0537 ROOM and board for gentleman ehift preferred, near north Motors. Telephone 725-0572 WEAR Hosrirat Mingle. room with man, im private 728-2305 North for and board home LADY PENSIONER, Protestant sires same to share home as compan jon, ight housekeeping duties in ehange for room and board and non-smoker, Ajax 2-168 #14 PER WEEK, ing to share rooms phone 728-3396 single beds. Telephone day General GM 'gentie Telephone Abstal ~OGUE APARTMENTS HARMONY ROAD AND for KING AREA bedroom vailabie ground July 1st, apply de Governor Mansions Luxury ex ner suitable for men will- Tele 22----Offices, Stores, Storage LARGE SIX-CAR garage for rent Bleor East Telephone 728-4817 MODERN OFFICE. 360 980. monthly. Available Telephone 668-3253 co SGaL OFFICE SUITE square Avoiloble July Ist reception oreo offices decorated to suit Les- eee, Bright, central location feet, immediately cludes end private 387 Adult Building Electric Heat Frigidaires--12 cu Adults preferred Apartments Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites gundry room on each floor Vanity A Few Choice in bethrooms close to hospital Avail unfurnished Heavy wiring, heated, hot and cold water sup 725-5379 » four-room 'apart Suitable couple with one child, Apply 234 Clarke floor 795 KING STREET EAST Diat 723-9292 Moffot Fiesta Ranges ft. ' Lacations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE and SOLD CALL 728-5123 We specialize in Resale Homes LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD. Two Guest Cottages Full Price $550 Move. them on your own lot One hos airconditioning and heating elements. $350 electrical One sells for Call Bill Millor 725-1186 W. T, LAMSON Real Estate Limited 67 King Street Sast S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. 323 KING STREET WEST 728-6286 FOUR BEDROOMS Seven room house just list ed in North-West end, locat ed on large lot, oi! heated, excellent financing, call Bob Stevenson $1273 Is the full down poyment on this bungalow in Kingsmere Gardens, One N.H.A. mort- gage for -the balance, call Doug Bullied V.LLA ment. If you want someone to help you pay for your ho- me, don't miss this opportun= ity, Call now NEW 6 ROOM BRICK BUN. GALOW with 2 cer garage located in Beou Valley now nearing completion, Features Include double windows thro ughout, sliding glass doors to patio, extra flu for fireploce in Rec Room, and many, mony other extras, Full price $19,738.00 with $5,245,00 down. NEW HOMES NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION LOW, LOW DOWN PAYMENTS LOCATED IN THE EAST NOW N.H.A. MORTGAGES, WE HAVE FOR THE FOLLOWING TYPE OF HOMES (1) 4 bedroom home in the Masson end Mary St. area between Aberdeen ond Ross tap Road (2 6 reem bungalow in the Grandview Gordens oreo East of Harmony Rd. N 3) 6 room bungalow with agorage in the Rosslyn Esto tes oreo 723-2265 - Open 9 to 9 Set, 9 to 5 BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 REG, AKER 725 0201 MARGARET HALL 723-1358 STEVE MACKO 728-5868 PAULINE BEAL 725-0239 KEN MORRIS 623-5406 Bowmanville) 360 King St. W FREE PARKING W. FRANK 177 Church Street, 623-3393 Bowmanville 200: Acre farm, good brick house, large barn, scenic property in Kendal area, Ask- ing $20,000. Terms 125 Acre farm, 8 room brick house all conveniences. Large barn, pond, clay loam soil. Port Perry arec. $19,000. -- $5,500, down 110 Acre farm near Taunton Road East. Good frame house, GOOD BUYERS' CARL OLSEN. REALTOR 723-1133 COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE --- Lovely tive and a half room brick home with attached ger- age and breezeway, land- scoped with lot size 80 x 200, This is an Idea Home with perfect finish, broadloom and tile, on highway No, 2 just east of Courtice. Asking price $14,500, For further particu- lars call Wes, Elliott at 723- 1133, evenings 728-0581. QUIET LOCATION Five room bungalow with two bed- rooms, private drive and gar- Sge. Beoutifully landscaped, coupled with awnings oerial, ete, Call Bob Johnston at 723-1133, evenings 725- 9568 FIVE POINTS Handyman, V.L.A. or Builder's Special- 600 feet frontage on, Taunton Rd., small house, A real bar- gain at $12,500. with $1,- 200. down and first mortgage for balance. Ask for Carl Ol sen at 723-1133, evenings 725-3412 EXTRA NEAT half storey frame rooms newly painted, neat and clean, three bedrooms close to schools and shopping centre, Call Wes, -Elliott at 723-1133, evenings 728 058) One and « home, six NINE ROOMS Four room self-contained apartment for' swner. Being offered fully equipped. Currently earning $225., could be $300, Wide poved drive and garage, fenced yard. Completely re decorated and renovated Only $3,000. down ond car ries for $175. monthly, Cell Bob Johnston at 723-1133, evenings 725-9568 ANNIS ST Five room storey and a half with large landscaped lot and attached garage, low taxes. Asking $9,500. with $1,500. down Call Wes, Elliott ot 723- 1133, evenings 728-058) Open Evenings. 299 King St. West 723-1133 "DUPLEX Asking only $15,000 tor this modern duplex bringing in a total income of $180 oa month, hot water heating, paved drive and garage, Must be seen, Phone Mr, Ratcliffe ot 725-6544 ESTATE SALE 6 room 1% storey insulbrick home, located in the village of Raglan, Just o few minutes to Oshawe. Lorge kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 3 pc. bath, born used as two car garage, lot 66' x 165', low taxes. Must be sold to settle estate, Ask tor Mr, Yeo at 725-6544, 8 YEAR OLD Lovely stone and brick mod ern. bungalow. 4 pc. tiled bathroom, exceptionally large rooms and lot, forced air con ditioned oil furnace, close to all schools, churches and bus line. Close to Ritson Rd. § Asking only $11,500 with $2,000. down ond open to offers. Call. ta: inspect. Mr Appleby ot 725-6544 or 723- 3398 ONE OWNER HOME Fancy brick, 1 storey, 3 bedrooms, oi! furnace, spotiess home. Paved drive and gar- oge, $1,000. down, $75 monthly. Full price $11,000 Why pay rent? Call Mr. Rank ine at 725-6544 WE LIST ONLY TO SELL 4 GUIDE REALTY GLENGROVE STREET 4 room brick ranch bungalow only 5 years old, 3 bedrooms with double clothes closet, 4 pce. tiled bath with vanity Spacious living room with L- shaped dining area. The kit- chen is built to save you steps. Forced air oil furnace and Frigidaire air-conditioning This home is in excel- condition and awaits inspection unit lent your A MOST UNUSUAL PROPER- TY--a three acre retreat just inside the city limits with a tive room bungalow complete- , ly enclosed with stately trees, chen and bath floors, 3 room--ept. in basement with 3 pee. beth, rent for $60, extra large garage, aspholt drive, TV tower, close to Duke of Edinburgh School Call 725-7782 and ask for Earle Allen NORTH END --- Attractive 3 bedroom brick bungalow with large garage and paved drive. Partially broadloomed, shower in basement, thermo- pone windows, patio and mony other extras, Only 2 yeors old and in excellent condition, For inspection call Ron Drapak 725-5253: Glenforest N. W. Area -- 5 room bungalow with