ee ee r 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesiey, June 26, 1963 PRAISES PEACE TEAM | Pension Schemes Conference Urged OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis- ter Pearson has proposed a fed- eral - provincial conference on pensions and related welfare schemes. His suggestion is contained in a June 20 letter to the 10 provin. cial premiers. The letter was _--" in the Commons Tue3- y. Mr, Pearson asked the pre- miers to reply whether such a) conference is acceptable. After| he gets these replies, he would Suggest a date for the confer- ence. Mr. Pearson feferred to the} government plan, announced last week, for a 'Canada pen- sion plan." But he said this by itself will not be enough to meet a num- ber of other closely-related problems. : "The provision: of benefits for widows below pension age with dependent chi!iren, for orphans and for disabled persons are matters of mutual concem for federal. and provincial govern- ments. WOULD RAISE QUESTIONS "Since the inclusion of these benefits in a federal program would raise jurisdictional ques- tions, they are not a part of the proposed Canada pension plan." Mr. Pearson noted that sev- eral provincial governments in- dicated to former prime minis- ter Diefenbaker that they were willing to have the jurisdictional question clarified. Ais In my opinion this is an area which requires full consult- ation and discussion between federal and provincial govern- ments, in order that a satisfac- tory approach can be worked out." / He indicated that Ottawa " Would reveal to the proposed conference what it has in mind for such benefits, Also involved was the ques- tion of joint federal-provincial programs for. disability allow- ances, and, old age assistance-- shared-cost pensions for those aged 65 to 70, subject to a means test. Mr. Pearson added: "The time required to explore these various possibilities, how- ever, need not delay immediate steps for the improvements for our older citizens." Under the Canada pension plan, benefits would be related to previous earnings and would be combined with the existing flat-rate old age pension of $65 monthly for all at age 70. The new scheme would give pension-|, ers the option of getting "an ad- justed pension" from age 65. The resolution preceding this legislation--not yet dealt with by the Commons--was attached to the letter to the premiers. The resolution also calls for a $10 increase to $75 monthly in the flat-rate pension. Mr. Pearson said there still would be a place for private pension plans. However, growth of such plans had raised a number of special problems. "The absence of vesting of employer contributions inte r- feres with labor mobility. The lack of assurance that contribu- tions are set aside for future re- tirement, when an employee leaves. a firm, tends to weaken the effect of such schemes in making adequate provision for retirement benefits. "The solvency of private pen- sion plans also continues to be a concern." Whitton Denies Statement On Russia, U.S. OTTAWA (CP)--Mayor Char- lotte Whitton says she would like to know the name of the "friend" to whom she is re- ported to have stated she would sooner live in the U.S.S.R. than in the United States if her life depended upon the choice. Mayor Whittcn, back in Ot- tawa after attending the annual meeting of Ontario mayors and reeves at Pembroke, said in a statement she did not remem- ber saying any such thing. - The only time she remem- bered. discussing Russia was when the reeve of Algoma South told her that the Algon- quin Indians in his riding said the Russians must have been so impressed with Princess Pretty Woman that they decided to} send a woman into space. Miss Whitton was reported earlier from Pembroke to have said: "If I had my choice and my life depended on either the United States or the U.S.S.R., Fd take the U.S.S.R." She visited Russia this spring. Verwoerd Firm _ On Apartheid CAPETOWN, South Africa (Reuters) -- Premier Verwoerd told Parliament 'Tuesday his government would not: yield to! outside pressure to change its policy of racial separation. He. was replying to Opposition Leader Six De Villiers Graaff who said earlier the govern- ment's internal policies were cfeating uncertainty, confusion and-insecurity. - , Verwoerd .said the govern- ment believes in its policy and was not prepared to give away anything. If there were follow- ers of the, government who ex- pected concessions the govern ment would not hesitate to tell plans ready had such legislation. Mr, 'Pearson said several pro- vinelal governments have €0N-),ealed to the Senate foreign re- sidered supervising the private/iations committee for to make WASHINGTON (AP)--United) States state department spokes-) men lauded the Canadian and) jLaos Tuesday for exposing) i*Communist bad faith' and winning free world support for neutralist Premier Souvanna Phouma's policies. They ap- legisla-| sure certain tion to authorize continued U.S. sion. la {nadian parliamentary practice. standards are met. Ontario al-|financial support of the commis-| The right of abstention wasjocratic and Social Credit par- bit hazy until Monday night'sities. - Right To Abstain {dan menvers o'tne nes! Seams Cemented OTTAWA (CP) -- Barring a;mass refusal to vote by 14 New rules change if the future, the|/Democrats brought an up-to- privilege of an MP to refuse to/date ruling on the question by |vote for or against a motion in Speaker Alan Macnaughton. |the Commons appears to have been firmly cemented into Ca-|the of mae abst may see fur- mays abstentions this ses- sion, especially from New Dem- Both parties have publicly op- posed an election so soon after those of April 8 and last June 18, 1962, They are committed to giving the minority Liberal gov- ernment a reasonable time in which to put a program: into ef- fect. The reasonable time has been variously estimated as up to two years from last April 8. = But there may be times when either of the smaller parties or both agree wth criticisms of the government by the official opposition, the Progressive Con- servatives. {appearance of giving the gov- When the Conservatiyes--ém-' body these criticisms in a non- confidence moticn, the smal! parties- are in difficulties, Pas- sage of such a motion would mean another election, some- thing they are pledged to pre- vent, : On the other hand, defeat of a non-confidence motion with the help of their votes can have the ernment a clean bill of health, So on Monday night the New Democrats announced they agreed with the criticisms of the Conservative non-confidence jected this, and affirmed a 1945 motion bat would not vote for the motion because such a step would be interpreted as break- ing their public promise to give the Liberals a_ reasonable chance to govern. The course chosen was abstention, Opposition Leader Diefen- baker challenged their action, quoting various authorities on parliamentary procedure in sip- port of his contention that an MP who remains in the cham- ber must declare for or against a motion being voted on. Speake Macnaughton re- opinion" by a former speaker, James Glen, in the case of an individual MP who abstained frpm voting. Mr, Glen noted that a Commons rules commit- ee in 1944 turned down the pro- \posal hat an MP be required to vote if he remains in the chamber when a vote is called, vy OFF TO CAMBRIDGE LONDON (CP)--Dr. Robert Dear of the University of West- ern Cntario's chemistry depar*- ment is coming to Cambridge University on a post-doctoral fellowship. » | be YOUR DOLLAR BUYS < MORE AT AcP! Fresh Fruits and Vegetables - Arriving Daily NO. 1 GRADE, GOLDEN RIPE, CHIQUITA BRAND BANANAS Imported, Fresh, Fluffy White Cookers, No. 1 Grade, Washed Fresh, New Crop, Navels, Excellent for Eating «cz: 59e GRAPES <x tsi 2% California, Santa Rosa, The Best Of Them All, No. 1 Grade CABBAGE 0s. ness: California, Hand Selected Quality, No. 1 Grade 14-0z plastic tube 2 5 Carolina, Yellow Flesh, Finest for Eating, No. 1 Grade heaping qt 3 5 Cc Florida Pascal, Tender, Sweet, No. 1 Grade NEW POTATOES = 15% ORANGES <x: size 17¢'s PLU MS Finest Eating heaping ¢t 49: TOMATOES PEACHES cello bog of 12 A ec CELERY STALKS California Valencia, Sweet, Juicy, Fancy Grade 5-lb cello bag 69: California Red Cardinal, No. 1 Grade Native Green, Fresh, New Crop, No. 1 Grade »10 California, No. 1 Grade, Full of Juice 2-25: eae SPECIAL THIS WEEK INSTANT COFFEE 'THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY fT. FOOD STORES A&P MEANS DEPENDABILITY SATURDAY, JUNE 29th, 1968 them where they were wrong. , ALL PRICES IN THIS AD wee THROUGH he FARM \ X AéP Handles Only Meats From Federally Inspected Packing Houses SM SHANK PORTION | 49: lb Ju: FULL CUT, HALF HAMS -- NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED SHANK HALF »53« » BUTT HALF «59 « WHOLE HAMS +53: COOKED, READY TO SERVE OKED HAMS BUTT PORTION CENTRE CUTS OR STEAKS 4 TO 16-LB AVERAGE PRIME RIB ROAST 1 CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF -- SHORT CUT 69: Sweet Pickled, Vac Pac COTTAGE ROLLS Burns CANNED HAMS 8X Brand, Assorted COLD CUTS hb Shopsy's (or Cole Slaw) -- 12-oz Plastle Container POTATO SALAD Snowbird Brand SOLE FILLETS Super-Right, Smoked, Sliced, Rindless SIDE BACON sibin 2.69 Hb rks © Qe rroren DQ AQ Hb ots & Qe 49c Smoked, Cooked, Shopsy's Instant Smoked Super-Right Brand, All Meat SMOKED WIENERS Burns or SX Brand CANNED HAMS Picnic Style PORK SHOULDERS Corned Beef Sandwich CORNED BEEF Cooked and Breaded COD PORTIONS WIENERS 4% raitin] 49 243. Zrerrts 3M »45< hin Bc Highest Quality Foods at Genuine Money-Saving Prices! CANNED LUNCHEON MEAT (2c OFF DEAL) IVORY LIQUID McLAREN'S CORN RELISH FRENCH'S PREPARED MUSTARD BRINGS OUT ALL THE FLAVOUR ACCENT BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE! | STEAK SAUCE" 2.31. CLARK'S GOVERNOR Reg. Price tin 47o--SAVE Se 2-85. Reg. Price btl 950--SAVE AN EXTRA 66 89. Reg. Price jar 37---SAVE 60 31: Reg. Price Jar 20c--SAVE 20 Reg. Price ctn 98o--SAVE 9e Reg. Price bt! 3ie king size plastic bil * 15-fl-oz jar 24-fl-oz jar JUBILEE HOT DOG HAMBURG SWEET DILL CHEESE SPREAD ---55: BORDEN'S, PLAIN & PIMENTO CHATEAU CHEESE ----31: TUFFLEX (WITH SILICONE COVER) lroning Board Pad -89: Price pkg 360---SAVE 4e Price set 990--SAVE 100 McLAREN"S RELISHES MIX-OR-MATCH CRISPIE SWEET GREEN 12 btis 99: THERE IS AN A&P STORE LOCATED NEAR YOU --- CHECK BELOW ... 1150 SIMCOE STREET N. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. LOTS OF FREE PARKING ~ OSHAWA 501 RITSON ROAD S. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. LOTS OF FREE PARKING OSHAWA - 223 BROCK STREET N. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. LOTS OF FREE PARKING WHITBY 185-187 King at Liberty OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. LOTS OF FREE PARKING BOWMANVILLE