Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Jun 1963, p. 26

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' Re ll Se Sept sala Ng Sy : : ee very saa ' aes _ \ --Rer lerSale |27--Real Estate For Sole |27---Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate for Sal THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 26,1963 2 pide --_ eee |-4---Houses Bot Rowt (Ba Res Bees te Sele 8 --Oanl Seeks © TAKE SCUGOG -- house, barn, hen|NHA BUNGALOW for sale in Whitby.|25 ACRES -- zy mil of a attached garage. Must/|on 401 Highway, Telephone Bowman- transferred. Dialjville 63 623-5346 evenings. ry the 11 cent sales tax on this house, North ab. Hite IS FRE full ¢ --. eee ae tleciric heated two-storey house and about 20 acres of choice soll, Six rooms, 29--Automobiles For Sale |29---Automobiles For Sale a&TRONG young man, single, ~ honest, TWO-BE) ny ali city conveniences, good sell, owner being able to take direction for shipping de: awa. convenient bus service, $80 oat bungalow located ind sun/near jake, to shipper, ¥ zone Chey eon ee ee eee | rasan. ee k, $1,600. "mith tars. George Koare- reads it nell peeesrs by poreent ieee | $6900. -- FARM HOUSE with §. acres CONVERTIBLE '1962 Ford Eslaxis Veil SELOXS VOLRSWAGER, 3 id ee ew hool, five-| --------___----.- x 2859. Joseph Bosco, itor. | de: |» r quick sale, or con-| hipsuite -\of garden land. I down -payment,| automatic, power brakes, steering. Low/lent condition Jake's and . Bil pone eaatdiacenc = BB Lg oe Poy A 7 'oil heat, 818,000 with low dows eg ane, ave raat SEES Te sider realing. private. Blackstock ; Downtown cone Fg ort ge 623-3672, Keith Peters mileage. Telephone 728-9354 jrage, 449 Ritson South, 728-092). |marage, Available August |, Lease pie et aS ieee tA 128-686,|THREE-BEDBOOM bi bungalow, close te 80487. garage, parking facilities, Very reason-| Realtor. i954 METEOR sedan delivery, rebuili| 1938 CHEVROLET BEL AIR, four-door 4 050 per year ; a. See ee schoole, PRIVATE two-storey house with twojable. Private sale, 728-2391. | FOUR-ROOM bungalow, On One Acre of| motor. good condition. Will take trade sedan, automatic, radio, piwer steer- | 655-3439, |LOT FOR SALE -- 103° tember 1, Asking $12,500. Call 723-2140/kitchens, could be made as separate) bRivaTE SALE -- income property,|!and. Near Mosport. Reasonable price |or best offer, Dial 668. +4500, ing, two-tone, whitewalls and discs. 4 |120", Landscaped, fv eh a walk!) aoe ts We Private sale, NO afente, Prete ne STO UN sell. $7,800! on King West, 16 rooms, nine furnished,|Call Orono 4R6, 1954 PONTIAC two-door, two-tone biue|{°!*Phone 728-838 '25--Apartments_ sins iach Break' Wak, comedian, pase Smee: min Eraee:: teenryt: {four bathrooms. Low down payment) -------------- jand white. A-t condition, radio, $975,[1955 FORD -- eer "good, Price MEN |YOUNG lady has three-room te separate or high school, $40 a eae farm, trostage on BM gy med bo RAVINE lot, 60 ft. frontage by 355 ft. |foe, guiek sale, Telephone mornings or CRERAR / AVENUE -- | Dial 623-3498. $325, or best offer, Apply 174 Church Interested in a C in ee Would" Apart 'oe with | trontase fon oy eves Ne 7 ti anrines, Ca Po Port Perry, 985-2985, Sao, Dal 725-9643, ice aed Uxaneae "iO acres, whh fi =| $12,600. Six room solid | 16 FORD, hardtop, convertible, Vi, fected cto saith HA : 4 o Coreer . costa hat TED _ i v 1955 MET: THE | same. Call after 6 p.m. Dial 72% 92. ary (MANVILLE -- attractive, ONE-STOREY house in Nestleton, four room ranch style bungalow. All conven-| brick, private drive. Immac- bree -- rubber, new" white: res, pot ia gay a ero ONTARIO « |Setueanoe siete pra MER, a St a ey int Slate naa 'ev, ae | 400, w 000. dow: ean gra ag hs | Private oom hydro and hot gag oy | = HARRY MILLEN Real Estate. | Call Marvin Nesbitt,|Smith, UL DOWN |1959 HALLMAN MINX four-door sedan. |1836 | CHEVROLET 1 Bel Air two door Centre Streets, Apt. 2. ne et estleton, 986-4894, CENTRAL toa "SOUTH, near King,| An economical second car. Special|bardtop, 6 cylinder, sta A-1 con. ore 5'8" |THREE-ROOM apartment. Nice, sun- il,oee, Tat e TARES saven-con Brie, boas. REAL ESTATE NASSAU Sireet, six-room 'stucco "house, | ere room stone and brick bungalow. | ee Garaue, 49 Ritson South 7 Bill's! Bepeniie cai wa offer, ----- 2103 | ny rooms, with bath, new c! 3, bath, oil furnace, Property con- 5, _ modern chen, rose 3-' seu riley Padi: yoko ss 'sink, heavy wins. Children welcome. beeper acres, halt sore rast BAGOT ST Telephone Brooklin| Dial 150270 Reasonably priced Collect 1956 VOLSKWAGEN Deluxe, baw ji VOLRSWAGRN | Deluxe, Weag j et strawberr Cook, 4 tor, A-I conditi ce dri on higher. Soeie sURGEBE four rooms, main! Real yy Pg "Call Marvin Nesbit, 9 " SAVE THE NEW 11 per cent tax on a SAVE THE NEW 11 per cent tax on Jake's ant Bill's CP esy eating 785-1741 week days st an 4 ore physically fit floor, heated, share bathroom, | range, 986- 4894, Nestleton. 728 1679 new honis. Only fee modal pernes left. this executive. ranct bungalow on | South. 728-092, 1957 MONARCH h top: WE OFFER pullin coppsards, hardwieg teers fag | MANTRY =, Bal Bites, Baaeh ig ' MOratGh iniace tere Aedes tana wil eis Mh, et WANT YOUR 'SS 2s, in tne cal Mn, tot Rn Annual merit increases $60. th, Telephone 728-7028. Pp oe eo halen. tae! 9714, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728- 7377 | bachtainckimlis sundial: at 668-8480. 3 weeks annual holiday rake GOI Leccak cpacekaL | One ae re ---- Tele | HORTOP AVE. $9,400. NASSAU STREET. neat King, . with pay furnished' or unfurnished, refrigerator, (Phone 726-2 Tereerpeeriems "Rataa: ee: Seve. vay : aoa tena nest. serene ly 6 room brick bunge- t aad Ike Peri ne ew pension scheme den gent Se os Phi hg E sepa aig pletely finished Tar etbe Scvenh Boece Rakion. oc S awa 'S ervice entr e 'aid sick leave . ede ioe ein ee ~*" SCHOFIELD-AKER | nsteyemee usr wre th | ft Training courses for CENTRAL, four-room apartment, heavy r is FOR SALE | THEN CALL YOUR MOVER ' ~ ty wiring, laundry facilities. Ampie, 1 4 pe. bath and 1 2 pc. Chr Ss er-D d P| t odvancement parking, Avaliable duly 1. 7a0-4Me. "| 3 COTTAGES y oage-Fiymoutn-Valiant washroom. Carries for $102. | ATHOL ST. EAST WRITE TO DOWNTOWN -- three-room, unturatah | OFF KING ST. EAST --~ 2 th principal inners! SCUGOG 1 ' bath year old 5 room brick bunge- sink ea . } $9,900. FULL PRICE- in ond Testing Bronch, Sound floor, Handy locaton. su work low. 3 bedrooms, large nla pd ng call tereen Ke Kel- All conveniences of home, Two bedrooms with dining Dodge And Fargo Trucks ' '9 € le. Adul ly. Available July} j room 17 . R } " Parliament Buildings, Pa se Peuebens tek Ke bah Fe ittheg ce oo. lett 723-3770 for further 20 min. drive from Oshawa room. Cnly 