Writer Claims Most Novels 'Onion Peelers' By RUSSELL ELMAN OTTAWA (CP)--John Wyllie, | Montreal novelist and critic, Gharged Tuesday that far too | many of today's serious novel-| ists fall into the category 'of; "onion-peelers."' "I would suggest that there must be writers with the cour- age to commit themselves on the important issues which face us all," he said in delivering the keynote address at the annual Canadian Authors' Association. Mr. Wyllie defined the "on- fon-peelers"' as writers' who carry on self-conscious mono- logues about their own growing pains as literary hypo- chondriacs who hang their mor- bid anxieties about themselves | and their environment on the thinnest excuses for a plot. "We need authors who will dare more than the formula writer sand will present the public with a provocative pic- ture of humanity as we stand on| the brink of disaster, or on the} threshold of the greatest era in| history,'"' he told the convention at Carleton University. | EXPRESSES CONCERN In other business, the asso-| ciation expressed concem at re-| jection by the Canada Council of a request for financial assist- ance for the association's offi- cial magazine. National President Dr. Helen| Creighton, commenting im her annual report on the council's| decision not to aid the Canadian Author and Bookman, said: "TI -am_ bewildered, for it seems a very 'foolish country that refuses fo foster its auth- ors." A panel discussion om radio and television writing drew both praise and criticism of the pub- licly-owned CBC as the princi- pal market for Canadian writ- ers Allan Sangster, Toronto rei lance playwright and short story writer, said it was practi- wally useless to look to the pri- vately-owned stations or TV networks as a market. "Not only is their program- ming deplorable but they do practically nothing to sustain the Canadian writer or per- former," he said: "We have to look to the CBC." Mrs. Muriel Ross, Ottawa freelance writer, said possibili- ties do exist for writers with the local stations.- Generally, the solution to the marketing problem was to channel the right material to the person who needed it. Year-Round Lakes Sailing | Investigated | WASHINGTON (AP) -- The' Senate passed a bill Tuesday which would authorize army en- gineers to investigate whether year-round navigation on_ the Great Lakes and the St. Law- rence Seaway is possible. The bill, which now. goes to the House, calls for a final re- port to be submitted to Con- gress not later than two years ~ after funds are provided for the study. ral investigation would in-| clude{ waterway de-icing sys- tems 'and methods in use by pri- vate concerns and foreign gov- ernments.- Estimated cost of the study Is ,000. The Senate public works com- mittee noted that navigation on the Great Lakes and their con- necting chanmels is closed, from about mid-December to early April as a result of ice condi- tions. It said the St. Lawrence River Channe] below Montreal also was icebound throughout the winter.' "Present information in di- cates that large capital invest- ment and maintenance expense - would be involved," the com- mittee said, "but the possibili- * ties that further research and investigation might lead to methods that are anecylictih methods that are technically economical and feasible war- rant full and complete studies of the particular problem." The committee said it was not, implying that the two-year, study would result in a final so-| jution for maintaining year- round navigation, adding: "At best, it might be hoped that studies could lead to an ex- tension of the navigation season of perhaps several weeks at the beginning of winter and at the end of winter... ." | Jet Sub-Contract Seen For Canada OTTAWA (CP)--Canada is ex- pected to get sub-contracts for th®new F-111 jet, fighter-bomber "to be built in-the United States by General Dynamics Corpora- ' 'ormed sources here say. Canadair Limited, Montreal! subsidiary. of - General Dyna- mics, is negotiating with its pa- reft firm and, the sources said, expects to get some contracts .. for F-111 components. Other Ca- nadian companies may also en- ter successful bids on. compo- nents, especially in the electron-! ics field.' An iedustry. spokesman stressed that oraers were not likely {0 beg enough to permit Canadair 10,rehire some 5,000 employees it has laid off in re- | cent years. yi al EXTRA STAMPS | al EXTRA STAMPS il § EXTRA STAMPS | EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS al 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 20 EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) 2) 20 WITH