Petersen Case Brings Queries 19308. From Officials 125, 1961, just because an RCMP security renort said Mr, Peter- sen's father-in-law was a Com- varty membey in the 'ommons Tuesday, David Orlikow, New Democratic ior Winnipeg North, asked Defence Minister Hellyer OTTAWA (CP)--Aritied gto been og the political belie¢fs of a intelligence officers are being grilled in the Petersen caso. relative determine whether a evvigeman is judged a security| High officials of the defence' risk. department are asking intelli-| \ review has gence officérs why Eric Clifford|menced," said Mr. Hellyer. Petersen, 31, of Victoria was| Mr. Hellyer also confirmed lawyer Lloyd McKenzie on Mr.| Petersen's behalf. Mr. Peter- sen, who served 10 years in the) navy, has said he wants his name cleared. ' | A naval' spokesman said Mr. | babar a petty officer, sec-| nd class, at the time of his re- lease, had done well in the navy and was given an honorable dis. charge, | In security cases, the actual been com.|reason for discharge does not)being given more serious con, appear on the discharge papers. Evéry armed forces recrult is: | | waste conference was told here) discharged from the navy Nov.|receipt'df'a letter from Victoria) checked fo security. eyes, now. used for treating many in-|used in a packaged compound | THE OSHAWA. TIMES, Wednesdey, June 26,1963 23 dustrial. waste products, more|unit for treatment to laundry potentials exist for this purifica-|'\'astes--mainly foaming prob- tion item." lems caused by synthetic deter: Greater knowledge of active sand proved successful in carbon use should be made) Tecent research, Mr. Sigworth known to 'disapprove some be- Said. liefs that treatment costs are) too high to justify its application Active Carbon Purifying Tool HONEY fA&RBOR, Ont. (CP)| Tuesday. Active carbon is a "versatile E, A. Sigworth of New York, purification tool' which now is\a special technical representa. ltive of the West Virginia Pulp sideration in the waste treat-jand Paper Company, told. the ment field, the annual industrial! conference: DIEF OFFICIATED : BELFAST (CP) -- Dundonald 0 euens were: House, which will house North-| ern Ireland's ministries of edu-) WASHINGTON (AP) Senate In the waste treatment field, active carbon succeeded in bio- cation, agriculture and labor, | logical degradation where few jas been officially opened here.) Sigworth said. ~The investigations subcom- mittee accused officials of the chemical compounds failed, Mr. The building's foundation stone/American Guild of Variety Art- was placed by former prime ists (AGVA) Tuésday of conniv-| "Although active carbons are| Powered active carbon wasimmister Diefenbaker in 1961. 'ing With international vice rack- A&P STORES will be... CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY | JULY Ist -- DOMINION DAY "DONT FORGET TO BUY EXTRA BREAD FOR THE LONG WEEK-END" Ag CASE OF 12 TINS '4.00 SAVE 44« PINEAPPLE- GRAPEFRUIT 3 : i 0 1 . fl-exz tins a DRINK JANE PARKER CHERRY PIE 45: Pineapple: Grapefruit | Drink. . | ho SM REG. PRICE 37¢ TIN SAVE IE large 24-ox ple reg. price 55¢ SAVE 10¢ Jane Parker, Orange or Lemon Reg. Price each 59c--SAVE 10e CHIFFON CAKE ~4% IONA PEARS CASE OF 24 TINS $6.32 -- SAVE 6de Reg. Price tin 29e--SAVE 3=7 Jane Parker Reg. Price loat 22c--SAVE 7e BREAD 60% Whole Wheat y] 24-07 loaves 3). Jane Parker Reg. Price pkg 39¢--SAVE 4c Cinnamon Rolls -- +35: CHOICE QUALITY, SLICED LIBBY'S BEETS aS CASE OF 24 TINS $3.92 -- SAVE 28¢ Reg. Price 2 tins 35e--SAVE 4e a9 FROZEN FOOD FEATURES Soythland, French Cut Reg. Price 2 pkgs 49c--SAVE 10¢ GREEN BEANS 2:--3% Crinkle Cut, French Fried HENLEY, CHOICE QUALITY FRUIT OCKTAIL 2 CASE OF 24 TINS $9.00 -- SAVE 36¢ Reg. Price tin 39c--SAVE 3¢ 73> A:P POTATOES -~.-4% 28-fl-oz Pennywise, Beef or Veal Reg. Price pkg 55e--SAVE 15¢ tins STEAKETTES = 2-95: ANN PAGE KETCHUP Reg. Price 2 btis 39c--SAVE 2¢ Reg. Price 53c--SAVE 4e ser 9B 7c MONARCH TEA BISK:--49, é btis SCOTT, WHITE & COLOURED TOILET TI SSUE Reg. Price pkg 45c--SAVE 66 4-36: SAVE CASH! POPULAR BRANDS ROBIN HOOD, ROYAL DELUXE CAKE MIXES Reg. Price pkg 43c--SAVE 6¢ <a, (CIGARETTES WHITE, CHOCOLATE CARTON OF 200 SPICE, BANANA OR DEVIL'S FOOD SANITARY NAPKINS CONFIDETS Reg. Price pkg Sle~SAVE 13¢ 2=89.