13 years old with Ch ryco Pa rts and Accessories: : Toronto MODERN three-room apartment, ue-/ Owner must sell os he hos information. : Lake frontage, Terms can oe © garage. Requires a substan- : OR OBTAIN furnished, $70 monthly includes he at,| Pian th _ arranged, to inspect Phone tial down payment. Call Ed - hydro. Immediate occupancy Tele Purchased another home in Bik Millar 725-1186. Drumm at 728-5123 or 725- a RTS An application form from phone 728-3716 another City gy a - : 9345 W, at your local O.P.P. Office SIMCOR AND ROSSLAND ROAD --| "Ow to inspect. Open to of- | : é | e€ specialize in 353 KING STREET WEST wo bearontn. aba it, for Two Guest Cottage : 3 STR S 18--Male or Female buliding, 'ref erator range, aud st oa nea | 7 RESALE ON ELGIN $1 Fh pale eg Resale Homes TELEPHONE 728- 734) facilities ailable August 1, $100.! H oe 5 y ; : | Help Wanted nonthiy, 298-4972 altel 6 p.m TOWN. -- Sturdy and in ex- | Full Price $550 eerie hong BUNGALOW | LIST WITH LLOYD -tidicaehaihiaonnebiay a YLER CRESCENT, 120 -- Two bed-| cellent corn | . q | : e WANTED Noh | GRIER spartan, $85 naval sabia} a : hem on ur own lot - re Only 2 year old brick -- THEN CALL YOUR MOVER XXXXXXXXXXXXAXXXAXXKAKAKN onthly, Immediate possession. Dia storey brick - the home has Move them: on yo Close to Mary Street and three bedrooms.. This house TAXI DRIVERS 728-4065 "Sy o._large modern bright kit One has airconditioning end schools, very well kept home carries for $87.00 monthly M W FAIRBANKS STREET -- Furnished Chen. Aol sale tg electrical heating elements. Top terms for the balance, including taxes. One open LLOYD REALTY en or omen apartn for rent. Centrally located room with notural fireplace, fs nor his * - Mal Tae 69 or 38.9882 3 good size bedrooms and 4 | One sella for $350 rt egg ENC gi i (OSHAWA) LTD Et we ae ie gE je a $500 18 the full down payment on thie pc. bath. Forced hot air with 6 1) Millor 725-1186 $8.000 FULL PRICE Conk All 26% : 5 #% & ix MERCURY TAX! bungalow located in the country. Cal oil, All this for $11;900 and Call Bill Millar 725 sheaiatigti pia eee CONVENE ESS RRL Tiesto eae KAX RMK XKKK OK g x XX : 1 , N DIVIS nt you r | : 1d Albert Street 725-477) ote eet a) rene eek BA neteoge -- @asy terms W. T. LAMSON ON DIVISION ST " y eta ree puna ran peg! seg 9 down. bing i es Two To Choose From $1,000 Ce er : oraon sporne 20---Room and Board : Call now --.this won't last. | Re : Dawn "ESTATE SALE" | teal Estate Limited fi i # Sea RE fas trea naan ano | STANDS Vauur Citta tetecr ter | DIAL 668-5431 ie i Single room with board for sot 1ARMONY ROAI Nf } 7 oom modern split level 67 King Street East Beoutiful three bedroom bun- "7 png oe hee nee KING AREA | with cothedral type ceiling HURRY PHONE galow on Sommerville Street You YOU REPAY PER MONTH : 1 tad ground floor over living ond dining room. with carport and lockers ANDERSON ST., WHITBY . . : eis' tis Soleanone pore tag is available July st, apply Youngstown family kitchen, BILL MILLAR Two baths. Extra lorge living ign DLE be BORROW: OVER: YOU REPAY: LADY PENSIONER, Protestant, de 795 KING STREET EAST | 3 lovely size bedrooms. Mo a ba | room and ultra-modern kit- brick three bedroom bunga- aires same to share home as compan Dial 723-9292 | dern tiled bathroom. Profes- FITH PETERS 725 86 chen. 6% N.H.A. mortgage fon to bale Saeed at Were $ 300.00 12 