COUPON, AND PURCHASE One 12-02. Acrosol Tin BRIDGEPORT SLUG-A-BUG Coupen Expres Juv 3 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 7-0x. Br, ANTISEPTIC LISTERINE Coupon Expires July 3 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One | Gollon Corton 'TASTY TREAT ICE CREAM Coupon Expires July 3 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE Coupon Eapires July 3 WITH COUPON ANO PURCHASE One Phy. of 30 9° puc PAPER Ai ES wi3 Coupon Expires July 3 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 9 fi. ox. Jer © D. SMITH PURE Blueberry Jam WI6 | Coupon Expires July 3 'WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE Any One of 16 Titles GOLDEN LIBRARY BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE WIP Coupon Expires July 3 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE 8-07. 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Any Fieveur -- Kreft Deluxe _ CHEESE SLICES Coupon Expires July 3 wuTaTIOUs BANANAS Counon Expres July 3 ? ; Here's how you play -- 1, Entry Forms for Loblaws TV "Blackouts" ere available in all Loblaw stores covered by CFTO-TV -- Nomely all areas within the boundaries of Metro Toronto, Ham- Catharines, Oshawa, New- ilton, Niagara Falls, St. market, Barrie. Loblaws TV "Blackouts" are simply silhouettes of every- doy objects. Each object will be televised 10 times per day with a new object each day, Monday to Friday, making a weekly total of 5 objects, "Blackouts" will be televised from 10:00 o.m. to 2:30 p.m. on the hour and on the half hour. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday the "Blackout" of the dey will also be posted on Lob- law store windows for customers to view. » These Enter your answer to the 5 "Blackouts" in the 3 spaces on the Entry Form and attach a label from the product of the week (or @ reasonable facsimile), « ¢ THIS WEEK'S "BLACKOUT" PRODUCT WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE SEND IN LABEL FROM PACKAGS WITH ENTRY Mall the Entry Form and label to "Blackouts," CFTO- , Box 9, Agincourt, Ontario OR deposit the Entry Form in your Loblaw store. From the correct answers 10 winners will be notified and invited to appear on the live television show on the following Thursday at 2:00 p.m. on CFTO-TV (Chon- nel 9), and will be provided with free transportation to and from the television studio. The 10 contestants will be divided Into two teams of five. The winning team will win a totel ef 75,000 Lucky Green Stamps, plus Cash Prizes. During the television program en entry will be drawn from all entries received for thet week and if the entry ~ attached theJobel of the Product ef the Week (or imile) thet ean win $500.00 Bf correctly identifying within a specified length of time a special "Blackout" flashed on the screen during the television show. If an incorrect answer is given the $500.00 will be added to the prize of the show of the = week or weeks, NEXT WEEK'S "BLACKOUT" PRODUCT CLARK'S TOMATO SOUP SEND yt Bg i FROM TIN H ENTRY Starts + Today, hiv and SPECIAL! FULLY SKINNED -- HOCKLESS -- TRIMMED OF ALL EXCESS FAT HAM Saturday, June 29-9 a.m. - § pm. CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY, JULY Ist dS EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS HOLIDAY @ STORE HOURS Thursday, June 27-9 a.m. - 9 p.m, Friday, June 28 -- 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. * DOMINION DAY @ FROZEN FOODS SPECIAL! FANCY AYLMER PEAS 2-LB. POLY BAO 45. SPECIAL! SNOW FLAKE REGULAR OR CRINKLE CUT FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 3 x 49. AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS LOBLAWS TASTY TREAT ICE CREAM ve GZ SEB COUPON FOR 50 EXTRA STAMPS SMOKER FOr cree es evtaearevesoees LB. PERFECT FOR THE HOLIDAY TABLE, SUMMER COTTAGE OR PICNICS FULLY COOKED--COMPLETELY BONELESS SPECIAL! SWIFT'S PREMIUM Cooked Hams :«: 2.65 «5.79 SPECIAL! GRADE "A" PRE-DRESSED CAPONS ...... .. 59° SPECIAL! g MAPLE LEAF WIENERS _____. :: 45° SPECIAL! S.X. BRAND RINDLESS SIDE BACON --. : 69° SPECIAL! SLICED SPECIAL! SEE COUPON FOR EXTRA STAMPS SsY'Ss MOKEI BOLOGNA ..... -z 39° CORNED BEEF 3 69° SPECIAL! ALPINE CLUB GINGER ALE or y ] 29: MER COCuTALL «55: pas. oo Ag. PAPER 'on DE i othe 31. RED CARDINAL SPECIAL! STOKELY'S FANC SPECIAL! FANCY Sepia SPECIAL! APPLEFORD'S--100 FT. ROLL SPECIAL! SWEET MIXED NEW CROP FROM CALIFORNIA! LARGE SIZE BERRIES! CRISP AND SWEET! CALIFORNIA'S FINEST! No. 1 GRADE! DELICIOUS TREAT FOR THE WEEKEND! 30-FL. OZ. BTLS. PLUS DEPOSIT WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE Two 11 ft, ox. 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