\'39 MONARCH COLOURED MARGARINE SAVE 20¢ Reg. Price 4-Ibs 99c--SAVE 10¢ - x 9 pkgs THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY LTD. « ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, JUNE 29th, 1963 FOOD STORES A&P MEANS DEPENDABILITY 'B-Girls' Union 'Cleanup Urged éts which held some "'B-girl" members of the union from Can- ada in "literal bondage." Senator John L, MoCiellan (Dem. Ark.), the subcommittee chairman, in a report to the Senate unged that the labor de- rtment force on AGVA @ jouse - cleaning which he said the union's show fio "¢ of attempting themselves. he subcommittee based 'its report findings on testimony re- ceived in public hearings in June, 1962, but said it has seén no evidence since then of any intent to clean up conditions, In the testimony, B-girls were defined as entertainer - host- esses in taverns and nightclubs who would sit with customers at tables and solicit them to buy thom drinks. The report described AGVA, a union for entertainers, as a branch of the Associated Actots and Artists: of America which, jo turn, is affiliated with the AFL-CIO, ' The report dealt at length with an alleged recruitment 6f B-girls in Canada thi an employment agency linked with AGVA. The girls were recruited with false promises of teaching them a career, the report said, It charged that some of the girls were forced into prostitu- tion and "held in literal bond- age" by mobster night club owners in Hurley, Wis., and Cal- umet City, Ind. In Toronto Tuesday Art Bur- gess, branch manager of AGVA said: "The fact of the matter js that I have to screen appli- cants and Certify to the United States immigration that they are legitimate acts." He said the screening detects "undesirables" and under - age girls. Even exotic dancers, he said, have to show the union they have been booked into leg- itimate U.S. nightclubs. "Besides," he said, "why would American gangsters want prostitutes from Toronto; they hape zillions of their own down there. - "Tt sounds like a poor attempt to write a novel." Resale Price 'Fixing Act Fought TORONTO (CP) -- The Retail Merchants Association of Can ada, which had given condi- tional support in 1960 to federal legislation outlawing resale price fixing, came out Tuesday against the legislation. ' The association's directors agreed at a meeting here that section 34 of the Combines In- vestigation Act has not proved satisfactory, and has created additional problems for both re- tailers and manufacturers, Section 34 forbids manufac- turers from specifying the re- tail prices of their products and from - exercising sanctions to maintain those prices. The directors concluded that if it is not politically expedient to repeal the 1960 legislation, the Combines Investigation Act should be amended to make il- legal the use of loss-leaders for their advertising value or for attracting customers. Loss-leaders are items sold at less than cost price by the retailer, with the intention of drawing customers who will buy other products as well. They decided to send a dele gation to Ottawa July 5 to dis- cuss the act with Prime Minis- ter Pearson, Finance Minister Gordon, Justice Minister Chev- rier and Trade Minister Sharp. Heading the delegation will be David A. Gilbert, national gen- eral manager of the Retail Merchants Association. Quebec Forbids Discrimination 'In Hotels QUEBEC (CP)--The govern- ment introduced an amendment to its Hotels Act Tuesday night, banning racial or religious dis crimination in hotels, restaur- ants and camping grounds. ~~ But legal action under the sec- tion may only be taken with the written approval of the minis- ter of tourism, game and fish- eries. ; " The change was made after numerous groups complained that anti-discrimination legisla- tion in the bill was weak. The new clause says that fo ewner or operator of a hotel, restaurant or camping ground shall refuse food, lodging or available service to anyone "'be- cause of race, creed, color, na- tionality, ancestry or place, of origin." : ee Lionel Bertrand, minister of tourism, fish and game, said ajp- proval of his department before any court action,' appeared es- sential to prevent blackmail and bothersome prosecutions." He said inquiries made by his department had .shown that many complaints of discrimina- tion had beén exaggerated. ° WRITES BOOKS Elliott Arnold, story consult- ant for the Rawhide western series on television, has written 16 non-fiction books and. two novels, = ,