MONTHS $26.50 Since' ar beiek cna Woarae Abataions Ag sonelly. Janescnpad [ot and ' Cal} Bil Johnston new. at gain price for cash. Hot wa- and _m smoker. Ajax 942-1687 Habeas seats yatthg Preses W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd 728-5123 or 728-1066. ter heating, stone' fireplace, $1,000.00 18 MONTHS $60.39 LS i . " ie Gk Yona hele beaa ole G vernor schools. Full price $13,800 Realtor 728-7328 67 King St. East, Oshowa "EERNHILL BLVD." gelpole $13,900 oor tor $1,500.00 cite ed $00.75 pine 7283396 eS with @ reasonable down | - sa. vic ST. E $1,500 DOWN sash $2,000.00 S0OMONTHS $76.00 : Ma nsions oo j A Ora Three bedroom bungalow with 22--Offices, Stores, Storage : Listings -- List large lot. Close to all schools, SEPARATE SCHOOL $2,500.00 386 MONTHS $81.11 MODERN OFFICE, 360 square feet Luxury Ings ---- LIS ings $14,500 income bungalow GUIDE REALTY Hurry for this one. Call Bill AND CHURCH | Ane 2 ape eeeey ; with apt. near Duke of Edin- Johnston 728-5123, er 728 | -- Apartments: | St MauteNMe 1% | Rt 'atan emma aver | > 799.1495 ious cures | | TNE CANN OF ee ore ; GENTLY NEED YOUR HOME Reece Sern ene r golow in Whitby. Large New Offices Adult Building NOW. ARE YOU THINKING | ektras: SPLIT LEVEL HOME in North SOMMERVILLE ST. fenced lo, garage, excellent | MXXXXKXXXKXKXKXXXXKKXKXKXKXKKKKKHN : i Flsctle Heat OF SELLING? WE HAVE $13.700 (New home Pork West Area has 3 lovely bed- Ph ; condition. Full price $12,800 In Medical Cente: Moffat Fiesta Ranges WAITING CASH AND Road N. separete school rooms and larger thon av- Large family home with ga- with good down payment. Frigidaires---12 cu, ft. TERM BUYERS. CALL US nearby, N.H.A. mortgage, erage dining room: Large liv- rage, oil. heoting, modern Balance only $82.00 monthly 211 Simcoe St. S. Pressurized Hallways TO-DAY. shode trees, mahogany trim ing room with floor to ceil- rod : Mews $207.00 yer including taxes. Storage Locker in Suites , storms and ing fireplace and expensive Sonthly payments just ; c Available July 1963 sundry seam on aach NEW HOMES. NOW UNDER ps cada al Broodioom. throughout make Hurry cell: Irwin Cruikshanks A REAL BUY HERE . Can be finished to suit floor Pp gg Me -- LOW this a very desirable home now ot 728-5123 or 728- in @ better Whitby home. Ce Teeny. Vanity in bathrooms Ca RYN, PAYMENTS. $14,250. full price, Somer- Beautifully landscaped and 5205 Corner of Frances Street and TRY é i E EAST ville North $1,100. down-- hedged lot with patio, paved i Gilbert Street. 84 ft. front- " A Few Choice END 3 AND 4 HANDY MAN PHONE 725-5132 1 : labl ROOM PLANS Vv BED- carport, stove and oven, dec- drive and attached garage 4 age, fireplace, dining room ~ Ee ee ' Locations . Available U . EUSA crated, storms and screens, Priced ot $22,900. with con DEAL and three large bedrooms Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: LEGAL ) TELEPHONE ¢ penenay CALL NOW 723-2265 Open 9 to 9 -- clay brick. $15,900. --- 4 bedroom bun venient financing. Owner will carry on one mortgage. separote dining room. Shade Little bit of finishing will put this aluminum siding bungo- low in tip top shape. Handy In- Asking price $16,500. spect and moke offer, WELLMAN'S ~ OFFICE SUITE 9AM. to9 P.M. | Sot. 9 to 5. oS ae PORT PERRY--7 room brick to schools, buses, shopping, |29--Automobiles For Sale | ; | PAULINE ' family home overlooking