a mind him that a brother, sis-; If your child, promoted injascertain how great they are MONTREAL FIRST to North America at the Royal ter or playmate won goodisuch a school, has been laggingjand make your plans accord- Golf was formally introduced|Montreal Golf Club in 1873. grades. If you knew of ways|badly, you should have greatjingly. One thing is certain, re. a -------- whereby he might, by passing|concern. Unless he is helped to|buke and abuse won't help ; e ° , Patience And Understanding i Ov R C ds 'aminati t September, | brin: hi h illjhim. W: t be found f Required Over Report Cards --_[sveraminsuon nett stoember, ring "up, hs arrears 'he willim. Ways, mut, be fund for By GARRY C. MYERS, Ph.D.;moted. Imagine how you m: }ceed to take measures soon tojbe promoted or graduated by degree he has ability to do so. "when I was a school boy,|feel in his place and Bo help him get ready for his test./and by. PARENTS' QUESTIONS there was a poem in my read-|this .child's brother or sister Suppose from the information| This child won't deserve your) © y. it easy for a parent to 'ng book that I liked calledjheard joyful sounds about his)you got from his teacher orjrebuke. You will need to get i 4 the chi h affecti ' When the Cows Come Home.|own report. card. from a private specialist, you|the best help you can find for/8!ve Me child as much affection T R tu P. Di h If I recall correctly, it con-| Could it be a child of yours|/figure his chances for earning/him to bring up his arrears. and love as he deserves if the 0 e m ans, 1S. eS tained these words: "Ca-ling,|we are talking about? It could|promotion in the fall are poor. The chances are great that hejchild has. never learned to . ; ost a@e \Ca-lang, aoa They sug- me but let's ee af ae -- bh =-- re yous beet tolis s ie? renee: ae obey? H ested pléasant sounds and uppose you already knew ajhelp him forget about the mat-|school is available he might ge Paper gmpnttl ona ne poe a ee ibe Stirred up happy feelings in me.|child of yours would not bejter. help there. Or you might find a of Return Borrowed Book Day.|service so valuable, You could| In contrast, when the grades promoted this June to the mext| Suppose your child's report| Skillful tutor for him this sum- IT') bet hundreds of books|/be his guardian angels, come home, as at the end of grade. Supose you didn't. In/said he was promoted on pro-|mer or next fall or both. Or, if were returned to their owners} Dear Ann Landers: I was 12|the school year, there often are either event, I hope both you|bation, on condition that he did|you are patient, you might be ag' a result of that wonderfullyears old when my parents ex-junpleasant sounds, unhappy parents will act wisely and hu-|much better the first few weeks|able to help him yourself. 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, June 27, 1963 ANN LANDERS: Alerting Housewives 723-1928 @ Fine Furniture -- Broadloom @ Custom Made Draperies column. And now, Ann, will you please proclaim a day for the return of borrowed dishes, bowls and pans? So many well-meaning people bring food to friends and relatives and that's the last they ever see of their conta'ners. My muffin tin is gone and I don't: know who has it. My two choice mixing bowls are float- ing around somewhere, not to mention my china casserole. I hate to phone friends and ask if they have these items because it seems so chintzy.-So please, plained to me that my real mother had died when I was an infant and that my mother was actually my stép-mother. This came as a surprise but not a shock. My step-mother is a sensitive woman so I have never brought up the subject since and neither has she. My own children now are 10 and 11 years of age and I have never told them. Young children sometimes say the wrong thing and I'd feel terrible if they em- barrassed their "grandmother in feelings, Imagine hearing some of the unpleasant words said to the child who didn't get pro- I see no reason why the chil- dren should not be told. They will probably show surprisingly little interest in the subject since they themselves are not involved. You'll wonder 'why you made such a big deal of it. manly when he 'brings home/in the fall or be demoted then. report. Express no/You might be tempted in the condemnation or scolding. It's|meanwhile to aie Wine of the ees ee ee water over the dam anyway. He may already be downcast, almost heartbroken. K'ndly let/are promoted to the next grade him know you are going to tryino matter to help him do better from|achieved. They and their par- In any case,. if your child's threat--the sword of Damocles hanging over his head, In some schools all children CHIROPRACTOR @ HEADACHES . @ SLIPPED DISCS ents usually escape worries fori 1090 King E. Most of all, you would not re-'the time being. Ronald W. Bilsky, DC} 728-5156 CARPET COMPANY 282 King W 728-9581 BROADLOOM TILE @ Bamboo and Ready Made Drapes @ Personalized Decorating Service SINCE 1927 e Reliable FURNITURE -- INTERIORS 96 KING EAST DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Amn, proclaim a day for the] any way. return of dishes, bowls and) We do not live in the same pans. Housewives everywhere|city and the children see thei will call you blessed. -- MA|>randmother infrequently. Dal HUBBARD -|you think they should be told? Dear Ma Hubbard: Paging) Or is it best to let sleeping dogs all housewives. Today is the|)ie7_UNDECIDED day to check the cupboards for) pay yndecided: There are odd dishes, bowls, pans, casse- wigs