carport, fully decorated ond land- scaped, $15,975 built before the new tox, one only at this price, Call Bob Johnson 728- 2548 WHITBY 1% year old brick bungalow with attach ed garage: large kitchen, 3 bedrooms, nicely decorated and landscaped. Coll Joe Crawford 623-3672 $14,400.00 -- This is real value, spacious 3 bedroom brick now being completed with many extras in north end. Further porticulars by calling Rolande Tierney 725- $5,000 with $1,500 down, 7 room house, needs repoir, ecres, good fresh water spring, Coll 725-4162 NORTH-WEST Who could ask for anything more? Four year old five room brick bungalow includ- es three bedrooms, kitchen and large living room, Situat- ed on o quiet, well landscaped street close to public and separcte schools, junior or senior high schools, churches, bus line and shopping plazes Get the best out of life! $13,200 with $2600 down will buy this home WESTMOUNT ST. Five room storey and a half lider home fecturing three bedrooms, large modern kit- chen, large living room and four piece bath, This home is nicely decorated and has a Ite jdeck, $16,600. with terms, George PR | schoo! | after 7 pm. po. Joseph Bosco, \please. le jsider = renting, 986-4427 | | NASSAU Street, sixroom stucco house, | unfurnished. Completely | Telephone Brooklin | TARE WOUGOG -- hous Koorte Realtor. ~"yq| seat belts, tachometer, windshield wash+ ers. Telephone 725-4245, 500, 1 rivate sale, No agents, ae, out 20 acres of choice soll,! i city conveniences, good 1 sell property by » $15,000, for quick private. rtions, if PRIVATE two.atorey house with two |kitehens, could japartments, Ounee must sell, | full br 728-5 . | RAVIN on Oshawa ae $5,200, Dial 728-0545. tage city water, be made as separate $7,900, aPries| ONE-STOREY how in Nestleton, four! rooms with bath: -- oe tar $7,400, with $1,000, jReal Estate ca" | Nestleton 986-4894 via furnished or modern. $9000, 635-3457, a sty |$9,400.--NASSAU STREET, near King, ment.and one mortgage. three-bedr6om home, low down pay-| tke Perry,/ . Joseph Boseo Realtor. 728- 1377 $10,000, rented. Terrific income. oak! Yaa Dn, Ww. J. A. SHERIFF REALTOR 25 ONTARIO STREET HANDYMAN'S OPPORTU NITY ----- Unfinished home between Oshowa and Whit- by featuring 3° bedrooms, 18 ft, kitchen, large living room. Asking $11,500. Call Newt Hodgson for details NORTH OSHAWA---3 bed room, 12 storey home with carport, immoaculete. Close to schools, shopping and bus. Lot size 76 x 113. Car- ries for $65.00 monthly, principal and interest. Low texes. A good home. N.H.A. APPROVED -- situ- ated on o lot 112 x 204, this 3 bedroom, 114 storey home is just North of Whitby. The mony extros include 8 fruit trees, gor- age, many pines, spruce ond maples, park-like londscap- ing, outdoor barbecue and others. On a quiet -- street with other well-kept homes Listed oat $12,500. PHONE 728-1673 il rooms, four apartments all Call Don Strad-} Wilson Ltd, 725-6588. paint, semi-customized, radio, 8845 oF © offer, Whitby 668-5715, 10°)" VOLKSWAGEN, Okrasa enging, 'Seaway Motors LTD. 200 Dundas W. WHITBY 668-5893 Your Authorized Dealer For Ford's Family of Fine Cars. |1962 GALAXIE SUNLINER | Convertible, Black with white top, $2995. 1962 CORVAIR | MONZA SPORTS COUPE White with red interior $2395 | 1962 PONTIAC PARISIENNE suitoble for professione! use. Peul Ristow Realtor 187 King St, E., 728-9474, SUITE « v OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE Approximately 1000 aq. ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Ask for MR, T. L. WILSON TELEPHONE 123-3474 23--Wanted To Rent ONE- OR TWO-KE PROOM required by coup! of August, prefe: west district, 7 new forced hot air furnace it is situated on a large lot and has unlimited possibilit- ies for the handy man. Ask- $1,000 with $1,500 barn, stream, Beautiful view: Farm equipment included at only $20,000. -- down r This seven room home jocot- 9 A.M. to: 9 P.M ed on Thornton's Road, own- . er onxious to sell, coll Glen Schofield-Aker | Meckinnon." "" * Limited TRADES ACCEPTED 723-2265 26--Rooms For Rent FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. Clean, bright, close to downtown, near bus stop, Telephone 725-0816 LARGE furnished room, kitchen priv eges. Suit middle-aged lady, Apply 357 Bloor East. Telephone 728-8817. FURNISHED two rooms. refrigerator. Also single room, private entrance, parking, close to downtown. Reason- vole. Apply 9 Centre Street with terms FURNISHED room for single person | S er : Telephone 725-2180 or 82 Nassau Street,| 2 CEDROOM BUNGALOW FURNISHED bedroom for rent, adult, Good living room and kitchen 53 ent family, Gentleman. preferred. 7? hed basement and " PARK ROAD North at King ge garden area. Priced room sult lady, Kitchen to sh. > sell with good terms Hill vate entrance Telephone 7 only WED : } pp need ong lg ISHED single room, newly de ARTIST-PLANNED HOME-- deni i we th Nolenheme, Whithy Corated, close to hospital. Telephone res of lovely land 668-5612 = ¢ g rov 18 Acres ir dol ha Gatdens seedy 16 ROUSE with PONTIAC INN Rooms, single ot 3 bedr beau pond and stream, $3,500 rae Yai ant © aes awa for July double. Television privileges. Free park af a . Ju " my port phone Acton & ne 9035 carp TWO BEDROOM house or apartment TURNISHED no brat required by couple with one school-aged °°, c one eagle gentlemen child, Immediate possession preferred. : eee ATTRACTIVELY shania: A barn, garage, and a stream METCALF | runs through the property. $6,000 | nga! nodern with Real Estate Limited nd yr nag Ky ail heated: 40 King St, Eost Must be seen to be oppreciat- ng Dia! 728-4678 ed down WHY RENT? Call Tam Huzor at 728-9474 728-5422 in LAST. CHANCE AT THIS | evenings yen PAUL RISTOW When you con buy, your own REALTOR home for $11,595 with only $595 down. Where? in Financial Trade Bldg. 1&7 King Street East JOHN F. De WITH ook!! Only $98 monthly in Ke REALTOR cluding texes coll now and buy today room and recreajion room in. basement. Close to St. Hed- SUTHERLAND AVENUE wig's school. Asking $12,000 Bowmanville, 14 Frank St. Dial 623-3950 Acres with 6 roomed 2 bedroom bung Mary Asking $6.000 with down, Hardtop, V8, radio, whitewalls $2995, |29--Automobiles For Sale isi PONTIAC Laurentian wagon, four door, automatic, $1995, Telephone 725-8152. Take A Safe Vacation In A Fine USED CAR 1960 METEOR TWO DOOR SEDAN Sneppy V8 motor, stendord transmission, Custom radio, 35,400 one owner miles. $1495 1960 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE TWO DOOR Standerd transmission, spork- ling two-tone finish, Mech- anically perfect. $1495 station 100 Acre doiry farm Tetllo, Port Perry. Excellent brick house, good barns, silo, large pond. $1,600. monthly milk cheque, $30,000 Terms 100 Acre doiry farm. neor Bowmanville. Good buildings Valuable corner location. Ask- ing $45,000. --- Terms near 1960 THUNDERBIRD HARDTOP 2 tone blue, Fully equipped $2895 LOW DOWN PAYMENT N.HLA, resale with 3. bed rooms. Close to Public and Separate asec s. Immediate possession king only $11, 900 A HOME WITHIN