located in north west area EVER sell your s 4 wattle jay Ist, welube | Schofield-Aker BILL MEFEETERS Jastia6 | (nant Posy P hdabgaian Lake Scugog. Living room | listed at $7,700. Call Bill [Nea dyland, "1160 'Deniah "Aventer OPEN TILL 10 P.M. os reception creo and private REG. AKER 725-0201 | se ae teehan as tee | aaa ew a PEORIAD ee eee Tee eee ss : M ee an large kitchen on firs q 22236. mrss cinta ieebnngtintsiindinnee ' j offices decorated to suit Les- Limited Steve' Neen" a aie a, 3 peg ssi floor. 3 bedrooms and closed- Gaebpaets ie eg? porte a Ls seo used tires, | Where Quality And Price Go-Together"' ie ie ors lce pity 723-2265 KEN MORRIS 623-6507 opertment with 3-pce. bath. "4 at ae "4 pag inl gg i | LLOYD aged Dolaes te tmnama suitable ofess u an eo 3-pc. bath. On a lar { : : 1958 HILLMAN Minx, body and inte " TOP DOLLAR FOR TRADES Paul Ristow Realtor, 187: 26--Rooms For Rent 360 King St. W. eT Te re cc On WH ONGOE. tees Rhoee (tat ' "i ry tik chanical i Kin St. E, 728.9474 FURNISHED or unfurnished | stores, churches and schools. VOT Simcoe Street North mah ter Dave OID ar Bie ing St, E., . ' pi ete news a. Free Parking R N practi hia Oshawa, Ontario | 725-5697. bus stop, T lephone 725-0816. _ side tadtiatcs A CTt HER ~---- i961 CHEVROLET sim SUITE on ee REALTOR -- 723-1133 with red clay brick, 512% Open Evenings -- __ tale, Telephone Taasee inal OF MODERN tarot Mns"te" trios. "near ~ METCALF ving and. aring_ room, 3 meee ee O | q a e' parking, close to downtewn. sot McLAUGHLIN BLVD. ~~ iving and dining room, JOHN A. J AIR-CONDITIONED OUT ISLE te te pemtiencs | . Estate Sole -- Six room rug bedroors, aluminum storms 15-DAY room for gentleman.) . hi enl Est brick 2 storey home in ex- and screens; This home has BOLAHOOD OFFICES AVAILABLE Motors. 5 cremeree aae Neve fenere!| =~ Limited cellent condition throughout. had exceptional care. Full : 1962 R bl 1962 P j Approximately 1000 sq. ft. sank nOAD North at King faralahes 40 King St. E New bathroom,. forced air oil price $12,900 REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE amobier ontiac SERVICED BY ELEVATOR, room, iit lady. Kitehea to tare. Pr Dial 728-4678 furnace, garage. Priced right MASSON: §T 6a Z CUSTOM one owner HTP. One owner V-8 oute- ce ec cee vate entrance. 'Telephone | 728-7443 i s with: low. down peyment and WAS ™ : . marty 167 Simeoe St. § 'AS $2295 matic. Fully powered: WAS r ad FURNISHED single room, newly & first mortgoge for balance. WR PUvarS Gry Office Hrs. (9 A.M, te 9 P.M.) | $3095 sot bagel. Woebese NORTH WEST Call Bob Johnston et 723. bedrooms. Large living room, . Now $1995 Now $2895 MORTGAGE! ARRANGED, BOUGHT & SOLD Large 4 bedroom two storey 1133, evenin SU ORs ; gs 725-9568, 723-3474 PONTIAC INN -- Rooms, single or} [O™M@ with attached garage ATHOL ST. EAST--Two and gah aa vine ae Yigapes | Lot to be cleared by | 1959 Pontiac 1959 Cadill % double. Television privileges. Free park seen to be ready for occu- a half, 9 room red brick ch oe HB lon WILLING "LIE aditiac ing, Weekly or nightly rates. 