roles and containers of all sizes |9° 408s around--just facts, And and shapes. Many women are reluctant to return these items--empty--so they procrastinate, and wind up keeping them forever. Take it from me, girls, the owners would rather have them empty than not at all. . . So get go- ing. Dear Ann Landers: Last week our 17 - year - old son brought home a boy friend and asked if he could stay with us until he graduates from high school next year. The lad is an A student, well behaved, attends church every Sunday and never runs around. Any set of respectable parents would be proud of a son like i jl ( a 4 Frost-Proof models 104 Choices © You'll get the one you want from Frigidaire Only Frigidaire offers such a wide selection --all sizes, all price ranges, all types, and many colours. Choose the refrigerator, the refrigerator-freezer or the Frost-Proof that's just right for your home. 4 utility models Spacious refrigerator section for fresh foods. Separate freezer at the top for storage of frozen foods. Semi-automatic defrosting. His parents, unfortunately, are not decent people. The school counsellor advised the boy to move out of the house. He had no place to go so my gon brought him here. Our problem is that we are just barely making it finan- cially. My 90-year-old father lives with us, and we have three other children. Is there-enry way we can make the boy's parents pay for his keep? They have not contacted him since he left home three weeks ago although they know where he is. Please advise us--WANT TO HELP Dear Want To Help: The schoo! authorities should look into your community's foster home plan. Perhaps you can be paid by the local authorities if the boy's parents are not able to do so. If for some reason you can- Tw- not be paid please please keep CoNFUSED?? ARE YOU REALLY CONFUSED ABOUT WHEN TO START YOUR BUSINESS OR SECRETARIAL COURSE...? WELL... SUMMER SCHOOL COMMENCES ON JULY 2 Morning or afternoon 18.00 monthly Full days . 35.00 monthly LEARN TYPEWRITING, BOOKKEEPING OR A COMPLETE BUSINESS COURSE Mn | as Judie = @ Frigidaire pe dabili too. TS Start early -- Finish earlier -- Earn sooner Rrigi a " bility, : _ e No defrosting. The last word in food-keeping convenience and kitchen beauty. Frost-Proof Refrigerator Section. Separate Frost-Proof Food-Freezer section, at top or bottom. Sizes from 13 to 16 cu. ft. There's gne that's right for your home. Made from & an old English Formula bei -- SIX BIG 12 OZ. BOTTLES ao a 72 FULL OUNCES } Ln\ Wan i "Tops in Tonic" This is the Big Twelve Family Size @ Saves space in your kitchen be cause it's just 30" wide and under 5' tall -- fits under cabinets. @ Full-width freezer chest keeps 63 pounds of frozen food. @ Sliding Chill Drawer with Meat Tender for fresh meat. @ Full-width fruit and vegetable Hydrator plus 3-shelf storage door. ey This model is the beautiful FPI-14BC-63 eee (13.78 cu. ft.) LOW PRICE fool you! my ahr. kee: -- |] It's a + - oor cabin'* "ith the "y true freezer section ai the bot- tom _ can do your own food- m Frigidaire dependability, too. i Sema a Ask to see the compact D-10, or the @ Absolutely no frost and no ee " pair counter-height apartment models. defrosting -- summer or winter pr : -- even in the zero zone freezer. Model D-12C-63 11.63 cu. ft. ® Two Roll-To-You freezer bas- kets, 150 Ib. zero zone freezer. refrigerator-freezer combinations True freezer section also provides long-term storage of frozen foods, keeps ice cream firm. Automatic defrosting in refrigerator section. Sizes from 11 to 13 cu. ft. Single and two-door models. @ Flip-Quick Ice Ejector zips out cubes into handy server. @ Meat Tender holds nearly 10 Ibs. Plus 2 Roll-To-You shelves, twin fruit and vegetable Hydrators, egg servers and room galore on storage door. This is model FD-13TC-63 Frigidaire 2-Door (13.24 cu. ft.) @ 100-Ib. zero zone freezer. with separate door. @ Family-size storage space in self-defrosting refrigerator section, @ Twin fruit and vegetable Hydrators hold up to % bushel. w Easy storage in the door for slim, fat, short and tall containers. @ Frigidaire dependability, too. 7 V | No matter which type or model you choose, the same COMMENCES ON SEPT. 3 COURSES: @ GENERAL SECRETARIAL * @ LEGAL SECRETARIAL @ MEDICAL/DENTAL SECRETARIAL @ STENOGRAPHIC / BOOKKEEPER @ CLERK TYPIST e@ ACCOUNTANCY @ BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Shorthand in Only 8 Weeks . No Symbols @ No Machines @ Uses ABC's .. FEATURES: @ LOW MONTHLY TUITION / TEXT BOOK RENTAL PLAN e e fine Frigidaire quality is yours. Choose. Snowcrest White, or colour at no extra cost--Mayfair Pink, Sunny Yellow, Turquoise or Aztec Copper. Your choice of right or left hand door opening--no extra cost. PRODUCT OF ™| FRIGIDAIRE mili i : CHOOSE THE MODEL THAT'S RIGHT FOR YOU---AT YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER'S NOW EATON'S OF CANADA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, | HOME APPLIANCE © LTD. 90 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCES TELEPHONE 668-3707 118 BROCK STREET SOUTH, WHITBY | TELEPHONE 668-3707 - PERSONALIZED STUDY GROUPS MODERN EQUIPMENT / EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT @ COMPETENT AND SYMPATHETIC STAFF @ COMPLETELY AIR-CONDITIONED INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION LIMITS ENROLLMENT REGISTER NOW THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 52¥2 SIMCOE ST. N. 728-7081 725-7373 725-6335 725-5332 _ DAY SCHOOL, "NIGHT SCHOOL, '@peedexitipg HOME STUDY