YOUR BUDGET -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow with finished bed PIGEON LAKE --- THE KA- WARTHA'S -- Unfinished 3 bedroom ranch style cottage, situated om beautiful pro- tected bay with sandy beach Two large lots for expansion. One of the few remaining good sites on this wonderful lake. Asking only $5500 1961 ZEPHYR 4 door seden, rodie $1245 75 Acre farm near Bawman- ville. Brick house with oll city conveniences Pointed borns Excellent location $32,000 Terms Extra good extras if Acres with modern 2 bed locate bungalow at Garden Trout stream. Asking *$8,500 $2,000 d in a lovely res- price idential area, Asking only $19,000. full price 12 r shir at i € a4 th locking ot, ly productive fe STOP LOOKING ! farming district « 133 -ecres, 8 room homes m > 5 brick home haere clow |1960 ZEPHYR White with red trim $1095 000, we modern olonia , 2 wells 4 home 1 Son $1,500 ne just north thre Ooms river Weekly or nightly rates neluding a ral Property elear or 62 Acres with stream near dowr ee ee Te MINDEN STREET reom 3 bedroom ro tran nsporta d vend term grocery tchen screened and many and Sum extras a home for those who $28,- oom for two brothers or tior 1956 CADILLAC Hardtop, Fully equipped $795 100 Acre farm with bern modern home, Commuting distance Oshawa. Only $3,000 down. 110 Acre ferm neor Orono, Good buildings, stream, Ask- ing $19,500, Terms 100 Acre farm, good bern; 8 Roomed home, modern kit- chen. Asking $18,000. Terms om good Orono, 3 bedroom home, oi! 4 nch furnece, $6,500 $1,000 down shape scaped torms, sq. ft 1959 FORD STATION WAGON Two door, Custom radio, A-! tires, Completely refinished in dazzling blue ond white. $1295 with 1959 FORD' Two door, 6, automatic White with red trim $1195 with oil heating 3 bedroom home at Newton- ville, $3,500. -- Terms Store --- Albert Street, Osh awa, equipped with large walk refrigerator, refrigerated counters, etc. Asking !14 000. - $2,000. down hree-bedroem August 4 Osh anxious to sel 124 Acre farm, located 3 miles from Oshowo, g 00 born; Brick home, off mo- dem conveniences. Five reoms, patio, storage paved driveway, recreation room, landscaped, $10,800 8) Exeter in 1959 FORD TWO DOOR SEDAN A beautiful automobile with economical 6 cylinder motor and stenderd transmission. This one owner car is clean ates $1095 1959 PONTIAC 1960 FALCON Four Fig ange cylinder Two DOOR Luxury equipped with outo- Gleaming block $1245 1962 ENVOY WAGON immaculate, One owner $1595 com 'anmatanntable view avely section, There's 75 acre bush orea » creek ond large assort- Dick 8 Ken Ho Jack Osborne LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $11,900. $11,500 FULL PRICE $1500 DOWN Split level, 3 bedroom, rec reotion room, beeutifully lendscened. Call Bil! Johns- ton 8.1066 or 8-5123 COUNTRY LIVING $11,500. FULL PRICE manding at this 100 Acre form, located 5 miles from Oshowe: Brick home, all modern conven- iences. Streom, Store and 9 room apartment on King St., Newcastle, $12,- 000 Terms. wee of fine hardwoods. It is Summer home at Newcastle TAKES seven-room brick house, 300 . yerds from Beach, 4 bedrooms, bath- barn. Nestleton district. Modern 1 room, large stone fireplace en, bath, oil furnace.' Property con is ' oN Full nist 500 tains five acres, half acre raspberries ni States, x pans y tumished, $8,500 and some Strawberries. Fred 2,500. dowr Rea Estate. Call Marvin %6-48M, Nestleton Valuoble lot of ap- th S11.08e with smal 180 Acre farm, with lenge stream, good barn; 8 room- ed home, modem