725-9035 pancy. Separate dining room, fianhh: now vacant. shainly $12,900 ; dah STRATO-CHIEF Radio Very CONVERTIBLE, --_ Executive 23--Wonted To Rent FURNISHED room for two brothers or family sized kitchen, two sd : é a Yes, the owner is willing to | uly 12th Clean. WAS $1495 driven, 41,000 miles. WAS ~« two friends or ene single gentleman washrooms. Large lot, well reduced in- price with special TRESANE STREET --- 6 room consider any reasonable of- | | $3195 . SaNEES ee eile | Dial Pao ese lecated wade Ga deemene features. Hot and cold woter brick and stone 2-storey fer on this 4 room home with | Reduced $1295 $ . ed apartment, close to hospital. Want-| FURNISHED bedroom with all conveni-| and schools. Total $19 on third floor, very suitable home, 3 bedrooms and 4-pc new aluminum siding. Hot = Now $2695 ed by two adults. Telephone Whitby ences, continuous hot water. five min Oh a for large. family or roomers. bot upstairs, Beautiful pan- water oil heating, hardwood 1762 CHEVROLET. SEDAN ] 668-5612. Se utes to downtown, Apply 137 Simece| 9700.00 -- N.H.A. mortgage Asking now $12,500. with elling in living room and din and tile floors lat 99° x 66" New car condition, mileage 959 Chevrolet 1959 Ch | ee oe See ee pandas en ne adie WHITBY TRI-PLEX reasonable down payment. ing room. Give us 9 call to Located on Nipigon St. near | 7200 | .BISCAYNE One Owner 6 cyi- alae et awa for July 1. Good tenants. Tele-|(------~-- oe - Gall Wes. Elliott at -723- inspect this well _locoted all schools, bus and shop- | | ,inder, automatic. Radio. BEL AIR V-8 Automatic THO WED ROOM rine renner ATTRACTIVELY eee, cee yak the nicest | 1133, evenings 728-0581 home ping. Ask for Mr. Yeo at | 1960 CHEVROLET BEL AIR | Like opel radio. Top value. WAS $1498 pee a Nhe Ass agen Bicol crvheay FURNISHED ROOMS apartments rent for $110.00 ity oa od alow JUST OFF KING ST. EAST. fae ents Rade, bie oo TOP | Reduced $1388 Reduced $1388 fan-eiai ask for Mr. McBurney. Asai lic Ie pitts bonis e cick ae eee this pépulat toeetion. on % ecre of lend ae RETIRING "Body and Mechanical Con- | 1958 Pontiac a v; ' " c 5 e i: 0 xa. ' ey 1 tore hor it rivat Th, ' Adults) require 2 or S-bedroom, home, Cal between 5 and 7 p priced, see this one soon, Hg ye ited S44 . sive and tae pliant Mall neat gitrective small dition Excellent" 1959 Volkswagen DELUXE Radio 6 cylinder preferably north-west area, for August ' . ww ic ' me in north-west orea, has aaecae z Tor earlier, Cali 728-9143 anytime, 82 PARK RD. Semi-detached home for sale, Johnston at 723-1133, even- cabin in garden. Buy this only one bedroom, large kit- 961 7 One owner up to 40 m.p.g standard, Very clean. WAS 1961 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR THREE-BEDROOM house, virinity of NORTH brand new, Ritson Rd. N. --- ings 725-9568. home Urder V:L.A chen and living room, base- STATION WAGON, Automa- WAS wee $795 a 'al Ww Road South near school. With ' 7 aoa . ment, oil furnace, batt 5 3 pigs Mer pn to buy. 'Telephone 78 oy Bag fown sh SMALL ARM = 96) acres COMMERCIAL LOT with by Aluminum - siding le cen re ger Tastee ca" Ow Oo ear $895 27--Real Estate For Sale 2037 afer 5. THREE-BEDROOM house in Whitby, s950.--DOWN. close to | ries $90.00 which cludes principal, interest and extra good soi! with seven room house, drilled well, bath room home on Wilson Rd. 5 near King St. E. Good loca storms and screens. Asking $6,500. Let me show upkeep, 1955 Chevrolet ' r. Income Rome, toxes and of course there are , : ee ees eee eel tes bodes diva shed, gorge ond chick: tight at only 314500," , You gM® one, and. 'make | 1960 CHEVROLET SEDAN | BrL AIR. Fried inflam, DELUXE 6 evlinder standard AJAX Lo Whitby "areay three-bedroom (7256297; Joseph Bosco, Realtor. 72 4 house. ge 3) $9.00. ee on offer. Call Mr. Rankine Clean | and Sharp "One ing black. V-8 ol and transmission. Very clean. Rese poe bah ron A gene by Amen &. 17. pe SRC Ie Se See 2 OPEN EVENINGS Til NINE Auane po 318 ster Coll DAIRY FARM --~ 6 miles ot 725-6544, j Owner". radio, WAS $10 WAS $595. Responsible tenants. Telephone Osh- FIVE BOOM tas beaten Accs, Dial 728-4678 Wes Elliott at 723-1133, from Oshawa 4-corners. 100 10 ROOMS | 1959 FOR AA Now Reduced $395 0408. : ae : : i ' kabl h run- AXLE TW DUTCH working girl would like bed oe ad churches. bus John Kemp _ Dick Barriage evenings 728-058! a pablgake aaa rebel Income home, 2 large mod- DOOR HARD TOP Autome. : 1955 : \ plore Aaom dw Sake onl GAVE ia te ae, ee Lloyd Metcalf | Open evenings until 9:00 p.m home, 5 bedrooms, attached ern kitchens, 2-3 pc. baths, | tic, Radio--"A Real Dream | 1955 Chevrolet Buick 728-5360. jon this NHA bungalow in the Eastend, ; _ oe Deon = Ooome 299 ei cab yest 789-1199 garage. Milkhouse with bulk oil heat. lot 65° x 200'. | Car'. DELUXE, Radio 5 new ti HARDTOP ' GOLBO RMS BERRES KAGE Sires 4, ful price wt: hermes. Actor espa aueeees nr Trad neritic Owner lives in half, other | Above ae WAS $695, ae ee. WAS $49. room unfurnished apartment, bedroom, Weinberger. 723-7244. Joseph Bosco, | half rented to good tenant at | kitchen and living room. Immediate pos. Realtor. 728-7377 VIA Soe 1959 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe | Now 495 session. 728-8112 LOT -- 100 ft. frontage by 100 ft. deep. ee nod back "pes a Ue Po RS a Marvelious $ Now $ 1 45 Moir in village TWO-BEDROOM modern apartment, in c ---- _ 906~ 4410 after 5. p.m. apartment building, close to hospital OPPORTUNITY Lorge family kitchen. 4-pc bathroom. Aluminum storms Perry. Close to all schools 1955 Pontiac 1955 Pontiac HARDTOP. Finished in Aut $95. monthly. Adults preferred. Avail. able August 1.' 728-6876 and screens. Many extras. and shanning. Askina $1,900 1958 CHEVROLET SEDAN / SEDAN v8 Standerd Trans- UNFURNISHED four-toom apartment Priced at $11,900 down with excellent terms Radio = "Working = Man's umn Yellow oad Frost White mission "'Best Buy In Town' ail conveniences, private entrance Ask for Mr. Yeo at 725. Choice" new tires's. 'Sharp!'--- WAS $595 Closé to downtown or bus. Adults only Excalient offering of modern INCOME PROPERTY on 6544 | | PONS er ae SOPs Now $295 Dal ee ee EP! ond old' homes, forns, small | Montrave --- 5 suite aport- Ross} AND RD Ww 1957 PONTIAC LAUREN Now $595 Ait ecreages ond lots, ot reason- mare building: All units rent SEA RO WEST TIAN FOUR DOOR HARD 1954 Pl h : idk. Salcka' Caw Silas Boe . ed including steve and re- Five room white frame bun- TOR) Batio- Adiens 19 2 k | ymout AWANTED poe Pee frigerators. Owner will ac- Solow with' Ven pieluneence a shnachlail 52 Chevrolet CONVERTIBLE. One owner, efficient courteous service cept bungalow es down pay- ott i tic -- "Body ond Upholstery DELUXE. Neat as r radio, tires "I late' by reliable people, o1""Niwcal"Mavtey 905 Te rang Mes tape as a Ua nin THREE BEDROOM: | 2327, Coleb St. Port Perry. | d d 6\/ y 4 den look nd Pho ae $A mane 2 nterest rate re uce 10 614% ON | witso RD. neor king. 6 | fm _lccking oemt Phone | | Now $450 Reduced $550 apartment, duplex or KEITH REALTORS | Ree gr 2 storey brick home "Exceptionally Good Car" | d drooms. Home has re- | ; ALL C.M.H.5. RESALES SOMEONE MANY MORE MODELS house possession July 31 LTD. | 725-8643 Houses Available in cently been redecorated ond the price reduced to $12,500. PRICE REDUCED on ao 'eln- tively new eight-opartment ls golna to net an excellent buy in this 5 room 11% stor- ey brick home with paved drive end. garage. It's easy to see thot the owner has taken 1953. CHEVROLET SEDAN Transportation Special $69. 