conven- Cook ences, Price $10,500 Terms. Nesbitt 90 Acres Lakeshore farm, west Bowmanville. Good buildings, Anxious te sell. Cottage at Cedar Crest Beach, Bowmanville, $2,600. full price. matic tronsmussion, power steering. $1395 1958 MERCURY MONEREY SEDAN Attrective green ond white finish. Complete with outo- i matic, odio, deep treed whitewo!! to D. H. ANDREWS BROOKLIN PHONE 655-3195 J. A. WILLOUGHBY and Sons Limited, Realtors 46 Eqlinton Ave. E., Y ate entrence whic 2 kitchen ond sep arate beth. 8 h he 400 Acres with excellent buildings. Large river through property 100 Acres with good build. ings. Asking $9,500 with $2,500 down, 3 Acres with 7 Roomed home. Price $2,500 with $800 down, 200 Acre farm with A-! buildings, stream. On poved roed. Commuting distance Oshowe. Asking $30,000 Chemong Loke --- 3 hedroom cottage. bathroom. '4 acre tor, $4,500.--$1,000. down Call 623-3393 After Hours Call Jack Ricard 623-3254 Open Saturday from 9 am. to 6pm. K Down payment $2,000 NORTH WEST DISTRICT: -- Triplex in good condition Close te schools ond shopping mortgage with good terms. Separate meters. Only $2,000. down GOOD BUILDING LOT -- on Tennyson Ave. 52 x 117 ft I price $3,500 tires. 4 Salesmen to Serve You Only $695 | 1957 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN Four door hardton, V8 motor @utometic, rodio and' power steering. A perfect holiday a Only $895 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN Gleoming two-tone plue finish V8 motor, outomatic, rodin, ond four new tires Only $595 oronte 22 Three reoms, self duly ow Ket Street. Tel 68-479 attire 3.20. BICTCLE. full size boy's bicycle, in feed conilition. Apply 668.2115 SEPTIC tanks cleaned. » on calis. Walter Ward Street West. Whiths FOR RENT tained. Avail Gord Beker Bob Ferguson Jack Gowdy Wayne Hell SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. 200 DUNDAS W WHITBY 668-5893 4 service living-room Chestnut J 668.236 londsconed Terms aeif-con- or, $34. Am MO 8.4977, 84 Acre Highway form Hope. Good building stream. Asking $3 000. Terms yeor Port FOR RENT - Lorge centrally kk ly pply Apartment One FOR RENT Boating and Camping Equipment WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 DUNDAS EAST le. WHITBY 668.3226 urhished reom mmediate- East rilable nes Low foxes 5 Roomed, ronch style, brick bungalow on 2 etres. ettach- ed gorage. Located 10 miles from Oshewe., With 2 streams tural this bed fT your Mrs te finish- ~-- 6-room. rench bungelow with atteched gerage itty finished home feotures 20° living-room with diring-room, built on e fot B3" x 136°. Ask for sty te, ick on 2% acres. Located 6. miles from Oshewa. Onty $3,500 down After Hours Col: Frank Hunter lohn M. Sondy Don. Mountioy idko Wiersmo Rs 1649 bathrooms shened living ond room with porquet floor > }-bedroom bunaclow, with -L dining room. Beoutifully finished 'rec ine. Ask for Mrs. McRobbie OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAST ST. EAST WHITBY 668-5853 | Hort BILL DREW MERCURY SALES Your euthonzed Arax Mercury Deoler lovely well land RIGH SCHOO' teacher's family : . J F paved: drive, alum ates) ests re 2. or a-bed . FURNISHED ROOMS good terms num reens and COMMERCIAL PROPERTY ---- preferably north-west area, for : * 4 ae S ¥ RUIAL E Dt ' 2 bedroom bungalow at New- a np mo ras ie Aeaveh i 1 or earlier. Call 728-9143 Available in private home BRICK . BUNGALOW 2 castle Vary inedien $7 000. P ors reerym borat a a at eT THREE-BEDROOM 1 Whitdy, Call between 5 and 7 CAR GARAGE -- Beoutifully Tanne Asking $12,800 ra Over 8,000 good close to schools. from J Tele nished 3 bedroom bungalow SKE 4 ee brick * building fired phone 728-1419 82 PARK RD. with paved driveway, lovely sonable down payment het water Terms AJAX -- Whitby area # sh > lo 1 , r house in res font a ' NORTH ia slowly large _ RAVINE LOT Owrne msible tenants elenhons nished recreation room, din- Jul D Beoutiful : oy 3 Pigs paponsib aliena nve in Beoutitu LA SALLE AVE 3 bed- awa THO 27--Real Estate for Sale room ond many extras, Poon tak c~ Sette | ae ak" Ces ee DUTCH working gir! would lke bed Asking $15,700 with terms. aan ; hous : reom in north-west area, St. Christo. AIAN efms, stone pire Papacy living pher's School district. Please ca UND SCOVERED BEAUTY: hat eae 11 room and family size kitchen sae. ua OPEN a ee 8 NINE Gorage and private drive. - ---- _ " Clo » schoo! r ret LOT FOR SALE -- 10% trontage by sage Joe Mage Close te school and shopping WANTED 20°. Landscaped, one bdieck south aff lovd Metcalf t possession con de i King Street East. Five minutes' walk posi oes ened ranged. Priced at $13,000 by reliable people. "s So from bus, charsiee, pot onn Pp iin oe ieee THREE BEDROOM _ tomate fot wit services pant ram setae lye apartment, duplex or proximately one acre " Re frontage of 249 ft, on King house possession St. with @ two storey buil July 3) presently used a3 a 725-8643 WHITBY -- In Large 4 room apartment downstairs for owner separ WHITBY CLASSIFIED: en end wep. sEPTic tanks cleaned, prompt service TO RENT -- four-bedroom house. ter Ward, 204 Chestnut tral, lovely Phone hasnt i, Wainy 900-2063 FOR RENT: Eight riom house, close FoR -- Three room apartments. to Sklar Furniture, Whitby or General One newly decorated. Private bath: Motors, Oshawa. Available August rooms. Large grounds, Raby welcome. Telephone 725-5928. Sie Centre Street South. Telephone -- 4 = DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses ; a ki 29> omnes alterations, stip covers, drapes. Fitting Joe Barnoski 2202 Clarke 3 bedroom bungalow with at FOR RENT - a@ specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2972 6 Andy McGill 1407 Oronc tached garage. Lorge kitchen RN and living room. Modem oil : WHITBY PERT! heat. Only 10 minutes drive BY PROPERTIES to Oshawo. Carries for $70 v . monthly on one open mort- Fu Henry, at 4-bedroom house, featuring e 22° gage Very spacious property with walk-out double glozed doors onto patio, nicety You owe it 'te yourself to in- NEAR SOUTH GN $3600 down buys lovely the office for further information his, without delay. Coll 4 bedr tri-! l lara or Ed Drumm right now ot dedroom tri-ievei, iarg "y bedroom clapboerd bungolow with garage, fenced 728-5123 or 725-9345 living' reom, and dining ---- rec. room. Home in excellent condition, , id drester. in shgater. backer ond 4 BEDROOM BRICK HOME area, with broadioom 300 down vendor will take first mortgoge for bol $10,500. FULL PRICE firepl 2 kitch "Audrey Moore 668-5853 or 668-4088 we ireplace, itch- RITSON RD. NORTH 2 bathrooms Thak coli bi ast a howe ed recreation room, at- 'orge fornity ---- : ugh kitchen ond two 5 tached garage Can be Modern oil heat ' > 229) b pares n fies ; " re . pert a J r Qc iow used as 3 bedroom home, don'a large lot close us wé Tennis Club income apartment. your down payment. Cell Ed Deumm without delay at * 728-5123 or 725-9345 : See Jos Borjok of Cec with CALL OWNERS 668-5640 Liovd Reetiy (Oshewe p

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