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN~- IN STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM build: h s ' | WHITBY CLASSIFI ED AJAX Bungalow, semi--$] 1,000 _ ing Foie bP gia 'okay real pride nt 'both the inside Transportation Special $195. | f é r's ; : " r ond outside o is Fine home { ~ - 3 BAY RIDGES. Bungalow, detached--$11,300 Sek ne ees | Bay 81000 down ard GS a FOR A BETTER BUY SEE ' ' ' ' 1 : ao month. To inspect. ask for For an Honest Deol } , FOR RENT -- Three room, self-con- SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service \W/1-4|T BY. Bungalows from $10,950 to $11,900 'that will pay for itself. in a a Traein, Fe inapect, Oak for : oan tained apart t 55. on calls, W Ward, 204 Chestnut 2 vir BO ee a | KEN MURRAY ' oly 209 Brock Street 'Sogn, MO B4077. treet. West, 'Whitoy 668-2560. Split-levels from $12,100 to $13,250' ve" KING ST. EAST See "TED | EN MURR ED. WELLMAN ries m4 |DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dres in NEWCAST INCOM rom Jer -- one etecsaeed seem iate- 'gre Ng? scree, Spee Fen OSHAWA Bungalow, detached -- $16,250: ay ak ie | ie kaa | Anistinae Food Telephone o6e-ases. FOR 1 RENT -- Three room apartments. SCARBOROUGH Split-level ~-- $16,600 $10,900 n'91-000. Must old pps +. ay brick TED CAMPIN ve pee ee god Ps agen aca be ' sold e Ow re! leasing fen h parcaioe wr beens: é a 'a (0 © [S FOR RENT Zig Ganire Soe South " panghene eeainiay. way and. attached gorace w th : | ectric doors, Part finished | Boating and Camping iron 6a BENT -- Three rooms, self" con- CENTRAL, MORTGAGE Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 pm he Ae a te MOTORS D. Equipment" (Seet aamies tessa : + or ful prtelor cll 723-1121) ROP SIG, taeytae teuse | | I : aS ens oe s lovely lorge ms, H a \BICTOLE, fall soe boy's bicycle, i, & HOUSING CORPORATION <1 daihe Wolo, ward wea tae | OOF KING. ST. EAST | : WI LDE 00d gonjition. Apply 668-2315 NG a Leon Manitius Steve Engle ohana St aieaenie | AUTHORIZED DEALtn SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt_service : Steve eure Lloyd pal bathroom 'with verity Must OSHAWA ' "RENTAL Srrect Weeks Whlby, emer Toronto 731-245] shawa 728-6003° . Jeon Peoceck Luce Penn eer rng ey ee | Sr reet * iiby. 608-256 oro 4ON+o4 ASIN 49-OUUS « Jear acock Lucas Peo | LES FOR RENT -- Four rooms and bach a Flintutt ane Bis h_ reasonable ee ' ' Ground- floor, heated, rea-/(9 a.m. te 5 rm) (9 a.m. to 9 p.m payment, Call 'Mr. Appleby Gust East of Wilson Rood) 100 NON 2UON RD. 728-7351 1415 DUNDAS EAST 'Eepabie rent Cantal. Stable fo th Saud es shat g GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | 725-6544 or inate es e os : WHITBY 668-3226 [fessor ane Om, : Reciters, 16 Simece $t. . | WE LIST ONLY TO SELL aie ayia | (Continued on Page 26) 5c ceitpeeee ite ae

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